Council acts on downtown behavior ordinances (City of Ashland, OR)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Apr 2016
The city Council has approved an ordinance to prohibit 'intrusive solicitation' and has given its initial approval to an ordinance that will prohibit people from obstructing sidewalks and walkways ... The intrusive solicitation ordinance prohibits panhandling within 20 feet of an ATM or the entrance of a financial institution, or requesting money from people seated at an outdoor or indoor area of a restaurant....

UK spy agencies have collected bulk personal data since 1990s, files show

Edit The Guardian 21 Apr 2016
Agencies privately concede that ‘intrusive’ practices can invade privacy and that data is gathered on people ‘unlikely to be of interest’ ... Disclosure of internal MI5, MI6 and GCHQ documents reveals the agencies’ growing reliance on amassing data as a prime source of intelligence even as they concede that such “intrusive” practices can invade the privacy of individuals....

Here’s why more police are patrolling Van Nuys Airport

Edit LA Daily News 21 Apr 2016
LOS ANGELES (CNS) >> Additional police officers have been assigned to Van Nuys Airport following three recent security breaches at the general aviation field, law enforcement officials said this week. Two officers and a sergeant were assigned to boost police presence at Van Nuys Airport in response to the intrusions, Los Angeles Airport Police Assistant Chief David Maggard said ... From City News Service Advertisement ....

4/18/2016 - County, Partners Act to Protect Groundwater (Santa Cruz County, CA)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Apr 2016
(Source. Santa Cruz County, CA) PRESS RELEASE. PRESS RELEASE. Date. April 18, 2016. Release. Immediately. Contact. Jason Hoppin Communications Manager 454-3401. COUNTY, PARTNERS ACT TO PROTECT GROUNDWATER ... "Local government should lead by example. Together, we can make a difference." ... In the Pajaro Valley, groundwater is in a state of critical overdraft, with seawater intrusion spreading inland ... They include ... $2,000 ... Original Document....

Justices Consider Whether Police May Force A Breath Test Without A Warrant

Edit National Public Radio 21 Apr 2016
The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday on whether police must get a warrant before forcing a driver to submit to a blood alcohol or breath test. All 50 states have laws that allow revocation of a driver's license for such a refusal ... The bargain is ... there is no bodily intrusion except for the insertion of a straw into the mouth to breathe into; there is no pain; and it can be done roadside ... ....

Periwinkle was the light of our life

Edit Stuff 21 Apr 2016
It’s so true what people say about a pet being one of the family. Except, naively, I'd never thought of ever losing him. I never thought of my life without him. And I still miss him like the heavens would miss the stars if they weren’t there. Peri was a tiger packaged in the body of a big ginger cat ... READ MORE.. * Cherishing the memories of past pets ... The thoughts are so intrusive and come at the most unexpected times ... ....

Victoria Gold Announces C$24 Million Investment by Electrum Strategic Opportunities Fund L.P. and Sun Valley Gold LLC (Victoria Gold Corp)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Apr 2016
(Source. Victoria Gold Corp) Toronto, ON / April 20, 2016 / Victoria Gold Corp ... ('Electrum') and existing, significant shareholder, Sun Valley Gold LLC ('Sun Valley') (the 'Offering') ... Olive-Shamrock is defined by a broad gold/arsenic in-soils geochemical anomaly and lies on the intrusive-sediment contact of the Potato Hills Trend (as does the Eagle Deposit) and is punctuated by several historically exploited high-grade sulphide veins....

Americans Fear Privacy Intrusion from FCC Set-Top Box Proposal, According to New Survey

Edit PR Newswire 20 Apr 2016
WASHINGTON, April 20, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A controversial proposal by the Federal Communications Commission to open up the set-top box market to tech giants such as Google has Americans concerned about the potential intrusion on their privacy and whether companies will ... ....

Australia ready to hit back at foreign cyber attacks as $230m security strategy launches

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 20 Apr 2016
China, Russia, North Korea and Iran are among the nations suspected to be the most active in launching daily "cyber crime intrusions" against government, business and people in Australia ... agencies were told to encrypt more data amid "hundreds" of attempted intrusions a month ... Iran responded with cyber intrusions on US banks....

The Trippy State Between Wakefulness and Sleep

Edit The Atlantic 20 Apr 2016
The would-be-sleeper was asked to press a button when he experienced an intrusive thought or image, and to verbally report it to the sleep researchers ... Unexpectedly though, the hypnagogic intrusions were preceded not by sudden bursts of complex brain activity, like sparks in a fading candle, but by sudden changes to a more orderly brain state....

A climate-change security risk in the making

Edit Forbes 20 Apr 2016
The Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam, and the country’s southern-central highland areas, is suffering a crippling drought. Record low water levels in the delta is also causing saltwater intrusion that is wiping out crops and contaminating drinking water supplies. The humanitarian and economic impacts are becoming increasingly dire. Government authorities [...] ... ....

Americans might be angry - but where to go from that?: Kaytee Moyer

Edit Penn Live 20 Apr 2016
By Kaytee Moyer. I get it, America. You're angry ... the war on drugs; increased taxation on an already deflated middle class; intrusion by the state into your healthcare, classroom, and even your home; and now, Americans are looking to government to solve more of our woes with big government in the form of socialist programs which shut down competition for the sake of equality ... ....

Tipeshwar fire still raging, cause not clear yet

Edit The Times of India 20 Apr 2016
Yavatmal. Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary is still burning despite deployment of over 250 forest labourers. The inferno started on Tuesday morning and it could not be completely doused even on Wednesday due to non-availability of adequate infrastructure ... It is estimated that the forest has over 14 tigers ... Villagers around the forests are having sleepless night fearing intrusion by wild animals in search of water and food owing to the fire....