Datacide Book presentation in Vienna 26-02-2016 + Praxis floor at Cyberrise Party 27-02!


Organized by: panda!
Location: Librería Utopía – radical bookstore vienna, Preysinggasse 26-28, 1150 Wien
Facebook Event

Datacide ist eine Zeitschrift, die von den Schnittmengen von experimenteller elektronischer Musik und radikaler Politik ausgehend Möglichkeiten und Momente von Subversion, Gegenkultur und Revolution untersucht und formuliert. Gegründet wurde Datacide 1997 in London quasi als schriftliches Pendant des Musik-Labels Praxis, das von Christoph Fringeli seit 1992 betrieben wird, und das mit seinen Veröffentlichungen im Bereich von Noise, Breakcore und experimenteller Tanzmusik einen internationalen Ruf genießt. Nun sind die ersten 10 Ausgaben von Datacide in einem Band erschienen und präsentieren auf 364 Seiten eine einzigartige Geschichte der Gegenkulturen, die mit elektronischer Musik und Teknivals assoziiert sind.

Christoph Fringeli wird über die Wurzeln und Inspirationen von Datacide berichten und diskutieren.

Link zum Buch:

Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos (Spenden erbeten) und wird von unserem Kulturverein “Assoziation Panda – Verein zur Förderung des kritischen literarischen Diskurses” organisiert.

And on Saturday 27-02-2016, there will be a Praxis floor at the yearly Cyberrise Free Party at EKH, feat. 2/5 BZ, Ari Nev, Christoph Fringeli,  Crash 0.1 a.k.a. Mr. Damned, Eiterherd, Franz Rasputin, Johnny Weissbrot, Lynx, and Zombieflesheater.

EKH Vienna flyer 2

Praxis & Datacide Event in Bratislava 21-01-2016 @ Fuga


VERMIN edition #14

Party s : ! : ! ! : ::
Lynx (Praxis, Datacide, Portland Oregon)
Base Force One (Praxis, Datacide, Berlin)
urbanfailure (
BassTom (
dskg (noise Bratislava)

… a prezentacia Knihy vydanej: Praxis & Datacide
Book release “EVERYTHING ELSE IS EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS – Datacide Magazine 1-10 in one Volume”

Talk by editor Christoph Fringeli about counter-cultural and underground publishing, the history of Datacide and new projects.

Slovakian announcement text:

Začiatok 90tych rokov je obdobie, kedy sa časť rozmáhajúcej sa elektronickej hudobnej scény vzďaľuje od mainstreamu a miesto populárnych klubov si svoje miesto hľadá v opustených skladoch, squatoch, verejných priestranstvách a vďaka pirátskym vysielačom aj v éteri veľkomiest. Toto vymknutie sa spod kontroly má za následok zvýšený záujem polície a v UK ústi až do prípravy zákona Criminal Justice Act, ktorý je namierený hlavne proti ilegálnym parties a teknivalom organizovaných potulnými soundsystémami.
V tejto atmosfére v roku 1994 vychádza nulté číslo časopisu (vtedy ešte pod názvom Alien Underground) s podtitulom Techno Theory for Juvenile Deliquents (teória techna pre mladistvých delikventov). Okrem recenzii nahrávok (hlavne techno, industrial a core všetkých druhov), DJ chartov a rozhovorov s hudobníkmi obsahuje články ako Bojuj proti Criminal Justice Bill alebo Nič podstatné sa neudeje pokiaľ pri tom nie je hluk (akýsi antikomerčný techno manifest), čím vyjadruje ambíciu stať sa niečím viac, než len hudobným fanzinom.
Neskôr sa časopis premenováva na DATACIDE a nepravideľne vychádza až do dnes pokrývajúc široké spektrum tém.
Štrnáste špeciálne štvrtkové vydanie párty Vermin je venované tomuto magazínu a to práve pri príležitosti knižného vydania prvých desiatich čísel pod názvom Everything Else Is Even More Ridiculous.
Knihu, časopis ale aj iné svoje projekty a aktivity (ako napríklad renomovaný label Praxis s viac ako 50 vydanými platňami na konte), príde osobne predstaviť človek v pozadí, sám Christoph Fringeli.
Jeho hudobné alterego BASE FORCE ONE bude zároveň headlinerom tohoto vydania Verminu. Očakávame, že vo svojom sete predstaví experimentálnejší ale úderný breakcore typický pre Praxis releasy. V podobnom štýle mu bude sekundovať DJka LYNX z amerického Portlandu.
Domácu stranu zastúpia: živým technotrashom URBANFAILURE z Urbsounds, DSKG noisovou power elektronikou a BASSTOM z Gabba team Pressburg Hard&Break core DJ setom.
Štvrtok, 21.1.2016 @FUGA, Vstupné 5 EUR

