- published: 14 Sep 2015
- views: 726
Dawn (from an Old English verb dagian "to become day") is the time that marks, depending on the specific usage, the beginning of the twilight before sunrise, the period of the pre-sunrise twilight or the time of sunrise. When identified as the beginning of or the period of twilight, it is recognized by the presence of weak sunlight, while the Sun itself is still below the horizon.
Different definitions exist for the start of dawn. The difference between these definitions is the amount of sunlight that must be present. This can be correlated with the angular distance of the centre of the Sun (degrees) below the horizon, in the morning:
Astronomical twilight begins at the moment after which the sky is no longer completely dark. This occurs when the Sun is 18 degrees below the horizon in the morning. Though it is possible to localize the direction of the Sun during astronomical dawn and dusk, people in general experience astronomical dawn and dusk as night, even without clouds. The zenith is dark and more than just the brightest stars can be seen (except low above the horizon in the direction of the sun).
In Western music, the adjectives major and minor can describe a musical composition, movement, section, scale, key, chord, or interval.
Major and minor are frequently referred to in the titles of classical compositions, especially in reference to the key of a piece.
With regard to intervals, the words major and minor just mean large and small, so a major third is a wider interval, and a minor third a relatively narrow one. The intervals of the second, third, sixth, and seventh (and compound intervals based on them) may be major or minor.
The other uses of major and minor, in general, refer to musical structures containing major thirds or minor thirds. A major scale is one whose third degree is a major third above the tonic, while a minor scale has a minor third degree. A major chord or major triad, similarly, contains a major third above the root, whereas a minor chord or minor triad contains a minor third above the root. In Western music, a minor chord, in comparison, "sounds darker than a major chord".
Lac is the scarlet resinous secretion of a number of species of lac insects, of which the most commonly cultivated species is Kerria lacca.
Cultivation begins when a farmer gets a stick (broodlac) that contains eggs ready to hatch and ties it to the tree to be infested. Thousands of lac insects colonize the branches of the host trees and secrete the resinous pigment. The coated branches of the host trees are cut and harvested as sticklac.
The harvested sticklac is crushed and sieved to remove impurities. The sieved material is then repeatedly washed to remove insect parts and other soluble material. The resulting product is known as seedlac. The prefix seed refers to its pellet shape. Seedlac which still contains 3–5% impurities is processed into shellac by heat treatment or solvent extraction.
The leading producer of lac is Jharkhand, followed by the Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, and Maharashtra states of India. Lac production is also found in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, parts of China, and Mexico.
Mort Shuman (November 12, 1936 – November 2, 1991) was an American singer, pianist and songwriter, best known as co-writer of many 1960s rock and roll hits, including "Viva Las Vegas". He also wrote and sang many songs in French, such as "Le Lac Majeur", "Allo Papa Tango Charlie", "Sha Mi Sha", "Un Eté de Porcelaine", and "Brooklyn by the Sea" which became hits in France.
Shuman was born in Brooklyn, New York City, of Polish Jewish immigrants and went to Abraham Lincoln High School, subsequently studying music at the New York Conservatory. He became a fan of R&B music and after he met Doc Pomus the two teamed up to compose for Aldon Music at offices in New York City's Brill Building. Their songwriting collaboration saw Pomus write the lyrics and Shuman the melody, although occasionally each worked on both. Their compositions would be recorded by artists such as Dion, The Flamingos,Andy Williams, Bobby Darin, Fabian, Ajda Pekkan The Drifters, and Elvis Presley, among others. Their most famous songs include "A Teenager in Love", "Turn Me Loose", "This Magic Moment", "Save The Last Dance For Me", "Little Sister", "Can't Get Used to Losing You", "(Marie's the Name) His Latest Flame", "Viva Las Vegas" and "Sweets for My Sweet".
