- published: 20 Mar 2016
- views: 299
Damascus (Arabic: دمشق Dimashq IPA: [ˈdiːmaːʃq]) is the capital and the second-largest city of Syria after Aleppo. It is commonly known in Syria as ash-Sham (Arabic: الشام ash-Shām) and nicknamed as the City of Jasmine (Arabic: مدينة الياسمين Madīnat al-Yāsmīn). In addition to being one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, Damascus is a major cultural and religious center of the Levant. The city has an estimated population of 1,711,000 as of 2009.
Located in southwestern Syria, Damascus is the center of a large metropolitan area of 2.6 million people (2004). Geographically embedded on the eastern foothills of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range 80 kilometres (50 mi) inland from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean on a plateau 680 metres (2,230 ft) above sea-level, Damascus experiences a semi-arid climate because of the rain shadow effect. The Barada River flows through Damascus.
First settled in the second millennium BC, it was chosen as the capital of the Umayyad Caliphate from 661 to 750. After the victory of the Abbasid dynasty, the seat of Islamic power was moved to Baghdad. Damascus saw a political decline throughout the Abbasid era, only to regain significant importance in the Ayyubid and Mamluk periods. During Ottoman rule, the city decayed while maintaining a certain cultural prestige. Today, it is the seat of the central government and all of the government ministries.
Sham FM | News,Oldies,World Middle East | Syria |
Sout al-shabab | World Middle East | Syria |
Radio Dengê Kobanê | Classical | Syria |
Arabesque FM | World Middle East | Syria |
Version FM 94.4 | Varied | Syria |
Mozaik Islam | Serba Serbi Masjid Putih Damaskus
Syrien - Damaskus
Journal Reporter | In der Altstadt von Damaskus
Damaskus - Perle in der Wüste - Syrien
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Krieg in Syrien erschütternde Bilder aus Damaskus HD
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Video Operasi Mujahidin Membebaskan Markas Kepolisian Desa Jaubar di Damaskus
Daraja wieder unter Kontrolle von Damaskus | DW Nachrichten
Mozaik Islam | Serba Serbi Masjid Putih Damaskus Dapatkan Update Terbaru Hanya Di Sini: Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl3P8Janpx1FNhajtHOwvBw Google+ ► https://plus.google.com/b/116834514001319850676 ✔ Jangan Lupa Subscribe, Share, Komentar dan Suka ✔ ♥ Terima Kasih ♥
Damaskus ist eine der schönsten Städte des Orients. 10 Minuten sind eigentlich zu wenig, um einen Eindruck von dieser pulsierenden Stadt zu bekommen. Erlebt unter anderem den Märtyrerplatz, das Nationalmuseeum (ein absolutes Muss!), schlecnder über den Suq und erlebt arabisches Flair um die Omyyaden-Moschee,. Der Azim-Palast besticht wegen seiner genialen Gartenbau-Architektur. Ein Besuch des Saladin-Mausoleums, der Omyyaden-Moschee und eines römischen Bades zeigt auch die Offenheit der Araber gegen über Gästen. Un immer wieder geht es durch romantische Gassen. Das friedliche Miteinander lässst sich im Christienviertel gut dokumentieren. In der Paulus-Kapelle wurde der Saulus zum Paulus, schön ist auch die Ananias-Kapelle. Die Bilder entstanden auf einer Reise von Eberhardt TRAVEL
Jens-Uwe Rahe sieht Zeichen für Syriens Wandel in der Altstadt von Damaskus Ein Besuch in Damaskus passt so gar nicht zu Syriens Image als Schurkenstaat. Unser Reporter streift durch die Altstadt und entdeckt erstaunliche Zeichen des Wandels: Osmanische Wohnhäuser werden liebevoll restauriert, Geschäftsleute investieren, Künstler eröffnen Galerien. Die noch vor wenigen Jahren geschmähte Altstadt gehört heute zu den gefragtesten (und teuersten) Quartieren in Syrien. Der VJ besucht einen Bildhauer, der einen alten Stadtpalast wieder herrichtet, er trifft einen jungen Deutsch-Syrer, der eine Sportschule gründet, er begleitet eine deutsche Planerin, die gerade ein GTZ-Projekt anschiebt. Vor allem aber trifft er selbstbewusste Bürger, die ihr Lebensumfeld selbst gestalten wollen - ungewöhnli...
