  1. 20. Apr. 2016

    TT AUSTRALIA 13:33 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Curt Schilling 7.Sophie Mirabella

  2. 2. Mai
  3. 1. Feb.

    Understanding the implications of mental health for family violence is critical for tailoring effective multi-agency responses for perpetrators. Read the new research brief on family violence perpetration & mental health at

  4. 17. Nov. 2018

    Must Read by : We need to move beyond the one-dimensional approach of mandatory sentencing & focus on a model that prioritises evidence-based outcomes in responding to family violence via

  5. 20. Okt. 2018

    Must Read article by 's Fiona McCormack on why Victoria does not need another new plan to end family violence. The Royal Commission report gives us a blueprint for long-term change & we must stick to the plan

  6. 3. Okt. 2018

    Today becomes an Independant Prevention Authority. I am honoured to be appointed as a Director of this pivotal organisation in Victoria’s work to end family violence

  7. 23. Nov. 2016

    Fiona McCormack the recommendations & response and family violence plan are profound, and I don't say that lightly

  8. 2. Nov. 2016
  9. 2. Nov. 2016

    About 2 talk on a panel @RosieBatty1 about @FVPLSVictoria

  10. 27. Okt. 2016

    "If we want to move from eloquently describing the problem to prevention, we need a big investment."

  11. 13. Apr. 2016
  12. 12. Apr. 2016

    When handed down its recommendations, 65 of them just couldn't wait. So we're implementing them right now.

  13. 12. Apr. 2016

    Vic Govt announce $573 mill in family violence funding to respond to report

  14. 31. März 2016

    We must end victim-blaming culture in Australia (image attached)

  15. So bipartisanship lasted 24 hrs w/ the Libs ruling out funding options b4 we've even considered the report.

  16. 30. März 2016

    Work begins on 227 recos. We will work closely with providers and focus on rural and regional areas

  17. 30. März 2016

    'We feel very encouraged by the report that Aboriginal women are front and centre in the report.'

  18. 30. März 2016

    Survivors hope the system for dealing with will stop being as damaging as the abuse they suffered

  19. Proud to walk alongside the Premier, Rosie Batty and victim-survivors of FV to launch the report

  20. 30. März 2016

    Expanded Koori Courts; restorative justice trials; specialist family violence courts; investment in Aboriginal orgs. Feeling heartened

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