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Doing our Part to Help American Workers

What does it mean to be Assembled in the USA?

Being Assembled in America, for OutstandingPet, means that our physical circuit boards and finished product/s are completely built in the United States. What it means is that an American machine placed each individual component on the circuit boards in your unit. After the circuit boards went through the automated machine, an American worker hand soldered the remaining components on to each circuit board, placed each individual circuit board in the plastic pieces compromising the unit, hand tuned and calibrated your remote trainer, screwed everything shut, and then boxed the unit up. This is truly an American product, engineered by Americans and built by Americans.

What being Assembled in the USA means for you, is a better quality product. What being Assembled in the USA means for us, is producing a sorely needed job in the Midwest. What being Assembled in the USA means for everyone, is bringing back American Manufacturing -- one remote trainer at a time.

Your purchase truly makes a difference for American Workers!

How can you compete against Overseas Manufacturers?

It isn't always easy, but we believe doing the right thing should come first. By keeping a tight lid on our overhead and building an affordable product, we found that Assembling in the USA results in a better remote trainer and meets our obligation to support our local economy. It is a win-win for everyone.

What sort of games do companies play when claiming they are Assembled in the USA?

The FTC has set a high bar for any company to be claiming their product is Assembled in the USA; unfortunantely many companies do not play by the rules. Some companies, may import a 99% assembled product. When they receive the nearly finished product, they insert a few screws and call it "Assembled" in the USA. The vast majority of their products costs originate overseas and do not benefit our domestic economy. The FTC says that screwdriver assembly does make something an Assembled in the USA product. If a company claims, they are Assembling in the USA, ask them for the details and make sure they are truly helping American Workers. There is no screwdriver assembly here. This product is built through and through in America.

What about the rest of your company?

Our engineering staff and customer support group are based right out of Illinois. Your product is designed by engineers, who have built products for great Chicago-based companies like Motorola and Lucent Technologies. Chicago has a strong engineering background and is a natural fit for our company. Our support team is based right out of Hoffman Estates and most come from Illinois. We don't outsource our engineering or customer support to overseas firms. If you call in with a question, you can expect warm and friendly Midwestern help right away.

Where exactly do you assemble the units?

Circuit board assembly and the final build process are conducted in an American-owned business right outside of Chicago, Illinois.

All our products are proudly Assembled in the USA

    When we say Assembled in the USA, that means the physical circuit boards are machine built in the USA and your trainer is then hand assembled in the USA. Some companies claim they "assemble" in the USA, but really just import the finished product from overseas, dump it in a box, and put an "assembled" in the USA sticker on it. Not us. The entire construction of this trainer is done right outside of Chicago, Illinois -- supporting our local economy and American Workers. Building in America may not be the cheapest, but it is the right thing to do.

Your purchase supports American Workers!