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Explanation of rcd4 Pra DNA Test Results


These dogs have two normal copies of DNA. Clear dogs will not develop PRA as a result of the rcd4 mutation, although we cannot exclude the possibility they might develop PRA due to other mutations they might carry that are not detected by this test.


These dogs have one copy of the mutation and one normal copy of DNA. These dogs will not develop PRA themselves as a result of the rcd4 mutation but they will pass the mutation on to approximately 50% of their offspring.  We cannot exclude the possibility that carriers might develop PRA due to other mutations they might carry that are not detected by this test.

Genetically Affected

These dogs have two copies of the rcd4 mutation and will almost certainly develop PRA during their lifetime. The average age of diagnosis for dogs with the rcd4 form of PRA is 10 years of age, although there is considerable variation within the breed.


Canine Health Information Center (CHIC)

Canine Health Foundation

Morris Animal Foundation

Animal Health Trust

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