
Donor conceived children win small victory in long battle for identity

The cry of betrayal had resonated in the corridors of NSW Parliament. It was an unlikely alliance that took action.

The rights of children conceived from anonymous sperm donation to trace their genetic origin, by preserving files showing where they came from in a central register, had been abandoned by Health Minister Jillian Skinner.

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Donor child told 'be grateful you're alive'

When Geraldine Hewitt was searching for information about her biological father a doctor told her to 'shut up' and be grateful she was even alive.

As Victoria introduced world-first laws giving the offspring of anonymous donors the right to identify their fathers, but not contact them, NSW children would be left with far less.

Although a new law would allow them to request non-identifying details (ethnicity, hair colour) about their donors from NSW clinics, the NSW government had reneged on the important pledge to collect and centrally store these files.

It was too expensive, Skinner told parliament. The multi-million dollar IVF business had complained it would cost too much to retrieve old pre-2010 files from storage and copy them.

Fred Nile's Christian Democratic Party, the Greens and Labor were equally dismayed.


The agony of Geraldine Hewitt, donor-conceived 33 years ago, but told by doctors to "shut up and be grateful you are alive" as a 12-year old, was reported by the Sun-Herald. The clinic had destroyed her files and couldn't be trusted with the truth.

Hewitt, and many other donor conceived children and their parents, wrote, called and met with MPs the next week to tell their stories.

Labor's health spokesman Walt Secord, born in Canada with a Mohawk-Ojibway father, told the upper house of their frustration and tears.

"For reasons that we do not understand, our heritage, our blood or narrative is vital to us. What else could explain the boom in genealogy and the success of programs like Who Do You Think You Are? I for one have traced my father's rare family origin and I know the responsibility of belonging to a race of only 1800 people in the world .... Our genes are the reason for our existence."

The CDPs Paul Green said: "We should never forget that there is an innate need in our souls to know where we are from and who we are from."

Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham had an older brother who was adopted out: "Once I knew about him, it stayed in the back of my mind. I would think about it late at night or early in the morning ... I wonder where he is and what he is like'."

Through a genealogy website, they made contact last March. "It was incredibly profound," Buckingham told parliament.

He said the issue of donor conceived children identifying their anonymous donors was vexed with competing rights, but the Greens wanted NSW legislation changed to mirror the new Victorian law.

Labor wanted to wait and see how the Victorian model works. Labor instead proposed NSW clinics be compelled to hand pre-2010 records (after which time anonymous donation ended) to a central register.

It was the Christian Democrats who won change to the government's deficient bill. The law will be reviewed in 12 months, instead of five years, and consider a business case for the centralisation of records.

"We are giving the government the benefit of the doubt that in 12 months it will have a plan for a way forward," said Green.