Japanese buskers, Ethnic Minority, Rock Shibuya, Tokyo
The scramble crossing in Shibuya is one of the world's busiest human intersections, with up to 2,500 people crossing in a single light change. That doesn't mean it can't get completely pwnd by three amazing musicians, called Ethnic Minority. These guys transform it into a performance space watched by hundreds. An amazing show. See this and more at:
NEW WHITE MINORITY - Ethnic Minorities Outnumber White Children in U.S Schools for the First Time
NEW WHITE MINORITY - Ethnic Minorities Outnumber White Children in U.S Schools for the First Time
When stuck for anything insightful to say, politicians often waffle about how children are the future. They are right, of course. W
Minority D- -Ethnic Minority- (feat. beating)
横田寛之ETHNIC MINORITYのナンバー「Minority D-」とbeatingのコラボレーション映像。
A Tour of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Produced in partnership with the Confucius Institute at George Mason University. For more information, visit their website @ http://confucius.gmu.edu/.
Ethnic Minority Beauties 56民族 56朶花
Chinese Ethnic Minority Beauties 56民族 56朶花
歌曲: 望春风 http://winnieandeugene-songs.blogspot.com/2014/02/blog-post_25.html
56 Ethnic Minorities:
回族、 维吾尔族、土家族、 彝族、彝族支系撒尼族、 布依族、 瑶族、 朝鲜族、 白族、哈尼、哈萨克族、德昂族(崩龙族)、鄂伦春族、蒙古族、苗族、普米族、藏族、锡伯族、黎族、傣、畲族、栗粟族、仡佬族、东乡族、拉祜族、水族、佤族、壮族、摩梭族、侗族、乌孜别克族、京族、基诺族、满族、毛南族、高山族、羌族、柯尔克孜族、达斡尔族、撒拉族、塔塔尔族、阿昌族、怒族、裕固族、门巴族、独龙族、塔吉克族、赫哲族、珞巴族、纳西族、鄂温克族、土族、景颇族、布朗族、保安族、俄罗斯族
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The Beauty
What's it like for Hong Kong ethnic minority students to take university entrance exams?
As Hong Kong secondary school students get their DSE (Hong Kong's university entrance exams) results Wednesday, SCMP.tv talks to some of the city's ethnic minority students to find out what's it like for them to take DSE.
How does the UK treat immigrants and ethnic minorities?
Immigration has become a major battleground in the UK election and all parties are seeking to persuade the electorate that the UK's borders are safe in their hands.
A poll conducted earlier this year suggested 76% of the population believe that immigration levels should be reduced. This popular sentiment has caused the rise to prominence of the anti-immigration UK Independence Party (UKIP) which
Life and culture of China's Yi ethnic minority
The first episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s water-splashing festival while staying in a traditional Dai village. She also watches the excitement of the local dragon boat race that brings together the Dai people’s from many different local villages.
This episode of Travelogue looks at t
Sublime Frequencies: Ethnic Minority Music Of Southern Laos
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
This is a collection of landmark recordings by Laurent Jeanneau documenting music created by the Harak and various Brao ethnic groups in Southern Laos. Here you can hear the true historic roots of Molam music (now a venerable popular music style in Laos an
Why China's ethnic minorities are being left out of the economic boom
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Uyghur dance. 1959 (China Ethnic Minority Dance)
Uyghurs are a turkic speaking ethnic group. We are located primarily in Xinjiang, China. There are also groups of Uyghurs inhabiting neighboring countries such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Thank you for watching.
#MinorityVerdict: General Election 2015 - the ethnic minority vote
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Get all the latest updates - General Election 2015 live blog: http://news.channel4.com/election2015
[China Insight 2011-12-16 HQ] Ethnic Minority Cultural Mapping
Date: 2011-12-16
Resolution: HQ
Program: China Insight
Title: Ethnic Minority Cultural Mapping
Video Series ID: 5ibcoIrrpoygSy#HDxZ#6A==
The 10 Largest Chinese Ethnic Groups
Here are some info on the 10 largest ethnic groups in china, out of 56 Chinese Ethnicities
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Education and the Fate of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong (Part 1)
A 9 minutes part (Part 1) from a film by Dino Him (Yip Wang Him) for application for DOC NOMADS.
Audrey Eu's speech on HK Ethnic Minority Education Policy
9th February 2012 at Legislative Council
Motion on "Reviewing the education policy for ethnic minority students"
Copyright: LegCo
The Ethnic Minority Fighting a Burmese Onslaught
The Fall of Manerplaw - Burma - The Karen have been battling for independence ever since Burma itself became independent.
For downloads and more information visit:
Their resistance fighters have countered well the Burmese army's attempt at defeating their fight for a separate homeland. We talk to the Karen in Manerplaw. The mai
Personal story of a Vietnamese ethnic minority girl - English Version
This story is part of the post-2015 consultations in Viet Nam. The UN went to Yen Bai in mid December 2012 to conduct consultations focused on understanding the life of ethnic minority people living in remote areas like Yen Bai, and capturing their views and needs, aspirations and wishes for the future. The UN mission was part of a series of consultations in Viet Nam to ask people about the world
PLEIKU VIETNAM 2014: Ethnic Minority Market!
Read http://www.KyleLe.net
Like http://www.facebook.com/KyleLe.net
Vietnam Tour, Saigon Tour, Pleiku, Central Highlands, Ethnic Minority, Jirai people,
Vietnamese, Viet Kieu, Easy Rider,
Another day, another ethnic market.
Nightmares on wax - Ethnic Minority (madero long 2011-2012)
Life and culture of Zhuang ethnic minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Zhuang ethnic minorities. Here Chen Lei visits Jingxi County in Guangxi. Here learns about traditional courting customs of the Zhuang, tries his hand at a traditional village sport and gets to ride a miniature horse. He also visits the border with Vietnam, exploring the mountainous areas that surround the spectacular Detian waterf
Japanese buskers, Ethnic Minority, Rock Shibuya, Tokyo
The scramble crossing in Shibuya is one of the world's busiest human intersections, with up to 2,500 people crossing in a single light change. That doesn't mean...
The scramble crossing in Shibuya is one of the world's busiest human intersections, with up to 2,500 people crossing in a single light change. That doesn't mean it can't get completely pwnd by three amazing musicians, called Ethnic Minority. These guys transform it into a performance space watched by hundreds. An amazing show. See this and more at:
wn.com/Japanese Buskers, Ethnic Minority, Rock Shibuya, Tokyo
The scramble crossing in Shibuya is one of the world's busiest human intersections, with up to 2,500 people crossing in a single light change. That doesn't mean it can't get completely pwnd by three amazing musicians, called Ethnic Minority. These guys transform it into a performance space watched by hundreds. An amazing show. See this and more at:
- published: 26 Oct 2011
- views: 8111
NEW WHITE MINORITY - Ethnic Minorities Outnumber White Children in U.S Schools for the First Time
NEW WHITE MINORITY - Ethnic Minorities Outnumber White Children in U.S Schools for the First Time
When stuck for anything insightful to say, politicians often waffle about how children are the future. They are right, of course. When the new school year begins this autumn, most children in public schools will, for the first time, be non-white, projects the Department of Education. America will not be majority-minority until 2043, says the Census Bureau, so schools give an early glimpse of what that might feel like. The answer is: not so very different. White children are still a majority in most schools. This is partly because blacks are so concentrated: in the northeast, now home to the country’s most segregated schools, more than half of African-American pupils sit in classrooms where at least 90% of children are from minorities. On the 60th anniversary of the desegregation of public schools “separate but equal” has, in many places, been replaced with equal but separate.
The United States has a racially and ethnically diverse population.[1] The census officially recognizes six ethnic and racial categories: White American, Native American and Alaska Native, Asian American, African American, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and people of two or more races; a race called "Some other race" is also used in the census and other surveys, but is not official.[2][3][4] The United States Census Bureau also classifies Americans as "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino", which identifies Hispanic and Latino Americans as a racially diverse ethnicity that composes the largest minority group in the nation.[2][3][5]
White Americans (non-Hispanic/Latino and Hispanic/Latino) are the racial majority, with a 72% share of the U.S. population, according to the 2010 U.S. Census.[6] Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 15% of the population, making up the largest minority.[5] African Americans are the largest racial minority, amounting to nearly 13% of the population.[4][6] The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population, which includes also individuals from the Middle East and North Africa, make up 63% of the nation's total.[5]
55% of the African American population live in the South.[4] A plurality or majority of the other official groups reside in the West. This region is home to 42% of Hispanic and Latino Americans, 46% of Asian Americans, 48% of American Indians and Alaska Natives, 68% of Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, 37% of the "two or more races" population (Multiracial Americans), and 46% of those designated "some other race".[4][7] u.s. california america usa "united states" school "high school" "los angeles" "southern california" education teacher demographics hispanic spanish teaching college university "american dream" elementary asia asian student students future historic poverty 2014 2015 work employment "u.s. citizenship" "u.s. citizen" immigration immigrate mexico "latin america" "south america" trends trending trendy uk "united kingdom" british "next generation" "back to school" "elite nwo agenda" "child care" louis farrakhan speech lindsey williams alex jones infowars rant gerald celente david icke coast to coast am we are change collapse g4t demcad prepper shtf mexico border illegal immigrants foodstamps welfare illegal alien
Ethnic minorities outnumber white children in U.S schools for the first time, as research shows Hispanics will have highest proportion of students in just 30 years
White students now make up 49.7% of the 50m in America’s state schools
There were 29.2million white students in 1997, dropping to 24.9m in 2014
Hispanic students projected to increase from 12.9m to 15.6m by 2023
For the first time, white students are now outnumbered by ethnic minorities in American state schools.
There were 29.2million white students in 1997, with this figure dropping to 24.9million in 2014, which still makes them the largest single ethnic group.
The U.S Department of Education predicts that by 2023, the number of white students enrolled in U.S public schools will have decreased to 23.5million, giving them a 45 per cent share of enrolment.
Mums cry most at the school gates: Parents are five times more likely to be in tears on their child's first day
Art student who dedicated her A-level portfolio to paintings and sketches of her dying mother is awarded A* grade
wn.com/New White Minority Ethnic Minorities Outnumber White Children In U.S Schools For The First Time
NEW WHITE MINORITY - Ethnic Minorities Outnumber White Children in U.S Schools for the First Time
When stuck for anything insightful to say, politicians often waffle about how children are the future. They are right, of course. When the new school year begins this autumn, most children in public schools will, for the first time, be non-white, projects the Department of Education. America will not be majority-minority until 2043, says the Census Bureau, so schools give an early glimpse of what that might feel like. The answer is: not so very different. White children are still a majority in most schools. This is partly because blacks are so concentrated: in the northeast, now home to the country’s most segregated schools, more than half of African-American pupils sit in classrooms where at least 90% of children are from minorities. On the 60th anniversary of the desegregation of public schools “separate but equal” has, in many places, been replaced with equal but separate.
The United States has a racially and ethnically diverse population.[1] The census officially recognizes six ethnic and racial categories: White American, Native American and Alaska Native, Asian American, African American, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and people of two or more races; a race called "Some other race" is also used in the census and other surveys, but is not official.[2][3][4] The United States Census Bureau also classifies Americans as "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino", which identifies Hispanic and Latino Americans as a racially diverse ethnicity that composes the largest minority group in the nation.[2][3][5]
White Americans (non-Hispanic/Latino and Hispanic/Latino) are the racial majority, with a 72% share of the U.S. population, according to the 2010 U.S. Census.[6] Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 15% of the population, making up the largest minority.[5] African Americans are the largest racial minority, amounting to nearly 13% of the population.[4][6] The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population, which includes also individuals from the Middle East and North Africa, make up 63% of the nation's total.[5]
55% of the African American population live in the South.[4] A plurality or majority of the other official groups reside in the West. This region is home to 42% of Hispanic and Latino Americans, 46% of Asian Americans, 48% of American Indians and Alaska Natives, 68% of Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, 37% of the "two or more races" population (Multiracial Americans), and 46% of those designated "some other race".[4][7] u.s. california america usa "united states" school "high school" "los angeles" "southern california" education teacher demographics hispanic spanish teaching college university "american dream" elementary asia asian student students future historic poverty 2014 2015 work employment "u.s. citizenship" "u.s. citizen" immigration immigrate mexico "latin america" "south america" trends trending trendy uk "united kingdom" british "next generation" "back to school" "elite nwo agenda" "child care" louis farrakhan speech lindsey williams alex jones infowars rant gerald celente david icke coast to coast am we are change collapse g4t demcad prepper shtf mexico border illegal immigrants foodstamps welfare illegal alien
Ethnic minorities outnumber white children in U.S schools for the first time, as research shows Hispanics will have highest proportion of students in just 30 years
White students now make up 49.7% of the 50m in America’s state schools
There were 29.2million white students in 1997, dropping to 24.9m in 2014
Hispanic students projected to increase from 12.9m to 15.6m by 2023
For the first time, white students are now outnumbered by ethnic minorities in American state schools.