The Aeolian Islands (Italian: Isole Eolie, pronounced [ˈiːzole eˈɔːlje], Sicilian: Ìsuli Eoli, Greek: Αιολίδες Νήσοι, Aiolides Nisoi) are a volcanic archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea north of Sicily, named after the demigod of the winds Aeolus. The locals residing on the islands are known as Aeolians (Italian: Eoliani). The Aeolian Islands are a popular tourist destination in the summer, and attract up to 200,000 visitors annually.
Because the largest island is Lipari, the islands are sometimes referred to as the Lipari Islands or Lipari group. The other islands include Vulcano, Salina, Stromboli, Filicudi, Alicudi, Panarea and Basiluzzo.
The present shape of the Aeolian Islands is the result of volcanic activity over a period of 260,000 years. There are two active volcanoes - Stromboli and Vulcano. The volcanic activity of steaming fumaroles and thermal waters are on most of the islands.
Scientifically the archipelago is defined as a volcanic arc. The origin of the Aeolian Islands is due to movement of the Earth's crust as a result of plate tectonics. The African continental shelf is in constant movement towards Europe. The resulting collision has created a volcanic area with ruptures in the Earth's crust with consequent eruptions of magma. The "Aeolian Arc" extends for more than 140 kilometres (87 miles), but the area of geological instability caused by the collision of Africa and Europe is much larger. It includes Sicily, Calabria, and Campania together with Greece and the Aegean islands.
Jean-Paul Daroux Trio -At the Dawn of the Last Day , album Prélude for a New World-2010
Major Lazer - Jet Blue Jet (feat. Leftside, GTA, Razz & Biggy)
Brooklyn by the Sea
Mort Shuman - Amsterdam - 1975
Nino Ferrer : Le Sud - 1975
Patagonie le glacier Perito Moreno du lac Argentino
Mort Shuman - Mademoiselle
Un grand voyage - A great travel - Musique "Desireless Voyage Voyage"
Nana Mouskouri: If we only have love (Quand on n'a que l'amour) (live)
the call (L'appel ) la bande annonce
Mort Shumant - Sorrow ♥ღ♥
3. Rila - The mysteries of lakes
Lionel Cottet Violoncelle, Louis Schwizgebel Piano, Aubes musicales Genève Août 14, 2016
Martyn Mortimer - The Brightest Night
Point Culture : Introduction à la musique "classique"
Chanson d'Orphée (Orfeo Negro)
Italie nature sauvages des sept iles volcaniques de l'archipel des Eoliénnes
Le Jour se Lève 1971 Esther Galil
Isola Bella - Stresa, Italy
THE NEW MAJOR LAZER EP - KNOW NO BETTER - LISTEN NOW ON YOUTUBE - http://vid.io/xcRj Directed by Grizz Lee (@grizzleemusic) Produced by Douglas Riggs (@dougriggs) & Harrison Lippman Colorist: Jaime O'Bradovich (CO3) OUT NOW! // MAJOR LAZER & DJ SNAKE - LEAN ON (FEAT. MØ) STREAM LEAN ON: http://smarturl.it/LeanOnStream http://smarturl.it/LeanOnSpotify http://smarturl.it/LeanOnSoundCloud DOWNLOAD LEAN ON: http://smarturl.it/LeanOniTunes http://smarturl.it/LeanOnAmazon http://smarturl.it/LeanOnBP FOLLOW MAJOR LAZER: http://www.majorlazer.com http://www.facebook.com/majorlazer http://www.twitter.com/majorlazer http://www.instagram.com/majorlazer http://www.soundcloud.com/majorlazer BUY MAJOR LAZER GEAR - WEBSTORE - http://www.LazersNeverDie.com AMAZON (Free Prime Shipping) - http://...
Mort Shuman sings the English version of Jacques Brel 's masterpiece "Amsterdam" .. from the movie " Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris - 1975 " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Brel_Is_Alive_and_Well_and_Living_in_Paris_%28film%29#Cast .. lyrics : In the port of Amsterdam There's a sailor who sings Of the dream that he brings From the wide open sea In the port of Amsterdam There's a sailor who sleeps While the river bank weeps To the old willow tree In the port of Amsterdam There's a sailor who dies Full of beer, full of cries In a drunken town fight And In the port of Amsterdam There's a sailor who's born On a muggy hot morn By the dawn's early light In the port of Amsterdam Where the sailors all meet There's a sailor who eats Only fish heads and tails He'll show...
