
Local Elections in England and Wales and the failure of the Left

June 16th, 2008

The results are out and so is the mainstream analysis (and sorry for posting this a little bit late – you may have already forgotten). As a result of the May 1st elections, England and Wales have gone through a right wing shift, Boris Johnson has been elected mayor of London, and the Tories are on a roll to win the next General Election.
So what, you may think after the transformation of the Labour Party into “New Labour” there surely is very little difference between the two main parties in Britain. Many aspects of Thatcherism have been perpetuated by the Blair government, nothing whatsoever has been retracted or turned back. The poll tax fell when the Tories were still in power, the council tax was not abolished by Labour, nor were the amendments to the Criminal Justice Act 1994 revoked. Of course not. [Read more →]

Brainstorm presents Datacide Soliparty 31.05 Berlin

May 10th, 2008


Brainstorm brings you the next installment of wicked, tortured beats and bass to help raise funds for the printing of Datacide 10. This issue of datacide will hopefully be hitting the streets in the coming months as the final stages of its production are commencing.

Thanks to everyone who continues to support Datacide. Especially to all who created the intense experience: Parataxia, Naboa, CF, Cannibals, Nemeton, Hetzer, Rokkon, Xanopticon, Rioteer and Sanscullotes, and everyone who came out to the Scharni and otherwise helped out to make the party happen.

We documented the party and here are videos of most of the artists on the lineup:

Cannibal Brothers
Base Force One

Datacide soli party pics

April 24th, 2008

thanks so much for everyone who played – Hecate, Autopsy Protocol, Narcopsy, Cannibal Brothers, Nemeton and CF, and everyone who came to the party!

The next Datacide party, again a fund-raiser for the printing costs of the next issue, will take place May 31 at Scharni 38 (Scharnweberstr. 38), only a few hundred yards away from the K9…

Finally we’re making real progress to get the paper issue out!

Line up of the May 31 party will include Xanopticon and Vile Enginez!! watch out for more details soon!

Datacide Soliparty 22.03.08 in Berlin

February 29th, 2008


Praxis Interview – Frontpage 95-01

February 22nd, 2008

Praxis Rec.

von Joel Amaretto

Wir schreiben das Jahr 1995, und die Karten werden neu gemischt. Neue Szenen bilden sich und neue Innovationen bahnen sich langsam aber sicher ihren Weg. Im vergangenen halben Jahr entstand in Europa ein neuer Underground, der im Hardcore nicht nur einen aggressiven Gegenpol zu Trance, Hardtrance, House und Langweiler-Acid sieht, sondern auch eine politische Ausdrucksform. Die Protagonisten dieser Bewegung verstecken sich in den Vororten von Paris (Gangster Toons Industry, Explore Toi), Berlin (Digital Hardcore Recordings, Capital Noise), Hamburg (Cross Fade Enter Tainment), Frankfurt (PCP, Kotzaak), Kaiserslautern (Napalm) und vor allem mit Praxis Records im Londoner Stadtteil Brixton, wo mit Christoph Fringeli der ideologische Übervater dieser jungen und Außenstehenden schwer zugänglichen Szene sitzt. Joel Amaretto sprach mit dem gebürtigen Schweizer über die nächste bevorstehende Revolution.

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