- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 31574
Sarmizegetusa Regia, also Sarmisegetusa, Sarmisegethusa, Sarmisegethuza, Ζαρμιζεγεθούσα (Zarmizegethoúsa) or Ζερμιζεγεθούση (Zermizegethoúsē), was the capital and the most important military, religious and political centre of the Dacians prior to the wars with the Roman Empire. Erected on top of a 1200 m high mountain, the fortress, comprising six citadels, was the core of a strategic defensive system in the Orăştie Mountains (in present-day Romania).
Sarmizegetusa Regia should not be confused with Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, the Roman capital of Dacia built by Roman Emperor Trajan some 40 km away, which was not the Dacian capital. Sarmizegetusa Ulpia was discovered earlier, was known already in the early 1900s, and was initially mistaken for the Dacian capital, a confusion which led to incorrect conclusions being made regarding the military history and organization of the Dacians.
Several hypotheses have been advanced to explain the origin of the name Sarmizegetusa. The most important of these ascribe the following possible meanings to the city's name:
Coordinates: 41°53′31″N 12°29′12″E / 41.891967°N 12.486595°E / 41.891967; 12.486595
The Regia was a two-part structure in Ancient Rome lying along the Sacra Via at the edge of the Roman Forum that originally served as the residence or one of the main headquarters of kings of Rome and later as the office of the Pontifex Maximus, the high priest of Roman state religion. It occupied a triangular patch of terrain between the Temple of Vesta, the Temple of Divus Julius and Temple of Antoninus and Faustina. Only the foundations of Republican/Imperial Regia remain. Like the Curia it was destroyed and rebuilt several times, as far back as the Roman monarchy. Studies have found multiple layers of similar buildings with more regular features, prompting the theory that this "Republican Regia" was to have a different use.
According to ancient tradition it was built by the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius, as a royal palace. Indeed, the Latin term regia can be translated as royal residence. It is said that he also built the Temple of Vesta and the House of the Vestal Virgins as well as the Domus Publica. This created a central area for political and religious life in the city and Kingdom. When Caesar became Pontifex Maximus, he exercised his duties from the Regia.
Sarmizegetusa may refer to several places in present-day Romania:
Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographical information program that was originally called EarthViewer 3D created by Keyhole, Inc, a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) funded company acquired by Google in 2004 (see In-Q-Tel). It maps the Earth by the superimposition of images obtained from satellite imagery, aerial photography and geographic information system (GIS) onto a 3D globe. It was originally available with three different licenses, but has since been reduced to just two: Google Earth (a free version with limited function) and Google Earth Pro, which is now free (it previously cost $399 a year) and is intended for commercial use. The third original option, Google Earth Plus, has been discontinued.
The product, re-released as Google Earth in 2005, is available for use on personal computers running Windows 2000 and above, Mac OS X 10.3.9 and above, Linux kernel: 2.6 or later (released on June 12, 2006), and FreeBSD. Google Earth is also available as a browser plugin which was released on May 28, 2008. It was also made available for mobile viewers on the iPhone OS on October 28, 2008, as a free download from the App Store, and is available to Android users as a free app in the Google Play store. In addition to releasing an updated Keyhole based client, Google also added the imagery from the Earth database to their web-based mapping software, Google Maps. The release of Google Earth in June 2005 to the public caused a more than tenfold increase in media coverage on virtual globes between 2004 and 2005, driving public interest in geospatial technologies and applications. As of October 2011, Google Earth has been downloaded more than a billion times.
Pentru voi toti, din partea echipei Ghid Video Turistic - Phantom Media - Tourism Advertising si Filmari Aeriene ! Filmare si montaj: Cosmin Giurgiu Asistent imagine & birds sound: Alina Bondrea si Andrei Pogăciaş Coloana sonora: Audio Network - Solar Gaze David Tobin / Jeff Meegan / Andrew Duncan — with Andrei Pogăciaş and 3 others at Sarmizegetusa Regia.
We gladly invite you to virtualy visit the archaeological site Sarmizegetusa Regia, Geto-Dacian capital in 3D. From now on, this will be visible to millions of people worldwide, directly on the official "3D Buildings" layer in Google Earth. You can access it directly from this link: http://db.tt/37iLiNVQ (it is necessary to have Google Earth installed. The link will open the file Sarmizegetusa-Regia.kmz, which will take you directly to the site). Article presentation: http://www.romaniadevis.ro/dacia/descopera-romania/romania-virtuala-3d/item/sarmizegetusa-regia-in-3d -- romaniadevis.ro team =============== Cu bucurie vă invităm să vizitaţi virtual în 3D Situl arheologic Sarmizegetusa Regia, capitala Geto-Daciei. De acum este vizibil pentru milioane de oameni din lumea întreagă, direc...
