


My name is russell. I'm doing sitting in a darkened room thinking. In my pocket i've got absolutely nothing at all. I like angular music (films and females) and i don't like routines and officialdom. Sometimes i think about living back in a European city; the years 1980 to 1982; Spain; mostly the future, mostly. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is isbn9760806. I'm doing something. In my pocket i've got a piece of sheet and a pen. I like looking around and i don't like people looking at me. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Viki Pesti. I'm doing beerdrinking. In my pocket i've got rocks and dust. I like myself and i don't like myself. Sometimes i think about love. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Paul. I'm doing about average. In my pocket i've got lip balm and keys and $45. I like it when I'm not sick and i don't like negative creeps. Sometimes i think about how am I ever going to afford to buy a house.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is yesnia. I'm doing trabajando en una oficina aburrida. In my pocket i've got tengo tristeza desde hace mucho tiempo, tengo recuerdos que me siguen a todas partes and basura. I like me gusta buscar páginas web, es mi casi única distracción en el día and i don't like no,me gustan los días lunes ja ja son muy cansados. Sometimes i think about poesía, musica, el cielo , las nuebes, visitar otro pais, zapatos, amor y comida. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is jose. I'm doing ok i guess. In my pocket i've got an atm card that says im american and maybe that bothers you and maybe it bothered me but i worked hard for what i have and its nice to know . I like things that make sense knowledge that maybe someday people will remember that the whole universe doesnt revolve around them and i don't like well i dont konw what i dont like. Sometimes i think about the world as i am living through it changes i like change id be happier knowing that life isnt about staying the same or getting a car that says im american but about being happy about who you are and who your with and by her i mean my little shorty sam. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Elisa. I'm doing Ckv. In my pocket i've got my mobile and my cigarettes. I like to be loved and i don't like to be hated. Sometimes i think about Who made this website. I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is stefan. I'm doing a little too little. In my pocket i've got a hole and the whole world. I like pretty things, visual things, beauty, even if it is ugly. and i don't like restlessness, boredom, ignorance, and stupidity.. Sometimes i think about what would have been, if I hadn't left my home country. I think about my mother, and if she is proud of me. I think about the one girl that left me, and wonder what could have been.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is stefan Kraft. I'm doing a little too little. In my pocket i've got a hole and the whole world. I like pretty things, visual things, beauty, even if it is ugly. and i don't like restlessness, boredom, ignorance, and stupidity.. Sometimes i think about what would have been, if I hadn't left my home country. I think about my mother, and if she is proud of me. I think about the one girl that left me, and wonder what could have been.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is LANCE FANCYPANCE. I'm doing A DANCE. In my pocket i've got A LOCKET and A ROCKET. I like THE MOON and i don't like THE AFTERNOON. Sometimes i think about EATING SANDY CANDY WITH DANDY MANDY. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is alex. I'm doing nothing interesting. In my pocket i've got trident gum and a key to the school's elevator. I like KIEFER SUTHERLAND. A LOT and i don't like cats, itchy wool sweaters, and things that are sticky. Sometimes i think about kiefer sutherland every day of my young life...i also think about money and gameshows and cape cod brand potato chips -YUMMY. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is revolutionary ricardo !!. I'm doing a milk revolution !!. In my pocket i've got milk powder !! and a spoon !!. I like it, yes it's with me all the time !! and i don't like real milk !!. Sometimes i think about not having any powder with me, that would be horrible !!. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Alex.. I'm doing pretty ok.. In my pocket i've got nothing and must deal with having no pockets to carry my belongings.. I like milkshakes and i don't like Dawson's Creek.. Sometimes i think about how to manage the needs of my new fiancee and my own. and be happy.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is typed on my identification card.. I'm doing nothing except thinking about what i'm doing.. In my pocket i've got package of gum and some free space.. I like nature and i don't like violence. Sometimes i think about the way to stop thinking at all.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is pete. I'm doing this. In my pocket i've got nish and nowt. I like possibility and i don't like the end of the cycle. Sometimes i think about too much. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.My name is unimportant. I'm doing nothing for the next generation. In my pocket i've got cards, cards,cards,paper and plastics and nothing. I like things that make me happy for a moment and i don't like the opposite. Sometimes i think about writing stupid and uninteresting things in strange blogs.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Christine. I'm doing Singing. In my pocket i've got Nothing and Nothing. I like Tuna and i don't like Spiders. Sometimes i think about Next pair of jeans im going to buy.... a lot! addhesives. I also think about what I'm going to do, but i really want to do something random and spontanous but i wont do it becuase i suck.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Mike. I'm doing Watching Star Wars, postponing Homework. In my pocket i've got nothing,wearing mesh shorts and no pockets.. I like Sleep and i don't like This movie very much. Sometimes i think about Death, Success. and Sex. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Undie. I'm doing a lot and still too little. . In my pocket i've got naught and I dislike having things in pockets.. I like nature, moving around and sitting in the sun and i don't like haste.. Sometimes i think about whether I'll look back in disappointment some day.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Naz. I'm doing life surch . In my pocket i've got beads and string . I like happy people and i don't like sad people . I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is david. I'm doing anything but concentrating on my work. In my pocket i've got a lipbalm and nowt else. I like millions of things - the first 3 that come to mind are - early scritti politti (that's how i found this site), painting (I'm doing a fine art degree) and going for walks by the sea with my children and i don't like again, many things - so another 3 that pop into my mind are: inequality, british nazi's and my dentist. Sometimes i think about how i feel like george bailey.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is jean-michel. I'm doing contemplation. In my pocket i've got nothing and nothing. I like Platon, haïkus etc. and i don't like money, gold, cars, jewels, coats, shoes etc.. Sometimes i think about paradise. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is jan. I'm doing looking at the pc and .... filling this in. In my pocket i've got some papermoney, coins and 2 plughs for in my ears to stop noise like snoring and some dirt. I like walking in belgium (just did't) and being a home again and i don't like being at home (want to walk around the corner andfurther). I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is marie. I'm doing everything I possibly can to survive. In my pocket i've got air and lint. I like brushing my teeth in the shower and i don't like wine breath. Sometimes i think about death. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Dorine. I'm doing Fixing old people´s hearing aid´s. In my pocket i've got 80 euro cent and some air probably. I like mountainbiking with my friends in Germany and Austria and i don't like Snowblizzards. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Craig. I'm doing Nothing. In my pocket i've got A Phone and My Keys. I like Sleeping and i don't like Being Cold. Sometimes i think about how horrible and cruel the world is.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Marin. I'm doing some sitting. In my pocket i've got a red bic lighter and a weigh scale ticket. I like oranges and i don't like mushrooms. Sometimes i think about how to stop thinking. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Paul. I'm doing my best to avoid working today. In my pocket i've got some keys and a shopping list. I like random websites and i don't like the cold. Sometimes i think about changing everything that never changes. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is Marco. I'm doing try to thing up some Christmas Presents. In my pocket i've got a Lighter and an "i-love-You" note from ny girlfriend. I like Games and i don't like stupid people. Sometimes i think about a way to get some reason into the big stupid mind of humanity.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is lisa. I'm doing quite a lot usually, sometimes nothing though.. In my pocket i've got a taschentuch and a 5 cent coin. I like marzipan and i don't like nougat. Sometimes i think about work. where to work... and how to combine it with my current love. hmhmhmmm... and i am thinking if i should go down and get cabbage and tomato sauce. i ran out of it (the sauce).. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Daniel. I'm doing everything I can to get rid of my cold. In my pocket i've got paracetamol and tissues. I like glass and appelsauce and i don't like having a cold that turnes my head into a pumpkin. Sometimes i think about what it is that makes me think that the choice between Meconopsis Grandis and Meconopsis 'Lingholm' is important.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Alex. I'm doing nothing at the moment. In my pocket i've got nothing and not much. I like beautiful music and beautiful people and i don't like drunk people and people who think they are weird. Sometimes i think about the fact that I might end up all alone. That I won\'t find any real friends and a lover.. I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is Nel. I'm doing my best to be a good wife and mother ( hard work!!). In my pocket i've got my cell-phone and hankies and keys. I like chocolate and ice cream and i don't like people who aren't honest with me. Sometimes i think about so many things, but especially about him, and why he doesnt give a sign of life!! wondering if I did or said something wrong.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Peter. I'm doing not so well becouse im cold and sick. In my pocket i've got deactivated warp gate and few coins. I like one certain girl and i don't like stupid repressive society. Sometimes i think about ,if good things are good and bad things are bad.... I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Buffel (nickname). I'm doing technical stuff for rockbands. In my pocket i've got my phone and wallet (a structural empty one...). I like music and photography ( ) and i don't like unfair people. Sometimes i think about her (and the way it could have been with me). I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Damien.. I'm doing working.. In my pocket i've got nothing at the moment and really nothing else. I like cats and i don't like dogs.. Sometimes i think about life, the universe and everything.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Tim. I'm doing nothing at the moment. In my pocket i've got marujuana and cigarettes. I like pie and i don't like cake. Sometimes i think about going for a long walk on a short pier.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is martin. I'm doing myself out. In my pocket i've got unseen things and thighs were my pockets would otherwise be.. I like this moment, early morning in the subtropics: ellen pronk's lfs pages, the voicings i discovered on my l'arrivee guitar 10 minutes ago while trying to accompany elvis costello on almost blue, my alsatian's soprano when she took delight in a bone i gave her an hour ago, yom kippur's proximity, the thought of kissing ellenpronk from rotterdam in a gesture of gratitude, a virtual kiss which evokes the reminder that i also like The Netherlands with passion, from afar, because it does more than other places on behalf of individual sovereignty, the only sovereignty in which i really believe and i don't like my wordiness, cruelty, the stench from a dead cat i buried this afternoon after following the horrid smell to the grove behind my house, and i don't like tyrants (domestic, political, intellectual),the god-intoxicated, bullies, solipsistic egomaniacs, (forgive the possible redundancy). Sometimes i think about what i thought about today: Louis Armstrong, the texture of the melted dulce de leche ice-cream i ate sunday morning, the glassy greenish cover which appeared over Trinity's point zero, the place where Oppenheimer's sect tested the first A-bomb, how much a certain Bach fugue owes to a certain Coltrane solo, the beauty of Amy Smart's pimple on the scratchy VHS copy of Outside Providence I found for $1 US, the evil men and women who are using Katrina's floods to banish impoverished, working class Blacks from New Orleans' poor neighborhoods. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is elia. I'm doing ntohing and i like it. In my pocket i've got lipstick, money, tobacco and money. I like men, cats amd blues and i don't like people with extreme self-esteem and noseness. Sometimes i think about the moon, the sea, the sky and what i want inlife. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Goran. I'm doing a sprint down the memory lane. In my pocket i've got 2 Bosnian Marks. I like being liked and i don't like nationalists. . Sometimes i think about how it would if i were an art teacher, how it would be if i could play violine, what it would like here if Tito was still alive.... I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Daisy. I'm doing my stage. In my pocket i've got normally my mobile phone but not at this moment and some money. I like dancing, shopping, be with my friends, going on vacation and driving in my car and i don't like Arguing with somebody. Sometimes i think about a great life with noting to worry about. Just relaxing and having fun! Like on a vacation. If we all could do that.. the world would be a relaxing malibu place :). I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is rYNo. I'm doing the best I can, when I want to, otherwise I'd be hemming and hawing, maybe hoedowning. In my pocket i've got a smaller pocket and another smaller pocket. I like the way your ass looks in that dress and i don't like the way lacy bra's look under a silk shirt - like lumpy oatmeal. Sometimes i think about how good it used to be, which is pretty distorted, since it was just as good as now, mostly.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Karl. I'm doing this that and the other. In my pocket i've got keys and a phone that's been switched off. I like it and i don't like it. Sometimes i think about making up my mind. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Craig. I'm doing my own head in.. In my pocket i've got two tram tickets and 12 cents. I like people who look like they've just woken up and i don't like smoking cigarettes but I still do it.. Sometimes i think about if the next cigarette will be the one that kills me.. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Sal. I'm doing a slow job of eating rasberry icecream. In my pocket i've got lint and little else and it's a very freeing feeling.. I like full moons, berry pies, old friends and i don't like arrogant people. Sometimes i think about Why we can't just all get along. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is jody. I'm doing computer work. In my pocket i've got nothing. I like singing and i don't like sticky fingers. Sometimes i think about happiness, money, my girl's lips, our baby, what is right. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Cobi. I'm doing my best. In my pocket i've got a lipstick and nothing else. I like beauty and i don't like ugliness. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is evalotta. I'm doing work. In my pocket i've got a letter i didn't post and nothing else. I like paris and i don't like boring conversations. Sometimes i think about growing up, my boyfriend, french humor and if my life is real. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is grunt. I'm doing doing gone. In my pocket i've got in my pocket... but inside and not out inside under and beneath. I like clouds and i don't like questionairs. Sometimes i think about snow. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is grant. I'm doing nothing much. In my pocket i've got 10 cents and paper clip. I like georgina and i don't like when she's gone. Sometimes i think about snow. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is mirna. I'm doing this qoustionaire. In my pocket i've got sweet wrapper and some more sweet wrappers. I like sweets and i don't like confused people. Sometimes i think about the end and start of time (sweets). I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is grant. I'm doing nothing much. In my pocket i've got 10 cents and paper clip. I like georgina and i don't like when she's gone. Sometimes i think about snow. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Debbie. I'm doing porn movies for sperm. In my pocket i've got vial of sperm and a mint. I like cocks and i don't like cocks that have no sperm. Sometimes i think about eating sperm out of a bucket.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is zaria. I'm doing alright, no complains only preasur at work. In my pocket i've got a lighter and lip gloss. I like mango and i don't like kwaito music. Sometimes i think about singing, acting, men, life, the afterlife, phylosophy, death and men. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is phumzile mahlangu. I'm doing answering questions on the net. In my pocket i've got a lighter and nothing else. I like mango and i don't like olives. Sometimes i think about musi, movies, money, sex and men. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Paulinah. I'm doing Work. In my pocket i've got Nothing and Nothing. I like Sleeping and i don't like Drinking. Sometimes i think about My boyfriend. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is lebo. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got my phone and wallet. I like food and i don't like women. Sometimes i think about chocolate. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is KONRAD. I'm doing NOTHING SPECIAL. In my pocket i've got FOKOLL and NOG KAK OOK. I like EVERYTHING and i don't like ANYTHING. Sometimes i think about MY CAT. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Toto. I'm doing work @ mtn. In my pocket i've got cellphone, wallet, lot of money and mp3 player. I like girls, money, and cars and i don't like men. Sometimes i think about girls a lot, and most probably what i wanna do with my life. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Thabi. I'm doing work things. In my pocket i've got a lighter and lp gloss. I like chocolate and i don't like brocoli. Sometimes i think about Sex, drugs and alcohol. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Tezza. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got a hole and my cock is hard. I like Men and i don't like pussy's. Sometimes i think about food and then i start thinking about sex again. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Guy. I'm doing fine. In my pocket i've got fluff and tobacco. I like men and i don't like women. Sometimes i think about women but then i think about what i'm thinking about and i think about men again. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is nono mascara. I'm doing online cookery shows in drag. In my pocket i've got the whole greek military *yummy* and a fabuous cock book. I like hairy men who fight with handbags and i don't like handbags that fight with hairy men. Sometimes i think about having my own cable cookery show. I can invite special guests such as PanAm and dead seventies las vegas showgirls. (if they aint dead..i'll make sure they are..from my coocking!). I'm uncertain of my gender, young and happy.


My name is colin. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got an empty chocolate wrapper and pocket linings. I like chocolate and i don't like vegetables. Sometimes i think about the universe, made of chocolate. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is joe. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got 10 dollars and keys. I like ideas and i don't like trouble. Sometimes i think about really stupid things. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and sad.


My name is Vincent. I'm doing and being. In my pocket i've got fear and loathing. I like awareness and i don't like cowbell. Sometimes i think about Has a dog Buddha nature or not? Mu.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Anna. I'm doing daydreaming. In my pocket i've got cigarettes but I don't really smoke and my problems deep,deep,deep down. I like the sea,and travelling and i don't like getting up. Sometimes i think about working all day and go home exhausted and be happy and grateful about it and finding love. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Adolfo, now I'm working in a gray office, in my pocket i've got money, some cards, my house' key and i like sleep, cloud days, the sea. i don't like bad people. sometimes i think about my, about us, what are we doing here??, what we are??, you are true or you are only a ilusion of my brain??. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is brandon. I'm doing brandon. In my pocket i've got brandon and brandon. I like brandon and i don't like brandon. Sometimes i think about brandon. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is robert. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got weed and papers, tips and cigarettes. I like weed and i don't like people who dont like weed. Sometimes i think about how some people just keep on doing the same things all their lives. slaves to society sitting in their cubicles staring at some screen with numbers. the numbers change, but not much else. Or school, and how every hour of every schoolday is the same, the same bullshit, the same sentences but only with diferent words.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Smith. I'm doing everything at all times. In my pocket i've got the answer and it might be wrong. I like soft voices and i don't like bright lights. Sometimes i think about bobsledding. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is carmel. I'm doing matchbox treasures. In my pocket i've got a tissue and a key. I like music and art and fine food and people and animals and i don't like arrogant intolerant people. Sometimes i think about becoming a famous successful artist. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Sus. I'm doing nothing because I just cleaned my floors.. In my pocket i've got some lint and definately no money. I like to make things with paper and i don't like working with negative people. Sometimes i think about all the horrible things that could happen. I'm a woman, old and happy.


My name is gal. I'm doing laundry and things with leftovers. In my pocket i've got space and the final frontier. I like when things turn out ok in the end but are difficult to begin with and i don't like those othering things that keep telling me . Sometimes i think about if we, me are, am going to get some one to go to ice cream tonite with know.. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is monica. I'm doing surfing on the internet. In my pocket i've got my cell phone and some tissues. I like happy times and i don't like Rachel. Sometimes i think about my son. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is kay. I'm doing work. In my pocket i've got mobile, money and condoms. I like animals and i don't like this dull world. Sometimes i think about love and colours. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is j. I'm doing nothing much at the mo. In my pocket i've got a cigarette lighter and some gum. I like peace and women and i don't like george bush. Sometimes i think about what would happen if the world stopped spinning?. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is hugo. I'm doing nothing mooch. In my pocket i've got chump change and some picks. I like spitting off tall buildings and i don't like whipped cream - say that again. Sometimes i think about [deleted on request] - believe it or not. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is David White cf answer 635. I'm doing ~~~~~Correction Correction~~~. In my pocket i've got as i siad before and ditto. I like lotsa ladies and i don't like me sometimes. Sometimes i think about Definitely masculine male, I reckon my thoughts prove that.
If God (who/what) is such a smartie, why didn't he pair us correctly.
For both our sakes.. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is David White cf answer 635. I'm doing ~~~~~Correction Correction~~~. Sometimes i think about Definitely masculine male, I reckon my thoughts prove that.
If God (who/what) is such a smartie, why didn't he pair us correctly.
For both our sakes.. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is David White . I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is David White. I'm doing not much but wasting time on the web. EXCEPT THIS SITE!!. In my pocket i've got Diary, keys, phone,GTN spray and more keys, purse (£7.84). I like Music, honesty, news-papers and i don't like politicians.. Sometimes i think about How sad the world is, and how much is my/our responsibility.
n.b age indicated below is relative only to the calendar.
Not my feeling of well being (and appreciating it)

Lost loves.. I'm a woman, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Danielle. I'm doing pretty good.. In my pocket i've got a wrapper and an I.D. (usually). I like night time television and i don't like people with problems that they can't check. Sometimes i think about whether or not I'm losing out by trying to fix my life.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Herjen. I'm doing browsing the internet. In my pocket i've got nothing, don't keep much ther. and air to breath, to liv.. I like having fun together with someone and i don't like being alone, and having nothing to do.. Sometimes i think about I realy think all the time about different thinks (who doesn't) I analyse things a lot, about myself, what i do and why, about other people, why they do things they do, and why they don't.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is arbitrary.. I'm doing another set of these (I did #104, it must have been 4 or 5 years ago).. In my pocket i've got pretty much the same stuff I had last time, only a little nicer. and I am just appreciative of the fact that I am still here and functioning.. I like things that engage my senses and my interest (electronic music, billiards, my girlfriend) and i don't like sounds that are so loud they make my ears feel like they're bleeding.. Sometimes i think about the notion that I've let too many opportunities to be more than I am now slip through my fingers, other times I think how lucky I am that I am able to do things that make me happy: create electronic music on my computer, shoot a competent and ever-improving game of 8- or 9-ball, hang with a really engaging female who enjoys my company, and generally get along with everyone around me.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Ellen. I'm doing what i do. In my pocket i've got lfs and more then lfs. I like the deep sense of life and i don't like the deep sense of life. Sometimes i think about myself myself myself myself myself
love love love love love love
when when when when when
always always always always
nothing because i have to much love. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is roppie. I'm doing typing at this monent. In my pocket i've got my id and lots of dirt. I like ellen pronk and i don't like ellen pronk sad. Sometimes i think about sometimes i think i am a sick motherrfucker :)
sometimes i think love
sometimes i think madness
sometimes i think nothing
sometimes i think to much
sometimes i think what the fuck. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is ELEN. I'm doing NOTHING. In my pocket i've got CATS and CANDY. I like SLEEPING and i don't like ANYTHING. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Aly.. I'm doing just dandy.. In my pocket i've got a note from a friend and some guitar picks.. I like art and i don't like war.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Ras. I'm doing pretending to work. In my pocket i've got a wallet, passcard, SA knife, business card holder, keys, and hankie, lighter, and phone. I like roots reggae, bluegrass, gin, Clive Owen movies, and BBQ and i don't like conservatives, ginger, hash, or jazz. Sometimes i think about making a smoker out of a ghost money burning can.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Loulou. I'm doing chocolate with orange oil, crabsticks in lettuce with cherry tomatoes, and cups of tea, while simultaneously answering the questions on this site, and remembering the past fondly and looking forward to the future and enjoying the right now.. In my pocket i've got no time for pockets. I like struggling to overcome my limitations by faith, and having my faith in God confirmed every time that happens. and i don't like Fatalism and procrastination.. Sometimes i think about What life would be like if everyone knew Jesus personally.. I'm a woman, old and happy.


My name is tanya. I'm doing my best to look busy. In my pocket i've got lint and skittles. I like shiny orange things and i don't like eggs. Sometimes i think about where I should go on my next vacation and how I could retire at twenty-six.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Bruno. I'm doing something with computers.. In my pocket i've got a usb key and non-usb keys.. I like love. and i don't like hatred.. Sometimes i think about quitting smoking for good; leaving for New York; living together with my girlfriend; how to change the world - radically i mean - , Bush and how on earth it's possible that a guy like him (and his entourage) are leading the planet (straight to hell); sex; attacking Microsoft's offices with an army of heavily-armed penguins, uhm, and lots of other stuff too... I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Eelco. I'm doing I'm filling out this form. In my pocket i've got nothing, they're empty at the moment and I said nothing :). I like weekends and i don't like days that are not part of the weekends. Sometimes i think about staying in bed all day. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is martin. I'm doing watching my network stats. In my pocket i've got keys, cash and mobile. I like being on my own and i don't like getting insane deadlines. Sometimes i think about how it would be to have reached everything i dream of and what i would do then. could i stop what i am doing or could i maybe not recognize my success. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Ernst. I'm doing nothing in particular. In my pocket i've got definitely something, alyhough I'm sure what and a few other things. I like music, cooking, movies, my friends and i don't like bad music, bad movies, laws, rules, police and the IRS. Sometimes i think about what to do when I have some time off. Maybe how to finally determine whether or not I'm happy. Or whether I should finally start acting as old as I am. But for that I need to know how old I actually am. Maybe I should think about tackling this dilemma.... I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Naomi. I'm doing nothing but waste my life. In my pocket i've got nothing and that's the way I like it. I like that I don't have anything in my pockets and i don't like that I've already said that. Sometimes i think about you, me, Blondie. It is always good to think about blondes regardless. I also think abouthaving a dog, although I have a cat. Sometimes I think about Cleopatra or Bruce Springsteen. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Peter. I'm doing not much. In my pocket i've got nothing and more nothing. I like ellen and i don't like being mocked. Sometimes i think about nothing, this is very hard beacause most of the time i have a lot on my mind.. I'm uncertain of my gender, old and happy.


