- published: 03 Feb 2016
- views: 4768
Mangalia (Romanian pronunciation: [maŋˈɡalia], Turkish: Mankalya, ancient Callatis (Greek: Κάλλατις/Καλλατίς), other historical names: Pangalia, Panglicara, Tomisovara), is a city and a port on the coast of the Black Sea in the south-east of Constanța County, Romania.
The municipality of Mangalia also administers several summer time seaside resorts: Cap Aurora, Jupiter, Neptun, Olimp, Saturn, Venus.
From the 9th century it was known by the Turks as Pangalia, by the Romanians as Tomisovara, and by the Greeks as Panglicara, and it was one of the most important ports on the west coast of the Black Sea. Mangalia is the oldest continuously inhabited city on the present territory of Romania. A Greek colony named Callatis was founded in the 6th century BC by the city of Heraclea Pontica. Its first silver coinage was minted approximately 350 BC. In 72 BC, Callatis was conquered by the Roman general Lucullus and was assigned to the Roman province of Moesia Inferior. Throughout the 2nd century AD, the city built defensive fortifications and the minting of coinage under the Roman emperors Septimius Severus and Caracalla continued. Callatis suffered multiple invasions in the 3rd century AD but recovered in the 4th century AD to regain its status as an important trade hub and port city. From 7th to 11th century the city was under the rule of the First Bulgarian Empire.
Mangalia - View from another perspective - 4K UltraHD - Filmare cu drona
Ilona Moţica - Mangalia (1968)
Cele mai tari dansatoare din mangalia
Biloi de la Mangalia a făcut furori la "Chefi la cuţite": "Foaie verde măr domnesc ..."
Constanta-Mangalia full rearview-Trainride-Zugfahrt
Plaja Mangalia 2017
Mangalia - Romania
Mangalia 2016 Centru
Saturn Mangalia 2 Mai Vama Veche Schwarzes Meer Black Sea Romania Rumänien 7.4.2016
Plajă Diana dintre mangalia si saturn
Mangalia un oras plin de viata care traieste cu fiecare raza de soare pe care o primeste este un oras care ne inspira. Am surpins cateva cadre cu plaja, faleza si cetatea Callatis intr-o zi superba de ianuarie.
Vezi mai mult pe AntenaPlay: https://goo.gl/qdhH25 Un concurent de la „Chefi la cuțite" și-a propus să-i cucerească pe cei trei jurați nu numai cu bucate tradiționale, ci și cu versuri compuse chiar de el, Chefi la cutite, Antena 1, 21-02-2017
Va invit la o calatorie pe una din cele mai indragite rute din Romania, Constanta-Mangalia. Vizionare placuta ! 00:00:10 Constanta 00:09:30 Agigea Nord 00:13:30 Agigea Ecluza 00:20:30 Eforie Nord 00:27:00 Eforie Sud 00:37:00 Tuzla 00:45:00 Costinesti 00:48:20 Costinesti Tabara 00:59:20 Neptun hc 01:04:00 Neptun 01:12:10 Mangalia
Haushaltshilfe gesucht. Housemaid wanted in Germany. Send PM Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G= Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten. Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Naunton Lane Evangelical Presbyterian Church's Mission Visit to Mangalia, Romania in April 2011. Linking up with our partner church there - the Christian Presbyterian Church of Mangalia
In the Touristic Harbor Mangalia you can see boats, swans, some seagulls, and at the end of the harbor Farul Genovez (Genovese Lighthouse). I think it's a beautiful place, I definitely recommend visiting it if you ever come to Romania. Music: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
I have a couple of days off until my next tour so I decided to go home in Constanta.
Lacul techirghiol din tren http://www.travel-guide-tourism.com
It must have been Moonglow,
Way up in the blue,
It must have been Moonglow,
That led me straight to you
I still hear you sayin'
Dear one hold me fast,
And I start to prayin'
Oh Lord, please let this last,
We seem to float right through the air,
Heavenly songs seem to come from everywhere,
And now when there's Moonglow,
Way up in the blue,
I always remember,
That Moonglow gave me you
That Moonglow gave me you
We seem to float right through the air,
Heavenly songs seemed to come from everywhere,
And now when there's Moonglow
Way up in the blue,
I always remember,
That Moonglow gave me you,
That Moonglow gave me you,