"Tegucigalpa" Capital De Honduras "2014"
La nueva tegucigalpa dio un gran progreso socioeconomico donde crecio enormemente el turismo extranjero y este 2014 declarada como una de las mejores ciudades de centroamerica .. VIVA HONDURAS Y TEGUCIGALPA.
"Tegucigalpa" Capital De Honduras "2015"
Tegucigalpa considerada por la "ACAT" y posicionada a comienzos de este año 2015 como la ciudad con mas progreso llevándonos el 1 lugar en Centroamérica este año le damos gracias a Dios por esta hermosa ciudad y país que nos vio nacer
y también otro dato muy importante, llevándonos también el primer lugar en Centroamérica como la ciudad mas visitada por turistas extranjeros en este año que pas
Tegucigalpa 6 parte 1
Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Modern sights
Bienvenidos una vez más a la capital de Honduras. Esta vez darán un recorrido por sus ejes principales, y veran escenas de la vida cotidiana de muchos tegucigalpenses.
Welcome once more to the capital of Honduras: Tegucigalpa. On this video you will be able to see many common sights for many of its citizens.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras Toncontin airport landing
AA landing in Tegucigalpa, prior to May 2009 984 ft extension increasing the length of the runway from 6112 ft to its current 7096 ft., combined with further blasting of hill on approach which somewhat decreases the risks and approach angle.
Peatonal Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Peatonal Tegucigalpa, Honduras
reportaje realidad nocturna de tegucigalpa
Tegucigalpa y su frenesí
Video del Proyecto Vivir en Común de la Revista Digital Los Anillos de Saturno, que propone ensayos desde la mirada del paseante en texto y video sobre ciudades del mundo. http://losanillosdesaturno.org/vivir-en-comun
Narración: Frenesys Charlotte Bracamontes
Cámara: Fernando Reyes
Alguien me preguntó una vez: ¿Y a vos te gusta vivir aquí en Honduras? Y dije: sí, es mi lugar de origen por qué n
llegando a tegucigalpa CA5 norte HD
Continuando nuestra tarea de promover el turismo nacional sin ningún fin de lucro, más que el demostrarle a todos los catrachos y extranjeros las bellezas que nuestra patria Honduras tiene. Nuestra flota de ÁGUILAS se trasladan a la Capital de Tegucigalpa y alrededores, para traerles estas espectaculares tomas que 45TV les presenta a continuación.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Centro histórico
Visita mi facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moidaca
Visitemos el centro histórico de la ciudad de Tegucigalpa, la capital de Honduras. Un paseo por el centro es dar un paseo por la historia de la arquitectura, desde la época colonial hasta finales de los 80. Desde estilo barroco, y neo clásico, hasta art nouveau y modernista.
Cockpit view of a jet landing into Tegucigalpa Honduras TGU
A Boeing 737 cockpit view of the approach and landing into the Tegucigalpa airport located in Honduras. Tegucigalpa (TGU) is considered by many to be one of the world's most dangerous airports due to; the steep approach required; elevation; short, sloping runway and high terrain in very close proximity.
Tegucigalpa - The Andrews Sisters
El trío femenino más famoso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, The Andrews Sisters, compuso esta pieza musical a Tegucigalpa en 1953.
Esta canción estuvo olvidada por el público hasta que Honduras is Great logró darla de nuevo a conocer mediante la edición de este video logrado a partir de escenas de las películas de The Andrews Sisters.
¡Que lo disfruten!
Las "Andrews Sisters", se inspiraron y le cantaron a Tegucigalpa en los años 50´s
© 2015 - Hable Como Habla, Televisión Digital - HONDURAS,
Lomas del Mayab, calle San Marcos esquina opuesta a Novel Center, Casa # 1647
Tegucigalpa, Honduras C.A.
Tel: (504) 2235-3245 / 2235-3246 / 2235-4875 / 2235-4876
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
This may actually be on the Comayaguela side.
Scary landing in Tegucigalpa, Honduras AA955
Another very close landing in the second most dangerous airport in the World. This time coming from Miami on AA955 Sept 20,2014
The American School of Tegucigalpa
The American School of Tegucigalpa
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A.
Videos Promocionales Honduras al Instituto Hondureño de Turismo
Huracan Mitch Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Huracan Mitch Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Asesinato de Policía de Tránsito en Tegucigalpa (Tomado: La Tribuna TV)
Video del asesinato de un policía de tránsito el 7 de agosto de 2013 en Tegucigalpa. Video cortesía de La Tribuna TV.
B757 Landing and go-around Tegucigalpa
Different views from this AA955 flight operated by a B757 landing in Toncontin Tegucigalpa MHTG from inside and outside included a go-around.
Fotos Antiguas Tegucigalpa y Comayaguela
Fotos Antiguas
Tegucigalpa y Comayaguela, Honduras
since 1890
"Tegucigalpa" Capital De Honduras "2014"
La nueva tegucigalpa dio un gran progreso socioeconomico donde crecio enormemente el turismo extranjero y este 2014 declarada como una de las mejores ciudades ...
La nueva tegucigalpa dio un gran progreso socioeconomico donde crecio enormemente el turismo extranjero y este 2014 declarada como una de las mejores ciudades de centroamerica .. VIVA HONDURAS Y TEGUCIGALPA.
wn.com/Tegucigalpa Capital De Honduras 2014
La nueva tegucigalpa dio un gran progreso socioeconomico donde crecio enormemente el turismo extranjero y este 2014 declarada como una de las mejores ciudades de centroamerica .. VIVA HONDURAS Y TEGUCIGALPA.
- published: 18 May 2014
- views: 67725
"Tegucigalpa" Capital De Honduras "2015"
Tegucigalpa considerada por la "ACAT" y posicionada a comienzos de este año 2015 como la ciudad con mas progreso llevándonos el 1 lugar en Centroamérica este ...
Tegucigalpa considerada por la "ACAT" y posicionada a comienzos de este año 2015 como la ciudad con mas progreso llevándonos el 1 lugar en Centroamérica este año le damos gracias a Dios por esta hermosa ciudad y país que nos vio nacer
y también otro dato muy importante, llevándonos también el primer lugar en Centroamérica como la ciudad mas visitada por turistas extranjeros en este año que paso.. "TE AMO TEGUCIGALPA"
wn.com/Tegucigalpa Capital De Honduras 2015
Tegucigalpa considerada por la "ACAT" y posicionada a comienzos de este año 2015 como la ciudad con mas progreso llevándonos el 1 lugar en Centroamérica este año le damos gracias a Dios por esta hermosa ciudad y país que nos vio nacer
y también otro dato muy importante, llevándonos también el primer lugar en Centroamérica como la ciudad mas visitada por turistas extranjeros en este año que paso.. "TE AMO TEGUCIGALPA"
- published: 13 Jan 2015
- views: 72883
Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Modern sights
Bienvenidos una vez más a la capital de Honduras. Esta vez darán un recorrido por sus ejes principales, y veran escenas de la vida cotidiana de muchos tegucigal...
Bienvenidos una vez más a la capital de Honduras. Esta vez darán un recorrido por sus ejes principales, y veran escenas de la vida cotidiana de muchos tegucigalpenses.
Welcome once more to the capital of Honduras: Tegucigalpa. On this video you will be able to see many common sights for many of its citizens.
wn.com/Tegucigalpa, Honduras Modern Sights
Bienvenidos una vez más a la capital de Honduras. Esta vez darán un recorrido por sus ejes principales, y veran escenas de la vida cotidiana de muchos tegucigalpenses.
Welcome once more to the capital of Honduras: Tegucigalpa. On this video you will be able to see many common sights for many of its citizens.
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 1682
Tegucigalpa, Honduras Toncontin airport landing
AA landing in Tegucigalpa, prior to May 2009 984 ft extension increasing the length of the runway from 6112 ft to its current 7096 ft., combined with further b...
AA landing in Tegucigalpa, prior to May 2009 984 ft extension increasing the length of the runway from 6112 ft to its current 7096 ft., combined with further blasting of hill on approach which somewhat decreases the risks and approach angle.
wn.com/Tegucigalpa, Honduras Toncontin Airport Landing
AA landing in Tegucigalpa, prior to May 2009 984 ft extension increasing the length of the runway from 6112 ft to its current 7096 ft., combined with further blasting of hill on approach which somewhat decreases the risks and approach angle.
- published: 21 May 2007
- views: 3849466
Peatonal Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Peatonal Tegucigalpa, Honduras...
Peatonal Tegucigalpa, Honduras
wn.com/Peatonal Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Peatonal Tegucigalpa, Honduras
- published: 02 Mar 2014
- views: 30068
Tegucigalpa y su frenesí
Video del Proyecto Vivir en Común de la Revista Digital Los Anillos de Saturno, que propone ensayos desde la mirada del paseante en texto y video sobre ciudades...