My name is Dreamboat Annie. I'm doing what I always do when my hand is . In my pocket i've got nothing to say and you should know that it is you that. I like , it is you that I adore! and i don't like that I am doomed.. Sometimes i think about being doomed and adored.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is goran. I'm doing research on your work. In my pocket i've got a fascility card and the remains of an old cleenex. I like sunny weather and i don't like up tight arrogant people. Sometimes i think about God, Heaven, home, good food, parties, friends.... I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is pedro. I'm doing gniod. In my pocket i've got no € and nothing €lse. I like to paint and i don't like this kind of world. Sometimes i think about love
love. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Darcy. I'm doing everything and nothing at the same time. I am a student assistant so no one really gives me anything to do. . In my pocket i've got a stolen candy :o) and a piece of black cloth. Have no idea what it is doing here. . I like reading "Pride and Prejudice" over and over again and i don't like narrow-minded people. They gotta learn how to chill out!. Sometimes i think about commiting a suicide.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Nihad. I'm doing some research. In my pocket i've got no money and a used tissue. I like smoking and i don't like being broke. Sometimes i think about how it would be if I were rich. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is [deleted on request]. I'm doing nothing in particular in my life and should be doing something special. Can anyone motivate me and get me cracking? . In my pocket i've got empty sweetpapers, a recipe for guacemole and a to do list (which i still haven't done).. I like (really like) this site. it's full of surprises. And I like the movie Le destin fabuleux d'Amelie Poulain. And Mariska. and i don't like whipped cream. yak.. Sometimes i think about my life when i was happy.. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.My name is Nihad. I'm doing some research. In my pocket i've got no money and a used tissue. I like smoking and i don't like being broke. Sometimes i think about how would it be if I were rich. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Michael. I'm doing fondling myself. In my pocket i've got my huge ballsack and my throbbing cock. I like to be played with and i don't like assholes. Sometimes i think about sucking a cock while he plays with my huge balls. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is DEVON DAVIS. I'm doing H. In my pocket i've got NOTHING and NOTHING. I like TO KNOW ME and i don't like REDICULE. Sometimes i think about WHTA IT WOULD BE LIKE TO ,HOLDING SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Mika. I'm doing trying to find out if there's any girl on this planet that I will be able to spend the rest of my life with.. haha.. sounds like a joke but it's not.. In my pocket i've got an empty plastic bag (there was caffeine tablets in it before) and nada more. I like to live in my own romantic dream that seems to be far away from the reality and i don't like my stupid neigbours who steals my food!. Sometimes i think about it'd be quite cool if this whole world was a good book or movie or another fantasy!. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Fritz. I'm doing JackSh##. In my pocket i've got a rocket and some change. I like Rum and i don't like egg salad. Sometimes i think about Flying. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is bhaskar. I'm doing surfing. In my pocket i've got the world and everything. I like everyone and i don't like noone. Sometimes i think about I like nickname"Towards Infinity".making my self a big entity in this world.I have very very big dreams and can do anything to make them true.Trying to reach the stars..I like anyone who will help me to reach the start and my goal.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is lola. I'm doing drinking tea. In my pocket i've got nothing and in fact I haven't even got pockets.. I like having nothing to do and i don't like the smell of farts. Sometimes i think about having an affair. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is tom. I'm doing this servay. In my pocket i've got your mother and maybe your father if your lcuky. I like guys and i don't like girls. Sometimes i think about what it would be like to be a gay/lesbian relationship....
p.s im gay. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is sarah dray. I'm doing guy thinking. In my pocket i've got i have no pocket and im a desperate freak. I like guys and men alot and i don't like myself and im depressed. Sometimes i think about guys...not sometimes...all the time! im freaken obsessed! and desperate! i get depressed when i dotn have a bf and i dotn have friends...theres something strange or off about me.... I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is Stijn.. I'm doing some clicks on your site in order to get a glimps.. In my pocket i've got my "vulpen", lot's of small pieces of paper and keys to every lock that's needs my opening. I like singing in the rain. and i don't like cold feet.. Sometimes i think about what it would be like if I ruled the world.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is tracy. I'm doing making a Halloween costume for my son. In my pocket i've got 80 dollars, a credit card, and an atm reciept. I like oysters, wine, sex, fall and i don't like snobs and assholes. Sometimes i think about hitting people. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Kai. I'm doing a big waste of time. In my pocket i've got my wallet and my phone. I like goofing off and i don't like deadlines. Sometimes i think about not a whole lot. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Ed. I'm doing a lot of hectic things as per usual. In my pocket i've got my mobile and my keys. I like to enjoy the weekend now and i don't like to be called for any work related things. Sometimes i think about how nice it would be to win the lottery. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Catherine. I'm doing pretty well considering the planet we're on.. In my pocket i've got Dead presidents and keys and pens and make-up and pictures of my kids...but it's really a pocketbook; hope that's not cheating!. I like NYC, upstate NY, the ocean and my family and i don't like my kid not calling for months on end.. Sometimes i think about How much happiness I want for my kids.. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is John. I'm doing mostly good things. In my pocket i've got a lot and a little; and something in the middle. I like apples and cheese and i don't like stale bread. Sometimes i think about what the world is all about. But then:. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Steven. I'm doing surfuing the net. In my pocket i've got a mobile and my wallet. I like big butts and i cannot lie - you other brothers cant deny... and i don't like bubbly people or republicans. Sometimes i think about thinking. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Linda. I'm doing dinda. In my pocket i've got hinda and pinda. I like kinda and i don't like minda. Sometimes i think about tinda, ginda and rinda. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and happy.


My name is monica. I'm doing web work but taking a break by looking at your site, which i've visited since 1999. In my pocket i've got wallet and cell phone. I like chocolate cookies and i don't like allergies. Sometimes i think about what the world will be like if Bush is elected again. yuck.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is karl toonz. I'm doing a typing in a box.... In my pocket i've got lint and hair. I like flash and i don't like having a conversation while I'm listening to the news.. Sometimes i think about becoming famous.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is leo. I'm doing a pee. In my pocket i've got two balls and some juses. I like it wet and i don't like dry. Sometimes i think about my girl in a horney mode she want to pee al over me. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is flank. I'm doing no one at the moment.. In my pocket i've got a wallet, keys and some lint.. I like getting paid. and i don't like not getting paid.. Sometimes i think about what would really happen if I hit rockbottom. It might be good.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is carrie . I'm doing good. In my pocket i've got notes and money. I like bsketball and i don't like football. Sometimes i think about my best friends. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Simone. I'm doing Duhh this. In my pocket i've got money and dust. I like you and i don't like evrybody else. Sometimes i think about why am i doing this it doesnt make any sence what is the point im just wasting my time. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is chris. I'm doing engineer. I like sex and fuck rub my cock. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Zuzu. I'm doing this survey? Hmmm... clearly... In my pocket i've got a mutt mitt/pooh bag to deal with Honey Bee's stinkies and USD 8.. I like gardening, hiking and snuggling and i don't like doing the dishes, my neighbor or her children.. Sometimes i think about quitting my job and emersing myself in reading, writing and wandering the planet for entertainment and pleasure.. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Daniel. I'm doing smoking, thiking of wrtting a book, dreaming and looking for some information on the subject ramdomness. In my pocket i've got a wallet, a some money, wish I could have some fotos and some very well disposed empty spots. I like music, closing my eyes and listen to my inner thoughts and my own marihuana and i don't like being repressed, lies and a thing called selfishness. Sometimes i think about My daughter, my ex girlfriend places I had been to, thigs I've done very badly and my little thigs, those that make live such a miracle. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Lil kenna. I'm doing My mothers hair. In my pocket i've got wet saggy cut of dicks. and condoms. I like doing girls and i don't like doing boys. Sometimes i think about why do i do girls instead of boy? oh yeah I'm a girl.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is taz. I'm doing a girl. In my pocket i've got a 20 doller bill and a condom. I like fat girls and i don't like little girls. Sometimes i think about girls and pussy. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Lonita. I'm doing something deep and mysterious. In my pocket i've got fifteen cents and pocket fluff. I like cold Coca-Cola and i don't like liver. Sometimes i think about why people are such selfish jerks.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is kamagurka. I'm doing anything but the necessary.. In my pocket i've got nothig since im wearing a kilt and thats got no pocket.. I like salted snacks and masturbation, not necessarily in that order, and i don't like missionary vegans.. Sometimes i think about my plans for the future and what i should be doing right now to advance them, but then i get drunk or i tell myself that i'll start tomorrow and it's all good again.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is eu. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got nothing and nothing. I like kiefer and i don't like julia. Sometimes i think about kiefer. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is candace. I'm doing homework. In my pocket i've got Nothing at all and more nothing. I like daydreaming about other things and i don't like being stressed. Sometimes i think about Being different and doing different things. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is joan. I'm doing i'm working but i am not verry interested. In my pocket i've got my keys and a wonderpotje. I like the beach from one of our islands and i don't like peaple who dont speak but make you feel very wrong. Sometimes i think about going abroad on my own. I'm a woman, old and happy.


My name is Meg. I'm doing what I shouldn't be doing, surfing the net instead of working on homework. In my pocket i've got nothing because I don't have pockets on these pants and if I did I would have my cell phone and that's it. I like being with my boyfriend, holding my puppies, chocolate, smiling people, working out, the beach, sun, sand and i don't like liers, having to do homework, onions, messy things. Sometimes i think about how I want to get married as soon as possible. I wish I was married but I'm still in college and having my parents pay for it. I think about having kids and driving them around in my big suv. I also think about where I will live in the future.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is sumera. I'm doing studies. In my pocket i've got money,my id card,comd,tissues, and pen and a note book. I like human beings and i don't like the doublty persons. Sometimes i think about that from where this universe comes and what is my character which is iam playing till to die,and why i will die.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Don. I'm doing researches about a lfs(live for speed) hack. In my pocket i've got some money and a mobile phone. I like video games and i don't like working like a madman. Sometimes i think about what this life is all about, like everybody else certainly.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Jett. I'm doing trying to occupy my mind with useless internet clutter so that I won't jump off a bridge.. In my pocket i've got Nothing, I am broke and I don't know where my next meal is comming from.. I like Stereoviw cards and i don't like dishonesty. Sometimes i think about How this city could have been better laid out. How I never told Mark Honkala how much I loved him. How bleak the furture looks. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Saar. I'm doing research wether this site is usable for a CKV-report. In my pocket i've got some candy, a laser light and warmth for my hands. I like to watch at the small things, like a lonely flower in the park or a lolly-pop-stick on the side of the road and i don't like people who think those things aren't worth living for... Sometimes i think about why it wont be better if the human popullation would shrink, since that would give the ones left more space to move and appreciate their lives. I think giving more attention to the things and people that will be left, would finally understand why they are here, and how to enjoy. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Marcus. I'm doing anything to avoid getting down to business on my graduate scholarship applications.. In my pocket i've got a little sunshine and a two-dollar bill.. I like yoga, weed, video games with explosions, Tom Stoppard, Michael Chabon, and the thought of Uma and Gwyneth having lunch together. and i don't like boredom and hunger and dealines and Republicans.. Sometimes i think about getting around to writing my novel, which is after all what I'm trying to do now, all except for the actual, you know, writing part of it.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Kippfest. I'm doing fine. In my pocket i've got drafts and fluffy stuff. I like VISSTICKS and i don't like al dat andere. Sometimes i think about poop!. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is d. I'm doing no work, dreaming instead. In my pocket i've got liquorice papers & Tobacco and keys, chewy, lip balm. I like animal collective and i don't like these times. Sometimes i think about whether or not i'll ever meet anyone who means as much to me as she did. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and sad.


My name is Bryan. I'm doing surfing the web...looking at some interesting things, beautiful women. In my pocket i've got nothing. I like laughter, beautiful smiles and honesty and i don't like the veneer that surrounds us all. Sometimes i think about how this world would be better and how i can make it so. i am still thinking...but that is a prelude to doing. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Martin. I'm doing all kinds of things. In my pocket i've got a mobile phone and a parking ticket. I like good weather and i don't like bad weather. Sometimes i think about nothing, I would like that happens more often.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Jonathan. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got my knife and keys and a few pennies. I like mini oreos, asian women, and peanut butter and i don't like uptight people or Republicans. Sometimes i think about all the crap I learned in high school and how it applies to all the crap I learned in college. I wonder about what it would have been like to life during the 1700s or 1800s.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is kelly r. I'm doing research for my website. In my pocket i've got scrap papers and fuzz. I like spinach, sweets, sleep, and knitting and i don't like aches and pains.. Sometimes i think about living in other places and adopting a puppy.. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Andreas. I'm doing Nothing much. In my pocket i've got danish money and i just dropped a coin. I like good music, fried food, computers and partying and i don't like beer, having a flat tire that i will have to fix soon. Sometimes i think about life, death, where my wallet is.... I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Vatreni. I'm doing computations in quantum mechanical problems.. In my pocket i've got a couple of mobile phones, money, my home keys and condoms.. I like anal sex and i don't like fascism. Sometimes i think about my dreams on mathematical paradoxes. And the proximity between fractal flames and real fire flames.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is emilie. I'm doing breakfast. In my pocket i've got my boyfriend and dirty kleenex. I like cheese and i don't like half rainy days. Sometimes i think about tumbleweeds. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Lennart. I'm doing not really good. In my pocket i've got a musicplayer and a minibar. I like looking outside when it rains and i don't like being deppressed as i am. Sometimes i think about going postal. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is vineet. I'm doing okay.. In my pocket i've got some keys, a phone, and my wallet.. I like reading and feeling like i have friends and i don't like feeling lonely and dissapointed. Sometimes i think about girls, my dad, my mom + stepdad, and my future.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Ome Aart. I'm doing nothing, only surfing. In my pocket i've got money and a knife. I like programming and i don't like sleeping. Sometimes i think about why i don´t like sleeping ;). I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing my work like everyday. In my pocket i've got my (nearly empty) wallet and my keys. I like books, movies, my computer, excellent websites like yours ;o), the sun, my flat and i don't like close-minded people, my work and racism. Sometimes i think about how it would be only to do what i like.... I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Mike. I'm doing some retrospection. In my pocket i've got Three bag of heroin, keys, pocket knife, cut straw, pseudoepedrine and I'm about to have a newyears. I like Sex and i don't like when my girlfriend is never horny. Sometimes i think about cheating on her.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Lindsay. I'm doing swell. In my pocket i've got money and a necklace. I like eating pie and i don't like eating cheese. Sometimes i think about my future. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Paul. I'm doing a lot of thinkin' about what I should do. In my pocket i've got keys to some doors, but I don't know whether they fit and I also wander a lot about some doors, and if they still excist. I like to say hello to strange people on the streets and i don't like it if people ignore me. Sometimes i think about all the people who ignore me on the streets. I pray for them.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Rocky.. I'm doing up some craisins and poptarts.. In my pocket i've got a couple of pens, a receipt, some cash, several dollars of loose change, and my debate coaches phone number on a green piece of paper and in another pocket I've got a set of english lyrics to Bella Caio. I like to learn everthing I can, however possible. I also like to eat, I feel comforted when I do, but luckily my metabolism is crazy because I am ridiculously thin right now and i don't like to write reports on things I've learned, and gaining weight from eating too much.. Sometimes i think about whether life is truly worth experiencing. Sadness seems to outweigh joy.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Robin Bos. I'm doing fine. In my pocket i've got a Creative Zen NX and a mobile phone. I like my new MP3 player and i don't like to repeat things. Sometimes i think about how old my psychiatrist would be. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Leezurd. I'm doing bucket loads of artwork. The sad thing is, that I am not an "artist", but I have been doing it for so many years, I can no longer count them. Just the same, three people have my work permanently engraved on thier bodies, and seven households have it hanging on the walls. I find it pleasurable to know it is appreciated.. In my pocket i've got a P.D. stick, an optical screwdriver and keys to my home and my eyeglass shop. It isn't really my shop, but that's what I tell the owners.. I like hearing peoples history, and experiences, and i don't like when they get mired in little personal viewpoints that they believe the rest of us should agree with.. Sometimes i think about About my wife, my mother, my father, and sister, and what they mean to me. And how much everyone else might mean to someone else.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Aroon. I'm doing absolutely nothing useful. In my pocket i've got keys to a 240sx, an Accord, and a Villager and a cellphone andf card with phone numbers. I like sleep and i don't like being alone. Sometimes i think about sleeping my life away and why is life so surreal.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Dug. I'm doing Very Little. In my pocket i've got A Hole and A Hole. I like To keep my hands in my pockets and i don't like Anythig else. Sometimes i think about Someone else's hand in my pockets.. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Trigger. I'm doing I'm alive, that's what counts, right?. In my pocket i've got Keys and My cell phone. I like Life and i don't like missing my fried. Sometimes i think about How I coulda died last year.... I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Pear. I'm doing bad.. In my pocket i've got keys and money. I like being alone and i don't like being alone. Sometimes i think about killing myself. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Julio. I'm doing ok, but feel isolated. In my pocket i've got keys and a folded up paper with directions to restaurant on the lower east side on it. I like Henry Miller and i don't like Fox News. Sometimes i think about writing a novel, and the fact that I am destined to keep thinking about it and never actually do it.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is cerci. I'm doing fine thank you. In my pocket i've got a cigarrete box and my mobile. I like my girlfriend's presence and i don't like her non presence. Sometimes i think about my girlfriend. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is rocco. I'm doing brilliant. In my pocket i've got lots of it and fluff. I like to dance and i don't like traffic. Sometimes i think about leaving in the woods. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Valerie. I'm doing great, thank you for asking.. In my pocket i've got A crumpled 10 spot that was oragamied the crap out of last night at a little bar has a hung out with my friends and listened to the many problems that seemed to plague them and some fuzzy lint.. I like my cat stevie and i don't like long friday afternoons at work.. Sometimes i think about Running away.... I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Serena Silver Moon. I'm doing Surfing the web. In my pocket i've got My book of shadows and My witch necesities . I like Wicca and i don't like Close-minded, relious pressing people. Sometimes i think about Marcus and my future.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Elizabeth. I'm doing computer. In my pocket i've got nothing. I like books, tofu, Mandy Ord comics and i don't like getting out of bed. Sometimes i think about if there could really be ghosts.. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Chris. I'm doing tv watching. In my pocket i've got a mobile phone and my link to the world. I like days that end in Y and i don't like the politics of stupid people. Sometimes i think about why don't coffee cups refill themselfs on sunday morning?. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is Cia. I'm doing coffee drinking. In my pocket i've got niavete and cowardice. I like your website very much and i don't like george w bush or michael jackson either one. Sometimes i think about sheer randomness! how did i come to be how did a cat come to my house when he was hungry why did i feed him why did i call him ginger (because i didnt know he was a guy) why didnt i marry my highschool sweetheart--oh thats right, because he married someone else and sometimes i think about that it all happens in just the right way just as it should the pages of a life turned in just the right order. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Maarten. I'm doing my daily surf before sleeping. In my pocket i've got the key to succes and the will to do it. I like the sun! and i don't like wasting time. Sometimes i think about getting mails from young
attractive girls from Holland at I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Heather. I'm doing yoga with my fingers.. In my pocket i've got air and hair and I wished I had a universe.. I like your art, because its pretty and i don't like cold noodles, and nasty people.. Sometimes i think about nothing at all, but when I do think of something I write it here... Now I want sleep and some cola sweets.. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and happy.


My name is joke. I'm doing dance, accountancy and amusing things. In my pocket i've got nothing. I like my boyfriend Steven and i don't like Veerle Janssens, she's a bitch of the upperclass. Sometimes i think about the futur, environement and...some other things. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is tyler mcmaken. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is miracle. I'm doing dance and basketball. In my pocket i've got a dollar and some change. I like russel and i don't like michael. Sometimes i think about why did i break up with jermy. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Fabuleux. I'm doing I'm suposed to be working, however I choose to be on this site. In my pocket i've got 20 bucks and nothing else. I like like to got to Mexico directly to Mozzys house and tell her how much I Love Her. and i don't like to be alone.. Sometimes i think about the day we all tree will be leving together.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


I'm doing everything 2 fast these days. In my pocket i've got R16 and some pocket lint. I like chocolate mousse and i don't like cream. Sometimes i think about how the world will end. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Goosain. I'm doing all i can 2 keep Aamina happy.. In my pocket i've got a R16 and nothing else. I like surfing and painting and i don't like the way Yunis is acting, like drama queen that jis wont shut up.. Sometimes i think about How liitle i show how much my family means 2 me and jis how much i care about them.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Anne. I'm doing my best to go to bed early but it's hard because I am talking to my friend Robert who is he is showing me all these websites with funny q&a's just to avoid packing!. In my pocket i've got nothing..not wearing anything with pockets at the moment ( and so my mobile is in front of me). I like Robert ( and i don't like the way I feel right now. Sometimes i think about nothing..but those moments are hard to find... I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Robert. I'm doing everything to avoid packing my belongings for a temporary move back to my parents and in time.. In my pocket i've got my keys, but not always my keys. I seem to have this strange and rather unpractical tendency to not have my keys in my pocket when I leave the house. This ususally means at those times only my hand is my pocket. Unfortunately this is mostly just.. after I shut the door; and my mobile phone withouth which I feel somewhat naked almost; but I'm working on that and the doctor says I'm doing just fine.. I like this page with all the squares; it reminds me of the site of a hotel in Hamburg I would very much like to visit in the near future (; and i don't like the fact that nobody visits my weblog (, but that's hopefully just because I just started and nobody knows yet.. Sometimes i think about wether or not one should as he deeply wishes. I deeply wish to travel around the world in a year or so, just like Mike Pugh ( does.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Megadikkevrouw. I'm doing allright. Thank you.. In my pocket i've got a handkerchief, my mobile phone and chewing gum.. I like spending time with my friends, cities like Amsterdam, Paris and Chicago, walks on the wild-side and working on my web-log. and i don't like the fact that I'm obese and that I have to work on it.. Sometimes i think about Arnold Schwarzenegger in the White House, but usually I try not to think about mad things like that.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Emma. I'm doing Great, thanx. In my pocket i've got nothing and no things. I like the happy single square and i don't like not finding the happy single square. Sometimes i think about the happy single square :P. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Emma. I'm doing looking for the happy single square :P. In my pocket i've got nothing and no things. I like the happy single square and i don't like not finding the happy single square. Sometimes i think about the happy single square :P. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Irene. I'm doing Not as much as I would like. In my pocket i've got nothing and more of that. I like my creative mind and i don't like selfish people. Sometimes i think about me, myself and I. And then I realise life is good and interesting and I DO have my own place in this all.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Jay. I'm doing myself. In my pocket i've got a canadian nickle, a bent paperclip and some pocket lint. I like sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows and i don't like people (because they don't like me). Sometimes i think about creating an unholy army of darkness, conquering the free world, and becoming overlord to you all ... or perhaps i'll just make some toast and jelly. I like toast.. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is kendel. I'm doing waking up. In my pocket i've got my penis head and my fingers. I like big butts and i don't like bitchy women. Sometimes i think about multple orgasms. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Job. I'm doing too many things. In my pocket i've got a pen and my left hand. I like having fun and i don't like being poor. Sometimes i think about why we have two kidneys and just one hart.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Christie. I'm doing quite well, thank you. In my pocket i've got a few universes and some lint. I like cats and i don't like dogs. Sometimes i think about how short life is. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Keenan. I'm doing Ok on and off . In my pocket i've got A condom and my hand and I need dome pussy . I like haveing sex and i don't like people who dont like haveing sex. Sometimes i think about Y is my dick so big I don't fuck alot I finger alot of pussy all the time. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Christi. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got a zippo and 2 pennies. I like guys and tequilla and i don't like whiskey. Sometimes i think about why things are the way they are, why we are here instead of on Mars, why we have 2 legs instead of 3, and why my hair won't grow any faster.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Hels. I'm doing Surfing, it me lunch time at work as a web designer:). In my pocket i've got Nothing, fashion guru causes a lump on your figure, use a bag. I like Music, mainly drum and bass and sex and i don't like Politics and War. Sometimes i think about Waht it would be like if we all did things for free and we didn't have to work. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is david. I'm doing things i shouldn't be doing. like watching your site. got here via the links on my own website (, which lead me to, i took a wrong turn and here i am. i should be working. but i d'n't really feel like working. maybe in a minute. spreek jij trouwens nederlands?. In my pocket i've got a lighter, some chewing-gum, a handkerchief and and tobacco (back-pocket).. I like making things. with words. and you? o, and i alsof like three very nice words: 'maar dit terzijde'. and i don't like silly questions. sorry. i lied. i love silly questions.. Sometimes i think about being king. in the medieval sense of the word.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is david. I'm doing things i shouldn't be doing. like watching your site. got here via the links on my own website (, which lead me to, i took a wrong turn and here i am. i should be working. but i d'n't really feel like working. maybe in a minute. spreek jij trouwens nederlands?. In my pocket i've got a lighter, some chewing-gum, a handkerchief and and tobacco (back-pocket).. I like making things. with words. and you? and i don't like silly questions. sorry. i lied. i love silly questions.. Sometimes i think about being king. in the medieval sense of the word.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Jim. I'm doing this. Typing, and listening to a radio show.. In my pocket i've got a handkerchief. and nothing else.. I like pleasant things and i don't like irritating things.. Sometimes i think about watering my houseplants, but usually I forget. I hope they never learn how to use the phone and call the plant-cops on me.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Justin. I'm doing free association writing. In my pocket i've got an entire universe that is infinately small and all the reason to wield my self into it's vastness. I like to project myself through mediums and i don't like when i have to stop to tie my shoe laces into multiple knots..... Sometimes i think about how strange things sound when you imagine them being described differently from the get a building: they are not building it any more, why don't "they" call them "builts"....strange yet, sensible, unlike the adjective we use now. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is ben. I'm doing nothin at work, obviously not what i should be doing. In my pocket i've got my wallet, my keys and a quarter. I like sunny days on the beach with an ice chest full of cold beer and i don't like being bored. Sometimes i think about where i'd like to be in a year and where i am now in relation to my past. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is sophie, but jenny for real. I'm doing this instead of many other things i should probably do. In my pocket i've got nothing. i never keep anything in my pockets, lest my pants bulge out and make me look fat and who wants to look fatter than they actually are, unless you're too skinny of course. I like music and my dog and the consistency of pasta and the smell of springtime and white wine in the springtime and i don't like learning only through books and the word moist. Sometimes i think about how i have know idea all the things i'm going to do. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is padme. I'm doing nothing at work, 'cept surfin' the net and trying to study for a test but couldn't be bothered.... In my pocket i've got A US ten dollar bill-though i am canadian-was going to see Hella tonight, didn't have money 'cept the 10 i found in a drawer-so think i will rent a movie instead-maybe solaris... and i wish wasn't at work right now...i would rather be outside in the sunny shade.. I like it when i remember people's names and i don't like salad rolls without the peanut sauce.. Sometimes i think about the justice system and how unjust it is...then i get depressed and try not to think about it all.... I'm a woman, old and happy.


