Category archive: Technology & Internet

Riding a self-balancing scooter is not dangerous

Riding a self-balancing scooter is not dangerous

The two-wheel self-balancing scooter is one the least expensive devices at the moment and it is not because it is capable of levitating. What this device does is use wheels in order to roll across the ground and it is fun to ride compared to skateboards. Essentially, the 2 wheel self – balancing scooter is…

BlackBerry Apps that Will Change Your World

BlackBerry Apps that Will Change Your World

Although BlackBerry is not the most utilized type of mobile phone in the world, it still has its group of loyal users, who enjoy the many benefits brought by it, mainly in the department of organizing your life and working on the go.

Women in Development

Women in Development

Women in Development is an approach which is aimed at defining and improving the role that women play in developmental projects. At the beginning WID had a similar vision with Gender and Development but over the years they parted ways due to the fact that one was aimed at improving the role that women played in progress while the other one was just highlighting gender differences.

Understanding and Applying the Principles of Self Development

Understanding and Applying the Principles of Self Development

Self development is a concept that embodies many activities aimed at improving ourselves in order to achieve our goals. The first and most important steps of a personal development process are self awareness and self knowledge. If we find our personal identity and define our path in life we will have better chances at finding happiness.

Internet Library: Salvation or Bit-Rot?

Internet Library: Salvation or Bit-Rot?

When asked how he saw the future Internet Library, Vint Cerf, one of the founding fathers of the Internet expressed a deep concern about the way information will be stored and passed on to future generations. Controlling and managing the immense amount of data processed daily online and through various digital forms can pose a threat to the integrity of such library.

Green Living Technologies

Green Living Technologies

Green Living Technologies are solutions that we can implement into our cities in order to build a green future. It is important for everybody to be aware of the efficiency and the necessity of these green systems. We have reached a critical point in our history where we destroy more than we create and it is only through green solutions that we can restore that balance.

5 Websites With PC Reviews for Hardware Components

5 Websites With PC Reviews for Hardware Components

If you are planning to build a new computer, are new to the computer hardware or just like to keep up with the latest is computer hardware, these 5 websites for PC reviews will provide you with reliable information, benchmarks and advanced search options.

Advantages of Biomass Energy

Advantages of Biomass Energy

Biomass energy is the primary source of energy. It has been used ever since the discovery of fire by burning matter in order to produce heat. Biomass usually refers to plants or plant derived materials. It is less harmful than fossil fuel because it releases CO2 which was recently captured and therefore it does not create any new greenhouse gases.

The Importance of Rural Development

The Importance of Rural Development

Rural development is very important from a social and economical point of view, especially in remote areas where people still live like hundreds of years ago, employing primitive farming methods and struggling to find drinking water, and where education is lacking.

How to Define Sustainable Development

How to Define Sustainable Development

The best sustainable development definition is to say that it is a type of human development where gathering the resources of human needs is done without disturbing the environment and its natural systems, so that these human needs can be satisfied for future generations as well.

How to Make a Cheap PC Upgrade

How to Make a Cheap PC Upgrade

Choosing between upgrading your old computer and buying a new one is a very difficult decisions. In the end it all comes down to the cheapest choice. Buying more RAM or a new video card is an affordable investment that will greatly improve your computer’s abilities. However if you have a very old computer, a PC upgrade might not be the most efficient solution.

How to Create Backgrounds for Computer

How to Create Backgrounds for Computer

There are many ways in which you can make personalized backgrounds for computer. An easy option would be making a slideshow of your favorite pictures. If you want to do a little editing but you don’t have the necessary skills you should try using Paint as it is very user friendly. Once you master this little program you can move on to more sophisticated editing tools.

What is Green Technology?

What is Green Technology?

Green technology refers to any kind of technology that protects and preserves the environment, and which also strives to counteract the negative effects human activity has had so far over our world; thus, wind power, solar power, hydroelectricity, electric vehicles and others are of great help to us.

The Coolest Green Gadgets You’ll Want to Have

The Coolest Green Gadgets You’ll Want to Have

Some of the best green gadgets at the moment focus on reducing our dependence to electricity and fuel; others try to avoid pollution or to have a beneficial impact where pollution is concerned, while some just give us autonomy in remote places.

The Importance Of Social Development

The Importance Of Social Development

Across the globe there is no balance between the stages of the development of different societies. Social development methods are given very little importance especially in the educational system. Given the fact that this system is the one that integrates people in society’s structure it should be more focused on children social skills.

How To Support Economic Development

How To Support Economic Development

In order for a region to prosper it requires a certain economic environment which needs to be regulated by the appropriate policy makers. This requires small taxes as well as funding for new businesses. Furthermore supporting local small business can help them develop which will eventually lead to more jobs.

Reasons for Going to a Green Tech High School

Reasons for Going to a Green Tech High School

Because we need more and more innovations in clean technology, young generations can now choose to go to a green tech high school and learn the first steps towards protecting the environment and developing practices or products that help protect it, or which don’t harm it at all.

The New Age of Clean Technology

The New Age of Clean Technology

Clean technology emerged out of a need for more energy efficient products and services, but also out of the need to restore some of the planet’s resources and reverting some of the negative effects of industries, such as the general use of oil which is highly polluting for the atmosphere.

5 Computer Components You Should Not Repair

5 Computer Components You Should Not Repair

Because it is more cost-effective, users often choose to repair important computer components such as the fans. Replacement is a good opportunity to upgrade and can provide excellent benefits, stability and greater longevity for the system.

The Benefits of Living in a Computer World

The Benefits of Living in a Computer World

Because we live in a computer world, we have witnessed amazing events, enjoyed a high level of comfort and rapid access to information. These mechanical brains changed the way we live and made a huge impact on our society, leading us towards new discoveries in science, medicine and engineering.
