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Wang Lee Hom 王力宏 - Qi Shi Yi Fen Zhi Yi 七十億分之一 (Pinyin Lyrics) *
7 Billion To 1 (Qi shi yi fen zhi yi 七十億分之)一 Leehom Wang
聊斋 EP01 (Liaozhai Zhiyi 聊斋志异 蒲松龄 美女).flv
★ PINYIN LYRICS | 龚芝怡 Gong Zhi Yi - 明知我爱你 Ming Zhi Wo Ai Ni ★
聊斋 EP05 (Liaozhai Zhiyi 聊斋志异 蒲松龄 美女).flv
Er fen zhi yi (1/2) - Aaron Yan & GNA [Sub Español]
聊斋 EP27 (Liaozhai Zhiyi 聊斋志异 蒲松龄 美女).flv
聊斋 EP44 (Liaozhai Zhiyi 聊斋志异 蒲松龄 美女).flv
Rainie Yang 楊丞琳 - 天使之翼 |Tian shi zhi yi | Angel Wings (HIT FM)
Rainie Yang - Tian shi zhi yi 天使之翼 - Lyrics Pinyin
[Liao Zhai Zhi Yi 2005] Insert Song
Wen Yin Liang - Qing Ren Zhi Yi
聊斋 EP43 (Liaozhai Zhiyi 聊斋志异 蒲松龄 美女).flv
七十億分之一 - 黃鴻升
For entertainment purposes only. Wang Lee Hom is on fire guys, I have uploaded some of his song from his latest album "Your Love", those songs are my favorite :) Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I do! :) Please follow me on: Facebook: Twitter: Lyrics: MP3: Thank you for watching! Full Lyrics: 算命師傅是否都還是搞不懂 我不相信誰能算命運的行蹤 它是如此讓人著迷的謎 好險你沒趕上飛機 我才能遇見你 * 你是個奇跡 還是我的數學不好 在這繽紛世界 我們多麼的渺小 算來算去 這機率七十億分之一 我才能夠跟你一起 我該買彩券 你就是我的七十億分之一 兩個有緣的人是這麼不容易 如果有緣分就該狠狠的珍惜 它是宇宙裡的不合邏輯 終於幻化成了運氣 讓人目眩神迷 repeat * 這個地球 的七十億人口 我還能夠 遇見一個你 這是命中注定 再也不會懷疑 反而變得堅信 你是個奇跡 還是我的數學不好 在這繽紛世界 我們多麼的渺小 算來算去 這機率七十億分之一 我才能夠跟你一起 我的計算器 沒有那麼多零 算也算不清 這是命中注定 我不再懷疑 你就是我的七十億分之一
Leehom Wang – Your Love – Album 王力宏 (Leehom Wang) – 你的愛 7 Billion To 1 (Qi shi yi fen zhi yi (七十億分之一)
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
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Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
I do not own this video or audio It alright belongs to Sony Music Taiwan I made it with no commercial purpose.
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Music video by Wen Yin Liang performing Qing Ren Zhi Yi. (C) 2011 Universal Music Taiwan Ltd.
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
七十億分之一- 黃鴻升qi shi yi fen zhi yi - alien huang hong sheng.
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
The first 20 seconds is blurred D; at Singapore autograph session.
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
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Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
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Music video by Princess Ai Tai performing Tian Shi Zhi Yi. (C)2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (Taiwan) Ltd.
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra
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This is a tang min interview :) she was a member of SNH48
SNH48 Interview for new MV 《飞翔入手》
Interview with Valeria after the concert @ Angelo Azzurro
SNH48 Four members (Dai Meng, Dong Zhiyi, Qiu Xinyi and Tang Min) was a guest on to promote the latest EP《飞翔入手》 Flying Get Original Video : http://t.c...
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SNH48's ponytail to shushu highlight and interview for ponytail to shushu MV.
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Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio or Liaozhai Zhiyi (also Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai, simplified Chinese: 聊斋志异; tra...
Chinese football legend, and the 1st Chinese footballer to play in England, Fan Zhiyi with his #100DaysToGo message, 'The upcoming AFC Asian Cup is just 100 days away. Everyone knows the importance of this tournament. I look forward to seeing you in Australia.' Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google +: 【天下女人】官方頻道更多精彩視頻【楊瀾訪談錄】官方頻道更多精彩視頻见过这样的学校吗?进校参观还要掏钱买门票!高三的学生居然只上半天课!每节课...
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Exclusive interview and shoot with 6 members SNH48. Easy magazine has published in March, and this video shooting with 6 members SNH48 (Kong XiaoYin, Zhang Y...
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Maybelline Pure Mineral.
DRAMA」浪漫情歌「1/2」 炎亞綸與韓國歌姬G.NA跨海隔空對唱(The Aaron Times特派記者高超/台北報導) 炎亞綸領銜主演之「愛上兩個我」的主題曲「1/2」由韓國知名音樂人Sang Hyuck Lim與Young Zin Son作曲,陳信延寫詞。這首歌始於台灣華研音樂與韓國CUBE的合作。一...
(Source: ... Deng Zhiyi, the head of the center, said: "Everyone should know how to select financial products ... distributed by ... gov.
noodls 2015-03-19Photo: World Bank/Wu Zhiyi. By Margareta Wahlstr�m* ... wcdrr. org) for a third time ... _________________.
Huffington Post 2015-03-13(Source: ... [Photo by Wu Zhiyi/China Daily] ... The passage is designed to be 83 kilometers ... distributed by ... gov. cn ... :05 UTC ... (noodl:
noodls 2015-03-07Wu Zhiyi has come a long way since he first sipped-or rather chugged-a glass of wine.
China Daily 2015-03-05(Source: Beijing Municipal Government ) ... Wu Zhiyi has come a long way since he first sipped-or rather chugged-a glass of wine.
noodls 2015-03-05(Source: ... Photo: World Bank/Wu Zhiyi ... dignity, people, prosperity, planet, justice and partnership ... Mr ... Mr ... News Tracker: ... un ... :58
noodls 2015-01-20(Source: ... Photo: World Bank/Wu Zhiyi ... dignity, people, prosperity, planet, justice and partnership ... Mr ... Mr ... News Tracker: ... un ... :56
noodls 2015-01-20Rosewood furniture seller Wang Zhiyi is having a bumper year ... In 2013, the city's rosewood industry was worth 13.4
China Daily 2015-01-12Article extract not available. Link to source for the full article.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2015-01-08Chinese football legend Fan Zhiyi says the Socceroos have a very good chance of winning the 2015 Asian Football Cup. >.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2015-01-08(Source: ... Photo: World Bank/Wu Zhiyi ... News Tracker: past stories on this issue distributed by ... un. org ... :58 UTC ... (noodl: 25822766).
noodls 2014-11-12(Source: ... China's trailblazing footballer Fan Zhiyi, a tournament Ambassador, was one of the high profile guests in Shanghai.
noodls 2014-10-01Zhiyi (Chinese: 智顗; pinyin: zhì yǐ; Wade–Giles: Chih-I; Japanese: Chigi) (538–597 CE) is traditionally listed as the fourth patriarch, but is generally considered the founder of the Tiantai tradition of Buddhism in China. His standard title was Śramaṇa Zhiyi (Ch. 沙門智顗), linking him to the broad tradition of Indian asceticism. Zhiyi is famous for being the first in the history of Chinese Buddhism to elaborate a complete, critical and systematic classification of the Buddhist teachings. He is also regarded as the first major figure to make a significant break from the Indian tradition, to form an indigenous Chinese system.
Born with the surname Chen (陳) in Huarong District, Jing Prefecture (荊州華容), Zhiyi left home to become a monk at eighteen, after the loss of his parents and his hometown Jiangling that fell to the Western Wei army when Zhiyi was seventeen. At 23, he received his most important influences from his first teacher, Nanyue Huisi (慧思) (515–577 CE), a meditation master who would later be listed as Zhiyi's predecessor in the Tiantai lineage. After a period of study with Huisi, he spent some time working in the southern capital of Jinling (金陵). Then in 575 he went to Tiantai mountain for intensive study and practice with a group of disciples. Here he worked on adapting the Indian meditation principles of śamatha and vipaśyanā (translated as "zhi" and "guan") into a complex system of self-cultivation practice that also incorporated devotional rituals and confession/repentance rites. Then in 585 he returned to Jinling, where he completed his monumental commentarial works on the Lotus Sutra, the Fahua wenzhu (587 CE), and the Fahua xuanyi (593 CE).
Leehom Wang (born May 17, 1976) is an American-born singer-songwriter, record producer, actor and film director of Chinese descent based in Taiwan. Formally trained at the Eastman School of Music, Williams College and Berklee College of Music, his musical style is known for fusing Chinese elements (such as Beijing opera, traditional styles of ethnic minorities, Chinese classical orchestra) with hip-hop and R&B. Wang has been active since 1995 and contributed in 25 albums. He is also a four-time winner of Taiwan's Golden Melody Awards, the "Grammys" of Taiwanese music.
In addition to his music, Wang also acted in several films, including Ang Lee's Lust, Caution and Jackie Chan's film Little Big Soldier. He is an environmental activist, and his album Change Me was dedicated to raising eco-awareness among Chinese youth. Wang was one of the first torchbearers for the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, and performed in the Olympics' closing ceremony in Beijing. He was listed as one of Goldsea's "The 100 Most Inspiring Asian Americans of All Time".