My name is Ellen. I'm doing things to make me feel home again. In my pocket i've got the keys to my car/house/office and some coins. I like to walk around in Paris all by myself and i don't like obligations. Sometimes i think about my cat dying and that makes me really sad.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Lionelo. I'm doing Well i'm an actor doing nothing like the most actors...:o). In my pocket i've got not much since i 'm not doing much... I like to see intrestings sites like yours inspire me... Sometimes i think about i try not to think so much but i can't help it and then i start thinking why am i thinking when i supose not to think and then i think even more ,,Damn, somebody stop me !:o) I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Emma. I'm doing nothing really, just listening to music. In my pocket i've got a ring and some sweets. I like Jack n Meg White and i don't like smoking or drugs. I mean, why would someone wanna kill themselves from the inside out?. Sometimes i think about everything. Seriously, i think too much. Is it a bad thing? Hmm.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is David. I'm doing what every other normal person would be doing right now, viewing this amazing website. In my pocket i've got nothing but lint, oh wait hold on i might actually have a few dollars, wanna go on a date? and nothing else really.. I like music, music, music and oh yea i almost forgot music. and i don't like the color beige, who ever invented the color beige should die, i mean he is wasting my valuable air by making such a dumb color.. Sometimes i think about the sky and why is it blue? I mean why can't it be green, or sea green, maybe even forest green? i mean does everything have to be blue and depressing? No it should all be forest green.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Hiram. I'm doing rather well. In my pocket i've got nothing, as I am wearing my kimono and it doesn't have pockets (unless you count the hidden pouches in the sleeves). I like girls' buttocks, zen, mac os x, and Japanese green tea and i don't like capitalism. Sometimes i think about spending less time updating my weblog at, taking a walk, having children, doing more zazen, quitting smoking, and joining a revolutionary party. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is arthur. I'm doing what dogs usually do..typing on the computer. In my pocket i've got nothing..actually I have no pockets..I am a dog and I don't wear pants, silly!. I like laying on the floor, begging for food, going for rides, visiting my girlfriend at the Dunkin Donuts on the corner of 136 and Rte 6 in Swansea, Massachusetts...hey, she gives me munchkins! I also like my mommie she gives me toys and grooms me nice and i don't like people who yell, pancakes, dog food, cats, the dog next door - not Seabreeze..the other one-the one who barks all the time for nothing. Sometimes i think about how I was abused before getting adopted by my new mommie. I think that's why I bite people sometimes and have a generally sad affect. I also think about how sorry I am that I bite people. I hope I dont do it again. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Jasper. I'm doing the garden. In my pocket i've got a pair of scissors and a garden glove. I like to know how you are, because i haven't seen you in quite some time and i don't like to find out you are unhappy. Sometimes i think about quitting my job and go work somewhere else.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Klein. I'm doing not much at the moment...looking at silly sites..this is one of them... In my pocket i've got ASs I have my pajamas on I will tell you whats on my bedside phone..bottle of water..candleholder and candles..babymonitor and new Harry Potter Book. I like Most things I do and i don't like Most things some idiots do... Sometimes i think about Everything and anything...This time of the night I am thinking how the heck will I ever get to sleep tonight. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is kasey. I'm doing heroin. In my pocket i've got stolen wallets and used needles. I like sex and i don't like police. Sometimes i think about killing myself. I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is me. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got nothing and nothing. I like nothing and i don't like everything. Sometimes i think about nothing. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is raFF. I'm doing lookin @ u. In my pocket i've got a lighter and thats all i have to say about that. I like u, verry much and i don't like hmmm, oja hooi ( nies nies). Sometimes i think about playing with u, hugging and kissing, pressing the right buttons for u to react so funny and lovely like you always do.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Meliadhoule. I'm doing everything that is possible to achieve stasis. In my pocket i've got you and Ed. I like Ed, he sounds pretty exciting and i don't like Ed's brother, he needs to lighten up. Sometimes i think about Time and movement. It is slow and peaks very quickly into fast pace. The drum beats are steady and calm, but hard and driven.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Ed. I'm doing my brother's girlfriend. In my pocket i've got three pieces of bazooka gum and a condom. I like my brother's girlfriend and i don't like my brother. Sometimes i think about what a bastard I am. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is James. I'm doing as much as possible while feeling like I'm doing nothing.. In my pocket i've got 25 pence and I have a packed lunch so there's no need for more.. I like food, drink, cigarettes, kissing, respect, sunny days, the future and i don't like spiders, avacado, cabbage, rudeness, bad hair and the future.. Sometimes i think about leaving everything behind and seeing what happens, but then I realise that I'd have to come back at some point so I may as well wait.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is jake. I'm doing fine. In my pocket i've got another pocket and a headache. I like wiggling and i don't like to shake. Sometimes i think about being super hungry. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is andrea. I'm doing a paper. In my pocket i've got nothing and nothing. I like cyber and i don't like icecream. Sometimes i think about men. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Andrew. I'm doing as well as can be expected.. In my pocket i've got jack and shit.. I like the term counterfactual. and i don't like languages which have anthing to do with LISt-Processing.. Sometimes i think about the totally eclipse of the Sun. Its what i really, really want.. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is jeroen. I'm doing research and also listening musiv. In my pocket i've got keys, keys, keys and empty wallet. I like woman and i don't like stupid woman. Sometimes i think about killing, no killing, my life so far, Mozart, trees, the renin angiotensine system, painting, taking a cat.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is tmn. I'm doing still study. I like got some change in the min life and i don't like dranker. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is dan. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got my hand and privates. I like everything and i don't like everything. Sometimes i think about sex, god and eternity. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is marta. I'm doing okay under the circumstances. In my pocket i've got air and sand. i had my grandfather's watch in there but i took it out a few minutes ago.. I like music and archie comics and i don't like when people tell me what to do. Sometimes i think about getting on a bus and just leaving it all behind. sometimes i also think about giving away all of my things. ALL of them.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Jefferson Isaac Whitmore. I'm doing mind experiments on humans. In my pocket i've got some change, my keys, and a snife and i like breakcore. I like robots and monkeys. It's the whole man vs. machine thing and i don't like zombies. Sometimes i think about colonizing mars, or at least building a large apartment complex under the ocean.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Jepthah. I know, it's my parent's fault. But it doesn't sound as scary as it looks. My name, that is. And I like it a lot. So, please be careful with my name, when you say it. And thank you.. I'm doing better and better. By this time tomorrow, I'll be damn near swell!. In my pocket i've got Some cigarette rolling papers & a disposable butane lighter, and no tobacco to smoke save for that little bit what's mixed all up in my pocket lint. Such a sad state of affairs.. I like to make witty people laugh, and pretty people smile. Which is not to say that my time is wasted on the dumb and ugly. I belong to the dumb and ugly crowd. so to please the pretty and smart gives me a sense of accomplishment with which I sleep soundly at night. I don't like to FEEL dumb & ugly and i don't like not sleeping well. It's so difficult to make people smile and laugh when one is exhausted and grumpy.. Sometimes i think about how Male and Young and Not sure I am as of yet. But I'm Young so I get to be Not sure yet. It's my perogative. Besides, it's a little to early to tell. ask me again in another five years. Then again, I might still say:. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Hoi Lam. I'm doing well. In my pocket i've got a lil paper and a lil bit of gum. I like doing nothing at all, food myself, happiness. and i don't like studing, which i'm suppose to do right now. Sometimes i think about really nothing and want to change time. My number wil be 492.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is ziggy. I'm doing fine. In my pocket i've got keys and air. I like food and i don't like pests. Sometimes i think about clouds. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Adam McAmis.. I'm doing everything half-assed. In my pocket i've got a key and lint. I like being alone, people and i don't like being alone, people. Sometimes i think about what my I can do with my life, what I can't do, and if it will even matter by the time I die.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is ineke . I'm doing nothing much. In my pocket i've got a shopping list. I like the sea and i don't like smelly people. Sometimes i think about you, me and a millionother things. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is rici. Sometimes i think about life. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Zee. I'm doing the seagrape. In my pocket i've got the sea and grapes. I like that I like and i don't like jellyfish. Sometimes i think about cookies. I'm a woman, old and happy.


My name is ramon. I'm doing feeling the bumpy ride from driving over cobblestones. In my pocket i've got a cell phone and some burt's bees chapstick. I like happy 60s music and i don't like pretension. Sometimes i think about nothing, nothing at all. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is stephanie. I'm doing wrapping a silk scraf around my neck. In my pocket i've got old paper that has been in the washingmachine and some cruesli. I like sunshine, cool water on my skin and love and i don't like waking up hearing screaming children, playin outside, i don't like people telling me what to do,(although they may be right), . Sometimes i think about what it would be like living in the woods, all by my self. would i be happy? would i need someone to talk to. and if no one is there, would i talk to myself?. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is stacy. I'm doing moo. In my pocket i've got moo and moo. I like moo and i don't like moo. Sometimes i think about cows and moo. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is tobias. I'm doing and being. In my pocket i've got tissue and euro coins from the netherlands, italy, france, spain, and germany. I like the european single currency and i don't like sterling. Sometimes i think about optimal currency zones. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Anna I. I'm doing hassle directed towards myslef. In my pocket i've got holes made by an Italian soldier and sometimes sticky lipgloss. I like the violence of rugby and i don't like the hats that the men wear when they shop at midnight. Sometimes i think about the pineforest and weather I shall abdicate and go back home or perhaps empower myself with airmiles and heartbeats. I'm a woman, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is unpronounceable in your earth languages.. I'm doing something that will rock the very foundations of consensual reality.. In my pocket i've got the means to start a forest fire and and open a beer while i watch the inferno.. I like hate and i don't like everything else.. Sometimes i think about taking my medication.. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is David. I'm doing a brainstorm for my story.. In my pocket i've got the world and isolation. I like anything that's weird and not normal and i don't like anything normal. Sometimes i think about people. people are cocoon dwellers. you never know what to expect when we shed our skin.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Claire W.. I'm doing nothing really. In my pocket i've got marbles and eyedrops. I like nice people and i don't like mean bad evil people. Sometimes i think about a Vampire named Myer, he's got silver hair and he's madly in love with me. He restrains himself from biting my neck, although truth is that I don't mind if he does. As long as him and I are together makes everything okay.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Julia. I'm doing many things, but not even the half of all the things I want to do.. In my pocket i've got friends and lovers. I like people and i don't like people. Sometimes i think about how interesting and complicated it can be to deal with human beings. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Noelle from the countryside of southern Virginia.. I'm doing --or should be be doing--technical editing work at the moment, but am bored so looked up of the candies I adore--Flavigny Violet Pastilles--and found this intriquing site.. In my pocket i've got nothing because I don't like the feeling of having anything in my pocket, and I keep everything in a huge yet sophisticated grey flannel purse.. I like a cool springtime, rain, cats, kindness, the idea and hopefully reality of Jesus, my family (make that adore) and close friends. and i don't like being hot, cruelty in any shape or form.. Sometimes i think about the people I love, the fear of losing them to an early death, how much I am blessed in this life.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Brian. I'm doing nothing important yet something undeniably critical. In my pocket i've got nothing amazing and something incredible. I like everyting and i don't like anything. Sometimes i think about about the words which come out of my mind, having no meaning or point but seem to linger on, wasting something that can't be explained. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Bill. I'm doing a double Vodka and Coke. In my pocket i've got Pda, Phone, Wallet, Keys, iPod, Lighter, 40 B&H, a pack of three with 1 left and £69.33. I like life, music and computer games and i don't like headaches, shaving and death. Sometimes i think about how rich i'd make a mugger with over £1000 worth of stuff in my pockets 24/7. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is jen. I'm doing nuttin. In my pocket i've got i have on snappy pants with no pockets. I like to eat and i don't like to be fat. Sometimes i think about if ur parents aren't together anymore were you ever really supposed to be born?. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is paul. I'm doing as well as can be expected. In my pocket i've got cigarettes, a bus transfer and some chump change.. I like marbles, shooters that is. and i don't like losing them.. Sometimes i think about how I'd like to leave work early, and how I should take dancing lessons. That's right. And I think maybe I should dance more, lessons or no lessons. and I should sing more, and possibly drink more, although that is debatable. And. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is prince. I'm doing alright. In my pocket i've got a lion and baby he's ready 2 roar. I like u and i don't like U2. Sometimes i think about parking cars. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is James. I'm doing absolutely nothing. In my pocket i've got 2 pennies, 1 quarter, and 1 dime. I like girls and i don't like $.25 sodas from the dollar store. Sometimes i think about being a rockstar. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Saddam Hussein. I'm doing anything I can to stay hidden and alive. In my pocket i've got some anthrax, a button to set off all my WOMD, and a comb. I like ruling countries with an iron fist and i don't like people who try to tell me what to do. Sometimes i think about laying waste to the world with all my WOMD. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is the Duke of Earl. I'm doing anything and everything. In my pocket i've got pool stick and cue ball. I like playing pocket pool and i don't like YOU. Sometimes i think about what else I should think about. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Dustin aka Lithium. I'm doing Eating Saggehti-Os. In my pocket i've got Sanyo SCP-4900 cellphone, pack of Newport 100s cigarettes, a lighter, a glass bowl, a wallet w/ $13, a pack of listerine mint strips. and I'm waiting for the person with a canoe, so I can go fishing.. I like Fishing, music, marijuana, booze, cars, and speed. and i don't like country music, hondas, or annoying stuff.. Sometimes i think about sex, drugs, rockandroll, sex, jebus, tasty food, and much much more. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Eric-Jon Rössel Waugh. I'm doing exactly what you think I'm doing.. In my pocket i've got pepperoni to last me a lifetime and three whiskers from a cat-eared mouse. I like solitude and i don't like diapers. Sometimes i think about the inextricably interlaced structure of being and time -- if indeed any true differentiation can be established. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and sad.


My name is xiao fang. I'm doing nothing as interesting as anyoneelse here and having a good time. In my pocket i've got let me chek....nothing but i can feel a pimple on my bum and it is a bit sore. if only i had the worlds perfect chair and earned the kind of money to buy it. I like my bike. together we have taken much skin off me. my tiook, my ne apartment even though i can;t afford it and hate being poor, making dance and art and doing things like climbing...and i like your site too. is that you in the top left corner? and i don't like like i said, being poor, not making art, having hairy legs when i cant afford to wax them. eating offal, especially cow itestine which is like translucent red car tyre. Sometimes i think about how amazing my art would be if all i had to do was get up each morning and make much i've forgotten, if i'm going senile already. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Timeguru. I'm doing anything and everything that involves snatch. In my pocket i've got a banana the size of Rhode Island and a set of walnuts that could choke a horse. I like shaved clam and i don't like bearded oyster. Sometimes i think about tasting Torrie Wilson's pie. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Crazy Dan. I'm doing well with my pimpin buisness and am lookin to expand into drugs and monkey prostitution. In my pocket i've got a big ass knife, some brass knuckles and alot of hair that i pulled out of one of my bitches today cause she was out of line. I like cornpuffs and more cornpuffs and i don't like cornpuffs. Sometimes i think about how it feels when i slap my hos very hard and it leaves a bloodied nose which i have to pay to get fixed out of her income.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is sabo10. I'm doing cheating(!). In my pocket i've got a rocket and another rocket. I like party hard and i don't like HazZan. Sometimes i think about the bust. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is sensenic. I'm doing this because I've got nothing better to do. In my pocket i've got my wallet, keys... the usual stuff and resignation, perhaps. I like euh...., next? and i don't like not knowing what to write in these blank spaces. Sometimes i think about lying about myself, so I'll have something to write in here.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Rachel. I'm doing anything other than studying for Mammalogy and cleaning out my rabbit's smelly cage.. In my pocket i've got nothing and this is highly unusual.. I like nice things and i don't like yucky things.. Sometimes i think about being a bunny.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Christine. I'm doing an act of love. In my pocket i've got no pockets and no more pockets. I like Tuu Van and i don't like when he's not there. Sometimes i think about whether I'll ever stop reincarnating. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Dave. I'm doing some waiting.. In my pocket i've got a wallet and a cell phone. I like toys and i don't like people who annoy me. Sometimes i think about what I'm going to do with myself, with little results.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is White Sword. I'm doing spooniness. In my pocket i've got a spoon and a shiny thingy. I like shiny thingies and i don't like spoony bards. Sometimes i think about KILLING YOU ALL!. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and sad.


My name is Zombie. I'm doing nothing right now, but I think I may take a nap. In my pocket i've got YOUR SOUL and my car keys. I like zombies and i don't like MadLibs. Sometimes i think about big-breasted, nekkid kitty girls with those little collars on and... heh heh heh.... Sorry. No, I think about that all the time. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is tom. I'm doing avoiding work. In my pocket i've got keys, wallet, mints, envelope, security pass, £1.26 and a mobile phone. I like wigs and i don't like lead. Sometimes i think about maths. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Erik. I'm doing some mindless surfing before I bop off to a meeting with an old friend - and then a new friend. Or slavedriver?. In my pocket i've got My wallet, a lighter, my home and work keys, and a box of Marlboros. I like games, sex, hugs, my daughter, cool work, and nature walks and i don't like games, sleeplessness, doing taxes, or boring work. Sometimes i think about changing my entire life - my lifestyle, my living place, my job, my habits.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Steve. I'm doing fine. In my pocket i've got keys and cell phone. I like good movies and i don't like bad movies. Sometimes i think about Life, the Universe, and everything.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Adolf Hitler. I'm doing a little roasting, a little shooting, a little gassing. Ya know, the usual stuff. Jew-kabobs, anyone?. In my pocket i've got a dead jew fetus key chain and a motherfucking gat, bitch.. I like dead Jews and i don't like live Jews.. Sometimes i think about What the worlds going to be like once my Third Reich takes over. It's gonna be a blast, that's for sure, but what are we gonna do with no Jews to kill? I'm sure we can take out some queers, but then what? I don't know. Guess we can kick back with a few cold ones. It's Miller Time!!. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is Leonard Brightfeathers. I'm doing an ugly squaw so I got a place to stay...that stupid fat squaw don't know anything. In my pocket i've got some money I took from here and a bottle of glue that I was huffing earlier. I like to get really drunk and party at the bar, sniffing paint/glue, shitting my pants and falling asleep on the sidewalk, getting enough spare changed to drink a 2L of beer or cheap wine if I'm lucky and i don't like how those white guys took my land and told me to go get drunk on the sidewalk, they fucking said man that we could have some beads. Wher da fuk is those? I didn't get no beads! All I got was a stinky fat squaw laying next to me telling me to pet her pussy, fuck you squaw! give me some beer first bitch then I'll fuck you.. Sometimes i think about how I was sent here by my reserve to go to school and how I drank away my college those we the days eh?. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Timothy O'Reilly. I'm doing a jolly good job of being a professional child molester and part time black-marketer of exotic african pets. . In my pocket i've got keys to my white van and some rocks from a playground I visited today. You see I like to know my territory before I make the abduction of young children.. I like when I get to be the mall Santa Claus during Christmas and i don't like when I get arrested for boucing children against my love pole. Sometimes i think about a life outside of full time child molestation, kidding!. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Kevin. I'm doing a terrible job of digitizing student films for a film festival.. In my pocket i've got some keys, receipts, cigs, my student id, and some wadded up DVD-R shrink-wrap. and a smile for anyone who walks into the room (despite the fact that it's almost 1 a.m.). I like the fact that I'm here. It's quiet and I'm doing some very important (if tedious) work. and i don't like The fact that I'm a nickel short for a Cherry Coke.. Sometimes i think about Who I'm eventually going to be.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is tobbi. I'm doing everything right. In my pocket i've got keys, coins and my lighter. I like myself maybe just a little to much and i don't like living in a fictious free world. Sometimes i think about turning of my tv and doing something else. It´s a scary thought isn´t it?. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is alex. I'm doing pretty much nothing. In my pocket i've got my wallet and keys and a couple pens and some guitar picks. I like music, baseball, naughty thoughts that make me hard and females, though females don't much like me and i don't like vegetables. Sometimes i think about losing my virginity after 26 years, or how the lives of billions are pretty much in the hands of a very few.

i also think about my mom and how much i miss her. it's been over a year since she died, and i can't get out of the funk i've been in ever since.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Alexander. I'm doing my best to enjoy my youth. In my pocket i've got a battery and six cents. I like music-- punk rock and hardcore and scrreamo and all kinds of things that make me happy and i don't like war, meat, and capitalism. Sometimes i think about meeting a girl who's just like me and running away to Spain.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Pennington. I'm doing everything I can to leave a mark on this world. When I die I want to have improved the world, humanity and life for everyone else in some way. This is my goal and I am set to achieve it.. In my pocket i've got a pencil to keep notes of anything that comes to mind and two $1 bills that I keep in my left side pocket. I stopped carrying a wallet when I realised that the size of ones wallet did not determine his worth. These two dollars are all the money that I have to my name.. I like philosophy and humanist studies and i don't like neoconservitives and anyone who belives that they are entitled to anything more than anyone else.. Sometimes i think about the role communications have played in civilization and how with every new form of communication there is a increased rate of advancement in society. One day I hope to see a completlely wireless internet through long range microwave or high frequancy radiowave backbones and mesh networking/peer to peer communications. I sometimes dream about a utopian society where it is not perfect in that all is taken care of and society stagnates, but in that it is perfect for humanity's continued devolopment.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Somime. I'm doing income taxes- or, actually taking a break from doing my taxes. In my pocket i've got keys, change, a pocket knife and some lint.. I like long weekends and i don't like long work days. Sometimes i think about quitting my job, packing up and building a cabin in an uninhabited place.. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is something.. I'm doing watcha-call-'em.. In my pocket i've got something. and something else.. I like stuff and i don't like bad stuff.. Sometimes i think about things.. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Meeja Hor. I'm doing nothing about the explosives under my bed or the money in the bank account. In my pocket i've got space for one average sized hand (x2 either side) and my left testicle, always seems more comfortable there. I like weapons and general destruction of public property, and golf. and i don't like sunday drivers, they should have their fucking license revoked for being stupid and slow. bastards. I hate you. My turbo hates you. My mother hates you for making me late for sunday lunch. You slow fuckers.. Sometimes i think about A nice tranquil beach being ripped to pieces by a 310bhp dune buggy driven by me whilst incredibly stoned.
I also think about buying my own personal lake, I could have my own jetski or just drive cars and stuff into it.
For fun really.
I might even drive your car into the lake for my own reasons which I will justify as being fun.
Probably. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is the shit. I'm doing about 140. In my pocket i've got 7 arms and a burger and if it wasn't for the massage midget, it would likely be getting rather uncomfortable. I like to and i don't like to not to. Sometimes i think about replacing mondays and wednesdays with a large vase - something interesting yet tasteful. Not like one of those fancy-pants ancient dynasty things, though.. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is whatever karen moans in my ear today. I'm doing her right now. In my pocket i've got some floor and my wallet. hey, what the.... I like her and i don't like when she torches my underpants in my sleep. Sometimes i think about other things, but not very often.. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Jake. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got a buck and some change. I like August and i don't like James. Sometimes i think about why I'm here. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is inconsequential. I'm doing not very much. In my pocket i've got some lint and more lint. I like things and i don't like stuff. Sometimes i think about whatever and whatnot. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Dougie. I'm doing wanking. In my pocket i've got keys and money. I like black women and i don't like stupidity. Sometimes i think about where i am in the world. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Sean. I'm doing some childminding, listening to my daughter giggle at the TV.. In my pocket i've got a couple of lighters and loose change. I like to smoke pot, have lots of sex, eat good food, and sleep and i don't like being without pot, sex, good food, ore sleep. Sometimes i think about Different kinds of pot, sex with different people, some different food, and sleeping on the floor. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Ed. I'm doing stuff. In my pocket i've got a hankey and keys. I like gals and i don't like cheese. Sometimes i think about taking over the world. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is John. I'm doing music, reading lots, drawing pictures of things. In my pocket i've got an expired bus pass, some phone number written down in eyeliner and a pen. I like rainy days and i don't like being cold. Sometimes i think about trees and water buffalo. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Josh. I'm doing some reading. In my pocket i've got lint and a hole. I like making love to my girlfriend and i don't like anyone getting hurt. Sometimes i think about the big picture. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is very important to everyone. I'm doing audits on your taxes and looking at your life history on a computer screen. In my pocket i've got car keys, a badge, and some certs.. I like to bust people for tax fraud and make money for Uncle Sam and i don't like when people try to deny the truth.. Sometimes i think about getting away for a while to someplace like taihiti. My job comes first though so i guess it will be a long time before i can go...sigh. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is jacques. I'm doing sex. In my pocket i've got nothing and nothing. I like intelligence and i don't like stupidity. Sometimes i think about soft arms. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Chad. I'm doing drawings. In my pocket i've got a wire and some coins. I like sex with amanda and i don't like sex with teresa. Sometimes i think about sex with Marcia. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Andreas. I'm doing nothing much, got an exam tomorrow.... In my pocket i've got 225 in danish currancy... and im thin and at times artistic. I like when people like what i do and i don't like to be made fun... and G.W. Bush. Sometimes i think about death and existance... more than i like it.... I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Nick. I'm doing homework. In my pocket i've got forty five cents and a toothbrush. I like pretty girls and i don't like fat girls. Sometimes i think about sex with pretty girls.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Gino. I'm doing alot of art studies. In my pocket i've got a pen and a guitar pick and i wish i could justsit at home and draw all day instead of work.. I like to produce art and music, and i don't like Stress.. Sometimes i think about Achieving my goals, becoming a succesful part of the art industry. Also, how broke art school is going to make me.. I'm a boy, young and happy.