Sanger: Gibbon Skrywer: Johannie Hanker Produksie: Angel Music Productions
Nino Ferrer, né le 15 août 1934 à Gênes, Italie et mort le 13 août 1998 à Montcuq dans le Lot en France, de son vrai nom Nino Agostino Arturo Maria Ferrari, est un chanteur, auteur et compositeur italo-français.
( merci de noter la vidéo ) ABONNEZ-VOUS pour suivre l'évolution de ma chaine YouTube Le glacier Perito Moreno est l'un des trois seuls glaciers de Patagonie qui n'est pas en régression. Le front du glacier fait approximativement 5 000 mètres de long, la hauteur de glace est de 170 mètres, dont 74 mètres sont émergés. Il avance d'environ deux mètres par jour (700 mètres par an). À certains endroits son épaisseur atteint 700 mètres. la différence avec d’autres glaciers caractérisés par les effondrements de pans de glace, le Perito Moreno détache d'immenses blocs de glace. À n'importe quelle époque de l'année, se produisent des effondrements constants de ses murs de gl...
from the album My Death ( Reprise 1969 ) **NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED***ALL RIGHTS GO TO THE ARTIST'S RESPECTIVE LABEL***I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG!***FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY***I DON'T OWN ANYTHING!!*** "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"
Vidéo et poème réalisés par Jean Yves REMIREZ - Accompagnement musical : "Desireless Voyage Voyage" je souhaite un bon voyage à tous mes ami(es) - I hope a good travel to all my friends
From her BBC series English lyrics: Mort Shuman & Eric Blau Music: Jacques Brel If we only have love Then tomorrow will dawn And the days of our years Will rise on that morn If we only have love To embrace without fears We will kiss with our eyes We will sleep without tears If we only have love With our arms open wide Then the young and the old Will stand at our side If we only have love Love that's falling like rain Then the parched desert earth Will grow green again If we only have love For the hymn that we shout For the song that we sing Then we'll have a way out If we only have love We can reach those in pain We can heal all our wounds We can use our own names If we only have love We can melt all the guns And then give the new world To our daughters and sons If we only have love Then...
Date de sortie prochainement Réalisé par Brad Anderson Avec Abigail Breslin, Halle Une opératrice d'un poste de police reçoit un appel téléphonique d'une adolescente menacée par un tueur...
Aux bains des Paquis magnifique Concert ! Grands merci aux musiciens .
Après avoir abandonné à trois reprises l'écriture d'un Point Culture complet sur la musique classique, la nouvelle formule me permet de vous offrir un très bref portrait de 20 compositeurs clés (de sol (c'est le lol)) de la musique savante, dite musique "classique" Si cette vidéo vous a plu et que vous souhaitez suivre mes créations ^^ : Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/LinksTheSun Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/LinksTheSun Site officiel ; http://www.lepointculture.fr
Chanson d'Orphée de 1959, mon année de naissance, interprétée par de nombreux artistes, André Dassary, Georges Guétary, Yvette Giraud, Tino Rossi, Patrice et Mario, Dalida, John William... Aujourd'hui, modestement interprétée à l'harmonica Hohner Chromonica Super 64. Les paroles : Matin, fais lever le soleil Matin, à l'instant du réveil Viens tendrement poser Tes perles de rosée Sur la nature en fleurs Chère à mon cœur Le ciel a choisi mon pays Pour faire un nouveau paradis Où loin des tourments Danse un éternel printemps Pour les amants Chante chante mon cœur La chanson du matin Dans la joie de la vie qui reviens Matin, fais lever le soleil Matin, à l'instant du réveil Mets dans le cœur battant De celui que j'attends Un doux rayon d'amour Beau comme le jour Afin qu...