Aaron Yan (traditional Chinese: 炎亞綸; simplified Chinese: 炎亚纶; pinyin: Yán Yǎlún), born Aaron Wu Keng-Lin (traditional Chinese: 吳庚霖; simplified Chinese: 吴庚霖; pinyin: Wú Gēnglín; born November 20, 1985) in Taiwan, is a Taiwanese Mandopop singer, commercial model and actor. He is the youngest member of Taiwanese Mandopop vocal quartet boy band Fahrenheit.
At a young age, his family moved to New York,U.S., where he stayed for his primary school education for about five years. He then moved back to Taiwan for further education.
He can speak and understand Mandarin, Taiwanese Hokkien, English and limited Japanese and Cantonese. He was a sophomore at Chinese Culture University, majoring in Journalism and News Broadcasting. However, because his career had greatly affected his academics and learning environment, he transferred to Jinwen University of Science and Technology, majoring in English. In October 2010, Aaron announced that he had quit schooling to focus on his career instead. Having injured his knee previously, Aaron is also exempted from serving in the national army.
Ah yeah
You might be getting real funky
Just drop a dime like this
Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One
Come on, getting funky now
This is another black hand smash
Yup yup you all
And we're going to kick it something like this
Baby You're the one for me
Baby you've got me going crazy
Saw you from a distance
You barely caught my eye
Your body's outrageous
Girl, you blow my mind
We had a conversation
I knew it right away
With you for a lifetime
Is where I want to stay
Baby, you're the one for me
Your love is the answer
You're everthing I need
Baby, you've got me going crazy
Need more of your lovin'
Give it all to me
Listen baby
These vibes they are building
For you I can't contain
Girl, everthing about you
Is driving me insane
u want, girl
The way you wear your hair
You've got it all together
Is something very rare
Well now, baby
One thing about you
You know I can't deny
You've got it all together
Your attitude, girl
You've got me in the mood, girl
You've got it
I'm going crazy
Give it to me come on
Baby, I'm going crazy
You've got to be the only one for me
Your love is the answer
You're everthing I need
Baby, I'm going crazy
You've got to be the only one for me
Need more of your lovin'
You showed up in your trench coat and lingerie
Caught me off guard cos all I planned on was talking
Cos last time I saw you, we were, arguing
And you said you were through
You put your finger on my lips and whispered to me please don't say a word,
Just take it
So I put the work like a grave yard shift, didn't plan on this morning
It's like I reported down on this bed
This morning I'm waking up to this letter saying "dear joe, baby I'm done"
Would you love me and leave me cos you planned it so devious.
Thought you were bringing your love back instead it's "dear joe, baby I'm
Now all I got left here of you is your lipstick as the signature (sincerely
We shook the world for hours, now it's dead silence
Don't take your love away you know it belongs right here
I'm sexist person, no, know just how deep to go
How you like it when I grip your tie
Thought I would wake up with you sleeping in my shirt
Baby why am I reading these words
It's like I reported down on this bed
This morning I'm waking up to this letter saying "dear joe, baby I'm done"
Would you love me and leave me cos you planned it so devious.
Thought you were bringing your love back instead it's "dear joe, baby I'm
Now all I got left here of you is your lipstick as the signature (sincerely
As the sun shines in on your side of the bed
I stare at that empty space where you lay
Cos kissed you beneath your waist, body and lip, tightened your grip
You said you thought that you were ready to come back to me
And after all that good loving, my question is baby why can't we...
It's like I reported down on this bed
This morning I'm waking up to this letter saying "dear joe, baby I'm done"
Would you love me and leave me cos you planned it so devious.
Thought you were bringing your love back instead it's "dear joe, baby I'm
Now all I got left here of you is your lipstick as the signature (sincerely
It's like I reported down on this bed
This morning I'm waking up to this letter saying "dear joe, baby I'm done"
Would you love me and leave me cos you planned it so devious.
Thought you were bringing your love back instead it's "dear joe, baby I'm
Now all I got left here of you is your lipstick as the signature (sincerely
Baby what's on your mind?
Stop wasting all this time
Baby what's on your mind?
Stop wasting all this time
Oh baby, I've got this feeling
You're holding back on me
By the way that you've been acting
It's not so hard to see
If there is something that you really want to say
Come on and tell me there is no reason to be afraid
I've never given you a reason to be afraid of me
Always thought that you and I were closer than two could ever be
But something's going wrong with you
You're acting very strange
Please tell me what it is
Isn't this the world
The place (that) we call home
Isn't this the world
Then why do I feel alone
Isn't this the world
The place we call home
Isn't this the world
Then why do I feel alone
I've walked around just/about all my life(well,well)
I slept on park benches/many many nights(well,well)
Even remember the days/I had nothing to eat(I,I)
But someone to love me/is all I need
What we gotta do (what we gotta do)
Me and you (what we gotta do)
We have to change our selfish ways no matter who else does
We have to rise, rise above
Together in love
On top of living this life of love without(well,well)
I've been ignored and talked about(well,well)
This is not the riches that I live to see(I,I)
But someone to love me is all I need
What we gotta do(what we gotta do)
Me and you(what we gotta do)
We have to change our selfish ways no matter who else does
We have to rise, rose above
Together in love
Isn't this the world
The place (that) we call home(the place, the place, the place)
But isn't this the world
Then why do I feel alone
Isn't this the world
The place (that) we call home
But isn't this the world
Somebody tell me
Somebody tell me
Where you at
Where you at
Where you at
Baby where you at
Baby where you at
Baby where you at
Baby where you at
Every word I cut you down is playing in my head
Like a scare face crime scene aint no bringing it back
Those tears didn’t mean much to bun now I know
That you said you didn’t feel it to the wind starts to get cold
Only she’s the woman the car I replaced it
No sleep I wonder if she saw the bullet coming like this
Only word’s I can hear in my ear is the gesture your gon’ the seeds
You planted in the fields
Baby where you at when you sitting on my pillow case no more
Baby where you at I just recognized I’m living life alone
Baby where you at I just wish just wish you’d call me
Damn this phone baby where you at
That’s it I only got four weeks my whole life just flashed before me
Oh, oh, ohhhaaa (how foolish could I be)
Wild as can be
Never (never) fear be humble (humble)
Got me out to face my fate
May never have a choice to be honest (honest) with the one that was loyal to me
God really has his ways of taken you off that stage
Only she’s the woman the car I replaced it
No sleep I wonder if she saw the bullet coming like this
Only word’s I can hear in my ear is the gesture your gon’ the seeds
You planted in the fields
Baby where you at when you sitting on my pillow case no more
Baby where you at I just recognized I’m living life alone
Baby where you at I just wish just wish you’d call me
Damn this phone baby where you at
That’s it I only got four weeks my whole life just flashed before me
Yea Papoose, Pap, Papoose
They say you never know what you have till you lose it
You promise your girl something you better do it
You can’t tell a woman you love her are you stupid
Words don’t express you love you got to prove it
Back then our relationship wasn’t the truest
Grown man slow dance to Joe music
As the time went on I become foolish
Now your gone everything ruined
But girl this is Papoose I’m on your favorite track
I know your friends are in your ear
But baby come back and I never let you down so later for that
I told you I was gonna make it I was the savior of rap
And I work hard you don’t got to cater to Pap
I tie my own do-rag
Lay back and relax
You don’t even got to accept my apology
But I’m man enough to admit it acknowledge me
Awhooo babe
If anyone up in here wasn’t just like me
Awhooo babe
Treat her like this wasn’t last week
Wont you call babe (wont you call)
No this song babe
Girl you know this song is hearing me
Damn I regret when I almost pass me
Baby where you at when you sitting on my pillow case no more
Baby where you at I just recognized I’m living life alone
Baby where you at I just wish just wish you’d call me
Damn this phone baby where you at
Met a girl on trip to Spain
Took a walk and in the rain
Dinner by candle-light, every night
She was everyman's delight
Had a dream [Incomprehensible]
Bentley and humor and I fell in love
Instantly the way she put that thing on me
I have kissed the most exotic faces
From London to Honolulu
Made love in the most romantic places
What more can one man do
Livin' in a world of girls
It's like swimming in a sea of pearls
Tastes like caviar, watching shooting stars
She tastes like caviar, but you're shooting stars
Like silk to the touch, diamonds in a ruff
Had a girl who was a beauty queen
Most beautiful one to me
Straight out of a magazine, centerfold
Took a ride on my [Incomprehensible]
Puerto Rican, Dominican, Americana
And beautiful Rio Janeiro
And they all look so good to me, oh
I have kissed the most exotic faces
From London to Honolulu
Made love in the most romantic places
What more can one man do
Livin' in a world of girls
It's like swimming in a sea of pearls
She tastes like caviar, but you're shooting stars
Like silk to the touch, diamonds in a ruff
Like a ride in an air balloon
Through the sky on a night with a silver moon
Like the first time lovers kissed
Like the first time lovers with come true
Like a Saturday sun
Like a rush when you know
You're found that one
It feels so good to me
Livin' in this world of girls
It's like swimming in a sea of pearls
She tastes like caviar, but you're shooting stars
Like silk to the touch, diamonds in a ruff
Livin' in this world of girls
It's like swimming in a sea of pearls
She tastes like caviar, but you're shooting stars
Like silk to the touch, diamonds in a ruff
Like a ride in an air balloon
Through the sky on a night with a silver moon
Like the first time lovers kissed
Like the first time lovers wish come true
Like a Saturday sun
Like a rush when you know
You're found that one
It feels so good to me
Whenever he's
Sleepin' on you
Come around
Come around
I'm ready to
Sneak up on you
Come around
Come around
When he doesn't
Give good lovin'
Come around
Come around
Come over
I'll keep it comin'
Come around
Come around
Why can't he see
How sexy you are?
