تلاش طالبان برای تصرف کامل ولسوالی «سنگین» در ولایت هلمند افغانستان
تازه ترین گزارشها از ولایت هلمند در افغانستان از تلاش ستیزه جویان طالبان برای تصرف کامل ولسوالی «سنگین» حکایت دارد. در حالی که والی هلمند سقوط سنگین به دست طالبان را رد کرده، معاون او می گوید که این ناحیه به دست طالبان افتاده است.
در حال حاضر، نبرد شدیدی بین طالبان و نیروهای ارتش افغانستان در این شهر جریان است و افراد طالبان بسیاری از ساختمانهای نظامی و اداری را به تصرف خود در آورده اند. به گفته
Amaj - 29.12.2015 آماج - جان کمبل : اجازه نمی دهیم هلمند سقوط کند !
جان کمبل : اجازه نمی دهیم هلمند سقوط کند !
مهمانان برنامه
1- لالی حمیدزی ، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
2- ذوالفقار امید ، رییس حزب کار و توسعه
3- میرزا حسین علیزاده ، عضو شورای ولایتی هلمند
4- مسعوده کروخی ، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
تهیه کننده : عبدالمنیر رامین رستمی
گرداننده : عنایت مدرس
بی بنیاد خواندن هرگونه خبرسقوط ولسوالی سنگین ولایت هلمند توسط نهاد های امنیتی.noorintv
جنگ در هلمند فروكش كرده است noorintv
Amaj - 20.12.2015 آماج ولایت هلمند در آستانه سقوط !
ولایت هلمند در آستانه سقوط !
1- کریم اتل ، رییس شورای ولایتی هلمند
2- ذکریا ذکریا، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
گرداننده : عنایت مدرس
تهیه کننده : علی امید کسرا
Iran involved in Helmand war - Documentary by Wali Arian هلمند؛ آتشخانهی جنگ
مستند از هلمند - دوشنبه 30 دلو 1392 مستند خبری از ولی آرین در مورد جنگ در هلمند که نشان می دهد ایرانیان نیز جنگجویان طالب در این ولایت را آماده نبرد میسازند.
نبرد هلمند
Special Forces Retake Nawzad in Helmand / نیروهای افغان ادارۀ ولسوالی نوزاد هلمند را دوباره گرفتند
Afghan Special Forces Retake Nawzad in Helmand
نیروهای ویژۀ افغان ادارۀ ولسوالی نوزاد هلمند را دوباره به دست گرفتند
Subscribe for exclusive Afghanistan Dari and Pashto news bulletin, breaking news, current affairs programs, documentaries, political commentary, debates and more!
برای تماشای سرویس های خبری دری و پشتو، گزارش های تازه، جریانات سیاسی روز، مستند ها، تحلیل های سیاسی و بحث های گوناگون ب
هلمند کښی د اسلامي امارت د مجاهدینو تازه عملیات
هلمند کښی د اسلامي امارت د مجاهدینو تازه عملیات.
TOLOnews 18 March 2015 Helmand Suicide Attack/ حمله ا نتحاری هلمند
Suicide Bombing Near Helmand Governor's Office Leaves7 Dead
کشته شدن ۷ تن در حمله انتحاری ولایت هلمند
Subscribe for exclusive Afghanistan Dari and Pashto news bulletin, breaking news, current affairs programs, documentaries, political commentary, debates and more!
برای تماشای سرویس های خبری دری و پشتو، گزارش های تازه، جریانات سیاسی روز، مستند ها، تحلیل های سیاسی و بحث های گوناگون با ما بپیوندید
Alemarah هلمند دعزم په څپو کي
(هلمند دعزم په څپو کي) د الاماره سټوډیو نوې په زړه پوري ويډیو نشر کړه
دافغانستان اسلامي امارت دفرهنګي چارو کمیسیون د سمعي او بصري څانګي مربوط الاماره جهادي سټوډيو (هلمند د عزم په څپو کي )په نوم ویډیو ترتیب او نشر کړه
ویډیو چي ټول ټال شپږ دقیقي کیږي ،کي ښودل شوي چي دهلمند ولایت دکجکي ولسوالۍ په بازار او نورو سیمو کي داسلامي امارت مجاهدین له دښمن څخه په نیول شویو شوبلو کي په خوار ډاډ
نبرد میان نیروهای دولتی افغانستان و طالبان در ولایت هلمند شدت گرفته است
در حالی که جنگ بین نیروهای افغان و ستیزه جویان طالبان در ولایت هلمند افغانستان ادامه می یابد نیروهای بیشتری به همراه کامیون های حامل مهمات وارد هلمند می شوند. جنگی که بویژه در شهر سنگین شدت گرفته و موجب فرار ساکنان شهر شده است.
منبع پخش - http://ir.voanews.com/media/video/afghanistan-taliban/3120534.html
سقوط ولسوالی نوزاد ولایت هلمند به دست مخالفان مسلح
یک عضو شورای ولایتی هلمند هشدار می دهد، اگر به وضعیت امنیتی ولایت هلمند توجه جدی نشود ولسوالی های دیگر این ولایت نیز در آستانه ی سقوط قرار دارد. همزمان با این، مسوولان محلی ولایت کندز می گویند، از چهار روز به این سو مخالفان مسلح بالای ولسوالی قلعه ذال این ولایت هجوم آورده و قلعه ی تاریخی ذال را که در ده کیلومتری اداره ولسوالی قرار دارد به تصرف خود در آورده اند.
هلمند .. رحى المعارك
تقرير : ولي الله شاهين - إقليم هلمند تاريخ بث التقرير :20\2\2010 قالت قوات مشاة البحرية الأمريكية إنها استولت على ما يعتقد أنه مقر لحركة طالبان في جنوب مرجة ...
NEGARISH / نگرش: درگیرها در هلمند و نامه والی هلمند به رئیس جمهور در فیسبوک
در دور روز گذشته ازاثر درگیری های شدید میان نظامیان افغان و طالبان درهلمند دست کم 90 جوان کشته شدند . معاون والی هملند در نامه ای به رییس جمهور نگاشته است که درسقوط ولسوالی نوزاد در این ولایت صدها سرباز و سلاح های سنگین و سبک را از دست داده اند . وی به رییس جمهور غنی هشدار میدهد در صورتیکه این ولایت به دست شورشیان سقوط کند تصرف دوباره آن نا ممکن است.
فهیم یاوری(دریای هلمند) افغانستان
اینجا دریا ولایت هلمند میباشد. از جلمه دریایی نسبتا بزرگ در سطح کشور محسوب میشود.
حمله مگسهای طالبی و طبیعی به هلمند افغانستان
در اثر جو خونریزی و کشتار و طالبی مردم مظلوم و درد دیده ولایت هلمند افغانستان مورد حمله مگس ها قرار گرفته اند که این کلپ وضعیت را نمایش میدهد که در جایی که د...
عملیات ذوالفقار در ولایت هلمند افغانستان
مارجه ، هلمند ولایت ، مشترک
هدف قرار دادن یکی از مخفیګاه های باقی مانده طالبان در ولایت هلمند نیرو های امنیتی افغان و بین المللی به گفته یک تعداد زیاد بزرگترین عملیات خود را علیه شورشیا...
BAZ NEGAH EP 663 21 12 2015 بازنگاه سقوط ولسوالی سنگین هلمند به دست طالبان
حامدکرزي د هلمند له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو او مشرانو سره وکتل
حامدکرزي د هلمند له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو او مشرانو سره وکتل د افغانستان د اسلامي جمهوریت جمهوررئیس حامدکرزي د هلمند ولایت له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو، مشرانو او ...
تلاش طالبان برای تصرف کامل ولسوالی «سنگین» در ولایت هلمند افغانستان
تازه ترین گزارشها از ولایت هلمند در افغانستان از تلاش ستیزه جویان طالبان برای تصرف کامل ولسوالی «سنگین» حکایت دارد. در حالی که والی هلمند سقوط سنگین به دست طالب...
تازه ترین گزارشها از ولایت هلمند در افغانستان از تلاش ستیزه جویان طالبان برای تصرف کامل ولسوالی «سنگین» حکایت دارد. در حالی که والی هلمند سقوط سنگین به دست طالبان را رد کرده، معاون او می گوید که این ناحیه به دست طالبان افتاده است.
