Tag archive: skills

Job Requirements in Medicinal Chemistry Research

Job Requirements in Medicinal Chemistry Research

Medicinal chemistry research is applied in the area of pharmaceuticals, focusing on small organic molecules, synthetic organic chemistry, chemical biology and structural biology. Medical chemists work in government agencies, pharmaceutical companies and academic environments. Because this discipline is located at the intersection of chemistry and pharmacology, it has many requirements.

4 Modern Solutions to Current Education Problems

4 Modern Solutions to Current Education Problems

At the root of the education problems in the United States lies an outdated and ineffective system that is failing to engage the students. As a result, individuals are not prepared to face the world and compete in a global hyper-connected economy. The solution to many education problems is an adaptive, interactive learning environment that used modern technology.

A Career List to Focus Your Goals

A Career List to Focus Your Goals

Sometimes, when we don’t know what decision to make or which path to choose, it can help to write down lists; it may not seem like much, but making a career list of all your skills and aptitudes can help you focus your goals and get you closer to what you want.

Can a Career Center Really Help You?

Can a Career Center Really Help You?

Basic services offered by a career center, also called a career placement office or a career services office help students and alumni make smart decisions regarding their education and professional life. Assessment testing is a great tool that can help you pinpoint careers that suit your abilities.

Top Finance Non-Related Skills Needed in Finance

Top Finance Non-Related Skills Needed in Finance

The top finance abilities that are not related to finance, but are necessary for a flourishing career include marketing skills, communication skills, relationship skills and problem solving abilities. A professional equipped with these abilities will be considered a valuable employee.
