- published: 15 Nov 2011
- views: 4218
Užupis (Belarusian: Зарэчча, Polish: Zarzecze, Russian: Заречье) is a neighborhood in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, largely located in Vilnius' old town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Užupis means "the other side of the river" in the Lithuanian language and refers to the Vilnia River; the name Vilnius was derived from the Vilnia. The district has been popular with artists for some time, and has been compared to Montmartre in Paris and to Freetown Christiania in Copenhagen, due to its bohemic and laissez-faire atmosphere. On April 1, 1997, the district declared itself an independent republic (The Republic of Užupis). Since the first of November 2014 Jaap van Ark is president of republic Užupis.
Užupis is quite small and isolated, being only about 148 acres (0.60 km2) in size; it has around 7,000 inhabitants, nearly 1,000 being artists. On one side it is separated from the Old Town by the Vilnia River, on the second there are steep hills, and on the third side it borders on an industrial area built under soviet rule, which is now to be rebuilt into a fashionable district. The first bridges across the river were built in the 16th century, at which time the district's inhabitants were mostly Jewish.
A republic is a type of government where the citizens choose the leaders of their country.
Republic or The Republic may also refer to:
Vilnius In Your Pocket - Užupis
The Republic of Užupis: a Lithunian utopia
Pažink Vilnių. 04. Užupis - seniausias Vilnius?
Vytautas Kernagis: Užupio bliuzas
Lithuania/Vilnius (The Republic of Užupis) Part 5
Angels of Užupis - 'Ik kan mezelf zijn in Užupis'
حجاجوفيتش في "أوزوبيس" أغرب جمهورية في العالم Haggagovic in Užupis
Property Prospectus: Uzupis, Vilnius
Angels of Užupis - Leven in Užupis
http://www.inyourpocket.com/ Vilnius In Your Pocket visits Užupis. Before the war the strange and exotic district of Užupis (which means 'over the river') was one of the main Jewish parts of the city. During the Soviet occupation Užupis was adopted by artists and other non-conformists and it acquired a reputation as the Lithuanian Montmartre. After Old Town, Užupis is the most popular place to visit. In 1997 it declared independence, and the 'Republic of Užupis' now has its own president, flag, army and constitution. Užupis Independence Day is on April 1 and if you want to visit on this day you may be approached by one of the Republic's soldiers and asked for your passport before you're allowed to cross the bridge. For more information check out: http://www.inyourpocket.com/lithuania/v...
A video report by Pierre-Anthony Canovas for cafebabel.com in Vilnius, Lithuania about this republic in the old town of the city.
www.pazinkvilniu.info www.lmprojektai.com https://www.facebook.com/linmackevicius Video pasakojimų ciklo "Pažink Vilnių" ketvirtoji dalis "Užupis - seniausias Vilnius?". Pasakojime aptariama alternatyvi įprastajai Vilniaus įsikūrimo ir vystymosi teorija, kurią XX a. pradžioje išplėtojo Vilniaus universiteto rektorius, menotyrininkas Marianas Morelowskis. Pasakojime sužinosite, kad prieš pastatant miesto gynybinę sieną miesto struktūra buvo ne pietų - šiaurės kryptimis, kaip dabar, o rytų - vakarų. O pagrindinė miesto aikštė buvo ne dabartinės Rotušės aikštės vietoje, bet tarp dabartinių Švarco ir Šv. Jonų gatvių. Plačiau apie M. Morelowskio veikalą "Užupis - seniausiasis Vilnius" galima pasiskaityti Jūratė Markevičienės straipsnyje "Pamiršta hipotezė arba Vilniaus miesto sandara XIV-XV am...
Aštunta daina iš 2002-ais metais muzikos firmos "Tigris" išleisto dvigubo albumo pavadinimu "Teisingos dainos" 2-ojo kompakto, ir daug sau leidžiantis vaizdų mišinys.