در حال حاضر، نبرد شدیدی بین طالبان و نیروهای ارتش افغانستان در این شهر جریان است و افراد طالبان بسیاری از ساختمانهای نظامی و اداری را به تصرف خود در آورده اند. به گفته مقامات محلی، در صورت عدم حمایت فوری از نیروهای ارتش، ولسوالی سنگین بزودی به تصرف کامل طالبان در خوا…
مطالب بیشتر: http://persian.euronews.com/2015/12/22/sangin-who-is-in-control
یورونیوز؛ پربیننده ترین شبکه خبری در اروپا
مشترک شوید!http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewspe
یورونیوز به سیزده زبان در دسترس شماست:https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
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وبسایت: http://persian.euronews.com
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wn.com/تلاش طالبان برای تصرف کامل ولسوالی «سنگین» در ولایت هلمند افغانستان
تازه ترین گزارشها از ولایت هلمند در افغانستان از تلاش ستیزه جویان طالبان برای تصرف کامل ولسوالی «سنگین» حکایت دارد. در حالی که والی هلمند سقوط سنگین به دست طالبان را رد کرده، معاون او می گوید که این ناحیه به دست طالبان افتاده است.
در حال حاضر، نبرد شدیدی بین طالبان و نیروهای ارتش افغانستان در این شهر جریان است و افراد طالبان بسیاری از ساختمانهای نظامی و اداری را به تصرف خود در آورده اند. به گفته مقامات محلی، در صورت عدم حمایت فوری از نیروهای ارتش، ولسوالی سنگین بزودی به تصرف کامل طالبان در خوا…
مطالب بیشتر: http://persian.euronews.com/2015/12/22/sangin-who-is-in-control
یورونیوز؛ پربیننده ترین شبکه خبری در اروپا
مشترک شوید!http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewspe
یورونیوز به سیزده زبان در دسترس شماست:https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
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وبسایت: http://persian.euronews.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/euronews
Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews_pe
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 96
Amaj - 29.12.2015 آماج - جان کمبل : اجازه نمی دهیم هلمند سقوط کند !
جان کمبل : اجازه نمی دهیم هلمند سقوط کند !
مهمانان برنامه
1- لالی حمیدزی ، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
2- ذوالفقار امید ، رییس حزب کار و توسعه
3- میرزا حسین علیزا...
جان کمبل : اجازه نمی دهیم هلمند سقوط کند !
مهمانان برنامه
1- لالی حمیدزی ، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
2- ذوالفقار امید ، رییس حزب کار و توسعه
3- میرزا حسین علیزاده ، عضو شورای ولایتی هلمند
4- مسعوده کروخی ، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
تهیه کننده : عبدالمنیر رامین رستمی
گرداننده : عنایت مدرس
wn.com/Amaj 29.12.2015 آماج جان کمبل اجازه نمی دهیم هلمند سقوط کند
جان کمبل : اجازه نمی دهیم هلمند سقوط کند !
مهمانان برنامه
1- لالی حمیدزی ، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
2- ذوالفقار امید ، رییس حزب کار و توسعه
3- میرزا حسین علیزاده ، عضو شورای ولایتی هلمند
4- مسعوده کروخی ، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
تهیه کننده : عبدالمنیر رامین رستمی
گرداننده : عنایت مدرس
- published: 30 Dec 2015
- views: 1824
Amaj - 20.12.2015 آماج ولایت هلمند در آستانه سقوط !
ولایت هلمند در آستانه سقوط !
1- کریم اتل ، رییس شورای ولایتی هلمند
2- ذکریا ذکریا، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
گرداننده : عنایت مدرس
تهیه کننده : علی امی...
ولایت هلمند در آستانه سقوط !
1- کریم اتل ، رییس شورای ولایتی هلمند
2- ذکریا ذکریا، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
گرداننده : عنایت مدرس
تهیه کننده : علی امید کسرا
wn.com/Amaj 20.12.2015 آماج ولایت هلمند در آستانه سقوط
ولایت هلمند در آستانه سقوط !
1- کریم اتل ، رییس شورای ولایتی هلمند
2- ذکریا ذکریا، عضو مجلس نمایندگان
گرداننده : عنایت مدرس
تهیه کننده : علی امید کسرا
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 1686
Iran involved in Helmand war - Documentary by Wali Arian هلمند؛ آتشخانهی جنگ
مستند از هلمند - دوشنبه 30 دلو 1392 مستند خبری از ولی آرین در مورد جنگ در هلمند که نشان می دهد ایرانیان نیز جنگجویان طالب در این ولایت را آماده نبرد میسازند....
مستند از هلمند - دوشنبه 30 دلو 1392 مستند خبری از ولی آرین در مورد جنگ در هلمند که نشان می دهد ایرانیان نیز جنگجویان طالب در این ولایت را آماده نبرد میسازند.
wn.com/Iran Involved In Helmand War Documentary By Wali Arian هلمند؛ آتشخانهی جنگ
مستند از هلمند - دوشنبه 30 دلو 1392 مستند خبری از ولی آرین در مورد جنگ در هلمند که نشان می دهد ایرانیان نیز جنگجویان طالب در این ولایت را آماده نبرد میسازند.
- published: 20 Jan 2014
- views: 3641
author: 1TVKabul
Special Forces Retake Nawzad in Helmand / نیروهای افغان ادارۀ ولسوالی نوزاد هلمند را دوباره گرفتند
Afghan Special Forces Retake Nawzad in Helmand
نیروهای ویژۀ افغان ادارۀ ولسوالی نوزاد هلمند را دوباره به دست گرفتند
Subscribe for exclusive Afghanistan Dari a...
Afghan Special Forces Retake Nawzad in Helmand
نیروهای ویژۀ افغان ادارۀ ولسوالی نوزاد هلمند را دوباره به دست گرفتند
Subscribe for exclusive Afghanistan Dari and Pashto news bulletin, breaking news, current affairs programs, documentaries, political commentary, debates and more!
برای تماشای سرویس های خبری دری و پشتو، گزارش های تازه، جریانات سیاسی روز، مستند ها، تحلیل های سیاسی و بحث های گوناگون با ما بپیوندید
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#TOLOnews | #news | #Afghanistan
#طلوع نیوز| #گزارش | #افغانستان
TOLOnews was launched in 2010,it is the country’s first and only 24-hour news channel that reaches a potential viewing audience of 120 million. TOLOnews offers a variety of local and international news, current affairs programs, regular news bulletins,documentaries, political commentary,investigative reports, debates, and in-depth interviews.
شبکه خبری طلوع نیوز در سال 2010 ایجاد شد، این شبکه نخستین و یگانه شبکه خبری ای است که به گونه 24 ساعته برای 120 ملیون مخاطب نشرات دارد. طلوع نیوز شما را در جریان تازه ترین گزارش هایی از افغانستان، منطقه و جهان می گذارد. در کنار آن طلوع نیوز با پرداختن به جریانات سیاسی روز، از طریق سرویس های خبری، مستندها، تحلیل های سیاسی، گزارش های تحقیقی و گفتگوها سطح اطلاعات شما را بالا می برد.
wn.com/Special Forces Retake Nawzad In Helmand نیروهای افغان ادارۀ ولسوالی نوزاد هلمند را دوباره گرفتند
Afghan Special Forces Retake Nawzad in Helmand
نیروهای ویژۀ افغان ادارۀ ولسوالی نوزاد هلمند را دوباره به دست گرفتند
Subscribe for exclusive Afghanistan Dari and Pashto news bulletin, breaking news, current affairs programs, documentaries, political commentary, debates and more!
برای تماشای سرویس های خبری دری و پشتو، گزارش های تازه، جریانات سیاسی روز، مستند ها، تحلیل های سیاسی و بحث های گوناگون با ما بپیوندید
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Watch TOLOnews on Yahsat / طلوع نیوز را در یاهست تماشا کنید: http://www.tolonews.com/en/watch-tolonews/7893-watchtolonews
#TOLOnews | #news | #Afghanistan
#طلوع نیوز| #گزارش | #افغانستان
TOLOnews was launched in 2010,it is the country’s first and only 24-hour news channel that reaches a potential viewing audience of 120 million. TOLOnews offers a variety of local and international news, current affairs programs, regular news bulletins,documentaries, political commentary,investigative reports, debates, and in-depth interviews.
شبکه خبری طلوع نیوز در سال 2010 ایجاد شد، این شبکه نخستین و یگانه شبکه خبری ای است که به گونه 24 ساعته برای 120 ملیون مخاطب نشرات دارد. طلوع نیوز شما را در جریان تازه ترین گزارش هایی از افغانستان، منطقه و جهان می گذارد. در کنار آن طلوع نیوز با پرداختن به جریانات سیاسی روز، از طریق سرویس های خبری، مستندها، تحلیل های سیاسی، گزارش های تحقیقی و گفتگوها سطح اطلاعات شما را بالا می برد.
