- published: 22 Aug 2008
- views: 140690
The chin or the mental region is the area of the face below the lower lip and including the mandibular prominence. It tends to be smaller and more rounded in human females, while bigger and more square in human males. It is formed by the lower front of the mandible. In humans there is a wide variety of chin structures, e.g. cleft chin.
In human evolution, the chin is a cladistic apomorphy, partially defining anatomically modern humans as distinct from archaic forms. Non-human anthropoid apes have a simian shelf for example. Elephants are the only other animals considered to display such a feature, although this leads to debate over the use of the term.
The chin emerged during the Middle and Late Pleistocene, but its origin and biomechanical significance are the subjects of controversy. Prominent hypotheses include buttressing the jaw against stresses resulting from speech or chewing as well as simple sexual selection through mate choice. With the advent of more advanced computational facilities, finite element analyses have been used to support hypotheses involving mechanical stress. On the other hand, increased availability of data regarding sexual dimorphism in chins has also lent support to the sexual selection hypothesis as sexual dimorphism is more difficult to explain under other regimes. It is possible that multiple causal factors have played a role in the chin's evolution.
A log cabin is a dwelling constructed of logs, especially a less finished or architecturally sophisticated structure. Log cabins have an ancient history in Europe, and in America are often associated with first generation home building by settlers.
Construction with logs was described by Roman architect Vitruvius Pollio in his architectural treatise De Architectura. He noted that in Pontus (modern-day northeastern Turkey), dwellings were constructed by laying logs horizontally overtop of each other and filling in the gaps with "chips and mud".
Historically log cabin construction has its roots in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Although their origin is uncertain, the first log structures were probably being built in Northern Europe by the Bronze Age (about 3500 BC). C. A. Weslager describes Europeans as having:
By stacking tree trunks one on top of another and overlapping the logs at the corners, people made the "log cabin". They developed interlocking corners by notching the logs at the ends, resulting in strong structures that were easier to make weather-tight by inserting moss or other soft material into the joints. As the original coniferous forest extended over the coldest parts of the world, there was a prime need to keep these houses warm. The insulating properties of the solid wood were a great advantage over a timber frame construction covered with animal skins, felt, boards or shingles. Over the decades, increasingly complex joints were developed to ensure more weather tight joints between the logs, but the profiles were still largely based on the round log.
Log Cabin Chinking
What is Chinking? ... How to chink a log cabin.
How To Apply Log Jam or Chinker's Edge Chinking
How to Apply Perma-Chink Log Cabin Chinking
On The Chin - Kings of Leon (Audio)
Chinking Tutorial
How to Apply Perma-Chink Log Home Chinking
Martin cabin 6-3-09 chinking log walls
Log Home Chinking Made Easy
Tutorial Combos Del The King of Fighters 98 Chin Gentsai
Do your own log cabin chinking - Joe shows you the tricks for how to chink a cabin.
http://handmadehouses.com/ "What is that "stuff" I see between the logs?"... It's a common question I get all the time from those who are first exposed to traditional log construction... and so in this video I share the basics about chinking... how it was originally installed and a brief summary of how we do it today. Later this year I will be putting together a detailed step-by-step process in how it is properly installed. Chinking is perhaps the most critical part in constructing a log home... one if done correctly will ensure a cabin will last for centuries, and one that if done poorly, will result in the loss of a cabin due to rot within a few short years.
Tracy Hansen of Stormbusters Inc. demonstrates the difference in application techniques in with Log Jam and Chinker's Edge chinking. He also touches on how to apply a thin line of chinking with a caulk gun and the Snorkeler machine and create a nice smooth clean edge with a foam brush. This is installment one. Check out the other Sashco videos explaining the differences between Log Jam and Chinker's Edge. Sashco is a manufacturer of high performance caulks, sealants and stains. Since 1936, we've been leading the way with innovative and quality products for your home. From chimney to foundation, Sashco provides the best wood stains and sealant solutions for almost every area on your home. Visit www.sashco.com for more information.