He must be crazy
Not to think you a star
How can he let you
Sleep alone in your bed?
He should be taking
Care of business instead
And if you need keys
Then you know
Where they're at
Just let yourself in
For some wine and relax
I'll do all the things
That your man
Won't do for you
I know what you need, girl
You don't have to ask
You can creep with me
You say that he
Don't know you at all
Hanging out all night
And don't even call
Making promises
That he's gonna change
But does the same
Thing again and again
And if you need the keys
Then you know
Where they're at
Just let yourself in
For some wine and relax
I'll do all the things
That your man
Won't do for you
I know what you need, girl
You don't have to ask
And you can
Swing with me
Oh baby
If he don't treat
You like a lady
Come around
If he don't buy
You nice things,
Come around
And if he can't
Ever get it up
Come around
You can take me
There with one touch
Wassup playboy
naw man, u cant keep callin me with this shit, man
naw she told u what she wanted, all you had to do was give it to her
im gonna give u some free game, listen...
All she wanted was a little time, u said never (never)
begged that u would stay home, u said never (never)
maybe we can wine and dine before we bump and grind, u said never
she said u said never
Can we go to the park and swing, u said never (never)
how about to the bar for a drink, u said never (never)
let's take a trip together, where ever
but she said u said never (never)
U dropped ur dime
so I picked it up
cuz she was whoa
finders keepers, losers weepers
what what what what
U dropped ur dime
so I picked it up
cuz she was whoa
finders keepers, losers weepers
what what what what
U see here with me she can have whatever (ever)
shopping sprees at Gucci, whatever (whatever)
taking trips to Miami, it's on me
I say whatever, ask her i say whatever (ever)
Can we play in sand while holding hands, whatever (ever)
go to the room and boom boom, whatever (whatever)
here with me she'll never hear never
it's always whatever
ask her i say whatever
(U dropped ur dime) o yea
(so I picked it up) i picked it up
(cuz she was whoa)
(finders keepers) finders keepers,
(losers weepers) losers weepers
(what what what what) ohhh yea
(U dropped ur dime) she didnt mean much to u
(so I picked it up) but i thought it was a lot, yea
(cuz she was whoa)
(finders keepers, losers weepers) losers weepers
(what what what what) what
If i were u, i woulda made her mine forever (ever)
with women dawg, u cant take forever (forever)
u took too long, i came along
and now she's gonna be mine (forever)
yes i said (forever)
Imma cop a ring and wife her forever (ever)
imma make it so shes happy forever (forever)
with me dawg she'll never hear never
it's always whatever, thats why we're forever
(U dropped ur dime)
(so I picked it up) i picked it up
(cuz she was whoa)
(finders keepers) finders keepers,
(losers weepers) losers weepers
(what what what what) ohhh
(U dropped ur dime)
(so I picked it up)
(cuz she was whoa) cuz she was whoa
(finders keepers)
(losers weepers)
(what what what what) yea yea
(U dropped ur dime)
(so I picked it up)
(cuz she was whoa)
(finders keepers)
(losers weepers)
(what what what what)
(U dropped ur dime)
(so I picked it up)
(cuz she was whoa)
(finders keepers)
(losers weepers)
Oh J.O.E.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen (and royalty)
I got my man royal on the track
And my dawg bishop young don ohhh well
Sweeter then sugar
Dont argue much now that i
Aqcuired some things of the good life
360 medina how things have changed
A crib with a east and a west wing
I gotta thank god for my life and all
He keeps blessing with more and more
?? now i see that i
Can reach for a dream and pull it from the sky
Sweeter then sugar is whati dream
My life would be if left up to me
And ohh i like that
Sweeter then sugar
Shopping sprees trips over seas
Finest luxuries
The good life
I jus say the word and it will be
The cars i want i buy the lot
The cribs i want i buy the block
I just say the word and it will be
Moderate players thats we are
About getting paper feel me god
No longer out there chasing dreams
Living the words for the song i sing
Gotta thank myans for your support
Cause you"ll keep loving more and more
?? now i see that i
Can reach for a dream and pull it from the sky
Sweeter then sugar is whati dream
My life would be if leftup to me
And ohhh i like that
Sweeter then sugar
Cars jewels and chips (word)
Rims cribs and chicks (word)
Love for these streets (i got it)
Oh yeah
Everything is going to be okay
Don't cry baby
Woh oh woh, it's alright
You don't have to worry about a thing
Woh oh woh, it's alright
You don't have to worry about a thing
Excuse me, baby
Tell me what's the matter?
I want to know what's on your mind
Did someone hurt you
throw your love away
Do you feel like you are left behind
I know it's hard for you to see it now
But your pain will soon fade with time
It's going to be alright
Just you wait and see
In my true love you will find
Listen baby
There are so many things that we can do
If you just give me a chance
I'll promise you
I'll never let you down
I'll do for you all I can
I'll hold you tight
In the middle of the night
Do what you want me to do
Your satisfaction is guaranteed
If you would give all your love to me
Baby, have faith in me
Don't worry about a thing
I'll never hurt you
I'll be right by your side
I won't do you like the others
I can't fight it
Sanctified, sanctified, sanctified
(Verse 1)
What is best, when I kiss your lips
I get the sweetest hangover come over me (yeah yeah)
State of bliss, with your fingertips
You get me soooo excited, how can I fight it?
Ooh I'm so into you, do what you wanna do
Sanctified girl, cause your body's got me hoping
And when your body calls
Mine always listens
Sanctified girl, cause your body's got me hoping (look down)
Lookin down on us from mirrored ceilings
I can't get enough of what this deal is
It may be wrong, but it's so appealing
Baby, baby I can't fight this feeling
(Verse 2)
When you said"It's okay to cum", I was surrendered inside
Your private place (ooh yeah)
It feels good, don't it one-on-one
So many times I will love you in so-many-waaaaays
(Repeat bridge)
(Repeat chorus)
(Repeat bridge)
(Repeat chorus)
Noooooo no, nooooo no
No no no no (I can't fight it baby)
(Repeat bridge and chorus and add lib til fade)
Yea...this feels like one of those songs you know..
This my dedication.. to that shorty from the
Mean the world..hmmm listen
Damn what a lucky man i am i found someone who understands and she dont care what she gotta do to please her man
Damn she makes me wanna raise my hands shout it out
Spread the word telling everyone i can cause she's my only girl and im her only man
Damn you priceless like a rare jewel yea you perfect like a dream come true yea girl why cant the world be a little bit
More like you yea and who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghetto well i found it and she works it baby priceless
So priceless
Damn shopping at the mall 10 grand another 20 on her finger and i dont give a damn cause a love like her's is priceless yea
And i know it anit never been a money thing cause she love me even if i didnt have a thing thats the kind of girl you are
And ohhh
and she'll be
my one concern
and i'll be
the one for her
i gotta learn
cause i know just what a girl like that is worth
anit no price
Damn you priceless like a rare jewel yea you perfect like a dream come true yea girl why cant the world be a little bit
More like you yea and who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghetto well i found it and she works it baby priceless
So priceless
I never had anyone that i I wanted to share everything with no
'Til the day you came around i knew you was the one for me
So if its karats on your hands a place to lay your head all it take to make you smile and im willing to pay whatever it cost
Cause girl you worth the price
Damn you priceless like a rare jewel yea you perfect like a dream come true yea girl why cant the world be a little bit
More like you yea and who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghetto well i found it and she works it baby priceless
So priceless so priceless so priceless you're so priceless
So priceless you're priceless like a rare jewel so priceless so priceless you're so priceless so priceless you're
Priceless like a rare jewel so priceless so priceless so priceless you're so priceless you're so priceless like a rare jewel
When we turn out the lights
The two of us alone together
Something's just not right
But girl you know that I would never ever let another's touch
Come between the two of us
Cause no one else will ever take your place
No one else comes close to you
No one makes me feel the way you do
You're so special girl, to me
And you'll always be, eternally
Everytime I hold you near
You always say the words I love to hear
Girl with just a touch, you can do so much
No one else comes close
And when I wake up to
The touch of your head on my shoulder
You're my dream come true
Oh, girl you know I'll always treasure
Every kiss, every day
I love you girl in every way
And I always will cause in my eyes
No one else comes close
No one else comes close
Uh, uh
- Girl I adore you
My body's here for you
In the bedroom of the four star
Gonna be a one life stand
Baby you've been on my mind
Fantasizing overtime
Ooh girl I wanna break you down
Till the whole world knows I'm moaning
Check out my philosophy
It's not all about between the sheets
I put up with your bitchy moods
It's time that you put papa in the groove
- Love and sex
Both were designed to relieve your empty stress
You have it on one side
Then let go
(Tell me how you like it)
Baby you know I got you hot
I'm up in all your secret spots
Oh girl, you should be givin' it up
Giving it up
Mmh mmh ma mmh oh girl
When we turn the lights.
The two of us alone togther
Something's just not right
But girl you know that i would never ever let
another's touch Come between the two of us always
Cause no one else will ever take your place.
No else comes close to you
No one makes feel the way you do
You're so special girl to me
and you always be eternally.