Video del Proyecto Vivir en Común de la Revista Digital Los Anillos de Saturno, que propone ensayos desde la mirada del paseante en texto y video sobre ciudades del mundo. http://losanillosdesaturno.org/vivir-en-comun
Narración: Frenesys Charlotte Bracamontes
Cámara: Fernando Reyes
Alguien me preguntó una vez: ¿Y a vos te gusta vivir aquí en Honduras? Y dije: sí, es mi lugar de origen por qué no, es un país lindo en riquezas. En América, una Centroamérica, con una Honduras y su Tegucigalpa, ubicada en el centro del país, rodeada por colinas y se dice que cuenta con el segundo aeropuerto más peligroso del mundo. Muchos cerros y colinas que albergan una población de más de un millón de habitantes. Una de ellas, Yo, una transexual de la ciudad capital, donde he nacido, vivido y cuento hoy la historia de mi ciudad y de mi mundo en ella. Vivo al sur de la ciudad, tan al sur que podría creerse que ya no es parte de la ciudad. Mi barrio, mi ciudad, mi historia, no son malas, pero no son necesariamente felices. Amanece y mi ciudad Despierta. De un extremo a otro, día a día, empieza la jornada y para la ciudad empieza el tráfico. Sería mejor caminar, pero con sus cerros y montañas y su arquitectura, es algo imposible, y por ser como soy hay lugares donde no puedo caminar. Muchas veces cuando camino con otra trans, nos tiran cosas y se burlan. A mí sola, no me molesta. En mi barrio también hay burlas, me afecta, pero he sobrevivido. A diario uso transporte público, un autobús con la ruta Reynel Fúnez-mercado me transporta de mi casa a mi trabajo. Tardo hora y media en llegar cuando hay tráfico, si no, una hora. Pensar en una Tegucigalpa sin tráfico es como pensar en Nueva York sin luz. Hablando de luces, me recuerda a los tiempos en que salía y frecuentaba todos los bares y discotecas del bulevar Juan Pablo II y el Morazán. Luces que ahora no son más que el reflejo de los rótulos de comidas rápidas extranjeras. Cuando salía tuve buenas y malas experiencias, me divertí y conocí muchas personas, pero más de una vez tuve problemas, incluso para entrar, porque la fotografía de mi identidad no es igual a como luzco, como soy en verdad. Por suerte aún contamos con la única discoteca gay de toda la ciudad, un lugar en donde verdaderamente puedo ser yo misma, un lugar en donde me puedo dar el lujo de convertirme en Madonna, si así lo deseo. Siendo trans, viviendo en Tegucigalpa, las posibilidades se reducen. Ya no quedan muchos lugares. Me hace pensar en lo que no puedo hacer, y en los sitios que no puedo visitar por ser como soy, por vestirme de una manera, por luchar por construir mi identidad y mostrarla. Es una realidad de mi comunidad. Es una realidad que, en Tegucigalpa, ser transexual, es un tabú. Que hay gente que te mira de cierta forma. Aunque el centro de la ciudad siempre nos ha recibido con brazos abiertos. No hay una transexual que no frecuente el centro de Tegucigalpa, que es donde circula toda la gente, con una peatonal que conduce hacia la iglesia catedral. Colonial y de color brillante, donde muchas veces se cuentan historias en grafiti, que te hacen enterarte de lo que sucede. A menos que un guardia nos diga que no podemos sentarnos con mis amigas en las gradas, frente a la iglesia como casi siempre ocurre. Desde la catedral, se ve el cerro El Picacho, con un Cristo que observa en vela Tegucigalpa; a sus pies, un gran rótulo de Coca Cola, que hace unos años mostraba vida a través de luces. La peatonal une la catedral con la iglesia Los Dolores, con cientos de aves que la adornan. A su regazo un mercado que te invita a entrar, pero que no conozco bien aún. Se despliega un olor a comida y ropa nueva, un laberinto que se dirige hacia el barrio La Leona, y otra salida, hacia una de las avenidas de la zona central. Grafitis. Baleadas. Agujeros de calle. Aves muertas sobre la catedral. Dos mundos en uno. Conciertos de calle. Rezos de parque central. Puntos de taxi. Buses con prisa. Bares de moda. Tegucigalpa... gente diversa, todo es diverso. Se cierra mi día, y de mi trabajo vuelvo nuevamente hacia mi casa, donde verdaderamente soy libre, donde veo vecinos hablando entre ellos y ellas, gente sentada en la entrada de su casa, niños y niñas corriendo, gente que me saluda, gente que me conoce, gente de Tegucigalpa. Esa es mi vida, de capitalina.
wn.com/Tegucigalpa Y Su Frenesí
Video del Proyecto Vivir en Común de la Revista Digital Los Anillos de Saturno, que propone ensayos desde la mirada del paseante en texto y video sobre ciudades del mundo. http://losanillosdesaturno.org/vivir-en-comun
Narración: Frenesys Charlotte Bracamontes
Cámara: Fernando Reyes
Alguien me preguntó una vez: ¿Y a vos te gusta vivir aquí en Honduras? Y dije: sí, es mi lugar de origen por qué no, es un país lindo en riquezas. En América, una Centroamérica, con una Honduras y su Tegucigalpa, ubicada en el centro del país, rodeada por colinas y se dice que cuenta con el segundo aeropuerto más peligroso del mundo. Muchos cerros y colinas que albergan una población de más de un millón de habitantes. Una de ellas, Yo, una transexual de la ciudad capital, donde he nacido, vivido y cuento hoy la historia de mi ciudad y de mi mundo en ella. Vivo al sur de la ciudad, tan al sur que podría creerse que ya no es parte de la ciudad. Mi barrio, mi ciudad, mi historia, no son malas, pero no son necesariamente felices. Amanece y mi ciudad Despierta. De un extremo a otro, día a día, empieza la jornada y para la ciudad empieza el tráfico. Sería mejor caminar, pero con sus cerros y montañas y su arquitectura, es algo imposible, y por ser como soy hay lugares donde no puedo caminar. Muchas veces cuando camino con otra trans, nos tiran cosas y se burlan. A mí sola, no me molesta. En mi barrio también hay burlas, me afecta, pero he sobrevivido. A diario uso transporte público, un autobús con la ruta Reynel Fúnez-mercado me transporta de mi casa a mi trabajo. Tardo hora y media en llegar cuando hay tráfico, si no, una hora. Pensar en una Tegucigalpa sin tráfico es como pensar en Nueva York sin luz. Hablando de luces, me recuerda a los tiempos en que salía y frecuentaba todos los bares y discotecas del bulevar Juan Pablo II y el Morazán. Luces que ahora no son más que el reflejo de los rótulos de comidas rápidas extranjeras. Cuando salía tuve buenas y malas experiencias, me divertí y conocí muchas personas, pero más de una vez tuve problemas, incluso para entrar, porque la fotografía de mi identidad no es igual a como luzco, como soy en verdad. Por suerte aún contamos con la única discoteca gay de toda la ciudad, un lugar en donde verdaderamente puedo ser yo misma, un lugar en donde me puedo dar el lujo de convertirme en Madonna, si así lo deseo. Siendo trans, viviendo en Tegucigalpa, las posibilidades se reducen. Ya no quedan muchos lugares. Me hace pensar en lo que no puedo hacer, y en los sitios que no puedo visitar por ser como soy, por vestirme de una manera, por luchar por construir mi identidad y mostrarla. Es una realidad de mi comunidad. Es una realidad que, en Tegucigalpa, ser transexual, es un tabú. Que hay gente que te mira de cierta forma. Aunque el centro de la ciudad siempre nos ha recibido con brazos abiertos. No hay una transexual que no frecuente el centro de Tegucigalpa, que es donde circula toda la gente, con una peatonal que conduce hacia la iglesia catedral. Colonial y de color brillante, donde muchas veces se cuentan historias en grafiti, que te hacen enterarte de lo que sucede. A menos que un guardia nos diga que no podemos sentarnos con mis amigas en las gradas, frente a la iglesia como casi siempre ocurre. Desde la catedral, se ve el cerro El Picacho, con un Cristo que observa en vela Tegucigalpa; a sus pies, un gran rótulo de Coca Cola, que hace unos años mostraba vida a través de luces. La peatonal une la catedral con la iglesia Los Dolores, con cientos de aves que la adornan. A su regazo un mercado que te invita a entrar, pero que no conozco bien aún. Se despliega un olor a comida y ropa nueva, un laberinto que se dirige hacia el barrio La Leona, y otra salida, hacia una de las avenidas de la zona central. Grafitis. Baleadas. Agujeros de calle. Aves muertas sobre la catedral. Dos mundos en uno. Conciertos de calle. Rezos de parque central. Puntos de taxi. Buses con prisa. Bares de moda. Tegucigalpa... gente diversa, todo es diverso. Se cierra mi día, y de mi trabajo vuelvo nuevamente hacia mi casa, donde verdaderamente soy libre, donde veo vecinos hablando entre ellos y ellas, gente sentada en la entrada de su casa, niños y niñas corriendo, gente que me saluda, gente que me conoce, gente de Tegucigalpa. Esa es mi vida, de capitalina.
- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 6133
Continuando nuestra tarea de promover el turismo nacional sin ningún fin de lucro, más que el demostrarle a todos los catrachos y extranjeros las bellezas que n...
Continuando nuestra tarea de promover el turismo nacional sin ningún fin de lucro, más que el demostrarle a todos los catrachos y extranjeros las bellezas que nuestra patria Honduras tiene. Nuestra flota de ÁGUILAS se trasladan a la Capital de Tegucigalpa y alrededores, para traerles estas espectaculares tomas que 45TV les presenta a continuación.
wn.com/Tomas Exclusivas Full Hd De Tegucigalpa, Santa Lucia Y Valle De Angeles Por 45Tv
Continuando nuestra tarea de promover el turismo nacional sin ningún fin de lucro, más que el demostrarle a todos los catrachos y extranjeros las bellezas que nuestra patria Honduras tiene. Nuestra flota de ÁGUILAS se trasladan a la Capital de Tegucigalpa y alrededores, para traerles estas espectaculares tomas que 45TV les presenta a continuación.
- published: 02 Feb 2015
- views: 3022
Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Centro histórico
Visita mi facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moidaca
Visitemos el centro histórico de la ciudad de Tegucigalpa, la capital de Honduras. Un paseo por el centro ...
