
Combative Unionism: Waging Class War within Labour

After putting much of our efforts in the cross Canada Speaking Tour on Combative Unionism, a debate on Combative unionism took place inside and outside of Prairie Struggle giving way to PSO's first position paper. In this position paper we hope to contribute to the relevant work and theoretical development that has been done or is already underway. We salute our comrades within the revolutionary left that are active in undermining bureaucratic control over working class power.

Combative Unionism: Waging Class War within Labour

After putting much of our efforts in the cross Canada Speaking Tour on Combative Unionism, a debate on Combative unionism took place inside and outside of Prairie Struggle giving way to PSO's first position paper. In this position paper we hope to contribute to the relevant work and theoretical development that has been done or is already underway. We salute our comrades within the revolutionary left that are active in undermining bureaucratic control over working class power.

Combative Unionism: Clarifications to our position paper

Combative Unionism

Shortly after the release of our position paper on “combative unionism” which sparked much criticism and legitimate questioning, members of Prairie Struggle set about reviewing the critiques and debating the position paper and its legitimacy. Though the process of creating this position paper entailed much debate and thought, the process is a continu- ous one.


IRON COLUMN#1, page 1


The Iron Column was the publication of the Prairie Struggle Organization; this newspa- per is about anarchism in the platformist tradition and related subjects with the aim to further these ideas and put them into practice.


IRON COLUMN#1, page 1


The Iron Column was the publication of the Prairie Struggle Organization; this newspa- per is about anarchism in the platformist tradition and related subjects with the aim to further these ideas and put them into practice.

The law of value under capitalism in the Essays of Isaak Rubin - Vladimir Dunaevsky

Isaak Rubin Essays on Marx's Theory of Value

A critique of Rubin's Essays on Marx's Theory of Value.

From resistance to rebellion: Asian and Afro-Caribbean struggles in Britain - Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Excellent extended essay on black and Asian resistance in postwar Britain, giving a full overview of the intricate eco-system of journals, national organisations, workplace and community groups and their struggles against employers, landlords, the state and traditional organisations of the British left.

The left wing - S.J. Rutgers

In this collection of five articles written in 1916 the Dutch left communist S.J. Rutgers outlines capitalism's descent into its imperialist phase, the passing of the age of liberal democracy, and the need for a new kind of mass action to replace electoral activity and purely economic strikes. These articles were written as part of a series called "The Left Wing" for the American publication International Socialist Review.

International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 1

The Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1934) issue of International Council Correspondence.

The Ponce massacre, 1937

Ponce massacre: police begin firing

A short history of the massacre in Puerto Rico of peaceful demonstrators calling for the release of imprisoned separatist leader Pedro Campos by police acting on the orders of the US-appointed governor.