Listen to Kings of Leon on Spotify: http://bit.ly/KOLspotify
This video shows how the log walls are chinked with brick mortar.
Comentar suscribirse y like para mas videos!!!! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/emmanuelblas.cano TWITTER: https://twitter.com/5tengodream Bueno señores aca les traigo un tutorial de combos del kof 98 (Chin) todo esto sin combos infinitos ni nada raro...todo legal :P si quieren mas videos de tutos del kof dale a like o suscribirse. no se olviden comentar que les parecio el video o si quieren que suba otro con algún personaje en concreto. Gracias por su atención malandrines!!!
Do your own log cabin chinking - Joe shows you the tricks for how to chink a cabin.
http://handmadehouses.com/ "What is that "stuff" I see between the logs?"... It's a common question I get all the time from those who are first exposed to traditional log construction... and so in this video I share the basics about chinking... how it was originally installed and a brief summary of how we do it today. Later this year I will be putting together a detailed step-by-step process in how it is properly installed. Chinking is perhaps the most critical part in constructing a log home... one if done correctly will ensure a cabin will last for centuries, and one that if done poorly, will result in the loss of a cabin due to rot within a few short years.
Tracy Hansen of Stormbusters Inc. demonstrates the difference in application techniques in with Log Jam and Chinker's Edge chinking. He also touches on how to apply a thin line of chinking with a caulk gun and the Snorkeler machine and create a nice smooth clean edge with a foam brush. This is installment one. Check out the other Sashco videos explaining the differences between Log Jam and Chinker's Edge. Sashco is a manufacturer of high performance caulks, sealants and stains. Since 1936, we've been leading the way with innovative and quality products for your home. From chimney to foundation, Sashco provides the best wood stains and sealant solutions for almost every area on your home. Visit www.sashco.com for more information.
Listen to Kings of Leon on Spotify: http://bit.ly/KOLspotify
This video shows how the log walls are chinked with brick mortar.
Comentar suscribirse y like para mas videos!!!! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/emmanuelblas.cano TWITTER: https://twitter.com/5tengodream Bueno señores aca les traigo un tutorial de combos del kof 98 (Chin) todo esto sin combos infinitos ni nada raro...todo legal :P si quieren mas videos de tutos del kof dale a like o suscribirse. no se olviden comentar que les parecio el video o si quieren que suba otro con algún personaje en concreto. Gracias por su atención malandrines!!!
0:00 • Winners finals: MCZ|Tokido (Duo Lon, Iori, Chin) VS Misterio (King, Saiki, Yuri) 15:16 • Losers finals: OLD|Frionel (Mr. Karate, Chin, Iori) VS Misterio (Saiki, King, Yuri) 40:15 • Grand finals, first set: MCZ|Tokido (Duo Lon, Iori, Chin) VS OLD|Frionel (Kyo, Mr. Karate, Iori)
Subscribe to Crufts: http://bit.ly/CruftsSub Ch. Yakee Ooh Aah Cantona the Pekingese wins the Toy Group Judging at Crufts 2016 ---------------------------- Winner's Interview: http://bit.ly/2dPxRtS Toy Group Judging Through the Years: http://bit.ly/2eL8GqZ Group Judging 2016: http://bit.ly/1OpYwEK ---------------------------- The breeds in the Toy Group are: Affenpinscher Australian Silky Terrier Bichon Frise Bolognese Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua (Long Coat) Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) Chinese Crested Coton De Tulear English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) Griffon Bruxellois Havanese Italian Greyhound Japanese Chin King Charles Spaniel Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) Maltese Miniature Pinscher Papillon Pekingese Pomeranian Pug Yorkshire Terrier ---------------------------- Connect with...