Everytime i hold you near
you always say the words i love to hear
Girl with just one touch you could so much
No one else comes close
And when i wake to
The touch of your head on my shoulder
You're a dream come true yeah
Oh girl you know i'll always treasure
every kiss and every day
I love girl in every way
And i always will cause in my eyes
Repeat chrous
No one else comes close2x
Hang all the mistletoe
I'm going to get to know you better
This Christmas
And as we trim the tree
How much fun it is going to be together
This Christmas
The fireside is blazing bright
And were caroling through the night
And This Christmas
Will be a very special Christmas
for me yeah
Yeah no no no no no no no no no
Presents and Cards are here
My world is filled with cheer and you
This Christmas
And as I look around
Your eyes will shine around they do
This Christmas
The fireside is blazing bright
And were caroling through the night
Shake a hand Shake a hand now
Have a merry Christmas
The fireside is blazing bright
And were caroling through the night
Shake a hand shake a hand now
Come along come along everybody
shake a hand shake a hand now
no no no no no no no no no
I would give up everything
Before I'd separate myself from you
After so much suffering
I've finally found a man that's true
I was all by myself for the longest time
So cold inside
And the hurt from the heart it would not subside
I felt like dying
Until you saved my life
Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful
I found you
I would give you everything
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
To ensure your happiness
I'll cherish every part of you
Because without you beside me I can't survive
I don't wanna try
If you're keeping me warm each and every night
I'll be all right
Cause I need you in my life
Thank God I found you (I'm begging you)
I was lost without you (so lost without you)
My every wish and every dream (every dream, every dream)
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight (brought the sunlight)
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful
I found you
See I was so desolate
Before you came to me
Looking back I guess it shows
that we were destined to shine
After the rain to appreciate
And care for what we have
And I'd go through it all over again
To be able to feel this way
Thank God I found you
I was lost without you (lost without you baby)
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life (whole life)
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Sweet baby I'm so thankful
I found you
Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
My baby I'm so thankful
I found you
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
For love
For life and eternity
This is my prayer
I pray that our love
Is more than enough
To weather the storm
I pray that you're strong
The nights that I'm gone
And you're home alone
I pray you'll forgive
Whateva I did
That brought you the tears
I pray here right now
As I make this vow
We last through the years
Lover's prayer
When I get down on my knees at night
Lover's prayer
I pray God we gonna be alright
Lover's prayer
With my head down and my hands up high
How I hope he will answer my
Lover's prayer
I pray that the sun
Continues to shine
With all that you do
No matter the bad
No matter how low
you'll make it through
I pray that I'm there
Whateve you want whateva you need
I pray that your heart
Carries apart, apart of me
I pray that your smile would
Light up my life won't ever fade
I pray that the trials we share between
Us won't ever break
I pray that you hold all of
Your dreams you will exceed
My final prayer you'll take this ring
Mmm yeah
Uh, ooh oow
Yo, the game is dirty watch how you playin' it
It's your bed watch who you let lay in it
It's your crib watch who you let stay in it
Cause when you think they want they just might
And it's hard to tell
So choose your chicks right
The real ones knowing you front
That's why you gotta know what you want
Walk with them show them the lounge
Conversate talk to them slow
Talk to them drough
Nowadays it's hard to tell
Where them girls is coming from
Are they in it to the finish
Or just having fun?
I ain't mad at them girls doin' what they do
Out to get that money, but I ain't that good
I want a girl, a regular girl
I want a girl only trippin off that iced out
I want a girl, a regular girl
If you're for real then lemme hear you holla
I want a girl that can ride with me
Never get tired of me
That's the girl for me (that's what I'm lookin for)
I wanna girl that can hang with me (hang)
Wanna do thangs with me (do thangs)
All I want
I want a girl like you
Yo, let's go
Gotta watch how you play
Careful who you choose
Might find yourself in tomorrow's news
Cause some chicks can be scandalous
You gotta know witch ones to trust
You're the kinda girl I would love to have
Just a little thug with a lot of class
Girl you ain't got no drama,
You must get it from your mamma
I want a girl, a regular girl
I want a girl only trippin off that iced out
I want a girl, a regular girl
If you're for real then lemme hear you holla
I want a girl that can ride with me (ride)
Never get tired of me (tired)
That's the girl for me (that's the girl for me) (that's what I'm lookin for)
I wanna girl that can hang with me (hang)
Wanna do thangs with me (do thangs) (my girl)
All I want (uh, yeah yo)
I want a girl like you
I want a girl that look good, cook good
Don't listen to rap, but she still know when the hook's good
All she do is read so she know when the book's good
Love her 'cause she's from the suburb and she looks hood
Lady but in bed she's an animal still
Stick, shift or automatic
She can handle the wheel, uh
There when I call, there when I fall
I want a girl just like you and that's all (I want a girl)
I want a girl that can ride with me (ride)
Never get tired of me (tired)
That's the girl for me (that's the girl for me) (that's what I'm lookin for)
I wanna girl that can hang with me (hang)
Wanna do thangs with me (do thangs)
All I want
I want a girl like you
I want a girl that can ride with me (uh, yeah, uhu)
Never get tired of me (that's right)
That's the girl for me (that's the girl for me) (that's what I'm lookin for)
I wanna girl that can hang with me (hang)
Wanna do thangs with me (do thangs) (my girl)
All I want
I want a girl like you
I want a girl that can ride with me (yeah)
Never get tired of me (that's right)
That's the girl for me (ooow yeah) (whatup?)
I wanna girl that can hang with me (Joe)
Wanna do thangs with me (I hear that)
All I want
I want a girl like you (jada)
Dallas Austin producuction
How you love that?
Whatup D-block
Let's go, uhu
Double R
Nothing y'all can do about it
Doo doo doo doo doo
No, no, no, no, no
I'm stayin' home tonight
I don't wanna go nowhere
I'm just gonna love you, baby
All night long
I wanna rub your back and kiss your feet
Romantically I wanna be yours, baby
All night long
Girl, you hold the key to my soul
(It's obvious I need you)
Oh, anything you want is yours
(I'll go outta my way to please you)
Girl, I wanna show you love
Romance you till you get enough (Oh)
Oh, baby, now let's stay home tonight
(Can't you see that-that I need you, baby)
Girl, here is where I wanna stay
No friends, no phones, no two-ways (Mmm...)
Oh, let's stay home tonight
(Don't you know that I need you)
There's no one else but you
Makes me wanna call up fellas
And say, "Later, dude"
'Cause I'm home forever
I just can't look at you and leave you, baby
I gotta stay right by your side, hoo...
Let's just stay home tonight
All you gotta do is say
(Just say what you've been needin')
Oh, you can never know your way
(¡RCause girl, I'm here for pleasin')
Girl, I wanna show you love (Oh...)
Romance you till you get enough
Oh, baby, now let's stay home tonight
(I just want it to be me and you and nobody else)
Girl, here is where I wanna stay
No friends, no phones, no two-ways
(Don't you hear me, baby)
Oh, let's stay home tonight
Girl, you hold the key to my soul
(It's obvious I need you)
Oh, anything you want is yours
(I'll go outta my way to please you)
Girl, I got the remedy, don't you see
That we got to keep this thing so tight, so tonight
All about you and me, ah, baby
Don't that sound alright, oh
Girl, I wanna show you love (Hoo...)
