#BlackLivesMatter Founder Opal Tometi Visits C-U

BLM Opal Tometi

Opal Tometi, #BLM founder, and members of Black Lives Matter: Champaign-Urbana

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20-Plus ICE Raids Reported in Champaign County

Fuck ICE lgA longer version of this article originally appeared in Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Four men in unmarked cars showed up at the Shadowwood trailer park, where many Latinos reside in Urbana-Champaign. It was 8 a.m. one cool morning this past October, and José was getting ready to go to one of his three jobs. He heard a knock at the front door; when he opened it the men came inside. They never showed him a warrant. They wanted to know his name, and then put him in handcuffs. José noticed the badge on one of the men’s belt and guessed it was immigration, or “la migra.”

After being put in the back of a car, José was driven to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office in St. Louis. He said that one the worst parts of the experience was not receiving anything to eat the first 24 hours he was in ICE custody. It was “very difficult,” José said in an interview. He currently has a deportation case pending, so he has been given a pseudonym to protect his identity.

Stories like José’s have become increasingly common since the beginning of the new Priority Enforcement Program (PEP). Due to this new policy, Champaign-Urbana has seen more than 20 ICE arrests since Summer 2015.

Hundreds of immigrant families from Central America seeking refuge in the United States were targeted by ICE in a series of New Year’s raids in the first days of 2016. But this was only the most visible campaign in the recent shift of policy.

Over the last year, the Obama administration has quietly stepped up efforts to stem immigration. The PEP is to replace the much-maligned Secure Communities, in which ICE was going after undocumented immigrants for minor offenses. Under the slogan “felons not families,” Obama said his administration is now going after those who have broken immigration laws, and “especially those who may be dangerous.”

Yet much like the earlier program, ICE is still going after people with relatively minor charges, mostly DUIs. In many ways, these aggressive new tactics are worse than the previous ones, and have set off a wave of fear in Latino communities.

Shifting Priorities

By mid-2014, Secure Communities, the policy that won Obama the title “Deporter-In-Chief,” had become unenforceable. An April 2014 ruling in the case of Miranda-Olivares v. Clackamas County found holding someone on a 48-hour immigration detainer, the key function of Secure Communities, to be illegal.

One of the earliest to withdraw from Secure Communities was Champaign-Urbana. In 2011, the Immigration Forum came together to convince the sheriff to opt out.

In response to the failed Secure Communities, the Obama administration crafted PEP. On November 20, 2014, Jeh Johnson, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary, released a memo outlining guidelines for PEP. It places an emphasis on immigrants who were engaged in terrorism, participated in street gangs, and had previously been apprehended for unlawful entry into the United States.

Listed under “Priority 2” are other offenses such as burglary, illegal gun possession, sexual abuse, and drug trafficking, as well as more common charges like Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and domestic violence. Most are being arrested on these lower priorities.

In fact, under PEP, ICE agents have the authorization to take even bolder actions. Now instead of just picking them up at the jail, as they did with Secure Communities, ICE is going straight to people’s front door, their place of employment, or the county courthouse to find them.

Immigration in the Midwest

There is a growing Latino community in Champaign-Urbana, many of whom have gained citizenship, and some who remain undocumented. Latino immigrants clean hotel rooms, mow lawns, and cook in back kitchens. Some come as seasonal workers who toil in the corn fields managed by multinational agribusiness giants like Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM).

Because students drive up the cost of housing, many local immigrants like José live in trailer parks on the outskirts of the city. They also reside in small, economically depressed towns like Rantoul, just 20 miles from Champaign-Urbana, where the immigrant population has tripled in the last 15 years. Many work at the local pork plant, Rantoul Foods. Empty barracks and an abandoned hospital at a closed Air Force base provide housing. Some have been here long enough to save up for a house, which can be purchased for as cheaply as $40,000.

José first came to Champaign-Urbana from Mexico some 20 years ago and has never sought to gain citizenship. He has easily found work and been willing to labor long hours to provide for his family. José has two children, both of whom were born in the US and attend local public schools. In the past year, José was arrested after police were called for a minor domestic incident involving one of his teenage children. He paid his fines and has been dutifully attending anger management classes. But his arrest put him on ICE’s radar.

Jail Town

After spending three days in a jail cell in St. Louis, José had a hearing over a video screen with a judge in Kansas City, Missouri. José was then sent to the Tri-County jail in far southern Illinois where three of the counties are so small that they chipped in to share the costs of operating the jail, which was built in 1997. It’s located in Pulaski County, in the town of Ullin, with a population of less than 500 non-incarcerated residents, about 80 of whom work at the jail.

Many have heard of the “prison town,” but this oddity may more aptly be called a “jail town.” The counties have a few dozen people housed in the jail, and the majority of the 230 beds are rented out to ICE.

José said that inside the jail there were “many Latinos,” several he talked to who were there for DUIs. It took him about a month to raise the $10,000 bail before he was released. He currently has deportation proceedings against him, for which he had to spend another $5,000 to hire an attorney. Fortunately, he was able to return immediately to work after getting out of jail.

Fugitive Operations

A snapshot of the population at the Tri-County jail on October 1, 2015 was obtained through a public records request. It shows on that day 118 people were being held for ICE. A category of what are called “Fugitive Operations” includes a total of 26 individuals who were swept up under the new PEP mandate. In these cases, teams of ICE agents travelled hundreds of miles to knock on the front doors of wanted individuals.

Of the 26 missions carried out by ICE agents, 17 were for DUIs. Only one person had charges of terrorism in a case that dated back to 2008. (There are no names provided, so it is impossible to research the charges.) The wide majority caught up in these raids are not those named as top priorities.

In Urbana-Champaign, members of the Immigration Forum have been tracking the stories of José and others visited by ICE since the summer. They have identified at least 20 people who have been arrested. Most tell stories of ICE showing up at their front door looking for someone. ICE picked up one person at the nearby hog plant. In a couple incidents, they met people at the courthouse who were showing up for their hearings. Several have been picked up for DUIs. Representatives from the group have held workshops with concerned families in the local public schools to quell fears and teach people their rights.


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“Old” Urban Renewal in Champaign-Urbana, 1960-1969

"Smashing Success": 918 N. Poplar St.: first to be razed in Champaign’s urban renewal program in 1968.

“Smashing Success”: 918 N. Poplar St.: first to be razed in Champaign’s urban renewal program in 1968.

Forcing people to move from their homes is one of the most intrusive exercises of state power. It is difficult to overstate the combined financial and psychological impacts that the loss of a home has on an individual. It is even more difficult to accurately measure the long-term effects of losing a home in terms of other life opportunities. Forced residential displacement disrupts the social support networks and survival strategies used by people in their everyday lives.

What “home” means to most Americans is often very different from political discussions of “housing.” The actions of local contractors, home builders, lenders, insurers, appraisers, real estate agents, and others all make up a unique local network that determines the availability and cost of housing in any given community.

National urban renewal, 1954-1974

“Old urban renewal” officially began in 1949, when Congress stated that new houses should be built across America in order to realize “the goal of a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family.” Congress provided billions of dollars in federal resources to local authorities to redevelop “blighted” areas over this twenty-year period. Urban renewal’s original goals were clearing industrial slums and rehousing the poor in public housing.

Legal historian Wendell Pritchett’s “discourse of blight” became central to justifying urban renewal policy. “Blight” was posed as a disease that threatened to turn healthy areas into slums. By declaring specific real estate property dangerous to the future of the city, renewal advocates were able to change the law to expand the state’s ability to use eminent domain against its residents. During this time, “scientific” approaches to cutting out “blight” and other inefficient land uses combined with the judiciary’s re-definition of “public benefit” to create the destructive racial legacies that urban renewal carries with it today.

“Old” urban renewal officially ended in 1974. Between 1954 and 1974, urban renewal was associated with bulldozing an estimated 2,500 neighborhoods in 993 cities. Most of these residential units were older tenements and single-family homes that typically housed African-Americans. Urban renewal “slum clearance” did not clear slums at all – it merely relocated them within the city. It is estimated that around 1.6 million people were forced out of their homes from urban renewal redevelopment projects. Nationally, “old” urban renewal displaced poor city residents, did not adequately provide for their relocation, and seemed dedicated to increasing downtown urban wealth by getting rid of the less affluent through forced residential displacement.

Urban renewal-based residential displacement broke many existing social networks, causing widespread emotions of sadness, grief, and depression at the individual level that were widely documented by sociologists, psychologists, and housing experts. These negative emotional impacts were the strongest and the longest lasting for those who had strong ties to family, friends, and neighbors who were also from the neighborhood that was redeveloped.

“Old” urban renewal in Champaign

“Old” urban renewal came to Champaign in 1960, when a Citizens Advisory Committee on Urban Renewal (CAC) was formed from an initial community meeting with Mayor Emmerson Dexter and 30 local residents. The primary issues debated in our community over the next nine years were:

(1) Desegregation of housing in the C/U community
(2) Champaign’s poor city code enforcement
(3) Concentration of public housing in the North End
(4) No equal opportunity for local minority contracting.

(1) Desegregating housing

The first public opposition to the idea of C/U doing an urban renewal project occurred in early 1962. Despite the planning director and City Council’s attempts between 1960-1964 to avoid committing to desegregation simultaneously while implementing urban renewal, the C/U community insisted in public sessions and neighborhood meetings that we could not do one (urban renewal) without the other (desegregation).

On March 31, 1963, after nine months of preparation, traffic engineers and urban planning consultants Harland Bartholomew and Associates presented its plan to the city. The General Neighborhood Renewal Plan contained six projects covering 227 acres, requiring 800 families to be relocated, with 200 not to be disturbed. Of the existing 941 structures, 52.5% were planned for complete demolition. The first public hearing on the 1963 draft urban renewal plan was held on December 20, 1965. Two spectators spoke in favor of the plan, and 30 voiced opposition. One of the public comments made was: “One thing that is confusing me is that we’ve all had men come out and tell us one thing but when they get back to the west side they talk differently. I’ve heard some people say that if this project goes through I’ll make a killing off these Negroes in the North End.”

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Shaded areas slated for total demolition in Champaign’s “old” urban renewal. Source: “First Area Chosen for Urban Renewal,” Courier, March 31, 1963

Concern for the “human side” of urban renewal was voiced by several community groups at this time. Their primary fear was that the city was only concerned with improving the structural condition of the neighborhood, and not the situations of its residents. From early 1964 through mid-1965, those who lived in the proposed renewal area began to get more actively involved in CU’s “old” urban renewal controversy.

The main opposition neighborhood group was the Northeast Neighborhood Homeowners Association, led by Reverend A. W. Bishop. This North End neighborhood had about 70% owner-occupied homes, and its residents were a median age of 50 years old. Their primary concern was losing their homes, their single largest asset. The minutes from a community meeting on January 25, 1966 stated:

“…they were too old to leave their homes which they owned and purchase news ones. They felt they would be forced into renting, and said, ‘I worked hard for my shack, and I intend to keep my shack till I die,’ and ‘All my earnings, all my savings are in that home. My husband is sick and not able to work, and I’ve already got enough problems without losing my home.’”

