BEIJING. The British media is riddled with "barbarians" who would benefit from a lesson in manners from China's ancient civilisation, a state-run newspaper said Thursday after Queen Elizabeth II called some Chinese officials "very rude" ... The remarks made headlines worldwide on Wednesday but initially they were largely censored in China, blacked out of BBC World transmissions, according to the British broadcaster ... "Extraordinary!" ... ....
A Canadian “funeral home’s” use of a dark public service announcement and billboard encouraging drivers to text and drive is causing outrage as well as driving home the message on the dangers of such actions, CNN reported Thursday."It is a horrible thing for a funeral home to do ...It’s not clear who is running the website since no creator is listed ... Next to the piece is a sign saying “DN’T TXT & DRIVE,” CNN reported ... ....
Brazil's Senate has voted 55-22 to impeach the South American giant's first woman president ... The result represents a victory for the pro-impeachment camp ... ....
To mark the release of a film version of HighRise, our focus this time will be on the prolific master of uneasy speculative fiction. Please share suggestions for the best novel to select. JG Ballard needs little introduction. He’s so important and influential, he even has his own adjective. Ballardian...Wiktionary also gives this beautiful usage ... Enjoyable as these definitions may be, they should also be taken with caution ... Facebook ... ....
According to Wiktionary, pole fitness -- minus the spelling and grammatical errors -- is “a program of exercise centered around gymnastics performed on a pole.” And as per its practitioners, it's a bonafide sport, one necessitating athletic and acrobatic prowess to master ... And gymnastics ... I myself didn't think twice when MilanPoleDanceStudio invited me to try out a class free of charge ... Did it ever.Pole FitnessStories. ... ....
A new-year email arrives from Channel 4 with the subject line “MeetWalter”. Inside there’s a pencilled illustration of a dapper figure explaining that foreign-language television drama is his life’s passion. Walter has a head-start on a few of us there ... The term “Europudding”, defined on Wiktionary as “a stolid, uninspiring film, song, etc, produced through European co-operation”, was soon a proven anachronism ... . . ....
(Source. Wikipedia - Wikimedia Foundation Inc). Wikipedia celebrates 15 years of free knowledge. Community celebrates Wikipedia and sister projects with nearly 150 events on six continents ...San Francisco, CA ... Wikipedia is much more than a website ... There are 11 other Wikimedia free knowledge projects, including Wikimedia Commons, with more than 30 million freely licensed images, as well as Wiktionary, Wikisource, Wikivoyage, and more....
Justin Bieber’s vacation to Mexico took a ruinous turn – pun (and buns) intended. The 21-year-old Canadian singer, songwriter and juvenile nitwit is in trouble once again. This time, mid-adolescent girls and other “Beliebers” will have to defend the fact their idol dropped trou and attempted to climb all over Mexico’s historic Mayan ruins. Just to be clear for those not up to snuff on today’s slang. The phrase drop trou, per Wiktionary... ....
As I walked through the park the other day with a friend, I marveled at the many colors of tan, russet, and yellow of the changing leaves. The end of fall has a palette all its own...subtle, muted, hinting of winter. My friend seemed oblivious to our surroundings and rambled on about his misadventures in the stock market that week ... The Wiktionary defines it as taking time out of one's busy schedule to appreciate the beauty of life ... ....
This article was last updated on September 27, 2015. We all have our favorite websites, those go-to destinations where we take our browser on a regular basis ... • Google Translate ... More » ... • Wiktionary and Google Translate. Wiktionary and Google Translate for Firefox displays a pop-out window containing a thorough dictionary/Wiktionary entry for any word you choose on a Web page, sometimes in multiple languages....
Even if less than 10% of Tamil speaking people including politicians and scholars had regularly contributed to the virtual space since its inception, the online domain would have got at least one crore words and articles on websites like Tamil Wiktionary, experts say. Conversely, in English, there are 49.71 lakh words on Wiktionary and 41.74 lakh articles on Wikipedia....
(Source. INRIA – Institut National de Recherche en informatique et automatique). Inria Awards 2015. AB - 8/09/2015. Inria announces the Inria awards 2015 winners ... Inria - FrenchAcadémie des sciencesGrand Prize . Benoît Perthame ... Inria-French Académie des sciences Young Researcher Award ... Cyril Giffard, Philippe Giot, Juliette Hamon, Pascale Laurent, Philippe Lecler, Hassan Qamar, Jean-Denis Séméria, DanielTerrer and Elisabeth Verplanken....
The Blaze reported on an interesting multiple choice test question given to a high school student on a health exam. The question was overly basic, simply asking for the definition of family. However, there was one problem. The actual definition of family was not one of the multiple choice answers ... “a social group of parents, children, and sometimes grandparents, uncles, aunts, and others who are related” Wiktionary ... Twitter]. ....
Well, it looks like True Detective itself put it best. "Rejoice! Death is not the end!" Last week's episode concluded with a proverbial feast for crows, as a black bird–masked gunman emptied a shotgun into Ray Velcoro not once but twice ... Ray is risen ... Sidebar ... Sidebar ... Reloaded » ... Hollywood types talk about risqué parties like middle-schoolers who just looked up the word "orgy" on for the first time....