Romance you till you get enough
(I wanna love you right)
Oh, baby, now let's stay home tonight
(Hoo, I wanna love you, baby, oh, yeah)
Girl, here is where I wanna stay
No friends, no phones, no two-ways
Oh, let's stay home tonight
(Wanna spend some quality time)
(I'm talkin' no phone, no friends, no business)
(I sent the kids to your mama's, baby)
Oh, baby, now let's stay home tonight
Girl, here is where I wanna stay (Rose petals)
No friends, no phones, no two-ways
(Will lead you to the bed, baby)
Oh, let's stay home tonight (Let's stay home tonight)
Sex in my jeep baby, Back seat on my jeep baby (baby baby),
We can freak in my jeep baby, The steel of wonders on my jeep baby,
On my bumps up and slow baby, So you can make that body roll baby (baby baby),
We can head to the third row swing us an episode, Girl let yourself go,
Back seat on my jeep on my jeep,
Could jump in my HUMMA let take a ride, I like spending my summers in a specious rides,
Turn on my TV relax a while, we can chill with an AC or windows down,
Let’s stop by the mall pick up a thing or two, If you see something you like for free then
grab it boo,
Let’s stop by the food court so we can eat, after shopping and grabbing that’s fine and cheap,
Let’s do it with some sipping while talking and riding,
Girl it’s on tonight,
We can start some touching, by then we will be buzzing, this jeep is our bedroom tonight,
Sex in my jeep baby, Back seat on my jeep baby (baby baby),
We can freak in my jeep baby, The steel of wonders on my jeep baby,
On my bumps up and slow baby, So you can make that body roll baby (baby baby),
We can head to the third row swing us an episode, Girl let yourself go,
Back seat on my jeep of my jeep,
Ima pull over and make a stop, you’re looking like what palm my other stuff,
You’ve been throwing it all day you know it laid, the back seat of my jeep let’s swing it F
Freaking you down while the spree wheel are spinning, bumping your body my system sick with
Nacket and handcuffs these windows are tinted, you lace it your lies my detail will clean it,
Let’s do it with some sippering while talking and riding,
Girl it’s on tonight,
We can start some touching, by then we will be buzzing, this jeep is our bedroom tonight,
Sex in my jeep baby, Back seat on my jeep baby (baby baby),
We can freak in my jeep baby, The steel of wonders on my jeep baby,
On my bumps up and slow baby, So you can make that body roll baby (baby baby),
We can head to the third row swing us an episode, Girl let yourself go,
Back seat on my jeep,
Say the word baby we can make a stop, we can find a dark spot in this parking lot,
Baby pull over (woman),
Are you ready (Joe),
Yes I’m ready (woman),
Ooohh woow aaahh we can take it slow we got the whole night, buckle up girl get ready for
this bumpy ride (Joe),
Baby pull over (woman),
Are you ready (Joe),
Yes I’m ready (woman),
This jeep is our bedroom tonight (Joe),
Sex in my jeep baby, Back seat on my jeep baby (baby baby),
We can freak in my jeep baby, The steel of wonders on my jeep baby,
On my bumps up and slow baby, So you can make that body roll baby (baby baby),
We can head to the third row swing us an episode, Girl let yourself go,
If I had a choice to wake up next to someone
Of course it would be you
When I close my eyes
And blow out the candles
I'm wishing we wasn't through
You should be here with me, baby
To miss I, miss all I've have, lately
To sit and think about what I could have done differently
Hard to hang with friends
When everybody knows you
Can't go to church
When everybody loves you
And it's crushing me
When I call and can't get through
Oh, oh, oh
All your guy friends
Couldn't wait for us to brake up
And their making sure
We don't get a chance to make up
I just wanna say I'm sorry
I don't know what got into me
If it's hell i gotto pay
Then I'd go through the fire
God knows I ain't want you to leave
Don't know what else I can say
I didn't even like her
I'm just trying to make you see
It's not you, girl it's me
Things I use to hate about you
Now I love, yeah
Things that use to drive you crazy
I've given up, Oh
You then changed my whole life, baby
How you leave right after you saved me
And I hope you don't expect me
To go on without you
Hard to hang with friends
When everybody knows you
Can't go to church
When everybody loves you
And it's crushing me
When I call and can't get through
Oh, oh, oh
All your guy friends
Couldn't wait for us to brake up
And their making sure
We don't get a chance to make up
I just wanna say I'm sorry
I don't know what got into me
If it's hell i gotte pay
Then I'd go through the fire
God knows I ain't want you to leave
Don't know what else I can say
I didn't even like her
I'm just trying to make you see
It's not you, girl it's me
Can't believe I made a fool of myself
When all you did was give me love
But it wasn't enough
You're not to blame
I'm the one that did you wrong
And it's really killing me
What I made you think, Oh
If it's hell i gotte pay
Then I'd go through the fire
God knows I ain't want you to leave
Don't know what else I can say
I didn't even like her
I'm just trying to make you see
It's not you, girl it's me
If it's hell i gotte pay
Then I'd go through the fire
God knows I ain't want you to leave
Don't know what else I can say
I didn't even like her
I'm just trying to make you see
It's not you, girl it's me
I'm in luv
Round and round I go
Out of control, I'm in luv
I'm in luv
Round and round I go
Out of control, I'm in luv
Now from the very start
You knew you had my heart
It was plain to see
Ooo, good god almighty
The way you work that body
It was something to remember
And I dance all in this
Imagine you and me
A gentle summer breeze
What a lovely affair
Champagne and candlelights
Romance and moonlights
Girl, I'm no geginner so I hope you're no pretender
I can't deny
Girl, you turn me on
Make me lose my self-control
Hold me close
I'm in luv
Crazy love
Girl, I must admit it
I am so addicted to your love
Ooo la la
Girl, you've got it
All I need
You can give to me
What I want
Is your sweet loving, baby
Now that you see...oooh oooh
Damn baby, you know its like, it’s like every time I see you, and you don't look like you too happy.
Yea I know you with old dud and all…But if you were my girl… would never have that look on your face…
Baby your body is telling me that you ain't getting nothing'
He talk it but ain't offering, that thing that you want
And baby the small things that he claims, that’s keeping you holding on
He ain't really solid.. he keep an naughty body, girl I give him time to sneak on.
If I can get you home tonight, I promise ain't gone be no more ''why can’t he please me''
Cause the next time…the next night …he don't keep you up like…
I’mma be the young boy turning out your night light
If I can get you home tonight, I promise ain't gone be no more ''why can’t he please me''
Those messages you sending just keep telling me to take what I want.
If I want her, what if I want her? If I want you what is he gonna do… nothing baby
If I want her, what if I want her? if I want you what is he gonna do… nothing baby.
Girl he tripping in so, watch you goodness he can't know I
Let you walk around and feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled
if I got him in close…came in through the back door.
I know he thought that this was his…but that's staying “for real”
If I can get you home tonight, I promise ain't gone be no more ''why can’t he please me''
Cause the next time…the next night …he don't keep you up like…
I’mma be the young boy turning out your night light
If I can get you home tonight, I promise ain't gone be no more ''why can’t he please me''
Those messages you sending just keep telling me to take what I want.
If I want her, what if I want her? If I want you what is he gonna do… nothing baby
If I want her, what if I want her? If I want you what is he gonna do… nothing baby.
Listen baby…
Let me show you this is for real, your taking this no more I can see
so I’m willing to be the man you know you need now baby
it's clear he don't know what it is so let me...
if I want her what if I want her, if I want you what is he gonna do nothing baby.
If I want you...nothing he’s gonna do...he wont do nothing
If I want her, what if I want her, if I want you what is he gonna do nothing baby.
You need some conversation, your looking so so so unhappy baby
What I wouldn’t do to keep you right here
And I know our in need so let me give it to you girl
If I want her, what if I want her, if I want you what is he gonna do nothing baby.
There it is
Sorry baby - didn't mean to do this to you
Sorry baby - didn't mean to do this to you
After a long night of lusting
Shorty came home while I was crushing
I'm about to get busted
I'm rushing
It's about to unfold
And I'm about to get thrown in the cold
Cause she be on some left-eye shit
Might set my house on fire-take a brick to my whip
Oh no!
I wanna hit it some more
But I think I heard my girl put her keys in the door
Can I hide under the bed(You can't go there)
In the closet(You can't go there)
On the balcony(But you can't, she'll look)
There's a hide-away behind the bush
Oh no here she comes
Shorty bounce my girl is on her way upstairs
I know here she comes
You need to get your shit and get up out of here
Oh no here she comes
You're about to get a __ straight __
Oh no here she comes
I know she's gonna trip
If she finds you here messing with her man
Better disappear
Think I got a plan
Get you outta here
You should jump out the window
I gotta come yp with an excuse
The reason why I had a girl up in this room
She won't believe me though
I never believed in dreaming, it never got me very far.
I never believed that love could find me, like an arrow through the heart.
I never believed in miracles, or building castles in the air.
Not until that day I found you, turned around and you were there.
From the day you came, you gave me, a whole new point of view.
I've been touched by an angel, it's impossible, but true.
I believe in you.
I swear that forever from today, no one will ever take your place.
I believe in you.
And I believe our love will last always.
I never believed in fairy tales, tho sometimes I wish I could,
I never believed that golden slippers could ever find the perfect foot.
I never believed in magic, or that wishes could come true,
But your very first kiss changed all this, something only you could do.
You made me a believer, you made me trust again,
You showed there's a pot of gold, at every rainbow's end.
I believe in you.
I swear that forever from today, no one will ever take your place.
I believe in you.
And I believe our love will last always.
Only love, sets you free,
And if you serve to fate, then you're my destiny.
Now I know, now I see.
Anything can happen, if you just believe.
I believe in you.
I swear that forever from today, no one will ever take your place.
I believe in you.
Oh yeah, baby
I'm not going nowhere
I'm staying right here
Hey baby, how are you doing
Yeah, I knew I've been wrong for a while
But I'm back to say
I want to stay right here with you
Yes, I know
There are a few things I just want to tell you
I've been a fool for leaving, leaving you all alone
I should have known better, baby
Knew you had a house and a home
My conscience told me, baby
The best things in life are free
My heart is locked
Baby, you hold the key
I am here
After I'm so wrong
I am here
Finally back, finally back
Well well, wrong
I fantasize of a good time
Moments that we shared, oh yeah
You showed me more ways
Baby you really care
The choice is yours, first tell me now
Baby, I'm begging you please
Give me another chance and I'll make you see
Don't worry about a single thing
I'll be right there for you, you'll see
I will give you everything you need
So baby don't give up on me
I've come to show that I can
That love I had was always there
I know I've been away too long
And now I'm finally back right where I belong
Where I belong, baby
I'm right where I belong
I'm never going away
I've gotta have you
All of you
I've gotta have all of you
Every bit of you
Everything I have is yours
And I will give it to you
I will never let you down
Anything you need just ask
I will give to you
I will never let you down
I'll be around
Everytime I close my eyes
I think of you
Wishing you were here
To make my dreams come true
Just like a child
With a brand new toy
My life is full of ecstasy
It brings me much joy
I really can't help myself
I get weak in my knees
When you're away
I can hardly breathe
It is so amazing
The way you make me feel
I have to stop and think
Is this a dream or is it real
Baby, I love you
Baby you know, baby you know
I'll do anything
So baby, don't worry
I won't let you down
No, I won't let you down
I'll always be around
Everything you want
you can have it
Everything you need
Oh Joe
Yes baby
It feels so good
Right here baby
Yeah God
Don't stop, don't stop, baby
Come a little closer
Come on girl, get a little closer
I want you, you want me
Come on girl, get a little closer
I want you, you want me
Can't control myself
Girl, you look so good
Smell like roses
Like I knew you would
The time has come
We waited oh so long
Let's quench this fire
That's been burning strong
I need your love baby
Girl, I need it bad
We'll take things slowly
We won't go fast
Let's let our bodies
Touching each other
Until the morning comes
Girl, you know I want you baby
I want you to learn, to be right by my side
I can't wait no longer
Ooh Child things are going to get easier
Ooh Child things it's get brighter
Better Days
Keep your head up
Better Days
Keep your head up
She grew up in Brooklyn the Eastside and fulton street
Never knew father
He got shot hustling
She stated acting much older
Her mother couldn't control her
Losing direction
Started sex'n-no protection
And now she's expecting
A life she wasn't ready for
She*s feeling rejected
And her futures unsure
And if you want
Run out there on your own
Don*t give up sunshine
There will be better days
(Keep your head up)
Gotta keep movin' on
To raise a child alone
Don*t give up sunshine
There will be better days
(Keep your head up)
Are you down with full time
On weekend stripping
So you met baller, but ain't down, but trick'n
Gonna have to put your kid through school
Guess you hit snotty love for you
And you know your wrong girl
You gotta believe
And now you're expecting
A life you wasn't ready for
You're feeling rejected
And her futures unsure
And if you want
Run out there on your own
Don*t give up sunshine
There will be better days
(Keep your head up)
Gotta keep movin' on
To raise a child alone
Don't give up sunshine
There will be better days
Can I talk to you
I know that I cause you some pain
And baby I know it's a shame
The games, the strain
Love- girl all you had for me was love
And I ran your love in a muck
No hugs and what, what, what
What was I thinking
It hit me like a flash a light
I realize you are my life
And I really love you (I love you)
Yes I do, yes I do
I've changed like an 80's fade to the corn-rows
To the white-house from death-row
Projects to holly-wood
I've been to Atlantis, from bad to good
I've changed like a poor excuse to a true friend
I'm a brand new start from a dead end
Like a guilty man turned innocent
Baby I've changed
Life- I'm willing to lay down my life
Baby won't you be my wife
Except this ring tonight
Now I was a blind man who spent his whole life
In the dark no trees, no bees, no central-park
And I realize you are my life
You're the perfect work of art lady
It hit me like a flash of light
I realize you are my life
And I really love you (I love you)
Yes I do, yes I do
The thought of losing you has caused
My transformation my rehabilitation, dedication, inspiration
Girl I'm brand new
Listen clearly baby
I'm willing to show you the little things I meant to do
Before I never took the time to do
I brought you here so that i can express the things i've been thinkin bout give me your ear.