Visita mi facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moidaca
Visitemos el centro histórico de la ciudad de Tegucigalpa, la capital de Honduras. Un paseo por el centro es dar un paseo por la historia de la arquitectura, desde la época colonial hasta finales de los 80. Desde estilo barroco, y neo clásico, hasta art nouveau y modernista.
wn.com/Tegucigalpa, Honduras Centro Histórico
Visita mi facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moidaca
Visitemos el centro histórico de la ciudad de Tegucigalpa, la capital de Honduras. Un paseo por el centro es dar un paseo por la historia de la arquitectura, desde la época colonial hasta finales de los 80. Desde estilo barroco, y neo clásico, hasta art nouveau y modernista.
- published: 18 Dec 2014
- views: 6855
Cockpit view of a jet landing into Tegucigalpa Honduras TGU
A Boeing 737 cockpit view of the approach and landing into the Tegucigalpa airport located in Honduras. Tegucigalpa (TGU) is considered by many to be one of th...
A Boeing 737 cockpit view of the approach and landing into the Tegucigalpa airport located in Honduras. Tegucigalpa (TGU) is considered by many to be one of the world's most dangerous airports due to; the steep approach required; elevation; short, sloping runway and high terrain in very close proximity.
wn.com/Cockpit View Of A Jet Landing Into Tegucigalpa Honduras Tgu
A Boeing 737 cockpit view of the approach and landing into the Tegucigalpa airport located in Honduras. Tegucigalpa (TGU) is considered by many to be one of the world's most dangerous airports due to; the steep approach required; elevation; short, sloping runway and high terrain in very close proximity.
- published: 28 Oct 2007
- views: 3756566
Tegucigalpa - The Andrews Sisters
El trío femenino más famoso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, The Andrews Sisters, compuso esta pieza musical a Tegucigalpa en 1953.
Esta canción estuvo olvidada po...
El trío femenino más famoso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, The Andrews Sisters, compuso esta pieza musical a Tegucigalpa en 1953.
Esta canción estuvo olvidada por el público hasta que Honduras is Great logró darla de nuevo a conocer mediante la edición de este video logrado a partir de escenas de las películas de The Andrews Sisters.
¡Que lo disfruten!
wn.com/Tegucigalpa The Andrews Sisters
El trío femenino más famoso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, The Andrews Sisters, compuso esta pieza musical a Tegucigalpa en 1953.
Esta canción estuvo olvidada por el público hasta que Honduras is Great logró darla de nuevo a conocer mediante la edición de este video logrado a partir de escenas de las películas de The Andrews Sisters.
¡Que lo disfruten!
- published: 22 Nov 2015
- views: 2785
Las "Andrews Sisters", se inspiraron y le cantaron a Tegucigalpa en los años 50´s
© 2015 - Hable Como Habla, Televisión Digital - HONDURAS,
Lomas del Mayab, calle San Marcos esquina opuesta a Novel Center, Casa # 1647
Tegucigalpa, Hondura...
© 2015 - Hable Como Habla, Televisión Digital - HONDURAS,
Lomas del Mayab, calle San Marcos esquina opuesta a Novel Center, Casa # 1647
Tegucigalpa, Honduras C.A.
Tel: (504) 2235-3245 / 2235-3246 / 2235-4875 / 2235-4876
wn.com/Las Andrews Sisters , Se Inspiraron Y Le Cantaron A Tegucigalpa En Los Años 50´S
© 2015 - Hable Como Habla, Televisión Digital - HONDURAS,
Lomas del Mayab, calle San Marcos esquina opuesta a Novel Center, Casa # 1647
Tegucigalpa, Honduras C.A.
Tel: (504) 2235-3245 / 2235-3246 / 2235-4875 / 2235-4876
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 2506
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
This may actually be on the Comayaguela side....
This may actually be on the Comayaguela side.
wn.com/Tegucigalpa, Honduras
This may actually be on the Comayaguela side.
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 152453
Scary landing in Tegucigalpa, Honduras AA955
Another very close landing in the second most dangerous airport in the World. This time coming from Miami on AA955 Sept 20,2014...
Another very close landing in the second most dangerous airport in the World. This time coming from Miami on AA955 Sept 20,2014
wn.com/Scary Landing In Tegucigalpa, Honduras Aa955
Another very close landing in the second most dangerous airport in the World. This time coming from Miami on AA955 Sept 20,2014
- published: 05 Dec 2014
- views: 16451
wn.com/Tegucigalpa Honduras 2015 Bella Y Moderna
- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 2555
The American School of Tegucigalpa
The American School of Tegucigalpa
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A.
Videos Promocionales Hondura...
The American School of Tegucigalpa
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A.
Videos Promocionales Honduras al Instituto Hondureño de Turismo
wn.com/The American School Of Tegucigalpa
The American School of Tegucigalpa
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A.
Videos Promocionales Honduras al Instituto Hondureño de Turismo
- published: 11 May 2015
- views: 5501
Huracan Mitch Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Huracan Mitch Tegucigalpa, Honduras...
Huracan Mitch Tegucigalpa, Honduras
wn.com/Huracan Mitch Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Huracan Mitch Tegucigalpa, Honduras
- published: 07 Nov 2008
- views: 203685
Asesinato de Policía de Tránsito en Tegucigalpa (Tomado: La Tribuna TV)
Video del asesinato de un policía de tránsito el 7 de agosto de 2013 en Tegucigalpa. Video cortesía de La Tribuna TV....
Video del asesinato de un policía de tránsito el 7 de agosto de 2013 en Tegucigalpa. Video cortesía de La Tribuna TV.
wn.com/Asesinato De Policía De Tránsito En Tegucigalpa (Tomado La Tribuna Tv)
Video del asesinato de un policía de tránsito el 7 de agosto de 2013 en Tegucigalpa. Video cortesía de La Tribuna TV.
- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 1147051
B757 Landing and go-around Tegucigalpa
Different views from this AA955 flight operated by a B757 landing in Toncontin Tegucigalpa MHTG from inside and outside included a go-around....
Different views from this AA955 flight operated by a B757 landing in Toncontin Tegucigalpa MHTG from inside and outside included a go-around.
wn.com/B757 Landing And Go Around Tegucigalpa
Different views from this AA955 flight operated by a B757 landing in Toncontin Tegucigalpa MHTG from inside and outside included a go-around.
- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 16925
Fotos Antiguas Tegucigalpa y Comayaguela
Fotos Antiguas
Tegucigalpa y Comayaguela, Honduras
since 1890...
Fotos Antiguas
Tegucigalpa y Comayaguela, Honduras
since 1890
wn.com/Fotos Antiguas Tegucigalpa Y Comayaguela
Fotos Antiguas
Tegucigalpa y Comayaguela, Honduras
since 1890
- published: 30 Sep 2012
- views: 5485
Travel Tips on Tegucigalpa
Get to know the intimate side of Honduras in its capital, know affectionately by locals as: Tegu. Allow an InterContinental Concierge member lead you on a special tour. Go to http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/ic/1/en/hotel/tguha
【K】Honduras Travel-Tegucigalpa[온두라스 여행-테구시갈파]엘 피카초 공원, 거대 예수상/El Picacho Park/statue/Performance
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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Honduras: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Published by : Omegatours.vn
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
About Us:
Omega Tours has now become a familiar brand for tourists from all over the world. We provide many kind of services with hi
Tegucigalpa Travel Video
Tegucigalpa Travel Video - Ringed by forested hills in a highland valley, sprawling Tegucigalpa enjoys a relatively fresh, mild climate and a spectacular setting.
Few travelers hang around long enough to savor the capitals delights and sights, but if youre passing through you will find the compact city center boasts some fine colonial architecture and a good museum or two.
Keep your ear to the g
Driving to el Picacho (Tegucigalpa, Honduras)
The winding drive from Tegucigalpa up to the park at el Picacho. Worth a trip for sweeping views of the city, but beware: crazy busy on weekends!
The Beautiful and Breathtaking LDS Temples on the World - World Travel Guide - LDS Temples Part 4
LDS Temples
Amazing Places on the World
Temples Name List:
Monterrey Mexico, Montevideo Uruguay, Monticello Utah,
Montreal Quebec Canada, Mount Timpanogos Utah,
Nashville Tennessee, Nauvoo Illinois, Newport Beach Califonia,
Nuku'alofa Tonga, Oakland California, Oaxaca Mexico,
Ogden Utah, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, Oquirrh Mountain Utah,
Orlando Florida, Palmyra New York, Panama City Panama,
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Ciudad Capital
Honduras Travel Tips: Staying Safe
http://preparetoserve.com/HONDURAS Honduras Travel Tips: Staying Safe as a missionary.
Honduras Travel Video
Honduras Travel Video like its neighbors, Honduras is experiencing tremendous changes: an expanding tourist economy (cruise ships in Roatán?!), a maturing political scene, and the whole globalization thing, including maquilas, free trade agreements -- heck, even implementing Daylight Savings Time for the second time. Honduras remains deeply entrenched in a two-front war against gangs and HIV/AIDS.
Centro Histórico Abierto - Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Les comparto un proyecto muy bonito considerado un movimiento relativamente nuevo que se llevó a cabo en mi ciudad Capital, Tegucigalpa en la República de Honduras, se desarrollaron talleres de participación ciudadana, instituciones, talleres de niños y universitarios, además, varios proyectos de acupuntura urbana simultánea y muy rápidamente. La agrupación de estas intervenciones en los barrios q
► HONDURAS │ Around the world Trip │ Video Youtube
HONDURAS ! Amazing Travel World Tour of 4 years in video, a dream holiday!
Holidays and travel around the world. A great road trip.
26 countries visited and more ...
