[A-Radio in English] Mediterranean 4: The self-managed soap factory Vio.me in Thessaloniki

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to the workers of the self-managed soap factory Vio.me in Thessaloniki, Greece.
In our interview they tell us about the origins of this factory take-over by the workers, what this had to do with experiences in Argentina and they managed to overcome financial problems. Listen to this audio also to know how to show solidarity, as Vio.me is threatened by eviction due to a planned compulsory auction of the premises.

This is Part 4 (on the self-managed soap factory Vio.me in Thessaloniki).

Length: 12:48 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 3 (on the self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 2 (on the anarchists in Slovenia and the refugee Balkan route).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on the occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

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