
Nursing homes can be the best place to grow old

They get a bad rap, but nursing homes are a better option than only having walls to talk to.

I'm an old age psychiatrist, and I've trained in Singapore, London, and Sydney.

Election giveaways are funded by taking money from people whose votes matter the least.
Election giveaways are funded by taking money from people whose votes matter the least. Photo: Rob Homer

Singapore, like most Asian countries, has the attitude of filial respect being manifest by maintaining their oldest generations at home for as long as absolutely possible, with hired help and purpose-built attached extensions if possible. Britain wrote into its National Dementia Strategy a gameplan of maintaining independence, with the tacit but practical admission of the incredible public cost of nursing homes.

Australia greatly varies its attitude from region to region. Pretty much everyone gets it wrong when it comes to looking after the elderly, but that's understandable, given that the elderly don't exist. I'll explain why in a minute.

What everyone seems to fear is ageing and the loss of independence that goes with it. The news has been filled with desperate tales of incredible misconduct in nursing homes, and the fear of ageing – not surprising, as the first baby boomer turned 65 only a couple of years ago. The Australian Bureau of Statistics notes that in the next few decades, the proportion of people aged 65 years and over is projected to increase from 14 per cent to 20 per cent in Australia – those aged 85 years and over is expected to nearly triple to 1.2 million.

We are generally getting older, and we are worrying more about what that means. What we want is to live in our own homes, with a persisting level of personal comfort. We want to maintain our independence, if possible forever.


What that realistically means is the daily existence of my work. On a daily basis, I visit utterly isolated individuals in otherwise well-to-do suburbs. I can usually recognise which apartment my patients are living in by the unruly plants and multiple layers of dust on piecemeal abandoned furniture at their doorsteps. I've known people living in five-bedroom houses as the last surviving member, remaining there for more than 20 years, with rooms so filled with accumulated debris that there is barely room for one to live there.

I have met retired lawyers, businessmen, professors and artists, who had spent the preceding decade or so of their lives talking to not a single soul. They have usually been very happy to speak to me – as the only person to take an interest in their existence for many years – and it is horrifying to consider that this could possibly be considered life.

They would never move into a nursing home – or hostel, or retirement village, or supported accommodation, or any one of the multitude of options that modern society offers, even when acknowledging the fundamental common ingredient –  the opportunity to talk to someone apart from a wall more than once a year. And the reason that they usually tell me, is that they couldn't imagine life being different from what they'd been used to, and cannot make the next step. The average age of my patients is 82. None of them consider themselves old.

Fortunately, there are some who accept the reality of their situation – who, after years of declining physical health and increasing pain, discover what it means to receive 24-hour specialised nursing care and regular medical support. Chronic ulcers suddenly start healing and close, irreversible arthritis doesn't seem to be there any more and the range of food options has increased from ham sandwiches and tea twice a day, with an accompanying boost in energy due to the phenomenon of normal nutrition.

I see previous patients who have discovered entirely new levels of functioning – usually I run into them accidentally, as they often had improved so much that they didn't need to see me any more. There are patients with severe dementia whose families struggled for years to accommodate them at home – in the last few times I see them, they are usually smiling.

I obviously cannot pretend that everyone has a fantastic experience in the nursing home. The problem is that I know the alternative. 

There is a fundamental truth which explains all these inconsistencies – everyone is getting older, whether they like it or not.

Importantly, those who are "old" do not actually think they are '"old". The Australian Human Rights Commission in November 2012 found those over 65 were very unlikely to report themselves as being old, and considered "old" as being related to a life event that they had not yet experienced – such as being admitted to a nursing home.

The reality is that we are all ageing, whether we are nine or 90. The passage of time is part of the human condition, and we can rage against the dying light all that we wish.

For my patients, I aim to offer them the opportunity of the best possible quality of life they can get at any time. For myself, regardless of how old I manage to get, I intend to live as much as possible.

Dr Neil Jeyasingam is an old age psychiatrist and clinical lecturer at the University of Sydney.