- published: 16 Aug 2015
- views: 298
TOLOnews 18 March 2015 Helmand Suicide Attack/ حمله ا نتحاری هلمند
Suicide Bombing Near Helmand Governor's Office Leaves7 Dead
کشته شدن ۷ تن در حمله انتحاری ولایت هلمند
Subscribe for exclusive Afghanistan Dari and Pashto new...
Suicide Bombing Near Helmand Governor's Office Leaves7 Dead
کشته شدن ۷ تن در حمله انتحاری ولایت هلمند
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برای تماشای سرویس های خبری دری و پشتو، گزارش های تازه، جریانات سیاسی روز، مستند ها، تحلیل های سیاسی و بحث های گوناگون با ما بپیوندید
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#TOLOnews | #news | #Afghanistan
#طلوع نیوز| #گزارش | #افغانستان
TOLOnews was launched in 2010,it is the country’s first and only 24-hour news channel that reaches a potential viewing audience of 120 million. TOLOnews offers a variety of local and international news, current affairs programs, regular news bulletins,documentaries, political commentary,investigative reports, debates, and in-depth interviews.
شبکه خبری طلوع نیوز در سال 2010 ایجاد شد، این شبکه نخستین و یگانه شبکه خبری ای است که به گونه 24 ساعته برای 120 ملیون مخاطب نشرات دارد. طلوع نیوز شما را در جریان تازه ترین گزارش هایی از افغانستان، منطقه و جهان می گذارد. در کنار آن طلوع نیوز با پرداختن به جریانات سیاسی روز، از طریق سرویس های خبری، مستندها، تحلیل های سیاسی، گزارش های تحقیقی و گفتگوها سطح اطلاعات شما را بالا می برد.
wn.com/Tolonews 18 March 2015 Helmand Suicide Attack حمله ا نتحاری هلمند
Suicide Bombing Near Helmand Governor's Office Leaves7 Dead
کشته شدن ۷ تن در حمله انتحاری ولایت هلمند
Subscribe for exclusive Afghanistan Dari and Pashto news bulletin, breaking news, current affairs programs, documentaries, political commentary, debates and more!
برای تماشای سرویس های خبری دری و پشتو، گزارش های تازه، جریانات سیاسی روز، مستند ها، تحلیل های سیاسی و بحث های گوناگون با ما بپیوندید
| Official YouTube Channel | http://www.youtube.com/TOLOnews
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Watch TOLOnews on Yahsat / طلوع نیوز را در یاهست تماشا کنید: http://www.tolonews.com/en/watch-tolonews/7893-watchtolonews
#TOLOnews | #news | #Afghanistan
#طلوع نیوز| #گزارش | #افغانستان
TOLOnews was launched in 2010,it is the country’s first and only 24-hour news channel that reaches a potential viewing audience of 120 million. TOLOnews offers a variety of local and international news, current affairs programs, regular news bulletins,documentaries, political commentary,investigative reports, debates, and in-depth interviews.
شبکه خبری طلوع نیوز در سال 2010 ایجاد شد، این شبکه نخستین و یگانه شبکه خبری ای است که به گونه 24 ساعته برای 120 ملیون مخاطب نشرات دارد. طلوع نیوز شما را در جریان تازه ترین گزارش هایی از افغانستان، منطقه و جهان می گذارد. در کنار آن طلوع نیوز با پرداختن به جریانات سیاسی روز، از طریق سرویس های خبری، مستندها، تحلیل های سیاسی، گزارش های تحقیقی و گفتگوها سطح اطلاعات شما را بالا می برد.
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 4101
Alemarah هلمند دعزم په څپو کي
(هلمند دعزم په څپو کي) د الاماره سټوډیو نوې په زړه پوري ويډیو نشر کړه
دافغانستان اسلامي امارت دفرهنګي چارو کمیسیون د سمعي او بصري څانګي مربوط الام...
(هلمند دعزم په څپو کي) د الاماره سټوډیو نوې په زړه پوري ويډیو نشر کړه
دافغانستان اسلامي امارت دفرهنګي چارو کمیسیون د سمعي او بصري څانګي مربوط الاماره جهادي سټوډيو (هلمند د عزم په څپو کي )په نوم ویډیو ترتیب او نشر کړه
ویډیو چي ټول ټال شپږ دقیقي کیږي ،کي ښودل شوي چي دهلمند ولایت دکجکي ولسوالۍ په بازار او نورو سیمو کي داسلامي امارت مجاهدین له دښمن څخه په نیول شویو شوبلو کي په خوار ډاډ سره ګرځي اوهمدا راز په بازار کي لیدل کيږي د سیمي اوسېدونکي دمجاهدینو استقبال ته راوتلي او زیاته ګڼه ګوڼه ده .
د ويډیو په اخیرنۍ برخه دکجکي ولسوالۍ دمجاهدینو څو لنډي صحني له یوې خوږي ترانۍ سره واړل شوي دي چي تر لیدلو رورسته ویډیو هم پای ته رسیږي .
په لاندي ورکړل شويو لینکونو ویډیو کتلای او ښکته کولای شئ
wn.com/Alemarah هلمند دعزم په څپو کي
(هلمند دعزم په څپو کي) د الاماره سټوډیو نوې په زړه پوري ويډیو نشر کړه
دافغانستان اسلامي امارت دفرهنګي چارو کمیسیون د سمعي او بصري څانګي مربوط الاماره جهادي سټوډيو (هلمند د عزم په څپو کي )په نوم ویډیو ترتیب او نشر کړه
ویډیو چي ټول ټال شپږ دقیقي کیږي ،کي ښودل شوي چي دهلمند ولایت دکجکي ولسوالۍ په بازار او نورو سیمو کي داسلامي امارت مجاهدین له دښمن څخه په نیول شویو شوبلو کي په خوار ډاډ سره ګرځي اوهمدا راز په بازار کي لیدل کيږي د سیمي اوسېدونکي دمجاهدینو استقبال ته راوتلي او زیاته ګڼه ګوڼه ده .
د ويډیو په اخیرنۍ برخه دکجکي ولسوالۍ دمجاهدینو څو لنډي صحني له یوې خوږي ترانۍ سره واړل شوي دي چي تر لیدلو رورسته ویډیو هم پای ته رسیږي .
په لاندي ورکړل شويو لینکونو ویډیو کتلای او ښکته کولای شئ
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 348
نبرد میان نیروهای دولتی افغانستان و طالبان در ولایت هلمند شدت گرفته است
در حالی که جنگ بین نیروهای افغان و ستیزه جویان طالبان در ولایت هلمند افغانستان ادامه می یابد نیروهای بیشتری به همراه کامیون های حامل مهمات وارد هلمند می شوند. ج...
در حالی که جنگ بین نیروهای افغان و ستیزه جویان طالبان در ولایت هلمند افغانستان ادامه می یابد نیروهای بیشتری به همراه کامیون های حامل مهمات وارد هلمند می شوند. جنگی که بویژه در شهر سنگین شدت گرفته و موجب فرار ساکنان شهر شده است.
منبع پخش - http://ir.voanews.com/media/video/afghanistan-taliban/3120534.html
wn.com/نبرد میان نیروهای دولتی افغانستان و طالبان در ولایت هلمند شدت گرفته است
در حالی که جنگ بین نیروهای افغان و ستیزه جویان طالبان در ولایت هلمند افغانستان ادامه می یابد نیروهای بیشتری به همراه کامیون های حامل مهمات وارد هلمند می شوند. جنگی که بویژه در شهر سنگین شدت گرفته و موجب فرار ساکنان شهر شده است.
منبع پخش - http://ir.voanews.com/media/video/afghanistan-taliban/3120534.html
- published: 27 Dec 2015
- views: 193
سقوط ولسوالی نوزاد ولایت هلمند به دست مخالفان مسلح
یک عضو شورای ولایتی هلمند هشدار می دهد، اگر به وضعیت امنیتی ولایت هلمند توجه جدی نشود ولسوالی های دیگر این ولایت نیز در آستانه ی سقوط قرار دارد. همزمان با این، ...