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/user/nurettinodunya/playlists Užupis is a neighborhood in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, largely located in Vilnius' old town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Užupis means "the other side of the river" in the Lithuanian language and refers to the Vilnia River; the name Vilnius was derived from the Vilnia. The district has been popular with artists for some time, and has been compared to Montmartre in Paris and to Freetown Christiania in Copenhagen, due to its bohemic and laissez-faire atmosphere. On April 1, 1997, the district declared itself an independent republic (The Republic of Užupis). Since the first of November ...
De internationale kunstenares Kristina Norvilaite krijgt elke dag een fikse glimlach op haar gezicht als ze naar haar galerij gaat in Užupis. Hier kan ze zichzelf zijn en vrij kunst maken. Het republiekje helpt haar met haar creativiteit, maar dankzij de vele bezoekers ook bij het verkopen van deze artistieke werken.
حد فيكم سمع عن جمهورية اوزوبيس !! أغرب جمهورية في العالم كان الفنانين و المبدعين الليتوان يجتمعون في حي جميل جداً في ليتوانيا و في ١ ايريل ١٩٩٧ أعلنوا إستقلال الحي و أصبح لهم حدود ولهم رئيس و وزراء وسلام وطني وجيش من ١١ فرد ولهم برلمان و علم و ختم باسبور و سوبرماركت ومطعم وبار ومكينة صراف الي و طابع بريد ... حتي أصبحت من أصغر دول العالم ، الجميل في الموضوع إنهم كاتبين الدستور بتاعهم ب٣٩ لغة مختلفة منها العربية و معلقينوا علي حيطان الشارع الرئيسي عشان كل الزائرين و السكان يعرفوا الدستور و يعرفوا حقوقهم حجاجوفيتش راح زارهم و إتصور مع رئيس الجمهورية و وزير الخارجية و وزير الدفاع و زي ماحتشوفوا في الفيديو قالنا أهم اللي كاتبينوا في دستورهم: -لكل إنسان الحق في أن يموت و لكن هذا ليس إلزاماً -لكل إنسان الحق في الماء الساخن ، و التدفئة في الشتاء -لكل إنسان الحق في أن يرتكب الأخطاء -لكل إنسان الح...
Monocle Films heads to Vilnius to explore Uzupis. This creative and quirky corner of the Lithuanian capital is more than just a neighbourhood – it’s a mini-state. To discover more about Monocle magazine head to http://www.monocle.com
From Riga, we catch a bus to the Lithuanian capital. We marvel at the Christmas market in Cathedral Square, visit the self-declared Uzupis Republic (stopping by the mermaid, of course) and traipse up to the castle. Vilnius is fantastic - especially in the snow.
We have recently embarked on a bus tour of the Baltic countries. Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, was the first city on the tour. The old town has a bustling atmosphere with musicians, markets and many shops. There is a little Bohemian Uzupis district just outside of the old town which we explored. We ended our time in Lithuania with a visit to the Hill of Crosses which has more than a million crosses, an incredible sight to behold. Websites: Baltic Holidays: http://www.balticholidays.com Hill of Crosses: http://www.hillofcrosses.com PREVIOUS VIDEOS: Warsaw Poland Old Town: http://youtu.be/XogF1uJg7hA Utrecht Netherlands: http://youtu.be/2toy9QbF5Nc Mauritius Port Louis Ep1/4: http://youtu.be/FDP5z_0Yofs Barcelona Spain Ep4/4: http://youtu.be/Xkdq5zuVLAY Budapest Hungary Ep4/4: http...
http://www.inyourpocket.com/ Vilnius In Your Pocket visits Užupis. Before the war the strange and exotic district of Užupis (which means 'over the river') was one of the main Jewish parts of the city. During the Soviet occupation Užupis was adopted by artists and other non-conformists and it acquired a reputation as the Lithuanian Montmartre. After Old Town, Užupis is the most popular place to visit. In 1997 it declared independence, and the 'Republic of Užupis' now has its own president, flag, army and constitution. Užupis Independence Day is on April 1 and if you want to visit on this day you may be approached by one of the Republic's soldiers and asked for your passport before you're allowed to cross the bridge. For more information check out: http://www.inyourpocket.com/lithuania/v...
