Latest News for: phaedrus (dialogue)


Review: 'The Temple House Vanishing,' by Rachel Donohue

Tyler Morning Telegraph 28 Jul 2021
FICTION. A handsome teacher appears to be grooming a young student — and then they both disappear ... ——— ... A Socratic dialogue (Plato's "Phaedrus"), "The Letters of Abelard and Heloise," songs by the Police, and, in 2021, countless Twitter hashtags all attest to feelings it inspires ... Kennedy," offers in her debut novel an evocation of gothic horror ... Mr.

The Return of the Cicadas

The American Spectator 01 May 2021
Plato’s Phaedrus opens magnificently, with Socrates and his interlocutor, after whom the dialogue is named, sitting together upon a grassy bank near the Ilissus River, shielded from the brilliance of the Attic sun by the delightful shade of a towering plane tree — “a fair ...

Schroer: Things are not always what they seem

Longview News-Journal 29 Aug 2020
In his dialogues with the ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, a guy named Phaedrus supposedly said, “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.”. Things are not always what they seem. For example, a firefly is not a fly; it’s a beetle ... We can’t lose.

Bread Crumbs: Things Are Not Always What They Seem

Victoria Advocate 14 Aug 2020
In his dialogues with the ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, a guy name Phaedrus supposedly said, “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.”. Things are not always what they seem. For example, a firefly is not a fly; it’s a beetle ... We can’t lose ... ....
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