There were 29.2million white students in 1997, with this figure dropping to 24.9million in 2014, which still makes them the largest single ethnic group.
The U.S Department of Education predicts that by 2023, the number of white students enrolled in U.S public schools will have decreased to 23.5million, giving them a 45 per cent share of enrolment.
Mums cry most at the school gates: Parents are five times more likely to be in tears on their child's first day
Art student who dedicated her A-level portfolio to paintings and sketches of her dying mother is awarded A* grade
- published: 15 Sep 2014
- views: 8402
wn.com/Ethnic Minority(横田寛之&島野和樹)
- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 1107
wn.com/横田寛之トリオ Ethnic Minority
- published: 12 Aug 2011
- views: 3241
Minority D- -Ethnic Minority- (feat. beating)
横田寛之ETHNIC MINORITYのナンバー「Minority D-」とbeatingのコラボレーション映像。...
横田寛之ETHNIC MINORITYのナンバー「Minority D-」とbeatingのコラボレーション映像。
wn.com/Minority D Ethnic Minority (Feat. Beating)
横田寛之ETHNIC MINORITYのナンバー「Minority D-」とbeatingのコラボレーション映像。
- published: 20 Nov 2014
- views: 1562
A Tour of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Produced in partnership with the Confucius Institute at George Mason University. For more information, visit their website @ http://confucius.gmu.edu/....
Produced in partnership with the Confucius Institute at George Mason University. For more information, visit their website @ http://confucius.gmu.edu/.
wn.com/A Tour Of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Produced in partnership with the Confucius Institute at George Mason University. For more information, visit their website @ http://confucius.gmu.edu/.
- published: 09 Dec 2012
- views: 27629
Ethnic Minority Beauties 56民族 56朶花
Chinese Ethnic Minority Beauties 56民族 56朶花
歌曲: 望春风 http://winnieandeugene-songs.blogspot.com/2014/02/blog-post_25.html
56 Ethnic Minorities:
回族、 维吾尔族、土家族、 彝族...
Chinese Ethnic Minority Beauties 56民族 56朶花
歌曲: 望春风 http://winnieandeugene-songs.blogspot.com/2014/02/blog-post_25.html
56 Ethnic Minorities:
回族、 维吾尔族、土家族、 彝族、彝族支系撒尼族、 布依族、 瑶族、 朝鲜族、 白族、哈尼、哈萨克族、德昂族(崩龙族)、鄂伦春族、蒙古族、苗族、普米族、藏族、锡伯族、黎族、傣、畲族、栗粟族、仡佬族、东乡族、拉祜族、水族、佤族、壮族、摩梭族、侗族、乌孜别克族、京族、基诺族、满族、毛南族、高山族、羌族、柯尔克孜族、达斡尔族、撒拉族、塔塔尔族、阿昌族、怒族、裕固族、门巴族、独龙族、塔吉克族、赫哲族、珞巴族、纳西族、鄂温克族、土族、景颇族、布朗族、保安族、俄罗斯族
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The Beauty of China Playlist 中国之美
wn.com/Ethnic Minority Beauties 56民族 56朶花
Chinese Ethnic Minority Beauties 56民族 56朶花
歌曲: 望春风 http://winnieandeugene-songs.blogspot.com/2014/02/blog-post_25.html
56 Ethnic Minorities:
回族、 维吾尔族、土家族、 彝族、彝族支系撒尼族、 布依族、 瑶族、 朝鲜族、 白族、哈尼、哈萨克族、德昂族(崩龙族)、鄂伦春族、蒙古族、苗族、普米族、藏族、锡伯族、黎族、傣、畲族、栗粟族、仡佬族、东乡族、拉祜族、水族、佤族、壮族、摩梭族、侗族、乌孜别克族、京族、基诺族、满族、毛南族、高山族、羌族、柯尔克孜族、达斡尔族、撒拉族、塔塔尔族、阿昌族、怒族、裕固族、门巴族、独龙族、塔吉克族、赫哲族、珞巴族、纳西族、鄂温克族、土族、景颇族、布朗族、保安族、俄罗斯族
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The Beauty of China Playlist 中国之美
- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 63297
What's it like for Hong Kong ethnic minority students to take university entrance exams?
As Hong Kong secondary school students get their DSE (Hong Kong's university entrance exams) results Wednesday, SCMP.tv talks to some of the city's ethnic minor...
As Hong Kong secondary school students get their DSE (Hong Kong's university entrance exams) results Wednesday, SCMP.tv talks to some of the city's ethnic minority students to find out what's it like for them to take DSE.
wn.com/What's It Like For Hong Kong Ethnic Minority Students To Take University Entrance Exams
As Hong Kong secondary school students get their DSE (Hong Kong's university entrance exams) results Wednesday, SCMP.tv talks to some of the city's ethnic minority students to find out what's it like for them to take DSE.
- published: 28 Jul 2015
- views: 723
How does the UK treat immigrants and ethnic minorities?
Immigration has become a major battleground in the UK election and all parties are seeking to persuade the electorate that the UK's borders are safe in their ha...
Immigration has become a major battleground in the UK election and all parties are seeking to persuade the electorate that the UK's borders are safe in their hands.
A poll conducted earlier this year suggested 76% of the population believe that immigration levels should be reduced. This popular sentiment has caused the rise to prominence of the anti-immigration UK Independence Party (UKIP) which recently came first in the UK's elections for the European Parliament. UKIP believes that the UK should leave the European Union. They say that this would allow the country to “take control of its borders” because EU nationals would no longer be able to come to live in the UK as of right, as they can at the moment.
wn.com/How Does The UK Treat Immigrants And Ethnic Minorities
Immigration has become a major battleground in the UK election and all parties are seeking to persuade the electorate that the UK's borders are safe in their hands.
A poll conducted earlier this year suggested 76% of the population believe that immigration levels should be reduced. This popular sentiment has caused the rise to prominence of the anti-immigration UK Independence Party (UKIP) which recently came first in the UK's elections for the European Parliament. UKIP believes that the UK should leave the European Union. They say that this would allow the country to “take control of its borders” because EU nationals would no longer be able to come to live in the UK as of right, as they can at the moment.
- published: 10 Apr 2015
- views: 3610
Life and culture of China's Yi ethnic minority
The first episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s wat...
The first episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s water-splashing festival while staying in a traditional Dai village. She also watches the excitement of the local dragon boat race that brings together the Dai people’s from many different local villages.
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s water-splashing festival while staying in a traditional Dai village. She also watches the excitement of the local dragon boat race that brings together the Dai people’s from many different local villages.
The second episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Yi ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen explores Shilin in central Yunnan. She learns about the farming lifestyle of the Yi, the ornate craft-making of the Yi women and goes on a road trip through central Yunnan’s spectacular Earth Forest.
The third episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Yi ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen explores Shilin in central Yunnan. She learns about the farming lifestyle of the Yi, the ornate craft-making of the Yi women and goes on a road trip through central Yunnan’s spectacular Earth Forest.
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Bai ethnic minority. Presenter Chen Lei explores the ancient city of Dali in Yunnan. He takes a cruise on the crystal clear waters of Erhai Lake and lears about the Bai long-held tea tradition. He also heads to the village of Shaxi, once a key stop along the Tea and Horse trail.
The fourth episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Naxi ethnic minority. Here presenter Chen Lei explores Baoshan, a Naxi stone village north of Lijiang in Yunnan. He also explores the serene water town, learning about the unique pictograph script of the Naxi, and their Daoism-themed music.
The fifth episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Lisu and Pumi ethnic minorities. Presenter Chen Lei explores the Nu River canyon, known to be the second grandest canyon in the world, and home of the Pumi people. He also travels by zip line cable through the mountains of Fugong and witnesses a traditional Lisu wedding.
wn.com/Life And Culture Of China's Yi Ethnic Minority
The first episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s water-splashing festival while staying in a traditional Dai village. She also watches the excitement of the local dragon boat race that brings together the Dai people’s from many different local villages.
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s water-splashing festival while staying in a traditional Dai village. She also watches the excitement of the local dragon boat race that brings together the Dai people’s from many different local villages.
The second episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Yi ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen explores Shilin in central Yunnan. She learns about the farming lifestyle of the Yi, the ornate craft-making of the Yi women and goes on a road trip through central Yunnan’s spectacular Earth Forest.
The third episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Yi ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen explores Shilin in central Yunnan. She learns about the farming lifestyle of the Yi, the ornate craft-making of the Yi women and goes on a road trip through central Yunnan’s spectacular Earth Forest.
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Bai ethnic minority. Presenter Chen Lei explores the ancient city of Dali in Yunnan. He takes a cruise on the crystal clear waters of Erhai Lake and lears about the Bai long-held tea tradition. He also heads to the village of Shaxi, once a key stop along the Tea and Horse trail.
The fourth episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Naxi ethnic minority. Here presenter Chen Lei explores Baoshan, a Naxi stone village north of Lijiang in Yunnan. He also explores the serene water town, learning about the unique pictograph script of the Naxi, and their Daoism-themed music.
The fifth episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Lisu and Pumi ethnic minorities. Presenter Chen Lei explores the Nu River canyon, known to be the second grandest canyon in the world, and home of the Pumi people. He also travels by zip line cable through the mountains of Fugong and witnesses a traditional Lisu wedding.
- published: 05 Aug 2014
- views: 1773
Sublime Frequencies: Ethnic Minority Music Of Southern Laos
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
This is a collec...
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
This is a collection of landmark recordings by Laurent Jeanneau documenting music created by the Harak and various Brao ethnic groups in Southern Laos. Here you can hear the true historic roots of Molam music (now a venerable popular music style in Laos and Thailand) played on the Khaen along with vocal styles from this region. Also featured here are Gong ensembles, various stringed instruments, cymbals, drums, and sung poetry all captured live on location with the ambient sounds of the surrounding villages. These recordings were made in Xekong, Champasak and Attapeu provinces and because much of this music is unknown, this is probably the first time recordings have ever been released of indigenous music from these remote areas of Southern Laos. This is the second release in a series of spectacular field recordings from some of the more remote ethnic minority communities in Southeast Asia. Features insightful liner notes by Laurent Jeanneau and extended track listing with added information about each track recorded.
wn.com/Sublime Frequencies Ethnic Minority Music Of Southern Laos
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
This is a collection of landmark recordings by Laurent Jeanneau documenting music created by the Harak and various Brao ethnic groups in Southern Laos. Here you can hear the true historic roots of Molam music (now a venerable popular music style in Laos and Thailand) played on the Khaen along with vocal styles from this region. Also featured here are Gong ensembles, various stringed instruments, cymbals, drums, and sung poetry all captured live on location with the ambient sounds of the surrounding villages. These recordings were made in Xekong, Champasak and Attapeu provinces and because much of this music is unknown, this is probably the first time recordings have ever been released of indigenous music from these remote areas of Southern Laos. This is the second release in a series of spectacular field recordings from some of the more remote ethnic minority communities in Southeast Asia. Features insightful liner notes by Laurent Jeanneau and extended track listing with added information about each track recorded.
- published: 07 Jul 2014
- views: 1670
Why China's ethnic minorities are being left out of the economic boom
Facing ethnic discrimination, China's Uighurs and Tibetans have fallen behind as the rest of the country surges ahead...
Facing ethnic discrimination, China's Uighurs and Tibetans have fallen behind as the rest of the country surges ahead
wn.com/Why China's Ethnic Minorities Are Being Left Out Of The Economic Boom
Facing ethnic discrimination, China's Uighurs and Tibetans have fallen behind as the rest of the country surges ahead
- published: 21 Jan 2015
- views: 6061
Uyghur dance. 1959 (China Ethnic Minority Dance)
Uyghurs are a turkic speaking ethnic group. We are located primarily in Xinjiang, China. There are also groups of Uyghurs inhabiting neighboring countries such ...
