M. Bison, known in Japan as Vega (ベガ, Bega), also known as Dictator, is a video game character created by Capcom. First introduced in Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, he is a recurring character and villain in the Street Fighter series of fighting games, acting as the final boss and primary antagonist of the Street Fighter II and Street Fighter Alpha series, and later a supporting villain in the Street Fighter IV series. He is also the final boss of the non-canonical Street Fighter EX series, and will appear in Street Fighter V. As one of the series' most iconic villains, M. Bison is widely considered to be the true main antagonist of the Street Fighter franchise, outshining fellow villains Sagat, Akuma, Gill, and Seth.
A would-be world dictator and megalomaniac, M. Bison rules the fictional Far East country of Mriganka with an iron fist. His ultimate ambition is to control the world's governments through his covert crime syndicate, Shadaloo (シャドルー, Shadorū, sometimes spelled as "Shadoloo", "Shadowloo" or "Shadowlaw"). He serves as the host of Street Fighter II 's fighting tournament and is the last opponent fought in the game. Several Street Fighter characters—including Guile, T. Hawk, Cammy, Rose and Chun-Li—have their personal vendettas against M. Bison and have entered the tournament in the hopes of facing him personally. M. Bison wields an inherently evil energy known as "Psycho Power".
That's Shawty Lo That's Shawty Lo... That's Shawty Lo That's Shawty Lo (yea) Who that man from
Bankhead you already know that's Shawty Lo (who) that's Shawty Lo (okay) Everywhere I be (aye)
and everywhere I go that's Shawty Lo (who) that's Shawty Lo (okay) Pull up to my hood show love
to my folks that's Shawty lo (LO) that's Shawty Lo (yea) who that man from Bankhead you already
know that's Shawty Lo (yea) that's Shawty Lo
Every summer(every summer)I make nice cream I'm in the hood buying chiilin ice cream The
streets love me and the kids too Showing much love that's what da kid do Hood barbecue turn
them into two It was looking rough Guess who came through Me I add two they can't do for me It
made it possible so I can do for me I love my n*gga B show me a recipe I make a lot of money
but is this shit can feed and I can do for she and I can do for he now everbody know it so sang
along with
Who that man from Bankhead you already know that's Shawty Lo (who) that's Shawty Lo (okay)
Everywhere I be (aye) and everywhere I go that's Shawty Lo (who) that's Shawty Lo (okay) Pull
up to my hood show love to my folks that's Shawty lo (LO) that's Shawty Lo (yea) who that man
from Bankhead you already know that's Shawty Lo (yea) that's Shawty Lo
When I was just a kid I used to move for dad brand new Micheal Jordans Chicago public air and
I know how it is So now I'm giving back and no I don't think I'm this and no I don't think I'm
that I don't think it's wrong You might not think it's right but I was in da hood gettin off da
white I was living life cash not swoll and these are the tales from Shawty Lo
Who that man from Bankhead you already know that's Shawty Lo (who) that's Shawty Lo (okay)
Everywhere I be (aye) and everywhere I go that's Shawty Lo (who) that's Shawty Lo (okay) Pull
up to my hood show love to my folks that's Shawty lo (LO) that's Shawty Lo (yea) who that man
from Bankhead you already know that's Shawty Lo (yea) that's Shawty Lo
Some say it's love but it's really mine I come from da gutta and I'm really high born home
spine it put me on top and I'm doing good with da little I got I would neva stop doing what I
do I do it for my people what about you You can catch Lo poppin at da store signing autographs
snappin pictures with my folks
Who that man from Bankhead you already know that's Shawty Lo (who) that's Shawty Lo (okay)
Everywhere I be (aye) and everywhere I go that's Shawty Lo (who) that's Shawty Lo (okay) Pull
up to my hood show love to my folks that's Shawty lo (LO) that's Shawty Lo (yea) who that man