cuz i don't normally do this so bare with me through this. there are so many things that i
want to say. but let me start by saying this saying i thank you. darling just because..
i used to love someone that i didn't like we used to want to break up every other night. i
used to think realationships were a lot of stress. i used to think that pain was a part of
happiness. now all that's changed since you've come my way, but i don't want us to become
another used to be.
I hope what i'm saying don't discourage you in any kind of way cuz i do believe that you have
the potential to be everything i need. i hope that you can really understand that i would hate
to be with someone new, and tell them what i'm telling you.
i used to love someone that i didn't like. we used to want to break up every other night. i
used to think realationships were a lot of stress. i used to think that pain was a part of
happiness. now all that's changed since you've come my way, but i don't want us to become
another used to be.
cuz it would only be another waste of time, another moment to be raised i would bout my
mind. another memory a part of history. I cant forget cuz it keeps haunting me. Now that your
here is evidently clear, but i don't ever have to have this worry again again. ooohhhooooooo.
i used to love someone that i didn't like. we used to want to break up every other night. i
used to think realationships were a lot of stress.i used to think pain was a part of
happiness. now all that's changed since you've come my way, but i don't want us to become
Come on, clap your hands, pack it up
I've gotta have all or nothing, baby
With me there is no maybe
If you want to be my lady
It's all or nothing
I've gotta have all or nothing, baby
With me there is no maybe
If you want to be my lady
It's all or nothing
I tell you from the start
Just how things would be
Expections for the one that would be with me
Now I tell you once again
I hope you'll understand
Just what you have to do
If you want a second chance
I don't need a fooling 'round kind of woman
A woman who just can't be
Happy and devoted just to me
I need an one loving kind of woman
A woman that I can trust
Who's faithful and concerned about it
A stylish kind of woman with class, luxury look
Who treats some man the way that she should
One who will give me all her love
One who will have me once and more
That's the kind of woman I'm looking for
I don't need a fooling 'round kind of woman
A woman who just can't be
Happy and devoted just to me
I need an one loving kind of woman
A woman that I can trust
Who's faithful and concerned about it
I want the best
I won't settle for less
I want someone that is heaven blessed
Someone to hold me tight
Someone that will treat me right
And who will understand
A sexy whisper
Every time we kiss
One sound that gives you
All the things you miss
Through "Faded Pictures"
You know
My name is Joe 5-6-3
Caress your body
Like a melody
You scream my name
Just like a symphony
I want you
Letting you know
My name is Joe
(What's my name?
What's my name?)
(What's my name?
What's my name?)
My name is Joe
Please don't go
Baby, don't go
Dreamed of you this morning
Then came the dawn
I thought you 're here with me
If you could only see
How much I love you
You'd want to trust me
In my dream, I was loving you
Every place that you wanted me to
Since I believe in dreams
And fantasies came true
I'd like to make love to you right there, baby
I've got this real strong need
To love you everywhere
I won't stop until I find
Your passion's flowing like wine
Baby, baby please let me do it to you
Oh no
I never did it before
But there's always a first time, you know
I made up my mind
Soon I'll be loving you
That's all, let's get in
I made up my mind
Soon I'll be loving you
Girl, I know what I'm gonna do
I came here to touch you
To give you that feeling
That you want from me
So that your mood will be revealing, babe
And soon as I know I've gotta you
Give you some heaven, baby
I'm gonna love you right now, woman
I'm gonna give you some heaven,
'Cause I know just what to do, baby
I'm going to give you some heaven
Oh baby....
Well, well, well, well, well, baby
Listen, baby
(Take one) Baby lyin' on the bed
Exotic fantasies goin' through her head
(Take two) I jump into my SL6
I gotta make my way to the crib mad quick
(Take three) I see my baby as I step inside
She's staring at me with those bedroom eyes
(Take four) Honey sippin' on some Chardonnay
The sex is even better when she's feeling that way
All I want to do right now is love her down (Ooh)
I don't give a damn about who hears the sound (Ooh...)
We'll be in the groove until the sun comes up (Yeah)
Together we'll get lost inside the love
Let's make a love scene, steamy and blue
Erotic memories for an audience of two
And we'll make a love scene, let the foreplay begin
And replay each moment again and again and again
(Take five) The Jacuzzi's just 'bout ready for us
We step into the water and you tremble at my touch
(Take six) I see you gettin' steamin' hot
Girl, it ain't just the bubbles that's been hittin' the spot
Take it off, take it off, take it off till you get enough
Anyway that you like, it's okay, come and get my love
All I want to do right now is love her down (Love her down)
I don't give a damn about who hears the sound (Hears a sound)
We'll be in the groove until the sun comes up (Ooh...ooh...)
Together we'll get lost inside the love (Oh, yeah)
Let's make a love scene (Make a love scene), steamy and blue (Ooh)
Erotic memories for an audience of two
And we'll make a love scene (We'll make a love scene), let the foreplay begin (Oh...ho...)
And replay each moment (Mmm) again and again and again
Ooh, I'm gonna keep lovin', I'm gonna keep lovin' you, baby
(When the curtain drops) Oh
We won't stop (We won't stop), we won't stop (
Let's make a love scene (Let's make a love scene), steamy and blue
(See, I got what you want)
Erotic memories (You got what I need) for an audience of two (Of two)
And we'll make a love scene (We'll make a love scene), let the foreplay begin
(Ooh, baby)
And replay (Yeah) each moment (Oh, oh...) again and again and again
Girl, I'm down to take a sip from your cup (No, no, no, no, no, no, no)
If you drink from my fountain of love (Oh, ho)
Girl I'm down to take a sip from your cup (From your cup)
If you drink from my fountain of love (Ooh...ooh...oh...ho...)
'69 was a very good year (Do you remember, girl)
If you know what I mean, my dear (Ooh, baby)
'69 was a very good year (I could remember)
If you know what I mean, my dear (Let's do it over and over again)
Let's make a love scene (Let's make a love scene)
Steamy and blue (Let's do it on the floor)
Erotic memories for an audience of two (Anyway you like it, girl, alright)
Uh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah
(This one goes out)
(To all the lost loved ones)
(That's right)
No ooohh, no, no
(Throw your hands in the air)
No oh oh oh oh oh
We were like soldiers, shoulder to shoulder
Back to back against the wall
Always there to catch me if I would fall
If I was in trouble, when you was in trouble
Never gave a damn if I was wrong or right
Never backed down if we had a fight
Now you've gone away
Always thought that you'd be here to stay
See you on the other side
We will ride again
We would ride like the wind
On the stairways of sin
I can't believe all the wrong would turn
Now that you're gone, how can I go on?
You were a rose in a concrete world
No, no no no
No no no no no no no
Ghetto to ghetto
It's the meadow to meadow
Tryin' to survive day to day
Livin' crazy was the only way
You were my strength when I was weak
Young and gifted, you were unique
You were far too good for this world, oh
(Break it down)
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh no no no no no
No no no no
La la la la la
It's amazing how you knock me off my feet
Every time you come around me I get weak
Nobody ever made me feel this way Ohh!!
You kiss my lips and you take my breath a way
If you believe in love and all that it can do for you
Give it a chance, girl, you'll find romance
(And) if you can find and get to show it that is right for me
Then it's official, all that my love
I wanna know the things turn you on
So I can be all that and more
I wanna know, I wanna know the things make you cry
(Girl, I'd like to know)
'Cause I wanna make you smile
Girl he never understood what you were worth ummmh!