My name is Les.. I'm doing about a pound and a half of oatmeal.. In my pocket i've got A hole and I'm playing with my balls.. I like Chocolate milk and i don't like eggs. Sometimes i think about having a job I enjoy.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is FreakJoe. I'm doing all the things that you wish you could. In my pocket i've got the scariest looking piece of meat this side of Texas and it starting to move itself. I like to ride the donkey but not the mule, they are rude and don't let me smack them around like a in heat. and i don't like to watch the footage that i taped of it, that was one of the scariest moments of my life. Sometimes i think about who that guy on the bus is and why he always trys to touch me but when i asked him he stopped smiling. His pants are wierd. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is FreakJoe. I'm doing all the things that you wish you could. In my pocket i've got the scariest looking piece of meat this side of Texas and it starting to move itself.. I like ride the donley but not the mule, they are rude and don't let me smack them around a in heat. and i don't like to watch the footage that i taped of it, that was one of the scariest moments of my life.. Sometimes i think about who that guy on the bus is and why he always trys to touch me but when i asked him he stopped smiling. His pants are wierd.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Christian. I'm doing the house in the nude at the moment.. In my pocket i've got nothing, and that's because I'm wearing anything with pockets.. I like sex and wandering around the house naked, and i don't like boring days.. Sometimes i think about being a woman, just for a day.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Ed. I'm doing office work. In my pocket i've got my wallet and a free shawarma card. I like comic books and video games and i don't like collecting lots of junk. Sometimes i think about isolating myself from the population, but I would miss my family and friends.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Christian. I'm doing the house in the nude at the moment.. In my pocket i've got nothing, and that's because I'm wearing anything with pockets.. I like sex and wandering around the house naked, and i don't like boring days.. Sometimes i think about being a woman, just for a day.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is christine. I'm doing something important with my young adulthood. In my pocket i've got absolutely nothing, but i just ironed my pants and i am going to drive a long way today. I like sunshine, wind, and water, and kiefer sutherland naked on a beach and i don't like anyone who tries to tell me kiefer isn't the hottest piece in the world. Sometimes i think about what it would be like if i could make love to kiefer until the sun goes down every day and until the dawn breaks every morning. I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is christina. I'm doing a nice big yawn. In my pocket i've got nothing, since i'm not wearing pants. I like having sex and i don't like being left hanging. Sometimes i think about cats. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Mingos. I'm doing nothing.


My name is Balzac. I'm doing lotsa little boys. In my pocket i've got a little boys hand, and in my mouth a have a little boys peepee. That's why I talk so funny. I like little boys and they let me rape them, and i don't like when they run away and call the police. Sometimes i think about the day the Earth caught fire, and how many little boys were prancing around me. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is none of your bussiness, bitch. I'm doing your mom, fool. In my pocket i've got a buncha shit like a condom and your grandpa's nipple. I like to kill niggas who be parking there car in my house and i don't like you, fool. Sometimes i think about going to your house and beating the living hell outta you. Crazy cracka. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Crazy Eyes. I'm doing crack. In my pocket i've got my gat, some crank and my bling. I like hoes, weed, and ill shit and i don't like tricks and fools who play me for mah car. Sometimes i think about a buncha shit while I'm high, like fucking crazy hoes. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is matt. I'm doing having a glass of wine. In my pocket i've got a chapstick and a 20c piece.. I like motorcycles, good food, my girlfriend, and music and i don't like R&B, whiney people, or waiting for much of anything.. Sometimes i think about sex, money, and lying on the beach in the sun.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is GoozBrii. I'm doing stuff. In my pocket i've got stuff and stuff. I like stuff and i don't like stuff. Sometimes i think about stuff. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is David. I'm doing musical dealings. In my pocket i've got nothing and a bit more of nothing. I like nice things and i don't like gut rott. Sometimes i think about having a dream that is happy, then waking and eating jam.... I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Dave. I'm doing as little as possible. In my pocket i've got nothing and more nothing. I like driving and i don't like people. Sometimes i think about winning the lottery and being super arrogant. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Matt. I'm doing some 3d modelling. In my pocket i've got my wallet, a hankerchief and my keys. I like games and art and i don't like those young pesky kids. Sometimes i think about my future and how I'll do. If it all goes well I'll be happy. Screw money.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Dean. I'm doing my best to wake up. In my pocket i've got nothing. I like running and i don't like walking. Sometimes i think about how great it'd be if I could run like Steve Prefontaine.. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Jack. I'm doing nothing particularly interesting. I just finished entering my gf's profile (joanne 408). She's a lil hottie! and i


My name is Joanne. I'm doing im on my phone, dictacting to my bf what to type on this website. I am also watching a romantic/comedy on tv, starring that ferris bueller guy.. In my pocket i've got I dont have a packet.. I like i like to hang out with my bf, go out shopping @ polo, travel around europe, go out with my friends, eat chocolate sea shells & kfc nuggets, study the italian language and culture, and i especially like my dog RAMBO. He's a lil doberman :) but he's tough! and i don't like I don't particularly like spiders, try-hards, bogans, stalkers, seafood, and animal cruelty.. Sometimes i think about I usually think about my bf, my family, my friends, my committments, my clothes, what to wear, what to buy, what to throw out.. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is gil. I'm doing a lot of procrastination because I'm at college.. In my pocket i've got cigarette, a checkbook, matches and a lot of loose tobbacco.. I like hanging out, getting high and getting dunk and i don't like people who don't know how to have fun doing that. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Snyto. I'm doing whiskey-drinking from a glass I forgot on the desk last night.. In my pocket i've got Nothing as I sit here in boxershorts only and try to motivate myself to put clothes on.. I like to sleep and dream nice dreams and i don't like to wake up from said dreams.. Sometimes i think about how the world would look without me in it, then I realise what a boring place it might be. Or not.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is DooMed. I'm doing pointless things as I prepare to take a shower. In my pocket i've got nothing at the moment, as I'm not wearing any pants and my legs aren't equipped with pockets. I like eating food, even if it eventually won't stop me from dying and i don't like the smell of napalm in the morning. Sometimes i think about death. Sweet merciful death.. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Josef Stalin. I'm doing something evil like killing. In my pocket i've got a pocket time machine and a pair of knuckle dusters. I like communism and i don't like Hitler. Sometimes i think about what might happen if I am still alive right now.... I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is irrelevant as long as I have no face. I'm doing what needed to have been undone a long time ago. In my pocket i've got smaller pockets, and even smaller ones inside those. I like the observant salmon that always seems to follow the river of tar and i don't like to think where that would lead me, because of spades, and what that means. Sometimes i think about the others, when they are not thinking about themselves while the rocks float back.. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Billy. I'm doing nothing, as usual. In my pocket i've got keys, a guitar pick and my wallet. I like video games and punk music and i don't like feelings. Sometimes i think about everything too much. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Terry. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got a lighter and a coin. I like meat and i don't like broccoli. Sometimes i think about sex. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is Lars. I'm doing Poop. In my pocket i've got A dick and a knife. I like to give bj´s and i don't like the smell of flowers. Sometimes i think about Hitting people in their faces with a luke warm trout.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is LouisCypher. I'm doing some surfing on the net and drinking a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette. In my pocket i've got a tissue because I have a cold and a lottery ticket. I like life and i don't like negative people. Sometimes i think about winning the lottery, writing songs and movie scripts but I always think about my wonderful girlfriend and my kids and how lucky I am. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is Ba Fongu. I'm doing your mother.. In my pocket i've got an extremely large dildo and a packet of mayonnaise.. I like downloading files and i don't like my keyboard.. Sometimes i think about thinking about thinking about thinking.. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Follywaggle. I'm doing whatever it takes to get my 4 month old to goto sleep again since it's 5am. In my pocket i've got no pockets, just boxers.. I like to goto sleep soon and i don't like it when he keeps waking up.. Sometimes i think about what it would be like if my life were somehow different. But I wouldn't change a thing.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is hummus. I'm doing pong shit. In my pocket i've got she vulva and this piturs. I like wash me, wtf? and i don't like sum wisssm GREEN CLEAN!!!. Sometimes i think about coin fun like trip the oimmness, piss o? watch asl, LOL. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Vernes. I'm doing alot of things in my mind. In my pocket i've got a piece of paper with my latest idea scribbled on it and a 5 euro bill. I like to spend large amounts of time in my head, thinking of large projects, wish I knew someone who could build them with me and i don't like fake personalities, people who smile like a salesperson.. Sometimes i think about My dad, he was already dying but those medics shouldn't have dropped him onto the medi-stretcher. His heart stopped. He never woke up again.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is jaimie cat. I'm doing some art- drawing many pictures of my toad with oil pastels. it makes my fingers hurt. aquaman is on the tv.. In my pocket i've got a rubber band and a portal to Narnia. I like kittens and dragons and exodus and i don't like this stupid homework that i'm avoiding and people who are mean. Sometimes i think about some stuff and what the hell am i doing here. I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is jingoro. I'm doing what you kids call the "hooch hooch". In my pocket i've got nothing and I SAID NOTHING YOU FUICHAKGLBITCH. I like stories and i don't like masturbated penis. Sometimes i think about why this rash on my neck won't go away. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and sad.


My name is exodus. I'm doing something unspeakably horrid. In my pocket i've got a wonderswan and shattered dreams. I like being left alone and i don't like the larger part of everything. Sometimes i think about the point. But then I try to ignore it. If I knew what was going on on this town, I'm certain that I wouldn't like it.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Robyn. I'm doing one of my favourite things: sitting on the couch with my iBook.. In my pocket i've got two hair pins and nothing else because the pockets of these jeans are very shallow. I stick my other stuff in my bag.. I like having adventures and writing about them and i don't like trying to please people.. Sometimes i think about putting all my stuff into storage, getting in my car and driving.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is exodus. I'm doing something unspeakably horrid. In my pocket i've got a wonderswan and shattered dreams. I like being left alone and i don't like the larger part of everything. Sometimes i think about the point. But then I try to ignore it. If I knew what was going on on this town, I'm certain that I wouldn't like it.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Bobby. What's yours?. I'm doing fine, thanks. And you?. In my pocket i've got a picture of myself imprinted on a card most commonly used for identification purposes. It isn't a good picture, no. What can I say? I was having a bad day and didnt feel like putting out for a halfhearted 'cheese' after a hour an a half of expiring in the DMV line. Now if the mexican bitch said 'boogers', at least that would be creative.. I like a cool avocado on a hot day--a shake of salt and pepper, a chilled spoon, and putting my feet up on the porch swing--at noon. Hell. I think I like you. I say that only because I am honest and i don't like to mess around. Still, I have my bad days.. Sometimes i think about how impossible it is for me to be truly happy, and I argue with myself, holding the mirror at arms length. People think me stubborn in public, but only because I always fight with myself in private, play for keeps, and never win. Perhaps I am raving mad.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Holiday, mugimugi. I'm doing updating my pr0n site. In my pocket i've got sticky stuff and ... this isn't my pants I'm wearing, HEY!. I like staying awake and i don't like the customs officers who just seized my shipment of fappable doujins.. Sometimes i think about working more overtime to get more cash to buy more things which might be seized by the customs officers again.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is ben™. I'm doing wrist exercises. In my pocket i've got a lion and he's ready to roar. I like world domination and i don't like weakness. Sometimes i think about how awesome I really am.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Juan, nyo. I'm doing the exotic mahoromatic mambo. In my pocket i've got the entire universe and twenty five cents. I like tentacle monster ascii cats and i don't like fancy movie hooligans. Sometimes i think about WHATS GOING ON IN THIS TOWN.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Ole. I'm doing aironautical engineering. In my pocket i've got a tissue and a cellphone. I like me and i don't like George Bush. Sometimes i think about me. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Patrick. I'm doing late-nigt net surfing while munching an apple. In my pocket i've got a radical planner, a pen, some change, 11 cents to be exact, a key to my mailbox a guitar pick and a guitar pick. I like good food after working hard and good company and i don't like crab apples or hateful people. Sometimes i think about how screwed the world is and why I'm trying to save people that if I shot them, would free up 30 peoples resources in the third world. But then I just sleep it off.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Spunky_Monkey. I'm doing scrathing my balls and trying to wake up.. In my pocket i've got some lint and biscuit crumbs.. I like it when it rains on a hot sumers day, and everyone runs inside except for me and i don't like women who think it's somehow cute to pretend they never grew up, have a 2000 peice cuddly toy collection and shout 'AHHHH, THAT IS SO SWEET' every time they see an advert with a puppy in it.. Sometimes i think about selling all my possesions and joining an aid organisation. Its probably a very stupid idea, and I do like my possesions, so I doubt it will happen any time soon.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is horse. I'm doing sheep. In my pocket i've got cows and pigs. I like cats and i don't like hens. Sometimes i think about dogs. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Drew or EdibleBodyParts. I'm doing stuff: watching the telly and typing and chatting and.... In my pocket i've got a piece of paper about Rockypalooza, some money, my barnes and noble card, soft cremesavers, a laffy taffy rapper and my permit. Of course, i am not wearing pants.. I like girls with long black hair, preferably the gothy type and i don't like big boobs.. Sometimes i think about the meaning of life. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is what?. I'm doing who?. In my pocket i've got slim shady and foshizzle my nizzle. I like big butts and I cannot lie and i don't like the way you lookin' at me fool. Sometimes i think about how sad all these cliche's are. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is chris. I'm doing my best to figure out from where i got this little scratch on my arm. In my pocket i've got an empty wallet and i wish money would just sorta keep showing up in there without explanation or effort. I like singing in the car and i don't like when i'm too embarrassed to sing well. Sometimes i think about the world and life in general. Too much to keep on your mind at once, and way too many things to think about before falling asleep at night.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is joseph. I'm doing some adult "reading". In my pocket i've got a pen and a pocket knife. I like girls and i don't like corporate citizens. Sometimes i think about beating someone up, but in a vindicating hero sort of way.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Paul. I'm doing my best to figure out if the riots in Minneapolis were awesome or just rad.. In my pocket i've got air and other molecules. I like music, animals, and science and i don't like the police. Sometimes i think about throwing it all away and moving far from here. Far far far from here.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is greg. I'm doing checking email and reading The Scar. my girlfriend fell asleep already, but i'm not tired.. In my pocket i've got a receipt for buying a frame for a poster by moebius and nothing else. I like good music, chilling, writing good code. and i don't like being made to do anything, the government's actions. all people sometimes, most people other times.. Sometimes i think about writing a book, going back to school, becoming rich. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Zac. I'm doing nothing other than being in a relaitonhsip with a girl and another guy. We're quite happy, as hard as that may be for other people to understand. Not a hwole lot else going for me at this point in my life.. In my pocket i've got a wallet with lots of old saved-up Rocky Horror Show tickets, some lint and a pen, just in case i need to sketch something. and a lot of experience with dissapointment with people in general.. I like to think that there are more decent people in the world than i hope, and that some day i might find a group of them to make a commune with. and i don't like the general public, my (and i use that term loosely) government, and pop culture.. Sometimes i think about how things should really be in our (the world in general) culture and how much more potential the human race has if it could just get past it's petty judgemental state.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is mardi . I'm doing what I hate.. which is mugging for exams. In my pocket i've got nothing because the underwear that I have on has no pockets.. duh.. and nothing. I like snacks and tea.. maybe a nice book to read would be good and i don't like george bush, his father and their good friend saddam who-sin-ed-against GOd... Sometimes i think about how nice it would be to have no exams and get to backpack anywhere I want to... but I don't see that happening now.. damn the fucking exams... pointless university education.... I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Bob Never. I'm doing very little except drinking Blue A Treat... it's like FAYGO!. In my pocket i've got my keys and my wallet. I like Indie Rock, sex, making fun of college and i don't like college, bad music (read: all music you like), the albany scene. Sometimes i think about my girlfriend, how lame protests are, and why people aren't aware that punk is dead.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Stress Penguin. I'm doing nothing but wanting some popcorn, M&Ms...or maybe just rub one out before bed. . In my pocket i've got the keys to my Jeep, my wallet and a study guide to the criminology test about policing and prosecuting gangs and gang members I failed on Friday. I like playing cards with friends until I can't keep my eyes open any longer. I like days like today when I can take the top off the Jeep and just drive around enjoying the weather. and i don't like the media, my government, and the nights when being alone hurts the worst. I also don't like fast food joint that don't have a complimentary news paper.. Sometimes i think about how to move the US into socialism and reclaim my voice as a citizen. Sometimes I think about why I have to think about anything. Thinking just makes me sad or angry.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is andrew. I'm doing the right thing . In my pocket i've got bugger all and wind. I like it and i don't like it, all the same.. Sometimes i think about a house. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Muni. I'm doing very well, thank you. In my pocket i've got all five fingers of my hand and a warty frog. I like warm lemonade and cold beer and i don't like socks with holes in them. Sometimes i think about what it would be like to have male and female sex organs and what contortions i would go through. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and happy.


