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This video provides an explanation of shear stress and calculation of average shear stress. In addition, describes some simple connections (single and double...
Simulation of simple shear in a granular material. Perspex disks are used as a substitute for grains. Since the transparent disks are of photo-elastic materi...
This video presents the work done at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor by Senior Undergraduate students, Xavier Arnaldo Rivera Hernandez and Jose Julian Rivera Perez from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez as part of the Research Work from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department leaded by Dr. Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos and Dr. Dimitrios Zekkos supervised by the graduate student Jonathan Hubler.
This is a simple connection between the beam and column of a steel structure.
An example showing how to find equations for shear force and bending moment and then how to draw their diagrams.
simulation of 54 red blood cells in simple shear flow (periodic boundary conditions, 320 elements per cell, 2-point interpolation stencil, computing time for...
Example solution of shear and moment diagrams of a simple beam using semi-graphical method. Three examples include a single point load, a uniform load, and t...
Cyclic test start from 10 seconds, you can here the "click" sound during the test which is the actuator is working.
Test 3 without end pins. As in Test 4 (see, pins grip the peat along the top and bottom plates. In Test 3 there is noticeably more rotation of the peat sample than in Test 4, at least up to the formation of the large fissures. However, the global stress - strain - strength behaviour turns out to be almost identical in the tests. NB: a variety of markers (yellow fibres, yellow speckles, variously coloured pins) were applied to determine best practice. For more information see the full article by Den Haan and Grognet, published in Géotechnique
Test 4 with end pins (pressed through the black plastic strips into the peat after consolidation). Pins also grip the peat along the top and bottom plates. In Test 3 (see, there is noticeably more rotation of the peat sample than in Test 4, at least up to the formation of the large fissures. However, the global stress - strain - strength behaviour turns out to be almost identical in the tests. NB: a variety of markers (yellow fibres, yellow speckles, variously coloured pins) were applied to determine best practice. For more information see the full article by Den Haan and Grognet, published in Géotechnique Letters:
The variable direction dynamic cyclic simple shear system (VDDCSS) allows simple shear to be performed in two directions, rather than the standard single direction. This is achieved by having a secondary shear actuator that acts at 90 degrees to the primary actuator.
Lattice Boltzmann and FEM simulation of tumbling red blood cell in simple shear flow (shear rate 60/s). The color denotes local membrane area dilatation. The...
Ensayo en el que una muestra cilíndrica de suelo, lateralmente confinada por una "camisa" de goma reforzada con acero, para mantener la sección constante, es...
This video shows the influence of a simple shear in a magnetic suspension subjected to hydrodynamic and magnetic interactions. The simulations were done in a research code written by Gontijo (2013) during his PhD Thesis under the supervision of Prof. Francisco Ricardo Cunha. Both are members of the Vortex Group - Fluid Mechanics of Complex Flows, at the University of Brasília - Brazil. In these videos the volume fraction of particles is very low (diluted suspension ~ around 1%) and the intensity of inteparticle magnetic interaction is also low (lambda around 0.1). In both cases there is an application of a moderated external field (alpha = 5). In the left we have a clear tendency of particle aligment in the field direction. There is also a tendency of aggregate formation with anisotropic structures (long chains in the field direction). When we apply a simple shear we may observe two interesting phenomena: first we have an attempt of the fluid's vorticity (imposed by shear stresses) of misaligning the particles against the direction of the applied field. The second behavior is the attempt of the shear in breaking possible anisotropic chains. Both phenomena are related to rheological responses of this complex fluid. The extra effort of the shear in misaligning the particles from the field direction leads to an increase on the fluid's viscosity. The break up of long chains in the field direction leads to a shear thinning behavior of a magnetic fluid when subjected to the application of an external field. Both phenomena are documented in the Master Degree's Dissertation of Adriano P. Rosa (2014), done under the supervision of Prof. Francisco Ricardo Cunha. All the videos published in this channel were developed in scientific works of the Vortex Group - Fluid Mechanics of Complex Flows, at the University of Brasília - Brazil.
The video demonstrates the complex forms of streamlines that emerge in the presence of inertia. The relatively simple Stokes flow streamline structure is bro...
A demonstration of the Australian Method of sheep shearing, at Young's Dairy Jersey Farm in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
In this video I work through a simple shear stress problem. Please note: Some techniques used in this video are more thoroughly explained in "Vector Statics"
Example problem showing the calculation of shear stress in a T-beam.
Introductory Structural Analysis Example Problems (50 problems) - US $1.99 This problem and more in an ebook on Structural Ana...
... shear extrapolated both vertically and along strike, over-estimated the tonnes in the deeper zones.
Stockhouse 2014-07-28... to simple shearing or tearing caused by the forceful separation of the panel from the airframe."
The Times of India 2014-07-22... to simple shearing or tearing caused by the forceful separation of the panel from the airframe."
The Times of India 2014-07-22F. L. , Dallas ... M. L. , Arlington ... R ... They respond quite well to simple shearing like that used on hollies and other shrubs.
The Dallas Morning News 2014-02-19Kinematic analysis of the Rosy Finch Shear Zone (RFSZ) via three-dimensional strain data and ...
noodls 2013-03-23... or columns are simple shear connections and do not induce any significant tension in the bolts.
The Examiner 2013-01-06In fluid mechanics, simple shear is a special case of deformation where only one component of velocity vectors has a non-zero value:
Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): \ V_x=f(x,y)
Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): \ V_y=V_z=0
And the gradient of velocity is constant and perpendicular to the velocity itself:
Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): \frac {\partial V_x} {\partial y} = \dot \gamma ,
where Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): \dot \gamma
Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): \frac {\partial V_x} {\partial x} = \frac {\partial V_x} {\partial z} = 0
The deformation gradient tensor Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): \Gamma
Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): \Gamma = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & {\dot \gamma} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}