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Res. Mirador de Los Angeles, Tegucigalpa
Proyecto Residencial ECOLÓGICO, Ubicado en Comayaguela, Honduras es un proyecto que ofrece Seguridad, Áreas Sociales, Represa artificial, cableado sub-terraneo, Servicios Publicos, centro comercial y muchas cosas mas al MEJOR PRECIO DEL MERCADO............. RESERVA CON TAN SOLO US$1,000.00...Info: 9906-4275- 2235-4245, bmihonduras@hotmail.com.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras 2008 (stills compilation)
Friendship Community Church of Mt. Juliet, TN traveled to Tegucigalpa, Honduras in June, 2008 to show God's love... http://FriendshipCommunityChurch.org
PADF team in Honduras visits affected zones by flooding near Tegucigalpa (Spanish)
In the last few days, storms and heavy flooding have left countless families with little to hope for in Mexico and Central America. They've lost their homes and belongings. Some, in fact, have barely survived. More than one million people are affected in the region
Do you want to help? Visit www.padf.org/donate-disasters
Roatan & Tegucigalpa Honduras 2010 | stealingbeauty
Main Channel http://youtube.com/stealingbeauty
Blog http://stealing-beauty.com
Some pictures of Roatan http://www.stealing-beauty.com/2010/08/roatan-honduras/
These are some clips of fun moments with my family in Honduras.
Honduras is a beautiful country, but it's impoverished and has a very corrupt government. I would be very wary of visiting the city or main land of Honduras, as it is very da
ROATAN TRAVEL DVD (HD Trailer) - Video Travel Guide for Roatán, Honduras
Video Guide for Roatán, Honduras - Find out what to do on this island, or show people where you went!
DVD Available in stores NOW, and at
Travel Honduras
My adventure to Honduras. This beautiful country has everything to offer a traveler.
Honduras Tourist Attractions: 13 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Honduras? Check out our Honduras Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Honduras.
Top Places to visit in Honduras:
Copán, La Tigra National Park, Gumbalimba Park, Celaque National Park, Pico Bonito National Park, Virgin of Suyapa, Enchanted Wings Butterfly House, French Harbour Iguana Reserve, Parque Nacional El Cusuco, Sante Wellness Centre, Enomis Divers, L
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
"Spot the Gringo" Stevefn's photos around León, Nicaragua (nicaragua best spots travel)
Preview of Stevefn's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/stevefn/rtw2004/1100294580/tpod.html
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Entry from: León, Nicaragua
Entry Title: "Spot the Gringo."
"I have decided to travel with Catherine and Steve for a few days on my way from Co
Roatan, Honduras - A Travel Destination Guide
http://www.thebestvacationdeal.net Roatan, Honduras is the undiscovered secret of vacationers looking for a tropical vacation destination with a variety of water activities, un-crowded white, soft powdered beaches, and inexpensive hotels and restaurants. For more information, visit leisuretravelmart.com
Honduras Tourism and Investment
Discover Honduras, a unique destination for holidays and investing with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (www.BestDestination.com), travel guides (www.visithonduras.org), information and travel directory by Travelindex Network (www.travelindex.com).
WRAP Reaction from Latin America, adds Cuba
Mexico City, Mexico
1. Mid shot of Mexico City's cathedral sounding its bells, announcing the election of the new pope
2. Close-up man at bell tower
3. Mid shot entrance to Mexico City's cathedral
4. Pan from close-up of television to mid shot of Mexicans watching the announcement of the election of the new pope
5. Woman watching live broadcast from Rome
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish): S
Travel Tips on Tegucigalpa
Get to know the intimate side of Honduras in its capital, know affectionately by locals as: Tegu. Allow an InterContinental Concierge member lead you on a spec...
Get to know the intimate side of Honduras in its capital, know affectionately by locals as: Tegu. Allow an InterContinental Concierge member lead you on a special tour. Go to http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/ic/1/en/hotel/tguha
wn.com/Travel Tips On Tegucigalpa
Get to know the intimate side of Honduras in its capital, know affectionately by locals as: Tegu. Allow an InterContinental Concierge member lead you on a special tour. Go to http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/ic/1/en/hotel/tguha
- published: 13 Dec 2007
- views: 7964
【K】Honduras Travel-Tegucigalpa[온두라스 여행-테구시갈파]엘 피카초 공원, 거대 예수상/El Picacho Park/statue/Performance
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
저 멀리 산등성이에서 누군가가 나를 부른다. 부름을 따라 찾아 간 곳은 엘 피카초 공원. 테구시갈파 시민들이 가장 즐겨 찾는 휴식처다. 나무들 위로 솟아있는 거대한 석상. 대부분이 가톨릭교도로 이뤄진 테구시갈파의 상징물, 예수상이다. 엘 피카초 공원은 주말이면 어김없이 각종 문화 예술 공연이 펼쳐진다. 오늘은 한 판토마임 공연단이 시민들을 찾았다. 꽤 더운 날씨에 괜찮은지 물어봤더니 프로 의식을 발휘해 판토마임 식으로 대사 없이 답을 한다. 최선을 다해 사람들을 즐겁게 해주는 프로의 모습은 늘 아름답다. 무대와 객석의 구분 없이 한데 어우러져 풍류를 즐기는 그들의 모습에서 나는 문득 ‘작은 행복’을 발견한다.
[English: Google Translator]
Someone called me from the ridge away from me. Find places along the call between El Pica second park. Tegucigalpa is the most favorite retreat citizens. Huge stone statue towering over trees. Symbol of Tegucigalpa majority of Catholics road yirwojin, the yesusang. El Pica second park is unfailingly unfolds various cultural art performances on weekends. Today, people who looked for the pantomime troupe. I asked quite okay in warm weather and professionalism exercised without metabolic answer to the pantomime way. Professional look pleasing to the best people are always beautiful. Their appearance together in harmony without distinction to enjoy the elegance of the stage and the audience, I suddenly found a little 'happy'.
[Spanish: Google Translator]
Alguien me llamó desde la cresta de mí. Encuentra los lugares a lo largo de la llamada entre segundo parque El Pica. Tegucigalpa es la mayoría de los ciudadanos favorito de retiro. Enorme estatua de piedra que se eleva sobre los árboles. Símbolo de Tegucigalpa mayoría de los católicos yirwojin carretera, el yesusang. Segundo parque El Pica es infaliblemente desarrolla diversas actuaciones artísticas culturales los fines de semana. Hoy en día, las personas que buscaban la compañía de pantomima. Le pregunté bastante bien en climas cálidos y profesionalismo ejercido sin respuesta metabólica a la forma en la pantomima. Mirada profesional agradable a las mejores personas son siempre hermosos. Su aparición juntos en armonía, sin distinción de disfrutar de la elegancia del escenario y el público, de repente me pareció un poco "feliz".
■클립명: 중미135-온두라스01-02 엘 피카초 공원, 거대 예수상/El Picacho Park/Christ statue/Rest area/Performance
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이영준 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 9월 September
,중미,America,아메리카,온두라스,Honduras,Honduras,,이영준,2011,9월 September,프란시스코모라산,Francisco Morazan,Francisco Morazan,
wn.com/【K】Honduras Travel Tegucigalpa 온두라스 여행 테구시갈파 엘 피카초 공원, 거대 예수상 El Picacho Park Statue Performance
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
저 멀리 산등성이에서 누군가가 나를 부른다. 부름을 따라 찾아 간 곳은 엘 피카초 공원. 테구시갈파 시민들이 가장 즐겨 찾는 휴식처다. 나무들 위로 솟아있는 거대한 석상. 대부분이 가톨릭교도로 이뤄진 테구시갈파의 상징물, 예수상이다. 엘 피카초 공원은 주말이면 어김없이 각종 문화 예술 공연이 펼쳐진다. 오늘은 한 판토마임 공연단이 시민들을 찾았다. 꽤 더운 날씨에 괜찮은지 물어봤더니 프로 의식을 발휘해 판토마임 식으로 대사 없이 답을 한다. 최선을 다해 사람들을 즐겁게 해주는 프로의 모습은 늘 아름답다. 무대와 객석의 구분 없이 한데 어우러져 풍류를 즐기는 그들의 모습에서 나는 문득 ‘작은 행복’을 발견한다.
[English: Google Translator]
Someone called me from the ridge away from me. Find places along the call between El Pica second park. Tegucigalpa is the most favorite retreat citizens. Huge stone statue towering over trees. Symbol of Tegucigalpa majority of Catholics road yirwojin, the yesusang. El Pica second park is unfailingly unfolds various cultural art performances on weekends. Today, people who looked for the pantomime troupe. I asked quite okay in warm weather and professionalism exercised without metabolic answer to the pantomime way. Professional look pleasing to the best people are always beautiful. Their appearance together in harmony without distinction to enjoy the elegance of the stage and the audience, I suddenly found a little 'happy'.
[Spanish: Google Translator]
Alguien me llamó desde la cresta de mí. Encuentra los lugares a lo largo de la llamada entre segundo parque El Pica. Tegucigalpa es la mayoría de los ciudadanos favorito de retiro. Enorme estatua de piedra que se eleva sobre los árboles. Símbolo de Tegucigalpa mayoría de los católicos yirwojin carretera, el yesusang. Segundo parque El Pica es infaliblemente desarrolla diversas actuaciones artísticas culturales los fines de semana. Hoy en día, las personas que buscaban la compañía de pantomima. Le pregunté bastante bien en climas cálidos y profesionalismo ejercido sin respuesta metabólica a la forma en la pantomima. Mirada profesional agradable a las mejores personas son siempre hermosos. Su aparición juntos en armonía, sin distinción de disfrutar de la elegancia del escenario y el público, de repente me pareció un poco "feliz".