Cu bucurie vă invităm să vizitaţi virtual în 3D Situl arheologic Sarmizegetusa Regia, capitala Geto-Daciei. De acum este vizibil pentru milioane de oameni din lumea întreagă, direct în layer-ul oficial "Clădiri 3D" din Google Earth. Puteţi să-l accesaţi direct din acest link: http://db.tt/37iLiNVQ (pentru vizualizare e necesar să aveţi instalat Google Earth. Link-ul deschide fişierul Sarmizegetusa-Regia.kmz, care vă va duce direct la locul respectiv). Articolul de prezentare - Sarmizegetusa Regia în 3D: http://www.romaniadevis.ro/dacia/descopera-romania/romania-virtuala-3d/item/sarmizegetusa-regia-in-3d?category_id=286 Salut, echipa romaniadevis.ro We gladly invite you to virtualy visit the archaeological site Sarmizegetusa Regia, Geto-Dacian capital in 3D. From now on, this will be v...
DJ705A: Orăştie - Costeşti - Grădiştea de Munte (- Sarmizegetusa Regia) Ultima parte a drumului, de la Gradiştea de Munte până la Sarmizegetusa Regia, de ~4 km se parcurge pe jos, drumul fiind în lucru. Music from YouTube Library: - Don_t_Look - Rooftops - Scissor_Vision - So_Bueno - Tell_The_Angels - Windows_Rolled_Down - North_Sea
Cetatea Dacica Sarmizegetusa Regia - 2011. Cetatea de pe Dealul Grădiștei este cea mai mare dintre fortificațiile dacice. Aflată pe vârful unei stânci, la 1.200 de metri înălțime, fortăreața a fost centrul strategic al sistemului defensiv dac din Munții Orăștiei, și cuprindea șase citadele. http://ww.craiova-virtuala.ro http://www.ponoare.ro Poarta de Vest, Drum dacic pavat, Sanctuarele de andezit, Sanctuarul mare de calcar, Sanctuarul mic de calcar, Discul solar, Sanctuarul mare circular, Sanctuarul mic circular, Sanctuare patrulatere de andezit. Toate cele 6 fortărețe (Sarmizegetusa Regia, Luncani - Piatra Roșie, Costești - Blidaru, Costești - Cetățuie, Căpâlna și Bănița) care au format sistemul defensiv al lui Decebal, fac acum parte din patrimoniul cultural mondial UNESCO. Sarmizeg...
www.travelinfinit.ro Dimitria PUCHIU: AMINTESTE-TI CE ESTI SI ASTFEL LUMEA ESTE SCHIMBATA! IUBESTE - TE! SCHIMBAREA INCEPE CU TINE! CALATORIE, EXCURSIE INITIATICA coordonata de Dimitria PUCHIU – specialist in energoterapie si informatie energetica, include: CONFERINTA DINAMICA de autocunoastere si dezvoltare personala pe intreg parcursul deplasarii; descrierea obiectivelor; MEDITATII; tehnici de accesare a informatiilor benefice si “Initierile Locurilor”; channeling; Terapie cu Campuri Informationale Pulsatorii, TEHNICI DE AUTOVINDECARE, IDENTIFICARE SI VINDECARE DE FRICI, ACTIVAREA ADN! Cursuri pentru SUFLET!
Există locuri în care Cerul se întâlnește cu Pământul; locuri în care tăcerea e poartă de trecere. Acolo, nemurirea pare tangibilă, Lumea de Dincolo devine o certitudine... Eseul video pe care vi-l propun este unul de suflet, un eseu video despre o spiritualitate pierdută, dar care pare să reînvie chiar în acești ani. "Sarmizegetusa Mistică" este o invitație la meditație, un prilej de călătorie sufletească într-o lume încărcată de mister. Vizionare cu folos! DANIEL ROXIN te invită pe site-ul http://www.cunoastelumea.ro Știință, mistere, istorie, dezvăluiri...
Matrita a fost descoperita în cetatea dacica Sarmizegetusa Regia în urma cu doi ani dar acest lucru nu o poate face ca fiind de origine dacica. Daca era facuta de mesteri daci avea executate pe ea animale din zona daciei, urs si lup pe care dacii le venerau pentru maiestria de a-si ucide prada. Originea acestei matrite trebuie cautata pe alte meleaguri ca ne place sau nu !