یک عضو شورای ولایتی هلمند هشدار می دهد، اگر به وضعیت امنیتی ولایت هلمند توجه جدی نشود ولسوالی های دیگر این ولایت نیز در آستانه ی سقوط قرار دارد. همزمان با این، مسوولان محلی ولایت کندز می گویند، از چهار روز به این سو مخالفان مسلح بالای ولسوالی قلعه ذال این ولایت هجوم آورده و قلعه ی تاریخی ذال را که در ده کیلومتری اداره ولسوالی قرار دارد به تصرف خود در آورده اند.
wn.com/سقوط ولسوالی نوزاد ولایت هلمند به دست مخالفان مسلح
یک عضو شورای ولایتی هلمند هشدار می دهد، اگر به وضعیت امنیتی ولایت هلمند توجه جدی نشود ولسوالی های دیگر این ولایت نیز در آستانه ی سقوط قرار دارد. همزمان با این، مسوولان محلی ولایت کندز می گویند، از چهار روز به این سو مخالفان مسلح بالای ولسوالی قلعه ذال این ولایت هجوم آورده و قلعه ی تاریخی ذال را که در ده کیلومتری اداره ولسوالی قرار دارد به تصرف خود در آورده اند.
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 43
هلمند .. رحى المعارك
تقرير : ولي الله شاهين - إقليم هلمند تاريخ بث التقرير :20\2\2010 قالت قوات مشاة البحرية الأمريكية إنها استولت على ما يعتقد أنه مقر لحركة طالبان في جنوب مرجة ......
تقرير : ولي الله شاهين - إقليم هلمند تاريخ بث التقرير :20\2\2010 قالت قوات مشاة البحرية الأمريكية إنها استولت على ما يعتقد أنه مقر لحركة طالبان في جنوب مرجة ...
wn.com/هلمند .. رحى المعارك
تقرير : ولي الله شاهين - إقليم هلمند تاريخ بث التقرير :20\2\2010 قالت قوات مشاة البحرية الأمريكية إنها استولت على ما يعتقد أنه مقر لحركة طالبان في جنوب مرجة ...
NEGARISH / نگرش: درگیرها در هلمند و نامه والی هلمند به رئیس جمهور در فیسبوک
در دور روز گذشته ازاثر درگیری های شدید میان نظامیان افغان و طالبان درهلمند دست کم 90 جوان کشته شدند . معاون والی هملند در نامه ای به رییس جمهور نگاشته است که د...
در دور روز گذشته ازاثر درگیری های شدید میان نظامیان افغان و طالبان درهلمند دست کم 90 جوان کشته شدند . معاون والی هملند در نامه ای به رییس جمهور نگاشته است که درسقوط ولسوالی نوزاد در این ولایت صدها سرباز و سلاح های سنگین و سبک را از دست داده اند . وی به رییس جمهور غنی هشدار میدهد در صورتیکه این ولایت به دست شورشیان سقوط کند تصرف دوباره آن نا ممکن است.
wn.com/Negarish نگرش درگیرها در هلمند و نامه والی هلمند به رئیس جمهور در فیسبوک
در دور روز گذشته ازاثر درگیری های شدید میان نظامیان افغان و طالبان درهلمند دست کم 90 جوان کشته شدند . معاون والی هملند در نامه ای به رییس جمهور نگاشته است که درسقوط ولسوالی نوزاد در این ولایت صدها سرباز و سلاح های سنگین و سبک را از دست داده اند . وی به رییس جمهور غنی هشدار میدهد در صورتیکه این ولایت به دست شورشیان سقوط کند تصرف دوباره آن نا ممکن است.
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 352
فهیم یاوری(دریای هلمند) افغانستان
اینجا دریا ولایت هلمند میباشد. از جلمه دریایی نسبتا بزرگ در سطح کشور محسوب میشود....
اینجا دریا ولایت هلمند میباشد. از جلمه دریایی نسبتا بزرگ در سطح کشور محسوب میشود.
wn.com/فهیم یاوری(دریای هلمند) افغانستان
اینجا دریا ولایت هلمند میباشد. از جلمه دریایی نسبتا بزرگ در سطح کشور محسوب میشود.
- published: 31 Jul 2014
- views: 23
حمله مگسهای طالبی و طبیعی به هلمند افغانستان
در اثر جو خونریزی و کشتار و طالبی مردم مظلوم و درد دیده ولایت هلمند افغانستان مورد حمله مگس ها قرار گرفته اند که این کلپ وضعیت را نمایش میدهد که در جایی که د......
در اثر جو خونریزی و کشتار و طالبی مردم مظلوم و درد دیده ولایت هلمند افغانستان مورد حمله مگس ها قرار گرفته اند که این کلپ وضعیت را نمایش میدهد که در جایی که د...
wn.com/حمله مگسهای طالبی و طبیعی به هلمند افغانستان
در اثر جو خونریزی و کشتار و طالبی مردم مظلوم و درد دیده ولایت هلمند افغانستان مورد حمله مگس ها قرار گرفته اند که این کلپ وضعیت را نمایش میدهد که در جایی که د...
مارجه ، هلمند ولایت ، مشترک
هدف قرار دادن یکی از مخفیګاه های باقی مانده طالبان در ولایت هلمند نیرو های امنیتی افغان و بین المللی به گفته یک تعداد زیاد بزرگترین عملیات خود را علیه شورشیا......
هدف قرار دادن یکی از مخفیګاه های باقی مانده طالبان در ولایت هلمند نیرو های امنیتی افغان و بین المللی به گفته یک تعداد زیاد بزرگترین عملیات خود را علیه شورشیا...
wn.com/مارجه ، هلمند ولایت ، مشترک
هدف قرار دادن یکی از مخفیګاه های باقی مانده طالبان در ولایت هلمند نیرو های امنیتی افغان و بین المللی به گفته یک تعداد زیاد بزرگترین عملیات خود را علیه شورشیا...
حامدکرزي د هلمند له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو او مشرانو سره وکتل
حامدکرزي د هلمند له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو او مشرانو سره وکتل د افغانستان د اسلامي جمهوریت جمهوررئیس حامدکرزي د هلمند ولایت له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو، مشرانو او ......
حامدکرزي د هلمند له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو او مشرانو سره وکتل د افغانستان د اسلامي جمهوریت جمهوررئیس حامدکرزي د هلمند ولایت له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو، مشرانو او ...
wn.com/حامدکرزي د هلمند له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو او مشرانو سره وکتل
حامدکرزي د هلمند له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو او مشرانو سره وکتل د افغانستان د اسلامي جمهوریت جمهوررئیس حامدکرزي د هلمند ولایت له یو شمېر دیني عالمانو، مشرانو او ...
- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 7973
author: ARG1880
Inside Afghanistan 1 of 2 - VICE News
The BBC's Ben Anderson spends 24 hours in Afghanistan's bloody Helmand Province and walks into a firefight. For more, visit http://vice.com/vice-news Subscri...
Britain Closes Final Frontline Base in Helmand 12.05.14
Britain's last frontline base in Helmand Province has closed. Troops left 'Sterga 2' for the final time this weekend. They have returned to Camp Bastion, the...
UK defence minister Ainsworth in Helmand province; file of UK troops
Britain's Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth on Tuesday made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan where he met with Afghan officials and British troops.
Ainsworth arrived in Helmand province, where the majority of Britain's troops are based, and had a meeting with the province's governor, Gulab Mangal.
The Ministry of Defence said Ainworth's trip was to last several days, the UK's Press Association
The BBC's Ben Anderson spends 24 hours in Afghanistan's bloody Helmand Province and walks into a firefight. For More, visit www.vice.com/vice-news.
UN inspects Helmand governance progress 02.04.13
The success of the security effort by ISAF and Afghan troops in Helmand province has been backed up by local government reform. It has been seen as one of th...
Suspected Afghan ISIL leader killed by drone strike
A missile-firing drone has reportedly killed one of the leaders of Islamic State militant group in Afghanistan.
The operation is said to have taken place in the violence riddled Helmand province.
According to Afghan officials, the senior militant targeted was former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mullah Abdul Rauf, a former Taliban veteran.
Helmand's police chief, Nabi Jan Mullahkhel said Rauf was tra
Afghanistan Tourist Attractions: 7 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Afghanistan? Check out our Afghanistan Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Afghanistan.