My name is Jada. I'm doing a CSI marathon. In my pocket i've got nothing...I'm in PJs' and I'm sipping green tea. I like mysteries, thoughtful gaming, and i don't like political people who use morals as standards to govern people. I don't like uneducated opinions and racism.. Sometimes i think about that racism is the only way people explain about their fear...a fear of becoming extinct or losing self preservation. I ponder way European beauty is the benchmark for all beauty and why do all people in other culturals have one basic, banal stereotype they either live up to or fight tooth and nail to break. I also think about why young people in my age bracket don't cherish their youth and how they gulp it down only to have it vomit back up as a mid life crisis. Back to CSI.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is mike. I'm doing very poorly. In my pocket i've got $0.17 in change and a bus transfer. I like living and i don't like having to worry about rats when I sleep. Sometimes i think about ending it all and finally having some peace.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Penis. I'm doing your mom. In my pocket i've got 2 balls and some semen. I like soft and wet pussies and i don't like fat and hairy ones. Sometimes i think about what it would like to be a vagina, taking in someone like me.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is currently a secret, but you can call me Shah Mat when I'm on the Internet.. I'm doing nothing right now, except ripping songs off my new CDs. Oh, and I'm watching "Red Planet" on SciFi. It's okay, I guess. Eh.. In my pocket i've got a bit of old lint and an old condom that I should probably throw away.... I like enjoying a good movie and some "friendly" time with my wife and i don't like when she sneaks up on me while I'm cataloguing my vast pr0n collection.. Sometimes i think about how life might be different if I had made different choices. If I hadn't married my wife, for example, she would be back home about 2000 miles away from here and I'd probably still be single. Or if I hadn't gone into college I'd still be working at Pizza Hut. Or if I hadn't been such a geek as a kid, I'd never be so good at working on computers. Anyway, it's always fun to wonder.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Guillaume. I'm doing a good job on the internet. In my pocket i've got a switchblade and a wallet. I like sex and i don't like gay sex. Sometimes i think about gay sex. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Matt. I'm doing the holding of my ballsack. In my pocket i've got a receipt and nothing else. I like being naked with naked people and i don't like america. Sometimes i think about buying a combi van, driving away and never coming back. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Daniel. I'm doing a whole lot of rockin'! Ok, actually I'm eating chips alone in my room. In my pocket i've got my hand, also a few random coins and my housekeys, which is odd, because my home is 300 miles away. I like my girlfriend Katherine, more than anything else. I also like good movies (Kurosawa!) though not as much as I like Katherine and i don't like pinheads. They come in various shapes and sizes. Sometimes i think about the impact my life will have on a world of so many, and how best to change things for the better. Also how cool it wil be when I'm president. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Syn. I'm doing all i can to stave off this awful flu or cold i've got. I've got work tomorrow morning.. In my pocket i've got cold pills and old clock-out sheets. I like foot massages and the warm furriness of my cats and i don't like having to work on Sunday mornings.. Sometimes i think about going back home to Oregon, the green, and the snow, and the wildlife, and the total lack of people. Bliss.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Tom. I'm doing very little; I worked today and I'm getting an evening of relaxation in.. In my pocket i've got a key ring with house, car keys and some keys whose purpose I've not one clue and three Lincoln pennies as well as some lint, though I really had to dig to find some.. I like dancing, such as ballroom or swing or latin and i don't like radio or tv.. Sometimes i think about karma. In fact, that's usually what I'm thinking about, unless I'm mentally undressing my dance partners.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is vahid. I'm doing my fucking taxes. In my pocket i've got breath mints and don't know why and and I'm starving. I like to lick shaved puss puss and i don't like hairy vagins. Sometimes i think about snowboarding but I always think aobut skiing and getting a hummer in the gondola as I'm going up the hill.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is dave. I'm doing nothing opn a saturday night , falling asleep, checking my email and then im gonna watch snl. In my pocket i've got a pack of camels and my keys. I like peace and quiet and i don't like noisy redneck roommates and their trashy slutty friends. Sometimes i think about eating a pizza with marshmallows on it. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Stevo. I'm doing some things you don't you don't want to know about. In my pocket i've got ....well... my pants are off... im not sure and i think everything fell out anyways. I like .....blowjobs while im on the computer and i don't like ...fuck bitch! when you bite like that!!. Sometimes i think about how much i like getting blown..... I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Jimbo. I'm doing intimate facial expressions for my hampster. In my pocket i've got a dirty sock, half a cigarette, a coupon for Pillsbury breadsticks, and some hampster pellets.. I like to dance upstairs early and eat saltless peanuts and i don't like when bunnies look at me strangely. Sometimes i think about Christina Applegate alot. I also enjoy a rousing game of bingo while i eat my tofu! yum. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Jenn. I'm doing a little goofing on the internet while I talk on the phone. . In my pocket i've got not a darn thing because I have on my too tight hip huggers and I couldn't fit anything in the pocket if I wanted to.. I like warm blankets and cold sheets on my bed and i don't like the taste, smell, or consistency of bananas. . Sometimes i think about spending a whole day just lounging in bed, watching movies, and having sex.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Drunkard. I'm doing eating yogurt parfait. In my pocket i've got some pot and keys. I like hot chicks and i don't like you. Sometimes i think about peanuts. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Flip. I'm doing tedious genetics and chemistry homework. In my pocket i've got some quarters and a pair of worn panties. I like bread with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar and i don't like listening to people whine. Sometimes i think about what I would do if I was the devil... I think I would pretend to be God, and preform miracles so people would worship me.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is nico33. I'm doing watching the movie The Killing Fields. In my pocket i've got my pipe and weed and lighter. I like skiing and beer, and women dressed in springtime clothing! and i don't like assholes. Sometimes i think about everything at the same time. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Wolverine. I'm doing a lot of nothing. In my pocket i've got sweet fuck all and air molecules.. I like My wife and i don't like people who litter.. Sometimes i think about a death penalty for useless pieces of shit like car thieves and people who break into houses and beat the crap out of old people.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Snailbarf. I'm doing my lifes work.. In my pocket i've got $30 worth of weed and lint. I like playing jazz and i don't like sports talk radio. Sometimes i think about fucking...well make that ALL the time.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is John. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got keys and a week old concert ticket. I like the world and i don't like violence. Sometimes i think about why I feel the need to use drugs. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is JW. I'm doing this, retard.. In my pocket i've got wallet, keys, and change.. I like frames and i don't like burning sensations during urination. Sometimes i think about .... I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Saint_Marck. I'm doing web surfing. In my pocket i've got nothing at all and nothing else either. I like counterstrike and Perl and pretty girls and i don't like people who are not pretty girls. Sometimes i think about fucking, I think about it all of the time. I think about fucking in the grocery store, I think about fucking in my car, I think about fucking while I eat lunch. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Matthew. I'm doing this thingy. In my pocket i've got keys and spare change. I like drums and i don't like pop music. Sometimes i think about boobs. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Maarten. I'm doing nothing at the moment. In my pocket i've got my keys and my wallet. I like movies and i don't like dumb people. Sometimes i think about killing myself. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Billy. I'm doing the Lord's work. In my pocket i've got a magnum and a mission. I like whiskey and i don't like feebs. Sometimes i think about slapping down the huddled masses. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Mark. I'm doing procrastination. In my pocket i've got keys and eye drops and pepper spray/tear gas cannister. I like girls and computers and i don't like mean people. Sometimes i think about My life "before". I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Keith. I'm doing frivolous things instead of my work. In my pocket i've got my my lucky rock and nothing else, because I've been in all day. I like sleeping, gyros, making love, and reading and i don't like being lazy. Sometimes i think about becoming a hermit, starting over again, and my girlfriend. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Lisa. I'm doing Joe. In my pocket i've got Joe's wallet and his expensive watch. I like sex and i don't like Joe. Sometimes i think about rip off more "joe's" and get off with their money!. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Ben. I'm doing buckets. In my pocket i've got a hand and dead skin. I like straining peas and i don't like sloppy seconds. Sometimes i think about that girl back in grade four that couldn't keep her clothes on. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Kaleb. I'm doing it right, doing it right all night!. In my pocket i've got a hacky sack, gum, my wallet, a parcheezi piece, money, a pin, my leatherman, and a piece of lint and a secret.. I like my things, my life, my everything and i don't like mean, bad, and moronic people. Sometimes i think about death, life, funny monkeys, sex, and most of all my girlfriend.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Jason. I'm doing Nothing, sitting here being lonely.. In my pocket i've got tobacco and a wallet.. I like loving people, friendship, and having fun. and i don't like being judged or feeling bad.. Sometimes i think about what happens after you die, and what is the point of living.. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Lisa. I'm doing Joe. In my pocket i've got Joe's wallet and his expensive watch. I like sex and i don't like Joe. Sometimes i think about rip off more "joe's" and get off with their money!. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Joe. I'm doing a girl. In my pocket i've got chapstick and cell phone. I like sex and i don't like penis. Sometimes i think about WHy people create these crazy websites. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is ragesh. I'm doing it till i die. In my pocket i've got 6 dollars and credit cards. I like norah jones and i don't like brittney spears. Sometimes i think about how life is so short, how we all look for things we had when we were born.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Ian. I'm doing some chatting, and hangover recovery. In my pocket i've got everything and nothing. I like my lovely friends and i don't like my socially inept friends. Sometimes i think about all the mistakes I've made.. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Scabble. I'm doing school again, 2nd times a charm. In my pocket i've got keys and PS2 memory card. I like smiles and buffets and i don't like arrogant ignorance. Sometimes i think about moving to a new place and starting all over again.. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Abhishek. I'm doing it all wrong. In my pocket i've got some string and a toy car. I like guitar solos and breakbeats and i don't like a lack of thought. Sometimes i think about how much more life i have to enjoy.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Sean. I'm doing dirty things to a teddy bear. In my pocket i've got some string and my empty wallet. I like to drive my car and i don't like BBQ flavored chips. Sometimes i think about weither I should go to grad school or get a job right away.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Abhishek. I'm doing it all wrong. In my pocket i've got some string and a toy car. I like guitar solos and breakbeats and i don't like a lack of thought. Sometimes i think about how much more life i have to enjoy.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Barcley. I'm doing I'm sitting here on the internet looking at nekkid women. In my pocket i've got nothing, i'm not wearing pants and something else. I like naked women and i don't like naked men. Sometimes i think about having sex with naked women. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Chop-Logik. I'm doing internet browsing, cleaning the house. There was just a murder down my street.. In my pocket i've got My wallet & a froot loop. and 3 keys on a keychain thats a 30.06 bullet.. I like pornography, my girlfriend, alcohol, sin. and i don't like Idiots.. Sometimes i think about What I'm going to do when I graduate. I got 99% on my english final and I'm worried that I'll never fully apply my creativity & knowledge.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Rebbel. I'm doing some internetting and radio-listening. In my pocket i've got a bank-account card, keys and some change. I like to go to Samos in Greece every year and i don't like the Netherlands when i return from Samos. Sometimes i think about going to Samos and stay there for ever. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is mare. I'm doing the laundry. In my pocket i've got keys, wallet and some Albert Heijn 'keelpastilles'. I like mountains and i don't like agressively driving people. Sometimes i think about moving to elsewere. And recently I decided to not leave it by thinking. So in a few months I will be emigrating to Canada. Right now I'm packing my stuff. I throw out a lot. That feels good. Leaving my friends behind is much harder. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Ini. I'm doing programming and stuff for money. In my pocket i've got a lighter and crumbs of tabacco. I like watching other people get pissed at eachother, yelling and losing their 'contenance', sleeping in the afternoons, eating liver, kidneys and other animal organs, German Biergarten and authenticity and i don't like common opinions, people calling me on the telephone while I'm asleep, buggy software, even if it's my own. Sometimes i think about buying a yacht and sailing to India. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Zidouta. I'm doing a cup of coffee & a zandblad cigarillos in the sun and I listen to McCoy Tyner's Blue Bossa. In my pocket i've got 6 keys, a lighter and euro 51.16. I like swimming, girls, women, the poetry of Hans Faverey, stormy weather, snow, big cities, large buildings, rivers, the sea and sex and i don't like firm beliefs. Sometimes i think about being a sniper. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Perry. I'm doing Art. In my pocket i've got a dog and a bisuit. I like snogging and i don't like Farting. Sometimes i think about lard on my pillow. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is ff. I'm doing fff. In my pocket i've got fffff and ffff. I like ffff and i don't like ffff. Sometimes i think about ffffff. I'm a woman, old and happy.


My name is DJEENIE. I'm doing fine, not as tired as yesterday and not as yesterday as today. In my pocket i've got a whole lot of space and a metro-map of Paris. I like the weather today, most people around me, creating stuff whenever i have time for it and i don't like hate, wars, people who are not saying what they really want to say, people who cannot come in time at appointments (and people with bad timing) and the bandage around my finger, which is making me fill in weird things. Sometimes i think about what the world would've looked like if i had been born in another time, another place...... I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Lisa. I'm doing the greatest work of my life--parenting. In my pocket i've got pacifiers and diaper pins and a wilted weed my toddler picked and called "flower". I like to feel the sun on my face and hear the rolling giggle of babies and i don't like dirty diapers, dirty houses and sleepless nights. Sometimes i think about what the world will be like when I am old and watching from the outside? Will my children love me? Will they thank me for the sleepless nights, the rules, the hours spent worrying, crying and wanting life to be better for them or will they resent me. Will I die surrounded by family and love or...sad and alone? Will my greatest work... be my greatest achievement or my undoing?. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is dutchd. I'm doing some surfin. In my pocket i've got chewing gum and sweets. I like your site and i don't like GOING HOME. Sometimes i think about the fact that your site is a wonderfull place and that is reason enough to make a link to your site. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is RAFAELA. I'm doing nothing i guess! thinking maybe. In my pocket i've got a picture and i'm troughing in the trash. I like food and his voice and i don't like him anymore. Sometimes i think about what's worth living. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is XT. I'm doing these questions. In my pocket i've got keys and dust and secrets. I like girls food animals sky sun shoes and i don't like fear and anxiety. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is lulu. I'm doing daydreaming. In my pocket i've got sex,drugs and rock and roll. I like travelling and i don't like my work!. Sometimes i think about moving away,looking for emptyness, meet the icebears and hide in the mountains. I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is tomt. I'm doing nice things on the internet, as a visitor and as a designer. In my pocket i've got a cotton handkerchief and plastic cards. I like Ellen and i don't like waiting. Sometimes i think about moving to a sunny country. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Paul. I'm doing life / weblog. In my pocket i've got a pocket and another one. I like to be and i don't like to be. Sometimes i think about my brain. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Peter. I'm doing answering questions. In my pocket i've got nothing for the moment, it's late, i am waring a badjas and try to prepare myself for bed. I like coffee, tobacco, milk and i don't like bisexual girls, broken windows in wintertime, the allamerican he-man and commercial tv. Sometimes i think about an exploding moon, making love, becoming rich but honest,travelling for the rest of my life. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is judi. I'm doing drinking coffee. In my pocket i've got chocolate sandwiches and grapes. I like cups and i don't like cleaning. Sometimes i think about enough cups in the cupboard. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Mark. I'm doing some music listening/TV-watching&surfing (my desk is crowded...). In my pocket i've got euhm... an edah-card(!!!) and some change (eur 0,81). I like staying up at night, looking at the city-lights and i don't like obligations, I want to be free in what I do. Sometimes i think about the future (doh!), things I should do and if it's me that wants to do those things or that somehow it's somebody elses meaning and not mine after all. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is littlestar. I'm doing nothing i should be. In my pocket i've got nothing as my boxers have no pockets and so thay just contain myself. I like the littlethings in life and i don't like feeling alone. Sometimes i think about what it would be like if i hadn't let the love of my life slip away into the arms of someone else, actually all the time. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Robert. I'm doing html stuff. In my pocket i've got keys and a small rope. In my other pocket i've got a screwdriver and some screws. Dancing is what I like, and i don't like sitting and hanging watching TV. Sometimes i think about love and peace. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Laura. I'm doing my best to lead a good life. In my pocket i've got the love of a good man and a roadmap to Canada and the USA too. I like living in Canada and driving my car, but I love riding on his motorcycle with my arms wrapped around him. I am going on a trip soon with him and i don't like the thought of going back to work. Sometimes i think about how life is like one big roadtrip, wouldn't you agree? . I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Anne. I'm doing listening to Eric Dolphy and fantasizing about when I can make love with my French tutor. In my pocket i've got toothbrush and toothpaste-- fanatic about brushing. I like senior citizens and i don't like it when people turn down the opportunity to have a nice glass of wine in the afternoon with a good friend. Sometimes i think about lovely lovely things like flamenco dancers and other times I think about sorrow and hardship. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Bat. I'm doing everything I can to avoid what I should be doing. In my pocket i've got a Gir button and an Invader Zim keychain (no keys attached). I like The Dali Lama, Butthole Surfers, John Laurie, Jhonen Vasquez, my neighbors who aren't yuppies and i don't like disco and polyester, my yuppie neighbors. Sometimes i think about how they know the "Boy Without A Body" is a boy. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is T. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got some keys and some undefined stuff. I like livin' and i don't like negative things. Sometimes i think about savin' the world. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is lisa. I'm doing thinking about everything around me. In my pocket i've got candy and lots of exams in school. I like seeing the blue sky and i don't like talking on the phones. Sometimes i think about killing myself but I won't. I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is manic. I'm doing goofing off at work. In my pocket i've got a hash pipe and some good hash. I like random events and i don't like people who are impolite. Sometimes i think about life, the universe and everything. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Erik. I'm doing reasonably well right now, nodding 1400 inches per hour at least (two directions combined) at the music from the radio.. In my pocket i've got a job ID card. Helps me to remember who I am. I like odds and ends and i don't like tits and bits. Sometimes i think about whether I will first clean my house or rather go to the movies rightaway and then again sometimes I don't. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Steven. I'm doing what I think it is I like doing, and some things I know I don't like doing. In my pocket i've got hopes and dreams and the keys to a place in a city I call my home. I like people and i don't like too much of them in small spaces. Sometimes i think about the meaning of Things, consciousness, cognition, making love and vanilla milkshakes. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Jeremy. I'm doing my best to conceive child #2. In my pocket i've got methylsulfonylmethane tablets and keys. I like r&b and jazz music and i don't like hate crimes. Sometimes i think about how I could bring a child into this sad and degraded world. But mostly I cannot imagine life without his little voice and big light.. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Nicci. I'm doing nothiing special today. In my pocket i've got 1euro and a lot of cents and that kind a shit and my photo's (no not my pictures but my friends pictures). I like boys, love, my best friend (Sarina youre are in my heart forever!!) and i don't like all my enemies (i ve got a lot) and hate and that kind a shit!. Sometimes i think about Dead, my ex-boyfriends, school and of course i always think of the nice things that happened in my life and right now i wonder why am ik doing this kind a shit?! DAMN!. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Hans. I'm doing nothing usefull at the moment. In my pocket i've got two passes to get in the bilding I'm working in and a transmitter for the alarm of my motorcycle which doesn't work for more then a year. I like women and icecream and i don't like pineapple, aspecially out of a can. Sometimes i think about flying, so I'm going saturday to the south of France with some people to do some parapenting.
Ellen nearly every week I think of you and then I have a look at this site.
I'm looking forward to the next time.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Harm Kikkers. I'm doing nothing because I fear failure. In my pocket i've got keys to places I've visited again and again and again and there's dust and stale air of briefs worn too long. I like lots of coffee and and i don't like racist football hooligans. Sometimes i think about travelling to Belgium, buying a gun and blowing my brains out on the beach. Actually I think about this a lot. Thank god I'm in therapy.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Trav. I'm doing a dance move patented by Cossacks. In my pocket i've got a quasigovernmental ID, a skinny wallet with dollars and Turkish Lire and a map to My Sister's Room. I like Bolinas, California and i don't like the blind tyranny of high finance. Sometimes i think about owning my own dirigible company, the trees in my yard, 19th-century submarines, zoroastrians and copts, when the revolution is finally going to show up and make things interesting again. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Ron. I'm doing time. In my pocket i've got breath mints and lint. I like sleep and i don't like people. Sometimes i think about being with my Mom and Dad again. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Brian. I'm doing working and shirking work. In my pocket i've got wing and a prayer - who could it be? believe it or not, it's just me! and other dumb songs like: "Maneater" (Hall & Oates), "Too Much Time On My Hands (Styx), etc.. I like feeling a warmth of creativity and i don't like getting divorced. Sometimes i think about the estate agents called Big Pimpin'. Reminds me of David Sedaris' story about his brother's landscaping business, called "Silly Fucking P's Landscaping." I also think about my roommate, and how weird it is to live with someone who's not your wife all of a sudden, and try to get along with them and still give them space. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is gerard. I'm doing this. In my pocket i've got 37,43 euro, a bill, 4 keys, a carkey, 2 peppermints, a piece of rope and more. I like weed and i don't like speed. Sometimes i think about her. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is sherry. I'm doing a whole lot of procrastinating at the moment--avoiding my studies. In my pocket i've got a nickel, a penny, some earplugs (to temper the punk rawk!), a tissue, two small pencils, a candy wrapper that looks like a strawberry, two to do lists, dollar bills, reciepts, two small fabric swatches and lip balm (can't live without it.). I like observing the freedom and enthusiasm that others express through their art. and i don't like feeling overwhelmed by the infinite possibilities.. Sometimes i think about what my life would be like if i followed my dreams and never looked back.... I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Jasper. I'm doing my work, and still have time to browse around. In my pocket i've got Keys and a battery, wich kan be a dangerous combination. I like to open new records and i don't like it when time is running out. Sometimes i think about a loooooooong holiday!. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is miles. I'm doing waiting for life. In my pocket i've got time and six dollars. I like not knowing and i don't like the fact that I snore. Sometimes i think about too many things. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is I'm doing something. In my pocket i've got a hot load of nothing in particle form and fifeteen plus ten. I like you and i don't like me much but i'm getting better just ask my physio?, pyscho - therapist - steven - minor tech?!.?.! . nique. Sometimes i think about myself in yours, your what you wonder... may i say it?... oh go on... alright! yes .... pussy. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Stephane. I'm doing not much at all. In my pocket i've got a bit of dust and nothing else. I like sleeping and i don't like loud noises. Sometimes i think about what might have been and what will not be. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Ronald. I'm doing just fine, thanx. In my pocket i've got keys and some peppermints. I like your little presents and i don't like what I do not see. Sometimes i think about life and wonder why I'm here. But then again, I'm having the time of my life, so why should I be anywhere else?. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is david. I'm doing patience exercises, while hotmail recovers itself. In my pocket i've got not much and something stringy. I like Finnegans Wake and i don't like not Finnegans Wake. Sometimes i think about the tenebrous Tunc page of the Book of Kells.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is sina. I'm doing my best to stay alive. In my pocket i've got some notes and nothing else. I like pink stuff and i don't like trying to get into a art college. Sometimes i think about to much , my head starts spinning. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Baudouin. I'm doing what I can... Writing texts that are fun to read is a good start. In my pocket i've got ideas for a screenplay jotted down on a restaurant napkin (no kidding) and my wallet. I like stilton cheese, darjeeling tea and improv and i don't like stupid people (how original). Sometimes i think about who will share my life now that it's worth sharing. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Kippina Mikko. I'm doing scripting. In my pocket i've got a lion and he's ready to roar. I like you and i don't like them. I'm a man, not sure how old i am and sad.


My name is Xileoj. I'm doing all i can to make my little cat well.. In my pocket i've got one small paper with some small messages and lighter, while i even don't smoke, but i use it to light candles and i have a pencil in my pocket.. I like to go live in Paris in three weeks from now and i don't like waiting for things to happen. Sometimes i think about having my collection of things exhibited.... I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Rik. I'm doing braindead things. In my pocket i've got wallet (with euro's) and my driverslicense. I like love and i don't like hate. Sometimes i think about outerspace, people, the earth, things. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is JP. I'm doing reading before sleeping. In my pocket i've got nothing because naked bodies have no pockets and I'm naked. I like being naked and i don't like wearing clothes. Sometimes i think about what it would be like if everyone were naked all the time. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Andrea. I'm doing somethings that I like doing and others that I dont. In my pocket i've got some keys on a string that I cut out of my mesh Navy shorts and a credit card. I like it when I dont eat too much and i don't like Christina. Sometimes i think about The awfull sides and the beautifull sides of life. Which have I more? I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Albert. I'm doing el dropo. In my pocket i've got absolutament res and res de res! I like passejar amb la V. and i don't like estar sempre sol. Sometimes i think about quŹ serŽ quan sigui gran :) I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is grapes. I'm doing procrastinationatory tasks. In my pocket i've got a bar of soap, a pair of handcuffs, a birthday cake, a women's magazine, a pet turtle and a bad temper. I like my mother and i don't like my mother. Sometimes i think about the photosynthetic qualities of body hair. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is esther van kooten. I'm doing therapies and school and enjoy life! In my pocket i've got some money, stamps for my little sister and photos. I like making and listening music and i don't like bad feelings. Sometimes i think about The awfull sides and the beautifull sides of life. Which have I more? I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Dominique. I'm doing not that good. Actually terrible, cause my headache i kept from yesterday evening won't go away! In my pocket i've got aspirine (a lot) and sigarettes (just two left). I like, no i love my friends!!! and i don't like my stinking dog and people that ly to me. like my boss does. Sometimes i think about Travelling all over the world, meeting new friends from every country and makin a parachutejump and sometimes i think about killing myself, but i'm to weak to do it... I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is marloes. I'm doing a little surfing on the net. In my pocket i've got much money and papier, pass. I like my boyfriend and i don't like when people lie. Sometimes i think about what as I was someone else............ I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is basszje. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got Keys and Cookies. I you and i don't like you. Sometimes i think about Why does ash always travel outside my ash tray? I'm a man, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Alice Belle. I'm doing an essay which is due in tomorrow. In my pocket i've got a hamster and keys. I like one of my english teachers and i don't like the other english teacher. Sometimes i think about running away to cardiff. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is cyril. I'm doing industrial designfor numerik object. In my pocket i've got ressort, bic, hankechif, lot of paper and my credit card. I like nothing and all but justificated and i don't like cat in a appartment. Sometimes i think about gloque things or happy things, ass of marie, my love girl, metaphysics things when i am in the background of my garden. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Monika. I'm doing .. well, wasting time?! In my pocket i've got keys and unfortunately no cigarettes. I like good websites & my friends and i don't like our so called government. Sometimes i think about going to the theatre. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is klue. I'm doing my laundry. In my pocket i've got 178 belgain francs and 2 kleenex. I like sleeping 'till the afternoon and i don't like festivities at newyears-eve. Sometimes i think about my life 10 years from now. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is ro. I'm eating candy. In my pocket i've got authentic fl100,= peace and chainkey. I like candy and i don't like euro's. Sometimes i think about start my own candyfactory. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is yy620. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got choice and not much time. I like work, great movie, calvin and popo and i don't like hers...anyone who hurt my belief. Sometimes i think about if i can please everyone but seem to mean nothing about me. I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is dreddyboy. I'm doing why does my heart feel so bad. In my pocket i've got keys and a hole. I like flowers and i don't like flowers. I'm a woman, old and happy.


My name is Jessy. I'm doing the best I can. In my pocket i've got a broken heart and a lot of good memories. I like the butterflies in my stomache when I'm in love and i don't like the pain I feel because my heart is so damn broken! Sometimes i think about will I ever be able to love again.........and to be loved???? I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is andy b. I'm doing work. In my pocket i've got a rude basket-ball style mobile fone and my keys. I like wide open spaces and i don't like media. Sometimes i think about starting an estate agent called "Big Pimpin'". I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Cleopatra. I'm doing mostly what I want. In my pocket i've got everything and nothing. I like to think i'm happy and i don't like finding out i'm not. Sometimes i think about how lucky i am finding a new love at the age of 44. How it changes me as a person in the way i think, smell, breathe. How easy it is forgetting about love and pretending you don't need it. How high i feel now, and eventually how low i will feel when it all ends ... .. I'm a woman, old and happy.


My name is Rosie. I'm doing a bit of work but the software keeps crashing. In my pocket i've got tissues and lip balm. I like chocolate and i don't like having a cold. Sometimes i think about how the best paintings are all just pixels so if you set your monkeys to work on pixels eventually you'd end up with a mona lisa. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is will. I'm doing nothing besides being bored. In my pocket i've got nothing, considering that i don't have pockets. I like to eat and i don't like to drink. Sometimes i think about what it would be like to be loved. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is La Bella. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got keys, chewing gum, lipstick, phone and money. I like my boyfriend roy and shopping and i don't like P. J.. Sometimes i think about is a happy live. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Vera. I'm surfing and watching a little bit of TV. In my pocket i've got chewing gum and nothing more. I like myself;) and music and also singin in the shower and i don't like discrimination, rain, my father. Sometimes i think about I'll be famous on a day and that I have lots of fans that everybody likes me. I'm a girl, young and not sure how i feel.


