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“Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite”: Abandoned for Forced Asylum

Calais – This month, French authorities (supported and funded by the UK government to the current balance of £62 million) have been demolishing the ‘Jungle,’ a toxic wasteland on the edge of Calais. Formerly a landfill site, 4 km² it is now populated by approximately 5,000 refugees who have been pushed there over the past year. A remarkable community of 15 nationalities adhering to various faiths comprises the Jungle. Residents have formed a network of shops and restaurants which, along with hamams and barber shops contribute to a micro-economy within the encampment.  Community infrastructure now includes schools, mosques, churches and …

Voter Suppression in Maricopa County

If you don’t already know what’s going on in Arizona, and in Maricopa County in particular, you’re bound to hear more about the voter suppression that took place last week, on March 22, during the state’s presidential primaries. The local papers promptly reported that the county provided just one polling place per every 21,000 voters. Indeed, we suffered greatly in Maricopa due to the decrease in polling sites—down from 200 in 2012, to only 60 sites last week. Passing a downtown polling place, I spotted a line that seemed at least 100 people long. They wrapped the corner well after …

Real America, an Endangering and Endangered Ruination

A Ruination

Real America is not the window dressing of a nation posed by her government or by the corporate dominated mass media. Behind that pose is an endangering and endangered “ruination.”

If you follow unbiased accounts of current events and conditions, you know I am not exaggerating. For decades I have been keeping tabs on Real America’s conditions and her actions at home and away and they are appalling. To summarize them I compiled and reported elsewhere a list of what I call “sadtistics.” They amount …

Iraq Invasion: Anniversary of The Biggest Terrorist Attack in Modern History?

Since terrorism’s tragedy is again in the news, it is timely to revisit perhaps one of the biggest acts of terrorism in modern history — the illegal invasion and destruction, ongoing, of Iraq.

March 20th marked the thirteenth anniversary of an action resulting in the equivalent of a Paris, Brussels, London July 7th, 2005, often multiple times daily in Iraq ever since. As for  September 11th, 2001, there has frequently been that death toll and heartbreak every several weeks, also ongoing.

America and Britain have arguably engaged in and generated the legacy of one of the longest recorded attacks of terrorism since …

After British, Italian and French Denials: Libya, The Sequel

The prime minister promised, in September 2011, that he would “not allow Libya to turn into another Iraq” so he decided to lead international efforts, with France, to rescue Libya, by backing rebels fighting to overthrow Gaddafi and impose a no-fly zone over the country, supposedly overcoming initial reservations from the EU and even the USA.

Grand-standing in front of the world’s media Cameron exclaimed to the people of Tripoli; “Your city was an example to the world as you threw off a dictator and chose freedom” adding: “Your friends in Britain and France will stand with you as you build your democracy.”

So successful …

Does the End of Growth Mean the End of Capitalism?

What is Capitalism? The dictionary defines it as “an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.” While accurate enough, this definition fails to capture the essential characteristic which distinguishes capitalism from other economic systems, past and present. For one thing, even in the quintessential capitalist economy – our own – the state intervenes significantly in trade and industry; for another, there have been non-capitalistic economic systems in which trade and industry (or more precisely, craftsmanship) were in private hands, be they those of yeomen, …

France’s Tax Subsidy on “Gifts” to Israeli Army

This is astounding. A senior French politician has revealed that the tax laws of France entitle a citizen to make a charitable, tax-deductible donation to the Israeli army. As the French politician Nathalie Goulet observes: “This represents a tax benefit by the French taxpayer for the benefit of a foreign army.”

Or put more bluntly still, French citizens are being encouraged through the tax system to subsidise an illegal, belligerent occupation of the Palestinians by the Israeli army. It underscores the sheer hypocrisy of the French government as it claims to be trying to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through “peace-making” at the …

Saudi Arabia on the American Chessboard

Part One: Independent player, compliant pawn, blackmailed clan, or criminal regime seeking survival?

For decades, American and Saudi officials have been calling each other allies. In countless occasions, though, Saudi officials shun the term “ally” and opt for “partner”. Why partner, not ally?  But the hyper-imperialist superpower has also been conferring the grand tile of ally to Israel, Japan, Persian Gulf sheikdoms, Egypt, Jordan, and, of course, to all members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Do these members see NATO as a defensive alliance, offensive organization, or partnership for peace? Does their view of NATO coincide with that of the United States? Does Saudi Arabia fit in an alliance or partnership …

Finalising Cruelty: The EU-Turkey Agreement on Refugees

It seemed a foregone conclusion, but here it was, a ghastly cuddling show between Turkish officials and Donald Tusk, President of the European Council.  Both political forces had united behind a refugee containment system that is compromised from start to finish, one designed to frustrate and ultimately terminate the desire to flee lands in conflict.

The Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, will be finding much to muse in the arrangement, not least of all because of his boastful remark last November that he could flood Greece and Bulgaria with refugees. In stating that, the Turkish leader was very clear that he …

The Rise of the Jewish Policy Elite

Meritocracy, Myth, and Power

Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court marks a continuation and deepening of the lopsided ethno-religious representation in the US judicial system. If Garland is appointed, Jewish justices will comprise 45% of the Court, even though they represent less than 2% of the overall population. Roman Catholics comprise the other 55% of the Court – even though they represent approximately 30% of the population. Protestants (historically the authors and signers of the country’s foundational documents, and the major confessional group) are totally absent from this august body of jurists.