Syrien gilt als Wiege der Zivilisation. Das erste Alphabet entstand an der syrischen Mittelmeerküste, die drei Weltreligionen haben hier bedeutende Spuren hinterlassen. Judentum, Christentum und Islam verehren heilige Stätten in Syrien. Damaskus ist die älteste, ununterbrochen bewohnte Siedlung der Welt. Unter der Omayyaden-Moschee aus dem 7. Jahrhundert befindet sich eine frühchristliche Kirche, darunter der Jupitertempel und darunter die Weihestätte eines Wettergottes. Der Film verfolgt die Geschichte Syriens durch die Jahrhunderte.Die Perle des Orients.سوريا
Erschütternd wenn man sieht was in Damskus passiert sei es von IS , den russischen Bomben die Moskau an Assad geliefet hat oder seit kurzem der direkte russische Beschuss . Das da Zivilisten wohnen wollen die Machthaber im Kreml und Damaskus nicht beachten !!!
Oktober 2015: Investigativer Journalist wagt sich nach Syrien. Was er in Damaskus vorfindet erstaunt ihn doch sehr. Ganze Doku hier: http://x2t.com/410052 A Journey “Inside Assad’s Syria”: http://x2t.com/410053 #damaskus #syrien #terror #fsa #usa #assad #obama #kriegverbrecher #rebellen #amerika #russland #krieg #homs #nusra #alnusra #isis Mehr auch hier: Syrien ist nur ein weiterer Schritt zur Weltherrschaft: http://x2t.com/410054
DAMASKUS (Arrahmah.com) -- Mujahidin Ittihad Islami li-Ajnad Asy-Syam pada hari Rabu (9/4/2014) merilis video operasi militer mereka di jantung ibukota Damaskus. Video berdurasi 6 menit 34 detik tersebut mendokumentasikan pertempuran sengit mereka dalam merebut markas kepolisian desa Jaubar, ibukota Damaskus. Video tersebut dirilis melalui situs resmi Ajnad Asy-Syam. Video memperlihatkan peta target serangan mujahidin. Mujahidin kemudian mempersiapkan sejumlah ranjau sebelum berangkat menuju target serangan. Ranjau-ranjau itu dilengkapi dengan sejumlah rudal dan bom barel yang ditembakkan pesawat tempur rezim namun tidak sempat meledak. Dengan ranjau-ranjau tersebut, mujahidin meledakkan beberapa gedung yang dijadikan markas pertahanan pasukan rezim Nushairiyah dan milisi Syiah di desa Ja...
Weitere Informationen unter http://www.dw.com/de/t%C3%BCrkei-im-syrien-krieg-angekommen/a-19508265 Nach vierjähriger Belagerung haben die syrischen Regierungstruppen nach eigenen Angaben wieder die Kontrolle über die bisherige Rebellenhochburg Daraja nahe der Hauptstadt Damaskus zurückerlangt.
Travel video about destination Damascus in Syria. Damascus is the capital of Syria and is a symbol of culture in the Near East. A hundred kilometres from the Mediterranean coast, the strategically located city was once the capital of the Umayyad.Cannons, the busts of various presidents and military vehicles are displayed in the large courtyard of the Takiyeh Mosque, an ancient Dervish monastery complex. Built in 1554 and designed by Ottoman master architect, Sinan, it also includes an adjoining inn for the numerous pilgrims who travelled to Mecca. Damascus has always been much prized: by the pharaohs and the Babylonian monarch, Nebukadnezar, and later, Alexander The Great. Then came Persian, Roman and Islamic emperors followed by the Crusaders and Mongols. The Kalaa Citadel is situated on ...
