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The OFA Purpose and Objectives

The Mission of the OFA

To promote the health and welfare of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic disease

The OFA is guided by the following four specific objectives:

The OFA Databases

The OFA databases are core to the organization’s objective of establishing control programs to lower the incidence of inherited disease.  Responsible breeders have an inherent responsibility to breed healthy dogs.  The OFA databases serve all breeds of dogs and cats, and provide breeders a means to respond to the challenge of improving the genetic health of their breed through better breeding practices.  The testing methodology and the criteria for evaluating the test results for each database were independently established by veterinary scientists from their respective specialty areas, and the standards used are generally accepted throughout the world. The OFA databases are listed to the left of this page and are expanded as more tests become available.

OFA DNA Testing

The OFA now offers DNA based disease testing through an exclusive license arrangement with the University of Missouri. 

All tests offered as well as information about kits, etc. are on the OFA's DNA Test page.

Contributions and Donations

Following John Olin's original intentions to promote animal wellness, the OFA also supports studies on animal wellness through financial contributions. The OFA has contributed over $3 million to researchers through the Morris Animal Foundation, the AKC/Canine Health Foundation, and occasionally, direct funding. Through its support of such projects, the OFA hopes to provide resources for the further understanding of, and ultimately prevention of genetic diseases.


Canine Health Information Center (CHIC)

Canine Health Foundation

Morris Animal Foundation

Animal Health Trust

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