US-Saudi Terror in Yemen Dwarfs ISIS Attacks in Europe

Saudi Arabia has been militarily involved and trying to manipulate political outcomes in Yemen for decades. The last time they did this in 2009, they lost militarily to the Houthis.

Hillary Mann Leverett on CNN, Early 2015

Why are two of the richest countries in the World, the United States and Saudi Arabia, engaged in unrelenting, aggressive war against one of the poorest countries in the world, Yemen?

The US-Saudi-led war on Yemen started on March 26, 2015, with the Saudi coalition’s aerial blitz, using both high-explosive and outlawed cluster

Mistreatment Has Consequences!

Mistreatment often—usually?—has consequences, and of a negative nature.  Let me limit myself here to just two examples.

First, humans have—especially since the Agricultural Revolution of millennia ago, and more particularly since the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century—been perceiving themselves as apart from, rather than a part of, Earth System.  They have, for example, perceived Earth as a mere resource to be exploited rather than as their homea place, therefore, to respect, and treat with care.

This attitude toward Earth System has led them to engage in activities that have impacted Earth System negatively; and as their activities have increasingly had the …

Rough Sex and the Ghomeshi Trial

In Canada, many people have been following the trial of former CBC radio personality Jian Ghomeshi. Three women came forward and the police pressed sexual assault and choking charges against Ghomeshi. What is uncontested by all parties is that the sex was rough sex. What is unclear is whether or not the rough sex was consensual.

One complainant, Lucy DeCoutere, revealed her identity. The other two complainants remained anonymous. I have no problem with victims being anonymous… complainants also because exposure must not prevent anyone from seeking justice.

The first double standard is …

You Say You Want a (Political) Revolution?

Is there political life outside of electoral politics?

Is it possible to be “political” in the United States and not get involved in electoral politics? For most of human history there have been “high politics” of kings and aristocrats and “low politics” of peasants, artisans and proletarians. Yet before roughly the 20th century, staging elections was not part of the political process. The root meaning of politics is “policy” which means setting a course or direction. A deeper meaning of politics is to “steer” the way a ship is navigated through dangerous currents and weather conditions. With this in mind I …

Another Routine Execution by Israeli Troops

This video, provided by B’tselem, an Israeli group that monitors the occupation, clearly shows a soldier executing a Palestinian in Hebron. He is killed with a shot to the head after he is already disabled and lying on the ground, posing no threat to anyone.

The Israeli army has called this a “severe incident” and is investigating. Let’s see how seriously they deal with the soldier. One can be sure he would face no action had this not been caught on film.

What I find most significant about the clip is the routine way it is viewed by all those in the vicinity. …

At the Intersection of Zionism and Social Justice

In her oily, cringe-inducing and totally predictable speech to AIPAC on March 21, Hillary Clinton argued that, since (according to her) “anti-Semitism is on the rise across the world… we must repudiate all efforts to malign, isolate and undermine Israel and the Jewish people.” In other words, we must do what we can to shut down any legitimate criticism of Israeli policy. A reliable means of doing so is to conflate said criticism with anti-Semitism and thus vilify the critic in question. This particular strategy has been perfected and institutionalized for decades, and was perhaps best deconstructed by Norman Finkelstein …

We Are under the Foot of the Gangrenous Monster

singling out America's disease -- floating into insanity, Part One of Five

It’s brutal how ignorant we have become, or maybe always have been. Talking to the great American sucking sound – gushers loving every rotten multimillionaire musician, actor, athlete, two bit hustler, any dumb-downing Beyonce half-time crap, and yet, oh yes, daily these people sing that song of colonized capitalists, thinking and believing every billionaire and millionaire up close and personal on TV, TED-x, in the headlines, is a friend.

Best thing in society, a place these college grads and dropouts (makes no difference), is letting unfettered exploitation, profits, usury, and hard-and-soft selling rule the land, the social services and public good …

Events in Brussels Observed from a Spaceship

If some intelligent extraterrestrial beings were circling over our planet in their spaceship, monitoring for decades and centuries all that has been and is taking place on its surface, they would, most likely, be horrified by our brutality, and shocked by the countless contradictions, double standards and inconsistencies.

For instance, after registering the recent loss of lives in Brussels, visitors from outer space would immediately detect the enormous amount of activity all over the Belgian metropolis: police cars, the military, ambulances, and media vans. More than 30 people were killed at the airport and at the metro station, while over 200 …

Ukraine is Turning into Liberia: “The love of liberty brought us here”

Earlier this month while delivering a public lecture in Kiev, “The Challenges of an Ever-Changing World,” former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made an inspiring remark for anyone who might have been thinking that life in Ukraine was bad:

You should go to Liberia where the standard of living is much lower, and then you will be thankful.

Ironically, Forbes Ukraine reacted to this with a slightly perplexed analysis that nonetheless led to a conclusion of flawless logic: “Although Liberia has one of the weakest economies in the world, it lags only slightly behind Ukraine with …

The Art of the Deal? More of the Same!

There are among us today, as there always have been, those who act against the scheme of things that degrades them, and in the process of action everything we have accepted out of fear or insensitivity or ignorance is shaken before us and examined… More important, from this total questioning of what has previously been unquestioned, we learn. And such a process is not beyond the common man.

— Arthur Miller, “Tragedy and the Common Man”, 1949

Mass media would like to print neat-and-tidy articles about Donald Trump’s ascendancy, tracing the roots of his meteoric popularity to former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. …