My name is Geoff. I'm doing a Marlboro and a cup of coffee. In my pocket i've got a handkerchief and nothing else. I like travelling, mountains, weather, curry, music, peace and quiet and i don't like anti-social behaviour, people who recline their seats in economy class, Japanese food, racism, excercise, any religion and patriotism. Sometimes i think about my wife who works abroad, people I've known, places I've been and things I've said and done that I regret. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is lindsay. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got keys and air. I like internet and i don't like you. Sometimes i think about a fucking song. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Craig. I'm doing the same as always. In my pocket i've got keys, lighter, fags, wallet, loose change and some chewing gum. I like boys and i don't like lies. Sometimes i think about boys that don't lie. I'm a boy, young and not sure how i feel.


My name is Queen Elisabeth (not the real one). I'm doing stupid things, everyday again.... In my pocket i've got a freezer (oh yes) and a elefant... (ooooh yes!). I like screaming to my boyfriend (and Hermanna Tha Looser en Freddie without jeans) and i don't like my boyfriend. Sometimes i think about The color of my eyes. I changed my sunglasses so many times that I'm not sure anymore.... I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and not sure how i feel.


My name is The magical Purple Faery. I'm doing things which will enable me to fly to pluto tomorrow. In my pocket i've got a pair of hancuffs and my magic purple wand and also my pet orange furry thing, rowan. I like flying and i don't like scary people who like yellow telephants. Sometimes i think about whether it is a realistic idea to attempt to fly to pluto tomorrow. I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Matthew. I'm doing better today than yesterday. In my pocket i've got nothing because I have no pockets and no money. I like to play guitar, but my guitar is broken now and i don't like the fact that I can't buy another one. Sometimes i think about where and if I'll be in 10 years and what it would be like to play my now broken guitar for Ellen (if it wasn't broken that is...). I'm a man, not sure how old i am and sad.


My name is Jeroen. I'm doing things i wish i'd done before. In my pocket i've got a mobile phone with presets to every happy human in Flanders and my humoristic boobytrap called "love". I like happy people dancing in the hall and i don't like dicussing with my boss and finding out he doesn't even understand my introduction to a problem. Sometimes i think about what it would feel like if my mind could think without a time/space-frame. Great I think. I'm a man, young and happy.


My name is mamie. I'm doing some smning with friends. In my pocket i've got an elastic band and nothing else. I like to stay awake all night but feel good in the morning anyway and i don't like meat and a pain in my back. most of all I don't like irritating people. Sometimes i think about the meaning of life. Of things in the past and plans for the future. I don't know what I will do in ten years. I'm a woman, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Jan. I'm doing some music listening. In my pocket i've got nothing and even less. I like Tori Amos and i don't like Piet Veerman. Sometimes i think nothing at all (but not often). I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is stefan. I'm doing things. In my pocket i've got lighter and keys. I like to go to sleep and i don't like not going to party tonight. Sometimes i think You. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Ant. I'm trying to find a link I lost from FlipFlopFlying, this isn't it. but it is golden nonetheless. In my pocket i've got half a packet of mints some change, keys, my heart and a baby elephant. I like violins and i don't like violence. Sometimes i think about violas...but not that often. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is BR. I'm doing things I'm embarassed about. In my pocket i've got a cell phone and no one to talk to and the keys to my ticket outta here. I like being myself and not worrying about the consequences and i don't like coming to the realization that this is in a rare occurence. Sometimes i think about and how it made me cry today. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Spencer Aldon. I'm doing a whole lot better since the operation. In my pocket i've got $5 and a cracker (do you think it's enough?). I like the fact we've met and i don't like the way you're looking at me. Sometimes i think about the way the sun used to glint through the trees when I was a child and how time seemed to stand still, holding its breath and the world was fierce and tough. Then I grew up and had enough. I'm a girl, young and happy.


Sometimes I think that things are going to get better even though they seem to only be getting worse. I think about who I am. My only conclusions... I AM AFRAID I AM ALONE I AM CONFUSED. I'm not sure if i'm a boy or a girl, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is jamie. I'm doing a bit of browsing. In my pocket i've got keys and change. I like markant and i don't like radiohead. Sometimes i think about the great things that i will do some day. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is spacemummy. I'm doing spacemummy things. In my pocket i've got bandages and dust. I like orgone and i don't like to answer the phone. Sometimes i think about sex on the moon. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Debbie. I'm doing nothing much. In my pocket i've got some coins that i never use and as much candy i have around. I like singing loudly in the bathroom and i don't like too much hair on the floor. Sometimes i think about how the guarana in my choc bar work? I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Keith. I'm doing my best to keep myself buoyed for the time being. In my pocket i've got lint, just lint and that's about it because there's nothing more there. I like my children and i don't like the stress I've been under lately. Sometimes i think about why it's so hard for me to be content. Why is it so difficult for me to enjoy the journey? I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and sad.


My name is Chuke. I'm doing my job. In my pocket i've got something strange and a lot of wind. I like Kapoentje and i don't like my sister. Sometimes i think about Kapoentje. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Anneke. I should have been going to work today, but my 1,5 year old daughter is ill. So taking care of here today. See sleeps, I surf. In my pocket i've got Nothing and I don't like to have something in my pocket. I like Time wich I can spend the way I want. and i don't like to have so manny appointments in a week that I have no time to talk to my husband. Sometimes i think about how life would be if.... I was slimmer, had another child etc. And than I think, what am I complaining? And I'm happy again with life the way it is. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is tianto. I'm doing a tooth brush. In my pocket i've got nothing. I like a fair wind and i don't like high temperature. Sometimes i think about we could talk to each other or not, GOOD LUCK. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Antony. I'm doing alot of thinking. In my pocket i've got the answers and they're very deep pockets. I like life and i don't like hurt. Sometimes i think
About life
What's been
What will be
Where to go
What to do
When I'll see
The time passed
If I should
If I could
Why I sleep
Why I wake
About dreams
About quiet walks
How it all is
The past
The future
My life
What it's all for
Why I bother
Why I don't

I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is dream master. I'm doing nothing at this time. In my pocket i've got my key and some monney. I like nice things and i don't like sad things. Sometimes i think about nice dreams that i had in my last dream. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is b. I'm doing things which I hope will get me further than I am now. I'm trying really hard. In my pocket i've got Lip balm and hope and positivity up my sleeve - hehe! - and good vibes for myself and others. I like this site, cities, some people, myself and i don't like some people. Sometimes i think about bad times to remind me to make more effort to make good times. I think mostly about being by myself and relying on myself though. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is redrick. I'm doing what i do best. In my pocket i've got nothing but happy memories and happy dreams. I like coffee and i don't like spilling it on myself. Sometimes i think about what it's like to be the other person. this is a really cool site. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Mariko. I watch the TV everyday. In my pocket i've got my lovely dog's hair. I like to walk and talk with my friend and i don't like bore. Sometimes i think about when I go to the moon. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Joe. I'm doing all I can. In my pocket i've got a couple of coins and a guitar pick. I like music and love and i don't like hate and carelessness. Sometimes i think about how I came to be myself. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is pixelsin. I'm doing glutious maximus exercises. In my pocket i've got you and peanutbutter. I like stinky cheese and i don't like dog poo. Sometimes i think about sticking my figure up my nose too far. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Ed. I'm doing random surfing instead of filing last year's tax return (2nd extension). In my pocket i've got a Learning Tree passport card with one class left and a hankerchief. I like catching up with old friends and doing nothing and i don't like chit-chatty small talk with no substance. Sometimes i think about how cool the world would be if people weren't afraid to think for themselves and follow their hearts. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Jeroen. I'm doing the riverdance. In my pocket i've got air and air. I like the web and i don't like pretenders. Sometimes i think about you. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Stella. I'm doing insomnia. In my pocket i've got no pocket. There is no need for a pocket in a pocket, except those little ones for your change and I carry a bag instead and in the bag I carry a purse and in the purse I carry too much so the purse snaps open and drops my pennies among the used tissues, shreds of tobacco and shopping receipts which end up in their because I have no pocket. I like coffee and the little doggie who is curled up in the chair and i don't like prejudice, stupidity, arrogance, owing more per month than I earn and nuts. Sometimes i think about picking up my lovely never-gigged guitar and my lovely never-gigged amp and joining any old band who'll have me just to get back on stage again. I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and sad.


My name is Amy. What am i doing? I'm enjoying your site! In my pocket i've got a magical sitesearcher and í don't like this question. I like this site, told you before and i don't like working all week! Tonight it's my turn again grrr. Sometimes i think about what I should do with my site, put a cam on it, or not, write a diary or not.. it's hard to make a choice isn't it? Big kiss from a dutch girl. I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is Marc. I'm doing mathematics. In my pocket i've got a pencil, a bunch of keys and a picture of a wildebeest. I like sitting in a cool and quiet place and thinking about abstract things and i don't like family members when they are drunk. Sometimes i think about all the work that needs to be done. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is wayne. I'm doing nothing of import. In my pocket i've got nothing (no pockets in my underwear.) and more nothing. I like katrina and i don't like not being with her. Sometimes i think about holding her, touching her, overcomng her fears, reassuring and delighting her. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is John. I'm doing bite bite on a wooden tooth pick. In my pocket i've got needs and troubles. I like these sounds . . and i don't like the silence. Sometimes i think about getting out of here and dedication. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Mark. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got again nothing and you know what. I like myself and i don't like commands. Sometimes i think about society. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Adam. I'm doing time. In my pocket i've got my hands and feet. I like to love and i don't like to speak. Sometimes i think about why it is that there are so many really well designed sites and yet i can't find a single "cool" t-shirt to buy. You would think at least one of them could print just one for me. I'm a boy, not sure about my age and happy.


My name is Eric Prebys. I'm doing lunch. In my pocket i've got the keys to my house and the receipts for many previous lunches. I like juicy sex and i don't like being afraid of myself. Sometimes i think about the moon and the stars and the lower back pain that i've been experiencing for a couple years and the sound of my own breathing. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is wendy. I'm looking for ideas. In my pocket i've got chapstick and matches and a little money. I like summer and i don't like winter. Sometimes i think about whether music came from visual or audio stimuli. I'm a girl, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Marcel. I'm doing the internet evening. In my pocket i've got keys and tobacco and a lighter. I like the sigarette I'm smoking and the glass off wine and i don't like the work in my briefcase that I have to do. Sometimes i think about the summervacation that starts in three weeks and will last up to september.
It is great to be a teacher. I'm glad my parents let me. I'm a boy, not sure about my age and happy.


My name is unimportant. I'm doing a shit. In my pocket i've got some paper and it is essential cos I like to wipe my arse after shitting and i don't like not to wipe my arse after shitting. Sometimes i think that! I'm not sure if i'm a boy or a girl, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Tuu-Van Nguyen. I'm chat with a friend. In my pocket i've got my keys and some small change. I like Christine and i don't like applications. Sometimes i think about whether music came from visual or audio stimuli. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Bruce. I'm doing what it takes to get through the day. In my pocket i've got some receipts from dinner the other night and keys and a handkerchief. I like obnoxious music and sunsets and i don't like mean-spirited people. Sometimes i think about how how coole Ellen must be to put this great stuff up on the Web for me to enjoy. I'm a boy, not sure about my age and happy.


My name is Domna. I'm teaching. I have no pocket. I like the sea and i don't like big cities. Sometimes i think about leaving everything behind me. I'm a girl, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is josephine. I'm doing nothing. I've got no pockets and thats that. something. I like that and i don't like this. Sometimes i think about nothing. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Mark Gauthier. I'm writing. In my pocket i've got a handkerchief (I wish). I like your page, books and roses and i don't like cruelty, terror and George Bush. Sometimes i think about how in heaven's name people get to be so inventive, creative and funny. I'm a girl, old and happy.


My name is Archie. I'm doing free lance medical librarianship. In my pocket i've got keys, and change and... something. I like Shakespeare, The Stones etc. Sometimes i think about Where I'm going. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Stephan. I'm doing my best at avoiding the work I have to do. In my pocket i've got nothing but love and my wallet. I like both robots and monkeys and i don't like fast food. Sometimes i think about How big the universe is and how small we are. Whether I'll be scared when I die. Making love to more than one person. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Will. I'm doing very well. In my pocket i've got time and patience. I like Wendy and i don't like her mother. Sometimes i think about Ellen. I'm a boy, not sure about my age and happy.


My name is Deborah. I'm doing homesickness. In my pocket i've got hankie and lip gloss. I like friends and i don't like being away from them. Sometimes i think about whether I should have moved away from my home... I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is Luis. I'm getting lost in Ellen's pages. In my pocket i've got one 100 pesetas coin, trying to get it through some shop clerk and a lighter. I like anything you can call "positive" and i don't like anything you can call "negative". Sometimes i think about how i should be surfing less and doing more to my websites. I'm not sure if i'm a boy or a girl, young and happy.


My name is alishah. I'm doing job in doubai. In my pocket i've got evry thing and i like god frinds m/f. I like move sports draiving and i don't like bade peopel. Sometimes i think about frindship. I'm a boy, young and happy


My name is Mor. I'm slacking off work. In my pocket i've got a gift and a curse. I like creativity and i don't like stagnation. Sometimes i think about where we've been,
where we're going,
what's going to happen
when we get there?.
I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Gogo. I'm doing web surfing/10 page paper that was due 2 days ago. In my pocket i've got wallet, key, chapstick(no flavor), cigarette, lighter and dust. I like people when I am happy and i don't like people when they are not nice. Sometimes i think about myself: who is lazy, clumsy, daydreaming, ugly, fat, sleepy, depressed(most of time), inconfident, somewhat anti-social, shy, dark haired asian girl.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Rick. I'm doing the switchboard and surfing the net while the receptionist is at lunch. In my pocket i've got a pocketknife, keys, a pen, a wristwatch without a band and enough money for a full tank of gas and dinner at a decent restaurant. I like something new, which is what I typed into the search engine that found this site and i don't like having to answer the phone while I'm trying to complete this questionaire. Sometimes i think about how the internet makes connections between people who otherwise would never meet or even speak to one another if they did meet. I like how sites like this one give us little snapshots of the lives of others. For a more detailed picture, I would like to know where the people are from. Perhaps that question could be added to the questionaire. I'm in Tampa, FL. I'm a man, old and happy.


My name is Paul Ford. I'm doing work. In my pocket i've got keys: to an office in Israel, an apartment in Brooklyn, and for a silver suitcase and nothing else. I like swimming and i don't like violence. Sometimes i think about words. I think most about why I can't get full control of my life, why some patterns cannot be replaced with new patterns, or if they can, why must it be so difficult? I think about exercises for the mind and body. I wonder how to balance pleasure with work. I feel as if I am just a giant slab of clay and infinitely sculptable, but this is not so, and it is hard to adapt to things. But these are good problems to have, because things could be much, much worse, and I have shelter and places to rest and comfort and cash. And since I did come into this world with quite a few factory settings, it is interesting to find out what those settings are, and accept them or change them according to the weather and the feel of certain words. I'm a boy, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Frank. In my pocket i've got the keys to my home. I like the sound of the wind in the trees behind my house when I come home late at night and everything's quiet and i don't like the pull of the net, the roaring demanding computer. Sometimes i think about how you can't say anything without telling something about yourself, how you can't be without expression. Why can't we be like the trees? I'm not sure if i'm a boy or a girl, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is bits and rather. I'm sitting and staring. In my pocket i've got things to open things with and things to trade for other things, that maybe I'll open and maybe I won't. I like buying things with string and i don't like stringy meat. Sometimes i think about not being afraid to change my life completely. But then I am.. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Fred. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got a hamster and a banana. I like ur mom and i don't like ur dad. Sometimes i think about bananas on pizza. I'm not sure if i'm a boy or a girl, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Bob. I'm typing. In my pocket i've got nothing - i'm naked and still nothing. I like sleeping and i don't like questions. Sometimes i think about Sucking tortoises with cheese and potato.YumYumYum. I'm not sure if i'm a boy or a girl, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Frans. I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got 5 dollar and a handkerchief. I like women and i don't like men. Sometimes i think about that woman i desire. I'm a man, old and sad.


My name is Not sure. I'm not sure. In my pocket i've got not and sure. I like not and i don't like sure. Sometimes i think about not sure. I'm not sure if i'm a boy or a girl, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is ! ... aarOn ... !. I'm doing parlor tricks for the Vatican. In my pocket i've got a homemade light bulb and a six-pack of gravity that softens the angry. I like and i don't like having to self-promote. Sometimes i think about leaving the country without telling anyone, why i obsess so much over girls, how i can hide my sadness under more layers of silliness, and where the time has gone (but i don't think about that much).. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is a secret. I'm doing very little, as I am currently quite sick. In my pocket i've got a pencil and mimi. I like ice cream and lazy days and i don't like it when people smoke. Sometimes i think about him, but usually I just hope he thinks about me. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is john. I'm doing fine. In my pocket i've got smokers and wisdom?? I like to party and i don't like sour people. Sometimes i think about getting out of here. I'm a boy, not sure about my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is groc. I'm typing to ellen. In my pocket i've got a single pound coin and nothing else -maybe some lint. I like my new purple cat stuffed toy and i don't like how untidy i am. Sometimes i think about how much better life could be. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is cor. I'm doing alright for the time being. In my pocket i've got something to play guitar with and an ticket from a movie i saw yesterday (venga). I like people and dogs & sun and i don't like hmmmm.... not sure... being impatient. Sometimes i think about mostly people I know, sometimes about decision and about creative processes, about what to eat, who to call, make appointments, what to wear, what to say... like everybody else I guess. I'm a boy, not sure about my age and happy.


My name is trebor. I'm listing to what's coming through my ear. In my pocket i've got dust and my past. I like vifit and i don't like people complaining. Sometimes i think about death, surfing, being rich, being poor, being mad, what would be like on the other side. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Follie Gioir. I'm doing architectural surf. In my pocket i've got 6" steel rule with inches on one side and mm on reverse and 3 medium nicotinelle patches. I like the work of Marcel Duchamp and Sofinisba Anguisolla and i don't like Picasso or Le Corbusier. Sometimes i think about India Nepal and China. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Marx. I'm doing revolution. In my pocket i've got a few tallers and the Manifest. I like Beer and i don't like Russians. Sometimes i think about Jenny. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is Tobias. I'm looking for stuff to help with job interview. In my pocket i've got 10 pence, identity card, two hankies - one white and dirty, one colourful and clean - two used tissues, bits of foil from chocolate angels and I hope you like the contents of my pockets. I like thinking, feeling and loving and i don't like it when people dont like you. Sometimes i think about how I am really great and sometimes I think about how I am really unimportant. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is mike. I'm doing motorcycle stuff. In my pocket i've got a few nuts and bolts and a pair of pliers. I like you and i don't like broken motorcycles. Sometimes i think about moving to alaska. I'm a man, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is nicolai. Ik ben gestopt met school, nog geen baantje. In my pocket i've got pen, sleutel, zakdoek, 4 plastiek pasjes+ov and pocket. I like sonbyfour#15 and i don't like mijn onzekerheid. Sometimes i think about of ik wel aardig, knap, slim, lief, leuk, sexy, puur, eerlijk, talentvol, goedgekleed, mooi, origineel, grappig, en nog veel meer ben. I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is Leslie. I'm doing nothing that's gonna put me in a bad mood. In my pocket i've got a red lollipop and some change. I like green stuff and socks, lots of socks and the joy in being sad and i don't like paper friends, drive-by "howzit goin'?"'s, and my roommate's stinky lasagna. Sometimes I think about Joe, and I'm very happy, except for that one part. It's bitter-sweet . . . . . if only Tom didn't live in Michigan. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Elri. I'm doing a lot. In my pocket i've got a key and a lighter. I like Lisa and the joy in being sad and i don't like the people who know what to do. Sometimes I think about the difference between the crowd and the loner. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is a secret. I'm doing what i must. In my pocket i've got nothing. I like experimenting and i don't like art that isn't challenging. Sometimes I think about you. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Kevin Tessner. I'm web surfing to your site. In my pocket i've got lint and nothing else. I like the Art of Noise and i don't like dogs. Sometimes I think about life, the future, why I'm surfing instead of working. I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Monsieur. I'm doing stricktly nothing. In my pocket i've got Drum, a mouse ball, coins, keys, battery, lint and lots of hope. I like the sea. No, the big Ocean! I don't like the moments in life that suck (tm). Sometimes I think about home, the place where the sun eats the waves from the top foam to the sand in the bottom. And about all the people that you are lazy to call and that you are ashamed to call if they are not thinking about you in such fond ways as you are thinking about them. ;-) I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is Carol. I'm doing morning coffee. In my pocket i've got nothing and tricks. I like making amusing toys and i don't like mean people. Sometimes I think about my new house. My new workshop. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is LIZ. I'm doing THIS WHILE I EAT CANTELOPE AND TABBULEH (MY LUNCH). In my pocket i've got NOTHINGand I WISH I HAD A SMOOTH STONE IN MY POCKET. I like SMOOOTH STONES AND CURVED STEEL and i don't like LIMA BEANS OR FAKE PEOPLE. Sometimes I think about THE SPEED OF LIGHT. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is anouk. I'm doing a lot of thinking. In my pocket i've got dust and dreams. I like freedom and i don't like fear. Sometimes I think about love, art, colors, animals, writing, friends, places I want to visit, songs I like to sing, future, past, how to deal with emotions, the ocean. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is minus. I'm doing: you named,and i do. In my pocket i've got love and trust. I like bleu eyes and i don't like nobodys. Sometimes I think about i am sailing???? I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is Erik. I'm doing too much at the moment. In my pocket i've got a lenzendoosje and stof van het poetsen van m'n zolder and ehw....... I like to be verrast worden in algemeen en dit soort sites in het bizonder and i don't like die enorme saaaaie site waar ik nu aan werk :-)))). Sometimes I think about what happened after 1999........did ellen stop or should I look better and further......ongeduldig he..... I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is bits and rather. I'm doing viewing and vieing. In my pocket i've got keys and koin. I like my new house and music and i don't like bitchy new neighbors. Sometimes I think about how I can get a job that satisfies my artistic needs. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Bill N. Jr. I'm doing very little of any interest. In my pocket i've got nothing - shorts on and I am somewhat intriqued by the format. I like thinking things through and i don't like the air on this humid night. Sometimes think about how crazy I used to think. When I had all the THINGS I wanted more. The more I got the worse my thinking became. Then I skirted with death and knew it! Then just because I was too crazy I did it again! I was losing pieces of myself. I don't have the THINGS anymore or some of the pieces. Ho Hum I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Lee. I'm doing all sorts of things. In my pocket i've got fluff and air. I like sunshine and i don't like nasty people. Sometimes I think about the Dao, my attitudes and living life I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is unspeakable. I'm doing akward things. In my pocket i've got anger and pain. I like italy and i don't like death. Sometimes I think about ..the flat field where ben and I talk about the clouds and the funny shapes they form. I like ben. ..moving his bed under my window. ..doing the things I'm terrified of. But it's all talk these days. ..your hair. your hair knows. your hair knows the top of your t-shirt and your back is up in arms about it. nothing feels good. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Marc. I'm surfing. In my pocket i've got notes I took at yesterday's retreat at the Zen center and lint. I like weeding the lawn and i don't like weeding the lawn. Sometimes I like to think other people's thoughts for a while. I'm a boy or a girl, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is Gahlord. I'm doing not much. A little work, a little surfing. In my pocket i've got a wallet, a passport (unusual for an American to haul around), house/office/gym locker keys, 15 cents US, two condoms, my Langouille and don't you think that's enough to carry around? I like life, ba gua, the double bass, cooking, and free jazz and i don't like being single, the way all questionaires feel like personal ads when you're single, or the smell of new cars. Sometimes i think about how flat the land is where I grew up. Sometimes I think about the people there. Sometimes I think about the people here. So I wander around with 3 pounds of gear just in case but at the end of the day all I've really done is carry it with me. Maybe a watched pot never boils. No wine, no travel, no sex, no gumball machines. I'm a boy or a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is Charity. I'm doing Time. In my pocket i've got about seven dollars and some lint. I like passion and i don't like fear. Sometimes i think about thinking. I'm a boy or a girl, old and happy.


