How can we help you?
If you’ve been injured in a transport accident, we can help you get back on track.
Towards Zero
Towards Zero is a vision for a future free of deaths and serious injuries on our roads.
The move Towards Zero is a collaborative effort between everyone in the community. Together, we can build a safer road system and help change road safety for the better.
Latest news
Victoria's worst start to the year for road fatalities in ten years has prompted pleas to motorists to slow down, be safe and plan their trips ahead of the Easter long weekend.
Increased safety for motorcyclists 19/03/16Victorian motorcyclists will have a safer start on the road with phase two of the new Motorcycle Graduated Licence Scheme (GLS) coming into effect this weekend.
View more news storiesRoad deaths
How the TAC helps you, a family member or friend who has been affected by a road accident
Statistics for the year to date