Top Best Places to visit in Afghanistan:
Gardens of Babur, National Museum of Afghanistan, Kabul Zoo, Id Gah Mosque, Kabul, Qargha Reservoir, Jama Masjid of Herat, Khyber Pass
Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1
UK Prime Minister arrives for visit to Pakistan
1. British Airways plane taxis in
2. Ground crew guide plane in
3. Tony Blair appears, descends steps, meets British & Pakistan officials
4. Military Guard of honour
5. Blair meets more officials, walks away
6. Close-up guard stands to attention
7. Blair walks on, meets more people, gets into car
8. Car drives off
The British Prime Minister Tony Blair
INSIDE Kuala Lumpur with Carey Ng and Josiah Mizukami | June 2015
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
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Kuala Lumpur was founded in 1857 by a member of the Selangor royal family, Raja Abdullah, who was the representative of the Yam Tuan who administered Klang. Together with Raja Jumaat of Lukut and 87 Chinese workers, he came to explore t
British soldier unlawfully killed 07.02.12
A British soldier who died in Afghanistan when an IED destroyed the Viking vehicle he was travelling in was unlawfully killed, an inquest has ruled. Trooper ...
SSgt. Jack Pierce
http://www.homesforourtroops.org/pierce - Marine Staff Sergeant Jack Pierce was on his third deployment when he was left paralyzed after his vehicle drove ov...
The fight for Helmand (from Return To Hope documentary)
British and Afghan troops fought a growing insurgency in northern Helmand in the summer of 2006. One paratrooper recounts his own story in the fight for Sangin.
This video is extracted from the multiple-award winning Return to Hope web documentary, which tells the real story of
the last 13 years in Afghanistan and can be found at http://www.returntohope.com
An American Killed as Gunmen Storm Guest House in Upmarket Area of Afghan capital
AP-Gunmen stormed a guesthouse in the Afghan capital as it hosted a party for foreigners Wednesday night, and the U.S. Embassy said one American was killed. A witness said as many as several dozen people were believed held captive.
Details about exactly how many people were held at Kabul's Park Palace Hotel remained unclear into the night, as sporadic gunfire echoed around the guesthouse in a cen
Helping locals
Watch the video from natochannel.tv about how the Danish Civil/Military Cooperation (CIMIC) team help the local people in Gereshk, Helmand Province, by spons...
Bahraini Special Security Forces Award Ceremony
Footage of Bahraini Special Security Forces and Marines with 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment hold an award ceremony on Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province...
Interview, with shakir azizi, journalist in afghanistan. about: Youths, education, media
I had a trip to Helmand Province, Lashkar gah city, in 2010. and had some interviews with governor, stakeholders, police, military and other civilians. Durin...
【K】Albania Travel-Kruja[알바니아 여행-크루야]오스만투르크 전투 현장, 크루야 성/Kruja Castle/Skanderbeg/View
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A dust devil - Sand Tornado. Trina and Zahi - the "tornado chasers" near Jericho, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional a
20mm Under Fire Miniatures Helmand 2010 British Infantry
Some of the best 20mm figures available, check out the range on their website!
Travel Booking Sites Must Pay Hawaii Millions in Back Taxes
Nine online travel booking sites — including Expedia, Orbitz and Priceline — must pay Hawaii millions in back taxes, the state's supreme court ruled Tuesday. While the state tax department said the companies owed taxes for selling Hawaii hotel rooms, the companies said they did not owe the taxes because they do not have a physical operation in the state. Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin said in a
Viajes a Albania con Aspasia Travel, especialistas en viajes de calidad.
טורנדו חול (עלעול) ליד יריחו Tornado Chasers - A dust devil - Sand Tornado near Jericho, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional a
OP Khers, Nawa, Helmand, 2010
Marines & Sailors of 3/3 India help to restore safety to the people of the Nawa district in Afghanistan, allowing them to farm and sell their products withou...
Inside Afghanistan 1 of 2 - VICE News
The BBC's Ben Anderson spends 24 hours in Afghanistan's bloody Helmand Province and walks into a firefight. For more, visit http://vice.com/vice-news Subscri......
The BBC's Ben Anderson spends 24 hours in Afghanistan's bloody Helmand Province and walks into a firefight. For more, visit http://vice.com/vice-news Subscri...
wn.com/Inside Afghanistan 1 Of 2 Vice News
The BBC's Ben Anderson spends 24 hours in Afghanistan's bloody Helmand Province and walks into a firefight. For more, visit http://vice.com/vice-news Subscri...
- published: 27 Oct 2011
- views: 173955
author: VICE
Britain Closes Final Frontline Base in Helmand 12.05.14
Britain's last frontline base in Helmand Province has closed. Troops left 'Sterga 2' for the final time this weekend. They have returned to Camp Bastion, the......
Britain's last frontline base in Helmand Province has closed. Troops left 'Sterga 2' for the final time this weekend. They have returned to Camp Bastion, the...
wn.com/Britain Closes Final Frontline Base In Helmand 12.05.14
Britain's last frontline base in Helmand Province has closed. Troops left 'Sterga 2' for the final time this weekend. They have returned to Camp Bastion, the...
UK defence minister Ainsworth in Helmand province; file of UK troops
Britain's Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth on Tuesday made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan where he met with Afghan officials and British troops.
Ainsworth ...
Britain's Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth on Tuesday made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan where he met with Afghan officials and British troops.
Ainsworth arrived in Helmand province, where the majority of Britain's troops are based, and had a meeting with the province's governor, Gulab Mangal.
The Ministry of Defence said Ainworth's trip was to last several days, the UK's Press Association news agency reported.
The visit comes a day after the Ministry of Defence announced the death of another British soldier, bringing to 100 the British death toll in the troubled Central Asian country this year.
The soldier, from the 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, was shot and killed by small arms fire in Helmand province.
Last week, Britain announced that it is sending an extra 500 troops to Afghanistan, bringing its numbers there to about 10-thousand, including special forces.
The increase coincided with US President Barack Obama's announcement that he would send 30-thousand more forces to Afghanistan to tackle the growing Taliban insurgency.
The main mission of the new US troops will be to reverse Taliban gains and secure population centres in the country's volatile south and east, including Helmand.
US Defence Secretary Robert Gates also arrived unannounced in Afghanistan on Tuesday, on a separate visit.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/8019e60b2b62474e0c565799eaf54432
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/UK Defence Minister Ainsworth In Helmand Province File Of UK Troops
Britain's Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth on Tuesday made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan where he met with Afghan officials and British troops.
Ainsworth arrived in Helmand province, where the majority of Britain's troops are based, and had a meeting with the province's governor, Gulab Mangal.
The Ministry of Defence said Ainworth's trip was to last several days, the UK's Press Association news agency reported.
The visit comes a day after the Ministry of Defence announced the death of another British soldier, bringing to 100 the British death toll in the troubled Central Asian country this year.
The soldier, from the 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, was shot and killed by small arms fire in Helmand province.
Last week, Britain announced that it is sending an extra 500 troops to Afghanistan, bringing its numbers there to about 10-thousand, including special forces.
The increase coincided with US President Barack Obama's announcement that he would send 30-thousand more forces to Afghanistan to tackle the growing Taliban insurgency.
The main mission of the new US troops will be to reverse Taliban gains and secure population centres in the country's volatile south and east, including Helmand.
US Defence Secretary Robert Gates also arrived unannounced in Afghanistan on Tuesday, on a separate visit.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/8019e60b2b62474e0c565799eaf54432
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 0
The BBC's Ben Anderson spends 24 hours in Afghanistan's bloody Helmand Province and walks into a firefight. For More, visit www.vice.com/vice-news....
The BBC's Ben Anderson spends 24 hours in Afghanistan's bloody Helmand Province and walks into a firefight. For More, visit www.vice.com/vice-news.
wn.com/Inside Afghanistan Part 2 | Vice News | Vice
The BBC's Ben Anderson spends 24 hours in Afghanistan's bloody Helmand Province and walks into a firefight. For More, visit www.vice.com/vice-news.
- published: 27 Oct 2011
- views: 101397
author: VICE
UN inspects Helmand governance progress 02.04.13
The success of the security effort by ISAF and Afghan troops in Helmand province has been backed up by local government reform. It has been seen as one of th......
The success of the security effort by ISAF and Afghan troops in Helmand province has been backed up by local government reform. It has been seen as one of th...
wn.com/Un Inspects Helmand Governance Progress 02.04.13
The success of the security effort by ISAF and Afghan troops in Helmand province has been backed up by local government reform. It has been seen as one of th...
Suspected Afghan ISIL leader killed by drone strike
A missile-firing drone has reportedly killed one of the leaders of Islamic State militant group in Afghanistan.
The operation is said to have taken place in th...