These residents tried to save their homes in order to avoid being placed into public housing, because urban renewal and public housing seemed two sides of the same coin.
The Champaign-Urbana Improvement Association, one of the groups that had previously opposed the project, reversed its stance in mid-1964 with the following “reservations”:
“We don’t unanimously agree that urban renewal is the best thing for Champaign’s North End…our experience in the past is all we can go by, and we have seen it fail in other cities, at least what most of them have is not what we want…but we must do something to help stop a problem that could get out of hand given 10 years or more…so we support this with the following reservations:

1. The cost of new homes must not be beyond the ability of the average wage-earner now living in the area to purchase and maintain.
2. Profiteering on the part of private developers should be discouraged.
3. Reasonable assurance should be given and a climate established whereby displaced persons may be allowed to buy homes outside the renewal area.
4. A fair price should be paid for homes taken, and after the sale, if the occupants did not have sufficient funds to purchase their property, they would he subsidized by the government with low-interest loans to assure adequate housing.
5. Homeowners located in the renewal area whose homes are classified as substandard will be allowed to bring their homes up to the present code requirements.
6. Public housing should be minimal and be designed as not to take on the appearance of ghetto housing.
7. Developers in the renewal area must hire Negroes in all job categories.”

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Investment property owner John Barr failed to sign UIUC housing’s non-discrimination pledge, yet was still appointed new CAC chair by Mayor Emmerson Dexter in 1965. Source: Carrie Frank (1990) “Injustice Sheltered: Race Relations at the University of Illinois and Champaign-Urbana, 1945-1962” (1990)

By the June 2, 1965 meeting of the Neighborhood Committee of the CAC, the mayor had appointed John Barr, a local realtor, as chairman of the Committee. Mr. Barr stated that he thought there could be an urban renewal plan that truly benefited the North End if the people in the area participated in creating the plan: “Urban renewal could help the community of Champaign-Urbana, but … it was a grave error to have a plan without much participation from the people affected.” Mr. Barr further said that although urban renewal could possibly create more problems than it solved, it was foolish to try to separate urban renewal and integration. Soon after, the CAC issued a statement supporting a program that fostered integration.

(2) Lax City Code Enforcement

After two local children were killed in a 1953 fire from a structure burning so rapidly they could not escape, public opinion demanded that the city do something about housing conditions in the North End. As a response, the first minimal housing code in Champaign was created, which prohibited dirt floors and designated space requirements per person. However, enforcement remained the primary problem. City code enforcement relied on complaints, not routine inspections. The League of Women Voters reported that not only were “the offices of the building inspectors understaffed and neighbors unwilling to make complaints, [but] in the absence of routine inspection or complaints from others, many violations, particularly in the poorer neighborhoods, [go] undetected.” Even more, “public opinion, unfortunately, does not support enforcement.”

The community continued to debate the merits and potential pitfalls of implementing a local urban renewal program as a solution to local conditions of “blight.” Planning Director David Gay explained the City’s perspective on renewal at the time:

“…one alternative is simply to practice rigid enforcement of the city building codes…but then the city would have no legal obligation to relocate occupants of substandard housing: it would not be liable for damages to property owners and it would not be required to purchase the condemned property at fair value. The trouble is that slums are profitable to some property owners. Properties there are cheap and can be paid for in a short time. There is no upkeep required and they provide income for the life of the property.”

This perspective on upkeep of residential property in the North End (“none required”) is representative of attitudes held by both individual property owners and early city code inspectors at the time. Not enforcing city codes is one of the ways Champaign’s local government contributed to creating the “blighted” conditions urban renewal was supposed to solve.

(3) Housing Authority of Champaign County (HACC) promotes segregation

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Source: Courier, September 23, 1963

Housing in C/U before “old” urban renewal began was too expensive for the majority of its residents. In 1951, Champaign built 70 public housing units for whites and 70 units for blacks; Urbana built 99 for whites and 26 for blacks. African-Americans and whites were segregated, but “equal facilities were provided for each group” according to the League of Women Voters. The African-American project in Champaign was called Birch Court (locally known as Burch Village, new mixed income development re-named Douglass Square in 2005). The cost of Champaign’s two projects was $1,470,000, but only 21% went towards constructing Birch Court.

The HACC restricted residential eligibility by income and race at the time, as well as previous housing circumstances. In Champaign, a six-person non-political committee gave consideration to the length of residence in the community and to the “character” of the applicant. The tenants were expected to be “good risks for the prompt payment of rent and to be cooperative citizens, not trouble-makers.” The task of selecting tenants along these lines was clearly highly subjective, and mistakes were probably made. The very poorest families were ineligible because their incomes were not steady or large enough to pay the minimum rent necessary by federal financing rules. Many African-Americans’ incomes were declared too high for public housing, but they could not find better privately-owned housing because of color restrictions outside the North End. As a result, there were four eligible applicants for every vacancy.

Many residents opposed the segregationist practices of the housing authority. Two lists were kept: one white and one black. Housing was thus not provided on a first-come, first-served basis. This created intense distrust and suspicion in the run-up to Champaign’s first “old” renewal project, because the inclusion of public housing as part of the renewal plan was vigorously debated.

In 1965 to push Champaign’s urban renewal plan forward, the mayor drew a line in the sand: “I can tell you right now that if the units are not to be placed – in the urban renewal area, all meetings on the subject might as well ‘go out the window.’ There will be no urban renewal unless these units are built inside Project I.” Despite a three-hour public hearing during which “councilmen listened to 13 talks favoring the urban renewal plan and 26 opposing it,” on November 17, 1966 Champaign’s Urban Renewal Project I was approved by a 5-1 City Council vote.

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Source: Courier, November 17, 1966

The tensions around urban renewal and race relations came up early and often in the beginning stages of CU’s Old Urban Renewal project planning. As Mr. Barr explained to HUD:

“Early in the planning period we were advised that urban renewal and race relations were two separate problems and we should not try to mix the two. We have learned, however, that at least here in Champaign the two problems cannot be separated…despite this awareness by the City, some of the conflicts have not proved fully reconcilable. The most intense and concerted ‘segregation’ charge has involved the proposal to locate sixty units of public housing within Project I. This problem has been consistently opposed by civil rights groups and others concerned over the possible perpetuation of the ghetto pattern.”

By 1969, 106 out of 135 total families targeted for “old” urban renewal in Champaign had been relocated. Resident relocation problems were complicated by the existing practices in the segregated housing unit assignments of the HACC. Because applicants had been assigned to the housing units on a racially segregated basis, at this time the CAC issued a formal request that the HACC assign public housing on a first-come, first-served basis. Even though City Manager Browning said that City Council did not want to put pressure on another public body, City staff at this time recommended that the HACC fill all vacancies in public housing units on a first-come, first-served basis without regard to race. But debate in Champaign continued over the placement of public housing relative to urban renewal areas in the North End.

Public pressure against concentrated public housing was incredibly intense. In September 1971, over 200 citizens from Champaign’s North End attended a Champaign City Council meeting in a protest against a proposed public housing project in the urban renewal area. “The north side of Champaign,” declared a spokesman, “is already over saturated with public housing. As a result of increased density, crime rates will increase, traffic will become unmanageable, sanitation problems will become worse and property value will decline greatly.” Jim Williams, director of the Champaign Department of Environmental Development, in 1973 described these protests as basically racist: “the residents were concerned about black minority people in the area.” Two of the most vocal leaders of that protest were Jim Cross, a Champaign fireman, and his wife Linda, who lived a block away from the proposed North Harris Street site. The Crosses raised a zoning petition later passed by the Champaign City Council to prohibit additional public housing projects north of University Avenue. They argued that the city dumped the public housing projects north of University Avenue “because other areas of Champaign have the prestige or influence to stop such projects.”

(4) Unequal opportunity for local minority contracting

Urban Renewal Project I moved forward in Champaign regardless of community debates, and 1969 brought additional race-based community challenges in the process of selecting a developer. Creative Buildings, a local Urbana firm, already had a contract to build a 72-unit apartment project in the renewal area for Mt. Olive Baptist Church. Creative Buildings had promised to help organize a black construction firm to help handle the on-site assembly of pre-constructed housing modules for the new planned urban renewal development, but CAC members expressed doubt about hiring Creative Buildings.
CAC Vice Chairman Henry Spies said he “was not sure banks would finance such a firm, even with backing from Creative Buildings.” Chairman John Barr said that since the housing modules would be pre-built, “I can’t see what work besides a little painting and site preparation remains to be contracted.” Mt. Olive Baptist Church Reverend James Offutt argued that the proposal would both create jobs for blacks in the Creative Buildings factory where the modules are built, as well as on the assembly site in the renewal area. The relocation officer for the urban renewal department told the CAC that a number of black skilled craftsmen in C/U had been unable to find work because of trade union discrimination. Another committee member said he doubted the unions would accept constructing the housing project with non-union labor. However, some unions had apparently indicated a willingness to allow black craftsmen to work on projects in the urban renewal area, and to admit them to the unions afterwards if they were able to “prove themselves.” Reverend Offutt scoffed at this, saying: “That’s ironic, I have to ask the person with his foot on my neck for permission to work in my own area.”

The Champaign City Council had the final choice in selecting a developer, but the CAC eventually recommended who it considered had the best design – Lippman Associates out of St. Louis. This recommendation was made despite not knowing whether Lippman would be willing to make an extra effort to employ local craftsmen.

President of Creative Buildings Roy Murphy appeared before City Council during budget hearings later that year to protest his company’s treatment in the bidding process. He argued “there had not been a fair opportunity to bid openly and competitively on the housing projects.” CAC member Harry Spedes responded by saying the project specifications were provided by the Federal Housing Authority, and the CAC’s recommendations for a developer were based on “what they believed would be the best plan for the area.” Robert Pope, a conservative Council member on record as opposing Champaign’s urban renewal project, argued that Mr. Murphy’s critiques of City contracting were unfounded. Mr. Pope argued that local construction companies would naturally benefit from urban renewal, “even those which will not receive any of the contracts, such as those owned by several of the city councilmen,” because “if certain companies are engaged in federal projects, fewer companies would be left to handle the normal business.” But when African-American skilled craftsmen were not allowed into local unions, their real opportunities for receiving local contracts remained incredibly slim. There might have been positive market effects for the local white construction companies using unionized labor, but not for local skilled black craftsmen.

Pope’s reasoning does not engage with the real issue here – that local prejudice against African-Americans went so deep that it affected trade union membership, which directly affected skilled black laborers’ local job opportunities and therefore earning capacity. The result in our community was a network of contracting and hiring preferences that benefited white laborers and businesses directly at the expense of blacks.

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Source: “A Community Report – Twenty Years Later: The Status of the Negro in Champaign County,” League of Women Voters (1968)

Housing desegregation, poor code enforcement, local public housing policy, and unequal opportunity for minority contracting were the major issues in “old” urban renewal debates in Champaign. It is very clear that despite widespread and vocal protest by African-American residents concerned about unequal outcomes, the City staff and elected officials responsible for Champaign’s “old” urban renewal project had their own opinions and agendas. These agendas disregarded the repeated voiced preferences of an entire group of citizens. The events discussed here also indicate a changing racial climate leaning towards desegregation. However, discrimination and community resistance to real racial integration continued.

Second in a series.

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Natalie Prochaska is an urban planning consultant who specializes in diversity and inclusion issues related to housing provision and community development and a CU native. She currently divides her time between Illinois and Europe and enjoys being a volunteer with grassroots anti-incarceration efforts in Champaign.

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Cuba Libre?

By David Prochaska

President Barack Obama visited Havana March 2016. Perhaps even more important, the Rolling Stones played a free concert right after. Commercial airline flights to Cuba are likely to begin in October. Even as the US moves to normalize relations with Cuba, however, and more and more Americans visit the island, Cuba elicits strong, divergent reactions.