■클립명: 중미135-온두라스01-02 엘 피카초 공원, 거대 예수상/El Picacho Park/Christ statue/Rest area/Performance
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이영준 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 9월 September
,중미,America,아메리카,온두라스,Honduras,Honduras,,이영준,2011,9월 September,프란시스코모라산,Francisco Morazan,Francisco Morazan,
- published: 16 Jun 2015
- views: 81
Honduras: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Published by : Omegatours.vn
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Published by : Omegatours.vn
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
About Us:
Omega Tours has now become a familiar brand for tourists from all over the world. We provide many kind of services with high quality to those who join daily typical tour with others, to travelers who want a customized tour, to those who want to get something special and have the travel experience they desire. We care about every customer’s demand and do our best on every tour to offer customers from all walk of life enjoyable trips with us.
We assure that you will have memorable tour in everywhere far and wide in Vietnam country. We are committed to offer you the best price for each tour.
Our business focuses on:
Visa service
Daily tours
Customized tours/packages for group of customer;
Air, train ticketing service;
Hotel reservation;
Car/ bus rental
Omega Tours owns a team of young, dynamic and skilled staff working from day and night on every channel of communication from directly at the offices to live chat and hotline support. We are expecting to get your moments of happiness, your great stories from your trips with Omega Tours. Any of your request and inquiry about tours and service in Vietnam and neighboring countries will be promptly processed and replied at soon as possible.
Video Travel Guide: 10 Top Tourist Attractions in Honduras
List of Attractions in Honduras :
1. Roatan
2. Copan
3. Utila
4. Lago de Yojoa
5. Punta Sal
6. Guanaja
7. Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve
8. Comayagua Street Carpets
9. Rio Cangrejal
10. Cayos Cochinos
wn.com/Honduras 10 Top Tourist Attractions Video Travel Guide
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Published by : Omegatours.vn
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
About Us:
Omega Tours has now become a familiar brand for tourists from all over the world. We provide many kind of services with high quality to those who join daily typical tour with others, to travelers who want a customized tour, to those who want to get something special and have the travel experience they desire. We care about every customer’s demand and do our best on every tour to offer customers from all walk of life enjoyable trips with us.
We assure that you will have memorable tour in everywhere far and wide in Vietnam country. We are committed to offer you the best price for each tour.
Our business focuses on:
Visa service
Daily tours
Customized tours/packages for group of customer;
Air, train ticketing service;
Hotel reservation;
Car/ bus rental
Omega Tours owns a team of young, dynamic and skilled staff working from day and night on every channel of communication from directly at the offices to live chat and hotline support. We are expecting to get your moments of happiness, your great stories from your trips with Omega Tours. Any of your request and inquiry about tours and service in Vietnam and neighboring countries will be promptly processed and replied at soon as possible.
Video Travel Guide: 10 Top Tourist Attractions in Honduras
List of Attractions in Honduras :
1. Roatan
2. Copan
3. Utila
4. Lago de Yojoa
5. Punta Sal
6. Guanaja
7. Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve
8. Comayagua Street Carpets
9. Rio Cangrejal
10. Cayos Cochinos
- published: 03 Dec 2014
- views: 1187
Tegucigalpa Travel Video
Tegucigalpa Travel Video - Ringed by forested hills in a highland valley, sprawling Tegucigalpa enjoys a relatively fresh, mild climate and a spectacular settin...
Tegucigalpa Travel Video - Ringed by forested hills in a highland valley, sprawling Tegucigalpa enjoys a relatively fresh, mild climate and a spectacular setting.
Few travelers hang around long enough to savor the capitals delights and sights, but if youre passing through you will find the compact city center boasts some fine colonial architecture and a good museum or two.
Keep your ear to the ground and youll discover a dynamic young urban scene led by emerging artists and musicians, DJs and designers. There are only a few key venues, so its relatively easy to connect with this vibrant underground scene in the citys happening cafes and bars.
Incredible Tegucigalpa Travel Video
wn.com/Tegucigalpa Travel Video
Tegucigalpa Travel Video - Ringed by forested hills in a highland valley, sprawling Tegucigalpa enjoys a relatively fresh, mild climate and a spectacular setting.
Few travelers hang around long enough to savor the capitals delights and sights, but if youre passing through you will find the compact city center boasts some fine colonial architecture and a good museum or two.
Keep your ear to the ground and youll discover a dynamic young urban scene led by emerging artists and musicians, DJs and designers. There are only a few key venues, so its relatively easy to connect with this vibrant underground scene in the citys happening cafes and bars.
Incredible Tegucigalpa Travel Video
- published: 11 Aug 2014
- views: 112
Driving to el Picacho (Tegucigalpa, Honduras)
The winding drive from Tegucigalpa up to the park at el Picacho. Worth a trip for sweeping views of the city, but beware: crazy busy on weekends!...
The winding drive from Tegucigalpa up to the park at el Picacho. Worth a trip for sweeping views of the city, but beware: crazy busy on weekends!
wn.com/Driving To El Picacho (Tegucigalpa, Honduras)
The winding drive from Tegucigalpa up to the park at el Picacho. Worth a trip for sweeping views of the city, but beware: crazy busy on weekends!
- published: 04 Jan 2016
- views: 45
The Beautiful and Breathtaking LDS Temples on the World - World Travel Guide - LDS Temples Part 4
LDS Temples
Amazing Places on the World
Temples Name List:
Monterrey Mexico, Montevideo Uruguay, Monticello Utah,
Montreal Quebec Canada, Mount Timpanogos Utah,...
LDS Temples
Amazing Places on the World
Temples Name List:
Monterrey Mexico, Montevideo Uruguay, Monticello Utah,
Montreal Quebec Canada, Mount Timpanogos Utah,
Nashville Tennessee, Nauvoo Illinois, Newport Beach Califonia,
Nuku'alofa Tonga, Oakland California, Oaxaca Mexico,
Ogden Utah, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, Oquirrh Mountain Utah,
Orlando Florida, Palmyra New York, Panama City Panama,
Papeete Tahiti, Payson Utah, Perth Australia,
Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Phoenix Arizona, Portland Oregon,
Porto Alegre Brazil, Preston England, Provo City Center,
Provo Utah, Quetzaltenango Guatemala, Raleigh North Carolina,
Recife Brazil, Redlands California, Regina Saskatchewan,
Reno Nevada, Rexburg Idaho, Rome Italy, Sacramento California,
Salt Lake Utah, San Antonio Texas, San Diego California,
San José Costa Rica, San Salvador El Salvador, Santiago Chile,
Santo Domingo Dominican Republic, São Paulo Brazil,
Sapporo Japan, Seattle Washington, Seoul Korea,
Snowflake Arizona, Spokane Washington, St. George Utah,
St. Louis Missouri, St. Paul Minnesota, Stockholm Sweden,
Suva Fiji, Sydney Australia, Taipei Taiwan, Tampico Mexico,
Tegucigalpa Honduras, The Gila Valley Arizona,
The Hague Netherlands, Tokyo Japan, Toronto Ontario,
Trujillo Peru, Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mexico, Twin Falls Idaho,
Vancouver British Columbia, Veracruz Mexico, Vernal Utah,
Villahermosa Mexico, Villahermosa, Mexico, Washington D.C.,
Winter Quarters Nebraska.
wn.com/The Beautiful And Breathtaking Lds Temples On The World World Travel Guide Lds Temples Part 4
LDS Temples
Amazing Places on the World
Temples Name List:
Monterrey Mexico, Montevideo Uruguay, Monticello Utah,
Montreal Quebec Canada, Mount Timpanogos Utah,
Nashville Tennessee, Nauvoo Illinois, Newport Beach Califonia,
Nuku'alofa Tonga, Oakland California, Oaxaca Mexico,
Ogden Utah, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, Oquirrh Mountain Utah,
Orlando Florida, Palmyra New York, Panama City Panama,
Papeete Tahiti, Payson Utah, Perth Australia,
Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Phoenix Arizona, Portland Oregon,
Porto Alegre Brazil, Preston England, Provo City Center,
Provo Utah, Quetzaltenango Guatemala, Raleigh North Carolina,
Recife Brazil, Redlands California, Regina Saskatchewan,
Reno Nevada, Rexburg Idaho, Rome Italy, Sacramento California,
Salt Lake Utah, San Antonio Texas, San Diego California,
San José Costa Rica, San Salvador El Salvador, Santiago Chile,
Santo Domingo Dominican Republic, São Paulo Brazil,
Sapporo Japan, Seattle Washington, Seoul Korea,
Snowflake Arizona, Spokane Washington, St. George Utah,
St. Louis Missouri, St. Paul Minnesota, Stockholm Sweden,
Suva Fiji, Sydney Australia, Taipei Taiwan, Tampico Mexico,
Tegucigalpa Honduras, The Gila Valley Arizona,
The Hague Netherlands, Tokyo Japan, Toronto Ontario,
Trujillo Peru, Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mexico, Twin Falls Idaho,
Vancouver British Columbia, Veracruz Mexico, Vernal Utah,
Villahermosa Mexico, Villahermosa, Mexico, Washington D.C.,
Winter Quarters Nebraska.
- published: 30 Jun 2014
- views: 266
Honduras Travel Tips: Staying Safe
http://preparetoserve.com/HONDURAS Honduras Travel Tips: Staying Safe as a missionary....
http://preparetoserve.com/HONDURAS Honduras Travel Tips: Staying Safe as a missionary.
wn.com/Honduras Travel Tips Staying Safe
http://preparetoserve.com/HONDURAS Honduras Travel Tips: Staying Safe as a missionary.
