A kind of home triumph for Afghanistan

Edit The National 27 Mar 2016
In the morning, or actually early afternoon, a little stroll to Lodi Gardens. To call it a park, as it often is called, is to do it the gravest injustice ... Casually scattered within them, to no great fanfare, are 15th century buildings, including the tombs of Mohammad Shah and Sikandar Lodi - the Lodi dynasty being the one that preceeded the Mughals ... I should have recgonised it for the portent it was....

Birds back at Hauz-e-Shamsi after ASI cleans up reservoir

Edit The Hindu 19 Jan 2015
An ASI representative of the Delhi (Mehrauli) Circle said, “Four to five pairs of common mooorhen and 15-20 ducks have arrived here after ages ... Their presence has also resulted in a continuous flow of visitors ... So, “for the time being, we have kept the boats at Jahaz Mahal (located at Hauz-e-Shami’s eastern edge, built for the pilgrims as a lodge in the 16{+t}{+h}Century during the Lodi Dynasty) ... It bore results ... 5000 ... ....