( merci de noter la vidéo ) ABONNEZ-VOUS pour suivre l'évolution de mes vidéos sur YouTube,cordialement Claude Aven Les Îles Eoliennes, l'endroit idéal pour vos vacances de l'autre côté de la Méditerranée! Découvrez l'histoire millénaire de ces îles un des plus beaux archipels de la Méditerranée Les Îles Éoliennes, situées nord-est de la Sicile forment un archipel constitué de sept îles (Alicudi, Filicudi, Lipari, Panarea, Salina, Stromboli, Vulcano), r. Les sept Îles Éoliennes sont disposées en Y horizontal, au large de la Sicile septentrionale, face à la côte tyrrhénienne de Messine. Elles sont donc visibles d'une grande partie de la côte tyrrhénienne de la Sicile lorsque la visibilité est excellente et qu'il n'y a pas de brumes.le nom de Îles Éoliennes dérive de celui du dieu Eole,...
THE NEW MAJOR LAZER EP - KNOW NO BETTER - LISTEN NOW ON YOUTUBE - http://vid.io/xcRj Directed by Grizz Lee (@grizzleemusic) Produced by Douglas Riggs (@dougriggs) & Harrison Lippman Colorist: Jaime O'Bradovich (CO3) OUT NOW! // MAJOR LAZER & DJ SNAKE - LEAN ON (FEAT. MØ) STREAM LEAN ON: http://smarturl.it/LeanOnStream http://smarturl.it/LeanOnSpotify http://smarturl.it/LeanOnSoundCloud DOWNLOAD LEAN ON: http://smarturl.it/LeanOniTunes http://smarturl.it/LeanOnAmazon http://smarturl.it/LeanOnBP FOLLOW MAJOR LAZER: http://www.majorlazer.com http://www.facebook.com/majorlazer http://www.twitter.com/majorlazer http://www.instagram.com/majorlazer http://www.soundcloud.com/majorlazer BUY MAJOR LAZER GEAR - WEBSTORE - http://www.LazersNeverDie.com AMAZON (Free Prime Shipping) - http://...
Mort Shuman sings the English version of Jacques Brel 's masterpiece "Amsterdam" .. from the movie " Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris - 1975 " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Brel_Is_Alive_and_Well_and_Living_in_Paris_%28film%29#Cast .. lyrics : In the port of Amsterdam There's a sailor who sings Of the dream that he brings From the wide open sea In the port of Amsterdam There's a sailor who sleeps While the river bank weeps To the old willow tree In the port of Amsterdam There's a sailor who dies Full of beer, full of cries In a drunken town fight And In the port of Amsterdam There's a sailor who's born On a muggy hot morn By the dawn's early light In the port of Amsterdam Where the sailors all meet There's a sailor who eats Only fish heads and tails He'll show...
Sanger: Gibbon Skrywer: Johannie Hanker Produksie: Angel Music Productions
Nino Ferrer, né le 15 août 1934 à Gênes, Italie et mort le 13 août 1998 à Montcuq dans le Lot en France, de son vrai nom Nino Agostino Arturo Maria Ferrari, est un chanteur, auteur et compositeur italo-français.
( merci de noter la vidéo ) ABONNEZ-VOUS pour suivre l'évolution de ma chaine YouTube Le glacier Perito Moreno est l'un des trois seuls glaciers de Patagonie qui n'est pas en régression. Le front du glacier fait approximativement 5 000 mètres de long, la hauteur de glace est de 170 mètres, dont 74 mètres sont émergés. Il avance d'environ deux mètres par jour (700 mètres par an). À certains endroits son épaisseur atteint 700 mètres. la différence avec d’autres glaciers caractérisés par les effondrements de pans de glace, le Perito Moreno détache d'immenses blocs de glace. À n'importe quelle époque de l'année, se produisent des effondrements constants de ses murs de gl...