Uyghurs are a turkic speaking ethnic group. We are located primarily in Xinjiang, China. There are also groups of Uyghurs inhabiting neighboring countries such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Thank you for watching.
wn.com/Uyghur Dance. 1959 (China Ethnic Minority Dance)
Uyghurs are a turkic speaking ethnic group. We are located primarily in Xinjiang, China. There are also groups of Uyghurs inhabiting neighboring countries such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Thank you for watching.
- published: 18 Aug 2013
- views: 4872
#MinorityVerdict: General Election 2015 - the ethnic minority vote
Krishnan Guru-Murthy hosts a debate from the Birmingham Symphony Hall on what issues are important to voters from ethnic minority.
Get all the latest updates -...
Krishnan Guru-Murthy hosts a debate from the Birmingham Symphony Hall on what issues are important to voters from ethnic minority.
Get all the latest updates - General Election 2015 live blog: http://news.channel4.com/election2015
wn.com/Minorityverdict General Election 2015 The Ethnic Minority Vote
Krishnan Guru-Murthy hosts a debate from the Birmingham Symphony Hall on what issues are important to voters from ethnic minority.
Get all the latest updates - General Election 2015 live blog: http://news.channel4.com/election2015
- published: 09 Apr 2015
- views: 2450
[China Insight 2011-12-16 HQ] Ethnic Minority Cultural Mapping
Date: 2011-12-16
Resolution: HQ
Program: China Insight
Title: Ethnic Minority Cultural Mapping
Video Series ID: 5ibcoIrrpoygSy#HDxZ#6A==...
Date: 2011-12-16
Resolution: HQ
Program: China Insight
Title: Ethnic Minority Cultural Mapping
Video Series ID: 5ibcoIrrpoygSy#HDxZ#6A==
wn.com/China Insight 2011 12 16 Hq Ethnic Minority Cultural Mapping
Date: 2011-12-16
Resolution: HQ
Program: China Insight
Title: Ethnic Minority Cultural Mapping
Video Series ID: 5ibcoIrrpoygSy#HDxZ#6A==
- published: 19 Dec 2011
- views: 11063
The 10 Largest Chinese Ethnic Groups
Here are some info on the 10 largest ethnic groups in china, out of 56 Chinese Ethnicities
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/do...
Here are some info on the 10 largest ethnic groups in china, out of 56 Chinese Ethnicities
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doublechenshow?fref=ts
Instagram: http://instagr.am/Mikexingchen
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Mikexingchen
Snapchat: Mikeychenx
Periscope: Mikexingchen
Get tickets to the best show on earth!!!
wn.com/The 10 Largest Chinese Ethnic Groups
Here are some info on the 10 largest ethnic groups in china, out of 56 Chinese Ethnicities
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doublechenshow?fref=ts
Instagram: http://instagr.am/Mikexingchen
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Mikexingchen
Snapchat: Mikeychenx
Periscope: Mikexingchen
Get tickets to the best show on earth!!!
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 24344
Education and the Fate of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong (Part 1)
A 9 minutes part (Part 1) from a film by Dino Him (Yip Wang Him) for application for DOC NOMADS....
A 9 minutes part (Part 1) from a film by Dino Him (Yip Wang Him) for application for DOC NOMADS.
wn.com/Education And The Fate Of Ethnic Minorities In Hong Kong (Part 1)
A 9 minutes part (Part 1) from a film by Dino Him (Yip Wang Him) for application for DOC NOMADS.
- published: 31 Jan 2012
- views: 4760
Audrey Eu's speech on HK Ethnic Minority Education Policy
9th February 2012 at Legislative Council
Motion on "Reviewing the education policy for ethnic minority students"
Copyright: LegCo...
9th February 2012 at Legislative Council
Motion on "Reviewing the education policy for ethnic minority students"
Copyright: LegCo
wn.com/Audrey Eu's Speech On Hk Ethnic Minority Education Policy
9th February 2012 at Legislative Council
Motion on "Reviewing the education policy for ethnic minority students"
Copyright: LegCo
- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 5569
The Ethnic Minority Fighting a Burmese Onslaught
The Fall of Manerplaw - Burma - The Karen have been battling for independence ever since Burma itself became independent.
For downloads and more information vi...
The Fall of Manerplaw - Burma - The Karen have been battling for independence ever since Burma itself became independent.
For downloads and more information visit:
Their resistance fighters have countered well the Burmese army's attempt at defeating their fight for a separate homeland. We talk to the Karen in Manerplaw. The mainly Christian Karen form the largest ethnic minority in Burma. They fund their movement by logging valuable teak in the forests. But the Burmese army is sealing off the border with Thailand to stop this trade and hence the Karen's source of funding.
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for
the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
A film by Mark Stucke. - Ref - 13
wn.com/The Ethnic Minority Fighting A Burmese Onslaught
The Fall of Manerplaw - Burma - The Karen have been battling for independence ever since Burma itself became independent.
For downloads and more information visit:
Their resistance fighters have countered well the Burmese army's attempt at defeating their fight for a separate homeland. We talk to the Karen in Manerplaw. The mainly Christian Karen form the largest ethnic minority in Burma. They fund their movement by logging valuable teak in the forests. But the Burmese army is sealing off the border with Thailand to stop this trade and hence the Karen's source of funding.
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for
the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
A film by Mark Stucke. - Ref - 13
- published: 21 Apr 2011
- views: 138163
Personal story of a Vietnamese ethnic minority girl - English Version
This story is part of the post-2015 consultations in Viet Nam. The UN went to Yen Bai in mid December 2012 to conduct consultations focused on understanding the...
This story is part of the post-2015 consultations in Viet Nam. The UN went to Yen Bai in mid December 2012 to conduct consultations focused on understanding the life of ethnic minority people living in remote areas like Yen Bai, and capturing their views and needs, aspirations and wishes for the future. The UN mission was part of a series of consultations in Viet Nam to ask people about the world they want and what they think a new development framework should look like in 2015 and beyond, when the current MDGs expire. Ethnic minorities are one of the eight target groups being consulted in Viet Nam.
wn.com/Personal Story Of A Vietnamese Ethnic Minority Girl English Version
This story is part of the post-2015 consultations in Viet Nam. The UN went to Yen Bai in mid December 2012 to conduct consultations focused on understanding the life of ethnic minority people living in remote areas like Yen Bai, and capturing their views and needs, aspirations and wishes for the future. The UN mission was part of a series of consultations in Viet Nam to ask people about the world they want and what they think a new development framework should look like in 2015 and beyond, when the current MDGs expire. Ethnic minorities are one of the eight target groups being consulted in Viet Nam.
- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 1636
PLEIKU VIETNAM 2014: Ethnic Minority Market!
Read http://www.KyleLe.net
Like http://www.facebook.com/KyleLe.net
Vietnam Tour, Saigon Tour, Pleiku, Central Highlands, Ethnic Minority, Jirai people,
Read http://www.KyleLe.net
Like http://www.facebook.com/KyleLe.net
Vietnam Tour, Saigon Tour, Pleiku, Central Highlands, Ethnic Minority, Jirai people,
Vietnamese, Viet Kieu, Easy Rider,
Another day, another ethnic market.
wn.com/Pleiku Vietnam 2014 Ethnic Minority Market
Read http://www.KyleLe.net
Like http://www.facebook.com/KyleLe.net
Vietnam Tour, Saigon Tour, Pleiku, Central Highlands, Ethnic Minority, Jirai people,
Vietnamese, Viet Kieu, Easy Rider,
Another day, another ethnic market.
- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 6115
Life and culture of Zhuang ethnic minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Zhuang ethnic minorities. Here Chen Lei visits Jingxi County in Guangxi. Here learns about t...
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Zhuang ethnic minorities. Here Chen Lei visits Jingxi County in Guangxi. Here learns about traditional courting customs of the Zhuang, tries his hand at a traditional village sport and gets to ride a miniature horse. He also visits the border with Vietnam, exploring the mountainous areas that surround the spectacular Detian waterfalls.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel show of China Central Television (CCTV). It broadcasts on CCTV NEWS every Mon-Wed at 11:30, 17:30 and 00:30 (Beijing Time).
For more travel information and shows, please follow @CCTVtravelogue on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Podcast or visit our website.
Facebook: facebook.com/cctvtravelogue
Twitter: twitter.com/CCTV_Travelogue
Weibo: weibo.com/cctvtravelogue
Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/podcast/cctv-travelogue/id788187885?l=en
Website: cctv.cntv.cn/lm/travelogue
wn.com/Life And Culture Of Zhuang Ethnic Minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Zhuang ethnic minorities. Here Chen Lei visits Jingxi County in Guangxi. Here learns about traditional courting customs of the Zhuang, tries his hand at a traditional village sport and gets to ride a miniature horse. He also visits the border with Vietnam, exploring the mountainous areas that surround the spectacular Detian waterfalls.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel show of China Central Television (CCTV). It broadcasts on CCTV NEWS every Mon-Wed at 11:30, 17:30 and 00:30 (Beijing Time).
For more travel information and shows, please follow @CCTVtravelogue on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Podcast or visit our website.
Facebook: facebook.com/cctvtravelogue
Twitter: twitter.com/CCTV_Travelogue
Weibo: weibo.com/cctvtravelogue
Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/podcast/cctv-travelogue/id788187885?l=en
Website: cctv.cntv.cn/lm/travelogue
- published: 13 Aug 2014
- views: 575
Procession of Myanmar's Pa'O people | Khiri Travel Myanmar
Heads wrapped in brightly colored cloth in contrast to their dark indigo tunics, this is the trademark style of Shan State's Pa'O ethnic minority. It’s always a festive sight to see the Pa'O women with their cheerful headgear fastened with an oversized conical hairpin.
Discussion: Myanmar’s new challenges
After historic elections back in November, Aung San Su Kyi's National League for Democracy finally enter Myanmar's parliament as the dominant majority. However, both political and national challenges lie ahead, including the selection of a President, the opening up of the economy, and ongoing tensions in ethnic minority regions. Yuan Peng from the China Institutes of Contemporary International Rel
North western Viet Nam
The north-western region of northern Viet Nam is stunning. Usually free of tourists, it has beautiful scenery and a remarkable ethnic minority peoples.
William G. Anderson, DO - Minority Scholarship
The American Osteopathic Foundation provides scholarships for osteopathic medical students.
The William G. Anderson, DO, Minority Scholarship, in honor of the first African-American president of the AOA and personal physician to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks, recognizes an outstanding minority osteopathic medical student who is committed to osteopathic principals and practice, has exce
Khmer Vietnam border - Minority ethnic Khmer - Rattanakiri khmer - scenic scenic road
Khmer Vietnam border - Minority ethnic Khmer - Rattanakiri khmer - scenic scenic road
Rattanakiri khmer - Cambodia country - khmer scenic road - video khmer scenic
scenic road - Cambodia country - khmer scenic road - video khmer scenic
scenic road
The landscape along the Cambodia country.
When I went to work in 2014
The new Mobile Ethnic Minority - Album 'Good'
out on February 25, 2016,
CD or Download (itunes, amazon...)
Label: Hausboot Entertainment
Distribution: Soulfire
'Govt discriminating against ethnic minorities over EU migrants'
UKIP MEP Steve Woolfe speaks to RT UK over UKIP's proposal to widen the 'Leave' campaign to ethnic minorities.
Like what you see? Please subscribe http://youtube.com/RTUKnews
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WATCH LIVE: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-uk-air/
Steven Woolfe on ethnic minority voters and EU referendum campaign (26Jan16)
Steven Woolfe on UKIP campaigning for ethnic minority votes for the EU referendum campaign, how Open Borders discriminates against those that are not in the EU and want to travel to the UK.
Recorded from RT HD, News UK, 26 January 2016.
DatelineLondon: Black / ethnic minority actors on 'racist' Oscars (23Jan16)
Since the nominations for the 2016 Oscars were read out, black . ethnic minority actors claim the Oscars are racist as there are hardly any of them in the shortlist nominated.
Guests Agnes Poirier from Marianne magazine, Steve Richards from The Independent, Henry Chu and American journalist, Abdel Bari Atwan an Arab writer.
Recorded from BBC News Channel HD, 23 January 2016.