And he never tool the time to make it work
Baby I'm the kind of man who shows concern
(Yes I do)
Anyway that I can please you let me learn
If you believe in love and all that it can do for you
Give it a chance, girl, you'll find romance
(And) if you can find and get to show it that you smile for me
Then it's official, all that my love
I wanna know the things turn you on
(I wanna know)
So I can be all that and more
I wanna know, I wanna know the things make you cry
(I'd like to know)
'Cause I wanna make you smile
The truth about Roni, she's a sweet old (ghetto) girl
About the sweetest little girl in the whole wide world
She'll make the toughest homeboy fall deep in love
(Said) once you had a Roni you will never give her up
She's a special kind of girl that makes her daddy feel proud
You know the kinda girl that stands out in crowds
Found a tenderoni and the Roni is so right
I think I'm gonna love her for the rest of my life
Yeah yeah yeah
Na na na na na
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na
If I was your man, girl
Girl I'm so tired of things
I just wanna settle down
I swear to you I've changed
Baby why you buggin out
I know that I put you through hell
You deserve to be with someone else
But I gotta be straight up
Straight up
Girl I just wanna kiss and make up
We done been through a lot of things
How do you throw that away
You were the heart of me
Can't believe you'd let it break
Tell me why you won't let em go
You can say what you want but I know
Baby no more lies
I'ma keep it real this time
Help me understand
What I'm sayin and get through
Why I can't be your man
When I'd give up the world for you
Girl I'll do the best I can
Love you forever that's what I'd do
If I was your man
If I was your man
If I was your man
Got rid of everything that I know was hurting you
My heart, so many strings
Gave that up for you too
Don't want nothin' else in the way
I just wanna make sure that you stay
Baby no more lies
I'ma do it right this time
Help me understand
What I'm sayin and get through
Why I can't be your man
When I'd give up the world for you
Girl I'll do the best I can
Love you forever that's what I'd do
If I was your man
If I was your man
If I was your man
Can't live without you anymore
Baby I know that you're what I'm fightin' for
Baby say that you'll still be with me
In my arms is where you need to be
Can't live without you anymore
Baby I know that you're what I'm fightin' for
Baby say that you'll still be with me
In my arms is where you need to be
Na na na na na
Na na na na na na
If I was your man
If I was your man
Help me understand
What I'm sayin and get through
Why I can't be your man
When I'd give up the world for you
Girl I'll do the best I can
Love you forever that's what I'd do
If I was your man
If I was your man
My Baby Oohh
Wooh Woh Woh
Wooh Woh Woh
Wooh Woh Woh Woh
I Can't Believe
That I Am Admitting This To You
Coz If You Know Me
Then You Know How Hard
It Is For Me To Say What I Mean.
Now I've Seen This On Tv
Twice In The Movies,
Never Thought That
It Could Happen To Your Homie.
Now I'm A Believer
In All The Things To Do With You Coz
I've Never Felt That
Our Love Could Be Perfect
And That's What I Feel For You
And Don't You Forget That
That You're More Than Worth It
And That's What I Feel For You
I Feel Like Ali
When He Shook Up The World
And Like Prince Felt When He Wrote
"The Most Beautiful Girl"
Your Love Is Like A Song I Love To Sing
And That's What I Feel For You
Said I've Never Been Hooked Like This
But I Tell Ya
(Girl I'm All For It)
(You I Adore It)
Anything You Tell Me That
You Need Girl I'll Get It
(I'm In It For The Long Run)
(I Swear You've Got Me On One)
I'm Gonna Ride Till The End Of Time
I'm (Witch You Witch You My Baby)
You Gotta Understand
(I Need) All I Do Is Think Of You
And I Swear
That I've Never Felt
Our Love Could Be Perfect
And That's What I Feel For You
And Don't You Forget That
That You're More Than Worth It
And That's What I Feel For You
I Feel Like Ali
When He Shook Up The World
And Like Prince Felt When He Wrote
"The Most Beautiful Girl"
Your Love Is Like A Song I Love To Sing
And That's What I Feel For You
I Need To Everybody Who Needs Somebody
To Grab Em By The Hand And
Tell Em Just Like This:
That When I'm With You
I Don't Want No One Else
You Gotta Me Feeling Better Than
I've Ever Felt
I'm Talking About Everyday (Day)
And Every Night (Night)
And When I Hold You In My Arms
It's Just Like Heaven
Nothing Feels Better
I Can't Believe It
It Took Me So Long
But I Ain't Ever Felt
Our Love Could Be Perfect
And That's What I Feel For You
And Don't You Forget That
That You're More Than Worth It
And That's What I Feel For You
I Feel Like Ali
When He Shook Up The World
And Like Prince Felt When He Wrote
"The Most Beautiful Girl"
Your Love Is Like A Song I Love To Sing
And That's What I Feel For You
I've Never Felt That...
Our Love Could Be Perfect
And That's What I Feel For You
And Don't You Forget That
That You're More Than Worth It
And That's What I Feel For You
I Feel Like Ali
When He Shook Up The World
And Like Prince Felt When He Wrote
"The Most Beautiful Girl"
Your Love Is Like A Song I Love To Sing
And That's What I Feel For You
That's What I Feel For You
Featuring: Mystikal
Baby don't go, baby don't go, baby don't go
Talk to me, tell me, where you were (late last night)
You told me, with your friends, hanging out (late last night)
You lying, 'cause you stuttering, now where were you (late last night)
Stop lying to me, 'cause you're ticking me off, see you're ticking me off, oh girl
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I called you, on your cell phone, no answer (tell me why)
So I paged you, on your two-way, still no response (tell me why)
I took care of you, I loved you, and you played me (tell me why)
Stop lying to me about where you been
'Cause you're ticking me off, ticking me off
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
It's funny to me, when you lie to me
You start stuttering, tripping, I caught you, baby
It's funny to me, when you lie to me
You start stuttering, tripping, I caught you, baby
I smell cologne, damn it's strong
How'd you get it on (I'm not done)
He messed up your hair, makeup's everywhere
Oh yeah, (I'm not done)
Girl you're crying 'cause you're lying to my face (I'm not done)
Stop lying, about sentiment, 'Cause you're ticking me off
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
I can tell you're lying, because when you're replying
Stutter, stutters, stutter, stutters
Why did I? You should know by now
I gotta know baby, I just can't keep going on girl
Oh, get on baby, no love from you
I hear you lying, I hear you
Stuttering, stuttering, stuttering, stuttering, stutter, stuttering
Oh girl, you should leave me alone
My desire start a fire (right here in this bedroom)
No attire is required (right here in this bedrrom)
Youll find your pleasure like hidden treasure (right here in this bedroom)
I do my duty to that booty (rigt here in this bedroom)
U want me to break u off (ill do it)
U want me to take it off (ill do it)
U want to do the things that make u scream when im in between (ill do it)
U heard i be actin wild (come see me)
U wanna peep my style (come see me)
So baby lets be clear it goes up a gear when i get ya here (beleive me)
So baby come spend the night in extacy girl meet me in the bedroom (i touch u saw your
Clothess comes off)
Lets fulfill your fantasy just meet me in the bedroom (if walls could talk they'd tell it all)
Do what u feel like if it feels right (right here in this bedroom oh!)
Ill be twistin your ignition (right here in this bedroom WhEw!)
And i want you to know that its cool to just relax and let the room take control
Girl let it go (let it go)
U want me to break u off (ill do it)
U want me to take it off (ill do it)
U want to do the things that make u scream when im in between (ill do it)
U heard i be actin wild (come see me)
U wanna peak my style (come see me)
So baby lets be clear it goes up a gear when i get ya here (beleive me)
So baby come spend the night in extacy girl meet me in the bedroom (i touch u saw your
Clothess comes off)
Lets fulfill your fantasy just meet me in the bedroom (if walls could talk they'd tell it all)
Love the way you get when i just touch you there
Im bout to turn it up its gon' get real hot in here yea
Even if they call the cops we aint gon stop
Surely we gon rock this bed like after shocks
So baby come spend the night in extacy girl meet me in the bedroom (i touch u saw your
Clothess comes off)
Whooooaaaaaaa ohhhhhh
Damn wheres my phones?
There it is
Mmmmmhhhhhhh mhh
Hey wassup mami
Wont you let me come through and see you or something
what we gon do?