- published: 29 Oct 2014
- views: 1625
Honduras Travel Video
Honduras Travel Video like its neighbors, Honduras is experiencing tremendous changes: an expanding tourist economy (cruise ships in Roatán?!), a maturing polit...
Honduras Travel Video like its neighbors, Honduras is experiencing tremendous changes: an expanding tourist economy (cruise ships in Roatán?!), a maturing political scene, and the whole globalization thing, including maquilas, free trade agreements -- heck, even implementing Daylight Savings Time for the second time. Honduras remains deeply entrenched in a two-front war against gangs and HIV/AIDS. Illegal logging is emerging as another major concern (do you know where that new mahogany chest came from?) and a key issue among Honduras' growing environmental community.
Honduras Travel Video, most Hondurans you'll meet are very laid back and, while not disinterested, certainly disinclined to make much to-do over politics and world affairs. And aside from the people-pull, nature has its own drawcards here in Honduras. Parque Nacional Jeannette Kawas offers up white-sand beaches, great snorkelling and howler monkeys galore and Lago de Yojoa in Honduras' lake region has world-class bird-watching, waterfalls and outstanding national parks. Backpackers love Utila for its cheap eats, great accommodation and terrific diving.
Wonderful Honduras Travel Video!
wn.com/Honduras Travel Video
Honduras Travel Video like its neighbors, Honduras is experiencing tremendous changes: an expanding tourist economy (cruise ships in Roatán?!), a maturing political scene, and the whole globalization thing, including maquilas, free trade agreements -- heck, even implementing Daylight Savings Time for the second time. Honduras remains deeply entrenched in a two-front war against gangs and HIV/AIDS. Illegal logging is emerging as another major concern (do you know where that new mahogany chest came from?) and a key issue among Honduras' growing environmental community.
Honduras Travel Video, most Hondurans you'll meet are very laid back and, while not disinterested, certainly disinclined to make much to-do over politics and world affairs. And aside from the people-pull, nature has its own drawcards here in Honduras. Parque Nacional Jeannette Kawas offers up white-sand beaches, great snorkelling and howler monkeys galore and Lago de Yojoa in Honduras' lake region has world-class bird-watching, waterfalls and outstanding national parks. Backpackers love Utila for its cheap eats, great accommodation and terrific diving.
Wonderful Honduras Travel Video!
- published: 03 May 2014
- views: 10455
Centro Histórico Abierto - Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Les comparto un proyecto muy bonito considerado un movimiento relativamente nuevo que se llevó a cabo en mi ciudad Capital, Tegucigalpa en la República de Hondu...
Les comparto un proyecto muy bonito considerado un movimiento relativamente nuevo que se llevó a cabo en mi ciudad Capital, Tegucigalpa en la República de Honduras, se desarrollaron talleres de participación ciudadana, instituciones, talleres de niños y universitarios, además, varios proyectos de acupuntura urbana simultánea y muy rápidamente. La agrupación de estas intervenciones en los barrios que conforman el casco histórico en decadencia, creó una red, un sistema de espacios que mejoró la movilidad e imagen urbana de la zona. Además, la formación de estas múltiples intervenciones de pequeña escala en puntos críticos del centro histórico pudo detonar cambios y renovar zonas enteras. Con distintas acciones, que implican verdaderos actos de compromiso entre vecinos, autoridades y ciudadanos, el centro histórico pudo recobrar vitalidad y le devolvió a los espacios públicos en deterioro o abandono su condición de punto de encuentro y estancia, de espacios con el potencial de impactar y beneficiar a diferentes sectores de la población, además de permitir la cohesión social ya que en estos espacios se dieron relaciones entre todo tipo de personas.
Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Lee Reyes Marin y por mi persona, Rebeca Schrunder.
wn.com/Centro Histórico Abierto Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Les comparto un proyecto muy bonito considerado un movimiento relativamente nuevo que se llevó a cabo en mi ciudad Capital, Tegucigalpa en la República de Honduras, se desarrollaron talleres de participación ciudadana, instituciones, talleres de niños y universitarios, además, varios proyectos de acupuntura urbana simultánea y muy rápidamente. La agrupación de estas intervenciones en los barrios que conforman el casco histórico en decadencia, creó una red, un sistema de espacios que mejoró la movilidad e imagen urbana de la zona. Además, la formación de estas múltiples intervenciones de pequeña escala en puntos críticos del centro histórico pudo detonar cambios y renovar zonas enteras. Con distintas acciones, que implican verdaderos actos de compromiso entre vecinos, autoridades y ciudadanos, el centro histórico pudo recobrar vitalidad y le devolvió a los espacios públicos en deterioro o abandono su condición de punto de encuentro y estancia, de espacios con el potencial de impactar y beneficiar a diferentes sectores de la población, además de permitir la cohesión social ya que en estos espacios se dieron relaciones entre todo tipo de personas.
Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Lee Reyes Marin y por mi persona, Rebeca Schrunder.
- published: 21 Aug 2015
- views: 135
► HONDURAS │ Around the world Trip │ Video Youtube
HONDURAS ! Amazing Travel World Tour of 4 years in video, a dream holiday!
Holidays and travel around the world. A great road trip.
26 countries visited and m...
HONDURAS ! Amazing Travel World Tour of 4 years in video, a dream holiday!
Holidays and travel around the world. A great road trip.
26 countries visited and more ...
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Email: blogtourdumonde@gmail.com
Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Music used:
Music used: sunlight by Machinimasound.com &Afterlife; City by Machinimasound.com
Licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 Unported License | https://machinimasound.com/license
Last Kiss Goodnight by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/licenses/.
Go Not Gently
* All music in this online collection created by Jason Shaw Released under Creative Commons License 3.0. You are free to use the music (even for commercial purposes) as long as you credit "music from- audionautix.com" OR provide a link to this website from yours music. Must be part some other created works. No further permission is required.
wn.com/► Honduras │ Around The World Trip │ Video Youtube
HONDURAS ! Amazing Travel World Tour of 4 years in video, a dream holiday!
Holidays and travel around the world. A great road trip.
26 countries visited and more ...
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Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mgdt/collections/72157625475140092/
Twitter voyagemonde: https://twitter.com/voyagemonde
Email: blogtourdumonde@gmail.com
Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Music used:
Music used: sunlight by Machinimasound.com &Afterlife; City by Machinimasound.com
Licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 Unported License | https://machinimasound.com/license
Last Kiss Goodnight by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/licenses/.
Go Not Gently
* All music in this online collection created by Jason Shaw Released under Creative Commons License 3.0. You are free to use the music (even for commercial purposes) as long as you credit "music from- audionautix.com" OR provide a link to this website from yours music. Must be part some other created works. No further permission is required.
- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 1941
Res. Mirador de Los Angeles, Tegucigalpa
Proyecto Residencial ECOLÓGICO, Ubicado en Comayaguela, Honduras es un proyecto que ofrece Seguridad, Áreas Sociales, Represa artificial, cableado sub-terraneo,...
Proyecto Residencial ECOLÓGICO, Ubicado en Comayaguela, Honduras es un proyecto que ofrece Seguridad, Áreas Sociales, Represa artificial, cableado sub-terraneo, Servicios Publicos, centro comercial y muchas cosas mas al MEJOR PRECIO DEL MERCADO............. RESERVA CON TAN SOLO US$1,000.00...Info: 9906-4275- 2235-4245, bmihonduras@hotmail.com.
wn.com/Res. Mirador De Los Angeles, Tegucigalpa
Proyecto Residencial ECOLÓGICO, Ubicado en Comayaguela, Honduras es un proyecto que ofrece Seguridad, Áreas Sociales, Represa artificial, cableado sub-terraneo, Servicios Publicos, centro comercial y muchas cosas mas al MEJOR PRECIO DEL MERCADO............. RESERVA CON TAN SOLO US$1,000.00...Info: 9906-4275- 2235-4245, bmihonduras@hotmail.com.
- published: 24 Aug 2014
- views: 1007
Tegucigalpa, Honduras 2008 (stills compilation)
Friendship Community Church of Mt. Juliet, TN traveled to Tegucigalpa, Honduras in June, 2008 to show God's love... http://FriendshipCommunityChurch.org...
Friendship Community Church of Mt. Juliet, TN traveled to Tegucigalpa, Honduras in June, 2008 to show God's love... http://FriendshipCommunityChurch.org
wn.com/Tegucigalpa, Honduras 2008 (Stills Compilation)
Friendship Community Church of Mt. Juliet, TN traveled to Tegucigalpa, Honduras in June, 2008 to show God's love... http://FriendshipCommunityChurch.org
- published: 30 Jul 2008
- views: 5686
PADF team in Honduras visits affected zones by flooding near Tegucigalpa (Spanish)
In the last few days, storms and heavy flooding have left countless families with little to hope for in Mexico and Central America. They've lost their homes and...
In the last few days, storms and heavy flooding have left countless families with little to hope for in Mexico and Central America. They've lost their homes and belongings. Some, in fact, have barely survived. More than one million people are affected in the region
Do you want to help? Visit www.padf.org/donate-disasters
wn.com/Padf Team In Honduras Visits Affected Zones By Flooding Near Tegucigalpa (Spanish)
In the last few days, storms and heavy flooding have left countless families with little to hope for in Mexico and Central America. They've lost their homes and belongings. Some, in fact, have barely survived. More than one million people are affected in the region
Do you want to help? Visit www.padf.org/donate-disasters
- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 132
Roatan & Tegucigalpa Honduras 2010 | stealingbeauty
Main Channel http://youtube.com/stealingbeauty
Blog http://stealing-beauty.com
Some pictures of Roatan http://www.stealing-beauty.com/2010/08/roatan-honduras/
Main Channel http://youtube.com/stealingbeauty
Blog http://stealing-beauty.com
Some pictures of Roatan http://www.stealing-beauty.com/2010/08/roatan-honduras/
These are some clips of fun moments with my family in Honduras.