Labour 'shedding' ethnic minority votes, Chuka Umunna warns
Labour has not got a "hope in hell" of holding on to its current number of seats if it continues to lose votes from black and Asian voters, Chuka Umunna has warned.
In a speech in Llandudno, Conwy county, the MP said the party has given the impression it took support from ethnic minorities for granted.
It has seen a big fall in support among black and minority ethnic (BME) groups.
Almost one in
Chuka Umunna worried over ethnic minority support for Labour (23Jan16)
Labour' Chuka Umunna is worrying about the collapse in ethnic minorities vote, that Labour might not get in in 2020 general election, despite stuffing the UK with Labour voters.
Recorded from BBC1 HD, BBC Breakfast, 23 January 2016.
Rural Ethnic Minority Youth and Families in the United States, Theory, Research, and Applications
Get Yours Now On http://medibookbank.com/pdf
Time for Action: Improving Learning Opportunities for Ethnic Minority Students
Dr. Kerry Kennedy
Director, Centre for Governance and Citizenship, HKIED
"Time for Action: Improving Learning Opportunities for Ethnic Minority Students"
Receptivity and Responsibility: Are Mainstream Schools Prepared for Hong Kong's Ethnic Minority Students?
-- 11th December 2015
-- Jointly organised by CCPL and Hong Kong Unison with the participation of CERC
"Time for A
湖南張家界森林公園之袁家界及土家族奇風異俗 2005 zhangjiajie UNESCO Tujia ethnic minority
Studying Ethnic Minority Economically Disadvantaged Populations Methodological Challenges Best Pra
Studying Ethnic Minority and Economically Disadvantaged Populations Methodological Challenges and Be
Marshall Chin - Improving Shared Decision-Making with LGBT Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations
Improving Shared Decision-Making with LGBT Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations
Marshall Chin, MD, The University of Chicago
November 14, 2015
This video is one of multiple videos from the MacLean Conference 2015.
The views of the speaker are not necessarily those of the MacLean Center.
Scholarship program of the Khmer ethnic minority
Want to eat
The most special drums in vietnam - by ethnic minority children
The most special drums in vietnam - by ethnic minority children. This is the drums created by children living in the central highland of Vietnam. Hope you enjoy !
China's first nuclear plant in ethnic minority region begins operation
The No. 1 reactor of the Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region began commercial operation on Friday.
It's China's first nuclear power plant in the ethnic minority regions.
The reactor can supply 24 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a day, which could meet the needs of a medium-sized city.
The No.1 reactor first began generating power in October 2015. The plan
CS:GO Gameplay: Racist White Biggot Destroys Ethnic Minority
I mean
Here you go
중국 소수민족 지역별 (Y-DNA Haplogroup/Minority Ethnic in China) 분포도 Part ①
How minority ethnic groups in Korea are celebrating New Year's
연말 특별한 사람들
As the end of the year draws near, we all tend to get a little sentimental... we gather with family and friends to reflect on the past and anticipate the future together.
For those living away from home, the sense of nostalgia hits even stronger...
The number of international citizens in Korea surpassed 1.8 million this year. This means that foreign presence in Korea makes up around 3.5
Procession of Myanmar's Pa'O people | Khiri Travel Myanmar
Heads wrapped in brightly colored cloth in contrast to their dark indigo tunics, this is the trademark style of Shan State's Pa'O ethnic minority. It’s always a...
Heads wrapped in brightly colored cloth in contrast to their dark indigo tunics, this is the trademark style of Shan State's Pa'O ethnic minority. It’s always a festive sight to see the Pa'O women with their cheerful headgear fastened with an oversized conical hairpin.
wn.com/Procession Of Myanmar's Pa'O People | Khiri Travel Myanmar
Heads wrapped in brightly colored cloth in contrast to their dark indigo tunics, this is the trademark style of Shan State's Pa'O ethnic minority. It’s always a festive sight to see the Pa'O women with their cheerful headgear fastened with an oversized conical hairpin.
- published: 03 Feb 2016
- views: 7
Discussion: Myanmar’s new challenges
After historic elections back in November, Aung San Su Kyi's National League for Democracy finally enter Myanmar's parliament as the dominant majority. However,...
After historic elections back in November, Aung San Su Kyi's National League for Democracy finally enter Myanmar's parliament as the dominant majority. However, both political and national challenges lie ahead, including the selection of a President, the opening up of the economy, and ongoing tensions in ethnic minority regions. Yuan Peng from the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, Former Chief of Mission at the US embassy in Myanmar Priscilla Clapp, and Lim Tai Wei from the National University of Singapore discuss what lies ahead for a nation in transition.
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wn.com/Discussion Myanmar’S New Challenges
After historic elections back in November, Aung San Su Kyi's National League for Democracy finally enter Myanmar's parliament as the dominant majority. However, both political and national challenges lie ahead, including the selection of a President, the opening up of the economy, and ongoing tensions in ethnic minority regions. Yuan Peng from the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, Former Chief of Mission at the US embassy in Myanmar Priscilla Clapp, and Lim Tai Wei from the National University of Singapore discuss what lies ahead for a nation in transition.
Subscribe to us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CCTVNEWSbeijing
Download for IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579?l=zh&ls;=1&mt;=8
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- published: 02 Feb 2016
- views: 480
North western Viet Nam
The north-western region of northern Viet Nam is stunning. Usually free of tourists, it has beautiful scenery and a remarkable ethnic minority peoples....
The north-western region of northern Viet Nam is stunning. Usually free of tourists, it has beautiful scenery and a remarkable ethnic minority peoples.
wn.com/North Western Viet Nam
The north-western region of northern Viet Nam is stunning. Usually free of tourists, it has beautiful scenery and a remarkable ethnic minority peoples.
- published: 02 Feb 2016
- views: 12
William G. Anderson, DO - Minority Scholarship
The American Osteopathic Foundation provides scholarships for osteopathic medical students.
The William G. Anderson, DO, Minority Scholarship, in honor of th...
The American Osteopathic Foundation provides scholarships for osteopathic medical students.
The William G. Anderson, DO, Minority Scholarship, in honor of the first African-American president of the AOA and personal physician to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks, recognizes an outstanding minority osteopathic medical student who is committed to osteopathic principals and practice, has excelled academically, and has proven to be a leader in addressing the educational, societal, and health needs of minorities.
Ethnic minorities will account for half of the U.S. population by 2050, but they are the most severely underrepresented group in medicine. Studies show that patients who are treated by physicians with whom they share racial or gender characteristics report greater satisfaction with their care and higher rates of medication compliance.
To donate or apply to the scholarship, visit aof.org.
wn.com/William G. Anderson, Do Minority Scholarship
The American Osteopathic Foundation provides scholarships for osteopathic medical students.
The William G. Anderson, DO, Minority Scholarship, in honor of the first African-American president of the AOA and personal physician to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks, recognizes an outstanding minority osteopathic medical student who is committed to osteopathic principals and practice, has excelled academically, and has proven to be a leader in addressing the educational, societal, and health needs of minorities.
Ethnic minorities will account for half of the U.S. population by 2050, but they are the most severely underrepresented group in medicine. Studies show that patients who are treated by physicians with whom they share racial or gender characteristics report greater satisfaction with their care and higher rates of medication compliance.
To donate or apply to the scholarship, visit aof.org.
- published: 01 Feb 2016
- views: 162
Khmer Vietnam border - Minority ethnic Khmer - Rattanakiri khmer - scenic scenic road
Khmer Vietnam border - Minority ethnic Khmer - Rattanakiri khmer - scenic scenic road
Rattanakiri khmer - Cambodia country - khmer scenic road - video khmer s...
Khmer Vietnam border - Minority ethnic Khmer - Rattanakiri khmer - scenic scenic road
Rattanakiri khmer - Cambodia country - khmer scenic road - video khmer scenic
scenic road - Cambodia country - khmer scenic road - video khmer scenic
scenic road
The landscape along the Cambodia country.
When I went to work in 2014
wn.com/Khmer Vietnam Border Minority Ethnic Khmer Rattanakiri Khmer Scenic Scenic Road
Khmer Vietnam border - Minority ethnic Khmer - Rattanakiri khmer - scenic scenic road
Rattanakiri khmer - Cambodia country - khmer scenic road - video khmer scenic
scenic road - Cambodia country - khmer scenic road - video khmer scenic
scenic road
The landscape along the Cambodia country.
When I went to work in 2014
- published: 30 Jan 2016
- views: 22
The new Mobile Ethnic Minority - Album 'Good'
out on February 25, 2016,
CD or Download (itunes, amazon...)
Label: Hausboot Entertainment
Distribution: Soulfire...
The new Mobile Ethnic Minority - Album 'Good'
out on February 25, 2016,
CD or Download (itunes, amazon...)
Label: Hausboot Entertainment
Distribution: Soulfire
wn.com/Mobile Ethnic Minority Good Snippets
The new Mobile Ethnic Minority - Album 'Good'
out on February 25, 2016,
CD or Download (itunes, amazon...)
Label: Hausboot Entertainment
Distribution: Soulfire
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 37
'Govt discriminating against ethnic minorities over EU migrants'
UKIP MEP Steve Woolfe speaks to RT UK over UKIP's proposal to widen the 'Leave' campaign to ethnic minorities.
Like what you see? Please subscribe http://yout...
UKIP MEP Steve Woolfe speaks to RT UK over UKIP's proposal to widen the 'Leave' campaign to ethnic minorities.
Like what you see? Please subscribe http://youtube.com/RTUKnews
FOLLOW ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RTUKnews
FOLLOW ON FACEBOOK: http://fb.com/RTUKnews
READ MORE http://rt.com/uk/
WATCH LIVE: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-uk-air/
wn.com/'Govt Discriminating Against Ethnic Minorities Over Eu Migrants'
UKIP MEP Steve Woolfe speaks to RT UK over UKIP's proposal to widen the 'Leave' campaign to ethnic minorities.
Like what you see? Please subscribe http://youtube.com/RTUKnews
FOLLOW ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RTUKnews
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READ MORE http://rt.com/uk/
WATCH LIVE: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-uk-air/
- published: 27 Jan 2016
- views: 245
Steven Woolfe on ethnic minority voters and EU referendum campaign (26Jan16)
Steven Woolfe on UKIP campaigning for ethnic minority votes for the EU referendum campaign, how Open Borders discriminates against those that are not in the EU ...
Steven Woolfe on UKIP campaigning for ethnic minority votes for the EU referendum campaign, how Open Borders discriminates against those that are not in the EU and want to travel to the UK.
Recorded from RT HD, News UK, 26 January 2016.
wn.com/Steven Woolfe On Ethnic Minority Voters And Eu Referendum Campaign (26Jan16)
Steven Woolfe on UKIP campaigning for ethnic minority votes for the EU referendum campaign, how Open Borders discriminates against those that are not in the EU and want to travel to the UK.
Recorded from RT HD, News UK, 26 January 2016.
- published: 27 Jan 2016
- views: 545
DatelineLondon: Black / ethnic minority actors on 'racist' Oscars (23Jan16)
Since the nominations for the 2016 Oscars were read out, black . ethnic minority actors claim the Oscars are racist as there are hardly any of them in the short...
Since the nominations for the 2016 Oscars were read out, black . ethnic minority actors claim the Oscars are racist as there are hardly any of them in the shortlist nominated.
Guests Agnes Poirier from Marianne magazine, Steve Richards from The Independent, Henry Chu and American journalist, Abdel Bari Atwan an Arab writer.
Recorded from BBC News Channel HD, 23 January 2016.
wn.com/Datelinelondon Black Ethnic Minority Actors On 'racist' Oscars (23Jan16)
Since the nominations for the 2016 Oscars were read out, black . ethnic minority actors claim the Oscars are racist as there are hardly any of them in the shortlist nominated.
Guests Agnes Poirier from Marianne magazine, Steve Richards from The Independent, Henry Chu and American journalist, Abdel Bari Atwan an Arab writer.
Recorded from BBC News Channel HD, 23 January 2016.
- published: 24 Jan 2016
- views: 854
Labour 'shedding' ethnic minority votes, Chuka Umunna warns
Labour has not got a "hope in hell" of holding on to its current number of seats if it continues to lose votes from black and Asian voters, Chuka Umunna has war...
Labour has not got a "hope in hell" of holding on to its current number of seats if it continues to lose votes from black and Asian voters, Chuka Umunna has warned.