Postcard, Havana, November 2015

Cuba supporters point to universal, free healthcare; low infant mortality and a high literacy rate; universal free education kindergarten through university; a high degree of economic equality; a strong social safety net of services and subsidies; and few, if any, overt signs of oppression.

Cuba critics emphasize growing income equality, especially since the so-called “Special Period,” instituted in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed and eliminated all aid; bloated state bureaucracies and inefficient state enterprises; a dual currency system that is unworkable in the long run; both a black market and a gray market in goods and services fueled by corruption; fewer human rights abuses than earlier but still few civil liberties; and ongoing structural problems of race and racism, sexism and machismo.

What accounts for these striking differences? Short version: “It’s the Revolution (1959- present), duh.”

For, Cuba is and is not like other Caribbean, and South American, countries.

The original inhabitants, chiefly the Tainos, were completely wiped out within 30 years of conquest, whereas many more indigenous peoples survived, relatively speaking, in South America. At the height of the Spanish Empire, Havana became the chief transshipment center of the galleon trade between the Philippines and Spain. Trade, especially in silver, was the motor that drove the Spanish economy, and provided a huge economic windfall that made Spain the world’s leading power in the 16th-17th centuries.


Thatched tobacco curing huts dot the fields

Cuba is synonymous with tobacco – Cuban cigars – and sugar — notably in the form of rum. Tobacco was introduced earlier, and hand-rolled Cuban cigars are considered by many the world’s best. But sugar has been Cuba’s dominant crop for 200 years. In the 19th century, it was the world’s largest sugar producer. The first railroad in Cuba – the fifth earliest in the world, and 11 years earlier than Spain — was built in 1837 primarily to transport sugar cane. Growing sugarcane was only possible by importing African slaves to work the plantations. Peninsulares, whites from Spain, built up extensive latifundia and became wealthy “sugar barons. Not until 1886 was slavery eliminated. Work in the cane fields was seasonal. During the growing season, there was relatively little to do, but the harvest required intensive labor. After the 1959 Revolution, the government endeavored to employ workers year-round in order to reduce income inequality, but this economic ideal is like squaring the circle given the seasonal nature of working sugar.


Today, estimates of Afro-Cubans vary wildly, but most studies divide the population into one-third white, one-third black, and one-third mixed race, or mulatto.  While economically poorer and predominantly rural, it is generally conceded that amidst changing regime policies, Blacks in Cuba experience much less racism than do those in the US. Slavery is horrific anywhere, although historians have long contrasted the relatively less harsh slave regimes and generally better race relations in South America with the US, especially in the South. To the degree this is so, then the contrast begins just 90 miles off the coast.

The wars of South American independence from Spain 1810-1821 did not reach Cuba. Instead, profits from sugar and fear of slave uprisings kept Cuba Spanish. Possible repeats of a 18th c slave rebellion on a Santo Domingue sugar estate, depicted in Tomás Gutiérrez Alea’s cinematic masterpiece, The Last Supper (1976), terrified sugar barons an island away.  Instead, Spanish soldiers defeated elsewhere fled to Cuba where they contributed to the “authoritarianism, rigidity, and racism already prevalent” there (p. 3). Shortly after in 1823, the US promulgated the Monroe Doctrine that decreed Latin America off limits to other colonial powers, and the Caribbean ”an American lake.”

Only later in 1868 did Cuba begin a 10-year war of independence that in the end took 90 years of on and off again fighting before coming to fruition in the 1959 Revolution. At first, the Cubans rose up against Spain, and later against US economic and political dominance. Neither nationalist leader José Martí in the 1870s (d 1895), nor the so-called 1898 Spanish-American war, nor the 1930s short-lived revolutionary takeover, lasting only four months, achieve Cuban independence.

Writer and revolutionary Martí during his stay in the US, decried what he called the “metallificacion del hombre,” the “metalification” of a people and weakening of moral values that he witnessed during an age of industrialization and increasing social inequality.

Chief among these events that American schoolchildren learn about is the Spanish-American War, which is known in Cuba, significantly, as the Cuban War of Independence. This is a misnomer, however, because the war was waged not simply between Spanish and Americans but against Cubans, and later against Filipinos. In Cuba, the US fought against Spain but also against the Cubans in effect to deny them the independence they had already won. Thus, the war marked the creation of an American Empire on the ashes of the Spanish Empire, one that comprised the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico, in addition to temporary control over Cuba.

Cuba a De Facto American Colony

Already by the mid to late 19th century, however, the US dominated the Cuban economy, including fully 80 percent of all investment in sugar.

Cuban sugar barons first built opulent “social clubs” in Havana’s Miramar neighborhood along the water where they congregated with their own kind. Soon, however, they were constructing mansions on a palatial scale. Virtually all these elite families fled to Florida immediately after the Revolution. Today, books and YouTube videos reek of elite nostalgia for pre-Revolutionary Cuba. It’s an ideal society idealized. There are no poor people, virtually no people of color, everyone is aristocratic and upper class, there is no dirt. Those who worked, those who literally slaved, to make this lifestyle possible are airbrushed out of the picture. It is as if Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Camilo Cienfuegos, women, and all the others literally came out of nowhere, crashed the party, broke things up, tore things down, stole their property, and forced them to fly to Miami.

After 1898, the US also became the final arbiter of Cuban politics. If Cubans went along with US interests, fine. If not, the US intervened directly. The US forced the Cubans to add this policy to their constitution in the form of the 1903 Platt Amendment.  While it was in force between 1903 and 1934, US troops occupied Cuba three times.

In 1933 FDR appointed Sumner Welles ambassador to Cuba. Welles took up residence in an opulent suite in Havana’s Hotel Nacional, from where he exercised power behind the scenes not unlike British “resident advisors” in 19th and 20th century Indian princely states under the Raj.

Although nominally independent from 1903, Cuba was, therefore, in fact a US colony in all but name, run in the interests of the US. By way of analogy with the pejorative term “banana republic,” we may call Cuba a “sugar republic” with all the implication of foreign economic domination and domestic political corruption that the term suggests.

As a de facto colony, Cuba was, moreover, a quintessential, textbook case of economic dependency, according to UIUC Latin American historian Nils Jacobsen. Dependency theory, developed by South American economists in the 1970s, delineated the structural factors that produce and reproduce dependency between states over the long term. In Cuba, such dependency resulted from industrial sugar monoculture prone to the boom-bust cycle of fluctuating world commodity prices.

Cuba was even more economically dependent on the US than other Caribbean and South American nations for three reasons. First, it is located only 90 miles from the US. Second, its 11 million population is small. Third, it is also relatively small geographically. Physically, and especially economically, Cuba was literally dwarfed by the US and the US economy. And in politics and the economy, the Mafia played a big part in the 1940s, and especially the 1950s, working with dictator Fulgencio Batista (1933-1959) building nightclubs, hotels and casinos that made Havana a world-class sin capital — close enough to get to easily, but far enough away to avoid IRS reach.


Batista and Mafioso Meyer Lansky were best buddies from the mid-1940s until the 1959 Revolution. In 1946 Mafia kingpins met at the Hotel Nacional to strategize; Frank Sinatra flew in to provide entertainment. Batista offered a sweetheart deal. The Mafia would take over control of racetracks and casinos in Havana. Batista would open Havana to large scale gambling. With a $1 million investment in a hotel or $250,000 in a new nightclub, came a casino license that exempted investors from a background check, something required for gaming licenses in Las Vegas. To sweeten the deal, Batista offered a government match of dollar for dollar in construction costs beyond the minimum required investment, a 10-year tax exemption, and duty-free importation of equipment and furnishings. Lansky received $25,000 a year to serve as unofficial minister of gambling. Batista’s government got $250,000 for each license, plus a cut of each casino’s profits. Cuban hotel construction contractors with the right “in” made windfall profits by importing more materiel than they needed and selling the rest. Rumor had it that besides $250,000 for the license, a “sweetener” was required sometimes under the table. But what was there not to like?


At the Hotel Capri, up the street from the Hotel Nacional, part-owner George Raft, who played gangster roles in several movies, acted as the hotel’s “meeter-and-greeter,” and was memorialized in murals in the upstairs bar. Down the block at the Hotel Nacional, Meyer Lansky wanted to create luxury suites for high-stakes players in one wing of the 10-story hotel. Batista endorsed the idea over the objections of American expatriate Ernest Hemingway. A large framed photo at one end of the Hotel Nacional’s lobby memorializes the infamous 1946 Mafia meeting where they  sit behind a roulette wheel flanked by bodyguards. Today, the Nacional hedges its bets and flies a large flag and poster of Che next to the mafiosi. Yet Mafia nostalgia exists alongside pre-Revolutionary colonial nostalgia.


Once the flurry of building was completed, Batista wasted no time collecting his cut from the new hotels, nightclubs and casinos. Nightly, his wife’s “bagman” collected 10 percent of the profits at Mob-run hotel casinos including the Capri. His take from Lansky’s casinos, the Nacional and Habana Riviera, was said to be 30 percent. Exactly how much Batista and his cronies received altogether in bribes, payoffs and all-around profiteering will never be known for sure. As for Lansky, he celebrated his first year’s $3 million in profits from the Habana Riviera on New Year’s eve 1958. That night the revolutionaries having arrived in Havana, looted and destroyed many of the casinos, including several of Lansky’s.

One of the longest, at 5 min. 32, and visually stunning tracking shots in all of cinema begins high atop the Habana Riviera with a parade of bathing beauties circa 1964, descends several floors below to the swimming pool, and ends with an underwater camera dip into the pool itself. A Soviet/Cuban production made by the director of The Cranes are Flying (1957), Mikhail Kalatozov, Soy Cuba (1964) was almost universally panned. For Cubans it was too stereotypical, for Russians it was insufficiently revolutionary, and in the West, it was largely unseen because Communist. It was “rediscovered” in the 1990s by those director-cum-movie historians Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola who relished its striking cinematic style. But representations are social facts, and scenes in Soy Cuba, such as the one set in a nightclub, capture the stereotypical 1950s Cuban decadence of sex, floor shows, gambling casinos and prostitution, not to glorify pre-Revolutionary Havana but to condemn it.

Today with the thawing of US-Cuban relations, Meyer Lansky’s grandson wants Cuba to reimburse his family for expropriating the Habana Riviera in 1959. “The hotel was taken from my grandfather forcefully,” he says. “Cuba owes my family money.” One commenter correctly states that this “is one of the most ironic and hypocritical statements I ever read. Meyer Lansky was a thug. He obtained what he had by force… used against innocent citizens. Lansky was a murderer and a thief, a leader of organized crime who hurt a lot of people.” His grandson “should crawl back under the rock from which he was spawned and shut his pie hole.”

Cuban Revolution


Che Guevara (1928-1967) and Fidel Castro (1926-present)

Cuba may be a small country, but in world historical terms the Cuban revolution warrants comparison with the other major peasant wars of the 20th century – Russia, China, Algeria Mexico and Vietnam. If the Russian revolution was Lenin and Trotsky, the Chinese Revolution Mao, then the Cuban Revolution has been Guevara and especially Fidel. Virtually synonymous with the Revolution, Castro was a charismatic leader for 45 years, one who exhibited an astute mix of doctrinaire revolutionism and pragmatism. In contrast, brother Raul is a pragmatist, and even technocrat, with decades of experience in the military managing economic initiatives ranging from tourism and agriculture to electronics and department stores (p. 377).

