Food: KFC China now has a robot employee

Edit Asia Times 14 May 2016
(From Shanghaiist) ... Dumi robot in KFC, Shanghai. You can get a taste of this glorious future by heading down to Shanghai’s National Exhibition and Convention Center ... Unfortunately named Dumi, this is a sophisticated automaton, capable of handling order changes, but not the English language, Sohu reports ... Read More ....

Film review: Green Room | Everybody Wants Some!! | Mustang | Our Kind Of Traitor

Edit Scotsman 14 May 2016
There's no fat on the characters either ... Our Kind of Traitor ... Making a mockery of Turkish society's determination to make women compliant automatons, its protagonists' predicament is no joke as their prison-like home is transformed into a “bride factory” by their grandmother and uncle before the girls – winningly played by a cast of non-professionals – have had much chance to experience anything of life in the wider world ... ....

'The Lobster'

Edit North Jersey 13 May 2016
A large part of the entertainment of “The Lobster” comes from marveling at a director having the audacity to stretch such absurdity so far until, well, there’s Colin Farrell kicking a child. The ideas are built into the impersonal filmmaking, too; the characters are intentionally detached and speak monotonously — automatons in a rigid system of courtship ... ....

Assembling Eric: Bringing back the UK's first robot

Edit BBC News 13 May 2016
London's Science Museum has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the rebuilding of one of the first robots. Eric, as it was called, was originally built in 1928, and was the UK's first humanoid robot, impressing audiences with his movement and speech ... "Eric holds a unique place in our history ... Mechanical automatons had existed for many years, but the term "robot" was coined in a 1920 play "RUR" by Czech writer Karel Capek ... ....

Deadpan satire 'The Lobster' skewers marriage

Edit Times Union 12 May 2016
Does anything break through the glum satire and unremitting deadpan that cover "The Lobster" like the gray Irish skies that hover over it?. Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos' first English-language film begins with a distraught woman driving through the rain ... John C ... The ideas are built into the impersonal filmmaking, too; the characters are intentionally detached and speak monotonously — automatons in a rigid system of courtship ... ___....

Pilobolus to do 1-night show in Santa Rosa

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 11 May 2016
The endlessly fascinating modern dance troupe Pilobolus arrives for a one-night-only show at the Luther Burbank Center for the Arts in Santa Rosa on Friday, May 13 ... [...] on the program is an excerpt from Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui’s unsettling “Automaton,” as well as “Skyscrapers,” which offers a view of Los AngelesEast Side as seen through a blending of tango and video by Trish Sie. > ... ....

Once Again, Marco Rubio Refuses to Be Donald Trump's Running Mate With a Proverbial "Hell Naw"

Edit Jezebel 11 May 2016
It looks like we should start planning certified robot Marco Rubio’s belated bar-mitzvah, because it looks like the GOP’s babiest automaton has turned into a real boy—at least when it comes to refusing to publicly back presumptive GOP nominee/withered Cheeto behind your couch Donald Trump. Read more... ....

You can help rebuild Eric, one of the world's first robots - CNET

Edit CNET 11 May 2016
Built in 1928, the talking automaton mysteriously vanished -- but a crowdfunding campaign by London's Science Museum plans to bring the retro robot back to life ... ....

A Kickstarter campaign wants to rebuild the UK’s first robot

Edit Digital Trends 11 May 2016
Who says reincarnation isn't possible? With Kickstarter, we can even bring dead robots back to life. But not just any old robot -- a new Kickstarter campaign wants to rebuild Eric, the very first automaton to emerge from the U.K. The post A Kickstarter campaign wants to rebuild the UK’s first robot appeared first on Digital Trends ... ....

The Unreal World

Edit The Atlantic 11 May 2016
Our modern world is full of simulations, from synthesized human voices to realistic security drills, representational art to CGI-filled blockbuster movies. Gathered below is a collection of images of things that are real, but not quite real—mockups, practice drills, lifelike works of art, simulators, puppets, models, prototypes, automatons, and more ... ....

The Unreal World (35 photos)

Edit The Atlantic 11 May 2016
... not quite real—mockups, practice drills, lifelike works of art, simulators, puppets, models, prototypes, automatons, and more....

Review: Deadpan satire 'The Lobster' skewers marriage

Edit The Oklahoman 11 May 2016
Does anything break through the glum satire and unremitting deadpan that cover "The Lobster" like the gray Irish skies that hover over it?. Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos' first English-language film begins with a distraught woman driving through the rain ... John C ... The ideas are built into the impersonal filmmaking, too; the characters are intentionally detached and speak monotonously — automatons in a rigid system of courtship ... ___....

What Game Theory Tells Us About Donald Trump

Edit Rollingstone 11 May 2016
Donald Trump likes to brag about his negotiating skills, but for a tough negotiator, he's awfully easy to manipulate. There are two types of people in Trumpland. those who are nice to Donald, and those who are not nice to Donald. If you flatter Trump, he'll treat you well. If you criticize him, he'll retaliate ... Unlike game-theory automatons, humans can identify the tit-for-tat strategy and use the knowledge to manipulate their opponents ... ....