from the album My Death ( Reprise 1969 ) **NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED***ALL RIGHTS GO TO THE ARTIST'S RESPECTIVE LABEL***I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG!***FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY***I DON'T OWN ANYTHING!!*** "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"
Vidéo et poème réalisés par Jean Yves REMIREZ - Accompagnement musical : "Desireless Voyage Voyage" je souhaite un bon voyage à tous mes ami(es) - I hope a good travel to all my friends
From her BBC series English lyrics: Mort Shuman & Eric Blau Music: Jacques Brel If we only have love Then tomorrow will dawn And the days of our years Will rise on that morn If we only have love To embrace without fears We will kiss with our eyes We will sleep without tears If we only have love With our arms open wide Then the young and the old Will stand at our side If we only have love Love that's falling like rain Then the parched desert earth Will grow green again If we only have love For the hymn that we shout For the song that we sing Then we'll have a way out If we only have love We can reach those in pain We can heal all our wounds We can use our own names If we only have love We can melt all the guns And then give the new world To our daughters and sons If we only have love Then...
Date de sortie prochainement Réalisé par Brad Anderson Avec Abigail Breslin, Halle Une opératrice d'un poste de police reçoit un appel téléphonique d'une adolescente menacée par un tueur...
Aux bains des Paquis magnifique Concert ! Grands merci aux musiciens .
Après avoir abandonné à trois reprises l'écriture d'un Point Culture complet sur la musique classique, la nouvelle formule me permet de vous offrir un très bref portrait de 20 compositeurs clés (de sol (c'est le lol)) de la musique savante, dite musique "classique" Si cette vidéo vous a plu et que vous souhaitez suivre mes créations ^^ : Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/LinksTheSun Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/LinksTheSun Site officiel ; http://www.lepointculture.fr
Chanson d'Orphée de 1959, mon année de naissance, interprétée par de nombreux artistes, André Dassary, Georges Guétary, Yvette Giraud, Tino Rossi, Patrice et Mario, Dalida, John William... Aujourd'hui, modestement interprétée à l'harmonica Hohner Chromonica Super 64. Les paroles : Matin, fais lever le soleil Matin, à l'instant du réveil Viens tendrement poser Tes perles de rosée Sur la nature en fleurs Chère à mon cœur Le ciel a choisi mon pays Pour faire un nouveau paradis Où loin des tourments Danse un éternel printemps Pour les amants Chante chante mon cœur La chanson du matin Dans la joie de la vie qui reviens Matin, fais lever le soleil Matin, à l'instant du réveil Mets dans le cœur battant De celui que j'attends Un doux rayon d'amour Beau comme le jour Afin qu...
( merci de noter la vidéo ) ABONNEZ-VOUS pour suivre l'évolution de mes vidéos sur YouTube,cordialement Claude Aven Les Îles Eoliennes, l'endroit idéal pour vos vacances de l'autre côté de la Méditerranée! Découvrez l'histoire millénaire de ces îles un des plus beaux archipels de la Méditerranée Les Îles Éoliennes, situées nord-est de la Sicile forment un archipel constitué de sept îles (Alicudi, Filicudi, Lipari, Panarea, Salina, Stromboli, Vulcano), r. Les sept Îles Éoliennes sont disposées en Y horizontal, au large de la Sicile septentrionale, face à la côte tyrrhénienne de Messine. Elles sont donc visibles d'une grande partie de la côte tyrrhénienne de la Sicile lorsque la visibilité est excellente et qu'il n'y a pas de brumes.le nom de Îles Éoliennes dérive de celui du dieu Eole,...