After all, it took a revolution in Cuba to challenge the very basis of American imperialism. To sever the ties of economic dependency required radical social surgery, a radical break with the US. No polite diplomatic papering-over of fundamental differences in political economy sufficed. Yet it unfolded in a series of tit-for-tat moves. Having mobilized the Cuban masses to topple the corrupt, dictatorial Batista government by 1959, Castro and the revolutionaries moved quickly in 1959-1960 to nationalize farms and businesses.

According to the revolutionary narrative, when Fidel and his fellow revolutionaries marched into Havana January 1, 1959, the first thing they did was close down all the casinos and destroy the gambling machines. The crowd on the streets simultaneously tore out every last one of the parking meters, an extra economic perq that had been given to Batista’s brother-in-law, an army general. And this is why there are no parking meters in Havana today.

To nationalization of US businesses, the US responded with the 1960 embargo. The story is that just before he announced the embargo, Cuban-cigar-lover JFK despatched his Washington press secretary, Pierre Salinger, to purchase all of the Cuban cigars he could find. Salinger returned with 1200.

The embargo was followed by the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion.

At a 1961 meeting Che thanked JFK aide Richard Goodwin for the Bay of Pigs attack. Earlier their hold on the country “had been a little shaky but the invasion allowed them to consolidate most of the major elements of the country around Fidel.” Goodwin asked if “they would return the favor and attack Guantanomo?” Laughing, Che responded, “Oh, no. We would never be so foolish as to do that” (pp 44-45).

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Hotel Nacional Trenches and Tunnels, Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962

The Bay of Pigs was followed in turn by the 1962 missile crisis, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, and solidified Soviet influence in Cuba. The revolutionaries also moved quickly on other fronts, relying on the same mass mobilization that had carried them to power. From the beginning, the revolutionaries understood that “Investment in human capital is not related to national wealth,” as University of Havana economist Giulio Ricci points out. “It is more a matter of political will.” With a literacy rate already in the high-70 percent range – higher than elsewhere in South America – the Revolution launched mass mobilization campaigns in 1960-1961, relying on the zeal of high school students working the rural areas, and quickly raised it to over 80 percent. Later, microbrigadistas were formed to build cheap, quick-and-dirty housing for all. Today, Cuba simply does not have the homeless problem that the US does.

In 1970 Castro wagered that the sugar harvest would top 10 million tons, and despatched thousands to the countryside to bring it in. The harvest fell short at 8.5 million tons, still a record. Cuba made a serious – many liberal and all neoliberal economists would say quixotic — effort to combat social inequality and level the socioeconomic playing field. Before 1991, for example, Cuban law stipulated that the “differential between the highest and lowest salaries in the country should be no more than five to one” ( p. 375).

Yet early on Castro was not a card-carrying Communist, and the Revolution was not particularly Communist. Yes, Castro was a nationalist and anti-imperialist. But the Communist Party was only one of three opposition parties; only in 1965 did it become the sole party.

Although the revolutionaries have stanchly maintained that “our system of governance” is non-negotiable, the economy has been hurt seriously by the embargo, costing Cuba an estimated $3 billion dollars annually. While there have been economic ups and downs, there has been little relative growth over the long haul. Nominally socialist, or communist, in fact the history of the Cuban economy since 1959 can best be described as two steps forward, one step backward.

What Havana wanted was to break out of the boom-and-bust dependency on commodities, tobacco but mainly sugar. Since the 1930s, such a major undertaking at playing economic catch-up has required strong state involvement anywhere in the world to join the industrial club, for example, Russia and China. Shifting to industry has so far failed egregiously. Revolutionary Cuba took a stab at centralized planning, but could not set realistic goals, could not compile accurate statistical data, and failed utterly. To his credit Fidel personally apologized in 1970 for 1960s lackluster economic performance. In 1981 the Soviet bloc decreed that Cuba forego industrialization and produce sugar. One of the bitter ironies of the Revolution is, therefore, that Cuba traded economic dependency on the US for dependency on the USSR.

Special Period, 1991-Present   

Journalist Marc Frank argues that in the first three decades after 1959, the economy was better on balance, but it has not improved much, if at all, in the last 20-plus years. Economist Ricci notes that GDP peaked in the 1980s. What changed is, of course, that the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. As soon as the former UUSR cut off aid, Cuban GDP immediately plummeted 36 percent. Castro decreed a “Special Period in Time of Peace,” a political euphemism if there ever was one. Soon after, in 1993, Cuba instituted a dual currency system, one based on Cuban pesos, and one on convertible pesos called CUCs. One CUC was valued at $1 USD, or 24 Cuban pesos.  Dollar circulation was made legal thereby, which meant that dollar remittances from Cuban-Americans to Cuban family members were now legal, which significantly boosted the economy after the end of Soviet aid.

During the early Special Period years, Cuba also lacked imported oil to run tractors, cars and buses, as urbanist Miguel Coyula observes. Cubans switched to bikes both built in Cuba and imported from China, plus bus-trailers made from converted semi-truck flatbeds that carried up to 300, and that were called “camels” because they had two “humps.” Having bought the argument favoring industrial agriculture – the hook of seeds, line of fertilizer, and sinker of pesticides — Cuba switched during the Special Period largely from industrial sugar monoculture to organic, sustainable agriculture, especially urban organic gardens, organopónicos. Although sugar remains Cuba’s main product, and it must still import 70-80% of its food, Cuban agriculture is ranked today fourth in the world in sustainability.

While these and other Special Period policies rescued the economy, economic inequality increased significantly. Few Black Cuban-Americans meant few dollar remittances went to Afro-Cubans, for example. Plus, the dual currency system planted a long-term economic depth-charge, because the exchange rates varied so greatly. As the economy improved, bicycles were put away, and cars and regular buses reappeared. Yet today there is no consensus on whether the Special Period is over or not.

Certainly, internal challenges to growth remain, argues economist Ricci. Infrastructure is obsolete. Real wages are low. The narrow wage scale is a social good, but does not correlate with results. Doctors earn the equivalent of $30/month in the state economy, but chefs, for example, in the best private sector paladars, or restaurants, can make $1000/month (p. 375). Yes, there is full employment, but productivity remains low. Public enterprises low in productivity employ 65 percent of the labor force. Agriculture practices sustainability, employs 16 percent of the labor force, yet produces just four percent of GDP.


The story is that the original owner fled Cuba in 1959 and left the early 20th century mansion to his housekeeper. By 2000 the ceiling was falling in from neglect, and the housekeeper’s son, Carlos Cristóbal Márquez Valdés, worked out an arrangement with the government to repair it. In 2010 owner and chef Cristobal opened it as Paladar San Cristobal.

“A New York loft-style lounge with a rooftop terrace, [the paladar] El Cocinero sits in what used to be a cooking oil factory but is now a chic venue for Havana’s cool crowds. The towering chimney still evokes the building’s industrial past…”

“A Spanish-style mansion in Vedado, with… colonial furniture in the main indoor lounge (even the silverware is antique) [that] provide the contemporary/retro backdrop of the [paladar] Atelier.”

Racism, Afro-Cubans and Santeria

Inequality, greater than before the Special Period, continues to increase, now fueled especially by Raul Castro’s 2011 economic guidelines, the Lineamentos de la Politica Economica y Social. Former diplomat José Viera and others worry that “tears in the social fabric” are increasingly visible (p. 374). Yet compared to other nations, including the US, Cuba still ranks high in social equality and human indicator scores. “The problem is that the new [2011] policies produce losers, because their chief concern is not social justice, but economic growth and survival,” says Alejandro de la Fuente, director of the Institute of Afro-Latin Studies at Harvard. “None of these policies is racially defined, but they produce new forms of social inequalities, and those inequalities tend to be racialized quickly because of unequal access.”

More generally, racism remains a serious problem. From its start, Fidel Castro’s revolutionary movement was dominated by middle-class white men. Historian Hugh Thomas notes that their ranks were so white that during initial clashes with Batista’s army, the government men were shocked when they came upon Castro and others hiding asleep in a bohío. ‘Son blancos!’ ‘They are white!’

Ironically, the island’s white elite before 1959 was so exclusive that only one social club, the Biltmore, admitted mixed-race, or mulatto, dictator Batista — he may have had some Chinese and Indian blood  — and only after he paid a bribe of $1 million dollars. Even then members stayed away when he came around.

Significant advances have occurred. The granddaughter of slaves, Marta Terry González headed the José Martí National Library. Her nephew is editor of Granma, the official Communist newspaper. On the other hand, family remittances since the 1990s have exacerbated “socioeconomic differences based largely on race,” because they come primarily from white Cuban Americans and go mainly to their white Cuban relatives (p. 375). Racism figures importantly in the Cuban hip-hop scene. African-American FBI fugitive Nehanda Abiodun explains the working of race in Cuba.

“I am a lighter-skinned black woman. If I were to marry someone darker-skinned some people would describe me as ‘taking the race back’. If I were to marry someone who has European features I would be seen as ‘taking the race forward’. And if you do something worthwhile people might say, ‘Oh, that’s a very white thing to do.’”


That Afro-Cubans are primarily identified with practices of popular religiosity, such as santeria, known in Haiti as voodoo, does not help. Generally speaking, 15 percent of Cubans are atheist, 15 percent are religious, and 70 percent practice forms of popular religiosity. Key is that Catholicism in Cuba is not the same as Catholicism in South America, largely because of syncretism, the incorporation of non-Catholic elements. This can be seen in the main cathedral in Havana, for example, where a side altar features a painting of The Three Johns (Los Tres Juanos).  It is said that the three boys saw an apparition of the Virgin Mary in Cuba. This  eventually came to be seen as Ochun, the Afro-Cuban goddess of love and wealth. The two brass ores the boys are holding in the boat are actual tools used when making a shrine to Ochun. They are put in a bowl, sopera, along with Ochun’s other tools and stones. The ores are part of what are called fundamentos, meaning that they are required to make the shrine. “So,” as an anthropologist colleague puts it, “the painting more or less has a religious secret right there in plain view!”

Wearing all-white clothing, smoking fat cigars, their ritual objects and texts on display are one thing, but when such practices veer into animal slaughter and the like, many turn away. Such “colorful” folks and “folkloric” paraphenalia are evident in tourist spots, such as the cathedral square – where you can buy popular paintings of santeria adherents from sidewalk vendors — but likely are frowned on, if not condemned outright, in “polite” Cuban society.


Lineamentos de la Politica Economica y Social (2011)

Let us return and look more closely at the 2011 economic guidelines. They are just that, not programs, argues former diplomat Viera. For example, Cubans can now buy and sell homes. This leads by implication to a property tax, which leads by implication to an income tax, which leads by implication to a future inheritance tax. Individual housing units may now be owned, but no one is responsible for maintaining the building in which the units are located, so that they continue to fall into disrepair. The creation of a housing market leads, of course, to changing land values and more inequality. “Social segregation is due to land speculation,” maintains urban planner Coyula.

The guidelines also mean moving away from subsidies on goods and services, such as utilities, to subsidizing people instead. Instead of subsidizing electricity, for example, it is now charged on a sliding scale according to ability to pay. Ration books are less and less used, and government food stores are closing.


Now, if the value of all government subsidies is, say, a thousand dollars a month, the key question is where will the subsidy level be set? “The government says it will protect the poorer-off,” Viera says, “but the key question is protect at what level?”

