Posts Categorized: Diversity

Breaking the big firm

Posted by & filed under Big Firms, Billing, Diversity, Talent.

My strongest, greatest fear by far, if it’s not too soon to look to the “other side” of this financial system meltdown and general economic interregnum, is not that things in law-land will look overly different when we emerge, but that they won’t look different enough. That observation comes from Bruce MacEwen of Adam Smith… Read more »

Branding, blogging and the attention economy

Posted by & filed under Diversity, Marketing, Technology.

Every online community loves a meta-conversation, a discussion about the community itself, and the blawgosphere is no exception. But even by those standards, the explosion of posts ignited by a article on women law bloggers was remarkable for its strength and immediacy. Published yesterday, the article posited a relative absence of women blawggers (rather… Read more »

Preaching to the choir about innovation

Posted by & filed under Diversity, Innovation.

Legal Times reports the release (2nd ed.) of Fair Measure: Toward Effective Attorney Evaluations, by the ABA’s Commission on Women in the Profession. Fair Measure offers law firms instructions and materials to help them conduct performance evaluations free from gender bias. And it offers us a useful prism through which to view the most important… Read more »

Towards diversity in law firms

Posted by & filed under Big Firms, Diversity.

Diversity in the practice of law has been on my mind the last few days. Partly it’s thanks to a confluence of events, such as the second annual Call to Action: General Counsels’ Summit on Diversity, which starts tomorrow in Arizona and gathers 150 top GCs to find ways to increase diversity among their own… Read more »

What diversity looks like today

Posted by & filed under Demographics, Diversity.

Back in November, before this blog started up, the National Association of Law Placement published some analyses of its 2007-08 NALP Directory of Legal Employers, an annual compendium of legal employer data. You may have already seen these results, and I apologize for the redundancy if so, but they only belatedly caught my eye in… Read more »

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