Category archive: Medicine

Natural Skin Tag Remedies

Natural Skin Tag Remedies

Although they are completely harmless, the skin tags can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable and you will definitely want to get rid of them. If you are afraid of the surgical procedure and you don’t want to use creams filled with chemicals, you can try some natural skin tag remedies that will remove the nasty growths safe and easy.

How Starchy Vegetables Influence Our Health

How Starchy Vegetables Influence Our Health

Starchy vegetables are very rich in carbohydrates, fiber, calories, but vitamins, antioxidants and minerals as well, so they are very important for a balanced diet; people with weight problems and diabetes should consume them as well, but in a practiced moderation.

Non-Starchy Vegetables and Their Benefits

Non-Starchy Vegetables and Their Benefits

Non starchy vegetables are the types of vegetables with lower quantities of calories and carbohydrates, which is why they are highly recommended to diabetics, and even those on a weight loss diet; you can eat a lot more of these vegetables without having to monitor blood sugar levels.

Should You Choose a Career as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist?

Should You Choose a Career as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist?

As a nuclear medical technologist you need to have a passion for science and mathematics as well as an interest in working with people. This job can be very rewarding and it can open up other career paths. The average income is $68.500 year but if you are dedicated you can advance to better paid jobs.

Job Requirements in Medicinal Chemistry Research

Job Requirements in Medicinal Chemistry Research

Medicinal chemistry research is applied in the area of pharmaceuticals, focusing on small organic molecules, synthetic organic chemistry, chemical biology and structural biology. Medical chemists work in government agencies, pharmaceutical companies and academic environments. Because this discipline is located at the intersection of chemistry and pharmacology, it has many requirements.

The Advantages of Studying Medicine

The Advantages of Studying Medicine

Studying medicine has long been a popular choice of ambitious bright students from all over the world. Medicine is one of those colleges people choose to study even later in life. However, considering this possibility requires a good understanding of its advantages and disadvantages.

How to Write a Scientific Journal

How to Write a Scientific Journal

Learning how to write a scientific journal is not the easiest of tasks, because you have to respect a certain format and structure, you have to follow specific rules and, more importantly, you have to come up with useful, valuable and original material, and offer valid arguments.

Medical Negligence Compensation Claims Guide

Medical Negligence Compensation Claims Guide

In order to receive compensation for the medical error, a patient must make a medical negligence compensation claim. This compensation for medical negligence aims to recompense any suffering and put the claimant into the same set of financial circumstances prior to the injury.

The Effects of Medical Negligence on Physicians

The Effects of Medical Negligence on Physicians

Medical negligence is a problem that affects not only the patients but the physicians as well. A lo of people believe that medical errors and malpractice are one and the same thing. However, it is not uncommon for doctors to make mistakes due to reasons that are out of their hands. Malpractice lawsuits have a serious impact on a physician’s career but an even deeper impact on his emotional state.

Techniques Used in Nuclear Medicine Imaging

Techniques Used in Nuclear Medicine Imaging

Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that involves the use of radioactive substances as part of the diagnostic process and treatment. Techniques such as bone scanning, Positron emission tomography (PET) and cardiovascular imaging use different properties of the radioactive substances to generate detailed images.

5 Powerful Medicinal Plants You May Have in Hand

5 Powerful Medicinal Plants You May Have in Hand

There are hundreds of medicinal plants and herbs included in Nature’s pharmacy. These powerful plants have been used for healing since ancient times across numerous cultures. Some are cultivated and used for mass production, while others are wild crafted and harvested by peoples skilled at plant identification. Here are the 5 powerful medicinal plants you may have on hand.

Should Cancer Patients Follow a Macrobiotic Diet?

Should Cancer Patients Follow a Macrobiotic Diet?

Medical health professionals do not consider the macrobiotic diet as a cure for cancer because there is no evidence to support this. Although a carefully planned macrobiotic diet is a healthful way of eating, relying on this type of treatment alone, delaying or avoiding medical treatment can have serious consequences on cancer patients.

Medical Leeches In Modern Medicine

Medical Leeches In Modern Medicine

The most common situations when leeches are used is during plastic and reconstructive surgeries. Most modern methods often prove ineffective in restoring the natural blood flow in damaged parts of the body. However medical leeches have proved useful in countless body part reattachment as well as various critical skin conditions.

Molecular Medicine- The Future Of The Medical World

Molecular Medicine- The Future Of The Medical World

Molecular medicine is the science that tries to understand the molecular mechanisms that drive the higher body functions. The main purpose is to find better diagnosing techniques as well as less invasive personalized treatments. It can collaborate with various other fields, the most relevant ones being nanotechnologies and molecular biology.
