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VIDEO: Black block smash Hudson Bay windows

Cooperatives, →Environment, →Video, →2010 Olympics

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Hudson Bay's windows smashed by anarchists during Heart Attack action

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 So, was this a case of

 So, was this a case of police provacateurs instigating the breaking of windows, or of the kids themselves destroying their own message by throwing chairs at a window and losing any public sympathy they might otherwise have earned? 

What the hell has public

What the hell has public sympathy ever accomplished?

Public sympathy...

I'd say that public sympathy has accomplished a great deal. Moreso obviously when it's coupled with the public's willingness to take action.

That said, I don't think that public sympathy is the only aim one can have. It seems to me that the main goal of the black blockers in this case was probably to disrupt the Olympics more than anything else.

The question is: did they accomplish this? And: how could this have been accomplished more effectively with the resources available? If there's going to be a productive debate, that'll be the question it addresses.

black block

funny ...strange almost ... the week before,  Hudson Bay had a big mark down sale on black hoodies and balaclavas.


point being they buy stuff use gas to get down to the site use wood and cardboard to make signs

If they want to make a change  volunteer at the food bank soup kitchen, once a month instead of a once in four years Olympic protest

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