Honduras is a beautiful country, but it's impoverished and has a very corrupt government. I would be very wary of visiting the city or main land of Honduras, as it is very dangerous. I only go to visit my family.
However, I would highly recommend Roatan as a vacation destination to any one, because it's safe. We stayed at Henry Morgan in West Bay, Roatan. I'm really proud that such a paradise can be found in Honduras. This place is a Caribbean dream! It's honestly one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen.
wn.com/Roatan Tegucigalpa Honduras 2010 | Stealingbeauty
Main Channel http://youtube.com/stealingbeauty
Blog http://stealing-beauty.com
Some pictures of Roatan http://www.stealing-beauty.com/2010/08/roatan-honduras/
These are some clips of fun moments with my family in Honduras.
Honduras is a beautiful country, but it's impoverished and has a very corrupt government. I would be very wary of visiting the city or main land of Honduras, as it is very dangerous. I only go to visit my family.
However, I would highly recommend Roatan as a vacation destination to any one, because it's safe. We stayed at Henry Morgan in West Bay, Roatan. I'm really proud that such a paradise can be found in Honduras. This place is a Caribbean dream! It's honestly one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen.
- published: 08 Jul 2012
- views: 3387
ROATAN TRAVEL DVD (HD Trailer) - Video Travel Guide for Roatán, Honduras
Video Guide for Roatán, Honduras - Find out what to do on this island, or show people where you went!
DVD Available in stores NOW, and at
Video Guide for Roatán, Honduras - Find out what to do on this island, or show people where you went!
DVD Available in stores NOW, and at
wn.com/Roatan Travel Dvd (Hd Trailer) Video Travel Guide For Roatán, Honduras
Video Guide for Roatán, Honduras - Find out what to do on this island, or show people where you went!
DVD Available in stores NOW, and at
- published: 07 Apr 2011
- views: 521
Travel Honduras
My adventure to Honduras. This beautiful country has everything to offer a traveler....
My adventure to Honduras. This beautiful country has everything to offer a traveler.
wn.com/Travel Honduras
My adventure to Honduras. This beautiful country has everything to offer a traveler.
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 6841
Honduras Tourist Attractions: 13 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Honduras? Check out our Honduras Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Honduras.
Top Places to visit in Honduras:
Planning to visit Honduras? Check out our Honduras Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Honduras.
Top Places to visit in Honduras:
Copán, La Tigra National Park, Gumbalimba Park, Celaque National Park, Pico Bonito National Park, Virgin of Suyapa, Enchanted Wings Butterfly House, French Harbour Iguana Reserve, Parque Nacional El Cusuco, Sante Wellness Centre, Enomis Divers, Lancetilla Botanical Gardens, Roatán Butterfly Garden,
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wn.com/Honduras Tourist Attractions 13 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Honduras? Check out our Honduras Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Honduras.
Top Places to visit in Honduras:
Copán, La Tigra National Park, Gumbalimba Park, Celaque National Park, Pico Bonito National Park, Virgin of Suyapa, Enchanted Wings Butterfly House, French Harbour Iguana Reserve, Parque Nacional El Cusuco, Sante Wellness Centre, Enomis Divers, Lancetilla Botanical Gardens, Roatán Butterfly Garden,
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To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1
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This Video is Created and Marketed by Social Bubble Global. All Rights Reserved. For Travel & Tourism Industry Online Services Contact Social Bubble Today.
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 106
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Tr...
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
wn.com/Zapopan Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Zapopan Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 31
"Spot the Gringo" Stevefn's photos around León, Nicaragua (nicaragua best spots travel)
Preview of Stevefn's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/stevefn/rtw2004/1100294580/tpod.html
This blog ...
Preview of Stevefn's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/stevefn/rtw2004/1100294580/tpod.html
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Entry from: León, Nicaragua
Entry Title: "Spot the Gringo."
"I have decided to travel with Catherine and Steve for a few days on my way from Copán, Honduras to León, Nicaragua. Instead of making our way to San Pedro Sula to catch the express bus in direction Tegucigalpa and then onwards to Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, we opt instead to visit Agua Azul along the shores of Lago de Yojoa, about halfway between San Pedro and Tegucigalpa. I haven´t heard about the lake, but apparently it's overlooked by nice mountains and very close to Honduras so-called "most spectacular waterfall." Catarata de Pulhapanzak. The waterfall got a 43 meter high cascade according to my guide book, while Catherine´s book state that the drop is close to 430 meters. Although I am disappointed by my outdated guide books travel and transport information, as well as it´s frequently terribly wrong maps, it wins hands down this time. The waterfall is pretty cool, but no way that´s even close to 430 meters. Not that we thought it would be. I totally understand that guide books will have incorrect as well as outdated information in them, but it must be bloody annoying when you (the ignorant tourist) maybe travel an extra day or two to see it, while daydreaming on the chicken bus taking you there about the splendor of it all. "Wow, a 430 meter cascade. Must be one of the highest falls in the world. Pulhapanzak, strange I haven´t heard about it. Where's all the tourists, or the guy collecting the entrance fee? I have it all to myself. Yippie!! I can see the top of the waterfall now, here we goooo..... Hey author, you must be fu.... joking, my grandmother's pink plastic garden fountain is more impressive."
Lago de Yojoa and Hotel Agua Azul are both pretty nice, the hotel got a wonderful deck giving us great beer drinking opportunities, while watching feeding hummingbirds and gazing over the peaceful lake. But there´s not a single tourist to see. In fact we are the only one staying here. Kind of reminds me of Bates Hotel in Psycho. We are off the beaten track now. One night here seems enough, so we continue the next morning. When you are off the beaten track, it´s sometimes difficult to get back on. This is proven by yet another chicken bus marathon. Two days in a row now. No way we will reach León today either, not even the border with Nicaragua. We settle for the night in a dust bowl of a town, and continue the next morning for yet another snail pace marathon. At the border between Honduras and Nicaragua the locals are playing "spot the gringo." They see us as soon as the bus roll into the station at the border. Dozing in the shadow a minute ago, they are now leaping like gazelles over tricycles and ill maintained vegetation. The old American school bus is surrounded in mere nanoseconds. They are moneychangers, panhandlers, bag carriers and tricycle chauffeurs competing for our money. Maybe it´s a bit sad, but to me the whole episode was absolutely hilarious, and I still have instant replay dreams about their expressions while first spotting us on the bus.
It´s taken us three pretty long days on numerous chicken busses to reach León from Copán. We will hang out here for a few days visiting the largest Cathedral in Central America, as well as snapping a few photos of the famous political murals around town. Some Sandinista, Somoza as well as Contras history is unavoidable in this university city. After a few days here, the plan is to head out to Corn Islands on a flight from Managua."
Read and see more at: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/stevefn/rtw2004/1100294580/tpod.html
Photos from this trip:
1. "Hummingbirds."
2. "Catarata de Pulhapanzak."
3. "Catherine and Steve at Catarata de Pulhapanzak."
4. "Cathedral view in Leon."
5. "Cathedral in Leon."
6. "Rigoberto Lopez Perez letter."
7. "Sandino mural."
See this TripWow and more at http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-0159-c884-0c18?ytv4=1
wn.com/Spot The Gringo Stevefn's Photos Around León, Nicaragua (Nicaragua Best Spots Travel)
Preview of Stevefn's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/stevefn/rtw2004/1100294580/tpod.html
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Entry from: León, Nicaragua
Entry Title: "Spot the Gringo."
"I have decided to travel with Catherine and Steve for a few days on my way from Copán, Honduras to León, Nicaragua. Instead of making our way to San Pedro Sula to catch the express bus in direction Tegucigalpa and then onwards to Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, we opt instead to visit Agua Azul along the shores of Lago de Yojoa, about halfway between San Pedro and Tegucigalpa. I haven´t heard about the lake, but apparently it's overlooked by nice mountains and very close to Honduras so-called "most spectacular waterfall." Catarata de Pulhapanzak. The waterfall got a 43 meter high cascade according to my guide book, while Catherine´s book state that the drop is close to 430 meters. Although I am disappointed by my outdated guide books travel and transport information, as well as it´s frequently terribly wrong maps, it wins hands down this time. The waterfall is pretty cool, but no way that´s even close to 430 meters. Not that we thought it would be. I totally understand that guide books will have incorrect as well as outdated information in them, but it must be bloody annoying when you (the ignorant tourist) maybe travel an extra day or two to see it, while daydreaming on the chicken bus taking you there about the splendor of it all. "Wow, a 430 meter cascade. Must be one of the highest falls in the world. Pulhapanzak, strange I haven´t heard about it. Where's all the tourists, or the guy collecting the entrance fee? I have it all to myself. Yippie!! I can see the top of the waterfall now, here we goooo..... Hey author, you must be fu.... joking, my grandmother's pink plastic garden fountain is more impressive."
Lago de Yojoa and Hotel Agua Azul are both pretty nice, the hotel got a wonderful deck giving us great beer drinking opportunities, while watching feeding hummingbirds and gazing over the peaceful lake. But there´s not a single tourist to see. In fact we are the only one staying here. Kind of reminds me of Bates Hotel in Psycho. We are off the beaten track now. One night here seems enough, so we continue the next morning. When you are off the beaten track, it´s sometimes difficult to get back on. This is proven by yet another chicken bus marathon. Two days in a row now. No way we will reach León today either, not even the border with Nicaragua. We settle for the night in a dust bowl of a town, and continue the next morning for yet another snail pace marathon. At the border between Honduras and Nicaragua the locals are playing "spot the gringo." They see us as soon as the bus roll into the station at the border. Dozing in the shadow a minute ago, they are now leaping like gazelles over tricycles and ill maintained vegetation. The old American school bus is surrounded in mere nanoseconds. They are moneychangers, panhandlers, bag carriers and tricycle chauffeurs competing for our money. Maybe it´s a bit sad, but to me the whole episode was absolutely hilarious, and I still have instant replay dreams about their expressions while first spotting us on the bus.
