This video is prepared by a group of TARUC students.
Stigma and discrimination is one of the most major issue facing by
HIV carriers. Due to some misconceptions and misunderstandings,
HIV positive people are often being labelled, treated unequally, or more, avoided. And this has actually worsened the situation that causing most HIV population to turn into
AIDS stage by delayed screening test and treatment receiving for example, causing early deaths.
With this video, we would like to raise awareness, to the public, so to cut off the negative ideas on them.
To us, they might be minority. But does it mean that they should get unequal treatments, discriminated, stigmatized, by us the so called the majority? Putting it in another perspective, if we were them, would us like to be treated so?
From the video, we want to convey a message that HIV positives are no
difference from us, we are all humans. We all need cares, concerns, loves from our loved ones and more to be accepted by the society while we are so loving them. Why don’t they?
When they try to step one step forward, if no one does another step towards them but to back off, they’ll feel it sad, lonely, until they found no courage to make any moves, but to hide themselves, which is not good at all. To their health, to their heart.
Love is the cure, the only cure. Only with love, it closes the gap. Only with love, it connects people, regardless all the differences. Only with love, it makes us to one, to a brighter society.
And only with understandings, all the misunderstandings can be cured. To learn about
HIV/AIDS we can, to kill the misconceptions. Make one step forward, close the gap.
There are a few things to take note:
None of us in this video is
HIV positive.
We would like to pay apologies to the very nice auntie, on our less frankness, that we did not clarify that it was actually a social experiment. We did, and do still feel very very sorry on our inappropriate decision in concealing the truth.
Thank you, to the one guy who tried to give
RM1 to help, that kindness was truly felt, not the money, but the intention to help that counts.
A million thanks you to those who approached, gave hugs, showed cares and concerns to us, or more, to this community.
Every ‘take care’, ‘stay strong’, ‘thank you’, ‘
God bless you’. They are not merely words, but strengths and supports.
We truly appreciate all the loves, from everyone, to everyone.
- published: 18 Mar 2016
- views: 2468