We gladly present you the first 3D virtual reconstruction of the possible "tower house" inside the fortified enclosure Sarmizegetusa, the Dacian capital, in the Orastie Mountains. Officially, the building never existed, but traces tells us a different story. ---------------- Cu bucurie, vă prezentăm prima reconstituire 3D virtuală a posibilului "turn-locuinţă" din interiorul incintei fortificate în stil "murus dacicus" de la Sarmizegetusa Regia, capitala dacilor. Oficial, această construcţie n-a existat, însă urmele de la faţa locului arată altceva. Citiţi ARTICOLUL DE PREZENTARE: http://goo.gl/d2euJ2 (link romaniadevis.ro), pentru a vedea o galerie de poze ale reconstituirii şi a afla explicaţii despre numele ales - "Cula Regească", ce poate defini la fel de bine, ca şi numele oficial...
În ţinutul de legendă al dacilor: Sarmizegetusa Regia - Incinta sacră Vizitaţi şi virtual în 3D Situl arheologic Sarmizegetusa Regia, capitala Geto-Daciei: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5cB3qXmCsM
Vezi jurnalul de știri pe Antena Play: http://goo.gl/QchGDs Ploile torenţiale au adus dezastrul pe un drum abia inaugurat. Cel către Sarmizegetusa Regia. În mai multe locuri, şoseaua a fost, pur şi simplu, ruptă de viituri. Pe o porţiune de câţiva metri, din drum lipseşte aproape jumătate dintr-un sens de mers., Stiri, Antena 1, 09-08-2016
Sarmizegetusa Regia 2017 Jud Hunedoara
Ruta -Orastie - Costesti - Sarmisegetuza Regia 16.04.2015
With great pleasure we present Sarmizegetusa Regia, the capital of the Dacians, and a symbol of it - "Great Round Temple" in a 3D virtual reconstruction. We do not know how you imagined that looks, but we hope you like it how we imagine that showed that building 2.000 years ago. Read the article for presentation and more pictures - 3D virtual reconstruction: http://goo.gl/LB0BQJ (you can use Google Chrome for easy translation) Marele Templu Rotund de la Sarmizegetusa Regia, Hunedoara UNESCO heritage
Sarmisegetuza Regia capitala spirituala a Daciei, un loc retras cu o mare incarcatura energetica.
Santa is here! It is with great joy that we present you the gift he left us for you, all our guests - the invitation to enjoy a virtual winter trip, to a snow filled #SarmisegetusaRegia, as well as a trip back in time, over 1900 years ago, to discover Dacians' "Small square andesite sanctuary", inside the Sacred zone. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! -- How was your journey? / Cum a fost călătoria voastră? Direct link for those of you who knows the procedure: http://romaniadevis.ro/t2/t2web.html Read the article for info: http://www.romaniadevis.ro/dacia/zona-geto-daca/reconstituiri-3d/item/templul-de-andezit-2
Sarmisegetusa Regia Zona Sacra Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Sarmisegetuza - a must see if you are in Romania! All the pictures were taken by my cousin on his trips. Video dedicated to Thena91 (Rin)^^ #55 - Top Rated (Today) - Travel & Places - All #27 - Most Discussed (Today) - Travel & Places - All #25 - Most Discussed (Today) - Travel & Places - English
Dunarea - "Amazonul Europei" este un documentar fascinant (dublat RO), care prezinta calatoria Dunarii de la izvoarele din Muntii Padurea Neagra pana la varsarea in Marea Neagra. Documentarul este format din doua parti (mixate integral mai sus) realizat de Rita si Michael Schlamberger, ne infatiseaza secretele acestui fluviu care strabate intregul continet. De-a lungul cursului Dunarii, natura domneste peste vietile oamenilor. In drumul sau catre varsare, Dunarea traverseaza diferite peisaje si zone climatice, schimbandu-si temperamentul in functie de acestea. Fluviul care strabate 10 tari, 4 capitale si aproape 3000 km, contrasteaza intre pustietate si cultura la cel mai inalt nivel, intr-o compozitie unica.... SURSA: YouTube
Pictured Travel crafted a series of very special Photo Tours to Romania that will deeply immerse you into folklore and history as you travel through naturally beautiful and scenic locations. You will be given a chance to photograph a traditional village wedding, experience the life of sheep herders who live in the Carpathian Mountains, participate in a traditional river rafting adventure in the Carpathians, lodge into a 19th century villa overlooking the oldest Moldavian vineyard, explore the 5,000 years old ancient ruins of the Cucuteni civilization, drive through the world’s largest underground wine cities of Milesti & Cricova, visit Bucovina’s painted monasteries-UNESCO World Heritage Sites and the Medieval city of Sighisoara, the ancient Dacian ruins of Sarmisegetusa Regia, and many mo...