It´s taken us three pretty long days on numerous chicken busses to reach León from Copán. We will hang out here for a few days visiting the largest Cathedral in Central America, as well as snapping a few photos of the famous political murals around town. Some Sandinista, Somoza as well as Contras history is unavoidable in this university city. After a few days here, the plan is to head out to Corn Islands on a flight from Managua."
Read and see more at: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/stevefn/rtw2004/1100294580/tpod.html
Photos from this trip:
1. "Hummingbirds."
2. "Catarata de Pulhapanzak."
3. "Catherine and Steve at Catarata de Pulhapanzak."
4. "Cathedral view in Leon."
5. "Cathedral in Leon."
6. "Rigoberto Lopez Perez letter."
7. "Sandino mural."
See this TripWow and more at http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-0159-c884-0c18?ytv4=1
- published: 26 Apr 2011
- views: 306
Roatan, Honduras - A Travel Destination Guide
http://www.thebestvacationdeal.net Roatan, Honduras is the undiscovered secret of vacationers looking for a tropical vacation destination with a variety of ...
http://www.thebestvacationdeal.net Roatan, Honduras is the undiscovered secret of vacationers looking for a tropical vacation destination with a variety of water activities, un-crowded white, soft powdered beaches, and inexpensive hotels and restaurants. For more information, visit leisuretravelmart.com
wn.com/Roatan, Honduras A Travel Destination Guide
http://www.thebestvacationdeal.net Roatan, Honduras is the undiscovered secret of vacationers looking for a tropical vacation destination with a variety of water activities, un-crowded white, soft powdered beaches, and inexpensive hotels and restaurants. For more information, visit leisuretravelmart.com
- published: 24 Jun 2011
- views: 187
Honduras Tourism and Investment
Discover Honduras, a unique destination for holidays and investing with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (www.BestDestination.com...
Discover Honduras, a unique destination for holidays and investing with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (www.BestDestination.com), travel guides (www.visithonduras.org), information and travel directory by Travelindex Network (www.travelindex.com).
wn.com/Honduras Tourism And Investment
Discover Honduras, a unique destination for holidays and investing with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (www.BestDestination.com), travel guides (www.visithonduras.org), information and travel directory by Travelindex Network (www.travelindex.com).
- published: 17 Aug 2008
- views: 29781
WRAP Reaction from Latin America, adds Cuba
Mexico City, Mexico
1. Mid shot of Mexico City's cathedral sounding its bells, announcing the election of the new pope
2. Close-up man at bell tow...
Mexico City, Mexico
1. Mid shot of Mexico City's cathedral sounding its bells, announcing the election of the new pope
2. Close-up man at bell tower
3. Mid shot entrance to Mexico City's cathedral
4. Pan from close-up of television to mid shot of Mexicans watching the announcement of the election of the new pope
5. Woman watching live broadcast from Rome
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish): Silvia Bergnolo, Mexican Catholic:
"I think that he has been (Cardinal Ratzinger) a very close person to the Pope and I hope that he follows the same line that the Pope (John Paul II) had to this moment."
7. Mid shot of people watching the broadcast
8. Wide shot of Basilica of Guadalupe
9. Wide shot of mass at the Basilica of Guadalupe
10. Mid shot of man with photograph of Pope John Paul II
Buenos Aires, Argentina
11. Wide of street
12. Close-up of television showing live TV transmission from the Vatican
12. Wide shot interior restaurant people eating and watching TV
13. Close up TV screen showing live TV transmission from the Vatican
14. Medium shot three people sitting at table and watching TV
15. Close up man at restaurant watching TV
16. Wide shot interior cafeteria
17. Tilt up from barman to TV
18. Medium of man holding a mobile phone while watching TV
19. Close up TV screen with pictures from Vatican
20. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Vox pop, Argentine Catholic:
"We had hoped it would be a Latin American or the South African but they always choose Europeans."
21. Wide of grocery store, TV coverage of new pope in the background
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
22. Wide shot of Cathedral of Honduras
23. Close-up of cathedral bells
24. Medium shot of cathedral exterior
25. Wide shot cathedral interior
26. Wide shot people praying
27. Woman kneels in front of candles
28. Medium shot of people praying
29. Various of woman praying
30. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Vox pop:
"Of course like any Latin American I think we would have wanted a Latin American pope representing our church, this time was not it, but we would have liked Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez to have the chance."
31. Pull-out from TV to people on the streets
32. SOUNDBITE (Spanish): Vox pop:
"Even if Monsignor Rodriguez didn't win, he's always with God. And whoever won, all we want is peace on earth"
33. Various of Mass
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
34. Tilt-down from facade of Our Lady of Peace Church in Ipanema Beach to wide of facade of church
35. Wide of people entering the church as soon as the name of the new pope was announced
36. Wide of people praying inside the church
37. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Herminio Costa, Economist:
"You see, the problem of a Latin person being chosen or not is more because we, outside - and I travel a lot - we are seen in a different way. I do believe that it wouldn't be a difficult for a Latin pope to be chosen."
38. Set-up shot of tourist guide, Eli Pinheiro praying
39. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Eli Pinheiro, Tourist guide:
"The politics, whether you like it or not, are linked to the church and ethnicity in general. Unfortunately, we don't have here (in the South American continent) the possibility of being able to have the institution of the church favourable to the (poor) population."
Havana, Cuba -19 April, 2005
40. Wide shot exterior Havana Cathedral with dancers on stilts
41. Medium shot woman selling newspapers outside Cathedral
42. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Migdalia Garcia, Cuban Catholic:
"We loved the last one a lot, but since this is the new pope we love him very much too. We want him to come to Cuba soon."
43. Wide shot interior Havana Cathedral
44. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Rafael Semanat, Cuban Catholic:
45. Zoom in to Cuban band playing
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wn.com/Wrap Reaction From Latin America, Adds Cuba
Mexico City, Mexico
1. Mid shot of Mexico City's cathedral sounding its bells, announcing the election of the new pope
2. Close-up man at bell tower
3. Mid shot entrance to Mexico City's cathedral
4. Pan from close-up of television to mid shot of Mexicans watching the announcement of the election of the new pope
5. Woman watching live broadcast from Rome
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish): Silvia Bergnolo, Mexican Catholic:
"I think that he has been (Cardinal Ratzinger) a very close person to the Pope and I hope that he follows the same line that the Pope (John Paul II) had to this moment."
7. Mid shot of people watching the broadcast
8. Wide shot of Basilica of Guadalupe
9. Wide shot of mass at the Basilica of Guadalupe
10. Mid shot of man with photograph of Pope John Paul II
Buenos Aires, Argentina
11. Wide of street
12. Close-up of television showing live TV transmission from the Vatican
12. Wide shot interior restaurant people eating and watching TV
13. Close up TV screen showing live TV transmission from the Vatican
14. Medium shot three people sitting at table and watching TV
15. Close up man at restaurant watching TV
16. Wide shot interior cafeteria
17. Tilt up from barman to TV
18. Medium of man holding a mobile phone while watching TV
19. Close up TV screen with pictures from Vatican
20. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Vox pop, Argentine Catholic:
"We had hoped it would be a Latin American or the South African but they always choose Europeans."
21. Wide of grocery store, TV coverage of new pope in the background
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
22. Wide shot of Cathedral of Honduras
23. Close-up of cathedral bells
24. Medium shot of cathedral exterior
25. Wide shot cathedral interior
26. Wide shot people praying
27. Woman kneels in front of candles
28. Medium shot of people praying
29. Various of woman praying
30. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Vox pop:
"Of course like any Latin American I think we would have wanted a Latin American pope representing our church, this time was not it, but we would have liked Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez to have the chance."
31. Pull-out from TV to people on the streets
32. SOUNDBITE (Spanish): Vox pop:
"Even if Monsignor Rodriguez didn't win, he's always with God. And whoever won, all we want is peace on earth"
33. Various of Mass
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
34. Tilt-down from facade of Our Lady of Peace Church in Ipanema Beach to wide of facade of church
35. Wide of people entering the church as soon as the name of the new pope was announced
36. Wide of people praying inside the church
37. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Herminio Costa, Economist:
"You see, the problem of a Latin person being chosen or not is more because we, outside - and I travel a lot - we are seen in a different way. I do believe that it wouldn't be a difficult for a Latin pope to be chosen."
38. Set-up shot of tourist guide, Eli Pinheiro praying
39. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Eli Pinheiro, Tourist guide:
"The politics, whether you like it or not, are linked to the church and ethnicity in general. Unfortunately, we don't have here (in the South American continent) the possibility of being able to have the institution of the church favourable to the (poor) population."
Havana, Cuba -19 April, 2005
40. Wide shot exterior Havana Cathedral with dancers on stilts
41. Medium shot woman selling newspapers outside Cathedral
42. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Migdalia Garcia, Cuban Catholic:
"We loved the last one a lot, but since this is the new pope we love him very much too. We want him to come to Cuba soon."
43. Wide shot interior Havana Cathedral
44. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Rafael Semanat, Cuban Catholic:
45. Zoom in to Cuban band playing
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- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 23