- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 29903
Arve Opsahl (14 May 1921 – 29 April 2007) was a Norwegian movie and stage actor, singer and stand-up comedian.
Opsahl began his career as a comedian in 1942, and played numerous roles both on stage and in more than forty movies. He was then chosen to be the head of Olsenbanden, Egon Olsen. He played Egon Olsen in the first movie in 1969, and in all other 13 movies, until the last one in 1999. He is also well known for his role as the old man "Henry" in the Norwegian sitcom Mot i brøstet, airing from 1993-1997. He reprised the role for the reunion film "Tusenårsfesten" in 1999. The revue king, Leif Juster, actually didn't want to use him on stage at first because of his "screaming" voice.
Opsahl married his wife Mary in 1945, but they were divorced soon after. He then married singer Liv Wilse, with whom he had a daughter, before they divorced in 1953. In 1954 he remarried his first wife, and they remained together until his death.
In 2002, Opsahl was honoured with a lifetime achievement award for his contributions to Norwegian comedy.
Leif Juster (born Leif Normann Nilsen) (14 February 1910 – 25 November 1995) was a Norwegian comedian, singer and actor, arguably the most popular of his generation in Norway. Juster started out as a variety show performer, and for a period he ran the theater Edderkoppen. Characterised by his unusually tall, lanky figure and squeeky voice, his signature act was the monologue "Mot normalt". He also acted in several successful comedies on the big screen, notably Den forsvundne pølsemaker (1941), En herre med bart (1942) and Fjols til fjells (1957).
He was the uncle of one of Norway's most beloved comedian, the late Rolf Just Nilsen.
Per Borten (3 April 1913 – 20 January 2005) was a Norwegian politician from the Centre Party and Prime Minister of Norway from 1965 to 1971. Per Borten is credited for leading the modernization of what was then named Bondepartiet (the Agrarian Party) into today's Centre Party. He was an active opponent of Norway joining the European Union.
Borten was born in Flå in the municipality of Melhus in Sør-Trøndelag, and was educated Agriculturist from the Norwegian College of Agriculture in 1939. He started his political career serving as mayor of his home municipally, Flå, from 1945 to 1955. He was elected to the Norwegian parliament in 1949 and stayed there until his retirement in 1977. Borten was President of the Odelsting 1961–1965 and 1973–1977.
He was appointed president of the Odelsting, acted as the parliamentary leader for his party and served as its chairman from 1955 to 1967. As Prime Minister of Norway from 1965, he headed a four-party centre-right coalition government, until 17 March 1971, when the government dissolved itself. He resigned as Prime Minister when it became known that he had shown confidential information about Norway in the negotiations concerning European Economic Community membership, with amongst others, Arne Haugestad, then leader of the People's Movement against Norwegian membership of the EEC.
Arve Opsahl - "Jeg er da vel faen ikke sint!"
Arve Opsahl - I marinen
"Få se på ticketen deres!" - Opp i det blå - Arve Opsahl
Arve Opsahl om Olsenbanden
Arve Opsahl - Hos legen
Latterbrøl med Arve Opsahl
Til minne om Arve Opsahl
Leif Juster - Tale til jubilanten (Arve Opsahl)
Rolf Just Nilsen hylles av Leif Juster, Per Borten, Arve Opsahl m.fl.
Arve Opsahl: Rikets tilstand
Arve Opsahl på sitt beste! Fra jubileumsrevyen «Kjære Lille Norge» på Chat Noir, 1972 (filmatisert i 1973 av Knut Bohwim). Regi: Einar Schanke.
Kjent sketsj fra Chat Noir-revyen "Pop, pupp og PR" fra 1966. Tekst: Alfred Næss, Bjørn Sand og Dag Frøland.
Arve Opsahl snakker om minner fra settet i Olsenbandenfilmene.
Kan du tenke deg noe bedre underholdning enn 1 time med Arve Opsahl? Her er han i toppform sammen med flere av Norges fremste "moro" -mennesker: Aud Schønemann, Elsa Lystad, Carsten Byhring, Elisabeth Grannemann og Ole Paus. Du får servert de utroligste historier og vitser med kommentarer og en mimikk som bare Arve Opsahl kan klare... Forbered lattermusklene - de vil garantert gjennomgå en tøff time!!! Manus: Dag Frøland og Tore Ryen Regi: Tore Ryen
Bortgangen og bisettelsen til en av våre mest folkekjære skuespillere og komikere, Arve Opsahl. Til minne om en stor kunstner, se hans prestasjoner i farsen "ute av drift" som jeg har lastet opp tidligere. Copyright © NRK
Leif Juster holder tale til Arve Opsahl og mimrer over et langt liv med godt vennskap, på Arves 70-årsdag, bare 15 år før Arves bortgang, og 4 år før sin egen bortgang. Dette var noe av det siste Leif Juster gjorde på en revyscene.
Fra 1977. Imitator-kongen Rolf Just Nilsen hedres av sine "egne", dvs. personer han ofte parodierte: Leif Juster, Jon Leirfall, Arve Opsahl, Per Borten (statsminister fra 1965-71), Carsten Byhring og Trygve Bratteli (statsminister fra 1971-72 og 73-76). Se f.eks. hans parodi av Per Borten her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEZrJtX7cyI og av Juster, Opsahl og Byhring her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9c9yWeAf_E