My bodys gon talk to your body
And then
Your bodys gon talk back to mine
And then
My bodys gon say to the bedroom
And then
Your bodys gon say its about time
Imma strip you to ya secrets
And then
Imma taste you were you sweetess
And then
Im gon give pressure where needed
And then
And when were down we gon repeat it (ohhh)
And thn
Ill scoop you in the bently
And then
We roll
And then
Ill feed ya
And then
and then
Some wine glasses of govea
Get lovely
And then
To the crib
And then
Get touchy
And then
Ohhhhhhh ohhh ohhhh
And then
Will sit out by the pool
And then
Ill make it sexier for you
And then
Im gripin on ya thighs
And then im starin in ya eyes
And then
I got you moaning out real soft like
And then
Now you screaming so lets move inside
And then
Ill show you to the bedroom
And then
I got you doing what id said we doo
And then
I got what you need girl
And then some
I got what you want girl
And then some
Im gon give you all of me
And then some come get some
I got what you need girl
And then some
I got what you need girl
And then some
Im gon give you all of me
Girl I'm a different brand
I'm not the average man
I can show you things you've never seen
I'm making plans to fly to the South France
I got ticket in my hand
So baby let's just up and leave
I'm that romantic type
Who likes do thing right
Make love by candle-light
'Cause I'm that kind of guy
I like sexy girls
From east to west-coast
She could be ghetto or be a supermodel
I like sexy girls
All kind of women
I got so many
And that's just how I'm living
I like the way she move her hips
Run her tongue across her lips
Sippin' wine instead of cries so, so sexy
Think about her jeans
Victoria secret thongs
Surely get me sprung
Love the way they look on you
We could shill down at the sunset grill
Or get lost out in Brazil
Let's do whateva suits your mood
I like the way you shake your thing
Ooh you make me wanna scream
(Ooh Ooh Ooh)
So sexy So sexy
Looks so good inside your clothes
You don't need your skin exposed
And still
{All the ghettos around the world}
{Dig this}
{Ghetto Fabulous Joe}
All the children sing {Uh}
I'm a ghetto child
I'm a ghetto child (Check it, out)
There's a world out there that I wanna see
There's a man that I'm destined to be
I won't be stopped by the ghetto streets
I believe inside that I can't be beat
This life could be a ball and chain
If you let yourself get caught in the game
I had some friends who sold drugs for dough
But I don't intend to go down that road
Just because I'm a ghetto child
I won't live down to your expectations (No, no)
Just believe that a ghetto child
Can rise in the highest celebration (Oh)
Know that I am a ghetto child
But I can see the best in me, can you
I'm a ghetto child
All the ghettos around the world, dig this
One day I'm gonna change the world
Make a better place for every boy and girl
Everyone in need, homeless families
Have a place to sleep and food to eat
I'll take every gun off the streets
So another tear won't be shed in grief
And every thug in every hood
I will make 'em change from bad to good
I believe that it can be done
Gotta start somewhere and I'm that one
All the children sing (Yeah, yeah)
All the children sing (Yeah, yeah)
Just because I'm a ghetto child
I won't live down to your expectations
Just believe that a ghetto child
Can rise in the highest celebration
Know that I am a ghetto child
But I can see the best in me, can you
I'm a ghetto child (Ooh, yeah, ooh)
{Hey, yo', look at me inna different light}
{Spare me all about those stereotypes}
Ain't no madness that'll bring me down
Gonna take this life and turn it around
{Now see, the sky's the limit, I won't be denied}
{Ain't no stoppin' me, I'm a ghetto child}
And at the end when it's said and done
We will all be singin' this ghetto song
I believe that it can be done (Yeah, oh)
Gotta start somewhere and I'm that one
All the children sing (Yeah, yeah)
All the children sing (Yeah, yeah)
Just because I'm a ghetto child
I won't live down to your expectations
Just believe that a ghetto child
Can rise in the highest celebration (Oh...oh...oh...)
Know that I am a ghetto child
But I can see the best in me, can you
I'm a ghetto child (Let's go to church now)
Just because I'm a ghetto child (Uh)
I won't live down to your expectations (Take me to
church now)
Just believe that a ghetto child (Ooh)
Can rise in the highest celebration (Hey, hey)
Know that I am a ghetto child (Ooh, yeah)
But I can see the best in me, can you
I'm a ghetto child (Hey, ghetto child,
Just because I'm a ghetto child
I won't live down to your expectations (Sing a song
for me)
Just believe that a ghetto child (Sing a song for me)
Can rise in the highest celebration (Everybody sing it
now, yeah)
Know that I am a ghetto child
But I can see (Ooh, yeah) the best in me, can you (Oh)
I'm a ghetto child (So I can see the best in me, can
It's not where you're from, it's where you're gonna be
It's like being in a crowded room with no familiar faces
It's like thinking that I see your face in unfamiliar places
It's waking up to a empty bet you used to lay your head on
And I don't wanna be alone anymore
See I was wrong
Not afraid to admit
I was such a jerk
Can't believe the things I did
I made you hurt
You don't deserve that
Never know just what got until it's gone
Now I'm shook-up (I can hardly sleep)
Now I'm choke-up (I can hardly eat)
Now we broke up and it's killing me
I'm falling, I'm falling baby
Don't wanna be, don't wanna be
Never brought a rose
Never said I love you
Oh baby
Never realized
I couldn't live without you
Always heard you talk
Never really listened
And I never said how beautiful you are
If I had another chance
Promise I'd be twice the man
I was
If I had another try
I never tell another lie
I swear
Yeah, oh yeah
Alright, oh oh
It's amazing how you knock me off my feet
Every time you come around me I get weak, oh yeah
Nobody ever made me feel this way, oh
You kiss my lips and then you take my breath away
So I wanna know
I wanna know what turns you on
(Yea, I'd like to know)
So I can be all that and more
(I'd like to know, yea)
I'd like to know what makes you cry
So I can be the one who always make you smile
Girl he never understood what you were worth, no
And he never took the time to make it work, no
(You deserve more loving, girl)
Baby I'm the kind of man who shows concern, yes I do
Anyway that I can please you, let me learn
So I wanna know
I wanna know what turns you on
(I'd wanna know)
So I can be all that and more
(I'd like to know)
I'd like to know what makes you cry
So I can be the one who always makes you smile
(Make you smile, baby)
Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
'Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart, it's true
Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
'Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart, it's true
I wish that I could take a journey through your mind, alright
And find emotions that you always try to hide babe, oh
I do believe that there's a love you wanna share, oh oh
I'll take good care of you lady, have no fear, oh
So I wanna know
I wanna know what turns you on
(I wanna know)
So I can be all that and more
(And I'd like to know)
I'd like to know what makes you cry
(Oh yea)
So I can be the one who always makes you smile
Oh tell me, tell me
Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
'Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart, it's true
Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
'Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart, it's true
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I wanna know what turns you on
(I'd like to know, I'd like to know, yea)
So I can be all that and more
(I wanna know)
I'd like to know what makes you cry
So I can be the one who always makes you smile
(I'd like to know, I wanna know)
I wanna know what turns you on
No no no no...
Check it
I can't buy you fancy rings
Or all of the expensive things you're used to, baby
No trips around the world, no diamonds or pearls
To give to you, baby
But what I've got a give is more precious
Than you'll ever know
My deepest inner feelings, my heart and soul
Cause all that I am, is a man in love with you
Cause all that I am, is a man who's heart is true
And in love with you
Oh baby
Oh girl, yeah, yeah
Girl I know you're not blind
Cause when I look into your eyes, you meet me half way
Yes you do
Just accept me as I am
Try to understand, that I want you always
Just give me the chance and I'll show you
The world my love, yeah, yeah
My deepest inner feeling, my heart and soul
yeah yeah yeah
Denying all you aren't
I know you have your doubts about me (your doubts about me)
Just put them all aside
And follow where your heart leads
Cause all that I am is a man who loves you
All that I am is a man whose heart is true
Cause all that I am is a man who loves you
Man in love with you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oooohh, yeah, yeah
Oh, ooo, yeah
Wait a minute, baby
You packin' your bags
How soon
Naw, don't do that
Wait a minute
Why don't you stay a while
How soon
We can work this out
Sit down
Let's talk about it
I miss your smiling face
The smell of your perfume
Girl, this damn bed is cold
Nothing to hold on to
Oh yeah, the phone is cool
But girl, I need you here
Be it plane, train, or automobile
How soon can you get here
I'm gonna miss you
More than you know
Every time you leave
I wanna beg you not to go
We have so much fun, girl
Don't we though
When you pack your
Bags to leave
I try not to let
My feelings show
It's so hard for me
Especially when
You been around
Distant lovers
Is what we are
And girl
It's breakin' me down
When will I see you?
It's never too soon
Can you come
In the morning
And leave later
On that afternoon?
See, I'm just as scared
Whenever you're away
Girl, I'd give anything
Just to see you everyday
It's so hard for me
Especially after
You've been around
Distant lovers
Are what we are
And girl
It's breakin' me down
You're a career girl
You gotta do
What you gotta do
As much as I want
You here with me
Girl, I'm so damn
Proud of you
Get here, get here
Yeah, yeah
How soon
Ooh, baby
Girl, I hate to see you leave
Can't you see it's killing me
Be it plane
Train or automobile
Hey, girl I see you over there
Looking sexy tonight
I can tell by the way you look,
Baby girl something ain't right!
You look too good, to feel so bad
Gotta be girl who won't what you have
So baby put your cares aside,
And let me introduce you to mine!
And of course we get it pop, pop, popping bottles
Got you looking for all your top models
And if you want a good time, girl
Follow me and I'll show you the time of your life!
First thing we gonna do is...
Tonight, yeah...
So special baby so right
Yeah, girl you have the time of your life,
Oh girl, tonight best time of your life!
Girl you know, whatever you want girl
You can say it!
You're beautiful, oh!
You don't even try hard, you're amazing!
And you will never gonna compromise, yeah
... look in the mirror, you're too fine!
So baby put your cares aside
And let me introduce you to mine!
And of course we get it pop, pop, popping bottles
Got you looking for all your top models
And if you want a good time, girl
Follow me and I'll show you the time of your life!
First thing we gonna do is...
Tonight, yeah...
So special baby so right
Yeah, girl you have the time of your life,
Oh girl, tonight best time of your life!
Girl you know, with me is the best place for you,
Baby... the way that you need to be, girl!
Baby, you're special
I won't never... to make it right
To let me show you, girl
All the best time of your life!
First thing we gonna do is...
Tonight, yeah...
So special baby so right
Yeah, girl you have the time of your life,