Thus, Cuba is engaging today in a delicate economic balancing act. On the one hand, it cuts the wage rolls of the state bureaucracy and state-owned businesses to increase efficiency and productivity. It transfers certain under-performing state entities to the private and cooperative sectors. It ties wages more closely to productivity.  It progressively eliminates the social safety net and economic subsidies for everyone except the poor. It has allowed a private, frankly capitalist sector – paladars (private restraurants), casas particulares (private B and Bs), alemntarde (privates taxis) — to grow to 25 percent of the economy.

Journalist Frank points out that business ventures that were once 100% Cuban-owned are now jointly owned, but with a minimum 51% Cuban ownership. The Hotel Capri, managed by Mafia front-man George Raft before the Revolution, nationalized in 1959, is today 51% Cuban-owned, 49% Spanish-owned, and 100% Cuban-managed.

Despite these and other changes since 2006 when Fidel passed the political reins to brother Raul, economic policy has remained gradualist and pragmatic. “I was not elected president to restore capitalism in Cuba nor to surrender the Revolution,” Raul Castro says. “I was elected to defend, maintain and continue improving socialism, not to destroy it” (p. 122). It remains the case, however, that in adopting the 2011 economic reforms, aka guidelines, the revolutionary elite has definitely revised the definition of socialism to mean “socialism of the possible,” as retired diplomat Viera says.

In the last 25 years, Russia, China, and Vietnam all have moved much further and faster away from socialism and towards capitalism. Cuba has not, so far, and on purpose. Reform may be the order of the day, a process, as Castro says, “without haste, but without pause” (p. 374). Journalist Frank asks, how did Raul get away with this shift? It is not communism where “everyone is equal,” but socialism where “everyone has equal opportunity.” Equality traded for opportunity – it sounds like that other “land of opportunity.” Granted, there is a consensus for change, but the key question is: for what changes?

Where Cuba stubbornly looks inward in pursuing its own economic path, it looks outward in other areas. Since 1959, it certainly has not cut itself off from the outside world. Far from it. Cuba is “a little country with a big country’s foreign policy” (p. 216). It has pursued an independent foreign policy, even while in the Soviet orbit. It did not ask Moscow’s permission before sending troops to fight in Angola and military advisors to Nicaragua to  support the Sandinistas in the 1980s. Additionally, it sends thousands of doctors to work in Brazil, Venezuela and elsewhere. In 2011 there were 41,000 health workers in 68 countries (p. 218). Cuba created the Latin American Medical School, and offers free tuition to train students from abroad. Offering medical aid to the US after Hurricane Katrina — when George Bush and FEMA failed egregiously in their governmental responsibilities — was entirely in keeping with Cuba’s long-time foreign policy of “medical internationalism.”

At present, Cuba has forged bilateral agreements with numerous nations, and enjoys diplomatic relations with virtually everyone save the US. During the period from 1959 to 1979, there were 20 coups and dictatorships in the Caribbean, including the Dominican Republic and Haiti, but Cuba was the only country not colonialized. Five years after the Revolution in 1964 everyone had broken off relations with Cuba except Canada and Mexico. After the Cold War ended, US changed policy everywhere – no more military coups, or military dictatorships – except towards Cuba. Today, every country is multiparty except Cuba. The more democratic the Caribbean and South America became, however, the more the Organization of American States (OAS) welcomed single-party Cuba. As long-time, Havana-based journalist, Marc Frank, points out, US policy towards Cuba undermines its policy everywhere else in South America. Granted, this is now changing and changing rapidly. Yet it will literally take an act of Congress to lift the embargo, since Bill Clinton unwisely gave the final say to Congress in 1994, which simply ain’t gonna happen with the current Tea Party-controlled Republican Congress.

Culturally, Cuba looks outward as well as inward. From foreign policy to medical care to education, “Cuba is like a lightweight who fights in the heavyweight class – punching way above its weight,” and nowhere is this truer than in culture.  Yet the “perception remains that Cuban culture is dogmatic and state controlled. This bias is widely held; it is also wildly incorrect” (p. 309). Yes, Granma is just the boring, no-news newspaper that you would expect as the “official organ of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party.” Yes, cellphones are few in number and Internet access is woefully inadequate, although both are changing, and very rapidly. On the other hand, Telesur, a left-of-center mirror of CNN funded by Venezuela and broadcast throughout South America, arrived in 2013 (p. 314).

Cuba is certainly one of those places Americans know little about. This is largely because the US government and corporate media tell us so little. Misinformation and disinformation elbow out information. How many Americans know, for example, about the preferential treatment given to immigrant Cubans under the Cuban Adjustment Act (1966) compared to other in-migrants? It has been argued that Cubans are better informed about world affairs than Americans.

American culture permeates Cuba probably more than any other Caribbean or South American nation. It may be an exaggeration to say that there are more 1957 Chevys in Havana than anywhere else in the world – but not by much. American tourists who photograph Havana cannot take enough photos of big old American cars, “Yank Tanks,” – forget the no-longer-manufactured Soviet Russian Ladas and other makes on the road. To visit private garages specializing in keeping these decades-old cars running is like wandering onto a live broadcast, Cuban-style, of NPR’s “Car Talk.” With their fleet of over 20 pristine “clasicos,” the name of Nidialys Acosta and Julio Alvarez’s garage says it all: nostalgiacar.com. “Nostalgicar, makes you to live [sic] the dream of feeling into last century as our parents and grandparents did.”


American tourists trek to Ernest Hemingway’s haunt, Bodeguito del Medio, floor to ceiling with autographs and visitors’ photos from Dominican Republic dictator Juan Bosch to former Brazil president Lula to Nicaraguan Sandanista leader Ortega. On the street outside, you can buy a cheap, kitsch painting of where you have just eaten. On the outskirts of Havana, American tourists pay an obligatory visit to Hemingway’s home, which includes his boat that he wrote about in perhaps his weakest effort, The Old Man and the Sea (1952). We see Hemingway’s house through Cuban eyes in Tomas Gutierrez Alea’s masterful Memories of Underdevelopment (1968). Anti-hero Sergio, having elected not to leave for Miami after the Revolution with the rest of his bourgeois family, squires around Hemingway’s estate a mixed-race woman he has picked up, alternately trying to impress her intellectually, avoid existential boredom, and have sex with her.


After a hard day’s sightseeing, tourists staying at the Hotel Capri can get a drink in the lobby bar, but better is the upstairs bar with a Lucky Strike sign and mural paintings depicting George Raft, a Pan Am airliner, and a svelte woman smoking. Or the tourist can walk to Meyer Lansky’s former Hotel Nacional a block away, and drink in the outside garden looking out on the Malecon boulevard along the seafront, and the 1898 USS Maine memorial, not realizing that the American eagle adorning the top was torn down after the Bay of Pigs invasion and is now in the US embassy. Pre-Revolutionary colonial nostalgia combines with Mafia nostalgia, doubling your pleasure. Ah, the pleasures of imperialism.

Culture Plus


Next day there are options. Musicologist and musician Alberto Faya performs a brief history of Cuban music at venues such as the Restaurante Centro Asturiano. Lizt Alfonso Academy is a dance company led by women and school for youth. Founded 25 years ago, it has performed its distinctive fusion of Hispanic, African and Caribbean-style dance in hundreds of cities on five continents.


Songwriter Frank Delgado has traveled to a dozen countries, and sung in 120 cities. In Havana he performs at venues such as Café Madrigal. He is connected to novisima trova, heir to the nueva trova movement in Cuban music that emerged in the late 1960s, and that refracted post-Revolution political and social changes.

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José Rodríguez Fuster is a world class outsider, or “naïve,” artist who has spent over 10 years rebuilding and decorating the town of Jaimanitas on the outskirts of Havana where he lives. Some compare his works in Jaimanitas to those of Antoni Gaudí in Barcelona, Constantin Brâncuși in Targu Jiu, Romania, and Nek Chand in Chandigarh, India. Fuster adds ceramic murals, domes, and other decorations done in his personal, idiosyncratic style to his own multilevel house with its various nooks and crannies, and to over 80 neighbors’ houses and other buildings, including a giant-scale chess park, doctor’s office, theater, and swimming pools.


Today, the tourist buses arrive with their CUC-spenders. Fuster, a one-person neighborhood development association. Fusterland, neighborhood-level economic development as art tourism.

Obsesión is primarily the hip hop duo and political activists Alexey Rodriguez and Magia Lopez. They started with break dancing during 1986-1990, when their musical influences included Marvin Gaye and The Miracles. The turning point for them, and many other youth was the abrupt plunge of the “Special Period.” While many unemployed simply hung out on street corners, a minority turned to art. The government supported groups financially, but some objected to following the government line. Supported by Harry Belafonte, who had spoken at length to Castro, Obsesión traveled in 2001 to New York where they performed at a hip hop festival.

Born in 1950, Nehanda Abiodun (Cheri Laverne Dalton) hooked up with the late 1970s/early 1980s “Family,” made up of remaining Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army members, the latter itself a splinter group off the Black Panthers. She allegedly drove a getaway vehicle in a 1981 Nyack, NY Brinks truck robbery in which three were killed. Declared a fugitive from the law by the FBI, she fled to Cuba in 1990. In 1999, she attended a hip hop concert that made her a fan, and she is now considered the “godmother” of rap, working with much younger groups like Obsesión on their “political education.” Concerning current changes in Cuba, she is “ambivalent.” She concedes that they are economically advantageous, but contends that they are “not a good experience for many young people.” Besides pre-Revolutionary and Mafia nostalgia, I guess radical chic persists, too.

All of these individuals and groups travel, mainly to the US and Spain. All this coming and going means different elements and styles are stitched together and mixed up in a transcultural stew (p. 312).

Colonial and Postcolonial Urbanism in Havana


The same could be said of Havana. Havana is one of the most distinctive colonial port cities in the world. Founded in the 16th century, it became a transshipment point for the Spanish colonial galleon trade, and eclipsed Mexico City in importance. Old Havana, la Habana Vieja, is small and compact. In 1982 UNESCO declared the entire old city a world heritage site. One of the most powerful and well-funded institutions is the Office of the Historian of Havana. Generally, there are few urban planners in Cuba, typically three per city, but Havana has 75. They work alongside a commensurate-sized staff tasked with renovating, repairing, and restoring the deteriorating, eroding, crumbling, falling-down building stock. The Office of the Historian is self-sustaining, because it owns title to everything in Habana Vieja. This means that the “city doesn’t have to sell its heritage to pay its bills,” observes urbanist Coyula (p. 12).

As with postcolonial cities elsewhere in the world, new government regimes often reverse the colonial past.


St. Francis of Assisi, built in 1739, has been converted into a concert hall. The current School of Arts used to be a golf course. The Presidential Palace, presided over formerly by Batista, is now the Museum of the Revolution.  

Nostalgia for a golden age that ended in 1959 is not the only story some Cubans tell themselves. The Revolution has its story, its narrative, too. Alberto Korda’s iconic photo of Che Guevara (1960) is one of the most widespread, iconic and instantly recognizable political symbols ever. The Communist Party paper, Granma, is named after the boat that Castro and 80 other revolutionaries sailed from Mexico to Cuba in 1956. Upon landing, nearly all were killed by Batista’s troops. The survivors sought refuge in the mountains where they began an ultimately successful guerilla war, in what was the Long March of the Cuban Revolution. Images of the Granma are widely reproduced in a variety of media, including one by Fuster in Fusterland.