Après avoir abandonné à trois reprises l'écriture d'un Point Culture complet sur la musique classique, la nouvelle formule me permet de vous offrir un très bref portrait de 20 compositeurs clés (de sol (c'est le lol)) de la musique savante, dite musique "classique" Si cette vidéo vous a plu et que vous souhaitez suivre mes créations ^^ : Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/LinksTheSun Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/LinksTheSun Site officiel ; http://www.lepointculture.fr
The Nash brand goes from strength to strength and for 2014 Kevin, Alan and the team are back bigger and better than ever with a mammoth DVD packed full of live action, tips, tackle and most importantly stunning carp. Be the first to see brilliant new concepts in bivvies, sleep systems and bait, brand new additions to the acclaimed Scope and Dwarf ranges and watch angling stars of past, present and future as they tackle venues across the UK and Europe, showcasing the best of Nash Tackle. Stay up to date with all our new products, news and updates on the links below! Check out our Website: http://nashtackle.co.uk Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialNashTackle Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/officialnashtackle Hot news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/NashTac...
2012 was a great year for Nash Tackle. This film delves into a year in the life of Nash and gives an insight into how new products are developed. Follow Kevin Nash and Alan Blair and the rest of the team as they successfully tackle a variety of venues throughout the year testing new gear and some unusual methods, from local club lakes to massive unfished waters containing wild uncaught carp. Of course, the tackle is the star and there are exciting developments revealed in zig fishing, rods, bait, shelters and bedchair design and of course not forgetting the Scope and Dwarf concepts. With big stunning carp galore, and packed with live action this is a DVD that will both excite and inform. Nash Tackle continues to evolve, cementing its place as a market leader for innovation - and entertainm...
( merci de noter la vidéo ) ABONNEZ-VOUS pour suivre l'évolution de mes vidéos sur YouTube,cordialement Claude Aven Les Îles Eoliennes, l'endroit idéal pour vos vacances de l'autre côté de la Méditerranée! Découvrez l'histoire millénaire de ces îles un des plus beaux archipels de la Méditerranée Les Îles Éoliennes, situées nord-est de la Sicile forment un archipel constitué de sept îles (Alicudi, Filicudi, Lipari, Panarea, Salina, Stromboli, Vulcano), r. Les sept Îles Éoliennes sont disposées en Y horizontal, au large de la Sicile septentrionale, face à la côte tyrrhénienne de Messine. Elles sont donc visibles d'une grande partie de la côte tyrrhénienne de la Sicile lorsque la visibilité est excellente et qu'il n'y a pas de brumes.le nom de Îles Éoliennes dérive de celui du dieu Eole,...
Bug jest dużą, nizinną i malowniczą rzeką. Wpisana w sielski krajobraz łąk, pól i lasów łęgowych tworzy liczne meandry, a urwiste brzegi, piaszczyste łachy, starorzecza i wyspy przyciągają uwagę swą urodą. Na całej długości Bugu zachowała się ogromna różnorodność roślin i zwierząt. Istnieją i funkcjonują one dzięki temu, że Bug - jako jedna z nielicznych dużych rzek w Polsce i w Europie - nie został do tej pory uregulowany. Ujarzmienie tej rzeki wiązałoby się z degradacją cennych siedlisk przyrodniczych wraz z żyjącymi tam zwierzętami i barwnym światem roślinnym. Film pokazuje charakterystyczne dla poszczególnych środowisk doliny dolnego Bugu gatunki fauny i flory oraz piękne nadbużańskie krajobrazy. W komentarzu przewija się troska o kruchą i ulotną trwałość tych miejsc, poczynając od ma...
Aux bains des Paquis magnifique Concert ! Grands merci aux musiciens .
Best quality of Esoteric Agenda on Youtube 480p (dont fall for fake HD claims you cant rip a DVD in HD) (Subtitles in eng, ger, spa, est, heb, lav, pol, fre, por, hrv, cze, rum, srp) There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations. This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people. Subtitles in: Bulgarian, Czech, German, English (United States), Estonian, French, Croatian, Hebrew, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Serbian I got permission from the author to post...
