

The Victorian Government is increasingly using the internet to provide a channel for public consultations on specific topics. These government consultations link to agency websites where the relevant agency has published a discussion or consultation paper, which can be responded to via the internet or by postal mail.


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  • 46Entries


    The Victorian Government wants your opinions and ideas on specific matters listed below.

  • Showing Consultations
    • Aboriginal Community Open Meeting
      Aboriginal Community Open Meeting

      The Aboriginal Community Open Meeting will go live from 2pm on Wednesday 3 February 2016.

      Category: Community

      Status: Ongoing

      Department of Premier and Cabinet

    • Albert Park Master Plan
      Albert Park Master Plan

      The Draft Issues & Opportunities Paper has been completed and is available to download and review now.

      Category: Environment

      Status: Ongoing

      Parks Victoria

    • Community Consultation on IBAC, the Victorian Ombudsman and the Auditor-General
      Community Consultation on IBAC, the Victorian Ombudsman and the Auditor-General

      The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring a robust integrity and accountability system for Victoria. Victorians are entitled to expect that the public sector will act with integrity and be accountable for its decisions. While the primary responsibility to act with integrity lies with public bodies and officers, Victoria's integrity and accountability bodies, including the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC), the Victorian Ombudsman and the Auditor-General, play a critical role by providing avenues for complaint and independent oversight of the public sector.

      The Victorian Government wants to hear your views on key issues about the role and operation of these bodies as part of its extensive review of the integrity and accountability system. The Government has developed discussion papers inviting input on:

      * IBAC's public examinations and IBAC's role in preventing corruption in the public sector
      * the Victorian Ombudsman's continuing role in the Victorian integrity and accountability system, and
      * the role of the modern Auditor-General in the Victorian integrity and accountability system

      Category: Justice, Other

      Opening date: 29 March 2016

      Closing date: 20 May 2016

      Status: Open

      Department of Premier and Cabinet

    • Consumer property law review
      Consumer property law review

      Help us improve Victoria's consumer property laws. The review will:
      * identify opportunities to modernise and improve the legislation, taking into account stakeholders’ experiences and industry developments since each Act came into operation
      * examine whether the legislation efficiently and effectively regulates the conduct of licensed practitioners involved in the sale of land, real estate transactions and management of owners corporations
      * recommend changes to improve the way the legislation operates.

      Category: Property & Planning

      Opening date: 22 December 2015

      Closing date: 11 March 2016

      Status: Closed

      Consumer Affairs Victoria

    • Council Boundary Reviews
      Council Boundary Reviews

      The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) conducts electoral representation reviews in three groups, every four years.

      The Minister for Local Government has given notice that a review of 26 specific municipalities must be completed before 22 April 2016.

      Review of the first group of municipalities commences 4 February 2015, with other groups commencing at various times until 3 February 2016.

      Details of the review schedule and key dates for public submissions are available on the VEC website.

      Category: Local Government

      Opening date: 4 February 2015

      Closing date: 27 April 2016

      Status: Open

      Victorian Electoral Commission

    • Cycling strategy
      Cycling strategy

      We want to gather your ideas about how to make cycling safer and get more people riding a bike.
      All types of bicycle riders, as well as people who do not cycle but would like to, are encouraged to contribute to this consultation.

      Category: Sport & Recreation, Transport

      Opening date: 20 October 2015

      Closing date: 31 December 2015

      Status: Closed

      Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

    • DELWP Fire Planning
      DELWP Fire Planning

      How do we balance protection of communities, infrastructure and valuable ecosystems from bushfires? Help us to incorporate local knowledge and community values in Victoria's bushfire management planning.

      Category: Environment

      Status: Ongoing

      Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

    • Developing a Climate Change Framework for action
      Developing a Climate Change Framework for action

      The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning is building a framework for climate change action in Victoria that will be released in 2016.

      We want to hear from you about the challenges and opportunities for climate change action, your vision for a thriving and resilient future for Victoria, and how government can work with you to get us there.

      Category: Environment

      Opening date: 1 December 2015

      Closing date: 29 February 2016

      Status: Closed

      Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

    • Energy Hardship Review
      Energy Hardship Review

      The Commission has been asked to review the policies, practices and procedures that energy retailers use to help customers in financial hardship avoid disconnection. It will also assess the regulatory framework governing retailers' obligations.

      A consultation paper in April 2015 will invite stakeholder submissions. If you would like to be on the Commission's mailing list for this inquiry please email energyhardshipreview@esc.vic.gov.au

      Category: Infrastructure, Other

      Status: Ongoing

      Essential Services Commission

    • Fiskville inquiry call for submissions
      Fiskville inquiry call for submissions

      Submissions are now being sought for the parliamentary inquiry into the Country Fire Authority's training college at Fiskville.

      *On 10 March 2016, the reporting date was extended to 16 May 2016.

      Category: Environment

      Opening date: 30 January 2015

      Closing date: 27 March 2015

      Status: Closed

      Parliament of Victoria

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