My name is Andrew. I'm doing life. In my pocket i've got my wedding ring, which I took off when I did the dishes and my grandfather's ring also.. I like the deepest shade of blue imaginable and i don't like using songs that were originally written from the heart in product commercials. Sometimes i think about how moods are like swmming in a lake. Cold patches, warm patches. Insubstantial, impermanent. What's on the other side? I'm a boy, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is evert lourens. I'm doing many things. In my pocket i've got my hand and some lint and some nickles. I like to be confused and i don't like to be confused. Sometimes i think about other people and love them, myself and laugh, beauty, music, beautiful sounds, like a ..., ..there's so much to think of. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is jajajjjjajjajajaaj jajajajajajajajajajajjajaja jajaj jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajajajjaja jajajjajajaja.


My name is jason. I'm doing the best work i've ever done. In my pocket i've got my fists clenched tight to hold on to these memories and some lint and a movie ticket stub. I like not having a plan and i don't like trying to make sense of what doesn't. Sometimes i think about how unqualified i am for my life. then again i'm still in the air and i don't seems to be falling yet. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is erik. I'm doing newspaper prepress on a Mac. In my pocket i've got scraps of paper with URLS on them and a metal container with mysterious stuff in it. I like artists and i don't like bullshit artists. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is hafif. I'm doing stomac aching things. In my pocket i've got two worms tied to eachother and a hook. I like me and i don't like me. Sometimes I think about not thinking of anything at all. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and sad.


My name is Edwin. I'm not working. In my pocket i've got air and balloons. I like me, myself and i don't like i. Sometimes I think about you. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is Bill. In my pocket i've got a little bowl full of stars and a carved (jade) pig. I like eiffel 65 and blueberry pancakes and i don't like marshmallows heated in the microwave. Sometimes I think about Waking up to discover my bed has floated out to sea. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm listening to ben harper. In my pocket i've got keys and space and dreams. I like freedom, love, my imagination, asking questions, music that makes me dance and cry, movies and i don't like ignorance, robots, fear. Sometimes I think about everything, mostly love - lost and found, sex, sleep, the rest of my life, the world, time, space, or nothing at all. I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is olivia. I'm just looking. I've got no pockets! and negative space. I like sleep and i don't like loud noises. Sometimes I think about how it might be possible to not exist. I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is Josh. I'm doing next nothing. Waiting for the work day to end. In my pocket i've got a pack of cigarettes and a wallet and palm pilot. I like being happy and i don't like not being happy. Sometimes I think about too much. Actually, all the time I think about too much. I want to be one of those 90% of the population that seems to be on morphine sleep walking through life.. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is Barbara B. I'm doing an article about neurobiology and Descartes and Still feel bored. In my pocket i've got not more than some piece of paper and a poem for a person which I will never send. I like eating drunken pigeons and i don't like the feeling I have when I´m writing. Sometimes I think about whether I should do something or not, am I moralistic? I guess not. Should I finish my university education, should I confess that I´ve been dragged in this conspiray of live? Or, should I just feed the cat, go out wirh my friends and find another book to read I'm a girl, young and sad.


My name is norrit. I'm making movies. In my pocket i've got a nothing and keys. I like 48 hour days and i don't like 24 hour days. Sometimes I think about children. I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is Marcel. I'm doing this, and enjoy it. In my pocket i've got a lot of stuff but no money and I have to remember my self to get some after work. !!Thank you Ellen !!! I like this page and i don't like to be sad. Sometimes I think about Marit groetjes als je dit leest. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing my very best most of the time, except when I'm goofing off.. In my pocket i've got a pack of matches and another pack of matches. I like waking early in the summer and drinking coffee on the front porch and i don't like listening to K-FUCK, the radio station in my head that plays back all my faults (thanks A. Lamott). Turn it off! Sometimes I think about what I plan to do in the garden. I should stop thinking and start doing (there's the radio again!) I will definitely plant lots of impatiens because they're pretty and easy and also Spanish lavendar. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Tiernan. I'm doing very little - surviving in low paid service job with intent on travelling.. In my pocket i've got a russain wedding ring and a ticket for the hash marihuana hemp museum, Amsterdam (sad but honest). I like friendships and i don't like money (although I could do with more). Sometimes I think about when i was a child and i used to have images of adults around me and what i thought i would be when i grew up. Now i`m 21 and still have those same images of adults and feel that i`m still waiting for adulthood, maturity to happen (although I don`t actually want to change - i`m quite happy being me, the whole ethos of growing up just seems to have escaped me) I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is kathryn. I'm doing a bad painting. In my pocket i've got a ball of twine and a kitten and not much else. I like maureen and i don't like work. Sometimes I think about leaving my job and letting myself paint bad pictures all day long with rest stops for coffee and cigarettes. I'm a girl, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is Justin. I'm doing my nightly Web surfing. In my pocket nothing and more nothing. I like reading words from all around the world and i don't like being alone too long. Sometimes I think about what it would be like to quit my job and take my computer and move to a little house in the country far, far away from the city and write a novel that is the sum of my life's learnings, but then I realize I would grow terribly bored, especially if I was alone. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is amadeus. I'm thinking of every reason why chemical dependency is far more superior to challenging myself to a real life, pathetic. In my pocket i've got money to envelope the idea of finding a new life somewhere else, doing something else, and being with someone else... and not much more than empty dreams. I like making money, music, avoiding people, anebriation, not remembering the past, and other things such as these... and i don't like not being loved. Sometimes I think about leaving, winning the lottery, 1st girlfriend, beer, why i don't do what i say i will, big cities, no, high school, music, not thinking enough, is there anyone for me, do i think about myself too much, why most people suck and only some are tolerable, why few people say hi, and the majority walk on by, why 1/3rd of my paycheck pays for stupid people to live and idiots to govern, why people breed with no means to provide, who the hell cares... I'm a boy, young and sad.


My name is KATY. I'm doing music. In my pocket i've got carkeys and nothing. I like music, my computer, my cat and i don't like carrots. Sometimes I think about living somewhere in the country, in a nice house, it¥s quiet there, maybe it¥s close to the sea, i have a few children, and loads of kittens... but i live in a big city, there¥s no silence, and thats why i dream about it. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is Ian. I'm doing less than usual, but I realize this time that it's all right for now. In my pocket i've got 75 cents for the first coffee machine I see and the keys to the rental van. I like the desert and i don't like how much I'll think about the past. Sometimes I think about the tangle of people I know and how that string of people would look from outer space. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad...


My name is david. I'm doing fine, thank you. In my pocket i've got two pens, a wallet, keys, a contact lens and two pieces of folded up paper, one with writing on it, and one with a picture of a star. I like happiness amidst tribulation and i don't like barbaric amusements. Sometimes I think about stuff. I'm a boy, young and happy.


My name is Chris. I'm doing little of what I am supposed to. In my pocket i've got 20 cents and my house keys and my phone. I like alternative music and people and i don't like plastic personalities. Sometimes I think about how to best utilize the time I have in this life. So many options and such little time to try everything. Whether or not to write to the people whose web-sites you have just looked at. In fact I did just send you a quick note. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


My name is not important. I'm doing nothing important at the moment. In my pocket i've got a lot of imagination and a lot of tricks. I like hanging around and i don't like people nosing around. Sometimes I think about what great things a body and a brain can do. I'm a boy or a girl, young and happy.


My name is pellen. I'm doing webb-ish painful stuff. In my pocket i've got a buscard and a photo of the swedish queen Silvia. I like beer and i don't like boy bands. Sometimes I think about something. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


My name is dana.I'm doing art?architecture?design? In my pocket i've got secrets and dreamly solutions. I like playing and i don't like to be upset. Sometimes I think about that i think too much want to draw more do more watch too much want to finish a little bring out things in my head and move move forward. I'm a girl, young and happy.


My name is the goddess of good attitude. I'm doing my best to leave work early today. In my pocket i've got dental floss and a cigarette lighter. I like dim sum and i don't like dumb bimbs. Sometimes I think about how much smarter and better adjusted I would be now if my parents hadn't moved to the east coast early in my childhood (Or if my mother were still alive). I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad..


I'm trying to understand your work here. In my pocket i've got keys, coins, wallet, pen and and my hand checking for something else. I like art, passion, architecture and i don't like to unjustice. Sometimes I think about solitude trascendace peace eternity time I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing nothing that ordinary people would notice on a day to day basis unless they looked a bit harder. In my pocket i've got 7 keys on a ring, some change and a wallet containing something for all occasions and a plastic water squirting toy in the shape of a large turquiose beatle. I like finding enlightenment from the smallest occurences and scoffing at other people because they dont know how easy it easy to acheive and i don't like walking city streets with a bloated stomach while having to talk about things which I have already got bored about. Sometimes I think about what if the whole of society becomes so slowed down in development that the populus's collective minds wander to a drastic degree, triggering bouts of hysterical reality as people forget to wear their trousers. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm doing a lot of things i shouldn't be doing. In my pocket i've got a pack of cigarettes, a pack of rizlas, some money, keys, a lighter, and a card which has my next appointment with my hairdresser written down on it. I like o be financially independant by the age of 30, which is pretty unlikely but i would like that and i don't like to be frustated about my damn clients. Sometimes I think about what weather today will be. Besides from that, i pretty much think all of the time starting early when taking a shower. It's no fun not being able to stay 'blank' the first 15 minutes of the day. Because of that, I get a headache sometimes but not often. Lucky me. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing amazing browsing. In my pocket i've got a hole and fluff. I like your work and i don't like slow downloads. Sometimes I think about how sad i am. I'm a boy, old and sad.


I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got nothing and nothing again. I like your website and i don't like a lot. Sometimes I think about nothing.......... I'm a girl, young and happy.


I'm doing fine. how are you doing? In my pocket i've got my hands, with my head looking up, staring at the sky and wondering if there's clouds and stuff in hell. I like boys and girls. i like love. music makes me smile and so do summer nights and i don't like it when someone thinks they've got me all figured out. i don't like people who dish it out but can't take it. i don't like porn. Sometimes I think about the way my life could be. but i never dwindle on the past. i don't have too many regrets either. perhaps the notion that life is not linear has done that to me. but sometimes it is. but we shouldn't treat it as that. yes, you can't go back in time and change things, but since you've got this whole mega future infront of you, you can go forward and do things. do the things you missed and do the things you love. sometimes i think about sex. other times, i don't. books are nice. I'm a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad..


I'm doing time for surreptitious wayfinding. In my pocket i've got starburst fruit chews and my hands. I like walking and i don't like driving. Sometimes I think about playing hooky to read more comic books. I'm a girl, young and happy.


I'm doing nothing in particular, other than looking around at your lovely website! Which I love by the way. In my pocket i've got alot of lint...mind you I'm wearing a skirt with no pockets, so I suppose this means my skirt is covered in lint! I wish I had more time to do something similar to what you have done here. I like life...and the everything in it! and i don't like having to do the same thing everyday. Sometimes I think about leaving my life and taking on another one. The fact that we have to continue down the one path forever is kind of sad, and then again its cool. But if it was possible to divide yourself up into a dozen clones and go off and do a bit of this and that throughtout your life would be pretty neato skeatoooo! I'm a girl, young and happy.


I'm doing a lot of things. In my pocket i've got keys and no music. I like music and i don't like being bored. Sometimes I think about Ellen making a websposition for maldoror for 3 months. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing that biting the inside of my cheek thing again. In my pocket i've got crisp packet, matches and eleven pence. I like 2 smile a lot and i don't like cats. Sometimes I think about running away. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad..


I'm doing well. In my pocket i've got nothing and i wish i had cash. I like water skiing and i don't like my face. Sometimes I think about stupid things like wether to send this or not. I daydream about what my life would be like if id taken another course of action. And wonder when am I ever gonna learn. I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad..


I'm doing everything I can considering the circumstances. In my pocket i've got a lighter and cigarettes. I like escapisism and i don't like the tendancy for history to repeat itself. Sometimes I think about Selfishness seems to be the prime motivating factor in everything everyone does. even the most generous people give of themselves because they like it. those we consider evil symply have diferent values. I do not consider myself evil. I wish everyone had the same values I did. but if I were to try to make everyone share my values I would by my own values be evil. Ethics are complicated and troublesome. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing silly stuff with computers, nothing published yet... In my pocket i've got the world. I used to hav my Ego in there as well, but it became too big.. I like life, music and love (bwerk) and i don't like @, $$$, 40-hrs a week job, winter. Sometimes I think about life, music and love, @, $$$, winter, summer, sex, sailing, Sting, salvation, things that begin with 's', my grandma, friends, forgotten friends and lost lovers, the sky, becoming a daddy, playing guitar, or bass, and me, although admittedly not often enough. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm doing tentoonselling. In my pocket i've got portomonee and nix. I like ja and i don't like nee. Sometimes I think about ik moet aan het werk maar heb geen zin dus... I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm doing fine on my own. In my pocket i've got a lot of life and some tiny problems. I like Tuxedomoon and i don't like the Black Crowes. Sometimes I think about when I will finally learn to take better care of myself. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing fine, thank you. In my pocket i've got pens, an eraser, a box of keys, my wallet and my bus pass. I like beauty and i don't like contempt. Sometimes I think about slicing the fat off of my body with a sharp blade. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i;m happy or sad.


I'm doing unimportant work. I am getting ready to move my office to another floor. I am happy about this. I have had a micromanaging co-worker and will be glad to move away from her. In my pocket i've got ...hey, I have no pockets. But if I had a pocket, it would be nice if it had a love note, a winning lottery ticket, Flavigny Violet Pastilles, <<...>> and a bunch of Botan rice candies.. I like cats, cool weather (if I can be warm and drink tea) and my ex-boyfriend who plays a synthesizer and i don't like coconut, peaches, angry people, my other ex-boyfriend who is moving to Germany. Sometimes I think about truth, beauty, the ineffable All. Other times I think of my troubles, how I shouldn't eat so much bad food, and why I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I don't daydream as much as I used to, because I start to worry. I worry too often because I have too many things I should worry about. Then again, I worry even when I don't have any good excuse. I think about how I try to be a good person and generally succeed, then I think of the things I'd like to change about myself anyway and wonder if changing them would make me someone else. I like myself, generally speaking, flaws and all. But I wish I were an improved version of myself. Sometimes I think about being lonely. Sometimes I think I need a nap. Sometimes I shop for household goods, but only in my mind. I am both frugal and extravagant. When I have no money, I spend too much. When I have lots of money, I have the patience to comparison shop or save it. Sometimes I think about my family. More often than not, I am thinking about my friends and sending them good vibes. Sometimes I think about performing reiki on myself. Sometimes I don't think at all. I am Female Young ... mostly Happy ... sometimes. When I read your entries earlier, I thought you were writing poetry. I thought the "I am a boy..." and "I am a girl" parts were particularly profound. Sometimes I am easily impressed. :)


I'm doing better now. In my pocket i've got my car keys and $152.87. I like smoking pot and i don't like censorship. Sometimes I think about how short human history has become I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm doing nothing but painting my nail dark purple. In my pocket i've got a glow in the dark bead, a gum wrapper, and my super cool James Bond lighter. I like David Bowie and i don't like meat. Sometimes I think about boys, girls, and moving to India I'm a girl, young and happy.


I'm doing something. In my pocket i've got something and something. I like life and i don't like rolemodels. Sometimes I think about what this world really is meant for. There is something about everyone. Still, people must be alone. I want more in life. I'm a boy or a girl, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing time. In my pocket i've got the key to tomorrow and nowhere to put it. I like what I think and i don't like the way someone always says it before me. Sometimes I think about circles and squares. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing web design. In my pocket i've got phone and wallet. I like your website and i don't like ugly sites. Sometimes I think about why this website exists. its very interesting, but I don't get it. reply to I'm a boy, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing way too much and still allmost nothing. In my pocket i've got keys e-cards & cash and ... I like u and i don't like huh? Sometimes I think about not getting a trekdrop from u. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing time in a temporary job. In my pocket i've got keys to two houses and no house of my own. I like your sweet smile, and your art and i don't like my 30th birthday coming soon. Sometimes I think about I will start to live, and that my father feels the same way, and possibly his father before him I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing work. In my pocket i've got worm and a seed. I like junk and i don't like doors. Sometimes I think about a light. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing rhvtw. In my pocket i've got vtrhe and a th. I like vrthrthv and i don't like vrthrthv. Sometimes I think about rt. I'm a girl, young and happy.


I'm doing this again. In my pocket i've got a pikachu action doll (=> it blinks when u shake it! :) and the rest of my memories of Leentje. I like her soo much and i don't like that we got into a fight. Sometimes I think about making it up by sending her a truck full of PINK flowers, inviting her to visit Rome, ...and make her smile. I'm a boy or a girl, young and sad.


Am i doing? I don't have a pocket, so : nothing. I like chatting with friends and i don't like 'plastic' people. Sometimes I think about life husband work reason for living everything I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm doing a work dance called "procrastination". In my pocket i've got a hair tie, a lighter, 42 cents (US) and a pocket knife that hasn't left my side in more than a decade. I like guinness, my wife and kids, cold pizza with tabasco, hunter s. thompson, pink floyd, and smoking and i don't like pretention, retention, detention or anything less than an honorable mention. Sometimes I think about riding away on horseback with my daughters in the saddle and never stopping until we touch the sunset. or the ocean. whichever comes first. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing just fine except my back yard is underwater thanks to the heavy winter rains in SoCal. In my pocket i've got keys, change, pen, darkness, quiet and a pocketknife that always stays sharp, no matter how many times I use it to cut salami, open boxes from MacMall, clean car battery terminals or pick my teeth with it. I like defenestrating intellectual pachyderms and i don't like the fact that Bill Gates has enslaved the planet to a cheap, shitty knockoff of a superior operating system. Sometimes I think about chucking it all and returning to my roots as a teen-age science fiction writer, carrying with me the knowledge that everything has already been written and that the best stories come from a life like the one I've lived. Then I wake up and realize I'm yoked to the gravy train, serving the silicon-fueled god of interactive Web content for whom we all, in our own beautiful ways, toil, and I'd better stay on and enjoy the wild ride until the engine blows up and scatters my bones with blown piston rings and brain matter. Or its hard disk just spins down, covers over with greenery and returns us all to a happy life in the trees. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm doing a million things, all internal. In my pocket i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts and an Ally McBeal action figure. I like Mad Libs and i don't like the fear of death. Sometimes I think about death. I'm a boy or a girl, young and happy.


I'm doing nothing special. In my pocket i've got watch and key. I like this present and i don't like smoking. Sometimes I think about how woderfull this site is, i think for the first time. i saw something funny, nice, good on the web. got the site from lucas tanks I'm a boy or a girl, old and happy.


I'm doing a lot of things I like a lot... In my pocket i've got hankerchieve (?), a lighter... and some coins... guess what I am? (oh no...that answer is coming up...).. I like to sailing, surfing (the Web), watching (and making) news and i don't like lyers and speeders. Sometimes I think about quitting this Western, luxurious world, but then... I am happy (oops another answer's coming up!) as it is... and not used to big changes either :-) I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing all those unimportant things we pull over our eyes instead of facing the truth. In my pocket i've got dreams and ambitions, carefully locked away beneath a facade called necessary evils. I have lost the key, and I grope blindly for it through my other pockets. I like to think that this condition is temporary, but I have been here too long to believe that. I reaalize now that the right time will not come. Waiting for the right time is one of the refuges of a timid mind. Sometimes I think about the wonderful diversity of creation. When I do briefly open my eyes I am amazed at its beauty. It is interesting, I think, that in such a world, where such vibrancy and wonder exist, that we choose to live lives of such pallor and despair. The slow, toxic torture we subject the world to is just a physical manifestation of the tortures we hold for ourselves in our minds. Many of us live lives of quiet desperation, hoping vainly for something to come into our lives to make them worthwhile. We crawl helplessly through the desert, chasing one mirage after another on cracked, bleeding knees, to eventually reach the end of our strength and collapse, unmoving, in the sand. All because we were too blind to see the oasis we were standing in at the start of our journey. I am not at the end of my strength, though I do not know how much I have left. I hope I will be strong enough to make my way back to the oasis. I could really use a drink. I'm a boy, old and sad.


I'm doing things with mt ears&eyes. In my pocket i've got the rests of the money I had and love is something. I like to experience with the onces I love and i don't like hate, violence, selfishness (ofzo). Sometimes I think about leaving, changing, dreaming, wanting, belonging, leaving, trying, doing, loving, holdong, saying.... telling I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and sad.


I'm doing things with mt ears&eyes. In my pocket i've got the rests of the money I had and love is something. I like to experience with the onces I love and i don't like hate, violence, selfishness (ofzo). Sometimes I think about leaving, changing, dreaming, wanting, belonging, leaving, trying, doing, loving, holdong, saying.... telling I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and sad.


I'm doing a fair amount of staring out the window. In my pocket i've got Keys and Fluff. I like Saturdays and i don't like Sundays. Sometimes I think about The randomness of snow. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and feel uncertain.


I'm doing stoned things like writing this. In my pocket i've got a little bit of weed from your country and a pic of my dog. I like you and i don't like those who say the same thing i say. Sometimes I think about going to jamaica and become rastafari!!! this is for you ---------{--@ (it is suposed to be a flower) I'm a boy, young am and happy.


I'm doing just fine thank you. In my pocket i've got the whole world, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, or a fraction thereof and that's the way (uh huh uh huh) i like it (uh huh uh huh). I like to think I'm as good as anyone else and i don't like people who think they are better than anyone else. Sometimes I think about he fact that in a very large number of years the sun will go supernova and everything we know and are will be flashfried out of existence and absolutely none of this (or anything for that matter) will make any difference whatsoever... I think about this whenever I sense that I'm letting my emotions get the better of me, which helps give me a sense of perspective on whatever it is that's bugging me so I don't take it so seriously. Life is much too important to be taken seriously, you know. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing my best to keep calm. In my pocket i've got guilt, remorse, a bit of sense, a lot of wulp and a baby's arm holding an apple. I like my daughter and i don't like moron juice. Sometimes I think about stein falling out of the window. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and sad.


I'm doing quite well, thank you!. In my pocket i've got (I had to look) money and a reciept. I like feeling well again and i don't likebeing in agony. Sometimes I think about writing, and sometimes sex. Other times I am just so plugged into working, for I am editing my journals, that my whole focus is on words and their placement. This last week I have been reading journals of other women, and today I came on line to look for journals. Three years ago I did this, and I found little. This afternoon, my search engine found me over three hundred. Unfortunatly, most of these people cannot craft a well written anything. I like this sapce you have created and feel comfortable here. :) I'm a girl, old and happy.


I'm doing what I love most in the world and. In my pocket i've got a sucker and my passport and a bit of paper and a pencil (b). I like it when I didn't expect what happens next and i don't like when I am afraid of what is going to happen next. Sometimes I think about how gorgeous it is to be alive, especially when I am being just me and then I start making movies in my head, stories in my feet, and food in my shoulders. It goes on like this for a while until the next thing happens of course. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing things with words. In my pocket i've got a box of wooden matches and nothing else at all. I like the presents ellen makes and i don't like breathing dusty air. Sometimes I think about all the wrong things i learned from my father and flying away if i wasn't tied down. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and sad.


I'm doing chores. In my pocket i've got chapstick and a penny and a dime. I like glass and i don't like guns. Sometimes I think about writing out my dreams as if they were terribly astute short stories or movie scripts. I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm doing art. In my pocket i've got the key to the universe and a red dice that showed 6 when it dropped on the floor, I knew it was going to be six. I like the divine beauty of a pair of blue eyes that focus into mine, as we mix both eye-beams, the magic of the invisible happens and i don't like to realize that magic only happens when you least expect it to happen. Sometimes I think about creating the ultimate painting or website. One that makes all previous attempts quiet spectators of the impossible. Some times I think of the impossible... I'm a boy, young am and happy.


I'm doing chores. In my pocket i've got chapstick and a penny and a dime. I like glass and i don't like guns. Sometimes I think about writing out my dreams as if they were terribly astute short stories or movie scripts. I'm a girl, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm doing this. In my pocket i've got keys and chapstick. I like state of creativity and i don't like feeling like a loser. Sometimes I think about children, and whether I'll have them. Music, and if I'm creative enough to have a career in it. My job, and if I should quit. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing ... nu ? Surfen op je website :). In my pocket i've got ... Niks... Heb een ouwe joggingbroek aan :) and nog steeds niks :). I like Muziek and i don't like uh... er is niet veel wat ik niet leuk/lekker vind. Sometimes I think about slapen :) I'm a boy or a girl, young and happy.


I'm doing stuff. In my pocket i've got my wallet and a camera. I like nice things and i don't like things that aren't nice. Sometimes I think about things that are nice. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I'm doing nothing at the moment. Just relaxing a bit. In my pocket i've got the keys to my room from which I will leave january 1 and some banknotes. I like thinking and reading and i don't like useless stuff that ain't even funny. Sometimes I think about myself and my life in relation to universe, god, time, big structures and large systems, and I often feel small thinking about it. But I realise that I am just a small fragment of that gigantic play called 'cosmos', in which I am lucky to have a few lines. I'm a boy, young and happy.


