Study estimates Milky Way has the mass of 700 billion Suns

Edit DNA India 01 Jun 2016
Eadie, a PhD candidate in physics and astronomy at McMaster, used the velocities and positions of globular star clusters that orbit the Milky Way to study the mass of our galaxy and its dark matter component. The orbits of globular clusters are determined by the galaxy's gravity, which is dictated by its massive dark matter component....

Now THAT’s massive! Number crunchers find Milky Way has a mass of 700 billion suns

Edit The Daily Mail 01 Jun 2016
The enormous figure (7x10E11) was reached by a PhD researcher at McMaster University, using a stellar trick called globular cluster (GCs) velocities to work out the mass of our galaxy ... ....

Some Stars Are Dying Puzzlingly Young

Edit IFL Science 25 May 2016
The same thing is happening to a different sort of star 7,200 light-years from us in the globular cluster M4 ... “The good thing about globular clusters is you can get a large proportion of stars in every phase,” Maclean told IFLScience ... Consequently, opportunities to study other globular clusters in the same way are opening up. Maclean has started observing other clusters seeking second stage red giants....

Stars Are Dying Puzzlingly Young

Edit IFL Science 25 May 2016
The same thing is happening to a different sort of star 7,200 light years from us in the globular cluster M4 ... “The good thing about globular clusters can get a large proportion of stars in every phase,” Maclean told IFLScience ... Consequently, opportunities to study other globular clusters in the same way are opening up. Maclean has started observing other clusters seeking second stage red giants....

Summer Programs at National Lakeshore (NPS - National Park Service)

Edit Public Technologies 25 May 2016
(Source. NPS - National Park Service) Date.. May 25, 2016. The Memorial Day Weekend marks the start of the summer season at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Get out and enjoy your park by attending a ranger-led program or hike ... Here is a listing of the summer programs. 1st Saturday Night Stargazing at National Lakeshore ... In June, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as well as the Hercules Globular Cluster will be visible ... 20 in Porter, Indiana ... (noodl....

Summer Programs at National Lakeshore (Hopewell Culture National Historical Park)

Edit Public Technologies 25 May 2016
(Source. Hopewell Culture National Historical Park) Date.. May 25, 2016. The Memorial Day Weekend marks the start of the summer season at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Get out and enjoy your park by attending a ranger-led program or hike ... Here is a listing of the summer programs. 1st Saturday Night Stargazing at National Lakeshore ... In June, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as well as the Hercules Globular Cluster will be visible ... The Paul H....

Stellar mystery deepens (AAO - Anglo-Australian Observatory)

Edit Public Technologies 19 May 2016
Their results dispute the prevailing theory of stellar evolution, revealing that large numbers of helium burning stars are dying prematurely in the M4 globular cluster. M4, the star cluster at the right of the image above (taken using the UK Schmidt Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory), is one of the closest and brightest globular clusters, and has already been very well studied....

Stellar mystery deepens (Monash University)

Edit Public Technologies 18 May 2016
Their results dispute the prevailing theory of stellar evolution, revealing that large numbers of helium burning stars are dying prematurely in the M4 globular cluster. M4 is one of the closest and brightest globular clusters, and has already been very well studied ... 'Globular clusters are some of the oldest objects in the Universe ... cluster NGC 6752....

Our Guide to Observing X1 PanSTARRS

Edit Universe Today 03 May 2016
Ready for one of the better binocular comets of 2016? Emerging from behind the Sun and a surprise outburst in January, Comet C/2013 X1 PanSTARRS is about to put on its summer show ... Discovered on December 4th 2013 by the prolific PanSTARRS 1 survey, early signs suggested that Comet C/2013 X1 PanSTARRS would be special ... And here we are ... The rules ... 6- Enters Aquarius ... 11-Passes 5 degrees from the +7.5 magnitude globular cluster NGC 5986 ... yet....

Four new Radboud Excellence Initiative members (Radboud Universiteit)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Apr 2016
(Source. Radboud Universiteit). Four young talented international researchers will come to Nijmegen for a period of time to enhance the top research fields of Radboud University ... The new members are. ... Vincent Henault-Brunet is a research fellow at the University of Surrey, who will come to the Astrophysics department of Radboud University to study (with Søren Larsen) the origin of so called 'globular clusters', a type of star clusters....

New Humboldt scholarship holders and award winners at FAU (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Edit Public Technologies 27 Apr 2016
The oldest stars from this period can still be found in the galaxy's approximately 100 globular clusters that each contain over 100,000 stars ... Marylin Latour is concentrating on the hottest stars in globular clusters during her research stay at FAU ... However, hot stars do not occur in all globular clusters, and so far only a small amount of research has been done on how and why they form....

Fourth-Largest Satellite Galaxy Of The Milky Way Discovered

Edit IFL Science 18 Apr 2016
Sometimes things are right in front of your eyes but you just can’t see them. That is the case for the latest satellite – Crater 2 – discovered in the Milky Way, which has gone completely unnoticed until now ... Crater 2 seems to be aligned with the peculiar globular cluster Crater, the ultra-faint dwarf galaxies Leo IV and Leo V, and the classical dwarf Leo II ... ....

‘Wow!’ Signal Was…Wait For It…Comets

Edit Universe Today 17 Apr 2016
Comets get blamed for everything ... He was searching for signals that stood apart from the background noise that might be broadcast by an alien civilization ... Exactly as predicted. Big Ear picked up the signal from near the 5th magnitude star Chi-1 Sagittarii in eastern Sagittarius not far from the globular cluster M55.Astonished by the find, Ehman pulled out a red pen, circled the sequence and wrote a big "Wow!" in the margin ... ....