The original boat sits outside the Museum of the Revolution encased behind glass. Bullet holes in the walls from revolutionaries attacking the former Presidential Palace are carefully preserved. Inside upstairs, a lifesize wax diorama of Che Guevera and Camilo Cienfuegos represents them in the mountains.


In a hallway downstairs, hang a series of lifesize rincon de las cretinos, “caricatures of antirevolutionaries,” including Batista, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush.


Back in Habana Vieja a block or two away from the Palacio Plaza de la Cathedral and the main cathedral’s syncretistic side altar of Los Tres Juanos, is the main touristic square Plaza de Armas. This is today the single most concentrated area frequented by tourists, where you can buy used books in outdoor stalls, cheap prints, and kitschy paintings. If you are not quick enough, the kid caricaturist will sidle up to you, dash off a not-bad likeness in seconds flat, and date it. All for three dollars.


From the old city core, Havana expanded, spilling over into the area now known as Vedado, and building up such suburbs as Miramar. Having eliminated the indigenous Taino inhabitants early on, the peninsulares poured especially their 18th and 19th century sugar wealth into urban architecture. First, they moved from their rural estates to Havana where they built so-called “social clubs,” based on the regions they came from. Later, they built lavish residences, some taking up entire city blocks. Add to that churches early and secular state architecture later, the National Capitol building, styled after the Panthéon (Paris), which looks similar to the U.S. Capitol, plus business edifices, such as Bacardi.

The result is that the architecture is more European than South American, because there were no Indians and indigenous influences. Unlike cities in Mexico and Peru, for example, there is only European architecture in Havana, which became “a piece of Europe in the middle of the Caribbean.”


Flashforward to the 20th century when between 1900 and 1958 80 percent of all the buildings in today’s Havana were built. A modern urban style, influenced by the US, became dominant by the 1940s and 1950s. Especially between 1956 and 1958, when the Mafia and Mafia money turned Havana into a “giant casino,” things changed overnight, and Vedado, for example, gained its modern urban skyline. As urbanist Coyula sums up, “Effectively a neoliberal economy, everything in Havana was driven by private capital; deep social and economic stratification and Mafia violence prevailed” ( p. 7).

The architecture of Havana is eclectic, the models European and international. What makes this transcultural stew Cuban is the distinctive mix of styles, often jostling side by side, the particular urban layout of streets and neighborhoods, the use of color, and, especially, the relative lack of gentrification. This can result, but not necessarily, in what urbanist Coyula calls Ar-kitsch-tectura, that is, merely flamboyant and over-the-top mishmash ornate.

Key here is that the Revolution eliminated housing as a business. In 1959 rents were cut 50 percent. In 1960 the Urban Reform law eliminated the housing market. For decades there has been no market-driven price. As pointed out above, you can own property but not the building. You cannot afford to maintain the building, but you have 20 years to pay for individual your property.

The result for urbanist Coyula is that Havana is the “last virgin city.” There is no drug problem to speak of, no homelessness comparable to the US. There is no neoliberal gentrification, no urban renewal. Not yet gentrified, there is no deserted downtown; it is a city lived in all over. Yes, the building stock is falling down, due to relatively little or no upkeep. The city is compact, walkable, “lo-rise, safe, non-violent, slow-paced” (p. 12). Importantly, there is less social segregation that elsewhere results from market-driven land speculation.


The other result is that old, ornate residences along with their civic architecture siblings are more often than not run down, if not falling down, dilapidated and crumbling. These two characteristics combine to produce an urban landscape that is “picturesque,” not to say “exoticist.” Stylistically, owners and their architects aped what was considered the best period architectural style, from 17th century Baroque to 20th century art nouveau. Mostly, however, they just spent money ostentatiously. Rather than particularly significant architecturally or aesthetically, they simply had built the most expensive buildings money could buy. Their size and scale, over-the-top flamboyance, and exuberant ornateness built to impress are indeed impressive.


All this architectural stock combined with an elite lifestyle spawns a very serious case of pre-Revolutionary nostalgia that the Cuban-American community plasters all over YouTube, and has yet to recover from. It also takes the form of glossy, full-color, large format books, among other things. But these publications crop out contemporary context. Interiors, some exteriors still stand, but the cityscape in which they were built no longer exists.


Another genre of publications focuses instead on the currently existing picturesque, exoticist urban landscape. These coffee-table works present a more accurate, but still skewed, view. It is an urbanscape worked on, and worked over, by countless individual Cubans public and private, who have combined to create what in many ways is an archetypal tourist dreamscape. “Colorful,” “folkloric,” “picturesque,” and “exotic,” this actually existing dreamscape is characterized by the tattered elegance of half-ruined buildings, juxtaposition and bricolage, what I call “preservation through decay,” and above all the use of color. We’re back to Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s 18th century Rome and Hubert “des ruines” Robert’s fascinated, and fascinating, romanticization of architectural and urban decay and decline.

The Havana so far of “preserved dipalidation” has created an already picturesque magnet luring tourists to visit. Unless Cuba and Cubans are very careful the tourist influx will erode, through tourist dollars, investment and gentrification, precisely that which the tourists came to see, just as surely as the sea air erodes the built environment.

Current Events           

All of these urban developments are occurring against the backdrop of very rapid, recent political changes. Cuba and the Revolution have not collapsed, despite the US’s best efforts at regime change. These attempts range from economic embargo (1960-present), and the Bay of Pigs invasion (1961), to the more recent arrests and imprisonment of the so-called Cuban Five (1998-2014) for espionage (218). The Cuban Adjustment Act (1966) in effect encourages Cubans to emigrate with the lure of a quick and easy green card and enticing welfare subsidies unavailable to other immigrants as quickly. Perversely named after Cuban revolutionary José Martí, Radio Martí broadcasts from Florida? anti-Revolutionary propaganda. Hundreds of attempts have been made to assassinate Fidel Castro, including exploding cigars and a poisoned wetsuit (p. 2).

One part of the 2010 video game Call of Duty: Black Ops features a level set in 1961 Havana in which players try to assassinate Castro.


1959 Chevy Impala Secretary of State John Kerry drove in to reopen US embassy in Havana, August 14, 2015

Today, the last of the Cuban Five have been released, and Secretary of State John Kerry reopened the American embassy last August after 54 years. This is the backdrop against which the Cuban Five story played out. Given violent operations against Cuba, the Cuban Five were sent to infiltrate Cuba-American exile groups. Were they spies? Yes. They gained knowledge of plots about to unfold, and turned the info over to the FBI, since such actions are illegal under US law. What happened? The FBI ignored exile plotters, but used the info to trace those later dubbed the Cuban Five, arrested them and sentenced them to prison. One of the last to be released, Gerardo Hernández, got a personal, up-close, inside-view of American mass incarceration.

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Gerardo Hernández, one of the last of the so-called Cuban Five released December 17, 2014, in Havana November, 2015

“The leading purveyor of anti-Castro terrorism” is Luis Posada Carriles (p. 331). In 1997 he organized bombings in the Hotel Capri, Hotel Nacional, and La Bodeguita de Medio. Twenty years earlier in 1976 he had masterminded the downing of a Cubana airlines flight that killed all 73 on board. During the Reagan administration, he supplied weapons to the Nicaraguan “contras” against US law. Today, Corriles freely walks the streets of Miami, his whereabouts, every move known to the FBI.

The “treatment of the [Cuban] Five contrasts with the way the United States has treated Cuban exile terrorists who live openly in South Florida” (p. 218). Your terrorist, my freedom fighter.

A Balance Sheet

Let me draw up a balance sheet. The problems outlined at the beginning of this article loom ever larger. Even as attitudes of the younger generations change – less virulently anti-Castro in Florida, less militantly revolutionary in Cuba – the unanswered question is: how many Cubans will choose to leave? The dual currency system is, for example, unworkable over the medium-term, let alone the long-term. On the one hand, disparities in the dual economy fuel both a black market in goods and services, and a gray market, where public workers will work at private sector jobs on the weekend. Such disparities, combined with a generally lower standard of living, engender corruption both economic and political. On the other hand, ending the dual currency system, and eliminating the CUC is tricky – at what value will the Cuban peso be set?

Or, to look at it another way, how does Cuba stack up for a Cuban weighing whether to stay or go? For many of the social measures cited above — healthcare, free education, infant mortality, income equality — Cuba outperforms the US. And while the US consumer economy and relative economic opportunity entices the would-be emigrant, they come with historically high economic inequality, a widespread system of mass incarceration and criminal injustice, systemic racism and continuing white supremacist attitudes, gun violence and mass shootings, social services shredded, and the nearly complete corruption of politics by money.

You pays your money and you takes your choice.


2014 05 21 cell meeting for Roediger 3

David Prochaska formerly taught colonialism and visual culture in the UI History Department





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Barbara Kessel Accepts Humanitarian Award

Barbara Kessel’s acceptance statement of the 2016 James R. burgess, Jr.-Susan Freiberg Humanitarian Award given by the 2016 Martin Luther King, Jr. Countywide Celebration Committee:

“I am happy for this opportunity to remind the audience that as we sit here today, some 2.3 million people are shut away from us with every avenue of communication severely limited. As you check your smart phones, think for a moment what it would mean to have no access to the Internet. Then think of being locked up with very limited access to books, magazines, newspapers, radios, and classes. I often receive letters from men I have worked with in the jail, who went on to prison hoping to use their time to educational activities and found that they were denied any access. One such guy, said he was not even allowed to go to the library until he had been there six months. But this is not just for lack of resources. Part of the punitive control that is the rule of the day is the limit of all forms of communication, as tightly as possible. One prison official rebuffed my offer of books by saying, “We have mostly lifers here at Stateville, so they don’t need to read.”

This gratuitous cruelty is carried on, day in and day out, in my name and in your name. We are told it is for our protection and we pay for it through taxes. “Not in my Name,” I say. It does not protect me that millions of people are silenced, not supposed to communicate, even with authors of books. We will find ways in, like water finds and makes cracks in rock.

So it is in the spirit of joyous subversion that I have worked alongside beautiful people in these organizations – Books to Prisoners and Three R’s that feed the state of Illinois prison system (prisoners and libraries) with tens of thousands of books. The system resisted; we persisted. Five years ago, the Illinois Department of Corrections told us to try a pilot project in one prison, but today chapters of Three R’s all over Illinois supply twenty prison libraries with books. Books to Prisoners sent out its 100,000th book a year ago.

It is on behalf of all the Illinois incarcerated, and all of my dear prison and jail activist colleagues, who say “Not in Our Name,” that I accept this 2016 James R. Burgess, Jr. – Susan Freiburg Humanitarian Award.”













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Fraternities, Sororities and Racism at Illinois’ Flagship Land-Grant Institution

Efad Huq, Stacy Harwood and Ruby Mendenhall

Research from the 2011-2012 Racial Microaggression online survey indicates that one area of concern expressed by students of color is the explicit racism they experience when interacting with largely White fraternity and sororities. Such explicit acts, and more subtle racial microaggressions, make it critical that the university takes a strong stance against racism. This means creating an accessible system to report offenses and acting on the complaints in a way that promotes an inclusive Illinois for all students.