مدغشقر الهروب إلى أفريقيا هو فيلم كرتوني مرسوم بالكمبيوتر أنتجته دريم ووركس يعتبر الفيلم الجزء الثاني من كارتون مدغشقر كما في الجزء الأول أبطال الفيلم هم أربعة حيوانات: الأسد أليكس ، الحمار الوحشي مارتي ، الزرافة ميلمين عندما يحاول اليكس الرجوع إلى نيويورك بعد أن تغلب على طبيعته المفترسة كما حصل في الجزء الأول بوساطة الطائرة التي صنعتها جماعة البطريق والمفاجئة هي عندما ينتهي الوقود ويسقطون في محمية في أفريقيا ويلتقي بعائلته ثم تأتي مراسم حق العبور ثم يحاول ماكونجا خداع أليكس بالصراع مع أحد الأسود وهو تسي تسي لإثبات نسبه الملكي والفوز بلقب الأسد ألفا.. وعندما يفشل أليكس في الفوز بالمعركة نظرا لأنه كان راقصا في حديقة نيويورك As a cub, Alex the Lion was called Alakay and was the son of Zuba, the alpha lion. Though Zuba tries to teach Alakay to be a hunter, the cub is more interested in danci...
Magnifique voyage accompagné par #VoyageVascocharlesbourg Séjour à #Barcelone et découverte de #Montserrat par la suite croisière 12 nuits à bord du #CarnivalSunshine
Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere along with a posited commencement of glaciation. More on this topic: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkCode;=ur2&linkId;=d5efc8b59353d775d70007da8af41fce&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=books&keywords;=global%20cooling This hypothesis had little support in the scientific community, but gained temporary popular attention due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the scientific understanding of ice age cycles. In contrast to the global cooling conjecture, the current scientific opinion on climate change is that the Earth has not durably cooled, but undergone glo...
Chill out with the funniest family comedy of the year! Jim Carrey stars as Tom Popper, a successful businessman who's clueless when it comes to the really important things in life...until he inherits six "adorable" penguins, each with its own unique personality. Soon Tom's rambunctious roommates turn his swank New York apartment into a snowy winter wonderland — and the rest of his world upside-down.
Thank you all so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed the conversations(s) or topics today. I hope you are looking forward to more podcasts. Part 2 will be coming up as a little 5 minute part in the next podcast. IF WE GET 500 VIEWS ON A PODCAST OR 100 SUBS THERE WILL BE SOMETHING SPECIAL. Click it, it's not a twitter link, why would you think that? https://twitter.com/Barlesbee_Bum
When folk icon Irving Steinbloom passed away, he left a legacy of music and a family of performers he had shepherded to folk stardom: Mitch & Mickey (Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hare) were the epitome of young love until their partnership was torn apart by heartbreak; classic troubadours The Folksmen (Christopher Guest, Michael McKean and Harry Shearer); and The New Main Street Singers (featuring John Michael Higgins, Jane Lynch and Parker Posey), the most meticulously color-coordinated "neuftet" ever to hit an amusement park near you. Now, for one night only in New York City's Town Hall, these three groups will reunite and gather together to celebrate the music that almost made them famous as they generate A Mighty Wind.
Contestant teams usually consisted of one male and one female, most selected from the studio audience. More Groucho: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkCode;=ur2&linkId;=b5a9a56d226b935136eaa9cf963fea9b&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=dvd&keywords;=groucho%20marx Occasionally, famous or otherwise interesting figures were invited to play (e.g., a Korean-American contestant who was a veteran and had been a prisoner of war during the Korean War). After his signature introduction of "Here he is: the one, the only..." by Fenneman and finished by a thunderous "GROUCHO!" from the audience, Marx would be introduced to the music of "Hooray for Captain Spaulding", his signature song. After which, Groucho would be introduced to the contestants and engage in humorous conversation ...
David T. Dellinger (August 22, 1915 -- May 25, 2004), was an influential American radical, a pacifist and activist for nonviolent social change. More: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkCode;=ur2&linkId;=b1ad6436d3116c6faea485c00252bd78&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=books&keywords;=david%20dellinger Dellinger achieved peak notoriety as one of the Chicago Seven, protesters whose disruption of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago led to charges of conspiracy and crossing state lines with the intention of inciting a riot. The ensuing court case was turned by Dellinger and his co-defendants into a nationally-publicized platform for putting the Vietnam War on trial. On February 18, 1970, they were acquitted of the conspiracy charge but five defendants (includ...