A missile-firing drone has reportedly killed one of the leaders of Islamic State militant group in Afghanistan.
The operation is said to have taken place in the violence riddled Helmand province.
According to Afghan officials, the senior militant targeted was former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mullah Abdul Rauf, a former Taliban veteran.
Helmand's police chief, Nabi Jan Mullahkhel said Rauf was travelling in a car when the drone attacked. At least five other people were killed including his broth…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/02/09/suspected-afghan-isil-leader-killed-by-drone-strike
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wn.com/Suspected Afghan ISIL Leader Killed By Drone Strike
A missile-firing drone has reportedly killed one of the leaders of Islamic State militant group in Afghanistan.
The operation is said to have taken place in the violence riddled Helmand province.
According to Afghan officials, the senior militant targeted was former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mullah Abdul Rauf, a former Taliban veteran.
Helmand's police chief, Nabi Jan Mullahkhel said Rauf was travelling in a car when the drone attacked. At least five other people were killed including his broth…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/02/09/suspected-afghan-isil-leader-killed-by-drone-strike
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
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- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 1083
Afghanistan Tourist Attractions: 7 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Afghanistan? Check out our Afghanistan Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Afghanistan.
Top Best Places to visit in Af...
Planning to visit Afghanistan? Check out our Afghanistan Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Afghanistan.
Top Best Places to visit in Afghanistan:
Gardens of Babur, National Museum of Afghanistan, Kabul Zoo, Id Gah Mosque, Kabul, Qargha Reservoir, Jama Masjid of Herat, Khyber Pass
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wn.com/Afghanistan Tourist Attractions 7 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Afghanistan? Check out our Afghanistan Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Afghanistan.
Top Best Places to visit in Afghanistan:
Gardens of Babur, National Museum of Afghanistan, Kabul Zoo, Id Gah Mosque, Kabul, Qargha Reservoir, Jama Masjid of Herat, Khyber Pass
Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1
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This Video is Created and Marketed by Social Bubble Global. All Rights Reserved. For Travel & Tourism Industry Online Services Contact Social Bubble Today.
- published: 12 Sep 2015
- views: 164
UK Prime Minister arrives for visit to Pakistan
1. British Airways plane taxis in
2. Ground crew guide plane in
3. Tony Blair appears, descends steps, meets British & Pakistan of...
1. British Airways plane taxis in
2. Ground crew guide plane in
3. Tony Blair appears, descends steps, meets British & Pakistan officials
4. Military Guard of honour
5. Blair meets more officials, walks away
6. Close-up guard stands to attention
7. Blair walks on, meets more people, gets into car
8. Car drives off
The British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Pakistan on Saturday for talks with President General Pervez Musharraf on stemming the flow of Islamic militants travelling between their countries and tackling the Taliban resurgence in neighbouring Afghanistan.
Blair landed at Chakala Airbase near the capital, Islamabad.
During the meeting with Musharraf, due on Sunday, the leaders are expected to agree on new plans to curb extremism, including a funding package to promote moderate teaching in religious schools and a new push on intelligence sharing.
A senior official at Britain's Foreign Office said this week that hundreds of people travel between Pakistan and Britain each year to relay messages and raise funds on behalf of groups planning terror attacks.
Dozens head to Pakistan's border region with Afghanistan to attend terrorist training camps, the official said.
The leaders hope also to discuss problems in policing the Afghan border and the role of British troops in the southern Afghan province of Helmand, where more than 30 soldiers have been killed since June.
Pakistan's continued cooperation in cracking down on cross-border infiltration by Taliban militants is seen as critically important for the success of US and NATO military operations in Afghanistan.
Blair's visit, his third to Pakistan and first since 2002, came a day after Musharraf freed a Briton held on Pakistan's death row for 18 years.
Mirza Tahir Hussain, who is 36, had maintained his innocence for the murder of taxi driver Jamshed Khan in 1988. He was released Friday after his death sentence was commuted to life in prison two days earlier and immediately flew home to Britain.
Blair's visit is also expected to include talks with Pakistan's Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, and with religious leaders at a mosque, amid growing concern about the role of Pakistan in radicalising young British Muslims.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/a764775314e0e0fe8ff87c9ea135fcfd
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/UK Prime Minister Arrives For Visit To Pakistan
1. British Airways plane taxis in
2. Ground crew guide plane in
3. Tony Blair appears, descends steps, meets British & Pakistan officials
4. Military Guard of honour
5. Blair meets more officials, walks away
6. Close-up guard stands to attention
7. Blair walks on, meets more people, gets into car
8. Car drives off
The British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Pakistan on Saturday for talks with President General Pervez Musharraf on stemming the flow of Islamic militants travelling between their countries and tackling the Taliban resurgence in neighbouring Afghanistan.
Blair landed at Chakala Airbase near the capital, Islamabad.
During the meeting with Musharraf, due on Sunday, the leaders are expected to agree on new plans to curb extremism, including a funding package to promote moderate teaching in religious schools and a new push on intelligence sharing.
A senior official at Britain's Foreign Office said this week that hundreds of people travel between Pakistan and Britain each year to relay messages and raise funds on behalf of groups planning terror attacks.
Dozens head to Pakistan's border region with Afghanistan to attend terrorist training camps, the official said.
The leaders hope also to discuss problems in policing the Afghan border and the role of British troops in the southern Afghan province of Helmand, where more than 30 soldiers have been killed since June.
Pakistan's continued cooperation in cracking down on cross-border infiltration by Taliban militants is seen as critically important for the success of US and NATO military operations in Afghanistan.
Blair's visit, his third to Pakistan and first since 2002, came a day after Musharraf freed a Briton held on Pakistan's death row for 18 years.
Mirza Tahir Hussain, who is 36, had maintained his innocence for the murder of taxi driver Jamshed Khan in 1988. He was released Friday after his death sentence was commuted to life in prison two days earlier and immediately flew home to Britain.
Blair's visit is also expected to include talks with Pakistan's Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, and with religious leaders at a mosque, amid growing concern about the role of Pakistan in radicalising young British Muslims.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/a764775314e0e0fe8ff87c9ea135fcfd
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 17
INSIDE Kuala Lumpur with Carey Ng and Josiah Mizukami | June 2015
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
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You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TTVasia
Kuala Lumpur was founded in 1857 by a member of the Selangor royal family, Raja Abdullah, who was the representative of the Yam Tuan who administered Klang. Together with Raja Jumaat of Lukut and 87 Chinese workers, he came to explore the district in search for tin ore. After travelling up the Klang River to reach its confluence with the Gombak River, they made their way through deep jungle and found tin near Ampang. That moment marked the beginning of KL's development. Over the years it grew from a tin miner's camp into a commercial centre that was able to attract large numbers of investors from around various places.
Here's your essential Kuala Lumpur travel guide this June 2015 - Miss Universe Malaysia 2013 Carey Ng and host Josiah Mizukami tour you around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Kuala Lumpur.
You'll never have a hard time hailing a cab in Kuala Lumpur with MYTEKSI. Just download the mobile app and get a taxi safely whenever you are. With just two taps, you're off to a day of sightseeing in the city. Hop on the KL Horse and Carriage Ride and explore the amazing sights the city has to offer.
While in Kuala Lumpur, make sure you also check out these places and attractions:
* MUD: Our Story of Kuala Lumpur The Musical: https://youtu.be/LFyQbtvUjHI
Kuala Lumpur is a city filled with rich and get ready to watch it unfold when you watch MUD: Our Story of Kuala Lumpur The Musical.
* Devi's Corner: https://youtu.be/bPFEp7o1W9U
Devi's Corner is a long time favorite among locals and tourists alike. Open 24 hours a day, this Indian restaurant is the one of the cultural treasures of Bangsar area.
* Jumpstreet KL: https://youtu.be/yg8HxIbQ6CM
JumpStreet Trampoline Parks are an amazing urban playground for adults and children alike, with hundreds of interconnected trampolines from the floor right up the walls and multiple jumping attractions at every venue.
* Changkat Bukit Bintang: https://youtu.be/oFeVCeUTNQM
Changkat Bukit Bintang - known as Kuala Lumpur's nightlife district is more than meets the eye. There are still some little gems left to be discovered in the vibrant area.
If you're in town this month, don't miss the following events:
* The Mythical Journey — 6 -7 June
* Fifteen — 11 - 14 June
* Red Demon — 18 - 20 June
* Waiting for that Day – A Live Concert — 24 - 25 June
For event tickets and more information, visit http://www.ticketpro.com.my
Have a great stay in Kuala Kumpur!
