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iRibbon Pro 2

$67.00 $39.00


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iRibbon Pro 2 is a fun and friendly Responsive WordPress Theme featuring Drag and Drop Theme Options.

iRibbon Pro offers the same advanced functionality as CyberChimps other WordPress Themes including a Responsive Design that responds automatically to mobile devices such as the iPhone, iPad, and Android.

iRibbon Pro now features 4 beautiful skins to select from, as well as Drag and Drop Elements such as the Responsive Feature Slider, Image Carousel, Twitter bar, Widgetized boxes, and Callout section. All of which can be used on a per-page basis.


  • A mobile ready modern responsive design perfect for any website.
  • 4 beautiful skins to select from.
  • Drag and Drop Options on a per-page basis allowing you control the look and feel of every page.
  • Multiple sidebar layouts for all Pages including template options for the Blog, Single Post page, Archive pages, Search, and 404.
  • New Drag and Drop Elements including the new iFeature Slider, Custom Drag and Drop Header and logo options, Portfolio, Callout Section, Widgets, Boxes, Breadcrumbs, Carousel, Recent Posts, and Twitter Bar.
  • Theme Customizer support, Post Formats Support, Translation Ready, Powerful Blog Settings, Typography Options including Google Fonts, Widgetized sidebars and footer.
  • Powered by WordPress, Twitter Bootstrap, HTML5, and CSS3.

Product Description

iRibbon Vintage WordPress Template

iRibbon Pro 2 lets you create amazing responsive websites that you can control on any touch device including the iPad, iPhone, and Android devices. iRibbon Pro 2 also includes the power of a dozen plugins in a single theme allowing you to setup an entire website in minutes with touch friendly Drag and Drop Options on a per-page basis allowing you control the look and feel of every page.

Simply Drag and Drop the new Touch iFeature Slider, Callout Section, Portfolio, Twitter Bar, and other Elements while logged into the Responsive WordPress Theme Options. Want to change to the next image in the iFeature Slider? Simply swipe your finger to view the next image. With iRibbon Pro 2 and touch friendly responsive design you can now control your website on any device.

Why Go Pro?

  • Access to our Pro Support Forums with dedicated support staff (when you signup for your 1 month free trial of Plus).
  • Simple pricing, multi-use GPL license – purchase it once and use it on as many websites or projects as you want.
  • Continued support for the latest and greatest versions of WordPress.

iRibbon Pro 2 is one of the most advanced Premium WordPress Themes in the world and is released under the GNU GPL v2. iRibbon Pro 2 can be used on as many website as you want. iFeature Pro 5 is optimized for the latest version of WordPress, Chrome, Safari, FireFox, and Internet Explorer 9 and 10 (but does not support Internet Explorer 6, 7, or PHP4).