In a speech in Llandudno, Conwy county, the MP said the party has given the impression it took support from ethnic minorities for granted.
It has seen a big fall in support among black and minority ethnic (BME) groups.
Almost one in three BME voters backed the Conservatives at the last election.
Some one million ethnic minority voters "helped put David Cameron in Downing Street" last May and Labour has no chance of winning in 2020 if the trend continues, Mr Umunna told union Unison's National Black Members' conference.
'Shedding votes'
"In spite of all we have delivered, too often we have given the impression that we take our ethnic minority communities' support for granted. We cannot afford to do this," said Mr Umunna, Labour MP for Streatham.
"Evidence from last year's general election suggests we are shedding votes from different ethnic minority communities to the Tories.
"And we have not a hope in hell of retaining all our current seats, let alone make any enough gains and winning the next general election if we continue to lose ethnic minority votes at this rate."
Tory support from ethnic minority voters at the general election jumped to 33% from 16%, the same percentage that Labour lost, Mr Umunna will say.
The surge in support was the best result in the Conservative Party's history and the fall in Labour backing should have set "alarm bells ringing", he told the conference.
wn.com/Labour 'shedding' Ethnic Minority Votes, Chuka Umunna Warns
Labour has not got a "hope in hell" of holding on to its current number of seats if it continues to lose votes from black and Asian voters, Chuka Umunna has warned.
In a speech in Llandudno, Conwy county, the MP said the party has given the impression it took support from ethnic minorities for granted.
It has seen a big fall in support among black and minority ethnic (BME) groups.
Almost one in three BME voters backed the Conservatives at the last election.
Some one million ethnic minority voters "helped put David Cameron in Downing Street" last May and Labour has no chance of winning in 2020 if the trend continues, Mr Umunna told union Unison's National Black Members' conference.
'Shedding votes'
"In spite of all we have delivered, too often we have given the impression that we take our ethnic minority communities' support for granted. We cannot afford to do this," said Mr Umunna, Labour MP for Streatham.
"Evidence from last year's general election suggests we are shedding votes from different ethnic minority communities to the Tories.
"And we have not a hope in hell of retaining all our current seats, let alone make any enough gains and winning the next general election if we continue to lose ethnic minority votes at this rate."
Tory support from ethnic minority voters at the general election jumped to 33% from 16%, the same percentage that Labour lost, Mr Umunna will say.
The surge in support was the best result in the Conservative Party's history and the fall in Labour backing should have set "alarm bells ringing", he told the conference.
- published: 23 Jan 2016
- views: 9
Chuka Umunna worried over ethnic minority support for Labour (23Jan16)
Labour' Chuka Umunna is worrying about the collapse in ethnic minorities vote, that Labour might not get in in 2020 general election, despite stuffing the UK wi...
Labour' Chuka Umunna is worrying about the collapse in ethnic minorities vote, that Labour might not get in in 2020 general election, despite stuffing the UK with Labour voters.
Recorded from BBC1 HD, BBC Breakfast, 23 January 2016.
wn.com/Chuka Umunna Worried Over Ethnic Minority Support For Labour (23Jan16)
Labour' Chuka Umunna is worrying about the collapse in ethnic minorities vote, that Labour might not get in in 2020 general election, despite stuffing the UK with Labour voters.
Recorded from BBC1 HD, BBC Breakfast, 23 January 2016.
- published: 23 Jan 2016
- views: 882
Time for Action: Improving Learning Opportunities for Ethnic Minority Students
Dr. Kerry Kennedy
Director, Centre for Governance and Citizenship, HKIED
"Time for Action: Improving Learning Opportunities for Ethnic Minority Students"
Dr. Kerry Kennedy
Director, Centre for Governance and Citizenship, HKIED
"Time for Action: Improving Learning Opportunities for Ethnic Minority Students"
Receptivity and Responsibility: Are Mainstream Schools Prepared for Hong Kong's Ethnic Minority Students?
-- 11th December 2015
-- Jointly organised by CCPL and Hong Kong Unison with the participation of CERC
"Time for Action: Improving Learning Opportunities for Ethnic Minority Students"
-- 2015年12月11日
-- 香港融樂會 及 香港大學法律學院比較法與公法研究中心 合辦; 香港大學比較教育研究中心協辦
wn.com/Time For Action Improving Learning Opportunities For Ethnic Minority Students
Dr. Kerry Kennedy
Director, Centre for Governance and Citizenship, HKIED
"Time for Action: Improving Learning Opportunities for Ethnic Minority Students"
Receptivity and Responsibility: Are Mainstream Schools Prepared for Hong Kong's Ethnic Minority Students?
-- 11th December 2015
-- Jointly organised by CCPL and Hong Kong Unison with the participation of CERC
"Time for Action: Improving Learning Opportunities for Ethnic Minority Students"
-- 2015年12月11日
-- 香港融樂會 及 香港大學法律學院比較法與公法研究中心 合辦; 香港大學比較教育研究中心協辦
- published: 19 Jan 2016
- views: 5
湖南張家界森林公園之袁家界及土家族奇風異俗 2005 zhangjiajie UNESCO Tujia ethnic minority
袁家界位於張家界國家森林公園北面,是一方山臺地,鑲嵌在世界自然遺產武陵源核心景區的一顆明珠,以石英岩為主構成的一座巨大而較平緩的山嶽。主要景點有後花園、迷魂台、天下第一橋等。它東鄰金鞭溪、遠眺鷂子寨;南望黃石寨,連接天波府;西通天子山;北距索溪峪。“南天一柱”為張家界“三千奇峰”中的一座,位於袁家界景區南端,海拔高度1074米,垂直高度約150米,頂部植被鬱鬱蔥蔥,峰體造型奇特,垂直節理切割明顯,仿若刀劈斧削般巍巍屹立於張家界,有頂天立地之勢,故又名乾坤柱。2010年初正式被更名為《阿凡達》“哈利路亞山”。連心橋橫跨在窄窄的峽谷之上,兩側是懸崖絕壁。此橋為人工建造,腳底的鋼板有縫隙,能看到山谷中的風景,但是由於深不見底而更顯得驚險。在橋上觀景更是攝人心魄。這裏是觀賞乾坤柱的最佳位置,因此橋上一直人來人往,隨著人的走動,橋也震動,讓人膽戰心驚。天下第一橋作為張家界十大絕景之一,橫跨在兩山之間,雄偉壯觀。俯首橋下,但見白雲飛渡,奇峰林立;放眼四望,層層疊疊、密密麻麻的獨立石峰撲入眼簾,讓您目不暇接。天下第一橋橋面寬2米,厚5米,跨度為25米,垂直高差357米,是世界上迄今為止所發現的垂直高差最大的天然自生石板橋。從天下第一橋至迷魂台的路途中,有一條長2000多米的石板遊道環繞在懸崖峭壁的邊沿。從空中俯視,這條遊道恰似一條用千針萬線織成的土家花帶,一頭聯繫著天下第一橋,一頭繫著迷魂台。置身其中可欣賞到武候祠、 、猿人問月、神龜探天、小洞天、情人谷、五女拜帥、乾坤柱、陰陽界等絕世美景。賀龍公園 是為紀念賀龍元帥轉戰天子山而建,坐落湖南省張家界市天子山上,在1200米的千層岩左側。賀龍出生在天子山西邊桑植縣洪家關的一個農民家庭,一生充滿傳奇色彩,元帥家鄉流傳著無數關於他的故事與傳說。天子閣位於天子山景區內賀龍公園東200米處的臺地上,是一座六層四重簷穿頭式仿古樓閣。這裏有極好的視角,登臨閣頂可一覽天子山全景。土家族是張家界的主體民族,屬於古代巴人一支,一說是古代庸國人的後裔,也有世代繁衍於此的古代土著先民。張家界土家族人講義氣,重感情,熱情好客,吃苦耐勞,忌欺騙,易輕信,好打抱不平,能歌善舞,信巫尚鬼,尚武好鬥,有不少奇風異俗。
wn.com/湖南張家界森林公園之袁家界及土家族奇風異俗 2005 Zhangjiajie Unesco Tujia Ethnic Minority
袁家界位於張家界國家森林公園北面,是一方山臺地,鑲嵌在世界自然遺產武陵源核心景區的一顆明珠,以石英岩為主構成的一座巨大而較平緩的山嶽。主要景點有後花園、迷魂台、天下第一橋等。它東鄰金鞭溪、遠眺鷂子寨;南望黃石寨,連接天波府;西通天子山;北距索溪峪。“南天一柱”為張家界“三千奇峰”中的一座,位於袁家界景區南端,海拔高度1074米,垂直高度約150米,頂部植被鬱鬱蔥蔥,峰體造型奇特,垂直節理切割明顯,仿若刀劈斧削般巍巍屹立於張家界,有頂天立地之勢,故又名乾坤柱。2010年初正式被更名為《阿凡達》“哈利路亞山”。連心橋橫跨在窄窄的峽谷之上,兩側是懸崖絕壁。此橋為人工建造,腳底的鋼板有縫隙,能看到山谷中的風景,但是由於深不見底而更顯得驚險。在橋上觀景更是攝人心魄。這裏是觀賞乾坤柱的最佳位置,因此橋上一直人來人往,隨著人的走動,橋也震動,讓人膽戰心驚。天下第一橋作為張家界十大絕景之一,橫跨在兩山之間,雄偉壯觀。俯首橋下,但見白雲飛渡,奇峰林立;放眼四望,層層疊疊、密密麻麻的獨立石峰撲入眼簾,讓您目不暇接。天下第一橋橋面寬2米,厚5米,跨度為25米,垂直高差357米,是世界上迄今為止所發現的垂直高差最大的天然自生石板橋。從天下第一橋至迷魂台的路途中,有一條長2000多米的石板遊道環繞在懸崖峭壁的邊沿。從空中俯視,這條遊道恰似一條用千針萬線織成的土家花帶,一頭聯繫著天下第一橋,一頭繫著迷魂台。置身其中可欣賞到武候祠、 、猿人問月、神龜探天、小洞天、情人谷、五女拜帥、乾坤柱、陰陽界等絕世美景。賀龍公園 是為紀念賀龍元帥轉戰天子山而建,坐落湖南省張家界市天子山上,在1200米的千層岩左側。賀龍出生在天子山西邊桑植縣洪家關的一個農民家庭,一生充滿傳奇色彩,元帥家鄉流傳著無數關於他的故事與傳說。天子閣位於天子山景區內賀龍公園東200米處的臺地上,是一座六層四重簷穿頭式仿古樓閣。這裏有極好的視角,登臨閣頂可一覽天子山全景。土家族是張家界的主體民族,屬於古代巴人一支,一說是古代庸國人的後裔,也有世代繁衍於此的古代土著先民。張家界土家族人講義氣,重感情,熱情好客,吃苦耐勞,忌欺騙,易輕信,好打抱不平,能歌善舞,信巫尚鬼,尚武好鬥,有不少奇風異俗。
- published: 18 Jan 2016
- views: 49
Marshall Chin - Improving Shared Decision-Making with LGBT Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations
Improving Shared Decision-Making with LGBT Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations
Marshall Chin, MD, The University of Chicago
November 14, 2015
This video is ...
Improving Shared Decision-Making with LGBT Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations
Marshall Chin, MD, The University of Chicago
November 14, 2015
This video is one of multiple videos from the MacLean Conference 2015.
The views of the speaker are not necessarily those of the MacLean Center.
wn.com/Marshall Chin Improving Shared Decision Making With Lgbt Racial And Ethnic Minority Populations
Improving Shared Decision-Making with LGBT Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations
Marshall Chin, MD, The University of Chicago
November 14, 2015
This video is one of multiple videos from the MacLean Conference 2015.
The views of the speaker are not necessarily those of the MacLean Center.
- published: 11 Jan 2016
- views: 7
The most special drums in vietnam - by ethnic minority children
The most special drums in vietnam - by ethnic minority children. This is the drums created by children living in the central highland of Vietnam. Hope you enjoy...
The most special drums in vietnam - by ethnic minority children. This is the drums created by children living in the central highland of Vietnam. Hope you enjoy !
wn.com/The Most Special Drums In Vietnam By Ethnic Minority Children
The most special drums in vietnam - by ethnic minority children. This is the drums created by children living in the central highland of Vietnam. Hope you enjoy !