The program's heyday was in the early 1950s, when radio actor, producer and director Elliott Lewis took over (still during the Wilcox/Autolite run). Here the material reached new levels of sophistication. The writing was taut, and the casting, which had always been a strong point of the series (featuring such film stars as Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Henry Fonda, Humphrey Bogart, Judy Garland, Ronald Colman, Marlene Dietrich, Eve McVeagh, Lena Horne, and Cary Grant), took an unexpected turn when Lewis expanded the repertory to include many of radio's famous drama and comedy stars — often playing against type — such as Jack Benny. Jim and Marian Jordan of Fibber McGee and Molly were heard in the episode, "Backseat Driver," which originally aired February 3, 1949. The highest production va...
Premiering on August 31, 1941, The Great Gildersleeve moved the title character from the McGees' Wistful Vista to Summerfield, where Gildersleeve now oversaw his late brother-in-law's estate and took on the rearing of his orphaned niece and nephew, Marjorie (originally played by Lurene Tuttle and followed by Louise Erickson and Mary Lee Robb) and Leroy Forester (Walter Tetley). The household also included a cook named Birdie. Curiously, while Gildersleeve had occasionally spoken of his (never-present) wife in some Fibber episodes, in his own series the character was a confirmed bachelor. In a striking forerunner to such later television hits as Bachelor Father and Family Affair, both of which are centered on well-to-do uncles taking in their deceased siblings' children, Gildersleeve was a...
The interviews on the Groucho Show were sometimes so memorable that the contestants became celebrities. More Groucho: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkCode;=ur2&linkId;=468d63b50bad56a2fb92f4f80b0d5aab&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=dvd&keywords;=groucho "Nature boy" health advocate Robert Bootzin; hapless Mexican laborer Pedro Gonzalez-Gonzalez and his offhandedly comic remarks; a witty housewife named Phyllis Diller; author Ray Bradbury; virtuoso cellist Ennio Bolognini; blues singer and pianist Gladys Bentley; strongmen Jack LaLanne and Paul Anderson; actors John Barbour and Ronnie Schell all appeared as contestants while working on the fringes of the entertainment industry. Harland Sanders, who talked about his "finger-lickin'" recipe for fried chicken which he ...
Our Miss Brooks is an American situation comedy starring Eve Arden as a sardonic high school English teacher. It began as a radio show broadcast from 1948 to 1957. When the show was adapted to television (1952--56), it became one of the medium's earliest hits. In 1956, the sitcom was adapted for big screen in the film of the same name. Connie (Constance) Brooks (Eve Arden), an English teacher at fictional Madison High School. Osgood Conklin (Gale Gordon), blustery, gruff, crooked and unsympathetic Madison High principal, a near-constant pain to his faculty and students. (Conklin was played by Joseph Forte in the show's first episode; Gordon succeeded him for the rest of the series' run.) Occasionally Conklin would rig competitions at the school--such as that for prom queen--so tha...
Interviewees: Styles Bridges, American teacher, editor, and Republican Party politician from Concord, New Hampshire. He served one term as the 63rd Governor of New Hampshire before a twenty-four year career in the United States Senate. Wallace F. Bennett, American businessman and politician. A member of the Republican Party, he served as a United States Senator from Utah from 1951 to 1974. He was the father of Bob Bennett, who later held his seat in the Senate (1993--2011). William Benton, U.S. senator from Connecticut (1949--1953) and publisher of the Encyclopædia Britannica (1943--1973). John Shearin, editor of Catholic World William Rosenblum, rabbi of Temple Israel of the City of New York Robert J. McCracken, pastor, Riverside Church, Scottish-born professor of systematic theology Char...