

On this page

The vic.gov.au website connects you to information about Victoria.

vic.gov.au home page

The vic.gov.au website uses Google Site Search. Enter you search term(s) and click on the ‘Search’ button.

vic.gov.au search box

For more information and tips on searching vic.gov.au see our Search Tips page.

Browse - Browse by subject areas to find hand-picked relevant websites. For more information and tips on searching vic.gov.au see our Search Tips page.

What government is saying - Read what Victorian Government is tweeting about. This twitter feed is an aggregate listing of all Victorian Government twitter accounts. You can also view a listing of all Victorian Government twitter accounts.

Social Media - The Social Media section provides a comprehensive list of Victorian Government social media items. This includes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, pinterest and more.

Mobile Apps - View featured mobile apps from the Victorian Government.

Widgets - View featured widgets from the Victorian Government.

Events Calendar - Keep up to date with what is happening around Victoria via the online Events Calendar.

Subscribe - Subscribe to the free monthly Vic Gov Newsletter to find out what is happening across Victorian Govenrment. You can opt out any time.

RSS - Select the RSS feed you wish to obtain updates from. Available from the RSS page.

Victorian Government Directory - Find information on all the Departments, statutory bodies and other agencies, including telephone numbers, email and web addresses. It also contains an A to Z list of Government services.

Grants Victoria - The Victorian Government grants directory enables you to search for government grants and assistance within the state of Victoria.

Services - Discover a range of Victorian government services and transactions.


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