- published: 28 Feb 2015
- views: 223681
Coordinates: 52°09′50″N 0°24′26″W / 52.1640°N 0.4072°W / 52.1640; -0.4072
Renhold is a village and civil parish located on the River Ouse, in the hundred of Barford, in the county of Bedfordshire, England. It is just to the north of Bedford. Bedfordshire County Council estimated the population as 1,800 as at 2005, and forecasted an increase to 2,320 by 2010.
Renhold consists of several hamlets ("Ends" in local parlance) including Salph End, Church End, Lane End, Top End, Green End, and Water End. In the 2000s, two new housing estates have been constructed on the southern boundary of the Renhold parish. The Spires and the "Cranbourne Gardens" estates have been established off Norse Road in Bedford, with vehicular access from the Goldington area of the town. Yet the new estates remain part Renhold village for electoral purposes.
The parish is home to All Saints Church at Church End and the ruins of Renhold Castle. There is a country house called Howbury Hall in the southern part of the parish. It was rebuilt in 1849, and remains a private home.
Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus (c. 530–c. 600/609) was a Latin poet and hymnodist in the Merovingian Court, and a Bishop of the early Catholic Church. He was never canonised—no saint was canonised till Saint Ulrich of Augsburg in 993—but he was venerated as Saint Venantius Fortunatus during the Middle Ages.
Venantius Fortunatus was born between 530 and 540 AD at Duplavis, near Treviso in Venetia, Italy. He grew up during the Byzantine reconquest of Italy, but there is controversy concerning where Fortunatus spent his childhood. Some historians, such as D. Tardi, suggest that Fortunatus’ family moved to Aquileia because of the turbulent political situation in Treviso after the death of King Theoderic. This theory is suggested because there is evidence of Fortunatus speaking warmly about one of the bishops there, Bishop Paul of Aquileia. Other scholars, such as Judith George, suggest that his family never moved to Aquileia, pointing out that the poet speaks more of Duplavis than any other place regarding his childhood. Sometime in the 550s or 60s, he travelled to Ravenna to study. While there, he was given a classical education, in the Roman style. His later work shows familiarity not only with classical Latin poets such as Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Statius, and Martial, but also with Christian poets, including Arator, Claudian, and Coelius Sedulius, and bears their influence. In addition, Fortunatus likely had some knowledge of the Greek language and the classical Greek writers and philosophers, as he makes reference to them and Greek words at times throughout his poetry and prose.
De profundis refers to Psalm 130 (129 in the Vulgate), traditionally known as the De profundis from its opening words in Latin.
It may also refer to:
Henry Purcell (1659-1695) - King Arthur
Montpellier Codex - Anon: Quant revient et foille et flor, L'autre jor & Flos filius
Anon: Bele Yolanz en ses chambres seoit
Chrétien de Troyes: D'Amors, qui m'a tolu a moi
Noël avec accentus
Thibaut de Champagne: Dame, merci!
Conon de Béthune: Oimi! Amors, si dure departie
Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) - Platée (1745)
LULLY - Grand motet De profundis Psalmus CXXIX
Henry PURCELL (1659-1695) KING ARTHUR or the British Worthy / LE ROI ARTHUR or le valeureux Breton / KING ARTHUR oder Britanniens Würde "A dramatick opera" Livret/ Libretto : John DRYDEN (1631-1700) ============================== VENUS Veronique GENS, soprano/Sopran PHILIDEL, HONOUR Claron McFADDEN, soprano/Sopran SHE Sandrine PIAU, soprano/Sopran CUPID, NEREID Susannah WATERS, soprano/Sopran Mark PADMORE, ténor/Tenor Iain PATON, ténor/Tenor GRIMBALD, HE Jonathan BEST, basse/bass/Baß COLD GENIUS, AEOLUS, COMUS Petteri SALOMAA, basse/bass/Baß PAN François BAZOLA, basse/bass/Baß ============================== LES ARTS FLORISSANTS Direction/Conductor/Dirigent : WILLIAM CHRISTIE ------------------------------------------------------- CHŒUR/CHORUS/CHOR Anha Bölkow, Anne Camb...
