a podcast of anarchist ideas and action for everyone who dreams of a life off the clock

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Episode List

#47: Introducing the Anarchist Critique of Democracy

Anarchy vs. democracy; Huye, Hombre, Huye; political prisoner updates; Adbusters

#46: International Anarchist Reflections on the New Year

International anarchists on 2015; Keystone XL; Perspectives on Anarchist Theory

#45: 2015 Year in Review!

2015 year in review; "Taking Sides" review; Jared Chase update; It's Going Down

#44: TCE International Panel Discussion

Stories, perspectives and lessons from the global struggle against capitalism

#43: Borders and Migration, Part I

Anarchist perspectives on borders, migration, and Europe’s “refugee crisis”

#42: Anarchism in Finland, Global Updates

Anarchism in Finland; Repression in Turkey, Hambacher Forest; Evi Statiri

#41: Anarchism in Belarus, Czech Republic, and Korea

Anarchism and repression in Belarus and Czech Republic; Suruc massacre;Korea

#40: Struggles Against White Supremacy and Police

Struggles against white supremacy: Ferguson, Baltimore, SC; Korea; militarism

#39: The Rojava Revolution, Part II

US anarchist solidarity with Rojava, Social Insurrection interview

#38: Anarchism in Lake Worth, Florida

Anarchism in Lake Worth: EF! Journal, anarchists in office, Prison Legal News

#37: The Hambacher Forest Occupation

Audio documentary about the Hambacher Forest occupation in western Germany

#36: The Rojava Revolution

Social revolution in Rojava, May Day report, “A Small Key Can Unlock...” review

#35: To Change Everything Audio Zine

Our first audio zine! CrimethInc.’s ambitious new anarchist outreach project

#34: Staying Safe So We Can Be Dangerous Together

Eric McDavid, Phil Africa, Jason Hammond, Operation Pandora, Whistleblowing

#33: The Ex-Worker’s 2014 Year in Review

2014 year in review & 2015 predictions; Czech squatters; Oakland rebellions

#32: White Supremacy & Capitalism, 1492 to Ferguson

historical roots of white supremacy & capitalism; anti-police rebellion; Ebola

#31: Live from the Carrboro Anarchist Book Fair!

Live interviews on history, prisoner support, and more; Luke O'Donovan letter

#30: Anarchism in Chile, Part II

Interviews with Victor Montoya and Tortuga; Democracy; The Chicago Conspiracy

#29: Anarchism in Chile, Part I

Anarchism in Chile, from popular power to social war; NYC Climate March report

#28: Anarcha-Feminism, Part II: Early Critiques and Visions

Early anarcha-feminist critiques & visions; Free Women of Spain; anonymity

#27: Anti-Police Riots in Ferguson

Anti-police riots, Ferguson & beyond; "Outside Agitators"; Luke O'Donovan update

#26: Anarcha-Feminism, Part I: Introduction and Herstory

Early anarchist women, Quiet Rumors review, RAG interview

#25: The Brazil World Cup Protests

Brazil World Cup protests; sports & Spectacle; Black Seed review;Ukraine update

#24: Communization

Communization; Endnotes 3 review; Michael Kimble interview; Anti-imperialism

#23: May ’68 and the Situationist International

Situationism, May ’68; Rev. of Everyday Life; May Day report; Ukraine feedback

#22: Ukraine

Ukraine and the Future of Social Movements; Belarus ABC on repression; Reviews

#21: Communism and Socialism, pt.2

Russian revolution through today; Sean Swain feedback; eco- and animal-lib news

#20: Communism and Socialism, pt.1

How to relate to the left; Statements from Ukraine; Wayne Price interview

#19: Anarchists In Revolt, From Bosnia to Peru

Rebellion in Bosnia; Peru anarchist book fair report; market anarchism critique

#18: Libertarianism and Anarcho-Capitalism

Anarcho-capitalism & libertarianism; Jerry Koch interview; grand jury resistance

#17: Conspiracy!

Conspiracy charges and state repression; NATO 3; Green is the New Red; Bite Back

#16: Back to Black

Anarchists on anarchy; listeners weigh in on Ukraine revolts and religious rebels

#15: The Ex-Worker Holiday Special

Holiday special! Anarchist perspectives on religion, morality, god, and atheism

#14: Squat the World!

Squatting; la ZAD and U.S. anarchist squatter interviews; feedback and reviews

#13: Ones and Zeroes, Scoundrels and Heroes

Deserting the Digital Utopia feature; Jeremy Hammond and hacktivism

#12: Remembering Means Fighting

Anti-fascist history; Occupied London interview; Free Speech FAQ; film reviews

#11: Never Forgive and Never Forget

Fascism and anti-fascism; One People's Project; refuting National Anarchism

#10: Are The Issues The Issue?

Eco-defense strategy and insurrection; "Desert" review; prisoner updates

#9: No Time to Wait

Insurrectionary anarchism; Armed Joy; CA prison hunger strike; animal lib news

#8: Prison Abolition and Community Accountability

Abolishing prisons; Russell Maroon Shoatz review; Support NY interview

#7: The June 2013 Rebellions in Brazil

Report on the rebellion in Brazil; nihilist review; tips on writing prisoners

#6: Making Police Obsolete

How to stay safe without cops, Earth First! Rendezvous report, Fifth Estate review

#5: Still Not Lovin’the Police

Police, Copwatch, Gezi Park interview, review of "To the Indomitable Hearts"

#4: Prisoners of the World Unite

Discussing prisons, a review of Between Predicates, War, and news

#3: Luddites and Lockdowns and Lugals, Oh My!

Green Anarchism, report from the Tar Sands Blockade, Fredy Perlman review

#2: Work and the Anarchist Critique of Capitalism

Work and how it works, Mayday and anarcha-feminist conference reportbacks

#1: Haymarket and the History of Mayday

May Day Debut episode! The anarchist origins of May Day in the Haymarket affair