Monocle Films heads to Vilnius to explore Uzupis. This creative and quirky corner of the Lithuanian capital is more than just a neighbourhood – it’s a mini-state. To discover more about Monocle magazine head to http://www.monocle.com
http://tusdestinos.net En este vídeo se hace un recorrido por Vilnius, capital de Lituania, cuyo centro histórico fue considerado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en 1994. Visitaremos la Catedral, la estatua de Gediminas, la Torre del Castillo de Gediminas y veremos unas panorámicas del nuevo Vilnius. También veremos edificios como el de la Universidad, en el que se encuentra la iglesia de los Santos Juanes, y el Palacio de la República. Conoceremos el edificio del Antiguo Ayuntamiento, la iglesia de Santa Ana, cuya imagen es la postal típica de Vilnius, el barrio de Uzupis, considerado el Montmartre de Vilnius ya que es donde viven muchos bohemios y artistas, y la Puerta de la Aurora. Con el soporte audiovisual: http://www.tomcomvideo.com http://tusdestinos.net/?p=23484
Check out my top tips on things to do on a budget when you visit Vilnius, Lithuania. Full itinerary including food suggestions. Thanks for watching this video, don't forget to subscribe for more awesome videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjZoQGyrTDRjS2s4S_PFk4A?sub_confirmation=1 Lithuanian Food review video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0WYBLMtMmk You may be interested in other Europe travel videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuGqL_b-2ufBvopKvlI0eDx2h2f4R_ysW LEGOLAND Visit and review videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuGqL_b-2ufCOCbk8aOP1PRKEpxUS6sn5 Vilnius is the capital and largest city of Lithuania. It lies in the valley of the confluence of Neris and Vilnia rivers and has 527,930 inhabitants (2013 statistics). Upper Castle (Gediminas Castle),...
The president of the Republic of Užupis gives Benji Lanyado a tour through his domain in Vilnius, Lithuania
Sightseeing Vilnius Lithuania video is presented by Vilnius Tourism Information Center (http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/). Click "Show more" to read TOP Vilnius attractions list: Vilnius sights & places to see are presented on a Google map: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=212677680697389403687.00047e3de97d6fdcbca66&msa;=0≪=54.687923,25.193882&spn;=0.059535,0.136299 Walk in Vilnius Old Town, one of the largest surviving medieval Old Towns in Northern Europe. Covering an area of 360 ha, you can see a very big diversity of architectural styles, it's a mix since more than one century. You also are going to see some unmissable places. 1. Vilnius Town Hall is located in the very centre of the city, in the Town Hall Square. The history of it began in the XVth century. It is mentioned fo...
رحلة ٣٠٠ يوم أزور فيها ١٠٠ مدينة و قرية حول العالم. مدن خارجة عن النمط المعهود و وجهات جديدة لكنها تستحق الزيارة. تغطية بسيطة ل مطاعمها، تاريخها، و أماكنها السياحية. تابعوني و انصحوني و استفيدوا من الفيديوهات التعريفية لتعم الفائدة للكل. تابعوني في انستقرام و سناب شات و كل التواصل الاجتماعي. saudifooodie@ A 300-day journey to visit 100 cities and villages around the world. Unconventional and new destinations worth visiting. A YouTube coverage for their Resturants, history , and tourist attractions. Follow me, advise me, and get advantage of this trip as my tribute to knowledge sharing culture. Follow me in all social media @saudifooodie #الرياض #الدمام #البحرين #سفرتي #أمستردام #سياحة #السعوديه #كافيه #سفر_تايم #فله #فرنسا #عندهم_سالفة #دبي #سياحه #الشرقيه #إجازتي #بلوق #مطاع...
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