Whole Lotta Rosie ACDC Cover 50th Street Grotto Halloween 2013 mp4
The 50th St Grotto play a cover of
Whole Lotta Rosie' from our
Halloween 2013 DVD.
Featuring the inimitable Mr
John Sprentz on tambourine and vocals.
The 50th St Grotto are a tragically overrated, underpaid and incomprehensible rock cover band from
Edmonton, Alberta. Reviewed in 'What
Turtle' magazine as having a 'refreshingly minimalistic regard to accuracy and taste'
The band:
Robert Onishenko - lead vocals, rhythm guitar, bondura, pan flutes and hurdy-gurdy.
Bruce 'B'
Robertson - vocals, lead guitar, sanity.
Keith 'KP'
Jarvis - lead vocals, bass guitar, keys, Sam '
Sammy Sam and the Samettes' Khonaisser - drums, percussion, candy crush.
All copyright material used with sincere apologies and genuine gratitude. We own no r