Subscribe to Crufts: http://bit.ly/CruftsSub It/Gre/Rom/Fi/Spa/Port Ch. Cinecitta' Sasha Baron Colen the Maltese wins the Toy Group Judging at Crufts 2015 ---------------------------- Behind the Scenes with the Toy Group: http://bit.ly/2fjvEHC Toy Group Judging Through the Years: http://bit.ly/2eL8GqZ Group Judging 2016: http://bit.ly/1OpYwEK ---------------------------- The breeds in the Toy Group are: Affenpinscher Australian Silky Terrier Bichon Frise Bolognese Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua (Long Coat) Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) Chinese Crested Coton De Tulear English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) Griffon Bruxellois Havanese Italian Greyhound Japanese Chin King Charles Spaniel Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) Maltese Miniature Pinscher Papillon Pekingese Pomeranian Pug Yorkshire Terri...
Grand final for The King of Fighters XIII (KoF XIII) at EVO 2014. Players: MCZ Tokido (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Chin) vs Qanba Xiaohai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim)
Visit us on: http://vid.io/xonV Check out our new channel "FARMEES" : http://vid.io/xqQd Check out the new Bob The Train video here: http://vid.io/xonU Follow us on FACEBOOK: http://vid.io/xqR7 GOOGLE+: http://vid.io/xqWi TWITTER: http://vid.io/xqWq INSTAGRAM: http://vid.io/xqWo WORD PRESS: http://vid.io/xqWc PINTEREST: http://vid.io/xqWv Babies! Do you'll know why all members of this Finger Family look different? Because they're the Shapes Finger Family! And they're all in 3D. So put on your big fancy glasses and wave out to them. So we have the rectangular Daddy. The Mommy at the heart the Finger's. Brother square. Sister circle and Baby triangle. Children let's sing the Finger Family nursery rhyme to their diversity and make this family sway with pride! They've also brought along some g...
The Grass Championship Doubles Tournament Tournament 4 of 6 Semi-finals Bob Chin/George King vs Carol Ark/Cassie Nova Game info: Title: Andre Agassi Tennis Release: US Platform: SNES Settings: Difficulty: Professional Match duration: 3 sets More info on Sports Games CPU Tournament Series: http://sgcts.shoutwiki.com If you have idea for what game should we hold a competition season on next, feel free to say it in the comment below.
kof 97 Psycho Soldier Team Modo Historia (Athena, Kensou, Chin) the king of fighters, history mode,
Subscribe to Crufts: http://bit.ly/CruftsSub Full coverage of the Toy Group Judging and Presentation from Day 2 of Crufts 2017. ---------------------------- Toy Group Winners Through The Years: http://bit.ly/CruftsToy 2017 Group Judging: http://bit.ly/Crufts2017Judging Crufts 2017 Day 2: http://bit.ly/Crufts2017Day2 ---------------------------- The breeds in the Toy Group are: Affenpinscher Australian Silky Terrier Bichon Frise Bolognese Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua (Long Coat) Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) Chinese Crested Coton De Tulear English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) Griffon Bruxellois Havanese Italian Greyhound Japanese Chin King Charles Spaniel Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) Maltese Miniature Pinscher Papillon Pekingese Pomeranian Pug Yorkshire Terrier ----------------------...
I was just a kid roamin' around travelin' through a little ol' town
A man walked up and said come with me you're broke and son that's vagrancy
I carefree lad that love to roam but Lord I wish I'd stayed at home
The way it looks I'll prob'ly hang cause there ain't no hope on a chain gang
I dig that ditch I chop that corn I curse the day that I was born
I believe it's better for a man to hang than to work like a dog on a chain gang
[ ac.guitar ]
The guard stands there with a great big gun I bet he'd love to see me run
And I guess I prob'ly will some day I'd rather be dead than to live this way
He's well fed and he's six foot tall and he's a meanest of them all
He cracks that whip and he swings that cane the sun must've touched his brain
I dig that ditch...
[ dobro ]
I gat a gal back home that's sweet and kind and she's been waitin' a long long time
I just told her to forget my name I won't ever live down to shame
Lord deliver me from this hole before I lose my mind and soul
The place gets weak and the back gets broke ain't no cause to laugh and joke
I dig that ditch...