Ensemble Venance Fortunat - Anne-Marie Deschamps, dir. Trouvères à la cour de Champagne Dominique Thibaudat (soprano), Catherine Ravenne (alto), Bruno Renhold (tenor), Gabriel Lacascade (baritone), Philippe Desandré (bass), Guylaine Petit (harp) Motets from the Montpellier Codex
Ensemble Venance Fortunat - Anne-Marie Deschamps, dir. Trouvères à la cour de Champagne Dominique Thibaudat (soprano), Catherine Ravenne (alto), Bruno Renhold (tenor), Gabriel Lacascade (baritone), Philippe Desandré (bass), Guylaine Petit (harp)
Ensemble Venance Fortunat - Anne-Marie Deschamps, dir. CD: Trouvères à la cour de Champagne Dominique Thibaudat (soprano), Catherine Ravenne (alto), Bruno Renhold (tenor), Gabriel Lacascade (baritone), Philippe Desandré (bass), Guylaine Petit (harp)
Noël avec accentus accentus.fr facebook.com/accentus twitter.com/accentus musique/music : « Jingle Bells », James Pierpont (arrangement Pierre Jeannot) avec : Céline Boucard Benjamin Clée Sylvaine Davené Cyrille Gautreau Pierre Jeannot (chanteur leader) David Lefort Bruno Renhold Marie Sarlin Kristina Vahrenkamp Stanislas Delannoy, percussion Nicolaï Maslenko, piano Tourné au marché de Noël de Boulogne-Billancourt, le 14 décembre 2014. Réalisation : Brigitte Production Merci au Conseil général des Hauts-de-Seine, à la DRAC Ile-de-France, à la Ville de Boulogne-Billancourt, à la Ville de Paris, à l’Opéra de Rouen Haute-Normandie, à la Région Ile-de-France, à la Sacem, au Mécénat Musical Société Générale et au Cercle des mécènes d’erda | accentus © accentus - 2014
Ensemble Venance Fortunat - Anne-Marie Deschamps, dir. Trouvères à la cour de Champagne Dominique Thibaudat (soprano), Catherine Ravenne (alto), Bruno Renhold (tenor), Gabriel Lacascade (baritone), Philippe Desandré (bass), Guylaine Petit (harp)
Ensemble Venance Fortunat - Anne-Marie Deschamps, dir. Trouvères à la cour de Champagne Dominique Thibaudat (soprano), Catherine Ravenne (alto), Bruno Renhold (tenor), Gabriel Lacascade (baritone), Philippe Desandré (bass), Guylaine Petit (harp)
Les Arts Florissants Direction musicale ... Paul Agnew March, 2014 PLATÉE JEAN-PHILIPPE RAMEAU =============================== Direction musicale ... Paul Agnew Mise en scène et lumières ... Robert Carsen Décors et costumes ... Gideon Davey Chorégraphie ... Nicolas Paul Lumières ... Robert Carsen et Peter van Praet Dramaturgie ... Ian Burton Assistant mise en scène ... Jean-Michel Criqui Assistant lumières ... Nathalie Perrier Assistant chorégraphie ... Adrien Couvez Assistant décor et costumes ... Julien Brun ----------------------------------------------------- PROLOGUE Satyre ... João Fernandes Thespis ... Cyril Auvity Thalie ... Virginie Thomas Momus ... Marc Mauillon Amour ... Emmanuelle de Negri PLATÉE Cithéron ... Marc Mauillon Mercure ... Cyril Auvity Platée ... Marcel Be...
LULLY - Grand motet De profundis Psalmus CXXIX De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine; Domine exaudi vocem meam. Des profondeurs j'ai clamé vers toi, Seigneur; Seigneur écoute ma voix. Direction Leonardo Garcia Alarcon Solistes 1er dessus Judith Van Wanroij 2ème dessus Amélie Renglet Haute Contre Mathias Vidal Taille Thibaut Lenaerts Basse Taille Thomas Dolié Cappella Mediterranea Basse de Violon Jérome Huille Viole de Gambre Margaux Blanchard Viole-Basse Violon Henrikke Rynning Théorbe Quito Gato Archiluth Miguel RIncon Orgue Pierre Louis Retat Clavecin Ariel Rychter Basson Andrew Burn Millenium Concertmeister Patrick Cohën-Akenine Violons Marie Mooij, Catherine Ambach, Benjamin Chenier, Amandine Bernhardt, Madoka Nakamaru. H-C Violons Kathia Robert, Jorlen Véga Garcia, Fayçal Cheboud, ...
de/ of Francesco Cavalli Le final #Eliogabalo est à revoir en replay jusqu'en avril 2017. http://www.bit.do/eliogabalolive Eliogabalo may be seen now in replay from today on on CultureBox Eliogabalo se puede ver ahora en replay en CultureBox http://www.bit.do/eliogabalolive Direction musicale Leonardo García Alarcón Assistant à la direction musicale Fabían Schofrin Mise en scène Thomas Jolly Cappella Mediterranea, orchestre (31) Chœur de chambre de Namur Chorégraphie de Maud Le Pladec Eliogabalo Franco Fagioli Alessandro Paul Groves Giuliano Valer Sabadus Flavia Gemmira Nadine Sierra Eritea Elin Rombo Atilia Mariana Flores Lenia Emiliano Gonzalez Toro Zotico Matthew Newlin Nerbulone, Tiferne Scott Conner CAPPELLA MEDITERRANEA Premier violon Manfredo Kraemer Violons 1 Guada...
Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom. 04.04.2014 Music: 1. Utah Jazz - Take No More 2. Moseqar Feat. Emily Underhill - Moments
The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay into the Pacific Ocean. As part of both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1, it connects the city of San Francisco on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula to Marin County. The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge span in the world when it was completed in 1937, and has become one of the most internationally recognized symbols of San Francisco, California, and of the United States. Despite its span length being surpassed by eight other bridges since its completion, it still has the second longest suspension bridge main span in the United States, after the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in New York City. It has been declared one of the modern Wonders of th...
Trykk på ``Vis Mer`` for mer informasjon om hva som blir brukt i videoen! Haaaaallo dere! Long time, no talk! For øyeblikket er jeg plantet på en luftmadrass hos Cecilie Brochs på østlandet. Har vært her ett par dager allerede og har slengt sammen klippene fra de to siste dagene her nede i en liten vlog til dere! En vlog fra de to kommende dagene vil også komme, så stay tuned for that! ★Linker til folk i videoen: - Cecilie Brochs: https://www.youtube.com/user/vlogprincecca - Mathilde Bakken: https://www.youtube.com/user/mathildebakken - Splay: https://www.youtube.com/user/SPLAYnorge - Dennis fra PrebzogDennis: https://www.youtube.com/user/PrebzOgDennis ★ Mine linker: - Hovedkanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwIDHhoik1Va4FTd_hIHHDg - Instagram: Linenova - Snapchat: ytlinenova -...
Preview of Emilyschutt's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/emilyschutt/worldtour2006/1137929100/tpod.html This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos: http://www.travelpod.com/help/faq#youtube
Fasadevask med høyttrykk
Long Beach is a city situated in Southern California, on the Pacific coast of the United States. The city is the 38th-largest city in the nation and the sixth-largest in California. As of January 1, 2009, its estimated population was 492,682.[1] In addition, Long Beach is the second largest city within the Los Angeles metropolitan area and a principal city of the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside combined statistical area. The city is a dominant maritime center of the United States. It wields substantial influence critical to the global economy. The Port of Long Beach is the United States second busiest container port and one of the world's largest shipping ports. The city also has a large oil industry with oil being found both underground and offshore. Manufacturers include aircraft, car ...
The Scandijobs team recently visited Norway to meet up with an interesting Start-Up. As we spent some memorable days in this beautiful country we thought we would showcase the beautiful East, West, North and South of Oslo....enjoy. To keep on top of Scandinavian jobs and culture come and visit us at www.scandijobs.com where you too can be part of the Scandinavian community and find your next dream job!
Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by David Barnes. The Metamorphosis free audiobook at Librivox: http://librivox.org/the-metamorphosis-by-franz-kafka/ The Metamorphosis free eBook at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5200 The Metamorphosis at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Metamorphosis View a list of all our videobooks: http://www.ccprose.com/booklist
Spilles mandag 18/06, onsdag 20/06 & torsdag 21/06, kl.19:00. Teatergruppa Tusen Struts presenterer: Rengjøringen - En absurd destruvistisk malplassert situasjonskomedie i to akter, som med forvirring, utbrudd og hardnakket påståelighet drar deg med i en "families" hverdagslige oppgjør og sysler. Og for å si det slik: Husarbeid er ingen spøk. Bli med de vilt ulike karakterene Aud, Monica, Aleksander, Ingrid, Vilde med fler, på en uforglemmelig snurr, og oppdag meningen med oppvask, rydding og kanskje enda noe mer. Les mer om Tusen Struts og Rengjøringen på www.tusenstruts.blogg.no Denne traileren er satt sammen stort sett av klipp fra akt 2. Medvirkende: Skrevet og regissert av Bendik Barstad & Kevin Molid. Medregisør/sufli: Oda Svisdal Kreativkonsulent/lys&lyd;: Fride Næss Nonstad....
This year's Culture Night was on September 14th. We got to see several interesting things, I wasn't able to make videos from all of these but at least from some. This video shows the farmers' market Matstreif which was held in City Hall Square. Lots of yummy things to eat and drink from all over the country. Those moose burgers were beyond delicious ... !! :-)