Facebook event


We’re very happy to announce the release of two books this month:


datacide book cover

a decade of noise & politics – datacide issues 1-10

A major project in the works for quite some time, this is a complete reprint of the issues 1-10 of datacide, which originally appeared from 1997-2008. Titled “EVERYTHING ELSE IS EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS”, the 364 page volume collects unique material, most of which has been out of print for many years, charting a one-of-a-kind history of the counter-cultures associated with electronic music and free festivals.
“The free space of the party met the free space of the page and then you got a dynamism that encouraged expression and perversions and tangents because the covers held it together as a nomadic movement and you were convinced that music had catalysed it all and that music was somehow inherently political as it sidestepped rhetoric and dogma, and absented us from control addicts and the free space of the page was a kind of historic party, a kind of invisible college, a launching pad for driftage.” Flint Michigan

Distribution price (10+ copies): EUR 12,00
Wholesale price: EUR 14,00
Subscribers: EUR 15,00
Retail price: EUR 20,00
Released October 23rd 2015. LIMITED SUPPLY!
First edition 100 numbered copies!


almanac 2015

Almanac for Noise & Politics 2015

If you’re already familiar with datacide magazine and our related record label for extreme electronic music – Praxis – then you’re familiar with the efforts we’ve made over the last two decades to continually explore the intersections of radical politics and underground rave culture, experimental and extreme electronic music, moments of free spaces and momentary freak-outs and how these can be represented on the page and through the speakers. If not, this may be a good place to start.  Either way, the Almanac for noise & politics 2015 contains a selection of articles and excerpts from various issues of datacide, as well as a peek into the activities of the Praxis label and its offshoots. This first edition is meant to be a brief introduction to the wide range of topics covered in datacide.
Articles include: Post-Media Operators by Howard Slater/Eddie Miller/Flint Michigan, No Stars here (track -1) by TechNET, A Loop Da Loop Era – Towards an (Anti-)history of Rave by Neil Transpontine, Radical Intersections by Christoph Fringeli, Vinyl Meltdown by Alexis Wolton, Plague in this Town by Matthew Hyland, Just Say Non – Nazism, Narcissism and Boyd Rice by, Interview with Christoph Fringeli/Praxis Records from Objection to Procedure, a new short story by Dan Hekate, as well as a commented catalogue. This is interspersed by new visual work by Matthieu Bourel, Lynx, Sansculotte, Tóng Zhi, and Zombieflesheater!
Full colour cover and 104 inside pages in A6 format!

Distribution price (10+ copies): EUR 3,00
Wholesale price: EUR 4,00
Retail price: Eur 5,00 (retail copies include a 5-Euro voucher for the praxis online shop)
FREE to subscribers and if you place an order for 20 euro or more at the Praxis Online shop (add as a premium at checkout!)
Released October 23rd. LIMITED SUPPLY!

Release events in London:
23-10-2015 – Housmans Bookshop. 5, Caledonian Road, London N1. Starts 7.30pm. Entry £3.00 redeemable towards any puchase in the store. With Stewart Home, Neil Transpontine, Christoph Fringeli
24-10-2015 – Anarchist Bookfair London. Datacide will be present with a stall. 10am-7pm
Central Saint Martin’s, University of the Arts London, Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, London N1C 4AA

We are looking for other events to present the books and new and recent issues of datacide.
If you are interested in organising an event in your city, please get in touch.

Pics from Datacide Launch in Berlin, Pt. 2 (Party)

Some pictures of the party taking place at the Datacide Thirteen launch event in Berlin on October 12, 2013 – if anyone has more pics, let us know! We will be uploading audio of the talks as well as video snippets of both talks and live acts/dj’s in the next days.

Yann Keller played an intense set…


Pics from Datacide Launch in Berlin, Pt. 1 (Talks)

Some pictures of the talks taking place at the Datacide Thirteen launch event in Berlin on October 12, 2013 

After a few introductory words from CF….

Jason Skeet talked about “…the Constructivist Moment…”


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