- published: 04 Jan 2016
- views: 26
China's first nuclear plant in ethnic minority region begins operation
The No. 1 reactor of the Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region began commercial operation on Friday.
It's China's first nuclear...
The No. 1 reactor of the Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region began commercial operation on Friday.
It's China's first nuclear power plant in the ethnic minority regions.
The reactor can supply 24 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a day, which could meet the needs of a medium-sized city.
The No.1 reactor first began generating power in October 2015. The plant's No. 2 reactor is expected to start operating in the second half of 2016.
SOUNDBITE (CHINESE): GONG GUANGCHEN, Spokesman, Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant
"The two reactors can create some one million new jobs annually and are expected to contribute 8 billion yuan to the local GDP."
Gong says the reactors will cut coal burning by 4.8 million tonnes and CO2 emissions by about 11.9 million tonnes every year.
China has seen rapid nuclear power growth in recent years, but it suspended approval of new programs after Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.
It was not until 2014 that the country restarted nuclear power plant construction.
wn.com/China's First Nuclear Plant In Ethnic Minority Region Begins Operation
The No. 1 reactor of the Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region began commercial operation on Friday.
It's China's first nuclear power plant in the ethnic minority regions.
The reactor can supply 24 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a day, which could meet the needs of a medium-sized city.
The No.1 reactor first began generating power in October 2015. The plant's No. 2 reactor is expected to start operating in the second half of 2016.
SOUNDBITE (CHINESE): GONG GUANGCHEN, Spokesman, Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant
"The two reactors can create some one million new jobs annually and are expected to contribute 8 billion yuan to the local GDP."
Gong says the reactors will cut coal burning by 4.8 million tonnes and CO2 emissions by about 11.9 million tonnes every year.
China has seen rapid nuclear power growth in recent years, but it suspended approval of new programs after Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.
It was not until 2014 that the country restarted nuclear power plant construction.
- published: 02 Jan 2016
- views: 201
CS:GO Gameplay: Racist White Biggot Destroys Ethnic Minority
I mean
Here you go
I mean
Here you go
wn.com/Cs Go Gameplay Racist White Biggot Destroys Ethnic Minority
I mean
Here you go
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 10
How minority ethnic groups in Korea are celebrating New Year's
연말 특별한 사람들
As the end of the year draws near, we all tend to get a little sentimental... we gather with family and friends to reflect on the past and anticipate...
연말 특별한 사람들
As the end of the year draws near, we all tend to get a little sentimental... we gather with family and friends to reflect on the past and anticipate the future together.
For those living away from home, the sense of nostalgia hits even stronger...
The number of international citizens in Korea surpassed 1.8 million this year. This means that foreign presence in Korea makes up around 3.5 percent of the entire population... and is further expanding.
Our Oh Soo-young shows us how ethnic groups in Korea are flourishing... and how they're celebrating the end of the year.
ed: jenny
The end of the year brings us that familiar sense of nostalgia.
It's a special time to meet up with loved ones, sharing precious moments together and making plans for a brand new year... and on the streets of Seoul, the anticipation can be felt in the air.
"With just two days before we ring in the New Year...the city's bustling with people out and about. They are not only from all walks of life but all nationalities as well... Let's take a look at how they're spending the last few days of 2015."
Two days left until the New Year... Russians living in Seoul have gathered together to share in their longing for home and also celebrate their roots with a singing contest.
"These Russian children don't have many Korean friends. So they gathered here to learn Russian culture, songs and dances... and to have an opportunity to chat with each other in their native tongue."
There are roughly 15,000 Russians living in Korea.
200 participants have joined in the festivity... not just Russian residents but also those from neighbouring countries Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
"I grew up in Russia. I have a lot of friends back there and lots of good memories with my mom. Participating here brings back many memories."
Seoul Global Center is run by the Korean government and it offers international visitors and residents opportunities to enjoy cultural activities.
It also provides numerous programs for foreign visitors such as traditional Korean art.
There are similar centers throughout the city... and with the number of foreign residents and multicultural families increasing, it looks like the number of these centers are due to expand as well.
"We're trying to promote exchanges between our visitors by fostering community and offering an extensive variety of courses that they can participate in."
There are around 20 neighborhoods in Seoul where roughly 250-thousand foreign residents have set up their own communities according to their nationalities or religions.
"This is the Central Asian enclave in the middle of Seoul.
There are currently 69-thousand people from Central Asian countries living in Korea... and in this neighborhood, they can find a piece of their homeland... traditional food, a local community and even banking assistance in their own languages."
This tightly knit community provides indispensible help to those starting a brand new life in Korea's busiest city.
"I'm off on Sundays so I come out here with friends to enjoy some good food and blow off some steam."
"If it hadn't been for this neighborhood, it would've been hard for me to adjust in Korea... you can find other Mongolians and even offices to help you."
To accompany the growing number of international students, especially those from China, Vietnam and Mongolia,... numerous education facilities are popping up.
This is a school for Mongolian children which teaches them the Korean language and culture.
The students have finished the school year and now they're celebrating the year-end festivities together.
"Korea doesn't feel like a foreign country anymore. I have my school and friends -- all Mongolian. At first, I had a hard time adjusting in Korea because I don't speak the language. But now, I'm fine."
These ethnic groups in Korea are ending the year with their own unique traditions.
As the foreign population continues to blossom, so do the public efforts made to help everyone in the country feel right at home.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.
Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages
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wn.com/How Minority Ethnic Groups In Korea Are Celebrating New Year's
연말 특별한 사람들
As the end of the year draws near, we all tend to get a little sentimental... we gather with family and friends to reflect on the past and anticipate the future together.
For those living away from home, the sense of nostalgia hits even stronger...
The number of international citizens in Korea surpassed 1.8 million this year. This means that foreign presence in Korea makes up around 3.5 percent of the entire population... and is further expanding.
Our Oh Soo-young shows us how ethnic groups in Korea are flourishing... and how they're celebrating the end of the year.
ed: jenny
The end of the year brings us that familiar sense of nostalgia.
It's a special time to meet up with loved ones, sharing precious moments together and making plans for a brand new year... and on the streets of Seoul, the anticipation can be felt in the air.
"With just two days before we ring in the New Year...the city's bustling with people out and about. They are not only from all walks of life but all nationalities as well... Let's take a look at how they're spending the last few days of 2015."
Two days left until the New Year... Russians living in Seoul have gathered together to share in their longing for home and also celebrate their roots with a singing contest.
"These Russian children don't have many Korean friends. So they gathered here to learn Russian culture, songs and dances... and to have an opportunity to chat with each other in their native tongue."
There are roughly 15,000 Russians living in Korea.
200 participants have joined in the festivity... not just Russian residents but also those from neighbouring countries Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
"I grew up in Russia. I have a lot of friends back there and lots of good memories with my mom. Participating here brings back many memories."
Seoul Global Center is run by the Korean government and it offers international visitors and residents opportunities to enjoy cultural activities.
It also provides numerous programs for foreign visitors such as traditional Korean art.
There are similar centers throughout the city... and with the number of foreign residents and multicultural families increasing, it looks like the number of these centers are due to expand as well.
"We're trying to promote exchanges between our visitors by fostering community and offering an extensive variety of courses that they can participate in."
There are around 20 neighborhoods in Seoul where roughly 250-thousand foreign residents have set up their own communities according to their nationalities or religions.
"This is the Central Asian enclave in the middle of Seoul.
There are currently 69-thousand people from Central Asian countries living in Korea... and in this neighborhood, they can find a piece of their homeland... traditional food, a local community and even banking assistance in their own languages."
This tightly knit community provides indispensible help to those starting a brand new life in Korea's busiest city.
"I'm off on Sundays so I come out here with friends to enjoy some good food and blow off some steam."
"If it hadn't been for this neighborhood, it would've been hard for me to adjust in Korea... you can find other Mongolians and even offices to help you."
To accompany the growing number of international students, especially those from China, Vietnam and Mongolia,... numerous education facilities are popping up.
This is a school for Mongolian children which teaches them the Korean language and culture.
The students have finished the school year and now they're celebrating the year-end festivities together.
"Korea doesn't feel like a foreign country anymore. I have my school and friends -- all Mongolian. At first, I had a hard time adjusting in Korea because I don't speak the language. But now, I'm fine."
These ethnic groups in Korea are ending the year with their own unique traditions.
As the foreign population continues to blossom, so do the public efforts made to help everyone in the country feel right at home.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.
Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages
Facebook(NEWS): http://www.facebook.com/newsarirang
Homepage: http://www.arirang.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/arirangworld
Instagram: http://instagram.com/arirangworld
- published: 31 Dec 2015
- views: 521
Can you be racist if you're an ethnic minority? (Nihal, 14/5/15)
'I can't be racist because I'm an ethnic minority woman':
Sublime Frequencies: Ethnic Minority Music Of Northeast Cambodia
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
For the first time, here is a recording that documents the ceremonial animist music from the mysterious tribal villages of Northeast Cambodia. The Tampoans, Krungs, kavets, Braos, and Jaraîs of Ratanakiri Province and the Phnongs in Mondolkiri Province have
Life and culture of China's Bai ethnic minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Bai ethnic minority. Presenter Chen Lei explores the ancient city of Dali in Yunnan. He takes a cruise on the crystal clear waters of Erhai Lake and lears about the Bai long-held tea tradition. He also heads to the village of Shaxi, once a key stop along the Tea and Horse trail.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel s
Life and culture of China's Lisu & Pumi ethnic minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Lisu and Pumi ethnic minorities. Presenter Chen Lei explores the Nu River canyon, known to be the second grandest canyon in the world, and home of the Pumi people. He also travels by zip line cable through the mountains of Fugong and witnesses a traditional Lisu wedding.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel show of C
Life and culture of China's Dai ethnic minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s water-splashing festival while staying in a traditional Dai village. She also watches the excitement of the local dragon boat race that brings together the Dai people’s from many different local villages.
Travelogue is the premier English-speakin
China ethnic minority musical film 楊麗坤 五朵金花 阿詩瑪
Minority peoples of Russia: Tubalars and Chelkans
Tubalars and Chelkans -- minority ethnic groups in Russia's Altay Mountain area -- still honor their forefathers' customs.
Ethnic Minority and UK Legal System #PolitrickswithKO on BEN-TV UK
UK Based Nigerian Bloger Kayode Ogundamisi hosts PolitrickswithKO programme which covers diverse issues on Nigerian and global politics, policies, activism, current affairs and issues affecting Nigerians Africans and friends of the continent. The programme is a community efforts with all involved volunteering time and resources to create a platform for Nigerians and Africans in Diaspora. BEN-TV UK
Integrated Health Care for Racial and Ethnic Minorities: Drs. Chapa and Sanchez
Integrated Health Care for Racial and Ethnic Minorities: An Opportunity to Improve Access and Reduce Disparities
Katherine Sanchez, LCSW, PhD and Teresa Chapa, PhD, MPA
March 21, 2014
Integrated health care is gaining significant momentum across the nation as a preferred approach to providing optimal care for both physical health and behavioral health conditions. Research shows that treating phy
Hear from the experts: Ethnic Minority Voters
Ethnic Minority voters in Britain have traditionally come out in small numbers to vote in past election. Will this change in 2015? What are the major election issues for ethnic minorities? Who will they vote for? Join us live for an expert discussion that will try to answer these important questions.
Our panel:
Dr Maria Sobolewska (Chair) - University of Manchester
Dr Nicole Martin - University
Family Values and Culture in the Successful Adjustment of Ethnic Minority Adolescents, Part 2
Nearly half of this country's children under five years of age are now ethnic minorities, pointing the way to a demographic shift that will reshape our country, as well as they way we study children and families. Dr. Rand Conger, professor of psychology at the University of CaliforniaDavis, discusses how contextual forces, including socioeconomic status, neighborhood factors, and marital relations
How can ethnic minority rights be protected?
The problem of national minorities in Europe remains of high importance, especially in such a multiethnic country as Russia. What is the best way to face this problem and what can be done to better the situation? Our guest is the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Ambassador Knut Vollebaek.
