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Explanation of CP1 Testing Results


This dog is homozygous N/N, with two normal copies of the gene. This dog can only transmit the normal gene to its offspring. This dog will not produce puppies with cleft palate caused by the CP1 mutation. In the NSDTR there are other inherited forms of cleft palate. This test does not give any information about those other forms of cleft palate.


This dog is heterozygous CP1/N, with one mutated copy of the gene and one normal copy of the gene, and is classified as a carrier. This dog can transmit the abnormal copy of the gene to its puppies and therefore if bred to another carrier of CP1can produce puppies with cleft palate.


No dogs have ever been identified that were homozygous for CP1 that did not have cleft palates in over 500 dogs tested. We offer testing of puppies with cleft palate at no cost in order to determine if the puppy has the CP1 form of cleft or another form. Please contact Zena Wolf for more information at ztwolf@ucdavis.edu. These tests will be performed on a research basis.


Canine Health Information Center (CHIC)

Canine Health Foundation

Morris Animal Foundation

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