Na Beam for the first time at TANDEM accelerator (LNS - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud)

Edit Public Technologies 10 Mar 2016
... the cross section of the Na(p,α)Ne reaction, one of the most interesting processes in astrophysics, since involved in the nucleosynthesis path in the A>20 mass region....

LSU Announces 'Rainmakers,' Leaders in Research (Louisiana State University)

Edit Public Technologies 10 Mar 2016
(Source. Louisiana State University) ... Art ... Specifically, she has developed experimental devices and techniques to measure the nuclear reactions responsible for this nucleosynthesis and employed them at accelerator laboratories around the country and abroad, including the installation of a 35-ton magnetic spectrograph at Florida State University supported by a Major Research Instrumentation Award from the National Science Foundation....

Rare 'Curious Marie' from early solar system discovered

Edit The Times of India 06 Mar 2016
NEW YORK ... "Curium is an elusive element ... The finding of naturally occurring curium in meteorites by scientists closes the loop opened by the discovery of man-made Curium and it provides a new constraint, which modellers can now incorporate into complex models of stellar nucleosynthesis and galactic chemical evolution to further understand how elements like gold were made in stars. The study was published in the journal Science Advances....

What is the Alpher-Bethe-Gamow Paper?

Edit 21 Feb 2016
The actual title of the paper was "The Origin of Chemical Elements" and it laid out the basic principles of nucleosynthesis, or the formation of elements heavier than hydrogen through nuclear fusion, in the early universe shortly following the Big Bang ... It would require later work in stellar nucleosynthesis to explain the creation of heavier elements....

Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, Episode 1, Standing Up in the Milky Way

Edit 21 Feb 2016
Logo for the television series Cosmos. A Spacetime Odyssey.  Fox Entertainment ... The series has gotten some mixed responses, with some criticism of overly-cartoonish graphics and extremely rudimentary concepts that it covers ... Covering the planets and the solar system, Dr ... Giordano Bruno ... He discusses the evidence in support of this theory, including the cosmic microwave background radiation and evidence of nucleosynthesis ... As Dr ... ....

Hunting for Ephemeral Cosmic Flashes: A Conversation with Mansi Kasliwal (California Institute of Technology)

Edit Public Technologies 12 Feb 2016
(Source. California Institute of Technology) ... Kasliwal grew up in Indore, India, and came to the United States to study at the age of 15. She earned her BS at Cornell University and then came to Caltech to complete her doctoral work in astronomy ... If you look at the periodic table, about half of the elements heavier than iron-things like gold, platinum, and uranium-are produced by something called r-process nucleosynthesis ... (noodl....

Google Street View comes to Cambridge University (University of Cambridge)

Edit Public Technologies 27 Jan 2016
(Source. University of Cambridge). The resulting tours, which are now available to explore online include ... If you're not sure where to start, here are some suggestions. ... Hoyle, a Fellow of St John's, was the famous astronomer who inadvertently coined the phrase 'Big Bang', but his lasting legacy was in the field of stellar nucleosynthesis, in which he helped to unravel the process by which chemical elements are made inside stars ... Library....

Slashdot Are Some Things About the Universe Fundamentally Unknowable?

Edit Slashdot 18 Jan 2016
... led to expanding Universe, which led to the Big Bang and the discovery of very early phases like the cosmic microwave background and big bang nucleosynthesis....

Are Some Things About the Universe Fundamentally Unknowable?

Edit Slashdot 18 Jan 2016
... led to expanding Universe, which led to the Big Bang and the discovery of very early phases like the cosmic microwave background and big bang nucleosynthesis....

Ancient Gas Cloud Is A Potential Relic From The First Stars That Ever Formed In Our Universe

Edit IFL Science 07 Jan 2016
Of the many mysteries in astronomy, one of the most exciting is the long-sought observation of Population III stars. These were the first stars that shone in the universe, but we are yet to have observational evidence for their existence ... Hydrogen and Helium (with a small amount of lithium) formed in the primordial nucleosynthesis, but every other element (called metals in astronomy) was formed through nuclear fusion ... ....

Science this year

Edit Deccan Herald 28 Dec 2015
Major events. Science was never static ever since we started understanding it, and the year 2015 was no exception ... And let us keep our eyes and ears open to read and hear more in 2016 ... Physicists at the University of York have further revealed that a new understanding of nucleosynthesis in stars, which can provide greater insight into the role of massive stars in the evolution of the Milky Way and the origins of our solar system....

Scientists suggest solution to Galactic radioactive plutonium puzzle

Edit Yahoo Daily News 09 Dec 2015
Washington D.C., Dec. 9 (ANI) ... Lead researchers Dr ... Michael Paul from the Racah Institute of Physics said that the origin of heavy elements produced in nature through rapid neutron capture by seed nuclei is one of the current nucleosynthesis mysteries ... (ANI) ....

Hebrew University Team Uncovers Origin of Heavy Elements in the Universe (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ...

Edit Public Technologies 08 Dec 2015
(Source. Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Rare mergers of binary neutron stars proposed as the source of radioactive plutonium-244 in nature ... 'The origin of heavy elements produced in nature through rapid neutron capture ('r-process') by seed nuclei is one of the current nucleosynthesis mysteries,' Dr. Kenta Hotokezaka , Prof ... CITATION. Short-lived 244Pu points to compact binary mergers as sites for heavy r-process nucleosynthesis ... (noodl....