VIsion2020, Worship, Identity, and the Ethnic Minority Churches
Speaking at http://www.vision2020south.com, to Ethnic Minority Leaders of the FGBC (Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches)
Ethnic Minorities Deserve Safe Spaces Without the Crackers
Initial story analasys is here
Pay pal https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=codrin%2estavri%40yahoo%2ecom&lc;=US&item;_name=Veeh%27s%20donation&no;_note=0¤cy;_code=USD&bn;=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest
and Patreon http://ww
Part 1: Introduction to Chinese Ethnic Minorities with Mei-yin Lee (in Cantonese) - 中國民族概論
In connection with the current exhibition Embroidered Identities: Ornately Decorated Textiles and Accessories of Chinese Ethnic Minorities, collector Mei-yin Lee will present two talks to enrich the viewer's understanding and appreciation of the colourful dresses and accessories of this exhibit.
In ancient times, the Han people regarded tribal groups living outside of Central China as barbarians
Sublime Frequencies: Ethnic Minority Music Of North Vietnam
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
This third volume in a series compiled by Laurent Jeanneau from his continual journeys into the more remote tribal areas of Southeast Asia features field recordings of the Giay, Lu, Red Zao, and Black Hmong peoples from North Vietnam. The five selections pr
Ethnic minority from myanmar demonstrate in Denmark against arm conflict in Kachinstate ( Myanmar )
( 26/01/2013 - Odense,Denmark ) -
ကခ်င္စစ္ပဲြအျမန္ရပ္စဲေရးအတြက္ ဒိန္းမတ္နိုင္ငံေရာက္တိုင္းရင္သားမ်ားစုေပါင္း၍ Odense ျမိဳ႕တြင္ ဆႏၵျပခဲ့ၾက။
Can you be racist if you're an ethnic minority? (Nihal, 14/5/15)
'I can't be racist because I'm an ethnic minority woman':
'I can't be racist because I'm an ethnic minority woman':
wn.com/Can You Be Racist If You're An Ethnic Minority (Nihal, 14 5 15)
'I can't be racist because I'm an ethnic minority woman':
- published: 15 May 2015
- views: 1415
Sublime Frequencies: Ethnic Minority Music Of Northeast Cambodia
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
For the first tim...
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
For the first time, here is a recording that documents the ceremonial animist music from the mysterious tribal villages of Northeast Cambodia. The Tampoans, Krungs, kavets, Braos, and Jaraîs of Ratanakiri Province and the Phnongs in Mondolkiri Province have been living amidst each other in this region for centuries preserving and expanding their unique cultural heritage, sometimes at peace and other times in conflict with one another or with foreign invaders. The music includes hypnotic gong ensembles, guitar ballads, bamboo flute, and unique local instrumentation such as the "Gungteng" and the "Mum". The superb singing styles and vocals present throughout are absolutely mesmerizing. These tracks sound like nothing you've heard before, all magnificently documented transporting the listener into the heart of each performance. Recorded on location by Laurent Jeanneau over a 2-year period from 2003-2005 with his revealing liner notes and a detailed tracklist included within.
wn.com/Sublime Frequencies Ethnic Minority Music Of Northeast Cambodia
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
For the first time, here is a recording that documents the ceremonial animist music from the mysterious tribal villages of Northeast Cambodia. The Tampoans, Krungs, kavets, Braos, and Jaraîs of Ratanakiri Province and the Phnongs in Mondolkiri Province have been living amidst each other in this region for centuries preserving and expanding their unique cultural heritage, sometimes at peace and other times in conflict with one another or with foreign invaders. The music includes hypnotic gong ensembles, guitar ballads, bamboo flute, and unique local instrumentation such as the "Gungteng" and the "Mum". The superb singing styles and vocals present throughout are absolutely mesmerizing. These tracks sound like nothing you've heard before, all magnificently documented transporting the listener into the heart of each performance. Recorded on location by Laurent Jeanneau over a 2-year period from 2003-2005 with his revealing liner notes and a detailed tracklist included within.
- published: 07 Jul 2014
- views: 2385
Life and culture of China's Bai ethnic minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Bai ethnic minority. Presenter Chen Lei explores the ancient city of Dali in Yunnan. He take...
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Bai ethnic minority. Presenter Chen Lei explores the ancient city of Dali in Yunnan. He takes a cruise on the crystal clear waters of Erhai Lake and lears about the Bai long-held tea tradition. He also heads to the village of Shaxi, once a key stop along the Tea and Horse trail.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel show of China Central Television (CCTV). It broadcasts on CCTV NEWS every Mon-Wed at 11:30, 17:30 and 00:30 (Beijing Time).
For more travel information and shows, please follow @CCTVtravelogue on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Podcast or visit our website.
Facebook: facebook.com/cctvtravelogue
Twitter: twitter.com/CCTV_Travelogue
Weibo: weibo.com/cctvtravelogue
Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/podcast/cctv-travelogue/id788187885?l=en
Website: cctv.cntv.cn/lm/travelogue
wn.com/Life And Culture Of China's Bai Ethnic Minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Bai ethnic minority. Presenter Chen Lei explores the ancient city of Dali in Yunnan. He takes a cruise on the crystal clear waters of Erhai Lake and lears about the Bai long-held tea tradition. He also heads to the village of Shaxi, once a key stop along the Tea and Horse trail.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel show of China Central Television (CCTV). It broadcasts on CCTV NEWS every Mon-Wed at 11:30, 17:30 and 00:30 (Beijing Time).
For more travel information and shows, please follow @CCTVtravelogue on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Podcast or visit our website.
Facebook: facebook.com/cctvtravelogue
Twitter: twitter.com/CCTV_Travelogue
Weibo: weibo.com/cctvtravelogue
Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/podcast/cctv-travelogue/id788187885?l=en
Website: cctv.cntv.cn/lm/travelogue
- published: 11 Aug 2014
- views: 1044
Life and culture of China's Lisu & Pumi ethnic minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Lisu and Pumi ethnic minorities. Presenter Chen Lei explores the Nu River canyon, known to b...
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Lisu and Pumi ethnic minorities. Presenter Chen Lei explores the Nu River canyon, known to be the second grandest canyon in the world, and home of the Pumi people. He also travels by zip line cable through the mountains of Fugong and witnesses a traditional Lisu wedding.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel show of China Central Television (CCTV). It broadcasts on CCTV NEWS every Mon-Wed at 11:30, 17:30 and 00:30 (Beijing Time).
For more travel information and shows, please follow @CCTVtravelogue on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Podcast or visit our website.
Facebook: facebook.com/cctvtravelogue
Twitter: twitter.com/CCTV_Travelogue
Weibo: weibo.com/cctvtravelogue
Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/podcast/cctv-travelogue/id788187885?l=en
Website: cctv.cntv.cn/lm/travelogue
wn.com/Life And Culture Of China's Lisu Pumi Ethnic Minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Lisu and Pumi ethnic minorities. Presenter Chen Lei explores the Nu River canyon, known to be the second grandest canyon in the world, and home of the Pumi people. He also travels by zip line cable through the mountains of Fugong and witnesses a traditional Lisu wedding.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel show of China Central Television (CCTV). It broadcasts on CCTV NEWS every Mon-Wed at 11:30, 17:30 and 00:30 (Beijing Time).
For more travel information and shows, please follow @CCTVtravelogue on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Podcast or visit our website.
Facebook: facebook.com/cctvtravelogue
Twitter: twitter.com/CCTV_Travelogue
Weibo: weibo.com/cctvtravelogue
Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/podcast/cctv-travelogue/id788187885?l=en
Website: cctv.cntv.cn/lm/travelogue
- published: 12 Aug 2014
- views: 1400
Life and culture of China's Dai ethnic minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s water-sp...
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s water-splashing festival while staying in a traditional Dai village. She also watches the excitement of the local dragon boat race that brings together the Dai people’s from many different local villages.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel show of China Central Television (CCTV). It broadcasts on CCTV NEWS every Mon-Wed at 11:30, 17:30 and 00:30 (Beijing Time).
For more travel information and shows, please follow @CCTVtravelogue on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Podcast or visit our website.
Facebook: facebook.com/cctvtravelogue
Twitter: twitter.com/CCTV_Travelogue
Weibo: weibo.com/cctvtravelogue
Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/podcast/cctv-travelogue/id788187885?l=en
Website: cctv.cntv.cn/lm/travelogue
wn.com/Life And Culture Of China's Dai Ethnic Minority
This episode of Travelogue looks at the life and culture of China’s Dai ethnic minority. Presenter Yin Chen gets soaked in the festivities of the Dai’s water-splashing festival while staying in a traditional Dai village. She also watches the excitement of the local dragon boat race that brings together the Dai people’s from many different local villages.
Travelogue is the premier English-speaking travel show of China Central Television (CCTV). It broadcasts on CCTV NEWS every Mon-Wed at 11:30, 17:30 and 00:30 (Beijing Time).
For more travel information and shows, please follow @CCTVtravelogue on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Podcast or visit our website.
Facebook: facebook.com/cctvtravelogue
Twitter: twitter.com/CCTV_Travelogue
Weibo: weibo.com/cctvtravelogue
Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/podcast/cctv-travelogue/id788187885?l=en
Website: cctv.cntv.cn/lm/travelogue
- published: 04 Aug 2014
- views: 1942
Minority peoples of Russia: Tubalars and Chelkans
Tubalars and Chelkans -- minority ethnic groups in Russia's Altay Mountain area -- still honor their forefathers' customs....
Tubalars and Chelkans -- minority ethnic groups in Russia's Altay Mountain area -- still honor their forefathers' customs.
wn.com/Minority Peoples Of Russia Tubalars And Chelkans
Tubalars and Chelkans -- minority ethnic groups in Russia's Altay Mountain area -- still honor their forefathers' customs.
- published: 14 May 2012
- views: 23794
Ethnic Minority and UK Legal System #PolitrickswithKO on BEN-TV UK
UK Based Nigerian Bloger Kayode Ogundamisi hosts PolitrickswithKO programme which covers diverse issues on Nigerian and global politics, policies, activism, cur...
UK Based Nigerian Bloger Kayode Ogundamisi hosts PolitrickswithKO programme which covers diverse issues on Nigerian and global politics, policies, activism, current affairs and issues affecting Nigerians Africans and friends of the continent. The programme is a community efforts with all involved volunteering time and resources to create a platform for Nigerians and Africans in Diaspora. BEN-TV UK Sky Channel 182 donated a 1 hour air-time as its cooperate social responsibility scheme.
wn.com/Ethnic Minority And UK Legal System Politrickswithko On Ben Tv UK
UK Based Nigerian Bloger Kayode Ogundamisi hosts PolitrickswithKO programme which covers diverse issues on Nigerian and global politics, policies, activism, current affairs and issues affecting Nigerians Africans and friends of the continent. The programme is a community efforts with all involved volunteering time and resources to create a platform for Nigerians and Africans in Diaspora. BEN-TV UK Sky Channel 182 donated a 1 hour air-time as its cooperate social responsibility scheme.
- published: 02 Nov 2013
- views: 399
Integrated Health Care for Racial and Ethnic Minorities: Drs. Chapa and Sanchez
Integrated Health Care for Racial and Ethnic Minorities: An Opportunity to Improve Access and Reduce Disparities
Katherine Sanchez, LCSW, PhD and Teresa Chapa, ...
Integrated Health Care for Racial and Ethnic Minorities: An Opportunity to Improve Access and Reduce Disparities
Katherine Sanchez, LCSW, PhD and Teresa Chapa, PhD, MPA
March 21, 2014
Integrated health care is gaining significant momentum across the nation as a preferred approach to providing optimal care for both physical health and behavioral health conditions. Research shows that treating physical health and behavioral health conditions as early as possible, holistically, in a coordinated fashion, close to a person's home and community, and in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner leads to the best health outcomes.
This presentation is designed to enhance the audiences' knowledge in the delivery of integrated health care to racial and ethnic minority populations based on a collaborative project led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health and the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health. A national consensus report outlining guiding principles, recommendations and best practice innovations related to the delivery of integrated health care services to racial and ethnic minority communities will be presented. Key science, practice, and policy recommendations outlined in this report will form the basis of the presentation and establish a direction for the transformation of the current behavioral health care system from a "treatment as usual" and singular focused approach to an integrated, whole health approach designed to improve the physical and behavioral health status and well-being of racial and ethnic minority communities and persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).