In February, BuzzFeed News published emails from Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity members at the University of Chicago. In those emails, among other outrageous and racist expressions, a Muslim student is referred to as “terrorist,” an empty lot next to the fraternity is called “Palestine,” and fraternity members plan to celebrate “Marathon Luther King Day” by eating at a popular fried chicken restaurant and then watching Black Dynamite, a black exploitation film. The presence of such racial outlooks within fraternities and sororities are not uncommon. Lawrence C. Ross, author of Blackballed: The Black and White Politics of Race on America’s Campuses, found that “Interfraternal Council and Panhellenic organizations have been the source of the most consistent instances of racism on college campuses over the past 40 years.” Some universities are pushing back against such racism. For example, at the University of Michigan, the council adviser for the Office of Greek Life led the effort in hosting events that discuss racism in fraternities and sororities. Such conversations about racism that include members of fraternities and sororities may lead to a welcome reorientation among our student bodies.

At the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, the Racial Microaggressions Project documented the experience of students of color who are frequently on the receiving end of racism in their encounters with fraternity and sorority members. We recognize that not all fraternity and sorority members actually participate in hostile racist behavior. However, many stand by and do nothing when they witness hostile behavior to students of color. In the 2011-2012 online survey, students of color listed fraternity and sorority housing as the number one space that students of color feel uncomfortable in and avoid because of the explicit racism that occurs inside and around those buildings. The explicit expressions of racism range from humiliation to physically assaulting students of color.

White supremacy was one of the most prominent themes that emerged from the examples given by students of color in the survey. For example, one student of color, who is in a fraternity, wrote, “Some people in my fraternity were discussing how other cultures are inferior to white people’s and making fun of specific instances, including the food and mannerisms of Asian people. This is a fairly persistent occurrence for a select few, and it is really hurtful to hear people being so close-minded and sure of their superiority over entire groups of people.”

Another student relates that “a large majority of the predominately Caucasian frats think of my race as inferior. It’s almost guaranteed that any night my friends and I go out for a drink, I will hear the words ‘fucking Indians’ or ‘go back to your country.’”

Student of color frequently reported taunting, mocking, and insulting by predominately white students in fraternities and sororities. Below are a few examples of their reported lived experiences on campus:

“A group of fraternity brothers [deleted name of fraternity] shouted from their balconies, ‘Hey, Chinaboy’ and continued to make insults.”

“I was once walking in front of a campus fraternity house at night, and there were people on the front yard. There were at least two young men, and one saw me and loudly directed a racial comment and slur to me. The young men laughed, and I continued walking past them.”

Students also told of instance when fraternity or sorority houses hold racial theme parties or dress up as a person from nonwhite backgrounds. These all occurred after the controversial “Tacos and Tequila” racial theme party.

One student reports, “Once I was walking home and there was a predominately white fraternity outside their Frat house drinking while wearing a poncho and sombrero with a lawn mower, I was so mad!!!!!”

Another student states, “When white Greek houses have racial parties or attempt to dress like black people to me [it] is disrespectful.”

This student feels that the way the university responds to offensive actions of predominately white fraternity members sends a message that some students of color do not belong on the campus. “Last April/May right before school let out, a Frat house [deleted location] dressed up as their ideal of a ‘Mexican.’ They had a sign that said if you honk we drink. They were ‘mowing’ the lawn dressed like ‘Mexicans.’ I am not Mexican, but I found that offensive and I do know that kids from La Casa wrote the university about it. [The students] even had pictures as proof but nothing was really done about it. So in my eyes, the university didn’t care and was pretty much saying all Hispanics don’t belong here.”

The racist behavior of some members of sorority and fraternity members continues inside the houses. Students of color report that at social gatherings, they are made to feel unwanted, humiliated, and unwelcome. Below are stories from students who attempted to cross racial lines on campus and attend predominately white fraternity parties:

“A student commented that the African American kids at a majority white fraternity, did not belong at the party. At a fraternity party.”

“Freshman year, my friends and I wanted to go to a party at a white frat house one night and when we stopped a random white male to ask him where the parties were, he told us, ‘Nowhere for you’ . . . It made me feel extremely uncomfortable so I decided to walk back to the bus stop . . . because I felt unwanted and I didn’t want to be anywhere where I was unwanted.”

“My first semester of freshmen year I went to a frat party with one of my white guy friends. I partied for a little while but upon returning to the basement from checking out rooms upstairs, a white guy yells “who invited the [n-word]!” and another erupted into laughter.”

“At a white frat house party some[one] screamed who invited the black girl? I left shortly after because I was awkward and embarrassed.”

Sometimes the tension between fraternity members and students of color leads to fighting and physical violence. One student told of this happening in a bar. “When going out with friends to a bar . . . a group of frat guys said something along the lines of—what are these Mexicans doing here—which led to a physical fight and the frat guys getting kicked out of the bar.”

Another student wrote that “I have been left out and seemingly invisible at predominately [white] fraternity functions. I was involved in a 10 on 1 fight that left me badly bruised and beaten.”

The racial dynamics between sorority and fraternity members and students of color also occur in the classroom setting. Here is an account of a classroom incident:

“Recently in my class a group of Caucasian sorority girls were talking about going out to the bars. Then they said, ‘if I was Asian I could easily get into the bar.’ They continued their conversation talking about how all Asians look alike and how security guards outside of the bars take a quick glance at the ID and don’t question the Asian person using the fake ID. They kept making comments about how all Asians look alike, and perhaps we look similar, but not everyone looks completely the same.”

The humiliation, assault and inhospitality students of color experience do not simply represent the white supremacist social logic of superiority or the racist pushback against black and brown bodies in white social spaces. Rather, these daily practices of sorority and fraternity members re-create the everyday social space by performing a racial segregation that needs to be structurally addressed by university administration. We urge the university to create an accessible system for students of color to report these incidents in order to understand the mechanisms that create and police racially segregated spaces at Illinois. We also urge the university to respond to students of color complaints about explicit and subtle racism in a way that promotes their right to access higher education, without being emotionally or physically harmed, at the flagship land-grant institution of the state of Illinois.

2016 02 26 RMA

Efad Huq is a graduate student in Urban & Regional Planning at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Stacy Harwood is an Associate Professor in the Department of Urban & Regional Planning at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Ruby Mendenhall is an Associate Professor in Sociology, African American Studies, Urban and Regional Planning, and Social Work at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She is also an affiliate of the Institute for Genomic Biology and the Institute for Computing in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences.

Professors Harwood and Mendenhall are co-Principal Investigators and Efad is a research assistant for the Racial Microaggressions Research Project at the University of Illinois. Our aim is to contribute to scholarly literature about racial microaggressions, to educate the campus community about the negative impact of racial microaggressions and to network and share our findings at other campuses across the United States. Follow us on Facebook and Pinterest.

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The Right to Pray Movement and Feminist Politics in India

by India Watcher

The women’s movement in India entered a new phase in late 2015 and early 2016 under the banner of the Right to Pray movement.  During this time, large numbers of women protested that they were barred from entering a few prominent temples or from setting foot in the inner shrine on grounds of impurity.

The Nirbhaya (“Fearless”) movement after the Delhi gang rape of December 2012 saw women declare that they did not deserve violence, that they had a right to life and to safety, and that their bodies were theirs to own. With the Right to Pray movement, women now declared that they were proud of their bodies and of their natural, biological processes, disowned the forced sense of shame, and, even more, insisted that they had equal cultural rights.

The Right to Pray Protests

The Right to Pray movement gathered strength when the Board President of the historic Sabarimala temple in Kerala said in November 2015 that he would consider letting in women between the ages of 10 and 50 if someone invented a machine to detect the “right time” for a woman to enter. The wrong time, of course, was when the woman was menstruating, since in Hindu tradition, a menstruating woman is considered impure and polluting. The Sabarimala comments inspired 20-year-old Nikita Azad to write a long open letter to the Board President asking how menstrual blood could be impure if it helped nourish the child in the womb. She received a huge wave of support in the social media under the hashtag #happytobleed.  “Didn’t he come wrapped up in the same impure blood?” asked Meena Kharatmal on Twitter.

The Indian Young Lawyers Association, a signatory to a petition filed with the Supreme Court against the Sabarimala practice in 2006, had to deal with multiple death threats to two of their lawyers before and during the Right to Pray protests in January 2016. While the Supreme Court hasn’t yet reached a verdict, a lawyer of the court mentioned that forbidding women entry could be seen as a violation of Article 25 of the constitution – the Right to Freedom of Religion.

In 2012, a controversy broke out over the fifteenth century tomb of the sufi saint Haji Ali.  The Trust of Haji Ali Dargah (Haji Ali Tomb) in Mumbai discontinued the practice of allowing women to enter the inner shrine citing “grievous sin” as the reason for the ban.  In 2014, the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (Indian Muslim Women’s Movement) filed a public interest litigation in the Bombay High Court challenging this decision. The Muslim women’s groups in Mumbai gathered for public protests against the decision of the shrine late in 2015 at the same time as the next Right to Pray controversy – the Shani Shingnapur temple protests — making this movement a cross-religion phenomenon.

The Shani Shingnapur temple (Temple of Saturn), in the village Shingnapur, in Maharashtra, does not allow women on the sacred open-air platform housing the idol, because of a variety of non-proven reasons, including alleged radiation from the idol that is harmful to women. In November 2015, a young a woman breached the barricade around the central idol resulting in a severe reaction from the temple authorities. They organized purification rituals with milk for the idol and suspended several security guards. Trupti Desai of the Bhumata Brigade (Mother Earth Brigade) in Maharashtra, organized a massive protest to end the discriminatory practice in December 2015. Desai threatened to jump onto the platform of the sanctum sanctorum from a helicopter but was prevented by the local police. She and her team of protesters are currently in talks with the state government and the temple authorities.

Reactions to the Right to Pray Protests

Critics of the movement on the right insist that traditions originating from hundreds or even thousands of years ago have an inherent logic and must be honored. Women can worship at other temples that allow them entry if the tradition is not to their liking.  While the Hindu right has been trying hard to show the Vedic identity as scientific and rational and feelings of national pride as superior to other traditional affiliations, they do not support the Right to Pray protesters who place their constitutional rights to equality and worship above tradition and culture.

Political critics on the right view them as non-religious women who just want to make a noise about the right to equality or, worse, serve the hidden agenda of the center-liberal Congress Party to get back to power.

Liberal critics prefer to view the issue as going beyond the right to pray to the right to access all public spaces of “educational, historical, cultural value” as well as spaces of “natural beauty.” Feminist critics say that the Right to Pray protests are sporadic and do not lead to a fundamental change in patriarchal attitudes. General critics point out that other issues are more important such as violence against women, including rape within marriage, a protection not yet guaranteed by the Indian criminal law, female foeticide, and dowry deaths.

Change at the Grassroots

The watershed Nirbhaya gang rape case of December 2012 in New Delhi transformed women’s fight against violence at the grassroots.  While institutional changes were slow and convictions as rare as before, women were now reporting assault incidents at much higher rates than in the year before the Delhi gang rape case. The number of arrests increased substantially, all political parties put women’s safety issues prominently on their manifestoes, the media spotlight on rape and sexual harassment now meant that sexism was no longer acceptable and issues of violence against women no longer invisible during prime-time news.