I think. In my pocket i've got a key and nothing else. I like music, beer, laugh, working( yeh really), go to Rotown (most of the time), your site (i think, have not seen it all yet) and i don't like christmas, boy girl game, a guy i work with. Sometimes I think about Okee.....girls, moving and leaving behind all the shit that I made the last two years of my life. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and not sure how i feel.


My name is an electron. I'm doing the nice ellipses around the atom. In my pocket i've got nothing. i have no pockets. electrons dont have pockets and i circle still around the atom; without pockets. I like this circling. though it may seem strange or boring to you, going round and round the atom again. but we still move a lot. being influenced by heat and the forces, its quite an exciting thing really; i don't like the aggressive radiation which kicks me and my pals out of our orbit. i dont know how it is called, but if you should ever meet it, beware, and by the way, kick it back and say an electron says 'hi'.. Sometimes I think about ellipsing around a different atom, and sometimes i do, but i use to get back to this atom all the time. often i've got friends here with me. we do a lot of circling. but its very harmonic. hm... i think i'll go for another round. I'm a girl or a boy, not sure how old i am and i feel happy.


I'm doing some surfing on the web, although i should be doing my homework. In my pocket i've got nailpolish and shampoo. I like marilyn manson, ekst's homepage, Frank, south park, and volleybal and i don't like Laurance and school and de 2e fase en huiswerk. Sometimes I think about why certain people (want to) die, hacking, how i'd like to hack, how i can't because i got no idea about the way 2 do that and the millenium, in which is nothing strange going 2 happen exept 4 a terrible virus of microsofts v-shield. I'm a girl, young and i feel sad.


My name is getting used to me. I'm doing more than I understand. In my pocket i've got totems and a system. I like the moment of balance and stillness and i don't like time. Sometimes I think about how I wish I could uninvent television and mergers and the way law is practiced, and how I wish I could invent a sense-of-humor augmentation gun (long range) and a handy container for joy -- but inexpensive; you could afford to have a couple of them. I'm a boy, old and i feel happy.


I'm doing too much thinking and not enough living. In my pocket i've got a wallet and a dream. I like coffee and i don't like answering questions. Sometimes I think about what would've happened if I'd played a single moment differently -- a different word or a broader smile -- then I remind myself not to regret what's in the past. It's good to have no regrets, I think, but it's better to have things how you want them to be. I'm a boy, young and i feel sad.


I'm doing the most I can in as small a space as possible. In my pocket i've got a business card from a vagabond and fruit rollups. I like changing my life and i don't like changing my destiny. Sometimes I think about the need. The need for today, tomorrow and yesterday. I'm a boy, young and i'm not sure how i feel.


I'm doing the best I can to make my life a little less boring. In my pocket i've got my keys and my wallet which is filled with stuff that isn't supposed to fill a wallet. I like my girlfriend E. a lot (I know it sounds corny but it's the truth) and i don't like being told to do something without a very good reason. Sometimes I think about love. I can sit for hours and wonder why the hell she likes me so much, I do not feel like I've got a lot to offer her... I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and happy.


I'm doing thoughts about a certain someone or certain place. In my pocket i've got a image that may become you if you choose to be at your own admission. I like New York at Christmas and i don't like condescending,adversity. Sometimes I think about what it is we are here for.How beautiful the sky is and how nice the clouds make themselve known. I'm a girl, young and i'm not sure how i feel.


I'm doing what seems to be unusual. In my pocket i've got tears. I like money and i don't like money. Sometimes I think about my breathing changing myself sex my dying how if i was happy, i'd never be happy, because i was always happy. I'm a boy or a girl, not sure how old i am and i feel happy.


I'm doing a lot of things on the wrong moment at the wrong place. In my pocket i've got plenty of (less) important things and a dog. I like the world and i don't like 75 % of the assholes living on that planet. Sometimes I think about an beautiful homepage like yours !. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and i feel happy.


I'm doing a slow investigation of harmony, starting with simple ratios. In my pocket i've got a guitar pick and a pencil. I like music and the good and i don't like not liking. Sometimes I think about what may come, what is left, how to become more myself, yet have myself become more the good. Sometimes I think about how to think more often about music, to forget my birthday because I'm so engrossed in growing. I'm a boy, not sure how old i am and feel uncertain.


I'm doing something I should not do. In my pocket i've got nothing. I like answers and i don't like questions. Sometimes I think about why I keep on doing things I don't want to do I'm male, uncertain of my age and sad.


I'm doing too little too much. In my pocket i've got Neuromancer and a pencil. I like picking my nose and i don't like cheese. Sometimes I think about the future, the past and yesterdays tomorrow. I'm male, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing a lot of flitting about.. In my pocket i've got, well actually, I've got no pockets and if i did, they'd be empty. I like more things than i care to mention and i don't like cauliflower. Sometimes I think about something I'm female, young and happy.


I'm doing underworld records and dancing in my chair. In my pocket i've got less money than ideas and the will to use both. I like sunshine on a sunday afternoon and i don't like london in rush hour. Sometimes I think about making a break for it.... I'm male, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing nothing but surfing. In my pocket i've got lint and nothing. I like reading email and i don't like getting up early. Sometimes I think about leaving town, starting over, making new friends, finding a soul mate. I'm male, young and sad.


I'm doing lots of interesting nonsense which doesn't pay very well--if at all. In my pocket i've got some lint, my keys, $0.45US and a receipt for gasoline. I like chicken vindaloo and i don't like green beans. Sometimes I think about the rampant disease of political correctness in my native land, and the perfectly valid reasons for asking god if he's REALLY qualified for the job he keeps doing so inadequately. I'm male, uncertain of my age and happy.


I'm doing life for shoplifting soft porn. In my pocket i've got gum and 10,000 holes. I like I like I Like a record by Roy Hill and i don't like arrogance on the web from total strangers. Sometimes I think about the sadness and impossibility of meeting all the brilliant people who I only know though this electonic digital mess. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing something on the internet. In my pocket i've got my underpants and money. I like ellen's pages and i don't like politicians. Sometimes I think about the end of the world. I'm female, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing web stuff. In my pocket i've got wallet, keys, coins and a Rio mp3 player. I like Scritti Politti and i don't like Milli Vanilli. Sometimes I think about everything at once. I'm male, old and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing the best I can. In my pocket i've got a whole load of emptyness and a little spark of godliness. I like [maar wat is het ?] and i don't like waiting. Sometimes I think about life in one day. The sun, a merciless mirror of life and decay. Shadows contract and love does bloom, shadows lengthen and all remains is doom. Please tell me, is it still AM? I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing fine, a little stunned though. In my pocket i've got new shapes all the time. I like moving a lot but where does it lead? Sometimes I think about fanny but i'd better not. i live in a different place now and it's cool to wake up and fall asleep along the water. should i make new friends ? i still cant figure... probably, but all that's so far away. 67 follows 66. try to behave better, ha ha. I'm male, uncertain of my age and happy.


I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got money and matches. I like pool and i don't like people. Sometimes I think about: What the hell I'm going to do with my life. I'm male, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing research. In my pocket i've got keys and money. I like coffee and i don't like stress. Sometimes I think about what I will do with my life. I'm male, uncertain of my age and happy.


I'm doing this silly questionnaire. In my pocket i've got spare change and lint. I like chocolate and i don't like node. Sometimes I think about the meaning of life. I'm male, young and sad.


I'm doing work. In my pocket i've got a wallet, a dirty handkerchief, some keys, greyish whitebrown stuff that sticks under your nails when you try to get it out and a crumpled KonMar receipt. I like the idea of going to the USA next friday and i don't like the work I'm doing right now. Sometimes I think about women. I'm male, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing the best I can. In my pocket i've got my mind and nothing else. I like love and i don't like hate. Sometimes I think about changing the world from within myself. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing nothing (should be working). In my pocket i've got an inhaler and a wallet. I like Sweden, Socialising, Travelling and Football and i don't like Ohio or Prawns. Sometimes I think about Leaving England to return to Michigan.. this time to work and live.. and to enjoy the great social life.. AND to find luurve :) ( I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing nothing when I should be working. In my pocket i've got 10 pounds worth in change and a radiation filled mobile phone. I like other peoples lives and i don't like mine! Sometimes I think about Alaska! ( and polar bears, and mountains, and rivers, and forests ) and I want to go there soon. I'm male, uncertain of my age and sad.


I'm doing an envy-session. In my pocket i've got nothing and i don't have pockets. I like daydreaming about this and that and i don't like emptiness. Sometimes I think about digging below the foundation of maths, and starting a project. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing not-doing. In my pocket i've got a leaky pen 80(. I like your webpage and i don't like the heat in New York. Sometimes I think about asking you if my site can do a week long feature on you (with a daily link to your site) and an interview? I think it would be peachy. Visit my site ( and send me some mail if your interested. In any case, we totally dig your site and visit regularly. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing fine but not to great. In my pocket i've got keys and have no clue what to do with them. I like to come home someday and i don't like to be told where I live. Sometimes I'm thinking about 'where the hell could the exit be' I'm uncertain of my gender, old and happy.


I'm listening to Grace Jones. In my pocket i've got a watch, a Pen and Nail File and some small change. I like cats and i don't like dogs. Sometimes I'm thinking about most things, although mainly at the moment Director 7. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing some surfing while I should be working. In my pocket i've got my keys and not much else. I like honey and images and i don't like beets. Sometimes I'm thinking about buying a palmtop computer. I'm female, young and happy.


I'm doing a kind of Zen moment data entry. In my pocket i've got nothing and that is because i empty them when at home. I like the music of Bach, Mozart, Astor and Piazzolla. I don't like noise when it can be avoided. Sometimes I'm thinking about being more creative. When i say that i am not sure about my age and my degree of happyness i mean that i participate of both. This is where i am. At the border between old and young and conscious that happiness would not exist without sadness. I'm male, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm surfing my daily Ellen Moment. I've got no pockets at the moment. I like Ellen, sunrises and sleep and i don't like Java and poorly designed pages. Sometimes I'm thinking about nothing much: those are the good moments. Too much:those are the bad moments. Now: those are the best moments, rare. I'm male, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing brains. In my pocket i've got nothing and what else? I like graphics and images and i don't like a whole lot more. Sometimes I'm thinking about: dag Ellen, ik ben een fan!!! I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing evil things with C++ and Octrees. In my pocket i've got keys, change and smokes. I like making my friends laugh and i don't like having nothing to do at four in the morning. Sometimes I'm thinking about whether I should go to Glastonbury this weekend. Also: what the f&*k I'm going to do with my life. I'm male, young and sad.


I'm doing well, considering. In my pocket i've got a notebook and a set of keys. I like your site, Ellen, and Scritti Politti too and i don't like loud people or people who wear sunglasses in the elevator. Sometimes I'm thinking about my Dad when he was much younger, ex-girlfriends' mothers, my little brother, Rachel down the hall. I'm male, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing my best friend's mom on the side. He definitely knows but she's a whore so who cares. Life is what you have in your pocket, or so I'm told. In my pocket i've got a veritable felt-covered table. I cavort upon it often. I think this intense onanistic bent is only natural and basically keeps me from shagging more mothers of my acquaintences. I like to think I'm not some sort of deviant. But I know I am. I abhor those with narrow worldviews. I don't like the world that much to begin with. Sometimes I'm thinking about gerbils, how they smell so bad and fuck so much. I envy the gerbil. But certainly not enough to cram him up my arse. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing everything I can do avoid work. In my pocket i've got dashed hopes and Optimistic Radar. I like to be asked my opinion and i don't like the fact that noone ever asks it. Sometimes I'm thinking about changing my outlook. I'm male, uncertain of my age and happy.


I'm doing software design. In my pocket i've got keys and endorsed checks. I like theater and being outside and i don't like rushed people. Sometimes I'm thinking about living on a boat. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing everything I can; playing piano, going to Catholic high school (which is just about as bad as you'd think it would be), trying to start running again, packing for six weeks as a camp counselor, postponing studying for exams, etc. In my pocket i've got a little lint and nothing else. I like meeting people, all kinds of people, because sometimes they surprise me and I end up liking them and i don't like the boring repetition in my everyday life. Sometimes I'm thinking about whether I will continue coasting along on the default path in life, or eventually stand up and do something exciting. I'm female, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing nothing while at work, but planning to be incredibly creative when I get home. In my pocket i've got a little money and some Noxema and a plastic bug. I like my new tattoo and i don't like most people. Sometimes I'm thinking about how I can make robots exhibit flock motion and/or talk to each other and whether I'm cool/smart enough to actually do it. I'm female, young and happy.


I'm doing my work. In my pocket i've got my train pass and my keys. I like eating and i don't like smelly people. Sometimes I'm thinking about sun, sea, sand and sex. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm waiting. In my pocket i've got a digital watch and 32 cents. I like outside and i don't like inside. Sometimes I'm thinking about australia or oslo. I'm male, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing the art of living. In my pocket i've got huge amounts of phlegm and emptyness. I like 20 degrees Celcius and i don't like others to command me. Sometimes I'm thinking about love, hate, live, sex, music, art, politics, TV, poems, webs, bikes, filosophy, parents. and so on, i just can't stop thinking . I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing graphic design. In my pocket i've got a lollie and a comb. I like pop music and i don't like doing nothing. Sometimes I'm thinking about what i'm doing here. I'm male, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing the dishes. In my pocket i've got a fish and memory. I like looking and i don't like raw fish. Sometimes I'm thinking about I like your work****. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and happy.


I'm doing shit. In my pocket i've got coins, and a lighter and a motorola beeper. I like wine and i don't like vacuum cleaners. Sometimes I'm thinking about birds and cats and california. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing everything that I want to do, and nothing I need to do -- its a predicament that I'm all too accustomed to. Maybe I'm just too accustomed to never getting what I need to do on time. What exactly was it anyway, I forgot. In my pocket i've got my thoughts and arguments. They are for safe keeping, but I fear the day that I will have no pockets for them. I like smiling at strangers and i don't like senseless cruelty for any sake. Sometimes I'm thinking about the meaning of everything, and then I'm not thinking -- I'm doing. There's a time and place for real thoughts. Sometimes I wish I could rent it out and go on holidays. I'm female, young and happy.


I'm doing now, grafisch vormgever (zeggen ze). In my pocket i've got sleutels, pasjes, geld and micro organisme. I like (hard)rock and i don't like oorlog. Sometimes I'm thinking about ja aan zo veel dingen. uhuh nou hier kom ik op terug. I'm male, young and happy. 


I'm doing nothing much of note. In my pocket i've got a swiss army knife and my keys. I like biking on beautiful days and i don't like cucumbers. Sometimes I'm thinking about information visualization and deconstructing cinema and where did my socks go and if i'll find a love soon. I'm male, young and happy. 


I'm doing nerdy geeky stuff (and this, of course). In my pocket i've got a joint and matches. I like boobies and operating systems and i don't like paperwork. Sometimes I'm thinking about why am i working so hard for stupid money how my time is eaten up ane i still haven't read all those classical novels. I'm male, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad. 


I'm doing a poor job. In my pocket i've got the keys to the office on a chicken keyring and the desire to leave. I like being in the sun and i don't like the 8th floor of an office building. Sometimes I'm thinking about not working, riding my bike, doing tai chi, making love to my wife, going to the cinema. Not being trapped at a boring job. And public access TV. I'm male, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.  I'm male, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing what I do everyday; drifting through cyberspace, exploring new shores, meeting new people, and learning how much more I have to learn. In my pocket i've got a pocket knife my dad gave me, a penny for luck and memories of everything else thats ever been in my pocket. I like Ellen, harmony, my dog and sushi and i don't like things that make me unhappy. Sometimes I'm thinking about my friend Sarah who commited suicide, and all the things I'd like to say to her, all the things I never will; I think about my past, my future, and Where I'd Be Now had I made other choices, had I followed other paths. I think about better days gone by and better things to come; I think about wasted moments, and priceless moments watching the stars and realizing how Grand the universe is. Sometimes I think about everyone I know, and hope everyone is well; Sometimes I think of nothing, in silence and think of how alone we really are.


I'm doing texts, pictures and scents. In my pocket i've got a picture of my wife and f 125,-. I like people and i don't like people. Sometimes I'm thinking about what we had together. I'm male, old and happy.


I'm doing this. In my pocket i've got a whole and everything's falling out. I like to mend my pocket and i don't like things falling out my pocket. Sometimes I'm thinking about things falling out of my pocket and picking them up again, putting them back into my pocket, so they can fall out again. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing most things without thinking about them in front. In my pocket i've got my mind, my keys. i don't like to sit and alone. I like creation and i don't like harrasment. Sometimes I'm thinking about evolution, and every once in a while, one has to sit back, relax, and think about all the good things (you) have but never appriciated quite enough; what is the meaning of life? I'm uncertain of my gender, young and happy.


I'm doing art. In my pocket i've got a snake with three heads and a flute. I like mountains and i don't like logics. Sometimes I'm thinking about the sad existence of being a body made of your words I'm female, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing important answers. In my pocket i've got plenty of nothing and plenty more nothing. I like having plenty in my pocket and i don't like having nothing in my pocket. Sometimes I'm thinking about doing important things like these important answers I'm male, uncertain of my age and sad.


I'm doing the twist. In my pocket i've got a fuzzy guitar pick and a dollar. I like music and i don't like glitches in the process. Sometimes I'm thinking about everything. I usually try not to think, but the later it gets, the lower my defenses are, and the more my brain spins up. and then it's a forceful struggle for control. the realization that every molecule in the universe has the same amount of life as you, and that you're paving the road to hell. sometimes the only thing to do is fight back with force, but in a flicker and a sizzle the mind can be quelled. I'm male, old and sad.


I'm doing ontwerper. In my pocket i've got mijn ventoline inhaler and niks. I like lezen vooral ook niets doen en fietsen en sporten en sex en eten en koken en werken en rusten en slapen en warmte en en en en en i don't like lawaai en ziekte en pijn en ellende en schulden en schuld en wachten en geoudehoer en lelijke- muziek -foto's -plaatjes- geluid en vies eten en natte kleren en en en en. Sometimes I'm thinking about van alles voortdurend. I'm male, uncertain of my age and sad.


I'm doing not much at te moment. In my pocket i've got no money and no keys. I like AbFab, O(+> and Ellen and i don't like law and very emotional arguments. Sometimes I'm thinking about what I am, who I am, who am I?. I'm male, young and sad.


I'm doing pretending to work. In my pocket i've got keys and kleenex. I like music, rotterdam, seatle, mountain-biking and i don't like being non-critical. Sometimes I'm thinking about how much easier it would be if everybody just could get along. I'm male, young and sad.


I'm doing . In my pocket i've got . and . I like . and i don't like . Sometimes I'm thinking about . I'm female, young and happy.


I'm doing great! In my pocket i've got nothing right now and i'm sleepy. I like Scritti Politti and i don't like horror. Sometimes I'm thinking about kissing, having sex, having babies, growing old, being killed for no reason, my website, problems or what to watch on tv this evening. I'm female, young and happy.


I'm doing something you know. In my pocket i've got keys and money, not much. I like music, skating and many more and i don't like machines that don't work sometimes. Sometimes I'm thinking about you, like now. I'm male, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing things i like. In my pocket i've got money to go on holiday and some keys. I like windsurfing anywhere everywhere and i don't like materialism, BMW drivers, aggressive people. Sometimes I'm thinking about moving to France or more extreme a warm and nice place to windsurf a lot. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm killing some time before diner. In my pocket i've got nothing and a key. I like your site and i don't like spruiten. Sometimes I'm thinking about . I'm male, uncertain of my age and happy.


I'm experiencing happiness. In my pocket i've got some lost tears and my recently lost relationship. I like Bach, Handel, Techno, my harpsichord and i don't like humorous stupid people. Sometimes I'm thinking about what Sirhan Sirhan is really thinking about his incarceration as the elleged murderer of Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 (see my interviews which i posted on I'm male, uncertain of my age and happy.


I'm doing ... In my pocket i've got ... and ... I like ... and i don't like . Sometimes I'm thinking about ... I'm female, young and happy.


I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got lots of money and a gun. I like computers and i don't like lots of things. Sometimes I'm thinking about the world. I'm uncertain of my gender, old and sad.


I'm doing great work at AND making routeplanner for the internet. In my pocket i've got my keys and nothing much else. I like minimalistic electronic music, depressive country and excellent cult movies and i don't like television. Sometimes I'm thinking about friends, life, music, science, politics, future, Rotterdam Project, filmfestival, cooking, Amy, work, home, I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing my thing. In my pocket i've got money and my keys. I like whipped cream on strawberries and i don't like lease cars. Sometimes I'm thinking about love in general. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing things. In my pocket i've got cards and more cards. I like cats and i don't like fat people. Sometimes I'm thinking about imp. questions. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got some coins and a floppy disk. I like some people and i don't like other people. Sometimes I'm thinking about loneliness. I'm uncertain of my gender, young and sad.


I'm doing crtl alt del, In my pocket i've got bills bills bills and a camera. I like all in and i don't like one side. Sometimes I'm thinking about directing a uncorrect pornographic movie in yes.tati style with elements of godard resnais.. marienbad, damiano.. throat spinelli steves roller babies may platform and above all carlson's two sisters. I'm male, uncertain of my age and happy.


I'm doing rather fine at the moment, thanks for asking. In my pocket i've got some brown coloured fluff and something i could have mislaid very easily. I like wine dine stein thine and i don't like hers furs purrs nurse. Sometimes I'm thinking about ireland and a very special cliff there and sometimes i here her asking me again do you believe in god? I'm male, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got two screws and a paint cap. I like Aruzzi sausage and i don't like old salad. Sometimes I'm thinking about light on buildings and food. I'm female, uncertain of my age and happy.


I'm doing being done. In my pocket i've got rockets and sprockets. I like your site. Sometimes I'm thinking about
Mailing-list: / subscribe 12hr-isbn-jpeg
I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing fine. In my pocket i've got nothing and whatever. I like freedom and i don't like too many questions. Sometimes I'm thinking about something more expressive. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing eh fine. In my pocket i've got 15 German Marks. I like secrets and i don't like brown eyes. Sometimes I'm thinking about where do i find a German novel dealing with cyberspace or at least computers. I'm female, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing typing. In my pocket i've got keys. I like femke and i don't like garbage. Sometimes I'm thinking about veranderingsarchitectuur veranda architectuur rendering texture tekstuur, tekst sturen naar THE ARCHITECT OF CHANGE. I'm male, young and happy.


I'm doing what am i doing. In my pocket i've got a phone and more. I like friendly people and i don't like eating alone. Sometimes I'm thinking about: don't tell. I'm male, uncertain of my age and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've got 2 bits and moldy hotdogs. I like hotdogs and i don't like mold. Sometimes I'm thinking about removing the mold from the hotdog to turn it into something i like. I'm male, young and happy


I'm doing nothing. In my pocket i've keys and nothing. I like nothing and i don't like nothing. Sometimes I'm thinking about nothing. I'm uncertain of my gender, uncertain of my age and happy.


I'm having a peaceful sunday. In my pocket i've got a small piece of wood and nothing. I like having a peaceful sunday and i don't like a small piece of wood.Sometimes I'm thinking about if i want to go on with this, where does it all lead to, how is it made possible, what is it ment for. I'm female, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing graphics. In my pocket i've got nothing but a tissue, weqring my dressing gown right now. I like sunny weather like now and i don't like needing to take care all the time. Sometimes I'm thinking about leaving. I'm male, young and sad.


I'm doing nothing right now. In my pocket i've got my keys and gum. I like Connie and i don't like the cold.Sometimes I'm thinking about being in a very warm place.. it's -25c here tonight, with windchillfactor it is -35 brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'm male, young and sad.


I'm doing my best. In my pocket i've got nothing and more. I like this and i don't like that. Sometimes I'm thinking about cybordelics. I'm male, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.


I'm doing graphics, lighting, design. In my pocket i've got a hole, also in my hand and a flashlight. I like karting and i don't like having nothing to do. Sometimes i think about: I think ALL the time, I hope once I will do something with it. I'm male, young and happy.I'm doing my best. In my pocket i've got nothing and more. I like this and i don't like that. Sometimes I'm thinking about cybordelics. I'm male, young and not sure if i'm happy or sad.