Check out http://www.insider-tv.com/ and connect with us on:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/InsiderTV
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wn.com/Inside Kuala Lumpur With Carey Ng And Josiah Mizukami | June 2015
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TTVasia
Kuala Lumpur was founded in 1857 by a member of the Selangor royal family, Raja Abdullah, who was the representative of the Yam Tuan who administered Klang. Together with Raja Jumaat of Lukut and 87 Chinese workers, he came to explore the district in search for tin ore. After travelling up the Klang River to reach its confluence with the Gombak River, they made their way through deep jungle and found tin near Ampang. That moment marked the beginning of KL's development. Over the years it grew from a tin miner's camp into a commercial centre that was able to attract large numbers of investors from around various places.
Here's your essential Kuala Lumpur travel guide this June 2015 - Miss Universe Malaysia 2013 Carey Ng and host Josiah Mizukami tour you around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Kuala Lumpur.
You'll never have a hard time hailing a cab in Kuala Lumpur with MYTEKSI. Just download the mobile app and get a taxi safely whenever you are. With just two taps, you're off to a day of sightseeing in the city. Hop on the KL Horse and Carriage Ride and explore the amazing sights the city has to offer.
While in Kuala Lumpur, make sure you also check out these places and attractions:
* MUD: Our Story of Kuala Lumpur The Musical: https://youtu.be/LFyQbtvUjHI
Kuala Lumpur is a city filled with rich and get ready to watch it unfold when you watch MUD: Our Story of Kuala Lumpur The Musical.
* Devi's Corner: https://youtu.be/bPFEp7o1W9U
Devi's Corner is a long time favorite among locals and tourists alike. Open 24 hours a day, this Indian restaurant is the one of the cultural treasures of Bangsar area.
* Jumpstreet KL: https://youtu.be/yg8HxIbQ6CM
JumpStreet Trampoline Parks are an amazing urban playground for adults and children alike, with hundreds of interconnected trampolines from the floor right up the walls and multiple jumping attractions at every venue.
* Changkat Bukit Bintang: https://youtu.be/oFeVCeUTNQM
Changkat Bukit Bintang - known as Kuala Lumpur's nightlife district is more than meets the eye. There are still some little gems left to be discovered in the vibrant area.
If you're in town this month, don't miss the following events:
* The Mythical Journey — 6 -7 June
* Fifteen — 11 - 14 June
* Red Demon — 18 - 20 June
* Waiting for that Day – A Live Concert — 24 - 25 June
For event tickets and more information, visit http://www.ticketpro.com.my
Have a great stay in Kuala Kumpur!
Check out http://www.insider-tv.com/ and connect with us on:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/InsiderTV
SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TTVasia
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Instagram: https://instagram.com/insider.tv
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- published: 04 Jun 2015
- views: 10076
British soldier unlawfully killed 07.02.12
A British soldier who died in Afghanistan when an IED destroyed the Viking vehicle he was travelling in was unlawfully killed, an inquest has ruled. Trooper ......
A British soldier who died in Afghanistan when an IED destroyed the Viking vehicle he was travelling in was unlawfully killed, an inquest has ruled. Trooper ...
wn.com/British Soldier Unlawfully Killed 07.02.12
A British soldier who died in Afghanistan when an IED destroyed the Viking vehicle he was travelling in was unlawfully killed, an inquest has ruled. Trooper ...
SSgt. Jack Pierce
http://www.homesforourtroops.org/pierce - Marine Staff Sergeant Jack Pierce was on his third deployment when he was left paralyzed after his vehicle drove ov......
http://www.homesforourtroops.org/pierce - Marine Staff Sergeant Jack Pierce was on his third deployment when he was left paralyzed after his vehicle drove ov...
wn.com/Ssgt. Jack Pierce
http://www.homesforourtroops.org/pierce - Marine Staff Sergeant Jack Pierce was on his third deployment when he was left paralyzed after his vehicle drove ov...
The fight for Helmand (from Return To Hope documentary)
British and Afghan troops fought a growing insurgency in northern Helmand in the summer of 2006. One paratrooper recounts his own story in the fight for Sangin....
British and Afghan troops fought a growing insurgency in northern Helmand in the summer of 2006. One paratrooper recounts his own story in the fight for Sangin.
This video is extracted from the multiple-award winning Return to Hope web documentary, which tells the real story of
the last 13 years in Afghanistan and can be found at http://www.returntohope.com
wn.com/The Fight For Helmand (From Return To Hope Documentary)
British and Afghan troops fought a growing insurgency in northern Helmand in the summer of 2006. One paratrooper recounts his own story in the fight for Sangin.
This video is extracted from the multiple-award winning Return to Hope web documentary, which tells the real story of
the last 13 years in Afghanistan and can be found at http://www.returntohope.com
- published: 26 Nov 2014
- views: 130
An American Killed as Gunmen Storm Guest House in Upmarket Area of Afghan capital
AP-Gunmen stormed a guesthouse in the Afghan capital as it hosted a party for foreigners Wednesday night, and the U.S. Embassy said one American was killed. A w...
AP-Gunmen stormed a guesthouse in the Afghan capital as it hosted a party for foreigners Wednesday night, and the U.S. Embassy said one American was killed. A witness said as many as several dozen people were believed held captive.
Details about exactly how many people were held at Kabul's Park Palace Hotel remained unclear into the night, as sporadic gunfire echoed around the guesthouse in a central neighborhood home to United Nations compounds and a foreign-run hospital. Two explosions later could be heard and four ambulances later arrived to the scene.
Amin Habi, a U.S. citizen from Los Angeles, told The Associated Press that a party was going on at the hotel to honor a Canadian when the gunmen stormed the guesthouse. He said as many as 40 people, including foreigners and U.S. citizens, could still be inside the hotel.
The U.S. Embassy said in an email statement issued Wednesday that a U.S. citizen was killed in the attack, although it did not provide further details or identify the victim.
Amar Sinha, India's ambassador to Afghanistan, said he believed at least six people still held inside were Indian citizens. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Twitter account said he was "concerned about the situation (and) I pray for everyone's safety."
Police officers earlier freed some 20 people trapped in the guesthouse, but others remained inside, said Zia Massoud, an Afghan government official. He said at least one of those people was wounded.
The hotel has both guest rooms for visitors and a residential area for those who live full time in Kabul, including foreign aid workers.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, though the Taliban have attacked guesthouses before in Kabul.
Earlier Wednesday, gunmen killed 12 people and wounded 12 in an attack on a government compound in the city of Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province, authorities said.
Afghan security forces have been struggling to fend off Taliban attacks since U.S. and NATO forces formally concluded their combat mission at the end of last year.
wn.com/An American Killed As Gunmen Storm Guest House In Upmarket Area Of Afghan Capital
AP-Gunmen stormed a guesthouse in the Afghan capital as it hosted a party for foreigners Wednesday night, and the U.S. Embassy said one American was killed. A witness said as many as several dozen people were believed held captive.
Details about exactly how many people were held at Kabul's Park Palace Hotel remained unclear into the night, as sporadic gunfire echoed around the guesthouse in a central neighborhood home to United Nations compounds and a foreign-run hospital. Two explosions later could be heard and four ambulances later arrived to the scene.
Amin Habi, a U.S. citizen from Los Angeles, told The Associated Press that a party was going on at the hotel to honor a Canadian when the gunmen stormed the guesthouse. He said as many as 40 people, including foreigners and U.S. citizens, could still be inside the hotel.
The U.S. Embassy said in an email statement issued Wednesday that a U.S. citizen was killed in the attack, although it did not provide further details or identify the victim.
Amar Sinha, India's ambassador to Afghanistan, said he believed at least six people still held inside were Indian citizens. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Twitter account said he was "concerned about the situation (and) I pray for everyone's safety."
Police officers earlier freed some 20 people trapped in the guesthouse, but others remained inside, said Zia Massoud, an Afghan government official. He said at least one of those people was wounded.
The hotel has both guest rooms for visitors and a residential area for those who live full time in Kabul, including foreign aid workers.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, though the Taliban have attacked guesthouses before in Kabul.
Earlier Wednesday, gunmen killed 12 people and wounded 12 in an attack on a government compound in the city of Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province, authorities said.
Afghan security forces have been struggling to fend off Taliban attacks since U.S. and NATO forces formally concluded their combat mission at the end of last year.
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 7
Helping locals
Watch the video from natochannel.tv about how the Danish Civil/Military Cooperation (CIMIC) team help the local people in Gereshk, Helmand Province, by spons......