1. PALACE OF JUSTICE,DEJ 47° 8'41.92"N 23°52'32.29"E 2. SARMIZEGETUSA REGIA -GRĂDIŞTEA MUNCELULUI 45°37'19.73"N 23°18'33.59"E 3. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH,SIGISOARA 46°13'18.85"N 24°47'45.06"E 4. PALACE OF CULTURE,IASI 47° 9'26.44"N 27°35'13.20"E 5. BASTION,CLUJ NAPOCA 46°46'5.51"N 23°35'50.59"E 6. VILLAGE MUSEUM,BUCHAREST 44°28'17.17"N 26° 4'44.49"E 7. KAKASOS CHURCH,CLUJ NAPOCA 46°45'54.56"N 23°34'31.52"E 8. MOUNTAIN CHURCH,SIGISOARA 46°13'3.38"N 24°47'26.01"E 9. ENDLESS COLUMN,GORJ 45° 2'14.95"N 23°17'7.27"E 10. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH,ORADEA 47° 3'39.07"N 21°56'14.01"E 11. ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC PARISH,ODORHEIU SECUIESC 46°18'6.78"N 25°17'48.41"E 12. TOWER,IASI 47° 9'35.84"N 27°35'35.43"E 13. SAXON CHURCH&TOWER;,SASCHIZ 46°11'39.25"N 24°57'36.65"E 14. KRETZULESCU CHU...
Ljubljana is the capital and largest city of Slovenia. The landmarks of the city are Prešeren Square (where the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation is located), the Ljubljana Castle, the Town Hall and the Ljubljana Cathedral. Also you must see the Dragon statue, on the Dragon Bridge.
Persepolis was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire, being situated 60 km northeast of the city of Shiraz in Fars Province, Iran. It exemplifies the Achaemenid style of architecture. These ruins are an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979. There can be seen The Gate of All Nations or Gate of Xerxes palace. Darius I built the greatest palace at Persepolis on the western side. This palace was called the Apadana. Next to the Apadana, second largest building of the Terrace and the final edifices, is the Throne Hall or the Imperial Army's Hall of Honor (also called the Hundred-Columns Palace). Other palaces included the Tachara, which was built under Darius I and The Hadish Palace of Xerxes I. The Council Hall, the Tryplion Hall, the Palaces of D, G, H, storerooms, stables and qua...
Guernsey is an island in the English Channel off the coast of Normandy. With several smaller nearby islands, it forms a jurisdiction within the Bailiwick of Guernsey, a Crown dependency. Ports and harbours exist at St Peter Port and St Sampson. There is a paved airport: Guernsey Airport but no working railway. Guernsey, with its sandy beaches, cliff walks, seascapes and offshore islands has been a tourist destination since at least the Victorian days.
Stuttgart is the capital and largest city of the German state of Baden-Württemberg. The city's tourism slogan is "Stuttgart offers more".The main points of interest are: Staatstheater, Cannstatter Volksfest, Schlossplatz, Fruchtkasten, the statue of Friedrich Schiller at Schillerplatz, the New Palace, the Old Castle at Schillerplatz, Hauptbahnhof, Solitude Palace, Stiftskirche, Johanneskirche, The State Opera House and Fernsehturm Stuttgart - the first telecommunications tower in the world constructed from reinforced concrete. In Stuttgart you can visit the following museums: Stuttgart Art Museum, The Hegel Museum, Porsche Museum, and Mercedes-Benz Museum.
Detalii: www.travelinfinit.ro Tabere Centre Energetice Conferinte, Cursuri, Terapii si terapeuti, Concerte, Emisiuni TV
➤ROM “Chilia lui Daniil Sihastrul este o grotă săpată într-o stâncă de pe valea pârâului Vițău, în care a viețuit ca pustnic Cuviosul Daniil Sihastrul. Ea se află la o distanță de circa 1 km de Mănăstirea Putna. Chilia lui Daniil Sihastrul a fost inclusă pe Lista monumentelor istorice din județul Suceava din anul 2015 Daniil Sihastrul s-a născut la începutul secolului al XV-lea, într-un sat din apropierea orașului Rădăuți, primind la botez numele Dumitru. La vârsta de 16 ani, a fost călugărit cu numele David la Mănăstirea „Sfântul Nicolae” din Rădăuți și apoi a fost hirotonit preot, devenind un duhovnic renumit. După un timp, s-a retras la Mănăstirea „Sfântul Laurențiu” de lângă satul Vicovu de Sus. Simțind nevoia de mai multă liniște, a devenit schimnic cu numele de Daniil și s-a retras l...
Detalii: www.travelinfinit.ro Tabere Centre Energetice Conferinte, Cursuri, Terapii si terapeuti, Concerte, Emisiuni TV