This webinar is presented by The Office of Integrated Healthcare Research and Policy in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. The webinar series is made possible with funding from the California Mental Health Services Authority Integrated Behavioral Health Project in partnership with the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, the AHRQ Academy for Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care, and the Advancing Care Together project of UC-Denver Dept. of Family Medicine.
wn.com/Integrated Health Care For Racial And Ethnic Minorities Drs. Chapa And Sanchez
Integrated Health Care for Racial and Ethnic Minorities: An Opportunity to Improve Access and Reduce Disparities
Katherine Sanchez, LCSW, PhD and Teresa Chapa, PhD, MPA
March 21, 2014
Integrated health care is gaining significant momentum across the nation as a preferred approach to providing optimal care for both physical health and behavioral health conditions. Research shows that treating physical health and behavioral health conditions as early as possible, holistically, in a coordinated fashion, close to a person's home and community, and in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner leads to the best health outcomes.
This presentation is designed to enhance the audiences' knowledge in the delivery of integrated health care to racial and ethnic minority populations based on a collaborative project led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health and the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health. A national consensus report outlining guiding principles, recommendations and best practice innovations related to the delivery of integrated health care services to racial and ethnic minority communities will be presented. Key science, practice, and policy recommendations outlined in this report will form the basis of the presentation and establish a direction for the transformation of the current behavioral health care system from a "treatment as usual" and singular focused approach to an integrated, whole health approach designed to improve the physical and behavioral health status and well-being of racial and ethnic minority communities and persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).
This webinar is presented by The Office of Integrated Healthcare Research and Policy in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. The webinar series is made possible with funding from the California Mental Health Services Authority Integrated Behavioral Health Project in partnership with the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, the AHRQ Academy for Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care, and the Advancing Care Together project of UC-Denver Dept. of Family Medicine.
- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 634
Hear from the experts: Ethnic Minority Voters
Ethnic Minority voters in Britain have traditionally come out in small numbers to vote in past election. Will this change in 2015? What are the major election i...
Ethnic Minority voters in Britain have traditionally come out in small numbers to vote in past election. Will this change in 2015? What are the major election issues for ethnic minorities? Who will they vote for? Join us live for an expert discussion that will try to answer these important questions.
Our panel:
Dr Maria Sobolewska (Chair) - University of Manchester
Dr Nicole Martin - University of Essex
Sunder Katwala - British Future
Sheetal Parmar - BBC Asian Network
wn.com/Hear From The Experts Ethnic Minority Voters
Ethnic Minority voters in Britain have traditionally come out in small numbers to vote in past election. Will this change in 2015? What are the major election issues for ethnic minorities? Who will they vote for? Join us live for an expert discussion that will try to answer these important questions.
Our panel:
Dr Maria Sobolewska (Chair) - University of Manchester
Dr Nicole Martin - University of Essex
Sunder Katwala - British Future
Sheetal Parmar - BBC Asian Network
- published: 22 Apr 2015
- views: 175
Family Values and Culture in the Successful Adjustment of Ethnic Minority Adolescents, Part 2
Nearly half of this country's children under five years of age are now ethnic minorities, pointing the way to a demographic shift that will reshape our country,...
Nearly half of this country's children under five years of age are now ethnic minorities, pointing the way to a demographic shift that will reshape our country, as well as they way we study children and families. Dr. Rand Conger, professor of psychology at the University of CaliforniaDavis, discusses how contextual forces, including socioeconomic status, neighborhood factors, and marital relationships set the stage for parenting amongst African- and Mexican-American families of adolescents.
This program is part of the University of Washington's department of psychology third annual Allen L. Edwards Psychology lecture series.
To see more videos from the University of Washington visit uwtv.org.
wn.com/Family Values And Culture In The Successful Adjustment Of Ethnic Minority Adolescents, Part 2
Nearly half of this country's children under five years of age are now ethnic minorities, pointing the way to a demographic shift that will reshape our country, as well as they way we study children and families. Dr. Rand Conger, professor of psychology at the University of CaliforniaDavis, discusses how contextual forces, including socioeconomic status, neighborhood factors, and marital relationships set the stage for parenting amongst African- and Mexican-American families of adolescents.
This program is part of the University of Washington's department of psychology third annual Allen L. Edwards Psychology lecture series.
To see more videos from the University of Washington visit uwtv.org.
- published: 30 Apr 2009
- views: 2438
How can ethnic minority rights be protected?
The problem of national minorities in Europe remains of high importance, especially in such a multiethnic country as Russia. What is the best way to face this p...
The problem of national minorities in Europe remains of high importance, especially in such a multiethnic country as Russia. What is the best way to face this problem and what can be done to better the situation? Our guest is the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Ambassador Knut Vollebaek.
wn.com/How Can Ethnic Minority Rights Be Protected
The problem of national minorities in Europe remains of high importance, especially in such a multiethnic country as Russia. What is the best way to face this problem and what can be done to better the situation? Our guest is the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Ambassador Knut Vollebaek.
- published: 05 Feb 2008
- views: 2602
VIsion2020, Worship, Identity, and the Ethnic Minority Churches
Speaking at http://www.vision2020south.com, to Ethnic Minority Leaders of the FGBC (Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches)...
Speaking at http://www.vision2020south.com, to Ethnic Minority Leaders of the FGBC (Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches)
wn.com/Vision2020, Worship, Identity, And The Ethnic Minority Churches
Speaking at http://www.vision2020south.com, to Ethnic Minority Leaders of the FGBC (Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches)
- published: 06 Aug 2013
- views: 79
Ethnic Minorities Deserve Safe Spaces Without the Crackers
Initial story analasys is here
Pay pa...
Initial story analasys is here
Pay pal https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=codrin%2estavri%40yahoo%2ecom&lc;=US&item;_name=Veeh%27s%20donation&no;_note=0¤cy;_code=USD&bn;=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest
and Patreon http://www.patreon.com/user?u=365449
wn.com/Ethnic Minorities Deserve Safe Spaces Without The Crackers
Initial story analasys is here
Pay pal https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=codrin%2estavri%40yahoo%2ecom&lc;=US&item;_name=Veeh%27s%20donation&no;_note=0¤cy;_code=USD&bn;=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest
and Patreon http://www.patreon.com/user?u=365449
- published: 29 Mar 2015
- views: 2927
Part 1: Introduction to Chinese Ethnic Minorities with Mei-yin Lee (in Cantonese) - 中國民族概論
In connection with the current exhibition Embroidered Identities: Ornately Decorated Textiles and Accessories of Chinese Ethnic Minorities, collector Mei-yin Le...
In connection with the current exhibition Embroidered Identities: Ornately Decorated Textiles and Accessories of Chinese Ethnic Minorities, collector Mei-yin Lee will present two talks to enrich the viewer's understanding and appreciation of the colourful dresses and accessories of this exhibit.
In ancient times, the Han people regarded tribal groups living outside of Central China as barbarians. Who were they? In this first talk, Lee will give an introduction about their history and culture, and how they relate to the present day ethnic minority groups in China.
你聽過古時居住在中原華夏族四週的東夷、南蠻、西戎、北狄嗎? 他們是什麼民族? 與現今的少數民族有什麼關係?李美賢女士這個講座會給你答案。
About the Exhibition
Supported by the Museum Society to commemorate the Society's 25th and the Museum's 60th anniversaries, the exhibition demonstrates the wealth of colours, techniques and styles found in the on-going traditions of Chinese minority groups. Elaborately embroidered costumes and baby carriers, most of which originate from the Miao, Dong, Shui and Zhuang ethnic tribes of the south-western Chinese provinces of Guizhou, Yunnan, and Guangxi are decorated with richly coloured, stitched and sewn ornamentations -- and sometimes silver applications -- indigenous to the particular culture and long-lived traditions they derive from. As some ethnic minorities lack a written script, the symbolism and colour-coding found in their textiles form a visual language that presents an important cultural and anthropological development and heritage still in practice today.
wn.com/Part 1 Introduction To Chinese Ethnic Minorities With Mei Yin Lee (In Cantonese) 中國民族概論
In connection with the current exhibition Embroidered Identities: Ornately Decorated Textiles and Accessories of Chinese Ethnic Minorities, collector Mei-yin Lee will present two talks to enrich the viewer's understanding and appreciation of the colourful dresses and accessories of this exhibit.
In ancient times, the Han people regarded tribal groups living outside of Central China as barbarians. Who were they? In this first talk, Lee will give an introduction about their history and culture, and how they relate to the present day ethnic minority groups in China.
你聽過古時居住在中原華夏族四週的東夷、南蠻、西戎、北狄嗎? 他們是什麼民族? 與現今的少數民族有什麼關係?李美賢女士這個講座會給你答案。
About the Exhibition
Supported by the Museum Society to commemorate the Society's 25th and the Museum's 60th anniversaries, the exhibition demonstrates the wealth of colours, techniques and styles found in the on-going traditions of Chinese minority groups. Elaborately embroidered costumes and baby carriers, most of which originate from the Miao, Dong, Shui and Zhuang ethnic tribes of the south-western Chinese provinces of Guizhou, Yunnan, and Guangxi are decorated with richly coloured, stitched and sewn ornamentations -- and sometimes silver applications -- indigenous to the particular culture and long-lived traditions they derive from. As some ethnic minorities lack a written script, the symbolism and colour-coding found in their textiles form a visual language that presents an important cultural and anthropological development and heritage still in practice today.
- published: 14 Feb 2014
- views: 598
Sublime Frequencies: Ethnic Minority Music Of North Vietnam
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
This third volume...
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
This third volume in a series compiled by Laurent Jeanneau from his continual journeys into the more remote tribal areas of Southeast Asia features field recordings of the Giay, Lu, Red Zao, and Black Hmong peoples from North Vietnam. The five selections presented here by the Red Zao are of an unusual vocal style called "Baozoo". The Baozoo singing technique can either be a responsive song, or canon singing where a lead singer has his or her words repeated with delay by 1, 2 or 3 singers. We've never heard anything quite like it before. The instruments used in other selections include Kheng (Bamboo mouth organ), jew's harp, bamboo sticks with coins, and the Piem Zat (a reed instrument or oboe affiliated with Baozoo singing). Recorded in and around Sapa, this CD includes an extended track list with added information about each track recorded along with insightful liner notes by Laurent Jeanneau.
wn.com/Sublime Frequencies Ethnic Minority Music Of North Vietnam
* This record is for purposes of dissemination and non commercial use.
This third volume in a series compiled by Laurent Jeanneau from his continual journeys into the more remote tribal areas of Southeast Asia features field recordings of the Giay, Lu, Red Zao, and Black Hmong peoples from North Vietnam. The five selections presented here by the Red Zao are of an unusual vocal style called "Baozoo". The Baozoo singing technique can either be a responsive song, or canon singing where a lead singer has his or her words repeated with delay by 1, 2 or 3 singers. We've never heard anything quite like it before. The instruments used in other selections include Kheng (Bamboo mouth organ), jew's harp, bamboo sticks with coins, and the Piem Zat (a reed instrument or oboe affiliated with Baozoo singing). Recorded in and around Sapa, this CD includes an extended track list with added information about each track recorded along with insightful liner notes by Laurent Jeanneau.
- published: 07 Jul 2014
- views: 2125
Ethnic minority from myanmar demonstrate in Denmark against arm conflict in Kachinstate ( Myanmar )
( 26/01/2013 - Odense,Denmark ) -
ကခ်င္စစ္ပဲြအျမန္ရပ္စဲေရးအတြက္ ဒိန္းမတ္နိုင္ငံေရာက္တိုင္းရင္သားမ်ားစုေပါင္း၍ Odense ျမိဳ႕တြင္ ဆႏၵျပခဲ့ၾက။...
( 26/01/2013 - Odense,Denmark ) -
ကခ်င္စစ္ပဲြအျမန္ရပ္စဲေရးအတြက္ ဒိန္းမတ္နိုင္ငံေရာက္တိုင္းရင္သားမ်ားစုေပါင္း၍ Odense ျမိဳ႕တြင္ ဆႏၵျပခဲ့ၾက။
wn.com/Ethnic Minority From Myanmar Demonstrate In Denmark Against Arm Conflict In Kachinstate ( Myanmar )
( 26/01/2013 - Odense,Denmark ) -
ကခ်င္စစ္ပဲြအျမန္ရပ္စဲေရးအတြက္ ဒိန္းမတ္နိုင္ငံေရာက္တိုင္းရင္သားမ်ားစုေပါင္း၍ Odense ျမိဳ႕တြင္ ဆႏၵျပခဲ့ၾက။
- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 1693