Randi Rhodes Destroys a right wing loon on 1150 AM Radio
Randi Rhodes Destroys a right wing loon on 1150 AM Radio
Short clip of Randi debunking a few right wing myths and making a fool out of the caller.
Libtalker Randi Rhodes: 'Cut Off Ovaries' Of Conservative Women Like Crowley, Kelly
Libtalker Randi Rhodes: 'Cut Off Ovaries' Of Conservative Women Like Crowley, Kelly
radioequalizer.blogspot.com -- remember, Rush is the problem, not any of these delightful "progressive" hatemongers!
Randi Rhodes Discusses 30 year plot to turn USA into feudal society
Randi Rhodes Discusses 30 year plot to turn USA into feudal society
Randi Rhodes Discusses 30 year plot to turn USA into feudal society 10.4.2011
Randi Rhodes Gets Busted-Suspended from Air America
Randi Rhodes Gets Busted-Suspended from Air America
Green 960 wants all to the following link www.green960.com and help them stop the spin on the Randi suspension and you can come to our site to sign the "Free Randi Rhodes Petition" at obamacitizens.com Randy suspended from Air America for the F-Bomb and Calling Hillary a Whore when speaking in San Francisco. More busted for calling Hillary a Whore than the F-Bomb. So it was not like she was lying in the political sense of the word. Not suitable for some listeners. Free Randy Rhodes!
Libtalker Randi Rhodes- 'Santorum's Terrified He's Gay'
Libtalker Randi Rhodes- 'Santorum's Terrified He's Gay'
radioequalizer.blogspot.com - here they go again...
Libtalker Randi Rhodes: Ann Romney's 'A Breeder'
Libtalker Randi Rhodes: Ann Romney's 'A Breeder'
radioequalizer.blogspot.com -- in the loving, tolerant "progressive" universe, "breeders" is a derogatory term used against heterosexual parents. Commonly heard in San Francisco, where children are rare.
Randi Rhodes calls into the Stephanie Miller Show
Randi Rhodes calls into the Stephanie Miller Show
Randi calls in to Stephanie Miller's show to explain why she stood her up for dinner in New York. www.therandirhodesshow.com http
Randi Rhodes - Rants about Air America and MSNBC (the Randi Rhodes show)
Randi Rhodes - Rants about Air America and MSNBC (the Randi Rhodes show)
recorded with Dar.fm The first place I ever worked, that had people who had never done radio was Air America, and that's why it didn't work Affailites don't care who syndicates the show Why do work for the same people as Rush Limbaugh? Because I know they won't screw to me. I will never miss Air America, I will never miss those people, it was a night mare Why would anyone want to work for MSNBC? Do you really want to piss off the little niche audience that you have? When I left Air America that was it, it went away You have suits who thinks they're stars These Liberal organization always back stap their own talent If you can't wait to hear what was somebody has to say, that's the differnce between talent and someone who's just doing it. I don't have to wait to hear what anybody on MSNBC says.
Randi Rhodes: Ron Paul admits Tea Party is now corporately owned
Randi Rhodes: Ron Paul admits Tea Party is now corporately owned
As some on the right continue to attempt to divide the country, Randi sat down with someone she has more in common with than many would believe: Rep. Ron Paul of Texas. Listen now for an interesting and thought provoking interview. Listen to Randi: radiotime.com
Derrick Crowe Talks to Randi Rhodes about Afghanistan's Future
Derrick Crowe Talks to Randi Rhodes about Afghanistan's Future
Brave New Foundation's Political Director Derrick Crowe talks to radio show host Randi Rhodes about what Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's decision on Afghanistan really means for America's future role in the area.
Randi Rhodes on Larry King 8-29-07
Randi Rhodes on Larry King 8-29-07
Catch Randi talk about Sen. Larry Craig on CNN's Larry King with David Young, Lars Larson, and Judge Mathis.
Libtalker Randi Rhodes To Glenn Beck- 'I Can Kick His Ass'
Libtalker Randi Rhodes To Glenn Beck- 'I Can Kick His Ass'
radioequalizer.blogspot.com -- what is this, seventh grade?
Libtalker Randi Rhodes: Senator Coburn's A Meth Addict
Libtalker Randi Rhodes: Senator Coburn's A Meth Addict
radioequalizer.blogspot.com -- Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) has decided to grow a beard, which apparently makes him a METH ADDICT according to our libtalk smear machine friends
Randi Rhodes Vs Janet Parshall
Randi Rhodes Vs Janet Parshall
See more pundits in action at punditfight.com Watch Janet Parshall no-sell Randi Rhodes. One of the more interesting ways of deflecting an opponent's offense.
Randi Rhodes makes chickenhawk stew out of Ben Ferguson
Randi Rhodes makes chickenhawk stew out of Ben Ferguson
Recently I saw Ben Ferguson bashing Ron Paul on CNN after the Republican debate. Sure he has a baby face (or as some of my friends call it- gay face), but the dude is in his mid-twenties. I looked around YouTube and couldn't find this classic video of talk show host Randi Rhodes just chewing up the chickenhawk coward Ben Ferguson. He uses the classic "I have friends who are in Iraq" excuse for his cowardice. There are about 14 lame excuses chickenhawks use normaly. Let me make it easy for our young (and not so young) chickenhawk Republicans. If, during a time of war, you refused to serve your country by putting on a uniform, please don't ever run for office. I and many others will not vote for you. Just remember, during a time of war, Elvis Presley took time off from a successful career to serve. That's why he's the king. And this is coming from a disabled American vet. Thanks for shutting down emergency services at my VA hospital neocons. If you encounter any chickenhawks having a crisis anywhere YouTube. There's a crisis line set up just for them at 1-800-GO-ARMY. Oh, if you get a chance and you have friends (real ones, not Ben's imaginary ones) in Iraq, send them a care package. They will totally appreciate it. Thank them for serving. If you need someone to give a package to, email me for some ideas. *********************** FYI: After bringing up joining the military on videos posted by neocons and then being banned and my comments deleted, I will be giving them a <b>...</b>
Randi Rhodes Interviews Robert Greenwald on the Murdoch Mess: 7/19/11
Randi Rhodes Interviews Robert Greenwald on the Murdoch Mess: 7/19/11
As Robert Greenwald said to Randi about Murdoch's latest failures, "It's not just the deed, it's the coverup. That's what gets them - it gets them over and over again, because of a belief, and an arrogance, that they can do anything they want."
Randi Rhodes Calls Michele Bachmann 'A Freaking Dwarf'
Randi Rhodes Calls Michele Bachmann 'A Freaking Dwarf'
radioequalizer.blogspot.com -- Adding to a slew of nasty attacks against Rep Michele Bachmann (R-MN), libtalker Randi Rhodes takes the lowest road, calling Bachmann a 'freaking dwarf'.
Randi Rhodes: Jerry Falwell is dead
Randi Rhodes: Jerry Falwell is dead
www.therandirhodesshow.com http