I turned off my son's Xbox to regain his childhood

Amanda Sheehan -Mar 24, 2016

Internet use disorder may soon be added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders.

Internet use disorder may soon be added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders.

If I had known what I was getting myself and my son into when I bought him an Xbox and the Minecraft game for his eighth birthday, I would have put it right back on the shelf.

Initially, the game met all of my specifications for suitability: there was no violence and no bad language. But regardless of all of my good intentions, that particular purchase was probably the single worst parenting decision I have ever made.

My son was addicted from the get-go. Initially, I told myself that perhaps his passion for the game was just a novelty, and that over time, his zest for it would wane. Only it didn't. In fact, his obsession grew until he was easily gaming for many hours each day.

I can see parents shaking their heads as they read this. I'm the parent, right? Why couldn't I use my authority to set restrictions and rules and then stick to them? In my defence, I did try. But in the face of his constant begging, and whining, and the busy-ness of everyday life, the agreed gaming time would quickly span out from half an hour to one hour, and then two and then before we knew it a few hours had elapsed.

For someone who grew up in the Pac-Man era of the 1980s, the possibility of a gaming addiction caught me surprise. Who knew that estimates for internet and gaming addiction sit anywhere from 5 per cent to 30 per cent globally? Who knew that the number of cases are increasing so rapidly that internet use disorder may soon be added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, and that in China hospitals have been opening units for the specific treatment of internet and gaming addiction since 2008?

According to the American Psychiatric Association, individuals who are caught up in this kind of addiction exhibit preoccupation with the internet or gaming, withdrawal symptoms when it is taken away, loss of other interests, and the need for more and more exposure in order to experience their fix.

The scary thing is, these behaviours bring to mind a vast number of kids I know today. If you don't believe me, just pull the plug in the middle of one of their games and watch their reaction.

As parents we keep furnishing our kids with all this technology in droves, perhaps with little knowledge of the potential damage it can cause. I have written about this topic before, and of all the feedback I have received, one reply sticks in my mind. It was from a parent whose children's iPad's were stolen when his house was burgled. Far from distraught at the loss, he said: "I hope they'll come back next week and take the TV".

For me, the decision to unplug was made a short time ago when I was reading the memoirs of Jessie Lee Brown Foveaux, who was born in America at the turn of last century. It was a simple tale, overflowing with stories of a simple and amazing childhood. My favourite excerpt begins: "We built playhouses under the trees. We made mud pies and cakes, I would dream on of all the nice things I would do when I got big".

These days, technology has claimed such a huge chunk of our children's lives, that very little time or inclination is left for anything else.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way. Pulling the plug, quite literally, on the time our kids spend gaming may not have our kids thanking us in the short term, but then aren't the toughest parenting calls often the most unpopular?

A few weeks on, and I feel as though I have got my son back. He has slowly rediscovered all of the things he used to love doing before he discovered gaming. He is happier overall, even by his own admission.

By removing his gaming technology, we have given him back the gift of a carefree childhood, and we'll never go back.

Amanda Sheehan is a freelance writer.

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