The Nirbhaya movement also had a significant legal impact through the following laws:

The biggest change before and after 2012 has been that women are now ready to step up and fight for themselves rather than wait for institutions to act on their behalf. While there may be little social change in attitudes concerning purity and pollution towards women, the Right to Pray movement has generated a new and very public discourse on topics that have been taboo for thousands of years.  New and traditional media provided saturation coverage of the protests.  Women spoke and acted with a new assertiveness and pride about their self-worth and the sacredness of their bodies. The word “period” or “menstruation,” which was sometimes not even whispered in traditional homes, was now being discussed freely in debates and news discussions beamed to every home. The fundamental question of how a woman could be considered impure was raised at last.

India Watcher

India Watcher earned a Ph.D. at UIUC

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Courtwatch Victory

By Courtwatchers

Courtwatchers is a group of citizens who volunteer to attend criminal proceedings by request of the defendant,a family member or a concerned party. We are there as witnesses to criminal justice in Champaign County, to figure out how it actually works, and we are learning more about our local system all the time.

Last year we received a request to observe the case of a poor, disabled woman of color who was being vigorously prosecuted by the State of Illinois for fraud. By involving the  community, Courtwatch was able to facilitate a positive outcome.

The courtroom can most certainly be an intimidating place, especially for persons without sufficient means and supports. We were introduced to a woman who had endured debilitating hardships throughout her life and yet still displayed a smile. She was a survivor of violent attacks which had left her wheelchair-bound and suffering many related physical and emotional challenges. With no immediate family support she was struggling to navigate her legal options.

Her public defender was initially baffled as to the reluctance of the State to offer a reasonable plea deal given the relatively minor nature of her alleged offense and her lack of a significant criminal history. We learned she was being prosecuted by a special prosecutor from the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. She was evidently caught up in a state investigation searching for significant fraud. The intensity of the prosecution appeared equal to that given to high-level sophisticated violators. Her fairly insignificant crime seemed to be portrayed as that of a serious offender being brought down by the State. In keeping with their aggressive stance, the Attorney General’s Office had filed charges to preclude any sentence that did not include mandatory time in prison.

The severity of her prosecution was troubling to behold. The State’s apparent disregard of her history as a victim of violence, with the resulting physical and emotional challenges, the potential worsening of her health if she was incarcerated, and the nonviolent nature of the alleged offense all left us wanting to act. We sought to have her charges decreased and in doing so remove the restriction of mandatory prison time. We shared her story with local churches and community groups. We obtained numerous signatures on petitions from citizens requesting that the State refrain from its harsh prosecution, which we sent to the Office of the Attorney General’s Special Prosecutor.

Although the State denied that the petitions had any influence, the charges were lowered and she was released from the mandatory minimum juggernaut. Now the judge could have flexibility in sentencing. The punishment could range from probation to prison; however, it would be decided by considering the totality of the evidence, her life circumstances and her rehabilitative potential. The judge’s hands would not be tied by the previously restrictive charges.

With the mandatory prison time off the table, she chose to plead guilty to the lesser offense and take responsibility for her debt and any assessed fines. She and her public defender were hopeful that the judge would be merciful when considering  her medical needs, personal history and the non-violent nature of her crime. We continued our support by submitting letters to the judge requesting a home-based sentence which would allow her to pay her debts while remaining in the community.

When the day of her sentencing arrived she was heartened to have many Courtwatchers in the courtroom to support her. The State’s prosecutor continued to argue for prison time and attempted to minimize her health as a mitigating factor. The judge chastised the prosecution for disregarding her physical realities. He noted the strong community supports, acknowledging the letters and the people who were present on her behalf.  She was granted a probationary sentence. She would be allowed to remain within the community while repaying her debts.

She was relieved and thankful. We were all grateful that the public voices had been recognized and true justice had prevailed.




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Rantoul Jr. High Hosts 1st NAAPID Event

National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) is a national event that started in 1995 as the brainchild of long time Michigan principal Joseph Dulin. He was inspired to take action after attending the Million Man March and a speaker challenged attendees to do more to be involved in their communities. Currently, NAAPID events are held in 49 states, including many local schools in the area.

On Thursday, February 11, J.W. Eater Junior High held its first NAPPID event. Over 200 parents, children and community members were in attendance at the school gym for the evening’s activities.

8th Grade student Victor Bradley gives keynote address

8th Grade student Victor Bradley gives keynote address

8th Grade student Victor Bradley was the student keynote speaker. During his talk, he highlighted the support of his family in his academic and extracurricular pursuits. Victor also noted that it was these strong connections and involvement from his family that helped contribute to his successes inside and outside of school. Although admittedly a little nervous, Victor stressed the importance of sharing his story publicly because it would help “us move to be a better school and [Rantoul] a better place” by beginning to have these conversations and developing the connective relationships between school, parents and the community.

Herbert Burnett addresses the audience.

Herbert Burnett addresses the audience.

This message was also echoed by the staff keynote speaker, Mr. Herbert Burnett. Mr. Burnett noted the recent improvement in the amount of students reading at grade level in the building. He advocated for developing proactive relationships between parents and teachers to help the children succeed. Burnett also spoke of the integral need that kids require – the meaningful presence of adults who care about their growth and development.

The student choir sang renditions of Lift Every Voice and Sing – often referred to as the ‘African American National Anthem’ and the recent John Legend hit Glory from the movie Selma. The Royals, Eater’s step team performed a routine and the school Jazz Band played “All That Jazz” by Miles Davis and “Baby That’s What I Need” by Julian Adderley.

The Royals Step Team performs!

The Royals Step Team performs!

After the event, over 55 teen and young adult books were raffled off to families and Chef Curtis McGhee provided a delicious dinner for the attendees.


The Eater Jazz band plays Julian Adderley and Miles Davis

The Eater Jazz band plays Julian Adderley and Miles Davis



Eater Vice Principal and NAAPID organizer Amy Boscolo said that she led the charge to organize NAAPID with interested staff because the school have never done an event previously. She said that it was “an opportunity to showcase talents and create partnerships with the school” by including parents and the community to become more connected through the event. Boscolo noted that the NAAPID program is another way to develop synergy through diversity. Based on the success, JW Eater and Rantoul look forward to more events to help “be a better school and [make Rantoul] a better place.”

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The Struggle for Tuition-Free Education

By Mary Grace Hebert

A breathtaking piece by Black Students for Revolution in the January 2016 Public i called for tuition to be eliminated because it perpetuates an unjust system. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has called for free college; similarly, Republicans have proposed methods to lower tuition. It seems everyone is concerned about high tuition. However, high tuition doesn’t just affect undergraduates; graduate students are increasingly facing high costs for their education.

University education in the United States functions as a marketplace, where universities act increasingly like corporations and students and parents seek to maximize return on investment. As the Wall Street Journal put it, “The U.S. Education Department’s College Scorecard website helps you figure out where to get ‘the most bang for your educational buck’ by compiling federal data collected from colleges. Collegerealitycheck.com from the Chronicle of Higher Education allows for quick and easy comparisons between colleges on measures families should weigh during their search.”

Given the rising cost of tuition at universities nationwide, parents and students are asking themselves whether paying for a degree is worth it. Despite the cost, many students still say yes. The US Census Bureau estimates that 32% of adults over the age of 25 have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher. The number continues to grow. Due to a lackluster job market, stagnating wages for college graduates, and other reasons, many Millennials have pursued post-graduate degrees. They have been dubbed “The Most Educated Generation.” They spent a lot to get that title. 40% of student debt belongs to graduate students. Although undergraduate students are often the focus of student loan coverage, graduate and undergraduate students are both saddled with debt.

Some graduate students may hope for teaching or research appointments to defray the cost of tuition; at the University of Illinois, graduate employees holding teaching or graduate assistantships receive tuition waivers as part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated by the Graduate Employees’ Organization (GEO). The tuition is not paid by any department or entity, but is waived; graduate students pay a portion of fees or tuition, depending on their department. This reduces the financial burden on graduate employees so that they can concentrate on teaching, learning, and researching. Without waivers, graduate employees would be paying to work.

Luckily for the graduate employees at the University of Illinois, Urbana, two arbitration decisions have upheld their right to tuition waivers. In July 2011, the GEO won an arbitration that stipulated that that graduate employees in Fine and Applied Arts (FAA) who had been billed for a portion of their tuition, in some cases the difference between out-of-state and in-state tuition, had to be repaid. The University finally repaid the owed tuition plus interest in Spring of 2013; the total repayment amounted to over $440,000.

A little over a year after the GEO had secured payment to FAA students, tuition waivers came under attack again. In August 2014, the GEO found out that some graduate students in the Master’s of Computer Science (MCS) were deemed ineligible to hold waiver-generating appointments. The MCS program had been designated as a professional degree program for the purpose of generating revenue for the department. In order to receive a teaching or graduate assistantship, students’ tuition had to be paid by their employing department; thus, if a student was employed as a TA by Electrical and Computer Engineering that department would pay MCS the student’s tuition, in addition to paying that student’s wages.

The GEO successfully argued in arbitration in August 2015 that this created a burden on employing departments and prevented qualified graduate students from holding tuition-waiver generating appointments. As arbitrator Malamud put it, “The MCS action upsets the full panoply of assumptions that underlie the University framework of support for graduate students. It reduces the value of the tuition waiver, when it imposes the costs of the tuition waiver on the employing unit, the unit granting the assistantship. The tuition waiver is transformed from the primary form of compensation to a competitive disqualifying cost.” The full implications of the decision have yet to be determined, but it’s the second arbitration decision to protect graduate employees’ access to tuition waivers.

However, you may be asking yourself, “What about the program that was earning funding through student tuition?” One faculty member I spoke with asserted that the department had to make money some way and that if it was not made off the backs of graduate students, then it would be made off the backs of undergraduate students. On its face the statement seems logical, but it is incorrect on two points.

First, the tuition waived by tuition waivers is not paid by anyone; it is waived; it does not contribute to the income of the department in which graduate employees are students. The tuition that is waived does not appear anywhere on the budget as a source of revenue and only exists as a credit in the graduate employees’ accounts; the graduate employees earn their waiver by teaching many of the University’s courses or assisting in other ways.

Secondly, the statement is premised on tuition as the only source of income, but tuition is not the only source of revenue. One source of revenue is the endowment; an Op-Ed in the New York Times recently argued, “Congress should require universities with endowments in excess of $100 million to spend at least 8 percent of the endowment each year.” Endowments are invested and grow every year, thus 8% would not wipe out a University’s endowment.

Currently, according to its own report, the University of Illinois spends 4% of its endowment. Doubling that and devoting it to cutting tuition could help lower tuition. In addition to changes in revenue, there could also be changes in spending. Administrative costs have ballooned in recent decades. The University could make many changes to make both graduate and undergraduate education more accessible. Making programs accessible would also raise the quality of graduate and undergraduate programs because qualified individuals would not be excluded due to tuition.

At first glance, it may seem incongruous if not impossible to ask both for tuition-free education and that tuition waivers for graduate employees be preserved. It is not impossible if the University commits to spending more of its endowment and reduces the bureaucratic toll on the budget. It is also necessary. Lowering tuition to make the University more accessible to both graduate and undergraduate students is necessary if the University is to continue to be a high-ranking public education institution. Business-as-usual in the university system cannot continue; there must be change.

As Black Students for Revolution put it, “There are enough resources within this country to allow for free education at all levels, but it will never be that way until we demand it to be so.” The University has the resources. It needs to commit funds to education instead of bureaucracy and return to its core mission as an institution of public education.

2016 02 25 Mary Hebert

Mary Grace Hébert is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Communication at UIUC. She serves as the Grievance Officer for the GEO.

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