Travel video about destination Syria. Syria is an ancient country of culture located between the Mediterranean and the desert. Its ancient desert metropolises, old villages, impenetrable fortresses and biblical harbour towns have witnessed the rich and fascinating history of bygone times.Damascus is the capital of Syria and symbol of culture in the Near East and located a hundred kilometres from the Mediterranean coast. The Kalaa Citadel is situated on the periphery of the old town that was once surrounded by huge walls and it was from there that Saladin fended off the attacks of the Crusaders. The Khan As´Ad Pasha is often referred to as being the most beautiful caravansary in the Near East. Its inner courtyard is covered by eight mighty and partly painted cupolas each of which is support...
We see what the capital of Syria has to offer during Eid. We stay (mainly) in the old town and see the sights.
Travel video about destination Railroad to Damascus in Turkey. This extraordinary journey begins in Istanbul, golden gateway to the Orient and a city that was once the centre of the Old World, as reflected by its long history. The Turkish metropolis once had sonorous names such as Constantinople and Byzanz. This gateway between Europe and Asia is not only the biggest city in Turkey, but also a melting pot of various cultures.In 1453, the Hagia Sofia, one of the world’s most extraordinary churches, was transformed into a mosque by Sultan Mehmet and is now an impressive museum. The Grand Basare is a city within a city and through a large gate there is a labyrinth of corridors that were built over many centuries. On the magnificent banks of the Bosporus the Dolmabahce Palace shines out, the c...
Five years on from the start of Syria’s civil war, Sean Smith meets the people determined to live and work in Damascus, a city of relative peace despite the battles raging on its outskirts. Among them he meets a ballet teacher; a young entrepreneur who has opened a bar during the hostilities; a bereaved grandmother now raising 14 orphans; and workers of a bakery that hasn’t stopped providing bread since the fighting begin Subscribe to The Guardian ► http://is.gd/subscribeguardian This is the NHS ► http://www.theguardian.com/society/series/this-is-the-nhs Guardian website ► http://is.gd/guardianhome Suggested videos: ► ► Guardian playlists: Comment is Free ► http://is.gd/cifplaylist Guardian Docs ► http://is.gd/guardiandocs Guardian Features ► https://goo.gl/JThOzd Guardian Animati...
"Getting lost within the maze of Old Damascus's narrow lanes and walkways is like stepping into ancient history."
This picture was taken in Jan,2010. 2010年1月撮影。 ずいぶん力の抜けた国。 それがシリアの印象。 ダマスカスしか知りませんが あの居心地の良かった国が 荒れているのは心が痛みます。 悪者が誰かではなく 悪いのは何かを考えよう。
Years ago, you said to me,
"I think I'm losing the fight,
Or the fight's losing me, I'm not certain,"
And here we are-the closing scenes,
And all the house lights come up,
Oh, the falling of our final curtain...
I've played a role for so long that I've forgotten myself,
But I said I'd be there and I'm keeping my word,
You've played yourself so well,
And now I want to be you,
A great imitation of losing my nerve.
Oh, it's over,
And everything is wrong, everything has gone,
And I know that everything means nothing,
Oh, it's over,
But I don't want to fight, I don't want to be right,
I know that everything means nothing,
On the road to Damascus they fell.
I saw the light-I saw the light!
But hey, it never saw me,
Oh, conversation has just left me heathen,
And we could wait a thousand years,
Perhaps a million or more,
If it's worth waiting for, but I'm leaving,
So on to a mecca of earthly delights,
Depression is only desire deprived,
Once more unto the breach and fuck my getting it right,
We've died for so long, let's just get out alive.
'Cause it's over,
And everything is wrong, everything has gone,
And I know that everything means nothing,
Oh, it's over,
But I don't want to fight, I don't want to be right,
I know that everything means nothing,
On the road to Damascus they fell,
Well I've been to Damascuc.
It's hell, hell is where I'm gonna be,
The devil my intimate friend,
And hell is other people's hearts,
And knowing that everything must end.
Oh, it's over...
And everything is wrong, everything has gone,
And I know that everything means nothing,
Oh, it's over,
But I don't want to fight, I don't want to be right,
I know that everything means nothing,
On the road to Damascus they fell,