Watch the video from natochannel.tv about how the Danish Civil/Military Cooperation (CIMIC) team help the local people in Gereshk, Helmand Province, by spons...
wn.com/Helping Locals
Watch the video from natochannel.tv about how the Danish Civil/Military Cooperation (CIMIC) team help the local people in Gereshk, Helmand Province, by spons...
Bahraini Special Security Forces Award Ceremony
Footage of Bahraini Special Security Forces and Marines with 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment hold an award ceremony on Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province......
Footage of Bahraini Special Security Forces and Marines with 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment hold an award ceremony on Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province...
wn.com/Bahraini Special Security Forces Award Ceremony
Footage of Bahraini Special Security Forces and Marines with 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment hold an award ceremony on Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province...
- published: 17 Jun 2011
- views: 2724
author: dvidshub
Interview, with shakir azizi, journalist in afghanistan. about: Youths, education, media
I had a trip to Helmand Province, Lashkar gah city, in 2010. and had some interviews with governor, stakeholders, police, military and other civilians. Durin......
I had a trip to Helmand Province, Lashkar gah city, in 2010. and had some interviews with governor, stakeholders, police, military and other civilians. Durin...
wn.com/Interview, With Shakir Azizi, Journalist In Afghanistan. About Youths, Education, Media
I had a trip to Helmand Province, Lashkar gah city, in 2010. and had some interviews with governor, stakeholders, police, military and other civilians. Durin...
【K】Albania Travel-Kruja[알바니아 여행-크루야]오스만투르크 전투 현장, 크루야 성/Kruja Castle/Skanderbeg/View
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
크루야는 알바니아의 국민적 영웅인 스컨델베우가 통치했던 곳이다. 스컨델베우는 15세기 중반 이곳 크루야성에서 오스만투르크 군대와 13번의 전투를 벌였고 13번 모두 승리했다. 오스만투르크는 스컨델베우가 죽은 후에야 크루야를 정복할 수 있었다. 천혜의 요새 크루야성에 서니 성 아래가 한 눈에 들어온다.
[English: Google Translator]
Night Crew is a place where national hero in Scunthorpe delbe Wu reign of Albania. Scunthorpe delbe crying here beolyeotgo the mid-15th century, the Ottoman army in the wild crew and thirteen had won all 13 battles. Turks Scunthorpe delbe Wu was able to conquer the crew's only after death. Sunny wild sex under the blessed fort crew enters the eye.
[Albanian: Google Translator]
Night Crew është një vend ku heroi kombëtar në Scunthorpe delbe Wu mbretërimit të Shqipërisë. Scunthorpe delbe qarë këtu beolyeotgo mesit të shekullit të 15-të, ushtria osmane në ekuipazhit egër dhe trembëdhjetë kishte fituar të gjithë 13 betejat. Turqit Scunthorpe delbe Wu ishte në gjendje për të pushtuar ekuipazhit të vetëm pas vdekjes. Seksi egra Sunny nën ekuipazhit bekuar fort hyn në sy.
■클립명: 유럽108-알바니아01-04 오스만투르크 전투 현장, 크루야 성/Kruja Castle/Skanderbeg/View
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이내규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2010년 5월 May
유럽,Europe,동유럽,알바니아,Albania,Albania,,이내규,2010,5월 May,크루야,Kruja,Kruje
wn.com/【K】Albania Travel Kruja 알바니아 여행 크루야 오스만투르크 전투 현장, 크루야 성 Kruja Castle Skanderbeg View
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - http://goo.gl/thktbU
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
크루야는 알바니아의 국민적 영웅인 스컨델베우가 통치했던 곳이다. 스컨델베우는 15세기 중반 이곳 크루야성에서 오스만투르크 군대와 13번의 전투를 벌였고 13번 모두 승리했다. 오스만투르크는 스컨델베우가 죽은 후에야 크루야를 정복할 수 있었다. 천혜의 요새 크루야성에 서니 성 아래가 한 눈에 들어온다.
[English: Google Translator]
Night Crew is a place where national hero in Scunthorpe delbe Wu reign of Albania. Scunthorpe delbe crying here beolyeotgo the mid-15th century, the Ottoman army in the wild crew and thirteen had won all 13 battles. Turks Scunthorpe delbe Wu was able to conquer the crew's only after death. Sunny wild sex under the blessed fort crew enters the eye.
[Albanian: Google Translator]
Night Crew është një vend ku heroi kombëtar në Scunthorpe delbe Wu mbretërimit të Shqipërisë. Scunthorpe delbe qarë këtu beolyeotgo mesit të shekullit të 15-të, ushtria osmane në ekuipazhit egër dhe trembëdhjetë kishte fituar të gjithë 13 betejat. Turqit Scunthorpe delbe Wu ishte në gjendje për të pushtuar ekuipazhit të vetëm pas vdekjes. Seksi egra Sunny nën ekuipazhit bekuar fort hyn në sy.
■클립명: 유럽108-알바니아01-04 오스만투르크 전투 현장, 크루야 성/Kruja Castle/Skanderbeg/View
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이내규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2010년 5월 May
유럽,Europe,동유럽,알바니아,Albania,Albania,,이내규,2010,5월 May,크루야,Kruja,Kruje
- published: 19 Jun 2015
- views: 10
A dust devil - Sand Tornado. Trina and Zahi - the "tornado chasers" near Jericho, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Sha...
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, "glide" over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and "see" the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
wn.com/A Dust Devil Sand Tornado. Trina And Zahi The Tornado Chasers Near Jericho, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, "glide" over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and "see" the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 18
20mm Under Fire Miniatures Helmand 2010 British Infantry
Some of the best 20mm figures available, check out the range on their website!...
Some of the best 20mm figures available, check out the range on their website!
wn.com/20Mm Under Fire Miniatures Helmand 2010 British Infantry
Some of the best 20mm figures available, check out the range on their website!
- published: 13 May 2013
- views: 29
Travel Booking Sites Must Pay Hawaii Millions in Back Taxes
Nine online travel booking sites — including Expedia, Orbitz and Priceline — must pay Hawaii millions in back taxes, the state's supreme court ruled Tuesday. Wh...
Nine online travel booking sites — including Expedia, Orbitz and Priceline — must pay Hawaii millions in back taxes, the state's supreme court ruled Tuesday. While the state tax department said the companies owed taxes for selling Hawaii hotel rooms, the companies said they did not owe the taxes because they do not have a physical operation in the state. Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin said in a statement, "It is the result of years of effort by the Attorney General's office to collect state taxes from national companies who profited from selling Hawaii hotel rooms." According to Bloomberg, the bill for Expedia alone could be as high as $626 million.
wn.com/Travel Booking Sites Must Pay Hawaii Millions In Back Taxes
Nine online travel booking sites — including Expedia, Orbitz and Priceline — must pay Hawaii millions in back taxes, the state's supreme court ruled Tuesday. While the state tax department said the companies owed taxes for selling Hawaii hotel rooms, the companies said they did not owe the taxes because they do not have a physical operation in the state. Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin said in a statement, "It is the result of years of effort by the Attorney General's office to collect state taxes from national companies who profited from selling Hawaii hotel rooms." According to Bloomberg, the bill for Expedia alone could be as high as $626 million.
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 2
Viajes a Albania con Aspasia Travel, especialistas en viajes de calidad....
Viajes a Albania con Aspasia Travel, especialistas en viajes de calidad.
wn.com/Viajes A Albania Con Aspasia Travel
Viajes a Albania con Aspasia Travel, especialistas en viajes de calidad.
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 45
טורנדו חול (עלעול) ליד יריחו Tornado Chasers - A dust devil - Sand Tornado near Jericho, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Sha...
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, "glide" over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and "see" the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
wn.com/טורנדו חול (עלעול) ליד יריחו Tornado Chasers A Dust Devil Sand Tornado Near Jericho, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, "glide" over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and "see" the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 189
OP Khers, Nawa, Helmand, 2010
Marines & Sailors of 3/3 India help to restore safety to the people of the Nawa district in Afghanistan, allowing them to farm and sell their products withou......
Marines & Sailors of 3/3 India help to restore safety to the people of the Nawa district in Afghanistan, allowing them to farm and sell their products withou...
wn.com/Op Khers, Nawa, Helmand, 2010
Marines & Sailors of 3/3 India help to restore safety to the people of the Nawa district in Afghanistan, allowing them to farm and sell their products withou...