
Legal Pages



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An Absolute Necessity for your WordPress Website.

Have your pages up and running in just a few minutes with this intuitive plugin.

Force your website visitors to agree to your Site's Terms, Disclaimer etc using its lock down features.

SKU: LegalPages. Category: .

Product Description

Clickbank , Google AdSense and most reputed Affiliates have zero tolerance towards sites that run their ads but don’t have proper policy content that keep their site visitors informed.
It allows you to force your website visitors to agree to your Site’s Terms, Disclaimer etc using its lock down features.
Legal Pages comes with 17 different ready-to-use policy templates.

17 Built-In Legal Page Templates

  • Terms of Use
  • Linking Policy
  • External Links Policy
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Refund Policy
  • Affiliate Disclosure
  • Privacy Policy
  • Affiliate Agreement
  • Amazon Affiliate
  • Earnings Disclaimer
  • Anti-Spam Template
  • Disclaimer
  • Double-dart Cookie
  • Facebook Privacy Policy
  • FTC Statement
  • Medical Disclaimer
  • Testimonials Disclosure

EU Cookie Provision

EU Cookie Law requires that you inform users that your site uses cookies, with option to lock scripts before consent.

Legal Pages’s unique EU Cookie feature allows

– Your website to comply the European cookie law
– To inform users that your site has cookies with a popup
– To have an option to lock scripts before acceptance
– To block scripts if cookies are not accepted

Key Features

  • Powerful & Simple WP Plugin – Easy to install & use WordPress plugin. This plugin can be installed and legal pages added to your website in 5 minutes or less!
  • Forced Page/Post Options – Force your website visitors to agree to your Terms, Privacy policy, etc using our lock down features. Use this on both your WordPress pages and posts.
  • Extended Menu Options – Exclude ANY of the legal pages you create from your custom menus. You tend to see legal pages in the footer menus so now you can quickly remove them from your header menu and include in your footer menus with these extended options.
  • Custom Shortcode Integration – This plugin is heavily integrated with short codes. So not only is all your business information you fill out based on short codes but so is the templates themselves and the custom templates you can create.
  • Easy To Edit Pages – The pages that you create with our templates are full functioning WordPress pages, so they show up in your pages listings and are just as easy to edit and make changes to. So you have full WYSIWYG editors and tiny MCE options just like with any other page.
  • Pre-built Legal Templates – Currently we have 17 built in Lawyer approved legal page templates to choose from. These templates were created by a internet attorney which overall tend to be more versed in the internet laws etc.